Clause 878 rules for the protection of gas distribution networks. Government of the Russian Federation




With changes:

(as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2011 N 1101, dated May 17, 2016 N 444)

In accordance with Federal law"On gas supply in the Russian Federation" The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve the attached Rules for the protection of gas distribution networks.

Chairman of the Government

Russian Federation



Government Decree

Russian Federation



1. These Rules, developed on the basis of the Federal Law "On Gas Supply in the Russian Federation", establish the procedure for determining the boundaries of security zones of gas distribution networks, conditions for the use of land plots located within them, and restrictions on economic activities that may lead to damage to gas distribution networks, determine the rights and responsibilities of operating organizations in the field of ensuring the safety of gas distribution networks during their operation, maintenance, repair, as well as preventing accidents on gas distribution networks and eliminating their consequences.

2. These Rules are valid throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation and are mandatory for legal entities and individuals who are owners, holders or users of land plots located within the security zones of gas distribution networks, or who design objects for housing, civil and industrial purposes, engineering, transport facilities and social infrastructure, or carrying out any economic activity within the boundaries of the specified land plots.

3. These Rules use the following concepts:

a) “gas distribution pipelines” - gas pipelines that provide gas supply from gas distribution stations of main gas pipelines or other gas supply sources to gas inlet pipelines or gas consumer organizations;

b) “inter-settlement gas pipeline” - a distribution gas pipeline laid between settlements;

c) “gas pipeline-input” - a gas pipeline from the point of connection to the distribution gas pipeline to the disconnecting device or the external structure of the building or structure of the gas consumer;

d) “gas pipeline route” - the position of the gas pipeline axis on the ground, determined by two projections: horizontal (plan) and vertical (longitudinal profile);

d) "gas control point" - technological equipment, placed in special buildings, cabinets or blocks, designed to reduce gas pressure and maintain it at a given level in gas distribution networks;

f) “security zone of the gas distribution network” - a territory with special conditions of use, established along the routes of gas pipelines and around other objects of the gas distribution network in order to ensure normal conditions for its operation and eliminate the possibility of its damage;

g) “standard distances” - the minimum permissible distances from the gas distribution network to buildings and structures not related to this network, established during the design and construction of this network, buildings and structures in order to ensure their safety, as well as the people in them in the event of an emergency emergency situation on the gas distribution network;

h) “organization - owner of the gas distribution network” - an organization that acquired the gas distribution network in the process of privatization or created or acquired a gas distribution network on other grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

i) “operational organization of the gas distribution network” - a specialized organization that operates the gas distribution network and provides services related to the supply of gas to consumers. The operating organization can be the organization that owns this network or the organization that has entered into an agreement with the organization that owns the network for its operation.

4. The gas distribution networks include:

a) external underground, ground and above-ground distribution gas pipelines, inter-settlement gas pipelines, gas inlet pipelines with shut-off valves installed on them;

b) off-site gas pipelines of industrial enterprises;

c) crossings of gas pipelines through natural and artificial obstacles, including rivers, railways and roads;

d) separate gas control points located on the territory and outside the territory settlements, industrial and other enterprises, as well as gas control points located in buildings, cabinets or blocks;

e) devices for electrochemical protection of steel gas pipelines from corrosion and means of telemechanization of gas distribution networks, objects for their electric drive and power supply.

5. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, gas distribution networks are classified as hazardous production facilities, which is due to the explosive and fire hazardous properties of the gas transported through them. The fundamentals for the safe operation of gas distribution networks are determined by the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”.

6. Any work in the security zones of gas distribution networks is carried out in strict compliance with the requirements for the safety of the networks being opened and other utilities, as well as for the safe passage of special vehicles and the passage of pedestrians.

7. The following security zones are established for gas distribution networks:

a) along the routes of external gas pipelines - in the form of a territory limited by conditional lines running at a distance of 2 meters on each side of the gas pipeline;

b) along the routes of underground gas pipelines made of polyethylene pipes when using copper wire to mark the gas pipeline route - in the form of an area limited by conditional lines running at a distance of 3 meters from the gas pipeline on the side of the wire and 2 meters on the opposite side;

c) along the routes of external gas pipelines on permafrost soils, regardless of the material of the pipes - in the form of an area limited by conditional lines running at a distance of 10 meters on each side of the gas pipeline;

d) around separate gas control points - in the form of a territory bounded by a closed line drawn at a distance of 10 meters from the boundaries of these objects. For gas control points attached to buildings, the security zone is not regulated;

e) along underwater crossings of gas pipelines through navigable and floating rivers, lakes, reservoirs, canals - in the form of a section of water space from the water surface to the bottom, enclosed between parallel planes spaced 100 m on each side of the gas pipeline;

e) along the routes of inter-settlement gas pipelines passing through forests and trees and shrubs - in the form of clearings 6 meters wide, 3 meters on each side of the gas pipeline. For above-ground sections of gas pipelines, the distance from trees to the pipeline must be no less than the height of the trees throughout the entire life of the gas pipeline.

8. When determining the security zones of gas pipelines, distances are measured from the axis of the gas pipeline - for single-line gas pipelines and from the axes of the outermost lines of gas pipelines - for multi-line ones.

9. Standard distances are established taking into account the significance of the objects, the conditions for laying the gas pipeline, gas pressure and other factors, but not less than the building codes and rules approved by the specially authorized federal executive body in the field of urban planning and construction.

10. The routes of underground gas pipelines are marked with identification marks painted on permanent landmarks or reinforced concrete columns up to 1.5 meters high (outside urban and rural settlements), which are installed within line of sight at least 500 meters from each other, as well as in places intersections of gas pipelines with railways and roads, at turns and at each gas pipeline structure (wells, carpets, condensate collectors, electrochemical protection devices, etc.). The identification signs indicate the distance from the gas pipeline, its depth and the telephone number of the emergency dispatch service.

11. Identification marks are installed or applied by construction organizations to permanent landmarks during the construction of gas distribution networks. Subsequently, the installation, repair or restoration of identification marks of gas pipelines is carried out by the operating organization of the gas distribution network. The installation of signs is formalized by a joint act with the owners, owners or users of the land plots along which the route passes.

12. At the intersections of gas pipelines with navigable and floatable rivers and canals, navigation signs are installed on both banks at a distance of 100 m from the axis of the gas pipelines. Navigation marks are installed by the operating organization of the gas distribution network in agreement with the basin departments of waterways and navigation (canal departments) and are entered by the latter into pilot charts.

13. As-built survey of gas distribution networks and the boundaries of their security zones is carried out in a unified state or local coordinate system and is documented in the prescribed manner. Organizations that own gas distribution networks or operating organizations are required to include materials from executive surveys as part of the information on the boundaries of security zones of gas distribution networks sent by these organizations to the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with an application for approval of the boundaries of the security zone of gas distribution networks.

14. In order to prevent damage to them or violation of the conditions of their normal operation, restrictions (encumbrances) are imposed on land plots included in the security zones of gas distribution networks, which prohibit the persons specified in paragraph 2 of these Rules from:

a) build objects for housing, civil and industrial purposes;

b) demolish and reconstruct bridges, collectors, roads and railways with gas distribution networks located on them without first removing these gas pipelines in agreement with operating organizations;

c) destroy bank protection structures, culverts, earthen and other structures protecting gas distribution networks from destruction;

d) move, damage, cover up and destroy identification signs, control and measuring points and other devices of gas distribution networks;

e) arrange landfills and warehouses, pour solutions of acids, salts, alkalis and other chemically active substances;

f) fence and block security zones, prevent personnel of operating organizations from accessing gas distribution networks, carrying out maintenance and eliminating damage to gas distribution networks;

g) start a fire and place fire sources;

h) dig cellars, dig and cultivate the soil with agricultural and reclamation tools and mechanisms to a depth of more than 0.3 meters;

i) open gates and doors of gas control points, cathodic and drainage protection stations, hatches of underground wells, turn on or off the power supply to communications, lighting and telemechanics systems;

j) throw, attach and tie foreign objects, ladders to supports and overhead gas pipelines, fences and buildings of gas distribution networks, and climb on them;

k) connect to gas distribution networks without permission.

15. Forestry, agricultural and other work not subject to the restrictions specified in paragraph 14 of these Rules, and not related to the violation of the land horizon and cultivation of the soil to a depth of more than 0.3 meters, are carried out by the owners, holders or users of land plots in the protected zone gas distribution network, subject to prior written notification to the operating organization at least 3 working days before the start of work.

16. Economic activities in the security zones of gas distribution networks, not provided for in paragraphs 14 and 15 of these Rules, in which the surface of the land plot is violated and the soil is cultivated to a depth of more than 0.3 meters, is carried out on the basis of written permission from the operating organization of the gas distribution networks.

17. Approval of the boundaries of the security zones of gas distribution networks and the imposition of restrictions (encumbrances) on the land plots included in them, specified in paragraphs 14, 15 and 16, are carried out on the basis of an application for approval of the boundaries of the security zone of gas distribution networks and information about the boundaries of the security zone of gas distribution networks, which should contain text and graphic descriptions location of the boundaries of such a zone, a list of coordinates of characteristic points of these boundaries in the coordinate system established for maintaining the state real estate cadastre, by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in agreement with the owners, possessors or users of land plots - for designed gas distribution networks and without agreement with these persons - for existing gas distribution networks.

18. The decision of the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to approve the border of the protective zone and impose restrictions (encumbrances) on the land plots included in it is the basis for carrying out cadastral work to form parts of land plots included in the protective zone, their state cadastral registration with the assignment of registration cadastral numbers in the Unified State Register of Lands and state registration encumbrances in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It.

19 - 20. Lost power. - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 2016 N 444.

21. The restrictions (encumbrances) specified in paragraphs 14, 15 and 16 of these Rules are subject to state registration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it.

22. A permit to carry out work in the security zone of the gas distribution network must contain information about the nature of hazardous production factors, the location of the gas pipeline route, the conditions under which the work will be carried out, precautions, the availability and content of instructions that must be followed when performing specific types of work. The permit also specifies the stages of work carried out in the presence and under the supervision of a representative of the operating organization of the gas distribution network.

23. Persons who intend to carry out work in the security zone of the gas distribution network are obliged to invite a representative of the operating organization of the gas distribution network to the place of work at least 3 working days before the start of work. The operating organization is obliged to ensure the timely appearance of its representative at the place of work to indicate the gas pipeline route and monitor compliance with measures to ensure the safety of the gas distribution network.

24. In case of damage to the gas distribution network or detection of a gas leak while performing work in the security zone technical means must be stopped, engines turned off, and personnel removed from the area carrying out work and located as far as possible on the windward side. The emergency dispatch service of the operating organization of the gas distribution network, as well as, in the prescribed manner, the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and (or) the local government body are immediately notified of the incident. Before the arrival of the emergency team, the work manager is obliged to take measures to prevent access to the site of network damage or gas leakage by unauthorized persons, Vehicle, as well as measures to prevent the appearance of sources of open fire.

The emergency dispatch service of the operating organization of the gas distribution network, having received a message about damage to the gas distribution network, sends a call to emergency operational services to the support system. single number "112" the specified information, as well as information about the progress and completion of emergency response measures to the received message.

If underground communications and structures not specified in the work are discovered at the work site, technical documentation, the work must be stopped immediately and measures must be taken to ensure the safety of the discovered underground communications and structures, to establish their ownership and to call a representative of the relevant operating organization of the gas distribution network.

25. Operating organizations of gas distribution networks, subject to sending prior written notice to the owners, owners or users of land plots located in security zones, have the right to carry out the following work in security zones:

a) maintenance, repair and diagnostics of gas distribution networks;

b) construction, at the expense of organizations that own gas distribution networks, of roads, entrances and other structures necessary for the operation of networks on terms agreed with the owners, holders or users of land plots;

c) digging pits and pits, drilling wells and other earthworks carried out to determine technical condition gas distribution networks or their repair;

d) clearing the routes (clearings) of gas pipelines from trees and shrubs in the presence of a felling permit issued in the prescribed manner.

26. When passing through security zones of gas distribution networks through forests and trees and shrubs, operating organizations of gas distribution networks are obliged at their own expense:

create mineralized strips along the borders of clearings with a width of at least 1.4 meters;

arrange crossings for fire-fighting equipment every 5 - 7 kilometers. Work in such protected zones and outside them must be carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the forestry legislation of the Russian Federation.

27. Notification of work is sent by the operating organization of the gas distribution network by mail at least 5 working days before the start of work.

28. To ensure access to the security zone of the gas distribution network, if necessary, the operating organization concludes, in the prescribed manner, with the owners, holders or users of adjacent land plots, temporary use agreements for land plots or agreements for the establishment of easements.

29. Work to prevent accidents or eliminate their consequences on gas pipelines can be carried out by the operating organization of the gas distribution network at any time of the year without the consent of the owners, owners or users of land plots, but with notification of them about the work being carried out.

30. If a representative of the operating organization of the gas distribution network discovers that work is being carried out in the security zone without proper execution of a work permit or that work is being carried out in violation of these Rules, the representative of the operating organization has the right to suspend said work and draw up an appropriate act.

31. If circumstances are discovered that affect the safety of work carried out by third-party legal entities and individuals in the security zone of the gas distribution network on the basis of permission from the operating organization, the latter is obliged to inspect the gas distribution network at the place of work in order to determine its technical condition and ensure safety.

32. If it is necessary to carry out repair work to prevent the destruction of the gas distribution network or eliminate gas leaks, the operating organization has the right to temporarily, until the completion of repair or emergency restoration work, prohibit carrying out this place any work.

33. Information about gas leaks that threaten buildings and structures not related to the gas distribution network must be transmitted by the operating organization to the owners, owners or users of these facilities, as well as executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local governments.

34. Planned work on maintenance and repairs in the security zone of gas distribution networks, requiring the removal of road surfaces and digging up the soil, must be agreed upon in the manner established by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In the event of a gas leak from gas distribution networks, emergency restoration work is carried out without prior approval, but with the obligatory call to the work site of representatives of organizations, the list of which is established by the executive authorities of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

35. The organization carrying out emergency restoration work detours the accident site, installs the necessary warning signs for vehicles and pedestrians, and restores the road surface.

36. In emergency situations, the operating organization is allowed to access the gas distribution network along the shortest route for the delivery of equipment and materials with the subsequent execution of an act. When carrying out the specified work on gas pipelines passing through forests and trees and shrubs, trees are allowed to be felled, followed by the issuance of felling tickets within a month and the clearing of felling sites from logging residues.

37. After carrying out work to repair, maintain or eliminate the consequences of accidents of the gas distribution network on forest or agricultural lands, the operating organization must bring these lands to their original state (reclaim) and transfer them according to the act to the owner, owner, user of the land plot or a person authorized by him .

38. Losses caused to owners, owners or users of land plots as a result of work are compensated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

39. In the case of the location of other engineering communications belonging to other organizations in the security zones of gas distribution networks, or the intersection of gas distribution networks with such communications, the relationship of the operating organization with the owner organizations said communications are built on the basis of agreements defining joint actions to ensure the safe operation of these structures, prevent accidents and emergency situations and eliminating their consequences.

40. Operating organizations of gas distribution networks and other utilities running in the same security zone jointly develop a diagram of facilities with a precise indication of their location, as well as a plan for joint control and maintenance of communications and emergency response, providing for measures to prevent damage in neighboring areas.

41. The procedure for operating gas pipelines in security zones when they cross automobile and railways, engineering communications, navigable and raftable rivers, lakes, reservoirs, canals, territories of industrial enterprises, approaches to airfields, agricultural lands, forests, trees and shrubs and other properties must be agreed upon by the operating organizations of gas distribution networks with interested organizations, as well as owners, owners or users of land plots.

42. Owners of utility lines laid in security zones of gas distribution networks, or persons authorized by them, are obliged to ensure that these utilities are marked on the ground with identification and warning signs.

43. If it is necessary to cross existing gas distribution networks with new communications, the costs associated with the re-equipment of networks are reimbursed by the owner of the new communications.

44. Operating organizations of gas distribution networks, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments are obliged to cooperate in ensuring the safety of gas distribution networks, preventing accidents and emergencies, as well as eliminating their consequences.

45. Interference in activities related to ensuring the safe operation of gas distribution networks by unauthorized executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, public organizations, legal entities and individuals is prohibited.

46. ​​Legal and individuals, conducting economic activities on land plots located in the security zone of the gas distribution network, are obliged to take all measures within their power to contribute to the safety of the network, and not to impede the access of technical personnel of the operating organization to the gas distribution network. If the gas distribution network passes through restricted zones and special facilities, personnel of the operating organization are issued passes (permits) to access the network at any time of the day without charging a fee.

47. Land plots located in the security zones of gas distribution networks are not confiscated from their owners, possessors or users and can be used by them subject to the restrictions (encumbrances) established by these Rules and imposed on land plots in the prescribed manner.

48. The establishment of security zones for gas distribution networks does not entail a ban on transactions with land plots located in these security zones. Documents certifying the rights of owners, holders and users to land plots located in the security zones of gas distribution networks indicate restrictions (encumbrances) on the rights of these owners, holders and users.

49. Legal entities and individuals guilty of violating the requirements of these Rules, as well as the functioning of gas distribution networks, are held accountable in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

50. Losses caused to the organization - owner of the gas distribution network or operating organization as a result of blocking or damage to the gas distribution network or as a result of other actions that disrupt the uninterrupted or safe work gas distribution network, are calculated and collected in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

"On approval of the Rules for the protection of gas distribution networks"

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Gas Supply in the Russian Federation", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve the attached Rules for the protection of gas distribution networks.

Chairman of the Government

Russian Federation M. Kasyanov


protection of gas distribution networks

1. These Rules, developed on the basis of the Federal Law "On Gas Supply in the Russian Federation", establish the procedure for determining the boundaries of security zones of gas distribution networks, conditions for the use of land plots located within them, and restrictions on economic activities that may lead to damage to gas distribution networks, determine the rights and responsibilities of operating organizations in the field of ensuring the safety of gas distribution networks during their operation, maintenance, repair, as well as preventing accidents on gas distribution networks and eliminating their consequences.

2. These Rules are valid throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation and are mandatory for legal entities and individuals who are owners, holders or users of land plots located within the security zones of gas distribution networks, or who design objects for housing, civil and industrial purposes, engineering, transport facilities and social infrastructure, or carrying out any economic activity within the boundaries of the specified land plots.

3. These Rules use the following concepts:

A) "gas distribution pipelines" - gas pipelines providing gas supply from gas distribution stations of main gas pipelines or other gas supply sources to gas inlet pipelines or gas consumer organizations;

b) "inter-village gas pipeline"- gas distribution pipeline laid between settlements;

V) "gas pipeline-input"- gas pipeline from the point of connection to the gas distribution pipeline to the disconnecting device or the external structure of the building or structure of the gas consumer;

G) "gas pipeline route"- the position of the gas pipeline axis on the ground, determined by two projections: horizontal (plan) and vertical (longitudinal profile);

d) "gas control point"- technological equipment located in special buildings, cabinets or blocks, designed to reduce gas pressure and maintain it at a given level in gas distribution networks;

e) "security zone of the gas distribution network"- a territory with special conditions of use, established along gas pipeline routes and around other gas distribution network facilities in order to ensure normal operating conditions and eliminate the possibility of damage;

and) "normative distances"- minimum permissible distances from the gas distribution network to buildings and structures not related to this network, established during the design and construction of this network, buildings and structures in order to ensure their safety, as well as the people in them in the event of an emergency on the gas distribution network;

h) "organization - owner of the gas distribution network"- an organization that received ownership of the gas distribution network during the privatization process or created or acquired a gas distribution network on other grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

And) "operational organization of the gas distribution network"- a specialized organization that operates the gas distribution network and provides services related to the supply of gas to consumers. The operating organization can be the organization that owns this network or the organization that has entered into an agreement with the organization that owns the network for its operation.

4. The gas distribution networks include:

a) external underground, ground and above-ground distribution gas pipelines, inter-settlement gas pipelines, gas inlet pipelines with shut-off valves installed on them;

b) off-site gas pipelines of industrial enterprises;

c) crossings of gas pipelines through natural and artificial obstacles, including rivers, railways and roads;

d) free-standing gas control points located on and outside the territory of populated areas, industrial and other enterprises, as well as gas control points located in buildings, cabinets or blocks;

e) devices for electrochemical protection of steel gas pipelines from corrosion and means of telemechanization of gas distribution networks, objects for their electric drive and power supply.

5. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, gas distribution networks are classified as hazardous production facilities, which is due to the explosive and fire hazardous properties of the gas transported through them. The fundamentals for the safe operation of gas distribution networks are determined by the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”.

6. Any work in the security zones of gas distribution networks is carried out in strict compliance with the requirements for the safety of the networks being opened and other utilities, as well as for the safe passage of special vehicles and the passage of pedestrians.

7. The following security zones are established for gas distribution networks:

a) along the routes of external gas pipelines - in the form of a territory limited by conditional lines running at a distance of 2 meters on each side of the gas pipeline;

b) along the routes of underground gas pipelines made of polyethylene pipes when using copper wire to mark the gas pipeline route - in the form of an area limited by conditional lines running at a distance of 3 meters from the gas pipeline on the side of the wire and 2 meters on the opposite side;

c) along the routes of external gas pipelines on permafrost soils, regardless of the material of the pipes - in the form of an area limited by conditional lines running at a distance of 10 meters on each side of the gas pipeline;

d) around separate gas control points - in the form of a territory bounded by a closed line drawn at a distance of 10 meters from the boundaries of these objects. For gas control points attached to buildings, the security zone is not regulated;

e) along underwater crossings of gas pipelines through navigable and floating rivers, lakes, reservoirs, canals - in the form of a section of water space from the water surface to the bottom, enclosed between parallel planes spaced 100 m on each side of the gas pipeline;

e) along the routes of inter-settlement gas pipelines passing through forests and trees and shrubs - in the form of clearings 6 meters wide, 3 meters on each side of the gas pipeline. For above-ground sections of gas pipelines, the distance from trees to the pipeline must be no less than the height of the trees throughout the entire life of the gas pipeline.

8. When determining the security zones of gas pipelines, distances are measured from the axis of the gas pipeline - for single-line gas pipelines and from the axes of the outermost lines of gas pipelines - for multi-line ones.

9. Standard distances are established taking into account the significance of the objects, the conditions for laying the gas pipeline, gas pressure and other factors, but not less than the building codes and rules approved by the specially authorized federal executive body in the field of urban planning and construction.

10. The routes of underground gas pipelines are marked with identification marks painted on permanent landmarks or reinforced concrete columns up to 1.5 meters high (outside urban and rural settlements), which are installed within line of sight at least 500 meters from each other, as well as in places intersections of gas pipelines with railways and roads, at turns and at each gas pipeline structure (wells, carpets, condensate collectors, electrochemical protection devices, etc.). The identification signs indicate the distance from the gas pipeline, its depth and the telephone number of the emergency dispatch service.

11. Identification marks are installed or applied by construction organizations to permanent landmarks during the construction of gas distribution networks. Subsequently, the installation, repair or restoration of identification marks of gas pipelines is carried out by the operating organization of the gas distribution network. The installation of signs is formalized by a joint act with the owners, owners or users of the land plots along which the route passes.

12. At the intersections of gas pipelines with navigable and floatable rivers and canals, navigation signs are installed on both banks at a distance of 100 m from the axis of the gas pipelines. Navigation marks are installed by the operating organization of the gas distribution network in agreement with the basin departments of waterways and navigation (canal departments) and are entered by the latter into pilot charts.

13. As-built survey of gas distribution networks and the boundaries of their security zones is carried out in a unified state or local coordinate system and is documented in the prescribed manner. Organizations that own gas distribution networks or operating organizations are required to include materials from as-built surveys as part of the materials for marking the boundaries of security zones, which are transferred to the bodies maintaining the state land cadastre.

14. In order to prevent damage to them or violation of the conditions of their normal operation, restrictions (encumbrances) are imposed on land plots included in the security zones of gas distribution networks, which prohibit the persons specified in paragraph 2 of these Rules from:

a) build objects for housing, civil and industrial purposes;

b) demolish and reconstruct bridges, collectors, roads and railways with gas distribution networks located on them without first removing these gas pipelines in agreement with operating organizations;

c) destroy bank protection structures, culverts, earthen and other structures protecting gas distribution networks from destruction;

d) move, damage, cover up and destroy identification signs, control and measuring points and other devices of gas distribution networks;

e) arrange landfills and warehouses, pour solutions of acids, salts, alkalis and other chemically active substances;

f) fence and block security zones, prevent personnel of operating organizations from accessing gas distribution networks, carrying out maintenance and eliminating damage to gas distribution networks;

g) start a fire and place fire sources;

h) dig cellars, dig and cultivate the soil with agricultural and reclamation tools and mechanisms to a depth of more than 0.3 meters;

i) open gates and doors of gas control points, cathodic and drainage protection stations, hatches of underground wells, turn on or off the power supply to communications, lighting and telemechanics systems;

j) throw, attach and tie foreign objects, ladders to supports and overhead gas pipelines, fences and buildings of gas distribution networks, and climb on them;

k) connect to gas distribution networks without permission.

15. Forestry, agricultural and other work not subject to the restrictions specified in paragraph 14 of these Rules, and not related to the violation of the land horizon and cultivation of the soil to a depth of more than 0.3 meters, are carried out by the owners, holders or users of land plots in the protected zone gas distribution network, subject to prior written notification to the operating organization at least 3 working days before the start of work.

16. Economic activities in the security zones of gas distribution networks, not provided for in paragraphs 14 and 15 of these Rules, in which the surface of the land plot is violated and the soil is cultivated to a depth of more than 0.3 meters, is carried out on the basis of written permission from the operating organization of the gas distribution networks.

17. Approval of the boundaries of security zones of gas distribution networks and the imposition of restrictions (encumbrances) on the land plots included in them, specified in paragraphs 14, 15 and 16, are carried out on the basis of materials on surveying the boundaries of the security zone by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in agreement with the owners, owners or users of land plots - for projected gas distribution networks and without agreement with these persons - for existing gas distribution networks.

18. The decision of the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to approve the border of the protective zone and impose restrictions (encumbrances) on the land plots included in it is the basis for carrying out cadastral work to form parts of land plots included in the protective zone, their state cadastral registration with the assignment of registration cadastral numbers in the Unified State Register of Lands and state registration of encumbrances in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It.

19. To carry out cadastral work, the organization that owns the gas distribution network or the operating organization sends an application to the body that maintains the state land cadastre, attaching a decision of the executive authority of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the establishment of security zones and materials for delineating the boundaries of these zones.

20. Based on the results of cadastral work, the organization that owns the gas distribution network or operating organization is issued cadastral plans of land plots indicating the boundaries and cadastral registration numbers of parts of land plots included in the security zone.

21. The restrictions (encumbrances) specified in paragraphs 14, 15 and 16 of these Rules are subject to state registration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it.

22. A permit to carry out work in the security zone of the gas distribution network must contain information about the nature of hazardous production factors, the location of the gas pipeline route, the conditions under which the work will be carried out, precautions, the availability and content of instructions that must be followed when performing specific types of work. The permit also specifies the stages of work carried out in the presence and under the supervision of a representative of the operating organization of the gas distribution network.

23. Persons who intend to carry out work in the security zone of the gas distribution network are obliged to invite a representative of the operating organization of the gas distribution network to the place of work at least 3 working days before the start of work. The operating organization is obliged to ensure the timely appearance of its representative at the place of work to indicate the gas pipeline route and monitor compliance with measures to ensure the safety of the gas distribution network.

24. In the event of damage to the gas distribution network or detection of a gas leak when performing work in the security zone, technical equipment must be stopped, engines turned off, and personnel must be removed from the work site and located, if possible, on the windward side. The emergency dispatch service of the operating organization of the gas distribution network is immediately notified of the incident. Before the arrival of the emergency team, the work manager is obliged to take measures to prevent access to the site of network damage or gas leakage by unauthorized persons and vehicles, as well as measures to exclude the appearance of sources of open fire.

If underground communications and structures not specified in the technical documentation are discovered at the work site, the work must be stopped immediately and measures must be taken to ensure the safety of the discovered underground communications and structures, establish their ownership and call a representative of the relevant operating organization of the gas distribution network.

25. Operating organizations of gas distribution networks, subject to sending prior written notice to the owners, owners or users of land plots located in security zones, have the right to carry out the following work in security zones:

a) maintenance, repair and diagnostics of gas distribution networks;

b) construction, at the expense of organizations that own gas distribution networks, of roads, entrances and other structures necessary for the operation of networks on terms agreed with the owners, holders or users of land plots;

c) digging pits and pits, drilling wells and other earthworks carried out to determine the technical condition of gas distribution networks or their repair;

d) clearing the routes (clearings) of gas pipelines from trees and shrubs in the presence of a felling permit issued in the prescribed manner.

26. When passing through security zones of gas distribution networks through forests and trees and shrubs, operating organizations of gas distribution networks are obliged at their own expense:

create mineralized strips along the borders of clearings with a width of at least 1.4 meters;

arrange crossings for fire-fighting equipment every 5 - 7 kilometers. Work in such protected zones and outside them must be carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the forestry legislation of the Russian Federation.

27. Notification of work is sent by the operating organization of the gas distribution network by mail at least 5 working days before the start of work.

28. To ensure access to the security zone of the gas distribution network, if necessary, the operating organization concludes, in the prescribed manner, with the owners, holders or users of adjacent land plots, temporary use agreements for land plots or agreements for the establishment of easements.

29. Work to prevent accidents or eliminate their consequences on gas pipelines can be carried out by the operating organization of the gas distribution network at any time of the year without the consent of the owners, owners or users of land plots, but with notification of them about the work being carried out.

30. If a representative of the operating organization of the gas distribution network discovers that work is being carried out in the security zone without proper execution of a work permit or that work is being carried out in violation of these Rules, the representative of the operating organization has the right to suspend said work and draw up an appropriate act.

31. If circumstances are discovered that affect the safety of work carried out by third-party legal entities and individuals in the security zone of the gas distribution network on the basis of permission from the operating organization, the latter is obliged to inspect the gas distribution network at the place of work in order to determine its technical condition and ensure safety.

32. If it is necessary to carry out repair work to prevent destruction of the gas distribution network or eliminate gas leaks, the operating organization has the right to temporarily, until the completion of repair or emergency restoration work, prohibit any work in this location.

33. Information about gas leaks that threaten buildings and structures not related to the gas distribution network must be transmitted by the operating organization to the owners, owners or users of these facilities, as well as executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local governments.

34. Planned maintenance and repair work in the security zone of gas distribution networks, requiring the removal of road surfaces and digging up the soil, must be approved in the manner established by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In the event of a gas leak from gas distribution networks, emergency restoration work is carried out without prior approval, but with the obligatory call to the work site of representatives of organizations, the list of which is established by the executive authorities of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

35. The organization carrying out emergency restoration work detours the accident site, installs the necessary warning signs for vehicles and pedestrians, and restores the road surface.

36. In emergency situations, the operating organization is allowed to access the gas distribution network along the shortest route for the delivery of equipment and materials with the subsequent execution of an act. When carrying out the specified work on gas pipelines passing through forests and trees and shrubs, trees are allowed to be felled, followed by the issuance of felling tickets within a month and the clearing of felling sites from logging residues.

37. After carrying out work to repair, maintain or eliminate the consequences of accidents of the gas distribution network on forest or agricultural lands, the operating organization must bring these lands to their original state (reclaim) and transfer them according to the act to the owner, owner, user of the land plot or a person authorized by him .

38. Losses caused to owners, owners or users of land plots as a result of work are compensated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

39. In the case of the location of other utilities belonging to other organizations in the security zones of gas distribution networks, or the intersection of gas distribution networks with such communications, the relations of the operating organization with the organizations that own these communications are built on the basis of agreements defining joint actions to ensure the safe operation of these structures and prevent accidents and emergency situations and liquidation of their consequences.

40. Operating organizations of gas distribution networks and other utilities running in the same security zone jointly develop a diagram of facilities with a precise indication of their location, as well as a plan for joint control and maintenance of communications and emergency response, providing for measures to prevent damage in neighboring areas.

41. The procedure for the operation of gas pipelines in protected zones when they cross roads and railways, utilities, navigable and rafting rivers, lakes, reservoirs, canals, territories of industrial enterprises, approaches to airfields, agricultural land, forests, trees and shrubs and other properties must be agreed upon by the operating organizations of gas distribution networks with interested organizations, as well as owners, holders or users of land plots.

42. Owners of utility lines laid in security zones of gas distribution networks, or persons authorized by them, are obliged to ensure that these utilities are marked on the ground with identification and warning signs.

43. If it is necessary to cross existing gas distribution networks with new communications, the costs associated with the re-equipment of networks are reimbursed by the owner of the new communications.

44. Operating organizations of gas distribution networks, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments are obliged to cooperate in ensuring the safety of gas distribution networks, preventing accidents and emergencies, as well as eliminating their consequences.

45. Interference in activities related to ensuring the safe operation of gas distribution networks by unauthorized executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, public organizations, legal entities and individuals is prohibited.

46. ​​Legal entities and individuals conducting economic activities on land plots located in the security zone of the gas distribution network are obliged to take all measures within their power to promote the safety of the network and not impede the access of technical personnel of the operating organization to the gas distribution network. If the gas distribution network passes through restricted zones and special facilities, personnel of the operating organization are issued passes (permits) to access the network at any time of the day without charging a fee.

47. Land plots located in the security zones of gas distribution networks are not confiscated from their owners, possessors or users and can be used by them subject to the restrictions (encumbrances) established by these Rules and imposed on land plots in the prescribed manner.

48. The establishment of security zones for gas distribution networks does not entail a ban on transactions with land plots located in these security zones. Documents certifying the rights of owners, holders and users to land plots located in the security zones of gas distribution networks indicate restrictions (encumbrances) on the rights of these owners, holders and users.

49. Legal entities and individuals guilty of violating the requirements of these Rules, as well as the functioning of gas distribution networks, are held accountable in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

50. Losses caused to the organization that owns the gas distribution network or operating organization as a result of blocking or damage to the gas distribution network or as a result of other actions that disrupt the uninterrupted or safe operation of the gas distribution network are calculated and recovered in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Russian Federation Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation

On approval of the Rules for the protection of gas distribution networks (as amended as of December 22, 2011)

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On approval of the Rules for the protection of gas distribution networks

Document with changes made:

protection of gas distribution networks

1. These Rules, developed on the basis of the Federal Law "On Gas Supply in the Russian Federation", establish the procedure for determining the boundaries of security zones of gas distribution networks, conditions for the use of land plots located within them, and restrictions on economic activities that may lead to damage to gas distribution networks, determine the rights and responsibilities of operating organizations in the field of ensuring the safety of gas distribution networks during their operation, maintenance, repair, as well as preventing accidents on gas distribution networks and eliminating their consequences.

2. These Rules are valid throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation and are mandatory for legal entities and individuals who are owners, holders or users of land plots located within the security zones of gas distribution networks, or who design objects for housing, civil and industrial purposes, engineering, transport facilities and social infrastructure, or carrying out any economic activity within the boundaries of the specified land plots.

3. These Rules use the following concepts:

a) “gas distribution pipelines” - gas pipelines that provide gas supply from gas distribution stations of main gas pipelines or other gas supply sources to gas inlet pipelines or gas consumer organizations;

b) “inter-settlement gas pipeline” - a distribution gas pipeline laid between settlements;

c) “gas pipeline-input” - a gas pipeline from the point of connection to the distribution gas pipeline to the disconnecting device or the external structure of the building or structure of the gas consumer;

d) “gas pipeline route” - the position of the gas pipeline axis on the ground, determined by two projections: horizontal (plan) and vertical (longitudinal profile);

e) “gas control point” - technological equipment located in special buildings, cabinets or blocks, designed to reduce gas pressure and maintain it at a given level in gas distribution networks;

f) “security zone of the gas distribution network” - a territory with special conditions of use, established along the routes of gas pipelines and around other objects of the gas distribution network in order to ensure normal conditions for its operation and eliminate the possibility of its damage;

g) “standard distances” - the minimum permissible distances from the gas distribution network to buildings and structures not related to this network, established during the design and construction of this network, buildings and structures in order to ensure their safety, as well as the people in them in the event of an emergency emergency situation on the gas distribution network;

h) “organization - owner of the gas distribution network” - an organization that acquired the gas distribution network in the process of privatization or created or acquired a gas distribution network on other grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

i) “operational organization of the gas distribution network” - a specialized organization that operates the gas distribution network and provides services related to the supply of gas to consumers. The operating organization can be the organization that owns this network or the organization that has entered into an agreement with the organization that owns the network for its operation.

4. The gas distribution networks include:

a) external underground, ground and above-ground distribution gas pipelines, inter-settlement gas pipelines, gas inlet pipelines with shut-off valves installed on them;

b) off-site gas pipelines of industrial enterprises;

c) crossings of gas pipelines through natural and artificial obstacles, including rivers, railways and roads;

d) free-standing gas control points located on and outside the territory of populated areas, industrial and other enterprises, as well as gas control points located in buildings, cabinets or blocks;

e) devices for electrochemical protection of steel gas pipelines from corrosion and means of telemechanization of gas distribution networks, objects for their electric drive and power supply.

5. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, gas distribution networks are classified as hazardous production facilities, which is due to the explosive and fire hazardous properties of the gas transported through them. The fundamentals for the safe operation of gas distribution networks are determined by the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”.

6. Any work in the security zones of gas distribution networks is carried out in strict compliance with the requirements for the safety of the networks being opened and other utilities, as well as for the safe passage of special vehicles and the passage of pedestrians.

7. The following security zones are established for gas distribution networks:

a) along the routes of external gas pipelines - in the form of a territory limited by conditional lines running at a distance of 2 meters on each side of the gas pipeline;

b) along the routes of underground gas pipelines made of polyethylene pipes when using copper wire to mark the gas pipeline route - in the form of an area limited by conditional lines running at a distance of 3 meters from the gas pipeline on the side of the wire and 2 meters on the opposite side;

c) along the routes of external gas pipelines on permafrost soils, regardless of the material of the pipes - in the form of an area limited by conditional lines running at a distance of 10 meters on each side of the gas pipeline;

d) around separate gas control points - in the form of a territory bounded by a closed line drawn at a distance of 10 meters from the boundaries of these objects. For gas control points attached to buildings, the security zone is not regulated;

e) along underwater crossings of gas pipelines through navigable and floating rivers, lakes, reservoirs, canals - in the form of a section of water space from the water surface to the bottom, enclosed between parallel planes spaced 100 m on each side of the gas pipeline;

e) along the routes of inter-settlement gas pipelines passing through forests and trees and shrubs - in the form of clearings 6 meters wide, 3 meters on each side of the gas pipeline. For above-ground sections of gas pipelines, the distance from trees to the pipeline must be no less than the height of the trees throughout the entire life of the gas pipeline.

8. When determining the security zones of gas pipelines, distances are measured from the axis of the gas pipeline - for single-line gas pipelines and from the axes of the outermost lines of gas pipelines - for multi-line ones.

9. Standard distances are established taking into account the significance of the objects, the conditions for laying the gas pipeline, gas pressure and other factors, but not less than the building codes and rules approved by the specially authorized federal executive body in the field of urban planning and construction.

10. The routes of underground gas pipelines are marked with identification marks painted on permanent landmarks or reinforced concrete columns up to 1.5 meters high (outside urban and rural settlements), which are installed within line of sight at least 500 meters from each other, as well as in places intersections of gas pipelines with railways and roads, at turns and at each gas pipeline structure (wells, carpets, condensate collectors, electrochemical protection devices, etc.). The identification signs indicate the distance from the gas pipeline, its depth and the telephone number of the emergency dispatch service.

11. Identification marks are installed or applied by construction organizations to permanent landmarks during the construction of gas distribution networks. Subsequently, the installation, repair or restoration of identification marks of gas pipelines is carried out by the operating organization of the gas distribution network. The installation of signs is formalized by a joint act with the owners, owners or users of the land plots along which the route passes.

12. At the intersections of gas pipelines with navigable and floatable rivers and canals, navigation signs are installed on both banks at a distance of 100 m from the axis of the gas pipelines. Navigation marks are installed by the operating organization of the gas distribution network in agreement with the basin departments of waterways and navigation (canal departments) and are entered by the latter into pilot charts.

13. As-built survey of gas distribution networks and the boundaries of their security zones is carried out in a unified state or local coordinate system and is documented in the prescribed manner. Organizations that own gas distribution networks or operating organizations are required to include materials from as-built surveys as part of the materials for marking the boundaries of security zones, which are transferred to the bodies maintaining the state land cadastre.

14. In order to prevent damage to them or violation of the conditions of their normal operation, restrictions (encumbrances) are imposed on land plots included in the security zones of gas distribution networks, which prohibit the persons specified in paragraph 2 of these Rules from:

a) build objects for housing, civil and industrial purposes;

b) demolish and reconstruct bridges, collectors, roads and railways with gas distribution networks located on them without first removing these gas pipelines in agreement with operating organizations;

c) destroy bank protection structures, culverts, earthen and other structures protecting gas distribution networks from destruction;

d) move, damage, cover up and destroy identification signs, control and measuring points and other devices of gas distribution networks;

e) arrange landfills and warehouses, pour solutions of acids, salts, alkalis and other chemically active substances;

f) fence and block security zones, prevent personnel of operating organizations from accessing gas distribution networks, carrying out maintenance and eliminating damage to gas distribution networks;

g) start a fire and place fire sources;

h) dig cellars, dig and cultivate the soil with agricultural and reclamation tools and mechanisms to a depth of more than 0.3 meters;

i) open gates and doors of gas control points, cathodic and drainage protection stations, hatches of underground wells, turn on or off the power supply to communications, lighting and telemechanics systems;

j) throw, attach and tie foreign objects, ladders to supports and overhead gas pipelines, fences and buildings of gas distribution networks, and climb on them;

k) connect to gas distribution networks without permission.

15. Forestry, agricultural and other work not subject to the restrictions specified in paragraph 14 of these Rules, and not related to the violation of the land horizon and cultivation of the soil to a depth of more than 0.3 meters, are carried out by the owners, holders or users of land plots in the protected zone gas distribution network, subject to prior written notification to the operating organization at least 3 working days before the start of work.

16. Economic activities in the security zones of gas distribution networks, not provided for in paragraphs 14 and these Rules, in which the surface of the land plot is violated and the soil is cultivated to a depth of more than 0.3 meters, is carried out on the basis of written permission from the operating organization of the gas distribution networks.

17. Approval of the boundaries of security zones of gas distribution networks and the imposition of restrictions (encumbrances) on the land plots included in them, specified in paragraphs 14, and, are carried out on the basis of materials on surveying the boundaries of the security zone by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in agreement with the owners, holders or by users of land plots - for projected gas distribution networks and without agreement with the specified persons - for existing gas distribution networks.

18. The decision of the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to approve the border of the protective zone and impose restrictions (encumbrances) on the land plots included in it is the basis for carrying out cadastral work to form parts of land plots included in the protective zone, their state cadastral registration with the assignment of registration cadastral numbers in the Unified State Register of Lands and state registration of encumbrances in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It.

19. To carry out cadastral work, the owner organization of the gas distribution network or the operating organization sends to the body that maintains the state land cadastre an application accompanied by a decision of the executive authority of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the establishment of security zones and materials for demarcating the boundaries of these zones.

20. Based on the results of cadastral work, the organization that owns the gas distribution network or operating organization is issued cadastral plans of land plots indicating the boundaries and cadastral registration numbers of parts of land plots included in the security zone.

22. A permit to carry out work in the security zone of the gas distribution network must contain information about the nature of hazardous production factors, the location of the gas pipeline route, the conditions under which the work will be carried out, precautions, the availability and content of instructions that must be followed when performing specific types of work. The permit also specifies the stages of work carried out in the presence and under the supervision of a representative of the operating organization of the gas distribution network.

23. Persons who intend to carry out work in the security zone of the gas distribution network are obliged to invite a representative of the operating organization of the gas distribution network to the place of work at least 3 working days before the start of work. The operating organization is obliged to ensure the timely appearance of its representative at the place of work to indicate the gas pipeline route and monitor compliance with measures to ensure the safety of the gas distribution network.

24. In the event of damage to the gas distribution network or detection of a gas leak when performing work in the security zone, technical equipment must be stopped, engines turned off, and personnel must be removed from the work site and located, if possible, on the windward side. The emergency dispatch service of the operating organization of the gas distribution network, as well as, in the prescribed manner, the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and (or) the local government body are immediately notified of the incident.

(Paragraph as amended, put into effect. - See previous edition)

The emergency dispatch service of the operating organization of the gas distribution network, having received a message about damage to the gas distribution network, sends the specified information, as well as information about the progress and completion of emergency response measures to the received message, to the system for providing calls to emergency operational services via a single number “112”.

(Paragraph additionally included by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2011 N 1101)

If underground communications and structures not specified in the technical documentation are discovered at the work site, the work must be stopped immediately and measures must be taken to ensure the safety of the discovered underground communications and structures, establish their ownership and call a representative of the relevant operating organization of the gas distribution network.

25. Operating organizations of gas distribution networks, subject to sending prior written notice to the owners, owners or users of land plots located in security zones, have the right to carry out the following work in security zones:

a) maintenance, repair and diagnostics of gas distribution networks;

b) construction, at the expense of organizations that own gas distribution networks, of roads, entrances and other structures necessary for the operation of networks on terms agreed with the owners, holders or users of land plots;

c) digging pits and pits, drilling wells and other earthworks carried out to determine the technical condition of gas distribution networks or their repair;

d) clearing the routes (clearings) of gas pipelines from trees and shrubs in the presence of a felling permit issued in the prescribed manner.

26. When passing through security zones of gas distribution networks through forests and trees and shrubs, operating organizations of gas distribution networks are obliged at their own expense:

create mineralized strips along the borders of clearings with a width of at least 1.4 meters;

arrange crossings for fire fighting equipment every 5-7 kilometers. Work in such protected zones and outside them must be carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the forestry legislation of the Russian Federation.

27. Notification of work is sent by the operating organization of the gas distribution network by mail at least 5 working days before the start of work.

28. To ensure access to the security zone of the gas distribution network, if necessary, the operating organization concludes, in the prescribed manner, with the owners, holders or users of adjacent land plots, temporary use agreements for land plots or agreements for the establishment of easements.

29. Work to prevent accidents or eliminate their consequences on gas pipelines can be carried out by the operating organization of the gas distribution network at any time of the year without the consent of the owners, owners or users of land plots, but with notification of them about the work being carried out.

30. If a representative of the operating organization of the gas distribution network discovers that work is being carried out in the security zone without proper execution of a work permit or that work is being carried out in violation of these Rules, the representative of the operating organization has the right to suspend said work and draw up an appropriate act.

31. If circumstances are discovered that affect the safety of work carried out by third-party legal entities and individuals in the security zone of the gas distribution network on the basis of permission from the operating organization, the latter is obliged to inspect the gas distribution network at the place of work in order to determine its technical condition and ensure safety.

32. If it is necessary to carry out repair work to prevent destruction of the gas distribution network or eliminate gas leaks, the operating organization has the right to temporarily, until the completion of repair or emergency restoration work, prohibit any work in this location.

33. Information about gas leaks that threaten buildings and structures not related to the gas distribution network must be transmitted by the operating organization to the owners, owners or users of these facilities, as well as executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local governments.

34. Planned maintenance and repair work in the security zone of gas distribution networks, requiring the removal of road surfaces and digging up the soil, must be approved in the manner established by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In the event of a gas leak from gas distribution networks, emergency restoration work is carried out without prior approval, but with the obligatory call to the work site of representatives of organizations, the list of which is established by the executive authorities of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

35. The organization carrying out emergency restoration work detours the accident site, installs the necessary warning signs for vehicles and pedestrians, and restores the road surface.

36. In emergency situations, the operating organization is allowed to access the gas distribution network along the shortest route for the delivery of equipment and materials with the subsequent execution of an act. When carrying out the specified work on gas pipelines passing through forests and trees and shrubs, trees are allowed to be felled, followed by the issuance of felling tickets within a month and the clearing of felling sites from logging residues.

37. After carrying out work to repair, maintain or eliminate the consequences of accidents of the gas distribution network on forest or agricultural lands, the operating organization must bring these lands to their original state (reclaim) and transfer them according to the act to the owner, owner, user of the land plot or a person authorized by him .

38. Losses caused to owners, owners or users of land plots as a result of work are compensated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

39. In the case of the location of other utilities belonging to other organizations in the security zones of gas distribution networks, or the intersection of gas distribution networks with such communications, the relations of the operating organization with the organizations that own these communications are built on the basis of agreements defining joint actions to ensure the safe operation of these structures and prevent accidents and emergency situations and liquidation of their consequences.

40. Operating organizations of gas distribution networks and other utilities running in the same security zone jointly develop a diagram of facilities with a precise indication of their location, as well as a plan for joint control and maintenance of communications and emergency response, providing for measures to prevent damage in neighboring areas.

41. The procedure for the operation of gas pipelines in protected zones when they cross roads and railways, utilities, navigable and rafting rivers, lakes, reservoirs, canals, territories of industrial enterprises, approaches to airfields, agricultural land, forests, trees and shrubs and other properties must be agreed upon by the operating organizations of gas distribution networks with interested organizations, as well as owners, holders or users of land plots.

42. Owners of utility lines laid in security zones of gas distribution networks, or persons authorized by them, are obliged to ensure that these utilities are marked on the ground with identification and warning signs.

43. If it is necessary to cross existing gas distribution networks with new communications, the costs associated with the re-equipment of networks are reimbursed by the owner of the new communications.

44. Operating organizations of gas distribution networks, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments are obliged to cooperate in ensuring the safety of gas distribution networks, preventing accidents and emergencies, as well as eliminating their consequences.

45. Interference in activities related to ensuring the safe operation of gas distribution networks by unauthorized executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, public organizations, legal entities and individuals is prohibited.

46. ​​Legal entities and individuals conducting economic activities on land plots located in the security zone of the gas distribution network are obliged to take all measures within their power to promote the safety of the network and not impede the access of technical personnel of the operating organization to the gas distribution network. If the gas distribution network passes through restricted zones and special facilities, personnel of the operating organization are issued passes (permits) to access the network at any time of the day without charging a fee.

47. Land plots located in the security zones of gas distribution networks are not confiscated from their owners, possessors or users and can be used by them subject to the restrictions (encumbrances) established by these Rules and imposed on land plots in the prescribed manner.

48. The establishment of security zones for gas distribution networks does not entail a ban on transactions with land plots located in these security zones. Documents certifying the rights of owners, holders and users to land plots located in the security zones of gas distribution networks indicate restrictions (encumbrances) on the rights of these owners, holders and users.

49. Legal entities and individuals guilty of violating the requirements of these Rules, as well as the functioning of gas distribution networks, are held accountable in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

50. Losses caused to the organization that owns the gas distribution network or operating organization as a result of blocking or damage to the gas distribution network or as a result of other actions that disrupt the uninterrupted or safe operation of the gas distribution network are calculated and recovered in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

17. Approval of the boundaries of the security zones of gas distribution networks and the imposition of restrictions (encumbrances) on the land plots included in them, specified in paragraphs 14, 15 and 16, are carried out on the basis of an application for approval of the boundaries of the security zone of gas distribution networks and information about the boundaries of the security zone of gas distribution networks, which must contain text and graphic descriptions of the location of the boundaries of such a zone, a list of coordinates of characteristic points of these boundaries in the coordinate system established for maintaining the state real estate cadastre, by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in agreement with the owners, holders or users of land plots - for the designed gas distribution networks and without agreement with these persons - for existing gas distribution networks.

18. The decision of the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to approve the border of the protective zone and impose restrictions (encumbrances) on the land plots included in it is the basis for carrying out cadastral work to form parts of land plots included in the protective zone, their state cadastral registration with the assignment of registration cadastral numbers in the Unified State Register of Lands and state registration of encumbrances in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It.

23. Persons who intend to carry out work in , are obliged to invite a representative of the operating organization of the gas distribution network to the place of work at least 3 working days before the start of work. The operating organization is obliged to ensure the timely appearance of its representative at the place of work to indicate the gas pipeline route and monitor compliance with measures to ensure the safety of the gas distribution network.

24. In the event of damage to the gas distribution network or detection of a gas leak when performing work in the security zone, technical equipment must be stopped, engines turned off, and personnel must be removed from the work site and located, if possible, on the windward side. The emergency dispatch service of the operating organization of the gas distribution network, as well as, in the prescribed manner, the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and (or) the local government body are immediately notified of the incident. Before the arrival of the emergency team, the work manager is obliged to take measures to prevent access to the site of network damage or gas leakage by unauthorized persons and vehicles, as well as measures to exclude the appearance of sources of open fire.

The emergency dispatch service of the operating organization of the gas distribution network, having received a message about damage to the gas distribution network, sends the specified information, as well as information about the progress and completion of emergency response measures to the received message, to the system for providing calls to emergency operational services via a single number “112”.

If underground communications and structures not specified in the technical documentation are discovered at the work site, the work must be stopped immediately and measures must be taken to ensure the safety of the discovered underground communications and structures, establish their ownership and call a representative of the relevant operating organization of the gas distribution network.

25. Operating organizations of gas distribution networks, subject to sending prior written notice to the owners, owners or users of land plots located in security zones, have the right to carry out the following work in security zones:

a) maintenance, repair and diagnostics of gas distribution networks;

b) construction, at the expense of organizations that own gas distribution networks, of roads, entrances and other structures necessary for the operation of networks on terms agreed with the owners, holders or users of land plots;

c) digging pits and pits, drilling wells and other earthworks carried out to determine the technical condition of gas distribution networks or their repair;

d) clearing the routes (clearings) of gas pipelines from trees and shrubs in the presence of a felling permit issued in the prescribed manner.

26. When passing through security zones of gas distribution networks through forests and trees and shrubs, operating organizations of gas distribution networks are obliged at their own expense:

create mineralized strips along the borders of clearings with a width of at least 1.4 meters;

arrange crossings for fire-fighting equipment every 5 - 7 kilometers. Work in such protected zones and outside them must be carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the forestry legislation of the Russian Federation.

27. Notification of work is sent by the operating organization of the gas distribution network by mail at least 5 working days before the start of work.

28. To ensure access to the security zone of the gas distribution network, if necessary, the operating organization concludes, in the prescribed manner, with the owners, holders or users of adjacent land plots, temporary use agreements for land plots or agreements for the establishment of easements.

29. Work to prevent accidents or eliminate their consequences on gas pipelines can be carried out by the operating organization of the gas distribution network at any time of the year without the consent of the owners, owners or users of land plots, but with notification of them about the work being carried out.

30. If a representative of the operating organization of the gas distribution network discovers that work is being carried out in the security zone without proper execution of a work permit or that work is being carried out in violation of these Rules, the representative of the operating organization has the right to suspend said work and draw up an appropriate act.

31. If circumstances are discovered that affect the safety of work carried out by third-party legal entities and individuals in the security zone of the gas distribution network on the basis of permission from the operating organization, the latter is obliged to inspect the gas distribution network at the place of work in order to determine its technical condition and ensure safety.

32. If it is necessary to carry out repair work to prevent destruction of the gas distribution network or eliminate gas leaks, the operating organization has the right to temporarily, until the completion of repair or emergency restoration work, prohibit any work in this location.

33. Information about gas leaks that threaten buildings and structures not related to the gas distribution network must be transmitted by the operating organization to the owners, owners or users of these facilities, as well as executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local governments.

34. Planned maintenance and repair work in the security zone of gas distribution networks, requiring the removal of road surfaces and digging up the soil, must be approved in the manner established by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In the event of a gas leak from gas distribution networks, emergency restoration work is carried out without prior approval, but with the obligatory call to the work site of representatives of organizations, the list of which is established by the executive authorities of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

35. The organization carrying out emergency restoration work detours the accident site, installs the necessary warning signs for vehicles and pedestrians, and restores the road surface.

36. In emergency situations, the operating organization is allowed to access the gas distribution network along the shortest route for the delivery of equipment and materials with the subsequent execution of an act. When carrying out the specified work on gas pipelines passing through forests and trees and shrubs, trees are allowed to be felled, followed by the issuance of felling tickets within a month and the clearing of felling sites from logging residues.

37. After carrying out work to repair, maintain or eliminate the consequences of accidents of the gas distribution network on forest or agricultural lands, the operating organization must bring these lands to their original state (reclaim) and transfer them according to the act to the owner, owner, user of the land plot or a person authorized by him .

38. Losses caused to owners, owners or users of land plots as a result of work are compensated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

39. In the case of the location of other utilities belonging to other organizations in the security zones of gas distribution networks, or the intersection of gas distribution networks with such communications, the relations of the operating organization with the organizations that own these communications are built on the basis of agreements defining joint actions to ensure the safe operation of these structures and prevent accidents and emergency situations and liquidation of their consequences.

40. Operating organizations of gas distribution networks and other utilities running in the same security zone jointly develop a diagram of facilities with a precise indication of their location, as well as a plan for joint control and maintenance of communications and emergency response, providing for measures to prevent damage in neighboring areas.

41. The procedure for the operation of gas pipelines in protected zones when they cross roads and railways, utilities, navigable and rafting rivers, lakes, reservoirs, canals, territories of industrial enterprises, approaches to airfields, agricultural land, forests, trees and shrubs and other properties must be agreed upon by the operating organizations of gas distribution networks with interested organizations, as well as owners, holders or users of land plots.

42. Owners of utility lines laid in security zones of gas distribution networks, or persons authorized by them, are obliged to ensure that these utilities are marked on the ground with identification and warning signs.

43. If it is necessary to cross existing gas distribution networks with new communications, the costs associated with the re-equipment of networks are reimbursed by the owner of the new communications.

44. Operating organizations of gas distribution networks, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments are obliged to cooperate in ensuring the safety of gas distribution networks, preventing accidents and emergencies, as well as eliminating their consequences.

45. Interference in activities related to ensuring the safe operation of gas distribution networks by unauthorized executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, public organizations, legal entities and individuals is prohibited.

46. ​​Legal entities and individuals conducting economic activities on land plots located in the security zone of the gas distribution network are obliged to take all measures within their power to promote the safety of the network and not impede the access of technical personnel of the operating organization to the gas distribution network. If the gas distribution network passes through restricted zones and special facilities, personnel of the operating organization are issued passes (permits) to access the network at any time of the day without charging a fee.

47. Land plots located in the security zones of gas distribution networks are not confiscated from their owners, possessors or users and can be used by them subject to the restrictions (encumbrances) established by these Rules and imposed on land plots in the prescribed manner.

48. The establishment of security zones for gas distribution networks does not entail a ban on transactions with land plots located in these security zones. Documents certifying the rights of owners, holders and users to land plots located in the security zones of gas distribution networks indicate restrictions (encumbrances) on the rights of these owners, holders and users.

49. Legal entities and individuals guilty of violating the requirements of these Rules, as well as the functioning of gas distribution networks, are held accountable in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

50. Losses caused to the organization that owns the gas distribution network or operating organization as a result of blocking or damage to the gas distribution network or as a result of other actions that disrupt the uninterrupted or safe operation of the gas distribution network are calculated and recovered in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Government resolution
Russian Federation
dated November 20, 2000
N 878


protection of gas distribution networks

1. These Rules, developed on the basis of the Federal Law "On Gas Supply in the Russian Federation", establish the procedure for determining the boundaries of security zones of gas distribution networks, conditions for the use of land plots located within them, and restrictions on economic activities that may lead to damage to gas distribution networks, determine the rights and responsibilities of operating organizations in the field of ensuring the safety of gas distribution networks during their operation, maintenance, repair, as well as preventing accidents on gas distribution networks and eliminating their consequences.
2. These Rules are valid throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation and are mandatory for legal entities and individuals who are owners, holders or users of land plots located within the security zones of gas distribution networks, or who design objects for housing, civil and industrial purposes, engineering, transport facilities and social infrastructure, or carrying out any economic activity within the boundaries of the specified land plots.
3. These Rules use the following concepts:
a) “gas distribution pipelines” - gas pipelines that provide gas supply from gas distribution stations of main gas pipelines or other gas supply sources to gas inlet pipelines or gas consumer organizations;
b) “inter-settlement gas pipeline” - a distribution gas pipeline laid between settlements;
c) “gas pipeline-input” - a gas pipeline from the point of connection to the distribution gas pipeline to the disconnecting device or the external structure of the building or structure of the gas consumer;
d) “gas pipeline route” - the position of the gas pipeline axis on the ground, determined by two projections: horizontal (plan) and vertical (longitudinal profile);
e) “gas control point” - technological equipment located in special buildings, cabinets or blocks, designed to reduce gas pressure and maintain it at a given level in gas distribution networks;
f) “security zone of the gas distribution network” - a territory with special conditions of use, established along the routes of gas pipelines and around other objects of the gas distribution network in order to ensure normal conditions for its operation and eliminate the possibility of its damage;
g) “standard distances” - the minimum permissible distances from the gas distribution network to buildings and structures not related to this network, established during the design and construction of this network, buildings and structures in order to ensure their safety, as well as the people in them in the event of an emergency emergency situation on the gas distribution network;
h) “organization - owner of the gas distribution network” - an organization that acquired the gas distribution network in the process of privatization or created or acquired a gas distribution network on other grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
i) “operational organization of the gas distribution network” - a specialized organization that operates the gas distribution network and provides services related to the supply of gas to consumers. The operating organization can be the organization that owns this network or the organization that has entered into an agreement with the organization that owns the network for its operation.
4. The gas distribution networks include:
a) external underground, ground and above-ground distribution gas pipelines, inter-settlement gas pipelines, gas inlet pipelines with shut-off valves installed on them;
b) off-site gas pipelines of industrial enterprises;
c) crossings of gas pipelines through natural and artificial obstacles, including rivers, railways and roads;
d) free-standing gas control points located on and outside the territory of populated areas, industrial and other enterprises, as well as gas control points located in buildings, cabinets or blocks;
e) devices for electrochemical protection of steel gas pipelines from corrosion and means of telemechanization of gas distribution networks, objects for their electric drive and power supply.
5. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, gas distribution networks are classified as hazardous production facilities, which is due to the explosive and fire hazardous properties of the gas transported through them. The fundamentals for the safe operation of gas distribution networks are determined by the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”.
6. Any work in the security zones of gas distribution networks is carried out in strict compliance with the requirements for the safety of the networks being opened and other utilities, as well as for the safe passage of special vehicles and the passage of pedestrians.
7. The following security zones are established for gas distribution networks:
a) along the routes of external gas pipelines - in the form of a territory limited by conditional lines running at a distance of 2 meters on each side of the gas pipeline;
b) along the routes of underground gas pipelines made of polyethylene pipes when using copper wire to mark the gas pipeline route - in the form of an area limited by conditional lines running at a distance of 3 meters from the gas pipeline on the side of the wire and 2 meters on the opposite side;
c) along the routes of external gas pipelines on permafrost soils, regardless of the material of the pipes - in the form of an area limited by conditional lines running at a distance of 10 meters on each side of the gas pipeline;
d) around separate gas control points - in the form of a territory bounded by a closed line drawn at a distance of 10 meters from the boundaries of these objects. For gas control points attached to buildings, the security zone is not regulated;
e) along underwater crossings of gas pipelines through navigable and floating rivers, lakes, reservoirs, canals - in the form of a section of water space from the water surface to the bottom, enclosed between parallel planes spaced 100 m on each side of the gas pipeline;
e) along the routes of inter-settlement gas pipelines passing through forests and trees and shrubs - in the form of clearings 6 meters wide, 3 meters on each side of the gas pipeline. For above-ground sections of gas pipelines, the distance from trees to the pipeline must be no less than the height of the trees throughout the entire life of the gas pipeline.
8. When determining the security zones of gas pipelines, distances are measured from the axis of the gas pipeline - for single-line gas pipelines and from the axes of the outermost lines of gas pipelines - for multi-line ones.
9. Standard distances are established taking into account the significance of the objects, the conditions for laying the gas pipeline, gas pressure and other factors, but not less than the building codes and rules approved by the specially authorized federal executive body in the field of urban planning and construction.
10. The routes of underground gas pipelines are marked with identification marks painted on permanent landmarks or reinforced concrete columns up to 1.5 meters high (outside urban and rural settlements), which are installed within line of sight at least 500 meters from each other, as well as in places intersections of gas pipelines with railways and roads, at turns and at each gas pipeline structure (wells, carpets, condensate collectors, electrochemical protection devices, etc.). The identification signs indicate the distance from the gas pipeline, its depth and the telephone number of the emergency dispatch service.
11. Identification marks are installed or applied by construction organizations to permanent landmarks during the construction of gas distribution networks. Subsequently, the installation, repair or restoration of identification marks of gas pipelines is carried out by the operating organization of the gas distribution network. The installation of signs is formalized by a joint act with the owners, owners or users of the land plots along which the route passes.
12. At the intersections of gas pipelines with navigable and floatable rivers and canals, navigation signs are installed on both banks at a distance of 100 m from the axis of the gas pipelines. Navigation marks are installed by the operating organization of the gas distribution network in agreement with the basin departments of waterways and navigation (canal departments) and are entered by the latter into pilot charts.
13. As-built survey of gas distribution networks and the boundaries of their security zones is carried out in a unified state or local coordinate system and is documented in the prescribed manner. Organizations that own gas distribution networks or operating organizations are required to include materials from as-built surveys as part of the materials for marking the boundaries of security zones, which are transferred to the bodies maintaining the state land cadastre.
14. In order to prevent damage to them or violation of the conditions of their normal operation, restrictions (encumbrances) are imposed on land plots included in the security zones of gas distribution networks, which prohibit the persons specified in paragraph 2 of these Rules from:
a) build objects for housing, civil and industrial purposes;
b) demolish and reconstruct bridges, collectors, roads and railways with gas distribution networks located on them without first removing these gas pipelines in agreement with operating organizations;
c) destroy bank protection structures, culverts, earthen and other structures protecting gas distribution networks from destruction;
d) move, damage, cover up and destroy identification signs, control and measuring points and other devices of gas distribution networks;
e) arrange landfills and warehouses, pour solutions of acids, salts, alkalis and other chemically active substances;
f) fence and block security zones, prevent personnel of operating organizations from accessing gas distribution networks, carrying out maintenance and eliminating damage to gas distribution networks;
g) start a fire and place fire sources;
h) dig cellars, dig and cultivate the soil with agricultural and reclamation tools and mechanisms to a depth of more than 0.3 meters;
i) open gates and doors of gas control points, cathodic and drainage protection stations, hatches of underground wells, turn on or off the power supply to communications, lighting and telemechanics systems;
j) throw, attach and tie foreign objects, ladders to supports and overhead gas pipelines, fences and buildings of gas distribution networks, and climb on them;
k) connect to gas distribution networks without permission.
15. Forestry, agricultural and other work not subject to the restrictions specified in paragraph 14 of these Rules, and not related to the violation of the land horizon and cultivation of the soil to a depth of more than 0.3 meters, are carried out by the owners, holders or users of land plots in the protected zone gas distribution network, subject to prior written notification to the operating organization at least 3 working days before the start of work.
16. Economic activities in the security zones of gas distribution networks, not provided for in paragraphs 14 and 15 of these Rules, in which the surface of the land plot is violated and the soil is cultivated to a depth of more than 0.3 meters, is carried out on the basis of written permission from the operating organization of the gas distribution networks.
17. Approval of the boundaries of security zones of gas distribution networks and the imposition of restrictions (encumbrances) on the land plots included in them, specified in paragraphs 14, 15 and 16, are carried out on the basis of materials on surveying the boundaries of the security zone by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in agreement with the owners, owners or users of land plots - for projected gas distribution networks and without agreement with these persons - for existing gas distribution networks.
18. The decision of the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to approve the border of the protective zone and impose restrictions (encumbrances) on the land plots included in it is the basis for carrying out cadastral work to form parts of land plots included in the protective zone, their state cadastral registration with the assignment of registration cadastral numbers in the Unified State Register of Lands and state registration of encumbrances in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It.
19. To carry out cadastral work, the organization that owns the gas distribution network or the operating organization sends an application to the body that maintains the state land cadastre, attaching a decision of the executive authority of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the establishment of security zones and materials for delineating the boundaries of these zones.
20. Based on the results of cadastral work, the organization that owns the gas distribution network or operating organization is issued cadastral plans of land plots indicating the boundaries and cadastral registration numbers of parts of land plots included in the security zone.
21. The restrictions (encumbrances) specified in paragraphs 14, 15 and 16 of these Rules are subject to state registration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it.
22. A permit to carry out work in the security zone of the gas distribution network must contain information about the nature of hazardous production factors, the location of the gas pipeline route, the conditions under which the work will be carried out, precautions, the availability and content of instructions that must be followed when performing specific types of work. The permit also specifies the stages of work carried out in the presence and under the supervision of a representative of the operating organization of the gas distribution network.
23. Persons who intend to carry out work in the security zone of the gas distribution network are obliged to invite a representative of the operating organization of the gas distribution network to the place of work at least 3 working days before the start of work. The operating organization is obliged to ensure the timely appearance of its representative at the place of work to indicate the gas pipeline route and monitor compliance with measures to ensure the safety of the gas distribution network.
24. In the event of damage to the gas distribution network or detection of a gas leak when performing work in the security zone, technical equipment must be stopped, engines turned off, and personnel must be removed from the work site and located, if possible, on the windward side. The emergency dispatch service of the operating organization of the gas distribution network is immediately notified of the incident. Before the arrival of the emergency team, the work manager is obliged to take measures to prevent access to the site of network damage or gas leakage by unauthorized persons and vehicles, as well as measures to exclude the appearance of sources of open fire. If underground communications and structures not specified in the technical documentation are discovered at the work site, the work must be stopped immediately and measures must be taken to ensure the safety of the discovered underground communications and structures, establish their ownership and call a representative of the relevant operating organization of the gas distribution network.
25. Operating organizations of gas distribution networks, subject to sending prior written notice to the owners, owners or users of land plots located in security zones, have the right to carry out the following work in security zones:
a) maintenance, repair and diagnostics of gas distribution networks;
b) construction, at the expense of organizations that own gas distribution networks, of roads, entrances and other structures necessary for the operation of networks on terms agreed with the owners, holders or users of land plots;
c) digging pits and pits, drilling wells and other earthworks carried out to determine the technical condition of gas distribution networks or their repair;
d) clearing the routes (clearings) of gas pipelines from trees and shrubs in the presence of a felling permit issued in the prescribed manner.
26. When passing security zones of gas distribution networks through forests and trees and shrubs, operating organizations of gas distribution networks are obliged at their own expense: to maintain security zones (clearings) of gas distribution networks in a fire-safe condition; create mineralized strips along the borders of clearings with a width of at least 1.4 meters; arrange crossings for fire fighting equipment every 5-7 kilometers. Work in such protected zones and outside them must be carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the forestry legislation of the Russian Federation.
27. Notification of work is sent by the operating organization of the gas distribution network by mail at least 5 working days before the start of work.
28. To ensure access to the security zone of the gas distribution network, if necessary, the operating organization concludes, in the prescribed manner, with the owners, holders or users of adjacent land plots, temporary use agreements for land plots or agreements for the establishment of easements.
29. Work to prevent accidents or eliminate their consequences on gas pipelines can be carried out by the operating organization of the gas distribution network at any time of the year without the consent of the owners, owners or users of land plots, but with notification of them about the work being carried out.
30. If a representative of the operating organization of the gas distribution network discovers that work is being carried out in the security zone without proper execution of a work permit or that work is being carried out in violation of these Rules, the representative of the operating organization has the right to suspend said work and draw up an appropriate act.
31. If circumstances are discovered that affect the safety of work carried out by third-party legal entities and individuals in the security zone of the gas distribution network on the basis of permission from the operating organization, the latter is obliged to inspect the gas distribution network at the place of work in order to determine its technical condition and ensure safety.
32. If it is necessary to carry out repair work to prevent destruction of the gas distribution network or eliminate gas leaks, the operating organization has the right to temporarily, until the completion of repair or emergency restoration work, prohibit any work in this location.
33. Information about gas leaks that threaten buildings and structures not related to the gas distribution network must be transmitted by the operating organization to the owners, owners or users of these facilities, as well as executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local governments.
34. Planned maintenance and repair work in the security zone of gas distribution networks, requiring the removal of road surfaces and digging up the soil, must be approved in the manner established by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In the event of a gas leak from gas distribution networks, emergency restoration work is carried out without prior approval, but with the obligatory call to the work site of representatives of organizations, the list of which is established by the executive authorities of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
35. The organization carrying out emergency restoration work detours the accident site, installs the necessary warning signs for vehicles and pedestrians, and restores the road surface.
36. In emergency situations, the operating organization is allowed to access the gas distribution network along the shortest route for the delivery of equipment and materials with the subsequent execution of an act. When carrying out the specified work on gas pipelines passing through forests and trees and shrubs, trees are allowed to be felled, followed by the issuance of felling tickets within a month and the clearing of felling sites from logging residues.
37. After carrying out work to repair, maintain or eliminate the consequences of accidents of the gas distribution network on forest or agricultural lands, the operating organization must bring these lands to their original state (reclaim) and transfer them according to the act to the owner, owner, user of the land plot or a person authorized by him .
38. Losses caused to owners, owners or users of land plots as a result of work are compensated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
39. In the case of the location of other utilities belonging to other organizations in the security zones of gas distribution networks, or the intersection of gas distribution networks with such communications, the relations of the operating organization with the organizations that own these communications are built on the basis of agreements defining joint actions to ensure the safe operation of these structures and prevent accidents and emergency situations and liquidation of their consequences.
40. Operating organizations of gas distribution networks and other utilities running in the same security zone jointly develop a diagram of facilities with a precise indication of their location, as well as a plan for joint control and maintenance of communications and emergency response, providing for measures to prevent damage in neighboring areas.
41. The procedure for the operation of gas pipelines in protected zones when they cross roads and railways, utilities, navigable and rafting rivers, lakes, reservoirs, canals, territories of industrial enterprises, approaches to airfields, agricultural land, forests, trees and shrubs and other properties must be agreed upon by the operating organizations of gas distribution networks with interested organizations, as well as owners, holders or users of land plots.
42. Owners of utilities laid in security zones of gas distribution networks, or persons authorized by them, are obliged to ensure that these communications are marked on the ground with identification and warning signs.
43. If it is necessary to cross existing gas distribution networks with new communications, the costs associated with the re-equipment of networks are reimbursed by the owner of the new communications.
44. Operating organizations of gas distribution networks, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments are obliged to cooperate in ensuring the safety of gas distribution networks, preventing accidents and emergencies, as well as eliminating their consequences.
45. Interference in activities related to ensuring the safe operation of gas distribution networks by unauthorized executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, public organizations, legal entities and individuals is prohibited.
46. ​​Legal entities and individuals conducting economic activities on land plots located in the security zone of the gas distribution network are obliged to take all measures within their power to promote the safety of the network and not impede the access of technical personnel of the operating organization to the gas distribution network. If the gas distribution network passes through restricted zones and special facilities, personnel of the operating organization are issued passes (permits) to access the network at any time of the day without charging a fee.
47. Land plots located in the security zones of gas distribution networks are not confiscated from their owners, possessors or users and can be used by them subject to the restrictions (encumbrances) established by these Rules and imposed on land plots in the prescribed manner.
48. The establishment of security zones for gas distribution networks does not entail a ban on transactions with land plots located in these security zones. Documents certifying the rights of owners, holders and users to land plots located in the security zones of gas distribution networks indicate restrictions (encumbrances) on the rights of these owners, holders and users.
49. Legal entities and individuals guilty of violating the requirements of these Rules, as well as the functioning of gas distribution networks, are held accountable in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
50. Losses caused to the organization that owns the gas distribution network or operating organization as a result of blocking or damage to the gas distribution network or as a result of other actions that disrupt the uninterrupted or safe operation of the gas distribution network are calculated and recovered in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.