Practical work inserting a graphic image. Students must be able to

Ministry of Education and Science Khabarovsk Territory

Regional state budgetary educational institution

secondary vocational education

"Komsomolsky-on-Amur ship mechanics technical school»


Methodological development of lesson notes

in the subject "Informatics and ICT"

Topic: Drawing inMSWord 2010

Technical profile

Methodological development of the lesson laboratory and practical work on the topic: "Drawing inMSWord2010" intended for computer science and ICT teachers.

Developed teacher of computer science at KSOU SPO "Komsomolsky-on-Amur" APECHENKO Tatyana Leonidovna.

Reviewer: Kovaleva Natalya Anatolyevna – Deputy Director for Maintenance

The methodological development of the lesson notes was compiled for conducting laboratory and practical work on the subject “Informatics and ICT”. This material will help to conduct a lesson in an interesting, creative way on the topic “Decision maker: “Drawing in MS Word 2010” in groups according to technical professions, NPOs and SPOs. Interesting tasks will arouse students' interest in the subject.

Laboratory and practical work

Subject: " Drawing in MS Word 2010"

The date of the:

Location:KGBOU SPO SMT Computer Science Room No. 17

Lesson duration:90 minutes

Lesson type: combined -skills training lesson



show new usage possibilities word processor MS Word2010, learn to work, create drawings using the Insert tab, work with ready-made templates figures, change the format of the drawing, develop knowledge, skills and drawing skills


to promote discipline, accuracy, will, determination, courage in completing tasks, and creativity during the lesson


develop cognitive interest and curiosity of students in using a word processorMS Word2010, skills when working with an instruction card, creative activity in the environmentMS Word

Equipment: Computer, multimedia projector, lesson presentationMS Power Point, instruction card, screen

Lesson structure:

    Organizing time

    Determining the goals and objectives of the lesson

    Updating of reference knowledge

    Explanation of material

    Practical work

    Summing up the lesson. Reflection

    Homework assignment

During the classes:

I. Organizing time

Greetings. Checking those present.

II. Determining the goals and objectives of the lesson

III. Updating of reference knowledge

Checking homework in the form of a test paper (testing on a PC in a test shellUTC)


1. Specify the program shortcut MS Word


2. Text editor is a program designed for...

*1) Creating, editing and formatting test information;

2) Resource management personal computer when creating documents;

3) Work with images in the process of creation game programs;

4) Automatic translation from symbolic languages ​​to machine codes

3) The picture shows the toolbar...

1) Insert

2) *Home

3) Format

4) Page layout

5) Review

4) To create new page keyboard shortcut used...

*1) Ctrl+ Enter

2) Shift+Ctrl


4) Alt+ Enter

5) Ctrl+ H

5) To save the modified document a second time under a different name, you must select the command:

2 ) Open

4 ) Open

5) Create

6) The cursor is:

1) test information input device;

2) key on the keyboard;

3) smallest element images on the screen;

*4) a mark on the display screen indicating the position of the character being entered from the keyboard.

7) You can delete the selected shape by pressing...

1) Enter

*2) Delete

3) Backspace

4) Shift

5) Caps Lock

8) To fill the background of the figure, change the outline of the figure, use the tab

1) Insert

2) Home

* 3) Format

4) Page layout

5) Review

9) The key combination allows you to switch from Russian to English...

1) Ctrl+Enter

*2) Shift+Alt

3) Ctrl+C

4) Ctrl +O

5) Ctrl+H

10) A key combination allows you to copy an object...

1) Ctrl+ Enter

2) Shift+Ctrl

*3) Ctrl+C

4) Ctrl +O

5) Ctrl+H

10) The key combination allows you to paste a copied object...

*1) Ctrl+ V

2) Shift+Ctrl

3) Ctrl+C

4) Ctrl +O

5) Ctrl+H

IV. Explanation of material(The explanation of the material is accompanied by a presentation of the lesson, showing practical actions drawing inMS Word, demonstrations finished works)


Yes, oddly enough, you can draw in MS Word and, if you know how, add some imagination, it will turn out very well.

First, we need to decide whether our drawing will be in the text of a document or whether the entire document will be one large drawing.

MS Word has a built-in graphics editor that allows you to quickly create simple drawings. Thanks to the presence of this editor, there is no need to access any external program.

The features provided by the picture editor are very similar to those found in any other graphic editor. Therefore, we will limit ourselves a brief overview this application.

In order to start drawing, let's launch the program and create new file, or we can make a drawing in an existing Word document.

To start drawing in MS Word, we will need to top menu choose Tab, and click on the button Figures. In the expanded list, select the “New canvas” section as shown in the figure ( Fig.1). Fig.1. Tab InsertFigures

After clicking on the top menu, the toolbar for drawing in MS Word 2010 will open, and in the body of the document the pointer( )for drawing. Let us immediately note that you can adjust the size of the area immediately or later. ( Fig.2)

To start drawing in Word 2010 you must select any tool from the menu that opens.

Accordingly, you can choose any

Pointer to draw from them and paste into Word document a ready-made template, rather than drawing it yourself. This saves a significant amount of time. For drawing in MS Word there are tools to create three-dimensional shapes, change their color, make a shadow, and so on ( Fig.3). There are a lot of settings, and most likely they will completely satisfy your needs. Well, if not, then we recommend using special ones for drawing. Fig.3 Creation volumetric figures

program, because the main function of MS Word 2010 as a word processor is creating, editing, formatting, saving and printing documents (texts).

For drawing in MS Word, there are also tools to create three-dimensional shapes, change their color, make a shadow, and so on. There are a lot of settings, and most likely they will completely satisfy your needs. Well, if not, then we recommend using special programs, because MS Word 2010 is intended for something slightly different.

V. Practical work


Students work individually on computers using instruction cards.

Sample instruction card

Laboratory and practical work

Subject: " Drawing in MS Word 2010"

Target: learn to work in a word processorMS Word, create drawings using the Insert tab, work with ready-made shape templates, change the drawing format.

Task No. 1:Build a drawing according to the sample

    Launch the MS Word word processor

2. Using the tab Insert →Shapes build a drawing

3. Save your work in a folder on Desktop under your last name

Task No. 2: Draw according to the sample

IN your rating: satisfactorily

IN your rating: Fine

Your mark: Great

VI. Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

Practical work showed that all students learned new topic. We learned to draw and create a drawing in MS Word 2010 using geometric shapes.

Demonstrated good knowledge of a word processor environment.

Lesson objectives achieved.

The grades for the lesson are as follows: announcement of grades

You learned the test scores from the results of testing on a PC.


Before homework, answer these small questions:

    Today I found out...

    It was interesting…

    It was difficult…

    I realized that...

    Now I can…

    I purchased...

    I learned…

    I managed …

  • I will try…

    I was surprised...

    Gave me a lesson for life...

VII. Homework

1.Give 10 examples of your drawings in MS Word 2010. Prepare for a knowledge test on the material covered.

2. Review the material covered on the topic “MS Word Text Editor”

You will learn:

§ Get acquainted with the basic techniques of working with graphic objects using the example of creating an advertisement according to the proposed sample;

§ Apply previously learned skills to create the required document: table, page settings, formatting various elements text.

Exercise: Make an announcement about the next meeting of the computer club and save it on your hard drive in your folder.

1. Launch Word in a way known to you (via the Main Menu or a shortcut on the Desktop).

2. Set the following Page Options (File menu):

margins - 1.5 cm,
binding – 0 cm;
orientation – landscape,
paper size – 210x148 mm (A5 format).

3. Set the viewing scale Full page on the panel Standard or via the main menu command View - Scale.

4. Run the command Format – Borders and Shading – Page.

5. In the left column Type please indicate Frame.

6. B middle column Type specify the line type, its color and thickness or use the list Drawing(if you select a black and white version of the picture, you can change its color).

7. Click the button Options and in the Relative list, select the option Text.

8. Close dialog boxes OK buttons.

9. Insert a table consisting of one row and two columns. Table – Insert – Table. Number of columns – 2, Number of rows – 1, auto-selection – constant.

10. Place the cursor in the left cell.

11. Execute the menu command Insert – Drawing – Pictures. The service will start Microsoft Office- A collection of Microsoft pictures, which is included in the Microsoft Windows operating system

12. In the window Search enter the keyword People.

14. Close the picture window.

15. The size of the picture can be changed using markers by moving them to the desired distance with the mouse. It is possible to symmetrically position a picture in a table cell by double-clicking on the picture to open a window Figure format, select a tab Position – Along the contour and move the drawing to the right place.

16. In the right column, enter the text:

Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!
We invite you to the next meeting of the computer club, which will take place in the assembly hall on May 12, 2006 at 17:00.¶

17. Select all text. Execute the main menu command Format – Font and set the following parameters:

font – Arial
style – bold
size – 26
color – blue
Modification (effect) – with shadow.

18. Select the entire table. Run the command Format – Borders and Shading.

19. Select a bookmark Border. In the left column Type select option No. This will create an effective message for students.

20. Before printing, you can preview the entire document layout by clicking on the button Preview.

You should end up with a prompt similar to the one shown in the image below.

Save the created document in your folder.

Independent work: Create a table using the following example, containing text and images from the Microsoft Image Collection:

We will open a wonderland

Laboratory and practical work No. 8
Microsoft Word.
“Inserting a finished drawing. Working with ClipArt"

After completing this practical work, you will learn:

  • Learn how to insert a ready-made drawing from the Microsoft ClipArt collection;

  • Get acquainted with the basic techniques of working with graphic objects using the example of creating an advertisement according to the proposed sample;

  • Application of previously mastered skills to create the required document: table, page settings, formatting of various text elements.
Creating quite complex compositions can be very labor-intensive. In such cases, use ready-made libraries (collections) of drawings (Clipart), which are included in the delivery package Microsoft package Office.

To insert ClipArt use the command ^ Insert, Drawing, Pictures . There is a corresponding button on the toolbar. Drawing, Add a picture.

The dialog box that opens is called ^ Inserting a picture .

ClipArt graphics are centered on the Pictures tab. They are classified into categories. Having found the desired picture, just select it and insert it into the document by clicking on the button Insert.

As a result, the selected picture will be inserted into the document.

^ Resize and move ClipArt objects.

You can resize and move ClipArt objects directly in the main document window using your mouse. In addition, these and a number of other settings can be made, as in the case of graphic objects and pictures, in the dialog box Object Format called up in the menu Format.

Before performing any of these actions, the object must be selected by clicking the mouse.

Exercise: Make an announcement about the next meeting of the astronomy club and save it on your hard drive. (My documents - Your group (class) folder.

Work technology:

  1. Create a new document.

  2. Set the following Page Options (File menu):
margins - 1.5 cm,
binding – 0 cm;
orientation – landscape,
paper size – 210x148 mm (A5 format).

The size of the picture can be changed using markers, dragging them to the desired distance with the mouse (see Fig. 1). It is possible to symmetrically position a picture in a table cell by double-clicking on the picture to open a window Figure format(Fig. 2), select the tab Position – Along the contour and move the drawing to the right place.

  1. In the right column, enter the text:

  1. Select all text. Execute the main menu command Format – Font and set the following parameters:
font – Arial
style – bold
size – 26
color – blue
Modification (effect) – with shadow.

You should end up with a prompt similar to the one shown in the image below.

  1. If you're happy with what you see, click the button Close.

  2. If you are not happy with what you see, click the button Close. and continue editing the document until you achieve the desired result

  3. Save the file in your folder under the name Announcement_Petrov. doc

  4. Show the result to the teacher.

Computer science lesson in 10th grade. Practical work "Inserting graphic images in a text editor." It is proposed to develop a lesson and an assignment for practical work. The work consists of 3 levels of tasks, taking into account interdisciplinary connections with the subjects of mathematics and physics.

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"Practical work on the topic "Text editor. Graphic images""

Computer science. Grade 10.


Topic name

Lesson type

Educational material. BY

Practical work

Inserting graphic objects.

Entering new material


    Handouts for practical work

Practical work

During the classes

    Updating knowledge: Review the concept of document style with students. How to work with tables, how to insert formulas and symbols that are not on the keyboard.

Verification work - 10’

    Entering a new topic.– 20’

Introducing students to a new topic. Often there are texts that contain some kind of graphic images. You encounter texts like this in almost every lesson. Demonstration of material using graphic images. How can such a document be prepared using Word programs. After this, ask students to draw a table “I know - I want to know” and for a few minutes individually write down in the first column everything that they already know about this topic, for example, what commands, how to perform these actions.

I know

New information

On the board, the teacher, together with the students, fills out a common table; you need to pay attention that you need to not only transfer individual notes, but also discuss them with the students.

After filling out, depending on the information in the first column, form the second column using leading questions. For example, how to make the text appear on background drawing or vice versa, how to insert a ready-made drawing or photo, how to add an inscription to a figure.

Finished drawing : Insert – Illustrations – Drawing.

Vector drawing from the collection: Insert – Illustrations – Clip.

Inserting shapes : Insert – Illustrations – Figures.

Adding a caption : select a shape – context menu– Add a shape.

Wrap text : select the shape - context menu - Text wrapping.

Actions can be selected on the ribbon Format or in the context menu Figure format .

When the discussion is completed, fill out your tables in your notebook (if there is not enough information in the first column, then write it in the second column of your table).

    Practical part.

Finish work.

Computer science. Grade 10. Practical work

Inserting graphic images.

Complete the assignments in Microsoft Word.

Level A.

Type the suggested text.

Var x, y: Integer; Sa, Sg: real;

WriteLn('Enter numbers x, y');
ReadLn(x, y);

WriteLn("Sa = ", Sa);
WriteLn("Sg = ", Sa);

Level B.

Fill the table

Geometric figures

Name of the figure







S=a 2


Using a physics textbook, make a reference diagram on the topic “Electrostatics”

Laboratory and practical work No. 11
Microsoft Word.
“Inserting a finished drawing.
Working with ClipArt"

After completing this practical work, you will learn:

    Learn how to insert a ready-made drawing from the Microsoft ClipArt collection;

    Get acquainted with the basic techniques of working with graphic objects using the example of creating an advertisement according to the proposed sample;

    Application of previously mastered skills to create the required document: table, page settings, formatting of various text elements.

Creating quite complex compositions can be very labor-intensive. In such cases, ready-made libraries (collections) of drawings (Clipart) are used, which are included in the Microsoft Office package.

To insert ClipArt use the command Insert, Drawing, Pictures. There is a corresponding button on the toolbar. Drawing, Add a picture.

The dialog box that opens is called Inserting a picture.

ClipArt graphics are centered on the Pictures tab. They are classified into categories. Having found the desired picture, just select it and insert it into the document by clicking on the button Insert.

As a result, the selected picture will be inserted into the document.

Resize and move ClipArt objects.

You can resize and move ClipArt objects directly in the main document window using your mouse. In addition, these and a number of other settings can be made, as in the case of graphic objects and pictures, in the dialog box Object Format called up in the menu Format.

Before performing any of these actions, the object must be selected by clicking the mouse.

Exercise: Make an announcement about the next meeting of the astronomy club and save it on your hard drive. (My documents - Your group (class) folder.

Work technology:

    Create a new document.

    Set the following Page Options (File menu):

margins - 1.5 cm,
binding – 0 cm;
orientation – landscape,
paper size – 210x148 mm (A5 format).

The size of the picture can be changed using markers, dragging them to the desired distance with the mouse (see Fig. 1). It is possible to symmetrically position a picture in a table cell by double-clicking on the picture to open a window Figure format(Fig. 2), select the tab Position – Along the contour and move the drawing to the right place.

    In the right column, enter the text:

Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!
We invite you to the next meeting of the computer club, which will take place in the assembly hall on May 12, 2006 at 17:00.¶

    Select all text. Execute the main menu command Format – Font and set the following parameters:

font – Arial
style – bold
size – 26
color – blue
Modification (effect) – with shadow.

You should end up with a prompt similar to the one shown in the image below.

    If you're happy with what you see, click the button Close.

    If you are not happy with what you see, click the button Close. and continue editing the document until you achieve the desired result

    Save the file in your folder under the name Announcement_Petrov. doc

    Show the result to the teacher.