Rules for working with electronic How to sort and delete letters in email


Millions of people use email - it's convenient, fast and accessible.

To send email you need a computer, internet, electronic Mailbox. To register a mailbox, you need to go to any mail service (,,, etc.) and fill out the form provided.

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So, you have set up an email account, and now you need to write to someone. How to send a letter by email?



Let's look at the process of sending an email using the service as an example. After registering your mailbox, you will be taken to a page where you will be offered folders “Inbox”, “Outbox”, etc.
Find the “Write” button and click on it.
You will see a letter form and the “To” and “Subject” fields.
In the “To” field, enter the recipient’s email address, for example, If you need to send a letter to several recipients, enter the recipients’ addresses separated by commas. To avoid filling in addresses manually, you can use the “Address Book” function, which is located in the “To” line. Click on the underlined word “To”, and a list of recipients will open to you (if you previously saved them in notebook your mailbox). We put a tick with the right name or names and click “Add selected”.
In the largest field we write the text of the letter. You can change the text color, font size, insert links or emoticons. To do this, select the text and click on one of the buttons located above the message entry field.
After filling out all the fields, click on the “Submit” button.



By e-mail you can send not only letters, but text documents, sound and video files, pictures and photographs.

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How to send a photo by email?


We enter the mail, click on the “write” tab, fill in the “To” and “Subject” lines.
In the window that opens, select the folder with the photo you want to send. For example, your photos are in the “Photos” folder on drive D. Click on the “My Computer” tab, double-click on the “(D:)” tab Local disk", then 2 times in the "Photo" folder.
Choose the desired photo and click on it once.
At the bottom of the window, in the “File name” line, the name of the selected file will be displayed.
Click once on the “Save” button and the photo begins to load onto the email page.
After downloading the file ( green tick under the file will show that the download is complete) click on the “Submit” button.



To send a photo by email, you need to know the capacity of the recipient's mailbox. If volume is limited, adapt, i.e. Reduce photo size. At the bottom of the photo window you will see the inscription “Photo will not be adapted for the Internet Edit.” Click on the “Change” button. In the window that opens, select the “Compress large photos” function and click “Apply”.

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How to send a document by email


Email allows you to send documents various formats: Open document Microsoft Word, HTML, PDF, RTF, tables Open Office, Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint presentations. To send a document by email, follow the same rules for sending photos.
Fill in the “To” and “Subject” lines.
Click on the “Attach file” button.
In the window that opens, select required document and click “Save”.
Click on the “Submit” button.



If you need to delete an attached document, click on the red cross located in the right top corner file.

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Email Ethics - How to Send Email Correctly


Rules of etiquette email correspondence or “etiquette” are as important as rules telephone conversation or personal meeting. Sending the right email is easy if you know a few things simple rules.
Always send your email with a completed Subject line. The presence of this column will help the recipient determine the significance of the message and make it easier to work with electronic correspondence.
Be polite. Remember the words of greeting and gratitude.
Follow the rules of grammar and punctuation. An abundance of mistakes can be mistaken for your incompetence and disrespect for the recipient.
Use capital letters only when necessary. In electronic etiquette, text printed in capital letters, is perceived as a cry.
Write short messages with a logical structure. Break your text into paragraphs and use short sentences. If the information cannot be reduced, format it as attachments.
When replying to a letter, quote portions of the original message. This will make it easier for the recipient to remember what was discussed.
Do not send confidential information, numbers by email credit cards. Information security is paramount.
IN business letters Do not use emoticons, bright backgrounds or colored fonts.
At the end of the letter, put your signature (4-7 lines). It will help the recipient identify the sender of the letter and provide additional information (telephone, fax).
After writing a letter, read it, putting yourself in the recipient's shoes.

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How to send a photo by email


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How to extract an attached file from an email


The mistake most people make is that they underestimate the importance of creating an email management system.One way is to think of email as a series of steps.

1 - Email access
2 - Letter batch
3 - Checking incoming correspondence
4 - Uninstall
5 - Execution
6 - Storage


The first step is to create a schedule for what time you will check your email each day. Typically, most people need to check their email four times a day:

1. First thing in the morning. Most people start their workday by checking their email to make sure they haven't missed anything urgent.

2. Before lunch break. Lunch time is a completely natural pause in your business activity; To make this time more productive, you can check your email.

3. Mid-afternoon. This is another natural pause when you need to take a break or are about to leave for a business meeting.

4. End of the working day. If you empty your inbox as much as possible before you leave workplace, then the next morning you will immediately go to view new messages. Making sure there aren't any last-minute emergencies that you left unattended will guarantee a more relaxing evening for you and your colleagues.

For the majority of people best option The least disruptive to their workflow is to check email four times a day and allocate no more than 15 minutes to each email “session.”


It's important to understand that you process email correspondence four times a day. This doesn't mean you have to immediately respond to every message that requires a response, or write every email you've been planning to send within 15 minutes. You have to accept the fact that your inbox is nothing more than a batch of emails waiting to be sorted.


The next step is to check all messages, which does not mean that you have to read every one. You can often make a decision about an email based on its subject line or the first few lines. A significant part of our correspondence consists of mailings and newsletters. If you are an industry analyst, perhaps the newsletter is
the most important document for you and you study it carefully every day. However, for the rest of us this is not the case, and we can quickly determine whether this newsletter is important or useful to us. Not all emails require a response, such as those where you are CC'd, or where the subject line simply requires you to review the information.


If your main goal is to free up your inbox, one of the most simple ways To achieve this - delete messages. If, after reading the newsletter, you come to the conclusion that this information is useless to you, unsubscribe from this newsletter. You won't regret it, and you won't have to waste any more time processing it. Delete any messages that do not require further action from you.

If you suddenly find yourself deleting all messages coming from a certain address, think about why this is happening.


Just like when working with paper documentation, it is advisable that you do not return to read letters again.

If you only need a few minutes to reply to or forward a message, do so right away. If possible, you should immediately respond to messages that confirm or set a meeting time, request information about your contacts, or contain any questions or requests, unless, of course, this does not take you much time.

If you understand what you need Additional Information, attracting other people or taking time to think, then you won’t be able to respond to such a letter right away. You will need to take some action later: perhaps decide whether you really should respond to this letter and do something about it. If not, you can send a letter immediately to the right person. Before you delegate a task, it may take some time to determine who
must be the responsible person. If the letter requires action from you, save only the significant part of the information and delete the letter itself. Free your inbox from similar messages, A necessary information store it, for example, in a system to track work on your projects, in a calendar or planning system, to ensure you get it done. This is exactly what fulfillment is - the confidence that everything that needs to be done will be done.


If an email cannot be deleted (or responded to and then deleted), there is a need to save it.

The primary reason this might be necessary is that you will need to refer to this document in the future (for example, information about something, a decision made, an instruction, a progress report, etc.). If you suddenly do not have a document that you can refer to, this will have unfavorable consequences for you.

There is no one right way to store email messages. You must come up with a system that is effective for you personally.

One option is a system of subfolders in your inbox. You can sort subfolders by topic, category, client, or project, depending on the type of messages you typically receive. Many create separate folder called “Processed emails”, where all verified messages and messages that require further action are stored.

Whatever email storage system you choose, remember that the only place you shouldn't store it is in your inbox. Remember also that working with email should not occupy you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Keeping your email inbox organized in advance certain time will save you hours a week, reduce the stress you feel about missing out on things, and increase your efficiency when working on what really matters. These are simple principles that are easy to remember.

Guidelines for working with e-mail of RUE "BELTORGINFOSERVICE"

Developed by: Shvayakov A. A. e-mail: [email protected]

Working with email................................................................... ........................................................ ....................................

Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ............

Email................................................ ........................................................ ...............................................

Email Features......................................................... ........................................................ .......................

How mail works........................................................ ........................................................ ...............................................

E-mail address............................................... ........................................................ ...................................

Mail programs........................................................ ........................................................ ...........................................

Web mail......................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ............

Working with an email program................................................................... ........................................................ .............

Reading email messages................................................................... ........................................................ ...............

Writing a letter........................................................ ........................................................ ............................................

Attachments................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ ......

Sending an attachment from mail program:.............................................................................................

Archiving attachments......................................................... ........................................................ ...........................

Sending attachments from other programs:................................................... ........................................................ ......

Reply to an email.................................................................. ........................................................ ..........

Ethics of business e-mail correspondence.................................................... ........................................................ ...........................

Spam........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ .......................

What is spam?.................................................... ........................................................ ...........................................

How to avoid spam mailings?.................................................... ........................................................ ............

The dangers of email................................................................... ........................................................ ...............................

Reducing risk when working with Microsoft documents Office ..................................................... ..........

Security of IRC and ICQ .................................................... ........................................................ ............................

Other information for the user................................................... ........................................................ ...................

Frequently asked questions and answers......................................................... ........................................................ .........................................

Setting up an email client Mozilla Thunderbird...............................................................................................

Computer requirements................................................................... ........................................................ ........................................

Creating an account........................................................ ........................................................ ...................................

Personal Information................................................ ........................................................ .......................................

Mail Receiving Options. ........................................................ ........................................................ .......................

Additional settings................................................ ........................................................ ...................................

Setting up an IMAP server............................................................ ........................................................ ...................................

Setting up a POP3 server.................................................... ........................................................ ....................................

Mail sending server parameters.................................................................... ........................................................ ...............

Setting up general address book.....................................................................................................................

Working with email


Email, E-mail. What is it, how can it be used, how to understand E-mail addresses?

We know what mail is. These are traditional means of communication that allow the exchange of information, at least, two subscribers.

In order for this exchange to take place, it is necessary to write a message and, indicating the address, put it in a mailbox, from where the letter will inevitably end up at the post office. If the specified address meets generally accepted standards, then after some time the postman will put it in the recipient's mailbox. Next, the subscriber will open the message, and the exchange of information has taken place.

Two types of communication - postal and telephone - have become traditional for us, and we already know their advantages and disadvantages well. What is it Email? Email - exchange of email messages with any subscriber Internet networks. It is possible to send both text and binary files– programs and any other data.

Email is a lot like regular mail. With its help, a letter - a text equipped with a standard header (envelope) - is delivered by specified address, which identifies the location of the machine and the name of the recipient, and is placed in a file called the recipient's mailbox, so that the recipient can retrieve it and read it at a convenient time. However, there is an agreement between different email programs on how to write an address so that everyone understands it.

E-mail turned out to be in many ways more convenient than regular, “paper” mail. Not to mention the fact that you don't have to get up from behind the computer and go to the mailbox to receive or send a letter;

In most cases, email messages are delivered much faster than regular ones;

it costs less;

To send a letter to several recipients, you do not need to print it in many copies; you just need to enter the text into the computer once;

since the text is already in the machine;

it is more convenient to store a large number of letters in a file on a disk than in a desk drawer; it is easier to search in the file;

and finally, paper is saved.

The reliability of email depends heavily on what email programs are used, how far away the sender and recipient of the email are from each other, and especially on whether they are on the same network or not. different networks. In today's environment, it is probably better to rely on email than regular email. If the letter is still lost, you can find out about it soon enough and send a new one. Although email may be considered special case file transfer, it has a number of features that are not usual for standard file transfer procedures. First, the sender and recipient are almost always people, not machines. This means that an email system consists of two distinct but closely interrelated parts: one for human interaction (e.g., composing, editing, reading messages), and the other for message transmission (e.g., sending to lists, facilitating transmission).

Another Difference Between Email and File Transfer Tools general purpose is that postal messages are a clearly structured document. In many systems, each message is accompanied by a large number of additional fields. These include the name and address of the sender, the name and address of the recipient, the date and time the letter was sent, the list of people to whom a copy of the letter was sent, the level of significance, the degree of secrecy, and much more.


In order to be able to exchange letters by e-mail, the user must become a client of one of the computer networks. As well as in telephone networks, clients of computer networks are called subscribers.

For each subscriber, an electronic mailbox is allocated on one of the network mail services. Access to the mailbox is carried out using the address and password provided to the subscriber. The password is known only to the subscriber and the postal service. Becoming a subscriber postal service and having received the address of his mailbox, the user can tell his friends and acquaintances. Each email subscriber can send a letter through his computer to any other subscriber, indicating it in the message mailing address.

All letters arriving at a certain postal address are recorded in the corresponding mailbox of the postal service. Network computer, containing mailboxes of subscribers is called a “mail server” or mail service. A mail service may consist of many servers.

Email Features

receiving and sending electronic text messages;

exchanging messages with attached files;

the ability to use elements of aesthetic design of messages;

the ability to receive and send messages with multiple addresses and lists of recipients;

countering unwanted mailings;

organization of storage and automatic ordering of received correspondence;

tools for group work and coordination of actions, calendar planning;

address book and the ability to search the Internet for required email addresses.

How mail works

Each letter must be provided with an email address in order for it to reach the recipient. Let's look at a specific example. Let some owner email box with address [email protected] on mail server writes a letter to the owner of the mailbox with the address [email protected] on the server.

In order to prepare a letter, he launches the mail program, creates the text of the message and indicates the recipient’s address in the “To” column [email protected]. If the sender does not have permanent connection to the Internet, then after clicking the "Send" button, it establishes a connection session with the Internet and begins to receive accumulated mail and send prepared letters. The order in which mail is sent depends on the current settings of the mail program. Usually letters are folded into specific folder and are sent by another command after a connection to the Internet is established.

E-mail address.

The postal email address may have different formats. The most widely used formation system DNS addresses(Domain Name System), used on the Internet.

From a logical point of view, in order for an address to be informative, it must contain:

subscriber identifier (by analogy - the TO: line on the postal envelope);

postal coordinates that determine its location (by analogy - house, street, city,

country on the postal envelope).

A postal email address has all these components. In order to separate the subscriber ID from his mail coordinates, the @ icon is used.

A postal email address in Internet format can look like: [email protected]

In the example under consideration, melnic is the subscriber’s identifier, usually composed of the last name and (or) the initial letters of his last name, first name, and patronymic.

What appears to the right of the @ sign is called the domain name and uniquely describes the location of the subscriber.

The term “Domain” defines a certain group of computers with a common name - the domain name

The components of a domain name are separated by dots. The sequence of reading a domain name is from right to left. The rightmost part of the domain, as a rule, indicates the country code of the recipient - this is the domain top level. The country code is approved by the international ISO standard. In our case, by is the code of the Republic of Belarus. Part of the namegov - determines belonging to government agencies(government). The mintorg name part specifies the name of the organization.

This figure illustrates the concept of an email address. A certain user may have an address on a server in the USA, for example [email protected], and on a server in Moscow - [email protected]

Email address is not associated with geographic location local computer, the recipient of the mail, but with the server on which his mailbox is registered.

And from each mailbox such a user can receive letters to his home computer, copying data from both a server in New York and a server in Moscow, setting up redirection from one e-mail to another. At the same time, he can send mail to himself.

Mail programs

To work with mail, you need a program - an email client. Main functions mail clients- this is the reception of messages, ensuring their viewing, sorting messages, automating the creation of response messages and supporting the address book.

For working with mail there is a large number various programs. If you use Windows, you usually already have an email program on your system. Outlook Express.

But unfortunately Outlook Express contains too many vulnerabilities, exposing your system to the risk of infection malware and has limited capabilities.

It is recommended to use Mozilla Thunderbird as an email program. This is one of best programs Email. It is developing quickly, has many additional modules to expand its functions, and is distributed freely and free of charge.

Email programs are very similar and once you master one of them you will not experience problems in the future.

Mozilla Thunderbird

You see in the picture two different programs, but, you see, the differences are not particularly noticeable.

Web mail

Web mail is mail with a Web interface. To access such mail, it is enough to have access to the Internet. You may not even have email programs on your computer. An ordinary browser is enough. I am using the program Mozilla browser Firefox, you can use it, or if you want, any other program, for example Opera or Internet Explorer.

Webmail provides all the typical features of email. On the Web page, the user is asked to enter a name and password, after which he sees his letters and works with them, almost like on his computer.

The main advantages of Web mail are accessibility from any computer with Internet access and the universality of the address, regardless of the place of work.

There may be some functional limitations and inconveniences, but the opposite may also be true.

For example, the Web mail program “Horde”, which we use, includes not only mail exchange tools, but also control of antispam settings, tools for maintaining black and white lists, an organizer, a group calendar, task execution control and other means of organizing group work.

Often email services are built with the ability to access via Web mail.,,,,, are examples of popular Webmail services.

We took our first steps in mastering email: created a new mailbox. Now we need to learn work with mailbox plus you will learn how to set up and learn how to work with Mozilla Thunderbird email program.

Login to the mailbox

After creating a new mailbox, we need to log into it. To access your mailbox, go to:

We see a picture that is already familiar to us: an invitation window for entering a username (login) and password. We enter this data. We created the username and password in

If you entered your username and password correctly, your mailbox should open. Like that.

On the left side you see a list of mailbox folders. Folders are designed for sorting letters. After opening your mailbox, you are immediately taken to your inbox. In addition to it, there are also folders “Sent”, “Drafts” and others. In addition, you can create folders yourself and give them names at your discretion. While in any of the folders in the center of the window, you enter the contents of the folder. The picture shows that there are 4 letters in the Inbox folder. To log out of your Google account, you need to click on the silhouette in the upper right corner and click “Log out” in the window that appears.

We write letters.

Let's try to write a letter and send it. In order to write a letter, you need to click on the button

A letter writing window will appear.

First, we write the recipient’s address, then we write the subject of the letter (you can do without a subject), write the text and send. Please check the recipient's address carefully. If you enter the address incorrectly, the letter will be returned to your mailbox.

So, I wrote this letter and sent it. I indicated my own recipient address. That is, he sent a letter to himself.

Go to the “Inbox” folder. We see that our letter has arrived.

Near the “Inbox” folder you can see the number 4 - this is the number of new or unread emails. Also near other folders. Our letter is highlighted in the picture. To open and read it, you need to click on it.

Sending emails with attachments

In addition to sending simple letters You can also send emails with attachments. Let's say you want to send someone a photo or a copy of a document or an archive with files and the like. To do this you need to do the following:

create a new letter as we have already learned, after that you need to click on the paper clip icon.

A file selection window will appear

We look for the file we need on the computer, when we find it, double-click with the left mouse button. The file will be attached to the letter. The main thing to remember is that the file should not be very large, otherwise it will not be attached to the letter. But first you need to try to attach the file, it will work - good, it won’t work - the same result. After you attach the file, the writing window will change

Click the send button and the letter will be sent.

We see that a letter has arrived with an attached file. Click on it to open and read.

Program for working with e-mail.

Let's summarize what we can already do:

— create a new mailbox;

— create a new letter;

— send and receive letters;

— send emails with attached files.

Now let's figure out why we need an email program. Using such programs is convenient for those who have more than one mailbox. You simply indicate to the program all your mailboxes, then click the deliver button, wait for new letters to load and calmly read them without running from one mail service to another in your browser. Even if you only have one mailbox, you can also use an email program.

Personally, I have been using it for a very long time Mozilla program Thunderbird, which translated into Russian means petrel. Very good mailer. It can be installed on both Windows and Linux, and the program is free.

Now I present to your attention small instructions on installing and configuring this program, and also tell you how to work with it.

You can download such a program completely free of charge at.

After going to the email program website, you need to go to the section for selecting a program for a specific language and system.

After installing the program, a program icon will appear on the desktop.

Let's launch the program.

The program window is divided into three parts: left, top and bottom. On the left side you see all your e-mail addresses (naturally, those that were registered in the program for sending/receiving letters). In the upper part we see received or sent letters, and in the lower part you can see the contents of a specific letter. The layout of Mozilla Thunderbird workspaces is very similar to the layout in In general, the design of email programs and online services emails are very similar to one another. If you learn to work with one program, you definitely won’t get lost in others.

First, let's create our own account in the program and register the gmail mailbox we created there.

When you first launch the program, you will see this window.

The fact that the ability to work on a computer today is necessary for everyone is beyond doubt even among skeptics.

The book you hold in your hands will be a true friend and helper for those who wish to short time master the wisdom of working on personal computer. Written in simple and in clear language, it is accessible and easy even for beginners. A large number of specific examples and visual illustrations contribute to the quick and easy assimilation of the proposed material.

Its sequential presentation, as well as detailed step by step description key operations and procedures turn the study of this book into an exciting process, the result of which will be the ability to communicate on a first-name basis with any modern computer.

The description is based on an example Windows systems XP Professional.


Sections on this page:

Nowadays, not knowing how to use email is the same as not knowing how to read. Send a report to management or a resume to an employer, make pen pals, conduct business conversation, exchange photos, etc. - all this is impossible without mastering the intricacies of e-mail. That is why today only the lazy do not have their own email address. Here we will talk about how to set up your own email account, how to send and receive emails, forward attachments, and much more.

9.4.1. How to create your own email account?

In this section we will look at the procedure for opening a mailbox using the example of the mail service of a popular portal

* * *

On home page Any Internet resource that provides free e-mail services has a link designed to switch to the mode of creating a mailbox. This link can be called by different names; on at the time of writing the book it is called Create a mailbox. After clicking on this link, the dialog shown in Fig. 1 opens on the screen. 9.22.

Rice. 9.22. The first stage of creating a box

At the first stage, you need to enter your last name and first name, as well as the name of the mailbox to be created ( login). All this data is entered from the keyboard. When entering your login, you can use letters of the English alphabet, numbers, as well as underscores and hyphens (spaces in the name are not allowed).

* * *

When entering your login, the mail service automatically checks whether it is busy this moment. If it turns out that a mailbox with the same name already exists, you will be offered other login options that are close to the one you tried to enter (they are offered in any case, see Fig. 9.22).

After filling out the specified details, click the button Further to proceed to the next stage of creating a mailbox (Fig. 9.23).

Rice. 9.23. The second stage of creating a box

On at this stage You must enter a password that will be used in the future to access your mailbox. To enter a password, you can use the same characters as when entering your login, as well as special characters ( % , & , + and etc.). The password must contain at least 6 and no more than 20 characters.

* * *

To avoid errors when entering the password, you should enter it twice: in the field Password and in the field Confirm the password. If identical values ​​are entered in these fields, then under the field Confirm the password the message will be displayed entered correctly(See Fig. 9.23). If an error is made when entering the password (any difference in the fields is considered an error) Password And Confirm the password), then under the field Confirm the password the corresponding Announcement prompting you to reenter your password. While the differences are in the fields Password And Confirm the password will not be resolved, creating a mailbox is impossible.

Sometimes users forget or lose their mailbox password. For solutions similar problems a special mechanism has been implemented that allows the user to access their mailbox without entering a password. The purpose of this mechanism is to respond to Secret Question. This secret question and the answer to it are indicated at the second stage of creating a mailbox in the fields Security Question And Answer(See Fig. 9.23). Moreover, the question itself is selected from the proposed drop-down list, and the answer to it is entered from the keyboard. Examples of security questions: Mother's Maiden Name(see Fig. 9.23), Favorite dish, My school nickname etc. Obviously, the control questions are formed in such a way that only special person. If you lose your password, the system will issue the one specified when creating the mailbox. Security Question, and if the answer to it is correct, then access to the box will be open.

In field Another email (if available) You can enter your previously purchased email address, if available. Filling of this field not necessary. If it specifies an email address, then registration information will be sent to this address immediately after creating the mailbox. Also, if you wish, you can indicate your mobile phone(although this is not recommended)

In field Check digits From the keyboard you need to enter the numbers (without separators or spaces!), which are displayed above (see Fig. 9.23).

After filling out the listed details, you need to click the button Register– as a result, the screen will display information that registration has been successfully completed (Fig. 9.24). Here, if you wish, you can enter some additional information about yourself.

Rice. 9.24. Completing registration

You can enter them, or you can just click on the link Start using mail– immediately after this, the mailbox interface will open on the screen (Fig. 9.25). To subsequently log into your mailbox, you need to enter your login and password in the appropriate fields on the main page of the portal (in our example – and click the button To come in.

Rice. 9.25. Mailbox interface

The left side of the interface contains several folders designed to store email correspondence. By default, the following folders are offered: Inbox, Sent, Deleted, Spam And Drafts.

All incoming email correspondence, with the exception of emails identified as spam, goes to the folder Inbox. This folder is open by default when you sign in to your mailbox.

Folder Sent is intended for storing sent (outgoing) electronic correspondence. When you send each letter, a copy of it (with all attachments, if any) is placed in the folder by default Sent.

In folder Deleted electronic correspondence that has been deleted using a link is stored Delete.

To folder Spam All incoming correspondence that is recognized by the system as spam is placed. This folder can be quickly cleared using the link located to the right of the folder name (it appears if there is at least one letter in the folder). By the way, folders are also cleaned in the same way. Deleted.

* * *

In folder Drafts You can store letters that for some reason are not intended for any of the folders listed above.

In order to move letters from folder to folder, you should select them in the list using the corresponding checkboxes, then in the drop-down list Move to folder(this list is located on the right side of the interface above the list of letters) select the required folder and click the button on the right OK.

Above the list of letters there are several links designed to switch to one or another mode of operation. A list of these links in different folders may look different. Since the order of their use is simple, we will consider only the links that are located in the folder Inbox.

Via link Write switches to the creation mode of a new email. At the same time, an interface opens on the screen in which the addressee (or several addressees), the subject of the letter is indicated, the text of the letter is formed, and, if necessary, files are attached that should be sent along with the letter.

* * *

If the current mail message (or several flagged messages) is spam, you should use the link This is spam. Using this link, you can report spam to the postal service administration so that appropriate measures can be taken against spammers. When you click on a link This is spam A window opens on the screen in which you need to confirm the fact of spam.

Chapter The address book is intended for maintaining a list of addressees with whom the most active correspondence is expected. To add a new recipient to the list, use the link Add a note, then in the window that opens, enter the recipient’s first and last name, his email address, phone number, any comment and date of birth. The only required detail for each recipient is an email address.

In chapter Settings mailbox parameters are configured. In particular, here you can create, edit and delete folders intended for storing electronic correspondence, select the design style of letters, configure the mail interface, etc. Separately, it should be noted the ability to filter incoming mail in order to combat spam (using “black” and “white” lists). The implemented mechanism is also noteworthy automatic collection mail, the configuration of which allows you to automatically collect mail from all other mailboxes that the user has and deliver it to this mailbox.

Chapter Search created for quick search letters. It is advisable to use the capabilities of this section when working with large volumes electronic correspondence. As search parameters, you can specify an arbitrary text fragment (which can be contained both in the text and in the subject of the letter) and the email address of the sender/recipient. You should also specify the folders in which the search will be performed.

Thus, we learned how to create our own mailbox ourselves. However, in in this case all actions for working with electronic correspondence must be performed directly on the server, using the provided postal service interface. It is much more convenient to use special mail programs for working with e-mail. In this book we will look at one of the most popular such programs - Outlook Express.

9.4.2. Purpose and capabilities of Outlook Express

The developer of the Outlook Express email program is Microsoft Corporation, and this largely contributes to the fact that this program is one of the most popular email clients. This is primarily due to the fact that Outlook Express interacts well with other Microsoft products (Internet Explorer, etc.). In addition, this program is very convenient for home users - unlike, for example, Microsoft Outlook, which was also developed by Microsoft, but is addressed primarily to office users.

The default program interface is shown in Fig. 9.26.

Rice. 9.26. Outlook Express

As you can see in the figure, the program window has the structure of a typical Windows application. At the top is the main menu, below it is the toolbar, and the main part of the interface is occupied by the work area, divided into four panels. The top left panel contains a list of folders with emails, in the right top panel The contents of the folder where the cursor is positioned are displayed. The lower left panel contains a list of contacts from the address book, and the lower right panel contains the text of the letter on which the cursor is positioned.

The functionality of the Outlook Express mail program allows you to solve the following tasks:

Receiving, reading, creating, sending and storing electronic correspondence;

Working with the service instant messages Windows Messenger: connecting, sending messages, setting parameters;

Using multiple accounts to work with electronic correspondence;

Maintaining an address book in which email addresses are stored;

Working with news groups (receiving, reading, storing, sending);

Flexible setup user interface and program operating parameters in accordance with the needs of a specific user;

Creating mail messages using a variety of forms, which can be selected either from the list provided by the program or from anywhere on the disk;

Setting up and using anti-virus and anti-spam protection;

Import email correspondence from other popular email programs using the built-in import wizard;

Import address book from other popular email programs;

Export of electronic correspondence and address book;

Printing email messages;

Saving electronic mail message as separate file either as a form;

Saving email attachments as a separate file;

Performing a number of other actions determined by the specifics of using the program and the needs of a particular user.

However, before you can use Outlook Express, you must create an email account. This is covered in the next section.

9.4.3. Create an account in Outlook Express

To switch to the mode of working with account Outlook entries Express should execute the main menu command Service? Accounts – as a result, the window shown in Fig. will open on the screen. 9.27.

Rice. 9.27. Email accounts

To create a new mail account, go to the tab in this window. Mail press the button Add(this button is located at the top right of the window, see Fig. 9.27), and in the menu that opens, select the item Mail. As a result, a window will open on the screen Internet Connection Wizard; Using the Wizard, you create a new account in a step-by-step mode. This will do the following:

1. At the first stage, enter an arbitrary user name using the keyboard (this could be, for example, first and last name), then press the button Further.

2. At the second stage, you also need to enter your email address using the keyboard (for example, [email protected] ), then press the button Further.

3. At the third stage, you will need to specify the servers for incoming messages (POP3, IMAP or HTTP, in most cases - the POP3 server) and outgoing messages. The choice of servers depends on the location of the user's mailbox; You can obtain the addresses of these servers from your email service provider. For example, if the mailbox is open on, then the incoming message server will be, and outgoing – After entering the servers, click the button Further.

4. At the fourth stage, in the appropriate fields using the keyboard, you need to enter the name of the account to be created and the password, and then click the button Further.

5. In the fifth stage, press the button Ready The process of creating a new account is completed.

As a result of the completed actions, the created account will be displayed in the window Online accounts(see Fig. 9.27) on the tabs All And Mail.

Now you can start working with email messages.

9.4.4. How to receive and send electronic correspondence?

To receive email, you need to execute the main menu command Service? Deliver mail? Deliver mail(this command can also be called by pressing the key combination Ctrl+M), or click the corresponding button in the toolbar (don’t forget to connect to the Internet before doing this).

Received emails will be placed in the folder Inbox, and the number of unread letters will be shown in brackets (see Fig. 9.26).

Regarding sending emails, then this can be done in two ways. The first is that the letter is sent immediately after writing - we will tell you how to do this below. When using the second method, letters located in the folder are sent Outgoing(users place written but not sent letters here) - to do this you need to execute the main menu command Service? Deliver mail? Send all or click the button in the toolbar Deliver mail(using this button you can both receive and send email).

9.4.5. How to write and send an email?

To switch to the mail message generation mode, you can use several methods. The most common one is to execute the main menu command File? Create? Postal message. As a result, a window for generating an email message will open on the screen, shown in Fig. 9.28.

Rice. 9.28. Creating a mail message

You can also create a new message in the panel Contacts(this panel is located at the bottom left of the program’s working interface) double-click on the desired recipient or group of contacts. In this case, in the contact creation window (see Fig. 9.28), the field will be automatically filled in To whom. To create a response message, in the main program window, select the letter you want to respond to with the cursor and click the toolbar button Answer or execute the main menu command Message? Reply to sender(this command can also be called by pressing the key combination Ctrl+ R). In this case, the fields in the contact creation window will be automatically filled in To whom And Subject.

* * *

In the mail message generation window, in the field To whom The recipient's email address is indicated. If necessary, you can enter several addresses in this field - in this case, you must separate them with a comma or semicolon.

In field Copy The addresses of recipients to whom a copy of this mail message should be sent are entered. If multiple recipients are specified, they are separated by a comma or semicolon.

* * *

In field Subject the subject of this mail message is entered using the keyboard, briefly reflecting its essence; Examples of values ​​for this field – Meeting, Invitation to the evening, Order, Vacation plans, Feedback on the ad etc. This field is optional; however, it is still recommended to indicate the subject of the letter - this is convenient for the recipient of the mail message.

The text of the email message is entered from the keyboard in a specially designed field, which occupies the main part of the interface (see Fig. 9.28). By the way, you can format the text of the letter - the formatting bar is designed for this, which is located between the field Subject and a field for entering the text of the letter.

You can insert any image (drawing, photograph, etc.) into the text of the letter - to do this, in the formatting panel, click last button, which is called Insert picture.

* * *

When you click on this button A window opens on the screen in which you can configure image insertion. The operating procedure in this window is intuitive, so we will not dwell on it here.