Congratulations on the holiday of telecommunications and information. Happy World Telecommunication Day

Current information age originated with the creation of the first computers. The rapid progress of technology has contributed to the development of civilization, increased productivity of enterprises and simplification production process. People around the world have transferred most of their physical labor to computer-controlled machines. Today, inexpensive equipment allows you to gain free access to knowledge, develop without leaving home, and instantly establish connections between different parts of the planet. World Telecommunication Day and information society dedicated to employees who improve the field every day information technologies.

When is it celebrated?

The UN resolution fixed the date of the holiday on May 17 each year. In fact, World Day is a renamed International Telecommunication Day with updated goals.

Whose professional holiday

People employed in information sphere through Internet communications, celebrate World Telecommunication and Information Society Day. These are mainly editors, website creators and designers, system administrators, providers and others.


The origins of the holiday can be traced back to mid-1844, when the first message was sent via telegraph line. The text was successfully transmitted from Baltimore to Washington in a matter of seconds. This became the starting point of the telegraph era. The development of telecommunications was accelerated by the adoption of an agreement at the international level to support communication structures through the telegraph. The global information space began to expand.

The next step in the development of telecommunications was the invention of radio and telephone. After establishing regulations for relationships between communications organizations around the world, the Telegraph Union was renamed the Telecommunication Union. A little later, ITU became part of the UN organizational structure.

ITU is coordinating the improvement of information spaces and electronic types communications. Its importance increased with the invention of the Internet. At an early stage of development World Wide Web consisted of several computer machines in one room. Now this is an opportunity to collect and store a lot of information in the public domain.

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day marked the beginning of a new era in the development of human civilization. May 17 was chosen as the date of celebration because the Telegraph Union (later the Telecommunication Union) was founded 141 years ago in 2006.

World Day Traditions

Since 2006, every time world day telecommunications and information society was dedicated to a specific topic for discussion. It was discussed at conferences, seminars and forums with the aim of developing recommendations for expanding the information field in the territories of different states. The questions raised in different years were of interest to the majority of Internet users and reflected the current state of ICT:

  • 2006 - on ways to improve security in the context of the use of global cyberspace;
  • 2007 - about the limitless possibilities of socialization of young people, regardless of communication skills, areas of interest, appearance and race;
  • 2008 - about the interaction of people with disabilities via the Internet, technologies were introduced that allow the exchange of information even in the absence of sight, hearing and the ability to print;
  • 2009 - protecting children from viewing inappropriate content became relevant; part of the problem was solved with the addition of the “ Parental control» in antiviruses and browsers;
  • 2010 - improving the appearance of cities and increasing the standard of living with ICT;
  • 2011 - on how ICT can improve life in villages;
  • 2012 - about the role of the fair sex in ICT;
  • 2013 - how ICT can contribute to road safety;
  • 2014 - about the nuances of broadband development;
  • 2015 - the role of ICT and telecommunications in the development of innovation;
  • 2016 - the impact of entrepreneurship in ICT on the social sphere.

Thanks to World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, now almost every second inhabitant of the planet uses the limitless possibilities of the Internet.

A small picnic on the outskirts of Chicago, in which companies involved in the creation and distribution of software, unexpectedly led to the fact that the corporate holiday of programmers grew into World Telecommunication and Information Society Day. Before this, there was already a familiar holiday dedicated to telecommunication workers. But given that modern information technologies have significantly changed the face of society, causing a real explosion in the economy and providing society with access to a gigantic amount of information through means computer technology, it would be unfair not to appreciate the merits of people involved in the field of information technology. Therefore, by decision of the UN General Assembly, it was decided to celebrate May 17 as World Telecommunication and Information Society Day. This date was not chosen by chance. On May 17, 1885, after several months of negotiations, the International Telegraph Union was created and the International Telegraph Agreement was signed.

Information and communication -
Our power is great.
Happy this glorious day to everyone
Today I congratulate you.

Positive news
I just wish it.
Impulse of happiness and goodness
I am sending it to you all.

Today is Telecommunication Day
Programmers note:
I wish you achievements
All high to exceed.

Let the Internet be fast
May the connection be excellent
I wish my career
It was definitely a success.

Your love is online communication,
Without communication you fall into prostration,
And without communication you simply cannot live,
You just wait for messages for days...

Telecommunications are not an empty word for you,
Are you ready to give your life for this connection?
Your bread - information from the Internet,
Login on online forums!

Let there be fast, unlimited Internet,
Let the white light expand the borders,
And friends grow like mushrooms after the rain,
And your neighbors and family love you!

Happy holiday, signalmen!
Joy and laughter!
It will be smooth and clean
Let your path to success,

The sun will smile
To you in the midst of May,
Happiness pours into your hands
And great love!

And for everyone
She is important!
On a day like this -
A simple poem
For signalmen -

We don’t talk about this today as if it were a miracle -
People are all used to having a computer.
Got used to the TV, got used to the phone,
And the society is called information society.
Please accept congratulations on Telecommunications Day,
Enjoy the holiday, read congratulations!

Today every person is obliged
Celebrate the holiday - Telecommunication Day,
It is of great importance to us,
After all, we cannot imagine communication without it!

Information comes to us through wires,
All news about them comes to us,
And a joyful phone call...
We send congratulations to all people!

Information suddenly began to enter our world
Flowing at a furious speed,
And so that she could stay -
You can't get along without telecommunications.
Today we congratulate you on this holiday
All those who in the information age
Actively pushes progress - after all, it
Our development is enormous.

Hello Hello! Well, how was the reception?
We bring congratulations to your home!
And we want to wish you love,
So that your happiness is preserved.

More good health,
May you always be good,
So that you are appreciated at work,
And your loved ones loved you!

Congratulations: 9 in verse.

00:01 — REGNUM Today, May 17, is World Telecommunication and Information Society Day. The holiday was established by the UN General Assembly in 2006.

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day replaced International Telecommunications Day, which was celebrated on May 17 from 1969 to 2005. The holiday was established by decision of the session of the Administrative Council of the International Telecommunication Union. The date for it was not chosen by chance - on May 17, 1865, the first international Telegraph Agreement was signed in Paris and the International Telegraph Union was founded, later renamed the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

In 2005, Tunisia hosted the second stage of the World Summit on the Information Society. It adopted the “Tunisian Program for the Development of the Information Society,” the goal of which was to popularize the Internet as a publicly accessible means of communication throughout the world and develop ways to bridge the digital divide at the global level.

At the same meeting, an appeal was adopted to the UN General Assembly calling on May 17 to be declared International Day of the Information Society. On March 27, 2006, the UN General Assembly proclaimed May 17 as World Information Society Day.

In his message, the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan noted that this holiday emphasizes the connection between huge opportunities information and communication technologies accelerating the pace of development. He called on all UN member states to develop measures to improve security and build confidence in information and communication technologies, as well as create a free, secure information society.

In November 2006, the ITU at the Plenipotentiary Conference in Antalya decided to continue to celebrate May 17 as World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.

Every year a specific theme is chosen for the celebration. Previously, these included “Big Data for Powerful Momentum”, “Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Entrepreneurship for Social Impact”, “Telecommunications and ICT: Driving Innovation” and others.

This year's theme for Telecommunication and Information Society Day is “Ensure positive results use artificial intelligence for all". As noted on the UN website, this theme aims to focus on the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to accelerate achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It will allow ITU members and others stakeholders focus on the prospects for how AI can help accelerate achievement of the SDGs by 2030.

Celebrated annually on May 17th. This day is considered a professional holiday for all programmers, system administrators, Internet providers, web designers, editors of Internet publications and all those who work in the field of information technology.

The purpose of this international celebration is to help raise awareness of the opportunities that the use of the Internet and information and communications technology (ICT) can bring to societies and countries, as well as ways to bridge the digital divide.

Members of the General Assembly decided in 2015 to review the implementation of the Geneva and Tunis agreements.

In November 2006, the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in Antalya (Turkey) decided that both events (World Telecommunication Day and World Information Society Day) would be celebrated on 17 May as World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.

The updated Resolution invites Member States and Sector Members to commemorate the day annually by organizing appropriate national programs to:
- encouraging the submission and exchange of ideas on a topic adopted by the Council;
- discussions various aspects this topic with all partners in society;
- compiling a report reflecting national discussions on the issues underlying the topic, for distribution to ITU and the rest of the Union.

Previous World Telecommunication and Information Society Day themes: “Protecting children in cyberspace” (2009), “Helping people with disabilities communicate: ICT opportunities for all” (2008), “Helping youth communicate: ICT opportunities” (2007).

In 2010, World Telecommunication and Information Society Day will be celebrated at the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai. Its theme is " Better city, better life with ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)" - is consistent with the theme of the World Expo "Better city, better life", which reflects the common desire of all humanity - to ensure a more high level life. ICTs help accelerate the achievement of this goal.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

High technologies have radically influenced technological progress and the development of civilization as a whole. As a result of their introduction into many areas of production and the national economy, the quality of products has increased several times, and working conditions have been reorganized. Today, a person is practically freed from severe physical work. It is carried out automatic systems, controlled by computer.

Wide use high technology has a significant influence on social phenomena. Information converted into digital form and free access to it provide the user with ample opportunities for self-education and broadening their horizons, instant exchange of information and facts, and promote professional and personal growth. An international professional holiday is dedicated to workers employed in the field of information technology.

When is it celebrated?

Based on UN General Assembly resolution No. A/RES/60/252 of March 27, 2006, May 17 is considered World Telecommunication and Information Society Day. In 2019, the event is celebrated for the 14th time.

Who's celebrating

This professional holiday is considered by Internet providers, programmers, editors of online publications, system administrators, web designers, as well as all other specialists whose activities are related to information technology.

history of the holiday

May 24, 1844 was marked by the greatest event in the world community. On this day, the first message was sent by telegraph line, which in an instant covered the distance between Baltimore and Washington. The era of the telegraph had begun. From that moment on, telecommunications began to develop at an amazing speed, especially after the adoption of an international agreement between European states on the development of the telegraph communication structure. The document gave a powerful impetus to the development of global information space. At the same time, standardized instructions for specialized equipment and the conditions for its use appeared.

Following the telegraph came radio and telephone. In the 30s of the last century, a document was adopted regulating the interaction of telecommunications organizations around the world. At the same time, the previously existing Telegraph Union received the name International Telecommunication Union. Today ITU is a structural unit of the UN, which unites about 200 countries. The headquarters is located in Geneva.

The main goal of the ITU is to promote and coordinate the development of all telecommunications and the global information space. The importance of the activities of an international organization has increased with the advent of the Internet. United World computer network opened up new possibilities for accumulating a huge amount of information and its instant transmission. It began with several computers located in one room. Today, almost every second person living on planet Earth is a consumer information resources global network, spread throughout the world.

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day replaced International Telecommunications Day, celebrated until 2006. The date of the holiday was not chosen by chance. It is associated with the creation of the International Telegraph Union on May 17, 1865 (ITU since 1932).