Connecting tricolor to an old TV. Principles of connecting an HDMI receiver

Digital television, wireless Internet today they are no longer something special, they are available to almost everyone. The price of the service is low. True, not every TV (if connected to satellite TV) is capable of supporting this format. This requires special equipment that converts digital signal to analog.

Why do you need a receiver? This is a device that sees satellite television signals and converts digital codes to analog and transmits them to a TV (for example, Samsung). To make the signal clearer, and to connect the receiver, it is best to use only one wire. Thanks to this, switching signal sources can be done on the receiver itself. And all you have to do is turn on the TV. The most popular provider today is wireless Tricolor TV.

From this comes the first rule for connecting a receiver - connect it to a TV or computer in such a way as to ensure maximum quality of signal reception. Based on the degree of quality reduction, several connection options can be distinguished (if we're talking about about video image):

  • HDMI wireless.
  • Component.
  • S-video.
  • Composite

For an audio antenna, the choice becomes even smaller:

  • HDMI (not yet available everywhere);
  • digital (optical or coaxial);
  • analog RCA connection.

Second important point can be formulated this way: the simpler the better. This means that the TV receiver should have as few wires as possible. True, in in this case the number of users will matter. If there are more than three, ease of connection will come in handy. If the number of spectators is minimal, you can focus on quality and install a receiver with several connecting contacts. The third rule is that the cable should not be cheap or have excessive length. Short wire“sees” the signal better. But at the same time, its length should be such that you can freely check the connection by unfolding the monitor.

Methods for connecting the Tricolor satellite dish to a TV

There are at least several popular options for connecting the receiver to a TV:

  1. HDMI connection (by the way, some samsung models support it). The most preferred option due to the high quality of both audio and video signals. One end HDMI cable connects to the output on the rear panel of the receiver, and the other to the TV, if there is a socket for the appropriate connection.
  2. The composite connector is the simplest, but the picture quality leaves much to be desired.
  3. The S-video port is connected via more than one wire, but at the same time it allows you to receive a clearer signal from the Tricolor antenna, but the color rendition is a little poor.
  4. RCA, which are also called “tulips”. This is a three-wire component interface that can be used for plasma panels and LCD monitors (Samsung, for example). The image quality in terms of color and clarity is quite acceptable.
  5. If SCART is used, the television receiver is connected in one of three ways: S-video, composite or RGB. Of all the analogue ones, the latter, by the way, is the highest quality.

The Tricolor circuit when connected has its own characteristics, more on that below. Anyway connection wireless network Internet, satellite channels etc., you can install it yourself, or you can invite professionals. In the latter case, you can be sure that everything will be done quickly and efficiently. The price of the issue is by no means exorbitant. Convenient, comfortable and fast. Immediately after finishing the work, you will be able to watch your favorite shows and movies.

The nuances of connecting the Tricolor antenna to a TV

The receiver for Tricolor can be connected using antenna cable. To do this, you need to connect the receiver via the antenna cable through the antenna socket on the TV.
After this, you need to turn on the TV and receiver. The channel number will appear on the receiver display. Now on the TV remote control you should press the “0” button and start searching for satellite TV channels. Automatic scanning stops at the frequency to which the receiver is tuned. If the connection is correct, then the message “no signal” will appear on the TV screen (say, Samsung).

There is another option for connecting to satellite signals - using a cable with a bell or Scart connector. First, the receiver is connected to the TV the right cable and turns on. The channel number also lights up on the display. To switch to video mode, press the A/V button on the TV. The desired antenna connection connector is selected through the menu. As in the first case, a message indicating that there is no signal should appear on the screen.

You can find information on the Internet about exactly how such an inscription should look. If something goes wrong, or there is no sign at all, it means that the receiver is not connected correctly and the TV does not see the satellite TV signal. In this case, press the “0” and “1” buttons on the remote control simultaneously. This is done in order to contact satellite equipment. As soon as the antenna signal is found, the channel will show a picture. Information about the enabled channel will be visible below. In order to see the scale of signal quality and its strength, you must press the “i” button on the receiver’s remote control. Why is it needed in this case? In order to more successfully search for a signal from a satellite.

Figuring out how to connect a Tricolor receiver to a TV is not difficult; it is much more difficult to figure out what needs to be done to watch TV without using a set-top box. Modern technologies allow you to get rid of unnecessary wires that spoil appearance and get rid of unnecessary equipment taking up too much space.

But, when deciding to abandon the set-top box and connect the antenna directly to the TV, it is worth deciding in advance how justified such a step is. After all, if you don’t think about everything in a timely manner the most important nuances and details, instead of convenience, you can end up with new difficulties and pointless expenses.

Therefore, before getting rid of a receiver that has become inconvenient, you need to think about the consequences of such a step and clarify whether your existing TV allows you to avoid connecting a set-top box.

How to connect Tricolor to a TV without a receiver

For everyone who plans to connect satellite television without a receiver, you need to know that this requires having a modern TV that supports Smart TV, and purchasing a special module that replaces the traditional set-top box.

Without this device you will not be able to achieve success.

In a situation where a TV viewer plans to connect a second TV to one antenna, the wife also needs to purchase an additional set of equipment. It is enough to use a small client set-top box, which connects to the main receiver, but works completely autonomously. As a result, subscribers have the opportunity to watch their favorite programs without purchasing a second receiver. As a last resort, if the existing equipment does not support connecting a client receiver, you can change the equipment using special offer TV provider.

Using the Cl+ module

To figure out on your own how to connect Tricolor without a receiver to a TV, you will need to make sure that the existing equipment is compatible with the modules conditional access, and buy this module.

Next you will have to:

  1. insert the module into the appropriate connector located on the back wall of the TV (connection is only possible when the equipment is turned off; the device must be inserted so that the barcode is facing the monitor);
  2. connect the antenna cable;
  3. turn on Smart TV;
  4. configure the equipment and start searching for TV channels;
  5. save changes.

If problems or unexpected difficulties arise, you should contact a telemaster, who will make the connection himself.

Connecting a second TV to the Tricolor receiver

To receive a signal from one dish to 2 TVs, you will need to have a set of both a receiver and a client set-top box. At the same time, setting up and searching for TV channels in this case will be much simpler than when using the Cl+ module mentioned above.

To activate television, you will need:

  1. attach the antenna to the set-top box, combine the equipment into single network and connect the monitors through the tulip (you can use a different type of cable);
  2. configure the main receiver by installing all the necessary, available channels;
  3. repeat the setup procedure on the client set-top box;
  4. save changes.

It is important to remember that the setup procedure must be exactly as indicated above. First you should prepare the main receiver, then work on the additional one. If this sequence is changed, achieve positive result will be almost impossible.

Tricolor TV receiver gs b533m: how to connect to TV

Connecting Smart TV or additional monitor to satellite television without unnecessary expensive set-top boxes, which do not always fit into the interior, does not contain huge difficulties. In 2019, almost anyone can cope with this task, since it is often enough to correctly connect the existing equipment and follow the prompts on the screen.

In the most difficult situations, you will need to call contact center. The consultants who answer the call will definitely describe the correct procedure or, if this turns out to be possible and convenient, will accept a request for a visit from a teleworker who will set up the equipment instead of its owners.

Next step after installation satellite dish is its connection to a television receiver through a receiver, which is equipped with two types of outputs - analog and digital. The receiving device is designed to decrypt received satellite signals, sometimes encoded, and then transmitted to a television receiver. The user is wondering how to connect the Tricolor receiver to the TV in the correct way. Since the tuner is the most expensive in the set of receiving equipment, when purchasing a device, it is recommended to carefully select a suitable set-top box, according to the recommendations on the company’s website.

There is a power cord on the rear panel of the receiver, and there are also several connectors:

  • HDMI. Working in this format for receiving information, any conversion of the video signal is excluded. The image is obtained in the same quality as the operator broadcasts. Tricolor TV is gradually abandoning the MPEG 2 and MPEG 4 formats, replacing them with higher quality HD, so HDMI is the best way device pairing;
  • analog RF. Previously widely used format. Antenna input receives analog channels;
  • component output. Transmits a signal high resolution. Each cable has its own color and is designed to transmit information corresponding to its color (brightness, red, blue and additional for audio channels). Before starting the connection, in order to avoid tangling the cables, you must read the instructions. The advantage of such a connection is clear image transmission;
  • composite audio-video AV output. Known as "tulip". Found on almost every TV or satellite tuner. For self-connection you need to connect the multi-colored cable ends to the corresponding sockets on the receiver and television set. This connection suitable for old TV;
  • SCART format. European connection standard that simultaneously transmits audio and video signals. It is the most used type of connection;
  • S-Video format. A circular connector with several contacts inside. Similar to pairing system unit computer with keyboard or mouse. Occurs on more expensive equipment.

The tuner has connectors for connecting the high-frequency antenna cable and the converter - LNB OUT and LNB IN, respectively. Depending on model installed device, there may be “tulip”, SCART, HDMI connectors. Satellite operator provides its customers with a wide range of receiver models, so the set of available outputs differs significantly. Updates are carried out via USB output software receiver.

Depending on the tuner firmware version, broadcasting occurs either to all available outputs, or only to certain ones. Due to this feature, they differ specifications receiver and methods of connecting it to a television receiver.

Receiver connection diagram

The antenna cable connecting the receiver to the TV must be connected to LNB IN - the output of the receiver. The cable type doesn't matter. The RF cable should be connected to the LNB OUT and the TV antenna socket.

After applying voltage to receiving equipment, the “Boot” command will appear on the receiver’s display, indicating the start of the receiver’s operation. Next, the inscription will change to the channel number. You should search for channels on your TV. If the TV has been correctly connected to the tuner, the line “No signal” will appear.

To turn on other types of cables, using the TV remote control, select the working format of the incoming signal by pressing the “Sourse” (or “TV/AV”) key. Until the “No Signal” command is displayed. After these steps you need to configure satellite dish.

Connection diagram for two television receivers

To include a second TV receiver in the circuit, you will need an additional cable. If the first TV was connected using a “tulip” connector, then the second TV should be connected in a different way. It is important to note that the information signal must be supplied to all available receiver outputs.

Since the display is controlled from one receiver, the broadcast of channels will be the same on two TVs. If a subscriber wants to watch different channels, then he needs to purchase another tuner, which operates from the same antenna, but is connected through a different output on the converter.

To minimize signal loss, experts advise using as few wires as possible. The cable length should also not be too long.

To make your own cable, you need to purchase the required length coaxial cable. Then the F-connector should be attached to one end so that the inner core of the cable protrudes at least 1 cm. The same should be done with the other end.

To connect and configure a second independent TV to display other channels, the user needs to purchase a splitter for the cable through which the broadcast is supplied. If only the HDMI output is used, you must use an HDMI divider that distributes the signal to the required number of TVs.

Methods of laying wires

Some users satellite services prefer to use wires instead special device– video sender. The device, consisting of two blocks, is connected between the TV and the tuner and transmits the signal via Wi-Fi. The maximum permissible distance is 30 m. Since this device It has all kinds of connectors, it has no problems in installation. Wired video senders are less expensive, but their use does not solve the problem of unnecessary wires.

Another way that makes it possible for two TVs to operate independently of each other is to purchase a special Tricolor TV set, which includes a receiver consisting of two tuners.

The main criterion for connecting the receiver is a correctly installed and high-quality configured Tricolor TV dish. If your satellite dish is configured correctly, connecting the receiver will take you no more than 10-15 minutes.

In this article we will look at possible schemes connecting the Tricolor TV receiver to both a dish and a TV using examples certain models receivers. Receivers may differ in technical components from your receiver, but the essence of the connection always remains the same.

How to connect the receiver to the dish.

To connect the Tricolor TV receiver to a satellite dish you will need:

  1. 2 F connectors
  2. RG-6 coaxial cable

The first thing we need to do is lay the RG-6 cable from the satellite dish to the installation location of the receiver. The next step is to screw the F connectors on both ends of the cable. Let's look at a diagram of how to do this.

  1. Using ordinary wire cutters, we bite off the end of the cable so that it is perpendicular.
  2. We make a cut in the insulation 10-12 mm from the end of the cable and remove it.
  3. We straighten the braid and foil along the cable.
  4. We retreat 2-3 mm from the cable braid and remove the insulation of the central core.
  5. We check that the braid and pieces of foil do not touch the central core of the cable and screw the F connector until it stops.

The next step is to screw one end of the cable to the receiver in LBN in and the other end to the converter on the satellite dish. Carefully, without knocking down the plate, secure the cable to the antenna with ordinary construction ties or electrical tape.

How to connect the receiver to the TV.

The method of connecting the Tricolor TV receiver directly depends on your TV. There are 3 main types of connecting the receiver to the TV, let's look at them.

  1. The first is connection via the built-in RF modulator (for older models of receivers).

    The essence of this connection is that your receiver converts the video signal to analog and is transmitted to the TV via a regular coaxial cable. For this connection, your receiver must have an RF OUT output.

    In practice, such a connection is used in in public places, such as shopping centers, a cafe where you need to connect many TVs with the ability to watch one channel selected on the satellite receiver.

    For example, if the Russia24 channel is selected on the receiver, then the Russia24 channel will be shown on all TVs.

    To connect in this way, you just need a regular TV cable. You insert one end of the cable into the receiver (RF OUT), insert the other end into the TV (ANT in), and then start auto-tuning channels on your TV. Your TV will find one analog channel, where your video signal from the Tricolor receiver will be located.

    The main thing is to remember the channel number on a TV with a Tricolor signal and no longer switch programs from the TV remote control; now you will control your channels from the remote control from your receiver.

    If you do not have a built-in RF modulator in the Tricolor TV receiver and you are comfortable watching the same channel on all TVs at the same time, then you can purchase an RF modulator and split the signal using a splitter with a number of outputs corresponding to the number of your TVs.

  2. Connecting the Tricolor TV receiver to a 3RCA or SCART TV. This type of connection is mainly used for older TVs that do not have an HDMI input.
  3. Connecting the Tricolor TV receiver using an HDMI cable. With this connection you will achieve high quality on your TV, this applies not only to the picture, but also to the sound. All modern televisions equipped with HDMI inputs.

How to connect the receiver to 1 TV

Using the example of the GS E521 L receiver with the ability to connect a second receiver

We screw the cable coming from the satellite dish to the LBN in 1 connector.

We connect the receiver to the TV using an HDMI or 3RCA cable, depending on the availability of the corresponding connectors (to achieve best quality should be connected with an HDMI cable).

Having connected them together, we select the corresponding input to which you connected your TV (you can find out by looking behind the TV, all connectors are labeled and numbered. Example: HDMI 1, HDMI 2 or AV 1) using the television remote control.

On the screen you will see the initial setup of the receiver; after completing it and saving the found channels, you can start watching satellite television.

After setting up, you may need to register; you can do it yourself on the website in the “subscriber registration” column.

How to connect two TVs to Tricolor TV.

Using the example of the GS E521L/GS C5911 receiver

Method No. 1 (using a UTP network cable)

We connect two cables coming from the Tricolor satellite dish to LBN in 1 and LBN in 2.

If it is not possible to extend two cables from the antenna to the E521L server, then you can use a jumper between the LBN 1 out and LBN 2 in contacts (with such a connection, there will be slight losses in the number of channels on the second C5911 receiver).

You can make a jumper from a piece of regular RG-6 coaxial cable by screwing F connectors on both sides. We connect the receiver using an HDMI or 3RCA cable (if the TV has both inputs, then the HDMI connection is preferred).

We select the video input we need on the TV, for example HDMI 1, after which you will see the initial settings on your screen. You can find how to make the initial settings in the “user manual” book included in the kit.

The next step is to connect the E 521L server and the additional C 5911 set-top box; for this we will need a crimped network cable UTP. Using a UTP cable, we connect the receivers to each other by inserting the ends of the cable into the ETHERNET connectors. We connect the additional set-top box C 5911 to a TV with using HDMI or 3RCA. As on the first TV, select the appropriate video input and perform the initial settings.

To connect to the server, in the “network settings” item you need to select the server, when correct connection it will appear automatically in column 2, select it and click “search”. In some cases after full connection receivers, you will need to update the receivers' software. The update should be carried out from the additional set-top box C 5911, setting channel No. 333 “telemaster” and wait 5-10 minutes. During this time, a column with a request to update the software will appear on the screen, press the “OK” button and wait for the update to complete. It is very important not to turn off the power during the update!

Method No. 2 (using a Wi-Fi router)

The difference between the connection in scheme No. 2 and scheme No. 1 is the ability to watch your favorite channels on a tablet or mobile device. To do this, we connect the receivers through the router by setting the appropriate parameters in initial setup receivers in the “network setup” section. To watch Tricolor TV on a tablet or mobile device, you need to download the “Play.Tricolor” application. Connect to Wi-Fi networks your router and set the appropriate settings on your device in the “Play.Tricolor” application.

Satellite television "Tricolor TV" has come to many homes in our country. Their kits are in deserved and constant demand among the population thanks to high quality signal, low cost and convenience of online purchasing. After you purchase a satellite dish and receiver, you can order a full range of installation services for the Tricolor TV television set from a specialized company. In this article you will learn how to install, connect and fully configure yourself satellite system"Tricolor TV".

Assembling the kit

Even a person completely unfamiliar with technology can assemble the purchased kit independently. If you decide to install and configure the dish and receiver yourself, we recommend that you study the instructions and remember the names components satellite dish. You should also understand where exactly and how the Tricolor TV receiver is connected.

Prepare tv cable with plugs. First of all, we place the converter in the holder.

Pay attention to the connector, it should be directed downward so that raindrops do not flow into it.

The installation coupling should be securely attached to the working area of ​​the converter. Before installing the antenna, we recommend checking and tightening all the bolts again. In order to correctly adjust the head and find the exact direction to the Tricolor TV satellite, this will have to be done more than once during the installation process.

Antenna installation

For getting high-quality image on the TV screen coming through the receiver output, it is necessary to precisely tune the antenna to the Tricolor TV satellite and the absence of visible interference on a straight line mentally drawn between them.

Before proceeding with installation, carefully read the documents of the equipment set and find the name of your set there: “Center” or “Siberia”.

The plate should face strictly south, and should be mounted exclusively on an external wall or mast. Under no circumstances can it be installed between high-rise buildings or trees that block the imaginary axis drawn between the dish and the satellite.

If you decide to install it yourself receiving device on the external wall of the house, then the bracket should be secured with reliable anchors. If this rule is not followed, strong winds can tear off the fastenings and the antenna can cause a lot of trouble. The installation location should be selected based on a simple calculation: as close as possible to the place where the receiver is installed.

Even when using a cable with double braid and thickened copper core, this distance is limited to one hundred meters. If it is impossible to install the kit so closely, we recommend purchasing and setting up an additional amplifier. The process of purchasing it is not complicated; it is usually available in any store that sells television equipment.

After purchase, the antenna is first assembled and installed on an already fixed bracket. We strip the television cable from the top layer of insulation from both ends by one and a half centimeters. In the direction from end to middle, carefully wrap the shielded braid and screw the F-connector onto the freed part. We leave the main copper core protruding two millimeters beyond the connector, and bite off the rest with pliers. Now you need to connect the receiver with a cable going to the antenna converter.

Connecting the receiver

There are two ways to connect the Tricolor TV receiver to your TV yourself:

  • high-frequency connection by antenna cable;
  • low-frequency connection of the receiver using a regular cable with “bells” or a “scart” connector.

For an RF connection: plug the cable into the antenna socket of the TV and connect it to the “RF Out” output of the receiver. Then we connect the receiver with a cord to electrical outlet and turn on the power switch. “BOOT” and the channel number should appear on the screen. Then we launch it on the television receiver automatic search channels and look for a channel with the words “No Signal”, indicating to us that the receiver is connected correctly.

For LF connection: the receiver is connected using a cable with “tulips” or “skart”. We turn on the receiver to the network and wait for the word “BOOT” to appear on the screen, and then the numbers of the channel number. On the control panel of the television receiver, the video mode is set using the “A/V” key. If we see the message “No signal,” then the receiver is connected correctly.

Next you need to check the presence strong signal, coming from the satellite to the receiver. We try to display any random channel on the TV. The screen will display the channel number, the program broadcast from the satellite to the dish and the time. Since the antenna is not tuned, the TV screen will have a blue color throughout the background.

We look for the inscription “i” on the receiver’s remote control and turn on this button. Two scales “Signal Strength” and “Signal Quality” should appear on the screen, according to which the settings should be made, and then we will independently configure the satellite dish.


Last important stage work necessary to obtain a high-quality image on a TV - correct setting satellite dish and receiver "Tricolor TV". This action can be performed independently, keeping the antenna direction strictly south. Further actions It is advisable to carry out the process of establishing signal reception from the antenna together with family members or any assistant.

Place it near the TV and wait for commands from it about the result on the screen, independently and little by little turning the satellite dish up and down, right and left, a centimeter at a time.

Having a neighbor's Tricolor TV antenna makes setup much easier. Simply copy its direction and tilt, ensuring that the fields of both scales on the screen are filled as completely as possible.

You need to start adjusting the signal from the vertical position of the dish mirror, gradually moving it in the horizontal plane. We look at the screen: if both scales are filled, this means we have caught a good signal. Soon a high-quality image appears on the television receiver. If only one scale is filled, the signal does not come from the ‘Tricolor TV’ satellite, you need to look further. By gradually independently turning the antenna mirror, first horizontally, then vertically, we adjust the maximum filling of the scales and the highest quality image on the TV screen.


To register the receiver you will need:

  • Tricolor TV card number;
  • receiver serial number;
  • code indicated on the card;
  • owner's passport;
  • kit installation address.

The easiest way is to register your receiver number through the Tricolor TV website. After filling out a special registration form, your contract number will be shown in the window and the card will be activated. The agreement can be downloaded from the website, printed, signed and sent to the address indicated on the website. by regular mail to the company for signature.

You can register the installation by calling the company phone numbers listed on the website. This will take a little time, and the result will be the same; the contract will be sent to you by mail. The most important thing is that along with the purchase of your favorite TV shows, you receive a guarantee for the entire set of equipment! We wish you that self installation and setting up the satellite dish and Tricolor TV receiver was successful and Have a good mood as a result of watching interesting television programs!