The signature is not an improved sufd. Solving common errors in sufd

If the error does not disappear, then call the RSiBI department (,) and check whether this certificate is installed on the UFK server. 3. Problem when signing a document: empty “Cryptographic Operations” window When signing a document, after clicking the “Signature” button, the “Cryptographic Operations” pop-up window remains empty (Fig. 8). Figure 8. Empty “Cryptographic Operations” window This situation occurs if Java is not installed on the workstation or there are problems with the operation of Java. — To solve the problem, you need to install/reinstall the required version of Java (version Java 6 Update 17) or reinstall the SUFD Portal using the configuration utility for the SUFD workplace - online (section "Information for clients" - "Electronic document flow and electronic signature" - "SUFD - online" - "Configuration utility for the SUFD workplace" on the website of the Federal Financial Inspectorate for the Saratov region http://saratov. *****).

System Administrator's Notebook. thoughts. notes. solutions

We have already written that with the transition to version 4.0 of the crypto provider Crypto-Pro, users of various systems working with digital keys began to experience various kinds of problems. For example, when generating new keys in the interface of BC Rosselkhozbank, users using Crypto-Pro CSP version 4.0 received an error about the absence of the required crypto provider and was solved by installing a random number sensor (RNS).

The problem also affected the users of SUFD. Signature error cryptsignmessage 0xc000000d is the topic of our article today. Why it appears and how to fix it - let's figure it out together.
So, the Crypto-Pro program error when working with digital signature keys, issued under the number 0xc000000d, appears mainly on 64-bit operating systems (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10) and server platforms with this bit capacity.

Make sure that the browser plugins “Java Quick Starter 1.0” and/or “Java Console” are enabled (plugins can be viewed by going to “tools-add-ons-extensions” in the Firefox browser) 4. When you open or sign a document, a warning window appears.


Figure 9. Warning window If a window appears as in Figure 9, then you need to check the “Always trust content from this publisher” checkbox and click the “Run” button. If a window appears as in Figure 10, then click the “No” button so that the resource is not blocked.

Figure 10. Lock window To prevent this window from appearing in the future, you need to go to “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Java”, go to the “Advanced” - “Security” - “Mixed code (sandboxed vs. trusted)” tab " and select "Disable verification". 5. After clicking the sign button, a window appears with the error “Cant find private key...” Figure 11.

Solving typical problems when working in the sufd portal

General information The necessary software for working in the SUFD Portal is contained in the configuration utility for the SUFD-online workplace, located on the website of the Federal Inspectorate for the Saratov Region http://saratov. ***** in the section “Information for clients” - “Electronic document management and electronic signature” - “SUFD-online”. After installing the Portal, you must make sure that the Java software is configured correctly. To do this, go to “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Java”, go to the “Advanced” tab and check the boxes according to Fig. 1. Fig. 1 1. Error when signing a document: blocking the pop-up window When performing the operation of signing a document, after clicking the “Sign” button, a message appears about blocking the pop-up window (Fig.
2). Figure 2. Message about blocking a pop-up window The signature window is a so-called pop-up window.

cryptsignmessage signature error 0xc000000d sufd

To eliminate it, you need to edit the registry. If you do not have skills higher than that of an ordinary computer user, use the help of comrades who are more knowledgeable in this matter or do everything exactly according to the instructions. Press the Win+R key combination. (Win is the key on the very bottom row of your keyboard with the window branding).

In the Run window that opens, type regedit and press Enter. The registry editor will open, it will look something like this: Next, we need to export the registry branches HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\ and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Cryptography\.


We open these two branches sequentially and export the data. To do this, right-click on the required line and select “Export”.

Sufd signature error

Problem: Solution: 1. We can’t log into the SUFD, we enter the login and password, but when we click the “Login” button, nothing happens Clearing cookies and browser cache. Delete remembered passwords in CryptoPRO. Control panel - CryptoPRO - "Service" tab - "Delete remembered passwords" button - check the "User" box and click on the "OK" button.

Clearing the Java cache. Control panel - Java - "General" tab - "Settings" button - in the window that appears, click on the "Delete files" button - click on the "OK" button. It is advisable to carry out these procedures every day before starting to work with the portal.

And also check if your system time (date, time zone) is wrong. 2.

Sufd portal signature error

If you have Internet Explorer 7,8,9, then you need to add two SUFD nodes to the trusted nodes: s1500w03.ufk15.roskazna.local, sufd.s1500w03.ufk15.roskazna.local; and reset the security settings for these nodes to low (To do this, go to the “Tools” tab - “Internet Options” - the “Security” tab - the “Trusted nodes” item - the “Nodes” button, in the window that appears, add two nodes: https:/ /s1500w03.ufk15.roskazna.local https://sufd.s1500w03.ufk15.roskazna.local and click the “Close” button.To reset the security level for trusted nodes to low, in the “Trusted nodes” section, click on the “Other” button - in the drop-down list, select “Low” - click the “Reset” button - in the warning window, click the “Yes” button and click “OK”, close “Internet Options”).

sufd signature error certificate verification error

If you have Mozilla Firefox, then in the “Tools” - “Settings” - “Content” tab, in the “Block pop-up windows” item, uncheck the box and click the “OK” button 20. Attachments do not print Go to a document that has attachments, “System Attributes” tab, at the bottom there is an “attachments” field, check the “GUID” field and click on the “Print” button. 21. The document does not pass documentary control When passing documentary control, there are 2 groups of errors: non-critical (yellow icons in the list of errors) and critical (red icons in the list of errors). Elimination of critical errors is a prerequisite for passing document control of a document. 22. After conducting documentary control, the signature button is inactive. After conducting documentary control, the Business Status should become “Entered” and the Transfer Status “Entered”.

Error creating signature in sufd

If the transfer status is “Absent”, then the documentary control was carried out incorrectly. It is necessary to roll back such documents to the “Draft” status using the “Rollback transfer status” button and re-conduct document control. After this, the signature button should become active. 2. The second option is possible if the signature button is inactive, even if the documentary control passed correctly. In this case, you need to go into the document for editing and check the document using the “Check Document” button. After that, exit the document, update the list of documents, the signature button should become active. 23. How to select all documents Select one document from the list and press Ctrl+A. After which you can carry out documentary control and signing of documents for the entire selected group.

When signing a document, a certificate signing error appears in sufd

Control Panel - Internet Options - Contents tab - Certificates button. Check whether the Java version corresponds to the recommended one (how to log in, see step 1 and click the “About” button, it should be 6 update 17 or higher). Is Java allowed to run, are Java plugins enabled (For Internet Explorer: go to the “Tools” - “Add-ons” - “Toolbars and Extensions” tab, in the menu that appears, everything related to Java should be in the “enabled” state. If Mozilla Firefox, then in the “Tools” tab - “Add-ons” - in the “Extensions” and “Plugins” tabs, everything related to Java should also be enabled).
When authorizing in the SUFD Portal, the error “HTTP 500 ERROR” appears. This error means that the UBP code (budget process participant code) of the organization is not linked to user accounts. To solve the problem, you need to contact the information systems department (9. When signing a document, the error “No certificates/No valid certificates found” appears. The error can occur for several reasons: 1) Valid certificates are not installed - you need to install the necessary certificates. 2) The date and time on the work machine is incorrect - you need to set the correct date and time! 10. Problems with the SUFD Portal in Windows 7 For stable operation of the SUFD Portal in the Windows 7 operating system, you must run the Portal (Mozilla Firefox browser) as an administrator.

Technical requirements

  • Java - Installation and Configuration

  • Mozilla Firefox - Installation

  • Connection to SUFD-Portal

  • Creating and sending a document in the SUFD-Portal

  • Common mistakes
  • Technical requirements

    To work with the Portal automated workplace DUBP, it is necessary that the following technical requirements are met at the workplace:

    1. There is access to the Internet with an access speed of at least 128 kb/s, 512 kb/s or more is recommended for comfortable work.

    2. The following operating system must be installed at the workplace from which work with the Portal will be carried out:

    2.1. Windows 2000

    3. At the workplace from which work with the Portal will be carried out, additional software must be installed

    3.1. CIPF "Continent-AP" (provided by the FC body)

    3.2. CIPF “CryptoPRO CSP” version 3.0 or higher (provided by the FC authority)

    3.3. Antivirus protection tools

    3.4. Internet Explorer browser version 8 or higher or Mozilla Firefox version 3.6 or higher; it is preferable to use the Mozilla Firefox browser, because when using this browser there are fewer errors when signing

    3.5. Java versions 7.67, 7.71, 7.75, etc. with the parameter disabled Mixed code, but not higher than version 7.80

    3.6. A certification authority certificate has been installed (provided by the FC authority)

    Java - Installation and Configuration

    Distribution version 7.67 : http://java. com/ ru/ download/ manual. jsp# win

    Additionally, you may need to install:

    After installing Java, be sure to disable the check:

    to do this, go to “ Control Panel” and open Java,

    Set the parameter: Medium.

    Only after this Java is ready to work!!!

    For information about "clearing cache" - temporary files in Java:

    Go to tab: General ;

    Mozilla Firefox - Installation

    On the latest versions of Mozilla Firefox, developers have abandoned the automatic launch of the Java plugin, as it has security problems. To enable the plugin you must do the following:

    1. Click on the red plugin icon in the address bar and a message box will open.

    2. At the bottom of the message window, click on the drop-down menu to the right of the “Enable all plugins” button and select “Always enable plugins on this site.”

    Connection to SUFD-Portal

    To work in the SUFD Portal, you must perform the following steps sequentially:

    1. Establish a secure connection using the Continent-AP program.

    2. Launch Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox browser.

    3. Enter the link in the address bar:

    The Registration window will open:

    In the Registration window, you must enter the username and password issued by the Administration and click OK.

    Attention! If the login and password are entered incorrectly 3 times , then the user will be blocked for 10 minutes.

    All work is done using the menu tree. In it, by opening branches, you need to select documents for work.

    All buttons may not fit on the screen; to access hidden buttons, you need to move them in the desired direction using the arrows:

    Creating and sending a document in the SUFD-Portal

    Log in to the SUFD-Portal system using the link:

    For successful authorization you must

    establish a connection to Continent-AP!!!

    Only after this you can start working in the SUFD-Portal.

    Before creating a document, you must ensure that you have selected the correct organizational role. Changing the role of an organization occurs by selecting from the pop-up list in the upper right corner of the working window.

    To create and send a document, you must do the following:

    1. You can create a document in the system in several ways by clicking the appropriate button:
    - Import documents

    Create a new document

    Create a copy of a document

    After sending is completed, you can monitor the passage of the document by tracking the status in the “Status (name)” column.

    Common mistakes

    Question: How to view information from settlement documents in SUFD?

    Information from settlement documents in the SUFD is included in the statement; you can print it by opening the statement for viewing and selecting all the files in the attachment container and clicking the “print” button.

    You need to check the Continent-AP connection again; if it is successfully established, the shield-shaped icon in the lower right corner next to the clock should turn blue.

    Question: My account is blocked.

    If you enter your credentials incorrectly three times, your account will be blocked in accordance with the security policy within 10 minutes. After this period of time has expired, you must re-authorize.

    Question: If an error appears when opening a document:

    You need to configure Internet Explorer (hereinafter referred to as IE). Let's look at this setting using IE version 8 (recommended by the manufacturer) as an example.

    We go to the SUFD-Portal software by typing in the address bar:
    An authorization window will open. After this, you need to go to the IE browser menu item “Tools” - “Internet Options”.

    The Internet Options window opens.

    Go to the “Security” tab, select “Trusted Sites” and click the “Nodes” button.

    The “Trusted sites” window will open, in which you need to uncheck the “Server verification (https:) is required for all sites in this zone”

    We have already written that with the transition to version 4.0 of the crypto provider Crypto-Pro, users of various systems working with digital keys began to experience various kinds of problems. For example, with new keys in the Rosselkhozbank BC interface, users using Crypto-Pro CSP version 4.0 received an error about the absence of the required crypto provider and was solved by installing a random number sensor (RNS). The problem also affected the users of SUFD. Signature error cryptsignmessage 0xc000000d is the topic of our article today. Why it appears and how to fix it - let's figure it out together.

    Signature error cryptsignmessage 0xc000000d in SUFD. We fix it

    So, the Crypto-Pro program error when working with digital signature keys, issued under the number 0xc000000d, appears mainly on 64-bit operating systems (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10) and server platforms with this bit capacity.

    To eliminate it, you need to edit the registry. If you do not have skills higher than that of an ordinary computer user, use the help of comrades who are more knowledgeable in this matter or do everything exactly according to the instructions. Press the Win+R key combination. (Win is the key on the very bottom row of your keyboard with the window branding). In the Run window that opens, type regedit and press Enter. The Registry Editor will open and it will look something like this:

    Next we need to export registry branches HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\ And HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Cryptography\. We open these two branches sequentially and export the data. To do this, right-click on the required line and select “Export”.

    We do the same with the second branch: we select a place on the computer where we will save these backup copies of the branches, give them any names, and save them. We do exports in case the program does not work correctly, so that if something happens we can return everything back. Next, we remove the following entries from the registry:

    In some versions of the program the first branch may not exist, we are not surprised. After deletion, reboot the computer, go to the SUFD, see if the cryptsignmessage 0xc000000d error is gone. Since this recommendation is on the official technical support website for the Crypto-Pro product, the problem is resolved for most users. To export registry values ​​back (if the error has not gone away and you want to return the previous state), you need to right-click on the exported branch and select Merger.

    Many procurement participants, regardless of experience, are faced with the problem of correct operation on the electronic trading platform. These errors can be discovered at any time, including during electronic trading.

    The consequences can be very different, namely:

    • Application for participation in the competition not submitted on time
    • Lost e-auction
    • State contract not signed on time

    The three most common problems when working with electronic signatures

    1. The procurement participant certificate is not displayed on the electronic platform
    2. Electronic signature does not sign documents

    In fact, there may be many more errors, but we will analyze the main ones and their causes, and also outline possible ways to eliminate problems.

    The most important thing is to remember that for the electronic signature to work correctly, you must use the Internet Explorer browser no lower than version 8 and, preferably, no higher than 11 (with version 11 there is no guarantee of stable operation of the signature).

    The signing key certificate is not visible on the site when trying to log in to the system

    In this case, the error is caused by several reasons, namely:

    • Incorrect configuration of the signing key certificate
    • Internet browser is not configured correctly
    • The root certificate of the Certification Authority is missing

    How to solve a problem?

    First of all, you need to make sure that you have correctly installed the public part of the certificate into personal ones via CIPF (Crypto Pro). In this case, the version of the installed program is suitable for the type of operating system you have.

    Then, in the Internet Explorer browser settings, you need to add site addresses to trusted sites and enable all ActiveX elements.

    Electronic signature gives an error when signing documents

    Typically, this error occurs in a number of cases:

    • The CryptoPro program license has expired
    • Media with a different certificate is inserted

    How to fix it?

    To do this, you need to obtain a new license by contacting the Certification Center. After the license has been successfully received, you need to launch CryptoPro and enter the license serial number.

    In the second case, you need to check all closed containers (media) inserted into the computer’s USB connector and check that the correct certificate has been selected.

    The system gives an error when logging into the electronic platform

    This error may be caused by a combination of the reasons listed above. As practice shows, such an error primarily appears due to an incorrectly installed Capicom library. We recommend checking whether the library is installed on your computer and paying attention to the need to copy 2 system files with the .dll extension to one of the Windows folders when using a 64-bit system.

    In order for you to avoid such mistakes, before installing an electronic signature, read about installing and setting up an electronic signature or order information about issuing and setting up an electronic signature from our company.

