Subscribe to the VKontakte group. How to subscribe to a person or group on VKontakte

The end of the month is approaching, and I have for you a new script for checking a user in the VKontakte community, or you can call this topic differently - checking a user to subscribe to news on VK. Perhaps this material will be a little unusual for you, since it was recorded for the first time, both in test form and in video format. As they say, you have to start somewhere. I’ll say right away that I don’t have basic experience in video recording, much less editing, I’m just learning, so don’t judge strictly, everything will come. I hope that in the future I will be able to correctly convey information to you and explain everything correctly, delving into the right moments.

But first, let's get acquainted with the script and understand why it is needed and how it can be used. It is intended to determine the subscription to a specific community of any user who has already been registered in a contact. That is, for example, Vasya Pupkin, was not subscribed to such a community and the script automatically displays this information that he is not subscribed, similarly, the script performs actions when subscribing to a community. Well, now, let's move on to the script code itself.

One step script. HTML, PHP, API.

In fact, you won’t see an abundance of code here, and it’s not required. But still, let me explain everything to you. Variable $community- stores the community identifier, variable $profile- stores the VKontakte user ID (in this case, the official community RootHelp and my personal page ID).

Further using PHP functions file_get_contents we get the contents of the file in the form of a line (I talked about this function in detail in another lesson -) and give it to the function json_decode, which takes an encoded string and converts it into a variable $answer.

VK.Widgets.Group("vk_groups", (mode: 0, width: "800", height: "400", color1: "FFFFFF", color2: "428BCA", color3: "428BCA"), 30444828);

Then we create a condition in which, if the response from the server is positive, we show that the user is subscribed to the group; if the response is negative, we show the widget API group subscriptions. That's all, the user verification script in the VKontakte community is ready!

To use it, you must activate the “Subscribe to community” item on the function selection screen for VK.

Attention! When you use the function button in the top menu, the function will be used on all VK accounts in your program. The number of accounts used is indicated at the end of the title of the function selection window (Selected... accounts).

To select specific accounts for which a given function will be performed, you need to select the required accounts in the list of accounts. Right-click and then select “Functions” in the context menu

After we got to the settings window for the function itself. We can indicate from 1 to 10 links to the communities that each account will join by filling out the appropriate fields “Group1-Group10”. Each field contains one link in the format

You can also set the interval between joining groups for each account in seconds. Using the appropriate setting.

Hi all! Today I’ll tell you about another useful feature for the site - a widget for VKontakte groups. I think from the name it’s already clear what it does. The VKontakte group widget is a very useful thing if you want to attract more people to your group using the site. In general, read all the details in the article.

Despite the fact that I don’t use the widget for groups on my website (maybe in vain), this is a very useful feature for keeping the audience up to date with all the news.
Let's go in order...

Widget for VKontakte groups

So, it looks like this:

This is a widget from my brother's website. It can be placed anywhere; it is in the sidebar (side column of the site).

About the benefits of the widget for groups

The design of the VKontakte website has long been familiar to everyone and immediately catches the eye, which makes you pay attention to it. If I were on a site that was interesting to me and saw such a widget, I would subscribe to group updates.

It is placed very easily and quickly. The advantage is that a visitor who visits the site and notices the widget will see his friends, if they are in the same group, this will serve as an additional incentive to join it.

You can literally subscribe to a community or public page in one click. By the way, I believe that for websites it is much more effective to use a public page (?).

Okay, enough about the advantages, they are already clear to everyone, I think.

How to install a widget for VKontakte groups?

So, the installation instructions are very similar to the installation instructions, by the way, I advise you to install them if you have not already installed them.

Step 1

Step 2

Setting up our widget for groups.

We indicate the link to our group or community in the first line.
At the “View” item, select what you like. If you scroll down the page, you can see an example of the widget and its changes.
Width and height do not require explanation, if these values ​​can be changed directly in the code by changing the “width” and “height” values.

Step 3

Now let's install our widget on the site.

What I highlighted in red should be placed in the “header.php” file (for WordPress). Place the second code, which is indicated in green, where you want the VKontakte groups widget to be displayed; I advise you to place it in the widget.

P.s. If you have already installed comments or from VKontakte, most likely you do not need to install the first part of the code because you already have it installed.

That's all!
As you can see, installation is very simple and does not require much time or effort. Everyone can handle this, but if you have any questions, contact me in the comments and I will be happy to help you.

That's all, see you soon, good luck and prosperity!

Cookies for today:

Funny video about a princess and a knight

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Hello, friends! There are many interesting users and famous people registered on the VKontakte social network who regularly share photos, videos, and thoughts with their friends and subscribers. And, let’s say, you accidentally came across a similar profile, and how to make sure that all the news of this person is shown in your news feed? Or maybe you liked the posts of some community?

Now let’s look at how to subscribe to a VKontakte user’s page or group so that you can follow their updates in your news feed.

How to subscribe to a friend's page on VK

After this, the person will receive a notification that you have sent a friend request, and the button will say “You are subscribed.”

If the user accepts your application and adds him to the list of his friends, then the button will say “Your Friends.”

If a person does not want to add you as a friend, he will simply hide the request, but at the same time you will be on his list of subscribers and will be able to watch his updates in the news.

Instead of the “Add as a friend” button, on the user’s page, you can see the “Subscribe” button. Click on it and it will say “You are subscribed.”

In this case, a request for additions will not be sent to this person, but he will see in the notifications that you have become his subscriber, and if he wants, he will subscribe to your page, then you will become “friends”.

Subscribe to group updates

If you liked the VKontakte group, then becoming a subscriber is very simple, provided that the group is open.

Go to its main page and under the cover or avatar, click on the “Join the group” button.

After this, the inscription will change to “You are in a group”, and all the news from this community will be shown in the feed.

If the group is closed, then you need to send a request to join, and if the administrator approves it, you will become a subscriber. If the community is private, then you can join it only by invitation from the administration.

In addition to groups, VKontakte also has Public pages. To subscribe to them, you need to click on the “Subscribe” button, which is located under the cover or avatar.

The inscription on the button “You are subscribed” means that you can follow the news of the page.

How to become a subscriber to a user or group from your phone

If you use the VKontakte mobile application from your phone or tablet, then you can subscribe to a person as follows.

Go to his main profile page and click “Add as friend” under his avatar.

In the next window, you can enter a message and confirm sending your friend request. And even if the user rejects it, you can still follow his news in your feed.

If a person does not accept the application, then when you go to his page, you will see the “Application sent” button. If he adds it, then there will be a “Friends” button.