Choose the optimal tariff plan. Which operator is more profitable?

Best operator"Megafon" was ranked in terms of communication quality. Tele2 is in second place with a slight lag. The study was conducted by Telecom Daily.

On December 14, the information and analytical agency Telecom Daily summed up the results of a study on quality voice communication and data transfer speeds in Moscow. The study lasted three weeks in November-December 2015. Analysts at Telecom Daily analyzed the quality of voice communications from operators according to several parameters - the number of established calls, the number of their blocks and interruptions, as well as the time it took to establish a connection between subscribers. In total, about 550 calls were made for each operator.

The operator MegaFon demonstrated a minimum of blocking and dropped calls; in second place was T2 RTK Holding, a new company for the capital market (Tele2 brand). The gap from the leader is “minimal and close to the magnitude of the error,” the study notes (a specific figure is not specified). The third place in terms of communication quality was taken by VimpelCom (Beeline brand), the last place was taken by the MTS operator, Telecom Daily analysts summed up the results.

During the study, MTS recorded greatest number call blocking - 8 out of 538, for Beeline this figure was 2 out of 552, for MegaFon - 1 out of 540, and for Tele2 there were none at all. At the same time, Tele2 had 2 call drops, MegaFon and Beeline had one call each, and MTS calls were never interrupted, it follows from the research data.

The “average connection establishment time” indicator is the sum of calculations for all GSM, 3G, LTE technologies. The minimum average time was shown by Tele2 (about 3.8 thousand ms), however, the operator does not work using GSM technology. For MegaFon and Beeline this figure was about 5 thousand ms, for MTS - 6 thousand ms.

Separately, the researchers took measurements of the speed of mobile Internet in 3G networks. Tele2 became the leader in this indicator: the operator showed the highest average data transfer speed both from the subscriber (2.5 Mb/s) and, conversely, to the subscriber (7.2 Mb/s). The worst in terms of data transfer in 3G networks from a subscriber was MegaFon (0.8 Mb/s), to the subscriber was Beeline (3.6 Mb/s).​

In terms of average data transfer speed to a subscriber in LTE networks, MTS was in first place, followed by other operators with “almost the same characteristics,” notes Telecom Daily. So, average speed LTE (per subscriber) for MTS decreased from 13.3 to 12.8 Mb/s, for MegaFon - from 13.9 to 11.7 Mb/s, for Beeline, on the contrary, increased from 10.6 to 11.4 Mb/s. The average data transfer speed of Tele2 was 11.5 Mb/s.

Leader in speed in LTE networks from the subscriber became “Beeline” with an indicator of 13.3 Mb/s. Next come MTS (9.5 Mb/s), MegaFon (9.3 Mb/s) and Tele2 (8.5 Mb/s).

Moscow surpasses other Russian cities in data transfer speeds in 3G and 4G networks, although a year ago the leader in this parameter was St. Petersburg, he noted general manager Telecom Daily Denis Kuskov. Over the year, the average data transfer speed to a subscriber in LTE has generally decreased due to an increase in the number of subscribers and the load on networks (for all except Beeline), according to a study by Telecom Daily.

Operators' reaction

MTS representative Dmitry Solodovnikov did not agree with the research methodology and stated that “analysis of speeds and quality cellular communication based on road detours is not applicable to the real consumption profile of subscribers, because more than 70% of traffic is generated by users on premises.” MTS is guided by research from the Speedtest service, which gives “a real picture of the availability and speed of an Internet connection, and not a basis for manipulation public opinion", said Solodovnikov. According to Speedtest, according to the results of the third quarter of 2015, MTS is the leader in data download speed in mobile networks in the Moscow region, reports Solodovnikov. Downloading Speedtest data for the Moscow region looks like this: MTS - 7.5 Mb/s, Tele2 - 6.7 Mb/s, Beeline - 5.4 Mb/s, MegaFon - 4.7 Mb/s, clarified He.

“According to our measurements, MTS is the leader in connection establishment success with an indicator of 99.08%, and we also have the minimum probability of call drops - 1.33%,” Solodovnikov said. Over the nine months of 2015, MTS invested 66 billion rubles in the development of networks in Russia. which is more than the other operators " big three", network operation in the Moscow region is provided by several tens of thousands base stations all standards - during this year alone, the company built about 4,500 new base stations, more than half of which were LTE stations, he specified.

The results of the study also raised doubts in Beeline, said the operator’s representative Anna Aibasheva. VimpelCom constantly conducts its own measurements of network quality - both its own and other operators, and these data differ from the results of the Telecom Daily study, she noted, without specifying the figures. “It is important to compare not only speed indicators. Speed ​​alone without connection stability will not allow you to use communication services normally,” says Aibasheva. In addition, it is more correct to compare the network characteristics of operators with approximately equal customer bases, and the study “participated in an operator whose base is several times smaller than most Moscow operators,” Aibasheva noted. Last time Tele2 disclosed data on the number of subscribers in Moscow as of November 11 - the operator has 380 thousand subscribers, while the Big Three companies in the capital have more than 10 million clients.

Beeline pays attention to all market research, but the most important thing for the company is the opinion and user experience of its own customers, says Aibasheva. “According to internal research, when voting for the best 4G in Moscow, respondents gave twice as much more votes for Beeline Internet than for its closest competitors,” she says.

MegaFon representative Yulia Dorokhina explained the operator’s leadership by saying that the company is “constantly developing and building new base stations.” Currently, MegaFon’s Moscow network has more than 23 thousand base stations, including about 6 thousand with 4G support. “Thanks to significant infrastructure growth, we are successfully coping with the growing loads on the network,” added Dorokhina. At the same time, MegaFon focuses primarily on the opinion of customers: “what is more important for the user is not just general figures for the capital, but the places where he visits more often, works, lives, and rests,” she noted.

Regarding the development of the network, there is important parameter, which is not mentioned in the study, Alexey Semenov, director of the capital branch of MegaFon, noted at the presentation of the study results: this is the amount of data that the operator’s network is capable of transmitting. “This parameter indicates how much service the company is able to provide to its subscribers,” he said. In the third quarter of 2015, the volume of data traffic in MegaFon networks grew by more than 40%, that is, the network is capable of transmitting 40% more traffic, “while maintaining speed and quality indicators,” Semenov noted. "This means that you can take advantage of high-speed Internet Maybe more people, and each person can download more data,” he said.

Tele2 agrees with the results of the Telecom Daily study, said operator representative Konstantin Prokshin. “We consider the most important result to be first places in average and maximum speed data transmission using 3G technology. This technology will remain a popular and most popular mobile Internet technology for several more years,” he said, noting that the mobile Internet will be a driver of revenue growth mobile operators.

Tele2 has built 7 thousand base stations in the Moscow region since the beginning of the year, of which 5 thousand are 3G stations, 2 thousand are LTE, Igor Zhizhikin, CEO of the Moscow Tele2 macro-region, said at the presentation. “In just a year, we managed to provide Muscovites with communications, the quality of which is higher than that of competitors who have been developing networks for decades. He talks about this as complete absence blocking voice calls, and minimally possible time dialing the subscriber,” says Prokshin.

Due to the fact that society has long moved into the era of high-tech devices that are designed to transmit information between interacting devices, specialized solutions from leading telecommunications companies are constantly appearing. In particular, each subscriber needs to select the appropriate tariff plan which will be most beneficial for him.

In order to resolve this problem, you should carefully approach the choice of a cellular operator. On at the moment There are several corporations that occupy leading positions. These include the companies “”, and “” (“”). And in order for the appropriate subscriber to choose the most profitable solution, it is necessary to understand the offers of the above-presented corporations using a comparison method. Accordingly, the main criterion in the evaluation approach will be the cost of a particular service.

Based on the fact that at a given time each telecommunications company has a sufficient supply of tariffs and services, the optimality assessment will be carried out in the following sections:

1. Calls within the network.
2. Calls to subscribers of other operators.
3. -messages.
4. Mobile Internet.

Let's start the analysis from the first point of the criteria presented above. The MegaFon company offers its subscribers the “Switch to 0” tariff, which allows you to communicate within the network absolutely free, but only 30 minutes a day. However, in order to achieve this, you need to speak 5 minutes a day, the price of which is 3.5 rubles. The tariff does not require a subscription fee and offers a fairly profitable solution. You receive an on-net conditional unlimited limit that applies to calls throughout Russia.

The MTS company has a similar tariff, which is called “ Super MTS" In order to communicate for free within the network, you need to top up your account in the amount of 400 rubles. After this, the subscriber gets the opportunity to communicate within the network for an hour a day for free with MTS numbers as home region, and throughout Russia, as well as with landline phones in the home area. Subscription fee this tariff does not provide.

The last operator in this category is Beeline. This mobile operator offers the “Zero Doubts” tariff, which allows, when replenishing a subscriber’s account in the amount of 390 rubles or more, 60 free minutes within the network per day for 30 days. At the same time, you can call both home numbers and throughout Russia. This tariff does not provide for a subscription fee.
In the next stage of analysis, it is necessary to combine criteria such as calls to numbers of other operators, SMS messages and mobile Internet, since mobile operators provide the most profitable solutions in the form of tariffs with subscription fee(V batch mode).

The MTS company offers its subscribers to connect to tariffs called “Everything you need for 500 rubles/month,” “Everything you need for 1000 rubles/month.” The first tariff provides 300 minutes per month for calls to all cellular operators in the home area and to MTS in Russia, unlimited number SMS to subscribers MTS home region, 30 free messages per day to numbers of other operators and unlimited Internet. The second tariff differs from the first only in that it provides 900 minutes for calls. The subscription fee for the above options is 500 and 1000 rubles, respectively.

For the Beeline company, within the framework of these criteria, things are as follows: there are also tariffs with a subscription fee, which are called “All Inclusive M”, “All Inclusive L” and “All Inclusive XXL”. “All Inclusive M” provides a package within which it is possible to communicate for 150 minutes for free with Beeline numbers both in your home region and throughout Russia, with numbers of other operators. In addition, subscribers receive 30 free SMS messages to numbers of other operators in their home region and free SMS to Beeline numbers throughout Russia. As for the Internet, it becomes unlimited and spreads throughout Russia. The other two tariffs differ in that “All Inclusive L” has 360 minutes and 3000 SMS messages, and “All Inclusive XXL” has 900 minutes and 3000 SMS messages. The subscription fee for the three tariffs presented above is 300, 600 and 1000 rubles, respectively.

The MegaFon company also provides similar tariffs, which are similar to those offered by the Beeline operator. The tariffs are called “MegaFon - All Inclusive S”, “MegaFon - All Inclusive M” and “MegaFon - All Inclusive L”. The first tariff involves a package that includes 500 free minutes to numbers in the home region of both your network and the networks of other operators, as well as throughout Russia. In addition, it becomes possible to send 500 free SMS messages, which work according to the scheme described a little above. And accordingly, mobile Internet becomes unlimited. The other two tariffs differ from the previous one in that the package includes 1000 and 1500 free minutes and messages. The subscription fee for using the above services of this cellular operator is 500, 1000 and 1500 rubles, respectively.

As a result of the analysis, it is almost impossible to say unambiguously which cellular operator may be the most attractive for a current or potential subscriber. Since each subscriber calculates his financial capabilities and communication needs based on expediency and benefits, respectively. But, despite this, we can single out the MegaFon company as the most economical cellular operator in terms of spending material resources of subscribers.

Due to the fact that we have not yet achieved a specific answer: “Which cellular operator in Moscow and the Moscow region is the best, and which is the worst?”, a more complete analysis should be carried out, which will take into account a number of other factors that will be considered in the following articles.

For successful business development, communication means play an important role. Since during a personal meeting they mainly discuss only key points, then discussion of working nuances takes place over the telephone. How much companies pay in such cases can only be guessed at. The way out of this situation was corporate rates from mobile operators, which are usually unlimited and save up to 60% compared to regular plans.

Unlimited Beeline tariff in Russia Everything for communication Platinum is an ideal option for those who often travel on business trips around Russia. The main advantage of this service is absolutely unlimited calls with subscribers of the Beeline operator in any region of Russia, as well as 6,000 minutes of outgoing calls throughout Russia. Subscription fee for a direct number is 3150 rubles/month, for a federal number - 2600 rubles/month. Minimum advance payment, required to activate the number is 500 rubles. In addition, the subscriber can exchange messages with friends and not be afraid that he will exceed the limits, since this tariff plan provides 6000 free SMS And MMS messages. Customers also have access to 35 GB mobile internet traffic with a coverage area throughout the Russian Federation.

Unlimited in Russia is an excellent option for all subscribers who need to always be in touch from their mobile phone.

Unlimited roaming

Unlike the previous tariff plan, in the “Everything for communication Platina Light” tariff the monthly subscription fee is 1,700 rubles per month for connecting with federal number. To some extent, this package can be characterized as a tariff without roaming in Russia, because in subscription fee 3000 minutes are already included for outgoing calls from anywhere in Russia, as well as for incoming calls when in intranet roaming. Among other things, the tariff includes 3,000 SMS and MMS messages for free.

Unlimited intercity

The mobile operator Beeline provides its subscribers with the “Unlimited in Russia” tariff plan with a federal number. This tariff is beneficial for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, since all outgoing calls from this region are free without a limit on the number of minutes. Outgoing calls in roaming are 9.95 rubles per minute. The subscription fee for using a tariff plan with unlimited intercity communication is 96 rubles per day.

Less expensive for long-distance calls is the “Country Without Borders” tariff plan from Megafon, which includes 100 free minutes for calls to numbers of regional operators, including landline numbers, and 50 minutes for calls with subscribers located anywhere in Russia. In addition, the presence unlimited internet also a definite plus. However, the Beeline operator has a similar tariff: the “Russia Connected” tariff plan provides 240 outgoing minutes throughout Russia daily for only 95 rubles per day.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the quality of the communication services provided by different operators. It would seem that there is only one operator, so the quality of its services does not vary from region to region. However, this is far from the case. For example, in Moscow and the Moscow region the position of a cellular operator such as MTS is very strong, but in the Volga region its quality causes many complaints. At the same time, Megafon, although it is the highest quality, most profitable and affordable operator in the regions of the Volga Federal District, is no different in Moscow good quality communications. Therefore, the buyer needs to carefully study the reviews of the work of all the operators presented in the region in which he intends to purchase telephone number.

Consumer requirements

The benefit of using a certain tariff is very vague. A pensioner is unlikely to use the Internet often, and a teenager will not want to be content with only calls or sending SMS messages. Therefore, choosing a tariff is a very individual matter. All cellular operators have tariffs that are focused on the different services it provides. These are inside/outside challenges. home network, communication while roaming in Russia and abroad, using an Internet connection and much more. Often the operator can offer tariffs aimed at different age and social groups(pensioners, children, disabled people, social workers, etc.). Therefore, after studying the offers of all operators in the current region, a person will be able to choose the most suitable offer for himself.

Connecting tariff options

Mobile operator tariffs can work in conjunction with various tariff options, which can be connected to the user upon request. Thanks to them, any tariff can be made individual for a specific consumer. Options may relate to any services offered by the operator.

Top up your balance

Often, the convenience of replenishing a mobile phone account determines the choice of one operator or another. For convenient cash payments, it is necessary that the operator has a large number of divisions in a particular region, and is also represented at various mobile retailers (such as Euroset, Svyaznoy, etc.). If we're talking about about non-cash payments with bank card, then the corresponding menu should be located on the operator’s website. Non-cash payments must be reliably protected to eliminate the chance of attackers gaining access to payment information, therefore the degree of payment protection should be discussed additionally.

Which will be connected to the number, the person tries to find the solution that is most suitable in terms of cost and conditions. The cheapest cellular tariffs can be found from any operator. On the list available options There are tariffs for both the most economical and taciturn, and for those who are not used to limiting their communication. Even among unlimited tariff plans, as a rule, they mean “All inclusive” lines, you can find budget options and tariffs with a large volume of traffic, minutes and messages.

How to choose the cheapest one for the Moscow region unlimited tariff cellular communications and what offers do popular operators have for those who do not want to pay a daily or monthly subscription fee for a set of services that they may never use? This will be discussed in our article.

The cheapest cellular tariffs "Megafon" without a monthly fee

The white-green operator has tariff plan options for all occasions. For example, without you can choose the following options:

  • For those who spend most of their time talking with clients of their network (within their home region). The “Go to Zero” TP is perfect.
  • For subscribers who have to communicate with clients of various mobile operators, you should pay attention to the “Everything is simple” TP. According to its terms, all calls within the home area have the same tariff - only 1.60 rubles per minute.
  • If the subscriber is a guest of the capital or has many relatives in other countries, then the tariff " Warm welcome" will be a real godsend for him - one minute of calls abroad will cost from one ruble (you can check the cost for a specific direction at official resource operator).

Unlimited tariffs from Megafon

The cheapest unlimited cellular tariff "Megafon" is TP S. It has a fairly low monthly fee and implies the following conditions:

  • 250 minutes for communication with clients of Megafon and other mobile operators. After the limit is exhausted, you will still be able to communicate with clients in your network for free.
  • 200 text messages for sending to any numbers in your home region.
  • One gigabyte of Internet traffic.

Competitive Beeline tariffs without a monthly fee

In the line of devices of the black and yellow operator you can also find interesting options that are quite similar to the previous conditions. For example, the cheapest cellular tariffs without regular payments:

  • Profitable communication with clients of this operator is available on the “Zero Doubts” tariff - from the second minute of the dialogue, money will no longer be withdrawn from the account, regardless of the duration of the call.
  • Short calls, the duration of which is measured in seconds, will be truly profitable on a tariff plan with per-second billing - only five kopecks per second of dialogue.

The cheapest unlimited cellular tariff from the Beeline operator

In the “Everything!” series of tariffs, to which, by the way, you can connect several devices and spend service packages together with your loved ones and colleagues, the youngest is the “All for 300” tariff plan. By connecting it, the client will receive:

  • 300 minutes free communication with subscribers of any mobile operators (calls to landlines also included here), after which it will still be possible to communicate within the network completely free of charge.
  • 100 text messages to send to your friends and family, colleagues and relatives.
  • Two gigabytes of traffic.

The cheapest cellular tariffs with the number of minutes included from the black and yellow operator also include the “All for 500” tariff. According to its terms, the subscriber, having activated it on the number, will receive:

  • 150 more minutes than on the three hundred ruble tariff.
  • 200 more text messages.
  • Three gigabytes more Internet traffic.

At the same time, on the youngest TP, which was considered first, it is not possible to add devices and share traffic. While for the “All for 500” TP there is such an opportunity.

Pay-as-you-go tariffs from MTS

The cheapest cellular tariffs available from the MTS operator:

  • For short conversations there is also a “Per Second” tariff. The cost of a second of dialogue is identical to the price offered by the Beeline operator;
  • You can call other countries with maximum benefit, having a SIM card from a red and white operator, by activating the “Your Country” tariff.

Tariffs with subscription fee (MTS)

In the “Smart” line, the youngest tariff is the “Mini” tariff. This is the cheapest unlimited cellular offer on the MTS list. Megafon and Beeline also offer “junior” tariffs from the “Everything” line for three hundred rubles per month. In this case, the conditions will be as follows:

  • 250 minutes of free communication with all operators in your region, after which communication within the network will still not be charged.
  • Same number of text messages.
  • Internet traffic - one gigabyte.