Useful phrases for business correspondence. The concept of "bcc", learning not to do stupid things

Majority mail clients, including Gmail, Yahoo,, Microsoft Outlook , Mozilla Thunderbird , provide the ability to send one email a large number recipients. Usually you can do this using the function Copy(on English language the abbreviation used to denote it SS), or Hidden copy (CCB). When sending a message to Copies recipients can see email addresses other people to whom this letter was also sent. In the second case, the identity of additional recipients is hidden.

Adding a recipient's address

To specify the recipient(s) of the email, enter their email address in the field To whom (That):

Some email clients allow you to simply enter your username into a field, which is then automatically filled in by the program.

If you use this field to send an email to multiple people, each of them will be able to see full list other recipients.

How to create a copy of an email

Field CC or Copy used for exchange by email in a more indirect way than the field To whom. If you are not directly addressing the person in your email, but would like that person to follow the conversation in the email thread or simply be aware of the topic, the field Copy would be a great option. The addressee, who is in Copies letters, receives unread letter on your mailbox, just like the one who was placed in the box To whom; the only difference is who you address the letter to first in the body of your email. In the professional world, mailing to Copies is used very widely and serves to keep colleagues informed about various events and topics.

You can list email recipients by simply entering a list of addresses in the field Copy, which is usually located immediately below the field To whom. Everyone in this chain of recipients will be able to see the names and email addresses of all other recipients:

How to BCC an Email

Every email client (Gmail, Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, Yahoo, etc.) allows the sender of an email to reach a large number of people without exposing their information to other users in the email chain. This function is called BCC or Hidden copy. You can hide recipients by entering their addresses in the field Hidden copy instead of using fields To whom And Copy:

You can use this feature for both individual and group emails. This is especially useful if you want to keep your contacts private, protect them from spam and unwanted emails, or simply if you don't want your recipients to know who received the same message.

Field Hidden copy not always available by default for all email clients. For example, in Outlook You will need to go to Options to access settings; V Thunderbird you will need to select this function from the drop-down menu; V Gmail need to press a button Copy And Hidden copy; V Windows Live Mail You will need to press the keys simultaneously Alt + B.

Image: © Ruslan Nesterenko -

In Microsoft Outlook, you can specify that for all messages you send, an automatic Bcc (Bcc) will be sent to other distribution lists or users.

One scenario in which this rule is useful is when all group members reply to incoming email messages, such as Center technical support. When one group member replies to a message, other group members automatically receive a copy of the reply, keeping all outgoing messages up to date.

client rules

Create a rule

Now, every time you send a message, be it a new message, forward a message or reply, people or groups that are specified in the rule will be automatically added as copy recipients. The names of people or groups do not appear in the Cc line of the compose message, but those names will appear to all recipients of the message.

Disable a rule

    In the Mail view, on the tab home click the button rules > Manage Rules and Alerts.

    On the tab in the section Rule

    Click the button OK.

Rules and Alerts.

Advice: additional information on how to quickly disable this rule for individual messages, see next section ("").

Use a category to disable automatic CC for individual messages

If you want the flexibility to turn off automatic new copy rules based on a single message without having to navigate through the dialog box rules and alerts, you can use the categories feature in Outlook, along with a rule.


First, you need to create a rule to automatically send blind carbon copy (CC) for all email messages you send.

This specific rule is called client rules. Client rules are executed only on the computer on which it was created and executed only if Outlook application launched. If you were to send an email using account email on another computer, the rule will not be executed from that computer so that it is created on this computer. This same rule must be created on each computer that plans to use it.

Create a rule

Now every time you send a message, be it a new message, forward a message or reply, people or distribution lists specified in the rule will be automatically added as copy recipients. The names of people or distribution lists do not appear in the Cc line of the compose message, but those names will appear to everyone who receives the message.

Disable a rule

To prevent a copy from being sent automatically, you must first disable the rule.

    In Mail in the menu Service click the button Rules and Alerts.

    On the tab Email Rules In chapter Rule uncheck the box corresponding to the rule you created.

    Click the button OK.

    You can now send a message without automatically sending a copy to other people or mailing lists. The rule will be inactive until it is restart in the dialog box Rules and Alerts.


Use a category to disable automatic CC for individual messages

If you want to disable the new automatic Send CC rule for individual messages without calling the dialog box Rules and Alerts, you can set the rule to a category that is available in Office Outlook 2007.

Change the rule you created earlier so that when you add specified category The rule did not automatically send a copy to the message.

Whenever you want to disable the auto-cc rule for a message, apply a category to it.

Advice: You can use a keyboard shortcut if you specified it when creating the category.

When you send a message, the auto-copy rule will not apply.


Go to your mailbox and create a new one letter. Enter the first letter of the address, and you will see a list of recipients whose name begins with it mailbox. Select the desired email from them and click on it. The address will appear in the corresponding window and after it. Repeat the data entry for the remaining recipients in the same way. Add the subject of the message, the text of the letter itself and the necessary attachments. After you complete the registration, click the “send” button. Yours letter all owners of the listed will receive postal addresses. True, each of them will know that he is not the only recipient.

Take advantage of the opportunities address book. Different mail services implement this service in their own way, but according to the same logic. At the end of the "to" line there is an icon representing an address book. Addresses to which you have already sent messages are automatically added to it. Click on the symbol to see the entire list. Check the boxes next to those you want to add as recipients of this letter. Click the "add selected" button. The marked addresses will appear in the “to” line.

Enter the required data manually. You will have to do this if you have not sent letters to these addresses before. Each of them must be separated by a comma and a space. For example: [email protected], postnam@mail, [email protected].

Please note that in address bar no more than 25 addresses can fit. If you intend to send this message for a larger number of persons, use the “cc” and “bcc” fields.

Add recipients to the Bcc line if you want to prevent other recipients from knowing you're sending it. letter not only them. A line will appear if you click on the “show all fields” sentence or on the corresponding inscription above the “to” line. This method has significant drawback: Recipients may not receive your items. Robots postal systems, fighting spam, delete such letters.

Go into your mailbox settings and create with a text that you want to send to many recipients. Now manually create for each address letter, enter the recipient and select a subject. You just need to enter it once, and then it will appear in the drop-down line. Attach the file if necessary and click "send". This method allows you to avoid spam filters and make it seem like you are writing to this person. At the same time, it minimizes the amount self made.

Take advantage special programs for mass mailing of letters. They allow you to send up to several hundred messages per minute and simplify all stages of writing letters as much as possible. Choose the program that suits you best and download it from one of the thematic sites.


  • Weapons of mass notification. How to organize your own newsletter
  • how to send a message to multiple recipients
  • Personalizing emails for mass mailings using

Bulk mailing – the ability to send a letter immediately several recipients - especially useful when you need to send congratulations or invitations, or send out a press release. Many mail servers have this function, and to use it all you need is an Internet connection.


To send a letter at the same time several addressees who are already in your contacts list, open your email (algorithm for sending letters several addressees identical in many email programs). Click on the “Write a letter” tab and fill in the fields to create a new message: its subject and the text itself.

Select the "Add" link or image notebook. Thus, you will download a list of your address book, in which you can check the boxes of those to whom you need to send a letter. Click on “Add” again or simply click on the free field.

A list of all entered addresses will appear in the “To” address line. Click on "Send" and users will receive your email. However, in addition to the letter, they will see the addresses of all other recipients in the “To” line.

If you want to hide from your recipients that you have used the bulk email feature, use one of two methods. After filling out the subject and body of the email, enter the recipient's name in the "To" cell, and then click on the "Bcc" link. An additional empty field will appear under the cell, in which select the desired recipients using previous method. Click on “Submit” again. Your letter will be sent to all recipients, although this does not guarantee that it will be received. The robots of many mail systems consider such letters as spam and are often deleted.

To avoid your email getting caught in the spam filter, send messages via “Draft”. Enter the subject and text in the appropriate fields, and then click the “Save as Draft” link. Go to the "Draft" section on the left side of the page and click on the saved letter. You will see a letter template that does not include the recipient's address. Manually enter the desired email and click on “Submit”, then return to the “Draft” section and repeat the procedure for each new user.

Video on the topic


  • how to send a letter from a draft in 2019

It happens that you need to send several messages at once. This is usually how jokes, announcements and other information are distributed. For this there is special services and programs. They will send your messages in a jiffy.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - Internet;
  • - ePochta Mailer 4.2 program
  • - in addition, the ePochta Subscription Manager program


For example, you can register on the website pistonposter.сom. This service stable. Here you have the opportunity to create your own blogs. Go to the "Projects" section. Enter your text that you plan to distribute. You can also find the Action option, under which there are several icons. Select a leaf image. The Send Message window will appear. Specify where and to whom yours will be sent, and click the “Send” button.

IN social network Vkontakte can also be sent to several at the same time messages. To do this, go to the “My Messages” section and click on the “Write a message” button. Enter the text you need and in the “Recipient” field, select those to whom you want to send your letters.

In order to remove many unnecessary messages from a mailbox, the user needs to perform a number of actions. The initial action will be the user in the electronic system. To do this, you need to open the main page of your mailer, and then enter your username and password into the authorization form provided by the resource. After you fill out these fields, click on the “Login” button. So you will find yourself in personal account your mailbox.

After successfully logging in to the search engine, you need to do the following. Go to view your incoming messages. To do this, find the corresponding link on the page, and then click on it. You will be redirected to a page that will display all inboxes. If you pay attention to, opposite the topic of each incoming message, you will be able to see empty cells.

By clicking on these cells, you will mark certain letters. If you need to mark all incoming messages on a page at once, you will see a separate box at the top. Check the box - all inboxes that you see on the page will be automatically marked.

Specify the “Delete” command in actions with incoming messages, and then confirm the deletion of the corresponding message. You can delete from twenty to fifty emails at a time. You may have to repeat all the above steps more than once to completely delete all mail.

There are situations in life when we need to send letter by email not immediately, but after a while certain time. Some of mail servers, for example, Yandex, allow you to send letter automatically. How exactly to do this?


A page with incoming letters will open in front of you. Just above the letters there is a “Write” button - click it.

Now write it yourself letter. First, indicate the mailbox address of the person you are talking to letter you send. Next, indicate the subject of the letter, it should reflect summary what you write. Finally, enter the text of the letter in the largest window. If you want to arrange your letter somehow in a special way, on the right click the “Apply” button letter" Clicking this button will open the text formatting panel. If you wish, you can check for spelling errors by clicking the “Check Spelling” button. If you need to attach any files to the email, click the “Attach Files” button, upload them from your computer and attach them to the email. You can also set one of the additional functions, for example, notification of receipt of a letter, SMS notification of the recipient of receipt of a letter, etc.

Now comes the fun part. When you have finished working with yourself letter m, you need to send it. So that it is sent to the recipient automatically, i.e. not immediately after you wrote it, but after a certain time, below the text of the letter, find the inscription “Send today to...”. Check the box next to it to activate it this function. Install the exact date and dispatch time. By clicking on the icon with question mark, you can read the help for this function. Attention: sending a letter can be delayed for no more than one year from current date. Once the entire process is complete, click on the “Submit” button.

Email in Russia it is now used very actively in private correspondence. IN Western Europe and North America already a decade ago, this method began to be practiced not so much in private correspondence, but for the exchange of business information within various organizations. And since quite often it was necessary to send messages to several colleagues at the same time, email programs quickly received additional function, which simplifies the solution of this problem. Modern postal services inherited and developed the mechanism for sending messages to several recipients simultaneously.

You will need


If you use an application installed on your operating system(for example Microsoft Outlook or The Bat!), then run it and create a message that you want to send to multiple recipients.

Business communication is its own world with its own laws. A lot depends on how we comply with these laws: the impression we make on colleagues and partners, work productivity, and even career advancement.

A special place in business communication occupied by business correspondence, which is the daily responsibility of most office workers and not only that. The ability to conduct business correspondence correctly can be a good help for the conclusion profitable deals and shaping your business image.

Let's look at some features business letter. So, business correspondence is:

  • use of template phrases and cliches
  • emotional neutrality,
  • semantic accuracy and conciseness of presentation,
  • well-constructed argumentation.

Business correspondence in English is the same set of rules and clichés, some of which we recommend using for everyone who works with foreign partners or in international companies. We bring to your attention several useful phrases that will decorate your business correspondence. These phrases will emphasize your professionalism and help shape the image of a business person. Let's begin!

1. Please find attached

Let's start with the classics. Often you have to attach it to a letter various documents or other files. Perfect for notifying the recipient about the presence of an attachment. this phrase. After all, the word “Attachment” in translation means “attachment”. The phrase should be used at the end of the letter.

Here are a couple of examples of use:

  • Please find attached my portfolio.
  • Please find attached copy of the agreement/contract.

2. I have forwarded

This phrase can be used if you need to forward an email to other recipients. To notify the recipient about this, the phrase “I have forwarded” is perfect. For example:

  • I have forwarded Anna’s CV to you.
  • I have forwarded John's email to you.

3. I've cc'ed

A person uninitiated into all the secrets of peculiarities business correspondence, may not understand what this strange abbreviation means. But we are professionals. “I’ve cc’ed” is an abbreviation that stands for I have carbon copied. The phrase means "to copy someone to receive letters."

So if you need to inform someone that you have copied other recipients, feel free to use this phrase. Eg:

  • I've cc'ed Sara on this email.
  • I’ve cc’ed Jack and Jimmy on these emails.

As for abbreviations that cannot be used in business correspondence, an exception is usually made for this case.

4. For further details

This phrase is a proven way to politely end your letter in English. "For further details" means "for more detailed information", "in details". Examples of using:

  • For further details contact me any time.
  • For further details write to our Sales-manager.

Another phrase that will help you finish politely is “If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.” Translated, this means “If you have any questions, feel free to write to me.”

5. I look forward to

The phrase “look forward” means “to look forward.” So if you are looking forward to a response or some other action from the recipient, then it would be quite appropriate to use this phrase. Eg:

  • I look forward to your answer.
  • I'm looking forward to your reply.

The phrase is best used at the end of the letter.

When writing a letter, you need to be polite even when you don't really feel like it. The ability to write competent letters in any situation reflects your professionalism, good manners and knowledge of business ethics. In conclusion, let us remind you that in business correspondence you must show precision of wording and impeccable literacy. The use of abbreviations is also unacceptable (with rare exceptions).

Write emails in English correctly, dear friends! Good luck!