Teenagers without money. How can a teenager make money on the Internet? Examples from life! Part-time work for teenage girls

Anyone can make money on the Internet, whether you are at least 13 years old, at least 15, at least 35. It all depends on your skills, typing speed, literacy, cunning and many other factors. Just because you're a minor doesn't mean you can't earn money. I knew some people who, at 16-17 years old, earned more than many adults in the regions of Russia.

And in this article I want to look at how a teenager aged 13-16 can make money on the Internet without investments and with investments. It’s quite possible for a teenager to earn money on the Internet, you just need to know how to do it :) And I’ll tell you.

But first I want to answer your questions.

How much can a teenager earn on the Internet?

How much do you think a teenager aged, say, from 13 to 16 years old can earn on the Internet?

Looking ahead, I will say right away that at the age of 15, I earned a maximum of 15,000 rubles a month, while spending about 2-3 hours a day. I will tell you later in the article how it happened. Roughly speaking, if I spent my full time as at an official job (8 hours), I would be able to earn about 40-50 thousand rubles per month.

According to my personal experience (I have tried many ways to make money on the Internet), anyone, including a teenager, can easily earn from 10 thousand rubles a month and not spend a lot of time on it, and with due diligence and patience you can earn from 20 thousand and more - it all depends on your ingenuity, skills and abilities.

Ways to make money on the Internet for teenagers

Naturally, we will look at ways to make money on the Internet for teenagers, schoolchildren and minors. If you are one of them, then yes, you can make money too. I’ll just tell you about my method by which I earned 15 thousand rubles at the age of 15. per month.

So, the best current ways to earn money:

Earnings on the article exchange

It was on the article exchange that I made money in my teens. Specifically, I made money on the eTXT exchange. An article exchange is something like a market where you can sell a unique article(unique means not copied, but written personally or rewritten in your own words from other sources, which is called rewriting).

Do you think you've never done this? But that's not true. You've probably copied your homework and know what it means to “rewrite, but in your own words.” This is called rewriting. This creates the illusion that this text is yours, unique, but in fact you are writing the same thing, but in different words. Such text can also be easily sold; it is in demand on article exchanges.

  1. register;
  2. look for available orders, submit an application;
  3. you are accepted as a performer;
  4. write an article on the instructions of the customer;
  5. voila, you completed the order and earned some money!

Another option (on resale of articles):

  1. buy several articles that are already on sale (let’s say you spent 500 rubles);
  2. put them up for sale again at 2 times the price and wait for people to buy them;
  3. sell over time for 1000 rubles;
  4. voila, you earned 500 rubles!

Third option (one of the best):

  1. choose a topic in which you are knowledgeable (for example, sports, design, mathematics, Russian, history...);
  2. write various articles on these topics;
  3. put it up for sale in your account and sell it;
  4. voila, you make money by selling your articles!

When I was just starting to earn money, I first wrote all the articles myself. I wrote articles on sports nutrition, on the construction of bathhouses and garages (although I didn’t know much about this at all, even now). At first I sold articles for a ridiculous 10-20 rubles, but then I got involved and realized that I could earn more.

Then I started investing money, that is, buying other people’s articles and selling them at a higher price, plus writing his own articles. So I got about 10-15 thousand rubles. per month.

The most popular article exchanges are eTXT, Advego and Text. I made money on the first one.

Earning money on freelance exchanges

Despite the fact that freelancing is supposedly a concept “for adults” and teenagers, you can still make money quite easily from freelancing. Freelancing is also something like a market where customers and performers meet. Customers need you to do some work online, and you do it.

The tasks can be completely different and in any case you will find something that suits your skills. The most important rule in this is not to be afraid and try to start at least with something. Everyone always starts from the very bottom, don’t forget this! You can refuse and never understand how people make money on the Internet, or you can slowly and surely begin to immerse yourself in all this specifics and earn good money in the future.

I was on the freelance exchange several times and earned about 5 thousand rubles. in 10 days. At the same time, I spent more time looking for a job than on the job itself, that is, I earned these 5 thousand in about 10 hours of work. Roughly speaking, if I initially had a task, I would have earned these 5 thousand in one or two days.

The thing about freelancing is that ratings mean a lot, and if you are a beginner, you will have to work at low rates first. But when you get a rating, it will be much easier for you to find very profitable projects and earn good money. Freelance specialists earn from 100 thousand rubles. per month.

The most common freelance exchanges- these are Kwork, FL.RU and Freelance. I worked for KWORK. By the way, now I’m already ordering services as a freelancer, rather than performing them :)

Earning money for a teenager on Yandex.Toloka

Any teenager can make money on the official service for small income from Yandex called Yandex.Toloka.

Yandex.Toloka is a service that offers you to earn small money for completing small and simple tasks (evaluate a site, choose the right picture, etc.). As far as I know, the only disadvantage of this method is that there are not always many tasks, and sometimes there are simply none. At least, I once tried to start making money there, and it didn’t work out. But that was 3 years ago - try it, maybe you’ll succeed!

Earning money by running VKontakte groups

I’ll tell you one way to make money by administering VKontakte groups, which you are unlikely to find anywhere else. Any teenager can make money on VKontakte groups, even if he doesn’t have one! Now I'll tell you how.

So what did I do? I was looking for abandoned VKontakte groups (there were no new posts for at least 5 days) and with a large audience (from 100 thousand subscribers) and wrote to the group’s contacts with a proposal to take the group into development (become an administrator and post articles):

If the creator of the group agrees and makes you an administrator, then you start posting content, reviving the group, and then offer the administrator to work there on a permanent basis for 30-50% of the income of this group- in 95% of cases the administrator will agree, since most likely he doesn’t care about the group at all and will only be glad for you to work there.

In general, I reached an income of about 5 thousand rubles for groups. per month (while working about half an hour a day). After about a year I got tired of it, that is managed to earn about 50-60 thousand.

These were the three best ways for a teenager to make quick and stable money on the Internet. In principle, they are suitable not only for schoolchildren and students, but for everyone in general.

Contact me for earnings

Another way to make money for a teenager - write to me using my contacts and I will try to find you a job:

In any case, I can offer some of you a job in my projects with a stable pay.

What you will never make money from

I want to warn you right away and tell you “ways to make money” that you will NEVER make money from. These include:

  • earning money by entering captcha;
  • clicks;
  • paid tasks in boxes;
  • watching videos for money;
  • filling out questionnaires and surveys;
  • reading letters for money;
  • paid surfing on the Internet;
  • writing reviews;
  • casino, betting;
  • pyramids, MMM;
  • financial games (money games, games with money withdrawal).

here is an example of such a “scam” (actually a scam)

I don’t know for sure whether this whole list is complete or not, this is the first thing that came to mind. With this you will NEVER earn more than 1000 rubles per month. And if you make money, then once or twice at most. The threshold for each of these types of earnings is 2-3 thousand per month with daily work of 4-5 hours. This is disrespect for your time and work.

The advent of the Internet has destroyed many barriers, and now any teenager can earn a fortune here. How to do it? How can a teenager make money on the Internet? Everything is very simple. This article is based on real events and experiences of people who earned their first million on the Internet.

How can a teenager make money on the Internet?

Group Administrator

Many groups on social networks are someone else's business. And if the owner has several such groups, then he hires an administrator for a fee. The average payment for running one group is 5,000 rubles per month. And to earn this money and get the job done, you will need to spend 1-2 hours a day. Many administrators take on several groups at once, earning 25,000 rubles per month.

Online Games. And here you can make money!

For some, online games are an addiction that causes them to waste a lot of time without benefit. And for others it is a source of considerable money.

So why waste time without a trace if you can benefit from a pleasant activity?! All you need to make money on your favorite game is to “pump up” your hero to a high level.

Each popular online game has its own groups on social networks, forums, and websites. It is there that auctions and sales of artifacts, things, accounts, and the exchange of game currency for real money are often held. Some of these games are: ArcheAge, Lineage, World of Warcraft, World of Tanks. A promoted account here can be sold for $30,000 or more!

Online store "VKontakte"

Much has been written on the World Wide Web about how teenagers make money on the Internet, and in particular on social networks. This is one of the best places to sell products for several reasons. Firstly, you don’t have to rent premises, and as a result, your profit is higher. Secondly, here you can cover the market from all over Russia and neighboring countries, again the profit is greater. Thirdly, even a teenager can promote a group on social networks; this does not require investments or a special gift.

True, there are also pitfalls. For example, due to the cost of delivery, there is no point in selling small inexpensive things (cheap jewelry, small parts for equipment, etc.) on social networks. How much can you earn here? This number has no limit. But we hope you will be motivated by the fact that many people have made their millions in this business. You can read more about making money by creating VKontakte online stores in the article

Earning money from copywriting

Since websites began to be created, there has been a need to fill them. As a copywriter, it is quite possible to earn about $1000 per month.

The main thing you need for this job is knowledge of the Russian language at the proper level. If this is the case, then head to freelance exchanges for valuable experience. This is where copywriters often start. Take on orders with a small payment (up to 40 rubles per 1000 characters) and study the specifics of the work from the inside. Be sure to save links to published works in your portfolio, it will be useful to you in the future.

Thus, little by little, try to develop and grow in your field. And as the quality of your work improves, so will its price.

What DOES NOT bring you money on the Internet?

Job offers on the Internet are so diverse and different from each other that it can be difficult for a beginner to distinguish white from black. Listed below are the most common offers of earning money, which in the end will bring you nothing but loss of energy and time:

  • An offer to send a certain amount to a miracle wallet, which will return you twice as much. You send 10 rubles to him, he returns 20 to you. You send 100 rubles there - you do not receive anything in return.
  • An offer to join the community and pay a membership fee. After that, invite others and receive a percentage of their contributions. The form of such a proposal is always different, but the essence is the same - it is a financial pyramid. If you are interested in how it works, read about their design.
  • Earning money from clicks, likes, and ad views. They don’t deceive you here, you will actually get paid here (although they can also deceive you). But the time you spend is not worth the money at all.

In addition to such offers, you can find hundreds of similar ones. Therefore, do not lose your vigilance and comprehend all sentences logically. It is important to understand that there is no free money either in life or on the Internet. Before you receive your profit, you will need to earn it through honest work.

Earning money on the Internet - 100 rubles per day. First steps in internet business! Where to find proven ways to make money on the Internet for teenagers!

Money is evil! This is what folk wisdom says. However, this very evil satisfies our needs, and without it we cannot survive in the world. Where can I get money? Rob a bank, steal from a passerby? It’s better to earn money by honest work! But what should teenagers who want to earn money for their own needs do? After all, because of their age, no one will hire them.

There are plenty of places to earn money. However, they are closed for schoolchildren, since he is studying and simply cannot work during the day shift. And in the evening too - no one canceled homework. Plus, the employer may be fined or even face criminal liability for using the labor of a minor. But don’t despair, because there is a way out, and it’s the Internet.

But you can make money using this method only if the questionnaire is honest. You can find out only by visiting specific discussion topics on the forums. If the site is suspicious, it is worth finding out what kind of reviews such work receives on the Internet. Find out everything about a particular resource if it raises suspicions.

If everything is in order with the reviews, you can start registering. For serious surveys, during registration you will have to indicate your real full name, place of residence, date of birth, hobbies, hobbies, etc., and then check the user agreement of the parties, which you can immediately read.

It’s better not to immediately draw castles in the air for yourself and assume that your daily earnings will be 50 rubles, this work is daily. Surveys are received infrequently on the Internet, and if a shortened questionnaire is presented, i.e. most of the questions were not answered, then the payment will be minimal.


The Internet is very similar to real life. And, as in reality, online “employers” also deceive people. It’s not difficult to identify scammers, you just need to be careful and take into account their signs:

  1. Advance payment. No decent employer who is actually looking for an employee would require upfront payment for or purchase of something. This kind of work on the Internet is a typical scam.
  2. “You will work only 2 hours a day and earn $100 an hour!” Well, this is funny. No normal person in their right mind would pay that much.
  3. Promise of a large sum for meager work. For example, for a small and easy article I will pay you 150 rubles. As a result, the work was completed, and the money... What money?
  4. Most earnings from surveys, clicks and video views are pure fraud, but there are also honest services. If you suspect that this work on the Internet does not bode well, reviews on third-party sites will help you be convinced of everything.
  5. Incomprehensible job description. “Highly paid work on the Internet from home in your free time, 2 hours a day.” Essentially nothing was said. Of course, you can respond to such an offer, but most likely it is a hoax.

Discarding such pseudo-earnings in the search process, you can find many different ways to get money.

Working on the Internet at home is the same work as in an office or factory, for which you pay money. And employers expect high-quality orders from hired employees. Therefore, you should not take tasks carelessly. After all, even from simple remote work you can make good money if you become a professional in your field. To do this, you always need to educate yourself, read specialized literature and communicate with masters in this field. In addition, no one will prevent you from working remotely during your studies at the university and after it.

You will need

  • Of course, there are still labor exchanges and their employees who sincerely want to help everyone who has applied in search of work. But searching for a job online will be more effective and easier. You can also attend job fairs.


Are you only 14? You will have to obtain the consent of your parents for yours, otherwise the employer will not have the right to enter into either an employment or civil law contract with you. According to current legislation, consent must be expressed in writing.
In principle, there are few vacancies for teenagers, especially for those who are only 14. As a rule, at this age you can get a job as a promoter or advertiser, or less often as a courier. Be prepared for your legs to fall off at the end of your working hours. By the way, do not forget that your work is legally limited to only 24 hours a week.

15-year-olds have approximately the same prospects, with the only difference that parental consent is not required to conclude an employment contract. It’s a little easier for those who have already turned 16: they have the right to work 35 hours a week, i.e. It is more profitable for employers to take them. The catalog of positions for teenagers 16-18 is wider: waiter, telephone, sales consultant. Girls can also get jobs as secretaries, especially if they have a high typing speed.

Don't forget about the World Wide Web - it provides quite large opportunities to find remote, uncomplicated work for almost everyone. Copywriters, rewriters, bloggers, and programmers are always needed. Children from linguistic schools can try their hand at simple translations. As a rule, a private customer who does not have the opportunity to pay a real specialist will not be interested in how old you are or whether you have work experience if you need to write a simple text or do a short translation on a general topic.

Unfortunately, not all customers are conscientious. To definitely get money for your work, require an advance payment (for example, a transfer to YandexMoney) or transfer the work to the customer in person, upon meeting. Although here no one is immune from deception.

Finally, the most reliable resource is your parents and friends. Maybe the secretary or courier at the company where your mother's friend works suddenly quit? Maybe the neighbors need someone to babysit their second-grader son and help him do his homework? Take an interest! You definitely won't be deceived here.

The most prosaic question is payment for your work. It definitely won’t be high, but on average a teenager 14-15 years old can easily earn up to 10,000 rubles, and older ones - up to 20,000 (in Moscow).

The main thing is to always enter into an agreement with the employer or, if you are looking for remote work, require payment guarantees (prepayment). Otherwise, you may not get any money at all.

Video on the topic


They may conclude with you not an employment contract, but a civil law contract (a contract for the provision of paid services). For all minors, parental consent is required if imprisoned. It is less profitable to enter into such an agreement than an employment agreement: it contains fewer guarantees for employees.

Helpful advice

Always read the contract you enter into carefully.

Before going for an interview, take the time to read Articles 63 and 265-272 of the Labor Code.

Type in search engines the name of the company from which you received an invitation for an interview and read reviews about it. Pay special attention to reviews on sites containing “black lists” of employers, such as www.blackjob.ru. In general, if a company is mentioned there, as a rule, it is better not to work for it.


  • how to make money for a teenager

Nowadays, most teenagers want to earn money on their own, so as not to ask their parents for any personal needs. It often happens that adults have a negative attitude towards children’s desire to start earning money in adolescence. But experts assure that if a child expresses a desire to earn extra money, then it is better to support him in this.

1. How to make money for a teenager offline (without the Internet)

You can start earning money as a teenager very quickly, but the money may not be much.

Earnings for teenagers are divided into two types:

  • constant,
  • seasonal.

For example, seasonal types of earnings are some kind or during school holidays.

You can earn money for a teenager. Many teenagers, in order to earn more money, combine several types of work, for example, delivering mail and posting advertisements.

Also quite a popular way of earning money among teenagers is working part-time at car washes, parking lots, or some auto repair shops. And this is a very well-paid job, where there is an opportunity to earn money for any teenager who wants to earn money. (See more ways how to earn money).

Many teenagers earn money by cleaning streets and landscaping parks and squares. During the summer season, you can earn extra money on amusement rides and their maintenance.

Having the opportunity to live in a country house or in a village in the summer, you can find a lot of different types of work: weeding beds, mending fences, etc., which will be needed by people who are willing to pay money for it.

Do not forget that the laws of the Russian Federation restrict the work of teenagers. This limitation applies to a certain number of working hours per day, as well as the maximum weight of loads carried. As a result, most employers do not want to employ teenagers officially.

If we are talking about a permanent form of income for teenagers, then it is better not to rush into choosing a place of work and should choose taking into account the prospects for the future. Thus, you need to choose exactly the area of ​​your activity that may be useful in the future.

2. Ways to make money on the Internet (online) for teenagers

If your child spends a lot of time on the home computer, then you can start making good money on this very computer.

For example, you can start writing texts on various topics, which are readily purchased by webmasters to fill content for their sites. This type of income will significantly improve your spelling skills, since no one will pay for articles with errors.

By devoting several hours a day to such work, you can earn from three to nine thousand rubles a month.

Many teenagers are on the Internet. There is no upper limit on earnings here, but you may not earn anything. But in any case, with a certain desire and determination, a child can well study web design, methods of website promotion and methods of monetizing Internet projects, or become a first-class web programmer. That is, given the rapid computerization in modern life, the child will definitely not be left without work.

3. Make money quickly on the Internet - on Avito

Another great way to make money online is buying and selling goods on Avito , the largest free classifieds site in Russia. Today there are many ways to make money on Avito without investment, in general, almost all of them are related to the purchase and sale of goods online. Not only a teenager, but also a child can do this; the main thing is to choose the right products for resale and boldly display them on the website. You can make money on Avito without serious experience in this field - now there are many courses and lessons on the Internet that you can take online, or just download and read a ready-made checklist with ideas.

Download the free checklist

18 ideas on what you can sell on Avito right now to make money

Don’t forget about an excellent source of information - expert videos, from which you can learn a lot about making money quickly online, such as making money on the Avito free classifieds site:

4. Making money on the Internet for teenagers - conclusion

Experts advise parents to communicate more with their children about finances and financial literacy, and also be interested in where the child plans to spend their earned money. It is better to teach your child financial planning from an early age and explain to a teenager how to make money, what business and investments are, where it is profitable to invest the money you earn in order to increase it.

Before you start working on the Internet, watch a video on how to distinguish a real way to make money online from a scam.

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