Connecting the camera to the DVD radio connector. How to choose a system

The attitude of motorists towards devices that allow them to control the space behind the rear bumper of a car is ambiguous. Some drivers believe that car gadgets are unnecessary “bells and whistles” that bring absolutely no benefit. Others can't imagine their favorite car without a bunch of modern electronics. We can continue this pointless debate for a long time, but we cannot but agree that installing a rear view camera will make life much easier for both an experienced driver and a novice car owner. This device, unlike parking sensors, allows you to avoid such troubles as running into an open hatch or colliding with thin posts, which are sometimes installed in parking spaces as fences. The recommendations in this article will tell you how to connect a rear view camera without the help of a service station.

Criterias of choice

The criteria for choosing a device directly depend on the functions that will be assigned to it in the future. Despite the fact that budget cameras cope with their tasks quite well and mostly have high resolution, more expensive devices have a number of undeniable advantages.

  • Shooting sensitivity. The higher the value this parameter, those better camera Works in low light conditions. Some manufacturers produce devices that operate exclusively in black and white (sepia) mode for comfortable driving at night. This type of camera allows you to more confidently perform reverse maneuvers in dark time days.
  • Viewing angle size. Budget cameras often have a minimum permissible viewing angle of 120°. In more advanced gadgets, this value increases to 180°, which allows the driver to control a much larger area. However, there is also a negative point great overview– the so-called “panorama effect”, in which the ordinary perception of the picture may be slightly distorted.
  • Mounting type. There are two types of cameras:
    • Regular ones. Available for certain models car, which allows you to install them with minimal time without the need to drill additional holes. Most often, standard devices are installed in the license plate light or in the handle for opening the trunk.
    • Universal. Suitable for installation on any make of car. Installation of some models of such devices may involve the use of through fasteners.

Both standard and universal cameras are equipped with a video output and a power connector.

Installation process

Any work with the electrical wiring of a car requires deliberate action and compliance with safety rules. To prevent the possibility of injury electric shock The on-board network of the vehicle must be de-energized. To do this, you need to turn off the car's ignition system and remove the terminals from the battery.

For installation of almost any camera rear view you must follow the procedure described below.

Finding the attachment point. In most cases, the most rational solution would be to mount the camera above the frame. registration number vehicle.

Laying cables throughout the vehicle interior. The majority of car rear view cameras are equipped with a five-meter cable with a standard yellow RCA connector (tulip). The cable length is enough to install the device in any passenger car. When installing the camera in large vehicles (jeeps, minibuses, trucks) vehicles) it will not be possible to do without an additional extension cable and connector. The camera wiring is first pulled into the trunk compartment, then the wires should be laid along one of the sides of the car (most often on the left) to the radio or monitor. To accomplish this task, you should dismantle the sill trims and, if possible, remove the seats from the interior. It should also be ensured easy access to the connectors of the device to which the camera is supposed to be connected. After the wires are neatly laid under the carpet, you can begin installing the disassembled parts of the car.

Connecting the camera to the electrical wiring and to the car radio. Only a device properly powered from the network will work without interruption long time Therefore, before starting work, it is recommended that you carefully read the device connection diagram included in the kit.

In most cases, for its operation, the camera requires a voltage of 12 V, which can be obtained from the reversing light. The camera's power cable must be connected to the reversing light through a safety device (fuse) that protects electrical circuit from possible overload and short circuit. The reverse positive wire can also be found in the front dashboard. Some cameras already have a built-in fuse. If this device is not included in the package, it must be purchased separately. The next step is to connect the yellow wire with an RCA connector to the intended output multimedia device. If there is no specialized connector for the video signal cable on the radio, the camera is connected to the “video in” output.

Some models modern cameras rear view, replaced the coaxial cable for transmitting the video signal to wireless technology. In this case, the receiver installed in the radio is responsible for transmitting the video image to the display, receiving continuous signals from the camera transmitter.

After all connections have been made, each section of the cable connection must be carefully insulated to prevent the possibility of a short circuit. On final stage you need to connect the terminals to battery and check the functionality of the device.


Connecting the rear view camera step by step in the video:

Whether or not to install a reversing camera is up to each driver to decide for himself. In this article we will tell you how to connect a rear view camera, and it’s up to you to decide whether you need it or not. Connecting a rear view camera requires some knowledge and skills, so not everyone can do it themselves. But if you still decide that installing a standard rear view camera is necessary for you, then use the advice from this article. With a small set of tools and basic removal skills, you can easily figure out how to connect a rear view camera.

Side mirrors, and even your head turned 180°, will not give the desired effect; you may still not notice some little things, or maybe not little things. And then a showdown with the owner of the scratched car may begin, and this can cost you tens of times more than connecting a reverse camera. Later in the article we will look at which camera you can choose and whether it will suit you Chinese manufacturer, or you would prefer something more solid. We will also discuss whether it is possible to install a rear view camera yourself, and how to properly connect the device you have chosen.

How to choose a camera

The modern electronics market, and especially China, is overcrowded with a variety of cameras, and this makes choosing the right thing more complicated. In order to make your work easier, decide on your priorities, what worries you more – price or quality. Not everyone needs cameras high resolution, or cameras that can show even when poor lighting. For some drivers it's enough inexpensive cameras rear view to the radio.

What parameters should you pay attention to if you decide to purchase a higher quality product, then in this case there are at least five points that need to be taken into account when purchasing:

  • What resolution does the camera record in? The higher the video resolution, the better quality records. Yes and high definition images are not always needed.
  • The next point is the camera’s sensitivity to lighting. With cheaper models, low-light recording quality can be very poor. Therefore, if, due to circumstances, you often use a car in the dark, then this point is worth paying attention to.
  • If, before purchasing, you have already decided where to install the rear view camera, then you need to pay attention to the installation method of this particular model.
  • The next point is this viewing angle that the camera lens captures. Usually it is in the range from 120 to 180 degrees. It is better to take something in between these two indicators so that you have good review rear view, but there was no panorama, because with it reality is distorted.
  • Selecting the monitor on which the camera will display the image. But if you already have a radio with a screen in your car, then you just need to think about how to connect the rear view camera to the radio.

How and where should it be installed

Later in the article we will look at how to install a rear view camera. There is more than enough space in the car to install a video camera, but we need the most advantageous position. The camera eye must have a good view, which is not limited to any parts of the machine. Any camera will reveal its full potential if it is installed in the most advantageous location.

In our case, such a place is a niche above the rear bumper of the car; the camera should be placed in its upper part above the license plate number of the car. What this gives is viewing angles, your car radio will only show the road and not parts of your car. But it must be positioned so that it is not too recessed, but also does not stick out.

True, there is a minus here - your camera is accessible to dirt and the hands of others. If you place it inside the cabin on the rear window, then half of the screen will be occupied by the trunk, viewing angles will decrease and the image quality will suffer to some extent due to the glass. But it will be clean and inaccessible to strangers.

The procedure and diagram for connecting the rear view camera

And now in more detail about how to install and connect a rear view camera to Pioneer radio. Why go to this model, because it is the most common. If we take into account the unsafety of our video camera, and best review, then its place should still be above the number, outside. It should be installed closer to the edge to improve visibility, but not so that it is exposed. The installation of the camera itself is not complicated. The camera has the bracket necessary for installation; you only need to drill a couple of holes for the mounting bolts and one hole for the cable.

And then comes the inclusion of the rear view camera in the general electrical network car. If you are not strong in electrics, then it is better to turn to car service specialists, but if you have at least basic knowledge, then you will be able to figure it out on your own. So, the order of connection in stages:

  1. Any camera has two wires, one for transmitting the video signal from the camera to the monitor, and the second wire for power. Since the camera itself has short wires, then you will need to extend them so that they are enough from the front panel to the end of the trunk (as a rule, an extension cord for the video signal is included in the kit).
  2. Where can I get power for my video camera? Usually the camera is connected to the rear lights. Therefore, immediately after reverse gear is engaged, the rear view camera also turns on.
  3. All wires running throughout the cabin and in the trunk must be secured and hidden. This will help avoid unexpected network breaks while driving.
  4. If you use a monitor instead of a radio, you will need to find a power source for it as well. If you have a Pioneer multimedia radio, this issue is resolved automatically.

Connecting a reversing camera to a Pioneer radio

Now we will talk specifically about how to configure and connect the reverse camera to the Pioneer radio. There are small nuances here that mislead everyone. We connect the camera to the reversing light, all the power is on the camera, then the wire through which the video signal will go. In Pioneer this is a brown tulip not to be confused with a yellow one. Go to the settings, find the section in the rear view camera menu, set the item to on, and switch the polarity to battery mode. Our camera is working, you can check this by going to the main menu and selecting the camera icon, but it will not turn on automatically. This can be fixed by connecting the purple wire to the rear light (where the camera is). As a result, when reverse gear is engaged, the light comes on, power is supplied to the camera, and the radio understands that it is necessary to switch to reverse gear.

The entire connection diagram for a rear view video camera is quite simple, and therefore most drivers often cope with installing it themselves. In cars equipped with an automatic transmission, random activation of the rear view camera may occur.

To eliminate this problem, you need to install an additional camera turn-on delay sensor. In each car model, the camera installation may differ, but in small details, the connection principles are similar. The connection process is more complicated for video cameras that transmit a signal via radio, but they have the advantage that several of these cameras can be connected. There are more and more cars on city streets, so a rear view camera is already a necessity. It will not only help you park correctly, but will also preserve evidence of your innocence in the event of a collision.

Often, a reversing camera is installed after purchasing a new radio; for this case, we have an article “” in which you will learn about adapters, adapter frames and much more.

Video on how to connect a reverse camera

We hope that this article helped you understand how to properly connect a reverse camera. Rate the article on a 5-point scale; if you have any comments, suggestions or you know something that is not indicated in this article, please let us know! Leave your comment below. This will help us make the information on the site even more useful.

When driving in traffic, it is important for the driver to both look ahead and see what is happening behind. When our car is equipped with a special video camera that allows us to look back without turning our heads or losing sight of the road, our safety increases several times. But not every car that leaves the showroom for a new owner has such a service. If the car is not equipped with a rear view camera, which helps to reduce the risk of collision on the roads and when parking to zero, the car owner can independently add such a function to the standard radio, as well as install and connect it to tablet computer, car TV, navigator, smartphone, rearview mirror.

  1. Front view cameras. They help to monitor the traffic situation in places where visibility of the situation is limited, for example, when leaving and entering gates, when turning the corner of a building. The presence of such equipment prevents damage to the car body. When the front bumper approaches an obstacle that limits visibility, the camera displays what is happening to the right and left as the vehicle moves.
  2. Rear view cameras. Sometimes they have an external styling of the body that suits a specific car brand, but they can also be universal, suitable for any car model. The device has a special protective casing that protects against dust, dirt and moisture getting inside. It may have a backlight function, due to which the image does not lose high quality in any conditions, for example during fog or when the road is poorly lit. The main purpose of the video camera is to inform the driver about what is happening on the road behind. The image from it is sent to a monitor installed in the cabin, looking at which the driver estimates the distance to objects located behind the car.
The rear view camera housing can be stylized to match a specific car brand

A few characteristics that you should focus on when choosing a rearview camera for our car:

  1. Viewing angle. It can be 100, 120, 140 and 170 degrees. The higher the degree of viewing angle, the more extensive and complete the picture of what is happening behind will look. But the price of video cameras with a higher viewing angle will be higher.
  2. Camera screen resolution. This characteristic is directly related to the quality of the video image. Despite the fact that the technology only films what is happening from behind, the quality of the image depicted is of no small importance.
  3. Resistance to temperature fluctuations. This characteristic may affect the service life of the camcorder. After all, from weather conditions(wind, frost, heat, precipitation) largely depends on how long the selected gadget will last. That is, the body of the video camera must be strong enough to withstand natural influences.
  4. How much does the camera weigh? In fact, no matter how much it weighs, this characteristic of great importance no, since all modern rearview video cameras are quite compact in size, and they also have quite stable mounts.
  5. Backlight range, its presence or absence. The presence of backlight has additional advantages when driving on the road and when parking in low light conditions environment and under adverse atmospheric conditions. The illumination range is directly proportional to the viewing range of the picture from behind. The further the distance from the rear object, the better it is visible in the presence of optimal illumination.
  6. Camera body shape. Also, when purchasing a suitable video device, you should pay attention to its shape. Based on this, we will choose where to install it in the car. It should be noted that not all video camera models are equipped with the necessary mounts. It may be necessary to make some changes in the areas where the equipment joins with the body parts of our machine.

Choosing a seat in the car

Before we begin installing the video camera, we will choose a convenient landing site for it. You can build it directly into the bumper by drilling a special hole with a drill. Installation can be done on the frame of the lampshade, which is responsible for illuminating the registration plate. The advantage of choosing this place for planting is that it will be almost invisible to prying eyes.

Another convenient place to install a video device can be the handle that opens the trunk. But there is a risk of damage to the camera eye and rapid wear. In addition, it may attract unwanted attention from car accessory hunters.

You can put the equipment on the roof of a car. This location is suitable for minibuses. A peephole mounted at a height is less susceptible to damage and theft.

Photo gallery: visual examples of mounting locations for a video camera

The camera eye is embedded in the rear bumper of the car The camera eye is built into the handle that opens the trunk
The camera is installed on the frame of the lampshade responsible for illuminating the license plate
The camera is installed on the roof of the van

Rear view monitor

The image from the rearview camera is displayed on the LCD monitor located inside the car on the instrument panel. As a monitor, you can use devices such as a tablet, navigator, radio, smartphone, TV, as well as a rearview mirror.

Standard monitor

The standard LCD screen is mounted on the dashboard using hinges. This flexible mounting makes it possible to set it at the required angle. In addition to the main input, the monitor has connectors for additional video devices. A standard monitor provides a larger image than a display combined with a rearview mirror, but it takes up much more space, and this is not always convenient, especially for small cars.

Monitor combined with a mirror

The display can be combined with a rearview mirror. While the system is off, the mirror serves its intended purpose, reflecting what is happening behind the car. As soon as we engage reverse gear, the mirror immediately becomes a monitor onto which the background image transmitted from the camera is transmitted.

Wireless camera

Wireless cameras with a rearview screen can have either a color display or a black and white one. According to some car enthusiasts, a black and white display has an advantage over a color one, producing a clearer picture. This has less to do with the monitor and more to do with the sensitivity of the video camera. Therefore, when choosing wireless technology, it is worth considering two essential characteristics:

  • sensitivity;
  • viewing angle.

Car TV

The car TV can also be used as a rearview monitor. The TV can be mounted under the ceiling of the car interior or located on the dashboard. The principle of operation of the TV screen on the rearview camera is the same as that of a standard monitor, navigator, tablet or radio.

Radio tape recorder

Our task is to connect the rear video camera to the car radio. It is important that it has a liquid crystal screen. If the standard radio does not have such a screen, you will have to purchase it additionally and connect it to the radio. But we will consider the option of connecting a rearview camera to a car radio that has an LCD screen.

A radio with a retractable LCD screen is installed in the car interior, on which the image from the rearview camera is displayed.

How to install and connect the camera to a radio and other equipment

The procedure for installing a rearview camera is usually individual for each car brand. But there are general operating points that apply to any car. First, let's decide on the available tools and materials needed for the job. Here is a minimum list of what we will need:

  • insulating tape and tape;
  • glue and sealant;
  • a set of pliers, screwdrivers and adjustable wrenches;
  • soldering iron, acid, solder;
  • electric drill and drills;
  • electric wires.

To install the rear view camera you will need special tools

Video camera installation procedure

  1. The work begins with installing the video camera peephole. If there are special places on the car intended for mounting the camera, then it is enough to remove the plastic plugs from there and place the video device in these holes. But such seats Not available in all vehicles. Therefore, we will have to drill holes in the bumper - in the very place that we previously designated for planting the video eye. We take an electric drill with a drill of the required diameter and get to work. Then we apply glue or sealant along the outside of the peephole and firmly insert the peephole into the prepared hole.
  2. We pull out the wires coming from the camera and run them into the luggage compartment. We connect the negative end of the wire to the vehicle ground using a bolt, having previously cleaned the bolt hole with sandpaper to ensure reliable contact. The wire with a plus sign is best connected to the power cable of one of the rear car lights. In this case, power will be supplied to the video camera simultaneously with the reverse gear being engaged.
  3. Now, after connecting the video camera to the power supply, we will stretch the video cable through the car interior for subsequent connection to the monitor. If the length of the wire is not enough, we will have to lengthen it according to the chosen route, trying to do this carefully and aesthetically so that the wire does not accidentally fall under the fasteners with the risk of being subsequently damaged.

The process of independently connecting a rear view camera to a car monitor is available to every car enthusiast.

Connecting the camera to the monitor

If the monitor to which the rear video camera is connected has several similar friends on each other connectors, we will focus on ensuring that the wire and video input are the same color. On a radio that has a display, there should be a special input on the back side intended for connecting a video camera.

After connecting the radio to the rear video camera, you need to connect it to the power supply. It is very important here not to confuse the polarity of the connected wires.

To mount the monitor on the instrument panel, you can use double-sided tape, screws or self-tapping screws.

This diagram clearly shows how to connect a rear view camera to a monitor installed on the car’s dashboard

Connection methods

There are several ways to connect a camera to a monitor. To do this, you can use a standard “tulip” cable, which consists of six wires with three-color plugs.

The rear view camera can be connected to the monitor using standard cable tulip type with three-color plugs

The rearview camera can also be connected using wireless modules, for example, via WiFi. This method is compatible with any video devices that have a CVBS (“tulip”) interface. The image from the camera is transmitted to the display of a tablet, smartphone or radio Android platform(version 2.2 or higher) and iOS (version 4.3 or higher). The connection is via WiFi via the 802.11 b,g,n protocol with WPA2 encryption.

After completing the installation operations, it is necessary to check the functionality of the device in various modes.

Setting up the rear view device

For normal operation of our smart video device you need to conduct it additional settings and check for functionality. Before setting up, turn on the ignition. Next we perform the following actions:

  1. Turn on the radio by selecting Settings mode[settings].
  2. Then go to the “cameras” section and select the value: “rear”.
  3. Using the buttons on the joystick, we adjust the focus of the review so that it is comfortable for the eye and matches our preferences.
  4. This completes the setup of our video device. You can move on to its practical use.

After completing the installation and configuration of the rear view camera with display on the radio screen, you can proceed to its practical use

It remains to remind you of the safety measures that must be observed during installation work.

Connecting two cameras

In addition to the rear view camera, you can also install a front view camera. It is advisable that front-camera had a fairly large viewing angle. The front camera will help the driver safely steer onto the road from areas that limit the visibility of objects located on the right and left sides.

Diagram for connecting two cameras simultaneously to a car radio - rear and front view

To successfully use two cameras simultaneously, the radio must have 3 video outputs. Such car radios are presented on store shelves in a sufficient assortment. But the decision about what equipment to equip the car with remains up to the driver. Safe travels and good luck on the turns!

Hello! My name is Nadezhda. I live in St. Petersburg. My profession is designer. I love nature and art, hiking and driving.

Every car enthusiast has ever had the desire to install a rear view camera, which can eliminate the problems that arise when the car is moving in the rear direction. After purchase, you will need a diagram for connecting the rear view camera to the car radio.

It should immediately be noted that gadgets that display a frontal image are not suitable. Automotive manufacturers are ready to offer huge selection gadgets that will appeal to even the most sophisticated car owners. This kind of device always displays an adapted image on the monitor of your car. This means that you will have the opportunity to view the image from the camera in the form that is familiar to you, that is, already mirrored using a variety of programs.

This kind of convenience is made specifically so that you do not have to think for a long time and figure out how to continue your movement. In other words, the adapted camera immediately gives you the ability to view images in the form in which your brain is accustomed to perceive them. In order to save yourself from all sorts of problems that car enthusiasts face, you should think about buying just such a device.

Rear view camera installation

Now let's look at the rules that a car owner should follow when installing a rear view camera. In order to this device really reflected the current state of affairs on the road, you will have to follow the rules:

  1. If you install the gadget inside the car, it will not be the right decision. The fact is that the camera, which is located inside the car, cannot provide an adequate overview. This is due to the fact that there are other objects inside the machine that will create a glare effect, which will make it difficult to adequately reproduce the image. That's why best place, which you can choose to install your gadget, is considered to be the most illuminated place on the license plate. Therefore, you should install the camera not far from the backlight, which is located on the license plate of the car.
  2. Many people think that a rear view camera will be of some interest to robbers and drug addicts. Such a device can only be stolen by cutting all the wires. This means that it will be completely ruined. In this regard, it will be impossible to sell it on the black market.
  3. It is important to remember that during installation you will have to ensure that the device is located in correct position. This requirement is due to the fact that some devices have certain requirements for how they should be attached. More specifically, the quality of the image depends on this circumstance. For example, it is known for certain that with a certain arrangement of the gadget, the image may turn out upside down.

Now let's talk about the methods used during installation. It’s worth noting right away that you only need to purchase expensive rear view cameras. If you decide to save money on a newfangled gadget, then this is not at all the case when you need to count money. It is worth noting that the more expensive the device, the more opportunities there are to adapt it to the car.

Today, a car is considered not a sign of luxury, but an ordinary means of transportation. If previously not everyone could afford such a toy, now almost all families have an iron friend in the garage or parking lot. If just ten years ago the music playing in the car showed the status of its owner, now this will not surprise anyone. After all modern technologies don't stand still. Every year they become more and more improved. Motorists just have to keep an eye on them. So, now on-board computer or a rear view camera are very convenient devices that not only make life easier for motorists, but also reduce the risk of accidents and traffic accidents. A rear view camera (you can read how to connect it to the radio in this article) is a very convenient and practical device.

Installation locations

The rear security camera is a great device that helps any driver to perform quick and safe rear parking.

This product can be installed in many places on the car. For example, in the mirror or wherever your soul desires. However, everything is not so simple here. Be sure to keep in mind that to install such a camera you will need a special adapter or wireless module. However, do not forget that all signals will be transmitted with a slight delay - a few seconds. However, in the real world, even this can cost lives. Also the presence in the car of another additional gadget will focus your attention on it and distract you from safely driving a vehicle.

A rear view camera (you can find out how to connect it to a radio in this article) is most effective and comfortable if it is connected to a car radio.

It is best to entrust the connection procedure to an experienced technician. Carrying out such an operation does not take much time and is relatively inexpensive. However, if you really want to, you can do it yourself. The main thing before this is to carefully read the instructions and arm yourself with the necessary knowledge and tools.

Carrying out preparatory work

The rear view camera (many drivers are interested in how to connect it to the radio themselves) is quite easy to install. The main thing is to understand the general principles.

Before connecting the unit to the radio itself, you need to install the camera correctly. The first thing you need to do is disconnect the positive terminal on the battery. This action is taken for safety reasons, in order to avoid a short circuit, which can subsequently lead to a fire in the car wiring itself. If you don't want to do this, you can simply disconnect the entire battery.

Trunk inspection

The rear view camera (how to connect to the radio is clearly described in this article, which means any driver can try to do it on their own) has wiring, so it is very important to decide where you will lay it. Open the trunk and choose the best place for it. It is best to run the wires along the already laid wiring. But it’s best to attach the camera eye above the license plate or directly to the bumper. Experts advise not to install a camera on the rear window inside the car. In this case, the picture will turn out very unclear.

Please note that you will have to worry about wires in the front part of the cabin. Therefore, disassemble several panels in order to gain access to the car's electrical wiring.

Under what conditions will the device work?

Please note that connecting the rear view camera to the radio has certain nuances. Keep in mind that the device will only receive power if you return it. The rear view camera differs from the recorder camera in the length of its working time. If the second device can work continuously, then the first one can work for a maximum hour. After this it will turn off. In principle, this is logical. After all, the main purpose of purchasing such a device is to create simplified conditions for parking, and not for full-fledged driving.

You have every chance to organize a wonderful tandem radio and rear view camera. But before that, make sure that your car radio is equipped with a special LCD screen. After you have completed all the preparatory operations, you can safely begin the connection process itself.

Tools required for work

In order to connect a rear view camera (Chinese radio or any other), you need to prepare some tools in advance. Namely:

  • scotch tape or insulating tape;
  • screwdriver;
  • glue or sealant;
  • keys and screwdrivers;
  • fuse 0.5 A;
  • Sometimes a soldering iron comes to the rescue.

First stage of installation

In order to connect a rear view camera to the Pioneer radio, you first need to install the observation peephole itself. This is done the same for all cars. In modern cars, “seats” are specially equipped for these purposes. If you find such a hole in your car, then it will be enough to remove the pre-installed plastic plug from it and insert the video sensor you purchased.

If your iron friend does not have such a hole, do not be upset. You can do it yourself. An electric drill or drill will come to your aid.

After you drill the appropriate hole in the car bumper, insert the camera “eye” into it, securing it with glue or sealant.

Now you need to correctly route the wires from the video camera itself into the trunk. At the same time, take the black wire and stretch it to the ground of the car. This is very easy to do with just a regular bolt. The positive red wire must be powered from the cable belonging to the rear light. And under no circumstances forget to connect the yellow wire to the camera itself.

When connecting the camera to the rear light, do not forget to use the fuse prepared in advance.

The process of connecting to the radio

After all the work with the peephole itself is completed, you can try to connect the rear view camera to the Pioneer radio. Continue to pull the cable from the trunk into the passenger compartment, securing it with tape or tape. Try to carry out this action in such a way that the yellow wire does not get pinched anywhere and does not get caught in the fasteners. Usually, a maximum of three to five meters of material is enough to complete all work with cables; a diagram will help you do the job correctly. Connecting a rear view camera to the radio will be much easier with its help.

Checking and setting

After completing all the work, you can connect car battery and start the car. Now engage reverse gear. If a certain image appears on the screen, it means that you have completed all the work absolutely correctly. If not, then experts recommend doing the following:

  • go to the radio settings;

  • select the “Camera” section;
  • adjust all its parameters.

That's all. The installation process is complete, which means you can enjoy the work you did in vain.