The language switch icon is lost. Why does the language switch icon disappear? Checking Windows System Files

The disappearance of the language icon is a rather unpleasant and, unfortunately, a common problem among Windows users. It is extremely annoying when you have to type text, and you don’t even know what language it will be in, and you will only have the opportunity to find out after an error. This will be especially understood by those who, before the loss of the language panel, had other languages ​​installed in Cyrillic in addition to Russian (Ukrainian, Belarusian, etc.).

But don't despair. The missing language icon is not a hopeless problem. There are several ways to return it to its place, and it is these methods that we will consider in more detail in this article.

Before you panic prematurely, take a close look at your computer screen. It is possible that the language bar only disappeared from the taskbar, and did not disappear altogether. She looks like this.

If you managed to find it and you want to return it to the taskbar where it was before, then follow these steps:

If the location of the language bar in some other place on the screen seems more convenient to you than on the taskbar, then you can change this at any time. To do this, right-click on the language icon, then left-click on « Restore language bar» . Now you can move this panel to any place on the screen by moving it by pressing the left mouse button, after hovering the cursor over the left corner. This panel will be displayed on top of all other windows.

If you have not detected the language bar on the screen, then it’s time to move on to the following methods.

Method number 2. Restoring the icon using the Control Panel

To solve the problem using this method, follow the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Open menu « Start » by clicking the left mouse button on the icon located at the bottom left of the screen.

  2. Click LMB on « Control Panel » .

  3. In the control panel, find the menu « Clock, language and region » and select it by left-clicking.

    On a note! If you have set the view not by categories, but by large or small icons, then you will not find this menu. In this case, just skip this point and go straight to the next one.

  4. Find « language and regional standards » , then click on it with LMB. A menu with several tabs will open.

  5. Open the tab « Languages ​​and keyboards » .

  6. Click LMB on « Change keyboard » . Another window with three tabs will open.
  7. Select a tab « Language bar » . Most likely you will see that you have the parameter « Hidden » . In that case, just change it to « Pinned to taskbar » and click on the button « Apply » . If you did everything correctly, the language icon should return to the taskbar.

Method No. 3. Restoring the language icon using Task Scheduler

The task scheduler is a feature that is rarely used. Perhaps this is the first time you've heard about it. But it will help you solve the problem with the icon disappearing if you follow the following step-by-step instructions:

On a note! If you do not find the “MsCtfMonitor” file in the task scheduler, then you can download it from the Internet - it is free and publicly available.

After downloading the file, import it into the task scheduler by clicking the button « Import task... » and specifying the path to the file, then do everything as in the previous instructions.

Method number 4. Creating an additional icon using programs

This method is not a complete solution to the problem, since the very reason for the disappearance of the language bar will not be eliminated. However, this will help you avoid most of the difficulties that the absence of a language icon on the taskbar leads you to. If you are happy with this, then follow these instructions:

Now that Punto Switcher installed on your computer, it will not only automatically change the layout, but will also add a language icon to your taskbar.

In this article, we looked at four methods that will help you restore the language icon. If they did not help you, then perhaps you made some mistake in your actions. We recommend that you re-read the article more carefully. If this does not help you, then most likely the problem is a malfunction of your operating system. In this case, refer to the Windows reinstallation guide.

The language bar is an indicator that shows whether the this moment computer keyboard language layout. Active English language is displayed as an abbreviation EN, Russian - RU. The language bar is usually located on the right side of the bottom menu on the desktop, in the so-called system tray. Very often, for various reasons, it disappears from there and computer users lose the opportunity to find out the keyboard layout before they start typing.

This, of course, is not very convenient and many begin to look for ways to restore the language bar on the desktop. The simplest and most logical way in this situation is to check whether the language bar display setting in the operating system settings has gone wrong. To do this you need to do the following:
After completing these steps in Windows Vista you will see a language bar in the system tray. For others Windows versions the names of windows and items may differ slightly, but general principle the settings are the same.

If the language bar appears, but after rebooting or turning off and then turning on the computer, it disappears again, then you need to check whether the autostart of the ctfmon.exe process, which is responsible for the language bar, is configured.

This can be done in the following way:

If the ctfmon item is missing in msconfig, then for some reason it was deleted the right key in the registry, responsible for initialization this process. Therefore, it is necessary this entry restore as follows:

  1. Click the Start button and at the command prompt, enter the regedit command to launch Registry Editor.
  2. Find the key in the registry directory on the left side of the window


    Click in the right window right click mouse and select “New” - “String Parameter”. Name it CTFMON.EXE and then open it for editing. Enter the value in the field


    (must be written with quotation marks).

  3. If you don’t want to edit the registry manually, then download (enter the website when prompted for a password), unpack and run the file on your computer. He will contribute the desired entry to the register itself.
  4. Restart your computer.
If all of the above steps do not help you, try installing the program for automatic switching keyboard layouts while typing called Punto Switcher. This program V background monitors what you enter from the keyboard and, if necessary, switches its layout in a timely manner.

Additional tip.
If you have it installed as an operating system Windows systems XP, then before performing the steps described above, you need to check the presence of the ctfmon.exe file in the c:\windows\system32\ folder, which is responsible for the operation of the language bar. This file can be deleted or renamed by a virus, or by the user himself.

If the file is not there, then make it visible, go to the folder C:\windows\system32\dllcache and copy the missing file from there.

In Windows Vista and Windows 7 security policy system files implemented better, since no one can change these files without obtaining rights to them. Therefore, there are no problems with the ctfmon.exe file itself.

In Windows XP, a problem such as the disappearance of the language bar appears quite often. This panel displays the current language to the user and, it would seem, there is nothing wrong with that. However, for those users who often work with tests, the lack of a language bar is a real disaster. Every time before typing, you have to check which language is currently enabled by pressing a letter key. Of course, this is very inconvenient and in this article we will look at options that will help return the language bar to old place if it keeps disappearing.

Before moving on to recovery methods, let's delve a little deeper into Windows device and try to find out what exactly ensures the display of the language bar. So, among all the system applications in XP there is one that ensures its display - Ctfmon.exe. It is this that shows us what language and layout is currently used in the system. Accordingly, a specific registry key is responsible for launching the application, which contains the necessary parameters.

Now that we know where the legs grow from, we can begin to fix the problem. To do this, we will consider three methods - from the simplest to the more complex.

Method 1: Launch a system application

As mentioned above, responsible for displaying the language bar system application Ctfmon.exe. Accordingly, if it does not display for you, then you need to run the program.

If, for example, the ctfmon.exe file is missing due to viruses, it must be restored. To do this you just need to do a few steps:

  • Insert the installation disk with Windows XP;
  • Opening command line(Start/All Programs/Accessories/Command Prompt);
  • Enter the command
  • Click Enter and wait for the scan to finish.

This method will allow you to recover deleted system files, including ctfmon.exe.

If for any reason you do not have the installation Windows disk XP, the language bar file can be downloaded from the Internet or from another computer with the same operating system.

Often, this is enough to return the language bar to its place. However, if this does not help, then move on to the next method.

Method 2: Checking Settings

If the system application is running and the panel is still not there, then it’s worth looking at the settings.

That's all, the language bar should now appear.

But there are also cases when intervention is required system registry. If all of the above methods did not produce results, then move on to the next solution to the problem.

Method 3: Correcting a parameter in the system registry

To work with the system registry there is special utility, which will allow you not only to view the records, but also to make the necessary adjustments.

In most cases, the described actions are enough to return the language bar to its original place.


So, we have looked at several ways to return the language bar to its place. However, there are still exceptions and the panel is still missing. In such cases, you can use third party programs, which display the current language, for example, by autoswitching the keyboard layout or by reinstalling the operating system.

The language bar is designed to select and view the input language. It can be displayed as a separate portable element, or built into the taskbar (near the notification area). Users are often concerned with the problem that Language bar not showing in Windows 7, so we'll try to get her back. The situation occurs after using programs or updating software.

In some cases, even after enabling the language bar through Control Panel items, it does not appear. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with all the methods described, and if necessary, perform them sequentially until you achieve the desired effect.

Recovery via language bar settings

5. Make sure there are at least 2 languages ​​in the list. If not, you can add to the list by clicking the “add” button.

6. Then visit the “language bar” tab, select either the desktop location as individual element, or pinned to the taskbar. The first 2 points are responsible for this, and accordingly 3 hides it. Click "apply", OK.

If the steps taken did not allow return language Windows panel 7 , then read on. The task scheduler service, which is responsible for launching this panel, may have stopped.

Checking the Task Scheduler

To see correct operation services do the following:

1. Click on and copy into search services.msc, press enter.

2. In the extensive list, get to the “task scheduler” service. Double click on this item with the mouse.

3. In the new window, on the “general” tab, make sure that the startup type is “automatic” and the state is “working”. If not, click Run and select auto mode. Click OK and restart your PC.

If the Windows 7 language bar is not displayed after operating the service, check the status of the task itself. Click , enter Taskschd.msc and click enter.

In the left branched menu, go to “task scheduler library”, then visit the “Microsoft” section and in the “windows” subsection, find and select “TextServicesFramework”. Typically, the “MsCtfMonitor” task is located here.

To return the language bar, right-click on it and select “enable” from the menu. If there is no enable option, then everything is in order.

If you do not have the “MsCtfMonitor” task, do this:

  1. Download the task file and unzip it.
  2. Right-click on the “TextServicesFramework” section and select “import task”.
  3. Specify the path to the downloaded file, click open.
  4. Check the job status and restart your computer.

How to show the language bar using the registry

1. Hold Win + R, then type regedit, press enter.

2. Go sequentially through the sections shown on the screen (I think you can guess it).

3. Right-click on “run”, point to “create” and select “string parameter”.

4. Name it ctfmon and click enter.

5. Double-click on the ctfmon parameter and copy C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe in the “value” field. Click OK.

Note: pay attention to the first letter system disk. It may be different from yours! Enter your letter, in this case.

6. Restart your PC.

Language bar with Punto Switcher

If you have a completely dead situation and the Windows 7 language bar is not displayed at all, I suggest a program from Yandex Punto Switcher (may the search engine forgive me).

Download it. Install Punto utility Switcher. After installation, a panel with languages ​​will appear in your tray. WITH detailed settings check out the manufacturer's website.

The main features include:

  1. Automatic change of incorrectly typed keyboard layout characters, for example, you type “cfqn”, and the language changes like “site”.
  2. Ability to change layout with one key.
  3. After typing text in a non-Russian layout, select it and press the intended key combination to change.
  4. Changing a set of arbitrary characters to phrases and words already prepared for these characters.

Of course, there are enough possibilities and with the subsequent update of the application there will be even more of them. If you use Punto Switcher, keep an eye on its updates and additions.

I hope from all of the above you have identified the reason, Why is the language bar not showing in Windows 7? and tried methods to return it to where it should be. Good luck to all!