Search robots - how they work and what they do. How the widespread introduction of robots will affect us

However, many of us have no idea how they are made, what they are made of, what problems engineers face and how to overcome them. In this article we will take a detailed look at how robots are designed and how they work. Actually basic level people are made up of five main components:

body structure;

the system of muscles that moves the body;

the sensory system that receives information about the body and the environment;

source of energy that nourishes muscles and sense organs;

the brain system that processes information from the senses and gives instructions to the muscles.

Of course, we have a number of intangible attributes like intelligence and morality, but purely physical level the list above includes this. Robots are made from similar components. An ordinary robot has a movable physical structure, an electric motor of a certain kind, a system of sensors (sensors, sensory organs), a power supply and a computer “brain” that controls all these elements. Essentially, robots are man-made versions of animal life. These are machines that copy the behavior of people and animals. Joseph Engelberger, a pioneer of industrial robotics, once remarked, “I can’t define a robot, but I know one when I see one.” If you think about all the possible machines that people call robots, you will realize that it is impossible to come up with a comprehensive definition. Everyone has their own idea of ​​what robots are. You probably know these robots:

R2D2 and C-3PO: Smart, talking robots with distinct personalities from the Star Wars films

AIBO from Sony: a robot dog that learns by interacting with people

ASIMO from Honda: a robot that can walk on two legs

Industrial robots: automated machines operating on assembly lines

Data: Almost humanoid android from Star Trek

Sapper robots

NASA Mars Rovers

HAL: on-board computer from Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey

MindStorm: popular robotic kit from LEGO

All of the above can be called robots. A robot is generally what people think of as a robot. Most roboticists (people who make robots) use a more precise definition. They point out that robots have a reprogrammable brain (computer) that moves the body. By this definition, robots are different from other mobile machines like cars because they have a computer element. Most new cars have an on-board computer, but there's only so much you can add to it. You control most elements in the car directly using various types of mechanical devices. Robots are different from regular computers by their physical nature - ordinary computers do not have a physical body; they can exist without it.

Robot Basics

The vast majority of robots do have common features. First of all, almost all robots have a moving body. Some have only motorized wheels, others have dozens of moving segments, usually made of metal or plastic. Like the bones in your body, the individual segments are connected together by joints. The robot's wheels and rotating joint segments are activated using various types of actuators. Some robots use electric motors and solenoids as actuators (drives); some use hydraulic system; some - a pneumatic system (based on compressed gases). Robots can use all of these types of drives. The robot needs a power source to operate these actuators. Most robots either have a battery or are powered by a wall outlet. Hydraulic robots need a pump to create pressure in the hydraulic system, while pneumatic robots need an air compressor or compressed air tanks. All drives are connected to electrical circuit. The circuit directly powers the electric motors and solenoids, which activate the hydraulic system using electric valves. Valves direct compressed fluid through the machine. To move a hydraulic leg, for example, the robot operator must open a valve leading from a fluid pump to a piston cylinder mounted on the leg. The pressurized fluid will move the piston, pushing the leg forward. To move their limbs in both directions, robots use pistons that can be pushed in both directions. The robot's computer controls everything connected to the circuit. To move the robot, the computer activates all the necessary motors and valves. Most robots can be reprogrammed to change their behavior by simply typing new program to the computer. Not all robots have a sensor system, and only a few have the ability to see, hear, smell or taste. The most common ability of a robot is the ability to walk and observe its movement. The standard design uses wheels with slots in the robot's joints. An LED on one side of the wheel shoots a beam of light through a slot to illuminate a light sensor on the other side of the wheel. When the robot moves a certain joint, the slotted wheel spins. The gap splits the beam of light as the wheel rotates. The light sensor reads the behavior of the light beam and transmits the data to the computer. The computer can tell exactly how a joint rotates in a certain model. It works on the same principle computer mouse. These are the basics of robotics. Roboticists can combine these elements into infinite number ways to create robots of unlimited complexity.

Robotic manipulator

The term "robot" comes from the Czech word "robota", which literally means "forced labor". In principle, this word perfectly describes most robots. Most often, robots do hard work and work monotonously in production. They also solve problems that are difficult, dangerous or boring for people. The most common type of robot is a robotic arm. A typical manipulator consists of seven metal segments connected by six joints. The computer controls the robot by rotating individual stepper motors connected to each joint (some larger manipulators use hydraulics or pneumatics). Unlike conventional motors, stepper motors move in precise steps. This allows the robot to move its arm very precisely, repeating exactly the same movement over and over again. The robot uses motion sensors to make sure it moves correctly. The six-jointed industrial robot resembles a human hand - it has semblances of a shoulder, elbow and wrist. Typically, the shoulder is mounted on a fixed base structure rather than on a movable body. This type of robot has six degrees of freedom, that is, it can turn in six different directions. For comparison, the human hand has seven degrees of freedom. The job of your hand is to move from place to place. Likewise, the job of the manipulator is to move the end effector from place to place. You can equip your robotic arm with a variety of end effectors designed for specific applications. One common effector is a simplified version of a hand that can grasp and carry various objects. Manipulators often have built-in pressure sensors that tell the computer how hard to grip a particular object. This prevents the robot from breaking everything it grabs. Other end effectors include blowtorches, drills, and powder or paint sprayers. Industrial robots are designed to do the same things, in a controlled environment, over and over again. For example, the robot can screw caps on tubes of toothpaste. To teach the robot to do this, the programmer describes the movement order using a hand controller. The robot records the sequence of movements in memory and does this again and again when a new product enters the assembly line. Majority industrial robots works on conveyors, assembling cars. Robots do this more efficiently than humans because they are more accurate. They always drill in the same place, tighten the bolts with the same force, no matter how many hours they work. Assembly robots are also important to the computer industry. It is very difficult to accurately assemble a tiny microchip using human power.

Mobile robots

Manipulators are quite easy to assemble and program for them, since they work in a limited space. But things get a little more complicated when you send a robot out into the world. The first hurdle is to give the robot working system movement. If the robot only moves on smooth ground, the wheels or tracks will the best option. Wheels or tracks can also work on rough ground if they are large enough. But most often roboticists think about legs, since they are easier to adapt. Building robots with legs also helps scientists understand natural movement, a useful exercise for biologists. Typically, hydraulic or pneumatic pistons move the robot's legs back and forth. The pistons are attached to different segments of the legs in the same way that muscles are attached to different bones. But getting all those pistons to work properly is a difficult task. When you were a child, your brain was trying to figure out how to precisely move your muscles to stand on two legs without falling. Likewise, the robot designer must determine the correct combination of piston movements involved in walking and program this information into the robot's computer. Many mobile robots are equipped with a built-in balance system (a set of gyroscopes, for example) that tells the computer when to correct the movement. Bipedalism (walking on two legs) is quite unstable, so it is difficult to teach it to robots. To create a stable robotic walker, designers often observe the animal world, especially insects. The six-legged insects have incredibly good balance and adapt to a wide range of environments. Some mobile robots are controlled remotely - a person tells them what to do and when. can be carried out using wire, radio or infrared signals. Remotely controlled robots are often called puppet robots, and they are useful for working in dangerous or difficult to reach environments - for example, in deep water or inside a volcano. Some robots are only partially controlled remotely. For example, an operator can send a robot to a certain place, and the robot will find its way back. As you can see, robots are a lot like us.

The word robot comes from the Czech word robota, which means hard labor or work. Today we use the word "robot" to mean any artificial machine that can perform work or other actions normally performed by humans, either automatically or by remote control.

What do robots do?

Imagine if your job was to tighten one screw on a toaster. And you do it again and again, day after day, for weeks, months or years. This type of work is better suited to robots than to humans. Most robots today are used to perform repetitive tasks or jobs that are considered too dangerous for humans. For example, the robot is ideal for defusing bombs. Robots are also used in factories to make things like cars, candy and electronics. Robots are currently used in medicine, in military technology, for detecting objects under water, or for exploring other planets, etc. Robotic technology has helped people who have lost arms or legs. Robots are excellent helpers for all humanity.

Why use robots?

The reason for using robots is quite simple and clear. The fact is that robots are often cheaper to use than people. It is easier to equip workplaces for robots, and sometimes the introduction of robots is the only possible way solving some problems. Robots can explore the inside of fuel tanks, volcanoes, travel on the surface of Mars, or other places too dangerous for humans. Robots can do the same thing over and over again without getting bored. They can drill walls, weld pipes, paint cars, and handle toxic substances. And in some situations, robots are much more accurate and can reduce production costs due to human error. Robots never get sick, they don't need to sleep, they don't need food, they go without days off and, best of all, they never complain!

What are robots made of?

Robots can be made from various materials: metal, plastic and much more. Most robots consist of 3 main parts:

  1. The controller or "brain" of the robot, working with computer program. Algorithms with which the robot performs various manipulations are stored here.
  2. Mechanical parts: motors, pistons, gripping mechanisms, wheels and gears, thanks to which the robot is able to move, move objects, turn, etc.
  3. Sensors convert the received information into convenient form for further transmission. Sensors allow the robot to navigate the terrain, determine the size, shape, distance between objects, direction and other characteristics and properties of substances. Robots are often equipped with pressure sensors that can determine the amount of pressure required to grasp an object without damaging it.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence was originally developed with the goal of recreating the human mind, but currently a large number of research is focused on the so-called. The principles of swarm intelligence can be used, for example, in creating nanorobots.

Initially, artificial intelligence was developed with the goal of recreating the human mind, but currently a large amount of research is focused on the so-called swarm intelligence - a special type of intelligence that manifests itself in the joint activity of insects or in the work large number simple robotic mechanisms. The principles of swarm intelligence can be used, for example, in creating nanorobots.

Robot Limitations

Unfortunately, robots cannot think or make decisions like in the movies. Robots are machines with programmed movements that allow them to move in certain directions in a given sequence of actions. AI allows robots to process received information and even learn. But they still have significant limitations, since they are able to understand only certain types of information, and perform only a limited set of functions inherent in them when created.

Budnikov Konstantin Andreevich

Target work - evaluate the contribution of creating robots, study the device simple robot and the conditions under which it operates.

Tasks research:

Study literature on the topic “Robots”;

Learn about the history of the invention of robots;

Conduct experiments to study the work of robots.


- theoretical analysis of various sources of information;

Setting up experiments;

Processing of experimental materials;


After conducting research, I came to the conclusion that robots are not capable of replacing humans. But they can save people from hard and boring work.






City competition for young researchers “Step into the future – Junior”

Robots. How they work

Educational and research work

Executor: Budnikov Konstantin Andreevich, student 4 – B class, Municipal Educational Institution NSh-DS No. 43

Head: Basmanova

Elena Gennadievna,

Primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution NS-DS No. 43

Surgut, 2011


1.1. The history of the creation of the first robots………………………………....4

1.2. Advantages and disadvantages of the invention of robots…….……...5

  1. Types of robots………………………………………………………………..………..6
  1. Robot design…………………………………………………………….7

Chapter 2. Experimental research……….……..10


List of sources……………………………………………………………… …….12


The process of scientific discovery -

This is, in essence,

continuous escape from miracles.

Target work - evaluate the contribution of creating robots, study the design of a simple robot and the conditions under which it operates.

Research objectives:

Study literature on the topic “Robots”;

Learn about the history of the invention of robots;

Conduct experiments to study the work of robots.


- theoretical analysis of various sources of information;

Setting up experiments;

Processing of experimental materials;



To conduct the research we usedone motor driver chip and two photocells.

Chapter 1. Robots: history of creation, human use

1.1. History of robot creation

A robot is a device capable of independently interacting with outside world and possessingartificial intelligenceor its beginnings. Usually presented as a mechanical person, less often it is assumed to be a wheeled robot or non-anthropomorphic. Automata and devices remotely controlled by people are often called robots for advertising purposes or out of ignorance. The humanoid robot is called an android.

The word "robot" was coinedCzech writer Karel Capek and his brother Josefand first used in Capek's play "R.U.R."("Rossum's Universal Robots",). Before the appearance industrial robotsIt was believed that robots should look like people.

The idea of ​​artificial creatures was first mentioned inancient Greekthe myth about Cadmus, who, having killed a dragon, scattered his teeth on the ground and plowed them, soldiers grew from the teeth, and in another ancient Greek myth aboutPygmalione, who breathed life into the statue he created - Galatea.

The oldest mechanical man in history was made in 1540 by the Italian Gianello Della Torre. To entertain Emperor Charles V, he built a lutenist who could walk and produce sounds from her instrument. Two centuries later, the Swiss watchmaker Pierre Jacquet-Droze continued the work begun by Della Torre. He designed beautiful machines that operated using a spring mechanism similar to a clockwork.

Active production of robots began in the 1970s. First of all, they began to be used in production, to perform monotonous (and often dangerous) operations. Most industrial robots are used in the automotive industry, where they work in stamping and welding areas, in paint booths, and in assembly. Of course, robots could not immediately replace people in industry, but the share of human labor in production has been steadily declining since then. Fully automated factories, such as IBM's keyboard assembly factory in Texas, are called "lightless factories." People are no longer needed there: absolutely all production, from the moment of unloading materials to receipt finished products at the loading gate, is fully robotic and can operate 24/7.

1.2 Advantages and disadvantages of the invention of robots

Robots have the following potential advantages over humans:

  1. theoretical immortality - if any part of the robot wears out, it can be easily replaced with a new one;
  2. potential adaptability to any living conditions where the materials from which the robot is made will be in a stable state;
  3. ease of obtaining new individuals - can be collected industrially;
  4. ease of learning - just copy the program of another robot into a new robot;
  5. The robot can be turned off when not needed and stored as is.

However, so far robots have more disadvantages than humans:

  1. manufacturing a more or less universal and reliable robot is too expensive;
  2. true artificial intelligence has not been created.

Obviously, due to technological progress, the price of a robot performing the same set of functions should decrease. Therefore, one should expect the first mentioned deficiency to disappear over time. The second drawback - the lack of artificial intelligence - may well turn out to be insurmountable, if only because we do not know how natural intelligence works, and it is not a fact that we will ever know.

1.3. Types of robots

Industrial robots

The emergence of machines with numerical program controlled (CNC) led to the creation of programmable manipulators for a variety of loading and unloading operations on machine tools. Appearance in the 70s. microprocessor systems control and replacement of specialized control devices with programmable controllers made it possible to reduce the cost of robots by three times, making their mass implementation in industry profitable. This was facilitated by the objective prerequisites for the development of industrial production.

Household robots

One of the first examples of successful mass industrial implementation of household robots was a mechanical dog.AIBO corporations Sony. In September The first humanoid robots went on sale for the first time "Wakamaru» manufactured by the companyMitsubishi. The robot, worth $15 thousand, is capable of recognizing faces, understanding certain phrases, giving information, performing some secretarial functions, and monitoring the premises. Robotic cleaners are gaining increasing popularity; at their core, they are automatic vacuum cleaners that can independently tidy up an apartment and return to their place to recharge without human intervention.

Apparently, the weapons used today are gradually losing effectiveness and relevance in the fight against the enemy. Or it is not so universal and functional, if scientists do not stop looking for weapons that amaze the imagination with their thinness, miniature size and deadly danger. Israeli scientists have taken up the development of a project that involves using nanotechnology to create robots smaller in size than a regular wasp that will be able to track down, photograph and kill prey. Also, the use of nanotechnology will make the process of surveillance and attack of enemy targets more secretive and dangerous.

Robot scientists

The first robot scientists Adam and Eve were created as part of the projectRobot ScientistAberystwyth University and2009one of them made the first scientific discovery.

The 1st generation robots were large mechanical "workers" designed for heavy industry. But then, thanks to the development and improvement of technology, a new series of robots was born, more skillful and at the same time more similar to those that writers and filmmakers had invented long before. These are the so-called “anthropomorphic”, that is, human-like robots that do what industrial mechanisms are not capable of. Here are a few examples: they walk, make phone calls, and even play table tennis.

Robot toys

Many large companies specializing in the production of toys are working on them and have already presented these developments to the public. The DIY robots include a remote-controlled soccer player, a spider robot that detects obstacles, and another that moves when the light changes. The largest is called 65 230, consists of 400 parts and is equipped with 5 electric motors.

1.4. Robot device

So how does a robot work? What helps him move? What parts does it consist of?

Robots require portable batteries extremely high capacity, the characteristics of which exceed those available on the market. The problems of adequate energy supply for robots have not yet been solved. The solution could be nuclear power plants and, which are used on space probes for long-distance flights, with such a battery the robot can work for 50-100 years without charging

The robot also needs motors. Nowadays, they are often used as enginesstepper motors And servos.

There are developments of engines that do not use motors in their design: for example, the technology of reducing material under the influence electric current(or field) which makes it possible to achieve a more accurate correspondence of the robot’s movement to the natural smooth movements of living beings.


In Japan, the development of robots with appearance, at first glance indistinguishable from human. The technique of simulating emotions and facial expressions of robots is being developed.

In June 2009, scientists from the University of Tokyo presented humanoid robot"KOBIAN", capable of expressing his emotions - happiness, fear, surprise, sadness, anger, disgust - through gestures and facial expressions. The robot is able to open and close its eyes, move its lips and eyebrows, and use its arms and legs.

Travel system

Soviet Lunokhod-1

To move around open areas, a wheeled or tracked robotic system is most often used, and less often a walking robotic movement system is used. These are the most versatile types of moving systems.

Crawler robot

For uneven surfaces, hybrid structures are created that combine wheeled or tracked travel with complex kinematics of wheel movement. This design was used inLunokhod.

Indoors and at industrial facilities, movements alongmonorails, along a floor track, etc. To move along inclined and vertical planes, systems similar to “walking” structures are used, but with vacuum suction cups.

Robot " BigDog" (similar in appearance to a centaur and designed to aid in carrying loads), demonstrates a fairly efficient four-legged gait, including maintaining balance after a lateral unexpected impact (kick).

Famous robot Asimowalks on two limbs, like a human. Robots are also known that imitate the movements of living organisms.

Charging technology

Technologies have been developed that allow robots to recharge themselves by finding and connecting to a stationary charging station.

Mathematical basis

In addition to the already widely used neural network technologies, there are self-learning algorithms for the interaction of a robot with surrounding objects in the real three-dimensional world: robot dogAibo(used as a mechanical device), under the control of such algorithms, went through the same stages of learning as a newborn baby - independently learning to coordinate the movements of its limbs and interact with surrounding objects. This provides another example of a mathematical understanding of the algorithms of the work of higher nervous activity in humans.

Chapter 2. Experimental research into creating a robot

I tried to make a robot. I used one motor driver chip and two photocells. Depending on the way the motors, microcircuits and photocells are connected, my robot will move towards the light or, conversely, hide in the darkness, run forward in search of light or back away like a mole.

The principle of robot behavior is based on “photoreception”. In living nature, which our robot will imitate, photoreception is one of the main photobiological phenomena in which light acts as a source of information.
The design of a robot that moves forward when a beam of light falls on it and stops when the light stops shining on it is called photokinesis - a non-directional increase or decrease in mobility in response to changes in light levels.
In the robot device, except for the motor driver chipL293D, only one photocell and one electric motor will be used. Not only a phototransistor can be used as a photocell.


As a scientific discovery, we should perhaps consider the robot as a product of the centuries-old evolution of human thought of all mankind.
It is difficult to underestimate the meaning of the created robot for technology. After all, the invention of the robot greatly changed the entire industry. This is a significant event in the history of technology. The history of the robot's creation is shrouded in mystery. And even if there is a large amount of evidence, it is difficult to reliably know the reliable time of the appearance of the first robot.

Analyzing the invention of the robot, we can assume that scientific base, the basis for the invention of the robot, had already been created by this time. The robot was not invented as easily as we are used to it. Many people struggled to invent a robot. For a long time, people have borrowed certain robot traits from each other.

After conducting research, I came to the conclusion that robots are not capable of replacing humans. But they can save people from hard and boring work.

List of sources

  1. Cosmonautics. Small encyclopedia. Ch. editor V. P. Glushko. M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1970. 527c.

2. Encyclopedia of Cosmonautics. Ch. ed. V. P. Glushko. M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1985. 526c.

3. Dietrich A.K. Why. – M.:AST, 2004, 335 p.

4. What? For what? Why? Big book of questions and answers. - M.: Eksmo, 2002, 512 p.

5. I explore the world: Children's encyclopedia.: Inventions._ M.: AST, 1999, 512 p.

6. I explore the world: Children's encyclopedia: History of things. – M.:AST, 1998, 512 p. Slide 2

Research objectives: - study the literature on the topic “Robots”; - learn about the history of the invention of robots; - conduct experiments to study the work of robots. Methods: - theoretical analysis of various sources of information; - setting up experiments; - processing of experimental materials; - observation; - analysis.

A robot is a device that is capable of independently interacting with the outside world and has artificial intelligence or its beginnings.

Who was the first to create a mechanical man? 1540 - Italian Gianello Della Torre

Industrial robots

Household robots

Military robots

For movement, a wheeled or tracked, or less often a walking, robotic movement system is used.


CONCLUSION: After conducting research, I concluded that robots are not capable of replacing humans. But they can save people from hard and boring work.

List of sources 1. Cosmonautics. Small encyclopedia. Ch. editor V. P. Glushko. M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1970. 527c. 2. Encyclopedia of Cosmonautics. Ch. ed. V. P. Glushko. M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1985. 526c. 3. Dietrich A.K. Why. – M.:AST, 2004, 335 p. 4. What? For what? Why? Big book of questions and answers. - M.: Eksmo, 2002, 512 p. 5. I explore the world: Children's encyclopedia.: Inventions._ M.: AST, 1999, 512 p. 6. I explore the world: Children's encyclopedia: History of things. – M.:AST, 1998, 512 p. 7. I explore the world: Children's encyclopedia: Physics\Comp. A.A. Leonovich. – M.:AST, 1996, 480 p. 8.


What does a person studying mechatronics and higher mathematics have in common with an android programmer interested in behavioral science and psychology? That's right: both are involved in robotics. What kind of animal is this? Why is this industry in Lately is the most in demand and highly paid?

So, let’s begin a series of articles on professions. And first on the list is robotics - a dream job!

Situation today

Today, this industry is completely undeveloped in the vastness of the former CIS countries. And there is room for development, not only in the field of industry, but also in the home, mobile, combat, and anthropomorphic industries.

If you want to find your dream job and become a robotics engineer (not an easy job, it must be said), you need to know what, who, where and how they offer in this field, as well as where to start.

Creating robots: subtleties of the matter

The creation of robots has two important components: hardware and engineering ideas on the one hand, and software and data processing on the other. And to become a roboticist, you will have to understand both issues, and equally well.

A robot is the same computer, only equipped with sensors and motors. Robots are computer science brought to life. And in order to begin to understand them, you will first have to delve into the specifics of software development, which means studying programming languages.

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Where to start?

If from the very beginning, then buy yourself a LEGO constructor. It will help develop design abilities, build cause-and-effect relationships and develop logical thinking.

Those who are already familiar with these areas are recommended to get acquainted with Robotics Bioloid or LEGO EV3. They are ideal for diving into details and practicing acquired skills.

Once you have developed the basic algorithms, you can look for an intern position in a robotics company. Here you will be taught everything you need.

It's not difficult to create a robot. It's difficult to create a robot that solves a real problem. Find a problem, and only then create a robot.

How to learn robotics on your own?

To obtain this specialty, you will have to gain knowledge in many branches of science: engineering structures, circuit design, working with relays and light sensors, programming, electronics, biology, mechanics, aesthetics.

In general, robotics is worth pursuing. And not only because this is a very promising activity. It’s just that this industry is an unplowed field for specialists of all stripes – even for psychologists and biologists.

By the way, here is a list of some places where you can study robotics and find your dream job:

  • MIREA,
  • MSTU im. Bauman,
  • MEM NRU HSE, Robotics Laboratory.

There are also certain courses available to teach this topic. True, they are all English-speaking. So if you have no problems with English language, go for it:

  • Introduction to Robotics | Mechanical Engineering | MIT
  • Artificial Intelligence: How To Build A Robot – Udacity
  • Robotics courses – Plymouth
  • Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques
  • Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence - Courses | Coursera
  • UC BerkeleyX: CS188.1x: Artificial Intelligence | edX

Well, while you strive to find your dream job, study a bunch of specialized literature, the educational service will help you study in your main specialty by

Robots search engine

Search engine robots, sometimes called spiders or crawlers, are software modules searching for web pages. How do they work? What do they actually do? Why are they important?

Considering all the noise around search engine optimization and search engine index databases, you probably think that robots must be great and powerful creatures. Not true. Search engine robots only have basic functions, similar to what some of the first browsers had in terms of what information they can recognize on a site. Like early browsers, robots simply can't do certain things. Robots don't understand frames Flash animations, images or JavaScript. They cannot enter password-protected sections and cannot click on all the buttons that are on the site. They may "shut up" during the indexing process dynamic addresses URL and work very slowly, to the point of stopping and powerlessness over JavaScript navigation.

How do search engine robots work?

Search robots should be thought of as automated data retrieval programs that travel the web in search of information and links to information.

When, by going to the “Submit a URL” page, you register another web page in a search engine, a new URL is added to the queue for the robot to view sites. Even if you don't register a page, a lot of robots will find your site because there are links from other sites linking to yours. This is one of the reasons why it is important to build link popularity and place links on other thematic resources.

When robots come to your site, they first check whether there is a robots.txt file. This file tells robots which sections of your site should not be indexed. Typically these may be directories containing files that the robot is not interested in or should not know about.

Robots store and collect links from every page they visit and later follow those links to other pages. All world wide web built from links. The initial idea for creating an Internet network was that it would be possible to follow links from one place to another. This is how robots move.

"Cunning" about indexing pages in real mode time depends on engineers search engines, who invented methods used to evaluate the information received by search engine robots. Once embedded in the search engine database, the information is available to users who search. When a search engine user types search query, a series of quick calculations are made to ensure that it actually returns the correct set of sites for the most relevant answer.

You can view which pages of your site have already been visited search robot, guided by the server log files, or the results of statistical processing of the log file. By identifying robots, you will see when they visited your site, which pages and how often. Some robots are easily identified by their names, like Google's "Googlebot." Others are more hidden, like Inktomi's "Slurp." Other robots may also appear in the logs and it is possible that you will not be able to immediately identify them; some of them may even be browsers run by humans.

In addition to identifying unique search robots and counting the number of their visits, statistics can also show you aggressive, bandwidth-consuming robots or robots that are undesirable for visiting your site.

How do they read your website pages?

When a search robot visits a page, it looks at its visible text, the content of various tags in source code your page (title tag, meta tags, etc.), as well as hyperlinks on the page. Based on the words in the links, the search engine decides what the page is about. There are many factors used to calculate key points"playing a role" pages. Each search engine has its own algorithm for evaluating and processing information. Depending on how the robot is configured, the information is indexed and then delivered to the search engine's database.

After this, the information delivered to the search engine's index databases becomes part of the search engine and database ranking process. When a visitor makes a query, the search engine searches the entire database to return the final list that is relevant to the search query.

Search engine databases are carefully processed and brought into compliance. If you are already in the database, robots will visit you periodically to collect any changes to the pages and make sure that they have the most latest information. The number of visits depends on the settings of the search engine, which may vary depending on its type and purpose.

Sometimes search robots are unable to index a website. If your site has crashed or there are a large number of visitors to the site, the robot may be helpless in its attempts to index it. When this happens, the site cannot be re-indexed, which depends on how often the robot visits it. In most cases, robots that fail to reach your pages will try again later in the hope that your site will be available soon.

Many web crawlers cannot be identified when you view the logs. They may be visiting you, but the logs say that someone is using a Microsoft browser, etc. Some robots identify themselves using the name of a search engine (googlebot) or its clone (Scooter = AltaVista).

Depending on how the robot is configured, the information is indexed and then delivered to the search engine databases.

Search engine databases are subject to modification at various times. Even directories that have secondary search results use robot data as the content of their website.

Actually, robots are not used by search engines only for the above. There are robots that check databases for new content, visit old database content, check if links have changed, download entire sites for viewing, and so on.

For this reason, reading log files and monitoring search engine results helps you monitor the indexing of your projects.
