After installing RAM. Computer RAM - how to increase the volume correctly - ddr2 and ddr3

A few days ago I “freaked out” - I was tired of buying parts for the future home “supercomputer”. I took and bought the remaining parts at once - the motherboard, processor and RAM.

Today I'll tell you how to choose RAM for a computer and even how to install it correctly.

What is RAM

Before choosing RAM for your computer, you need to clearly understand what it is in general.

RAM in a computer is one of the components, along with central processor and an SSD drive, which is responsible for system performance.

The official definition goes something like this: RAM (random access memory) is the volatile part of computer system, in which the input, output and intermediate data of programs are temporarily stored and operating system.

But, as always, I will try to convey this definition to you in simple language...

The processor is the brain of the computer that processes all information. HDD ( or SSD drive) stores all the data (programs, photos, movies, music...). RAM is an intermediate link between them. The data that needs to be processed by the processor is “pulled” into it.

Why do they “pull themselves up”? Why not take them right away? hard drive? The fact is that RAM works many times faster than even an SSD drive.

What data the processor may soon need is determined by the operating system itself, automatically. She is very smart, no matter what they say about her.

Types of RAM

When mammoths still walked the earth, RAM was divided into SIMM and DIMM - immediately forget about these types of RAM, they have not been produced or used for a long time.

Then DDR was invented (2001). There are also computers with this type of memory. The main difference from DDR2 and DDR3 is the number of pins on the board DDR memory, there are only 184 of them. This type of RAM is much slower than its modern counterparts (DDR2 and DDR3).

DDR2 (2003) has a larger number of contacts (240 pieces), thanks to which the number of data streams has expanded and the transfer of information to the processor has noticeably accelerated. The maximum DDR2 frequency is 1066 MHz.

DDR3 (2007) is the most common type of RAM in modern computers. Here they left the number of contacts alone (240 pieces), but made them electrically incompatible. Maximum DDR3 frequency – 2400 MHz . This type of memory also has lower power consumption and higher bandwidth.

DDR3 turned out to be 15-20% faster than DDR2.

DDR2 and DDR3 strips have different “key” locations, they are not interchangeable...

Form factor of RAM strips

RAM strips for laptops (SODIMM) and desktop computers (SDRAM) are different in size and appearance. For laptops they look like this...

...and for stationary home computers, something like this...

This is where their differences (mostly) end. The characteristics that you need to know to choose RAM are absolutely the same for these two types.

RAM capacity

In the last century, the amount of RAM was measured in kilobytes and megabytes (it’s even funny to remember). Today - in gigabytes.

This parameter determines how much temporary information will fit into the RAM chip. Everything is relatively simple here. Windows itself consumes about 1 GB of memory when running, so there should be more of it in the computer.

2 GB - may be enough for budget computer(films, photos, Internet)

4 GB - suitable for more demanding programs, games on medium and maximum settings quality

8 GB - will handle heavy games at maximum quality settings or very memory-demanding programs *DANCE*

16 GB - the newest modern and heavy games, as well as special professional monster programs, will “fly”

32 GB - You have nowhere to put your money? Send them to me.

It is very important to consider that regular 32-bit operating systems Windows systems“they don’t see” memory more than 3 GB and, accordingly, do not use it. If you buy more than 3 GB of RAM, you MUST install a 64-bit system.

RAM frequency

Inexperienced users are often limited by its size when choosing RAM, but memory frequency is no less important. It determines at what speed data will be exchanged with the processor.

Modern conventional processors operate at 1600 MHz. Accordingly, it is advisable to buy memory with such a frequency, no higher (1866 MHz is possible). The difference between 1333 MHz and 1600 MHz is almost invisible to the eye.

As for memory sticks with a frequency of 2133 MHz and higher - they themselves cost a lot of money, for their full operation they require special motherboards, which cost crazy money, and most importantly, you need a processor with an unlocked multiplier (supporting overclocking), which costs...

At the same time, all this disgrace will get very hot (you need a powerful cooling system (preferably water), which costs...) and consume a lot of energy. This is the choice of crazy gamers.

By the way, the increase in computer performance with such overclocking will be only from 10 to 30%, and you will spend three times more money. Do you need it?

RAM timing

A “terrible” parameter of RAM that few people know about and which is rarely taken into account when choosing memory, but in vain.

Latency (timing) is the time delay of a signal. It is measured in beats. Timings can take values ​​from 2 to 13. It depends on them throughput the “processor-memory” section and, as a result, the performance of the system, although quite a bit.

The lower the timing value, the faster the RAM works. For example, I purchased memory with timing values ​​9-9-9-24, but there are faster ones, of course.

RAM timings can be adjusted in the BIOS when overclocking the system (this is not recommended for inexperienced users).

And at the end of the article, as I promised at the beginning, I’ll tell you...

How to properly install RAM in a computer

Before the procedure, be sure to turn off the computer and disconnect the power cord from system unit.

There is no need to make any settings in the system after installing the memory. The system itself will recognize it and start using it.

The easiest way to install memory is in a laptop (it can be more difficult to open back cover). In laptops the RAM is in horizontal position, lies.

Simply lift and pull it out of the grooves, insert the new one until it stops. The lock on the bar (slot) will prevent you from making mistakes when installing...

On desktop computers this process is a bit more complicated. The memory stands vertically to the motherboard and is clamped with latches.

To remove the strip, just move these latches to the sides and it will “jump” out of the slot. Installation will also take you 2 seconds - bring the bar to the slot, match the lock (slot) on the bar with the jumper in the slot and insert it all the way (you will hear a click - the latches will clamp the bar).

It is very important not to confuse the click of the clamps with the crunch of a broken motherboard.

Dual channel memory mode

RAM is a capricious madam. She is not capable of much on her own, but she is extremely picky in choosing a mate: they say, don’t give me just anyone. Moreover, the quarrelsome nature of the RAM can make itself felt both immediately after the neighbor appears, and over time. For example, when you urgently need a computer.

Today we will dot all the “E”s in the questions of whether it is possible to combine different sticks of RAM on one PC, is it possible collaboration RAM different generations, types, volume, frequency and manufacturers. And if possible, then under what conditions.

Connection of generations

My motherboard has generation RAM slotsDDR2 andDDR3. Is it possible to install dies of both types on it?

The clear answer is no. Such hybrid modifications of motherboards were produced at the turn of the transition from the DDR2 to DDR3 standard. They are capable of working with either DDR2 memory with frequencies of 667, 800 and 1066 mHz, or with DDR3 memory with frequencies of 1066 and 1333 mHz. If you install DDR2 and DDR3 together on such a board (of course, in slots of their own type), the computer will not start.

DDR3 + DDR3L = ?

Is it possible to sharing two modulesRAM, one of whichDDR-3, and the second -DDR-3L? How is the second different from the first?

DDR3 memory has been the only choice for a long time. And only shortly before DDR4 entered the market, it saw the light of day. new modification– DDR3L. The letter “L” in the name of the latter means “low voltage”.

The DDR3L RAM is powered by a voltage of 1.35 V, and its predecessor consumes 1.5 V - this is their main difference. Externally, both types of planks look the same.

The DDR3L standard is fully compatible with motherboards and processors designed for DDR3, but not vice versa. So, Intel processors Skylake S microarchitectures do not officially support DDR 3, although they do support DDR 3L.

Sharing modules of both types is sometimes possible, but not desirable. All memory installed in the slots of one motherboard is powered by the same voltage level, so only one of the sticks will be in optimal conditions. Computers with this RAM configuration are usually unstable, and some do not turn on at all.

Volumes and channels

I want to install RAM in all 4 slots, does the capacity of each module matter? Which combination will work faster - 4 2 GB sticks, 2 4 GB sticks or 1 8 GB stick?

The only requirement for the amount of RAM is that it does not exceed the maximum allowable, otherwise the computer will not turn on or part of the memory will remain unused. The claim that all RAM should be of the same capacity is a myth. There is never too much of it, so bet as much as you want.

All modern desktops and many laptops support multi-channel RAM mode. With this method of organization, memory is accessed not along one, but along several parallel lines, which significantly increases the performance of the machine.

Motherboards with four RAM slots (the most common type) operate in dual-channel mode, that is, they have 2 connectors for 1 channel.

Of the three presented combinations, the fastest will be the second one - 2 4 GB sticks, if you distribute them one per channel. Why two and not four? Because the actual speed of data exchange between the controller and each RAM module is not the same, and the more sticks, the more time is spent synchronizing them.

For RAM modules to work in multi-channel mode, they must be:

  • Same frequency.
  • Approximately the same capacity (small differences are sometimes acceptable).
  • One type (for example, DDR3 or DDR3L only).

And their total number must be even.

By the way, RAM slots of one channel are often made one color. But not always. To find out where they are located on your motherboard, it is better to look at its instructions.

Frequencies and timings

Can it be combined with different timings? If so, what frequency do they operate at?

Can. Each unit of RAM stores information about supported frequencies and timings internally (in the SPD chip). The memory controller reads this data and selects a mode in which all modules can operate. As a rule, these are the frequency and timings of the slowest one.

Various manufacturers

Is it necessary to buy RAM from the same manufacturer?

It is advisable to purchase RAM not just from one brand, but from factory sets of several modules. These devices have been jointly tested and are guaranteed to be able to work together.

It happens that RAM of the same brand and model, purchased separately, cannot be “found” mutual language" It also happens the other way around, when devices of different origins demonstrate excellent teamwork. Depending on your luck, the first option is rather an exception. Most often dies different manufacturers with similar characteristics are compatible.

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Is it possible to combine different sticks of RAM in one computer? updated: April 26, 2018 by: Johnny Mnemonic

Computer technology is an essential assistant in solving many problems, so it is not at all surprising that users place increased demands on it. However, it should be understood that over time, installed devices become obsolete and computer technology needs modernization. Quite often, PC owners feel an urgent need to increase RAM, so for many it is important to know how to increase RAM on a computer.

Many new programs require more computer power

Increasing RAM can significantly improve computer performance, so users interested in performance are eager to find ways to make such actions easy. One such method is to purchase additional RAM modules and install them on your computer. In order to properly increase RAM, it is useful to first familiarize yourself with information on how to add RAM to a computer, as well as perform a number of preparatory actions.

Determining the type of RAM

Computers were purchased at different times, so their equipment may differ significantly. Purchasing RAM at random is strictly prohibited, because the currently existing types of RAM, which include DDR 1, DDR 2, DDR 3, are incompatible with each other, and their joint use on one computer can lead to a sad result.

In addition, the motherboard can also only support a certain type of RAM, so by trying to add the wrong type of RAM, the user can damage the entire motherboard.

Performance is also ensured due to the fact that the system does not need a lengthy search for files required for execution on the entire hard disk space, since everything necessary files focus on external media.

Having chosen this particular method to increase the performance of the PC, the user must purchase a flash drive with the necessary parameters, otherwise all attempts will simply be unsuccessful. The flash drive must have at least 256 MB free space, the write speed should be 1.75 Mbit/s, and the reading speed should be 2.5 Mbit/s.

Once all the important tools are available to the user, you can proceed to the process to increase the cache size and speed up PC performance.

After inserting the flash drive into the USB connector, you should wait for it to load completely, then click right click mouse calling context menu. Next, go to “Properties”, and then to “ReadyBoost”. On this tab, you should check the box, confirming your desire to use the ReadyBoost technology, you should also manual mode set the desired cache size. All you have to do is click “Ok” and wait for the process to complete.

A PC user must remember that a flash drive to which ReadyBoost technology has been applied cannot simply be removed from the computer. To remove the USB drive, you must first disable the previously running ReadyBoost technology.

Another way to increase RAM on a computer is overclocking. Using this method, the user manages to overclock the RAM. To achieve this, the user must make changes to BIOS settings, increasing frequency and voltage.

With the right changes, computer performance can be increased by almost 10%. However, it is important to understand that if mistakes are made, the user risks damaging not only the RAM, but also other components. In this regard, most experienced users recommend that in order to carry out high-quality and competent overclocking and increase productivity, give the computer to a real professional who is familiar with overclocking techniques down to the smallest detail.

If, however, the user still wants to improve the computer himself by overclocking, he should first go into the BIOS. To do this, when loading the OS, press one of the buttons: “Delete”, “F2” or “F8”.

After successfully entering the BIOS, the user must go to Video Ram or Shared Memory. There, on the DRAM Read Timing line, you should reduce the number of cycles (timings). Experts say that the lower the timings, the better the PC performance. However, excessive reduction can lead to negative consequences.

Finally, for the settings to be successfully saved, you must press “F10”, after which the computer will restart and the changes will take effect.

So, wanting to add RAM to a computer, the user must have not only good reasons for this, but also the necessary components, as well as study the available recommendations and master the necessary skills. Improve your technical capabilities commendable, but experimental “amateur activity” in complete absence necessary knowledge.


I would immediately like to draw your attention to the fact that replacing or adding RAM carries a certain danger - working with electrical devices. Therefore, any operation to integrate devices into the body of the computer system unit or should begin with complete blackout.

Before choosing RAM in a store or on the radio market, you need to find out the type and its characteristics. In the case of a laptop, it is enough to use a testing program that will show all the characteristics of this device. Laptops are designed in such a way that the technical parameters of the new memory stick should not differ greatly from the same parameters of the new memory stick.

When replacing memory sticks for desktop computer worth relying on specifications system board. Each generation of motherboards supports all types of memory created before the release of the motherboard itself. To determine the characteristics of the motherboard and RAM, use Everest program Ultimate Edition.

Install the utility and run it by double-clicking the left mouse button on the program shortcut. In the window that opens, go to the “Menu” section and select “ Motherboard" In the list of devices, select "Running memory" The right side of the window will display information about installed memory. Print this information or write it to Blank sheet paper frequency of operation system bus(memory) and manufacturer's name.

In a computer store they will be able to pick you up the desired model. Most motherboards support dual-channel memory function, so the best option It will be necessary to purchase two strips of smaller volume rather than one strip of larger volume.

Before installing RAM sticks, you must turn off the power to the computer or. It is advisable to unplug the wire from the system unit from the socket or turn off the power only to the pilot. If there is a switch on the power supply, use it - it also allows you to stop the current flow.

Open the side cover of the system unit. If necessary, use a “+” screwdriver to unscrew the mounting screws. Remove the existing memory stick and install a new one. Close the cover of the system unit, connect the power and press Power button on the system unit to turn on the computer.

Unscrew the mounting screws and remove the bottom cover. Carefully press the RAM stick with a thin object and pull it out a little to the side (the memory stick should automatically rise under the action of a spring). Replace the old operating system memory new bar.

Cover the laptop with the bottom cover and tighten the mounting screws. Insert the battery, connect the power and turn on the laptop to check the functionality of the installed memory.

After loading the operating system, call the “System Properties” applet: right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select “Properties”. At the bottom of the window that opens, view information about installed equipment. Compare the amount of RAM indicated in this window and the actual amount you installed. If everything matches, then the installation went without problems and everything was done correctly.

This information is for those who want to increase the amount of RAM in their laptop or desktop computer, but at the same time doubt which model to buy and with what characteristics.

There are quite a lot of nuances in this issue; here we will consider the most basic points that will allow you to choose the optimal levels for the upgrade.

Let's start with the question: is it necessary in your case to increase the amount of RAM?

What does increasing RAM in a computer do?

The speed of your computer depends on the bottlenecks of your hardware. For example, if you have a very powerful processor, but at the same time slow HDD, the system will take quite a long time to boot, and programs, for example, even a regular web browser, will launch with a noticeable delay of several seconds. IN in this case the bottleneck is the hard drive - and it is useless to install an even more powerful processor/video card/additional RAM - all this will have virtually no effect on the speed of system loading and application launching until you change your slow hard drive to a fast one (for example, an SSD).

In what cases may you need to increase RAM - when do you need to buy additional sticks to increase the amount of RAM?

A sign of low RAM is when your computer slows down when you open multiple programs that consume a lot of RAM. For example, if after opening large quantity web browser tabs or after launching Photoshop your computer starts to work noticeably slower, it is very likely that this is due to a lack of RAM.

Operating systems use a swap file (partition). The essence of this is that when the system runs out of RAM, it frees it up by writing some of the data to the hard drive. As a result, the system does not stop working and data is not lost - but performance drops, since any hard drive is slower than RAM and writing and reading data also requires additional time.

Another example when a lot of RAM is required is the use virtual machines(in, for example) - especially when several virtual computers are running simultaneously:

How to find out which RAM is suitable for my computer

My own experience suggests that a computer can work normally with RAM sticks from different manufacturers and with different characteristics. But some users experience problems (the system stops booting) if there is incompatibility between modules from two manufacturers. Therefore, the ideal option is to look at what modules you already have installed and buy exactly the same ones. If this is not possible due to the fact that exactly these models have been discontinued, then it is recommended to select those that are as close as possible in terms of characteristics.

A program to determine the manufacturer and model of RAM installed in a laptop/computer

In a desktop computer, finding out the manufacturer and model of RAM is usually not difficult - just open the cover of the system unit and remove one of the modules.

In laptops, as a rule, it is more difficult - it’s good if the engineer designed the empty slots to be easily accessible, but, as a rule, you cannot get to the pre-installed RAM without disassembling the laptop.

In any case, for desktop computers or laptops, you can find out the installed memory model using the program. To do this, go to the tab Motherboard, then SPD and at the very top you will see the manufacturer and model of the RAM:

Next, check the number of free slots - there are motherboards with a total of two slots for RAM, but more often desktop computers And laptops have four slots, usually two of them are already occupied.

You can view the total number of slots and the number of free ones using standard using Windows. To do this, open Task Manager, go to the tab Performance, then select Memory:

As you can see, there are four slots and all of them are already occupied.

RAM characteristics

RAM can be different types, the most common now:

It is clear that DDR4 is newer and more quick option, but not all motherboards, especially those released a few years ago, support DDR4.

Sometimes, a hint about the modules that suit you can be seen on the motherboard:

The inscription DDR3 ONLY indicates that in this case only DDR3 is suitable.

RAM form factor:


SO-DIMMs are smaller strips for laptop computers(laptops). DIMMs - strips for desktop computers.

Memory modules have their own frequency. The higher the frequency, the faster memory. But if the system has trims with different frequencies, then the system will use them all at the frequency of the slowest module.

Supply voltage: the voltage of modules varies from 1.2 V to 1.65 V. It is better to take RAM with the same voltage as the ones already in the system, since otherwise one of the modules will start to heat up more.

Timings are numbers that characterize delays.

In principle, in addition to the obvious characteristic - memory size, all technical specifications, which you need to pay attention to when upgrading the system.

Don't chase for more high frequency than the module in your system, as already stated, they will all run at the frequency of the slowest one.

To select modules with the same characteristics as those already installed in your computer, you need to know the characteristics of the installed ones. This information can be found online for your model. Or use specialized programs, which show a variety of information about the installed RAM.

How to find out the characteristics of RAM modules in a computer

The AIDA64 program contains all the necessary information.

In the same window where we looked at the manufacturer, you can find information such as:

  • Module type
  • Memory type
  • Memory speed (frequency)
  • Voltage
  • Timings

The characteristics considered should be enough to ensure that you don’t have to replace the RAM immediately after purchase because it didn’t fit.

Purchasing with “Thank you from Sberbank” bonuses

The following information does not relate to the technical part. But I got my new RAM modules for half their store price, and since Sberbank cards are very common, I’m sure someone else will be able to take advantage of this opportunity.

In principle, the life hack is very simple. Many owners of Sberbank cards accumulate bonuses, the so-called “Thank you”. There aren’t many stores where you can spend them, so I, like probably many others, simply watched how these “candy wrappers” accumulated (and also burned monthly). There's quite a lot in the store big choice computer components and they accept these “Thank you from Sberbank.” This is not an advertisement for the store or even a referral link - I just saved money there and liked it.

Well, since this store is a partner, where they accept and credit “Thank you from Sberbank”, a certain amount was returned to me: