A selection of “hacking” programs for Android. Hacking script

Top programs for hackers 2014-2015

Burp Suite has a number of features that can help pentesters and hackers. Two compatible applications used in this tool include "Burp Suite Spider", which can list and map different pages and options on a website by examining cookies. Initiates a connection to these web applications, as well as an "Intruder", which carries out a series of automated attacks on targeted web applications.

Burp Suite is an excellent web hacking tool that many pentesters can use to test the vulnerability of websites and targeted web applications. Burp Suite works using detailed knowledge of the application, which has been removed from the HTTP protocol. The tool works through an algorithm that is customizable and can generate a malicious HTTP attack request that hackers often use. Burp Suite is especially indispensably useful for detecting and identifying vulnerabilities for SQL injection and Cross-Site Scripting(s).

Angry IP Scanner - also known as "ipscan" is a freely available network hacking scanner that is both fast and easy to use. The main purpose of this IP address and port scanning hacking tool is to find open doors and ports in other people's systems. It is worth noting that Angry IP Scanner also has a bunch of other hacking methods, you just need to know how to use it. Common users of this hacking tool are network administrators and system engineers. Snort is an amazing network hacking tool that can be configured in one of three preset modes:
  1. it can be used as an interceptor
  2. packet logger
  3. for detecting network intrusions
More often than not, hackers use Sniffer Mode, which gives them the ability to read network packets and display them on a graphical user interface. In package logger mode, Snort will audit and log packages to disk. In intrusion detection mode, Snort monitors network traffic and analyzes it with a user-defined set of rules.

THC Hydra - Often seen as another password cracker. THC Hydra is extremely popular and has a very active and experienced development team. Essentially Hydra is fast and stable for hacking logins and passwords. It uses a dictionary and Brute Force attacks to try different combinations of usernames and passwords on the login page. This hacking tool supports a wide range of protocols, including Mail (POP3, IMAP, etc.), Database, LDAP, SMB, VNC, and SSH.

Wapiti has a very loyal following. As a pentesting tool (or Framework), Wapiti is capable of scanning and identifying hundreds of possible vulnerabilities. Basically, this multi-purpose hacking tool can check the security of web applications by executing a black box system. That is, she does not study the source code of the application, but scans the application's HTML pages, scripts and forms, where she can insert her data.

Today this is the top program for a hacker. Do you have information that is newer than ours?- Share it in the comments. Have questions?- ask. We will always answer and explain everything.

This is, in my opinion, the best brochure-style guide on SQL injection. The volume of material discussed in the manual is simply enormous! Nothing superfluous, no “pouring water”, everything is clear and structured.

Introduction to Web Application Security
-Classical vulnerability exploitation technique, injection of SQL statements (SQL Injection)
-Blind SQL Injection
-Working with the file system and executing commands on the server when exploiting the SQL Injection vulnerability
-Methods for bypassing software security filters
-Methods for bypassing Web Application Firewall (WAF)

The art of hacking and protecting systems
The book covers different types of software: OS, Database, Internet servers etc. Numerous examples show exactly how to find vulnerabilities in software. The topic is especially relevant since software security is currently receiving more and more attention in the computer industry.

Year of issue: 2006
Language: Russian

A guide for beginner hackers and more
This manual consists of 3 books:
1. Hacking from the very beginning: methods and secrets
2. Intelligent guidance hacking And phreaking
3. Guide for hackers

Year of issue: 2006
Language: Russian

Hacking and customizing Linux. 100 Pro Tips and Tools
The book is collection of professional advice, allowing to increase work efficiency servers governed by Linux OS.
Topics covered: Basics servers, version control of control files and their backup, networking, operation monitoring servers, information security issues, writing scripts in the language Perl, as well as the three most important programs under OS Linux - Bind 9, MySQL And Apache.
The book is intended for network administrators at various levels, as well as users Linux OS who want to explore the capabilities of this operating system in more depth.
Year of issue: 2006
Language: Russian

Hacking techniques - sockets, exploits, shell code
In his new book, James Foster, the author of several best-selling books, describes for the first time the methods used hackers For attacks on operating systems and application programs. He gives examples of working code in languages C/C++, Java, Perl And NASL, which illustrate methods for detecting and protecting against the most dangerous attacks. The book sets out in detail issues that are essential for any programmer working in the field of information security: socket programming, shell codes, portable applications and writing principles exploits.
After reading this book, you will learn:
Develop independently shell code;
Transfer published exploits to another platform;
Modify COM objects to suit your needs Windows;
Improve the Web crawler Nikto;
Understand exploit"doomsday";
Write scripts in language NASL;
Identify and attack vulnerabilities;
Program at level sockets.
Year of issue: 2006
Language: Russian

Anti-hacker. Computer network protection tools
Are being considered: means of support security And analysis systems; means for attacks And research systems on the network; system and network tools audit, as well as tools used in judicial practice and in the investigation of incidents related to hacking of computer systems. For IT professionals.

Year of issue: 2003
Language: Russian

Hacking Windows XP
The book is a selection of the best chapters about hacking Windows XP, as well as providing system security"from" and "to". Just a huge manual about hidden settings Windows XP, her optimization, command line, register and about much more in an accessible and understandable form for young people hackers and for those people who want to protect themselves from possible threats.
The book is of a high level and well executed.
Year of issue: 2004
Language: English

Hacking. The Art of Exploitation
This is not a catalog exploits, and a tutorial on the basics hacking, built on examples. It details what everyone should know hacker and, more importantly, what everyone should be aware of security specialist to take measures that will not allow hacker make a successful attack. The reader will need good technical training and full concentration, especially when studying code examples. But it is very interesting and will allow you to learn a lot. About how to create exploits by using buffer overflow or format strings how to write your own polymorphic shellcode in the displayed symbols, how to overcome the execution ban in stack by returning to libc how to redirect network traffic, hide open ports and intercept connections TCP how to decrypt wireless protocol data 802.11b using attack FMS.
The author looks at hacking as the art of creative problem solving. It refutes the common negative stereotype associated with the word "hacker", and puts the spirit first hacking and serious knowledge.
Year of issue: 2005
Language: Russian

Collection of books and articles by Chris Kaspersky
Excerpts: "We live in a harsh world. The software around us contains holes, many of which are the size of elephants. The holes are filled with hackers, viruses and worms, raiding from all corners of the network. The vast majority of remote attacks are carried out by buffer overflow(buffer overfull/overrun/overflow), a special case of which is stack overflow. One who owns technology buffer overflows, rules the world! If you're looking for a guide to the land of overflowing buffers, complete with a comprehensive survival guide, this is the book for you! Open the doors to the amazing world behind the façade high level programming, where those gears rotate that set everything else in motion.
Why are overflow errors fundamental? What can you do with them? How to find a vulnerable buffer? What restrictions does it impose on shell code? How can these limitations be overcome? How to compile shell code? How to send it to a remote node and remain unnoticed? How to bypass a firewall? How to catch and analyze someone else's shell code? How to protect your programs from overflow errors?
It's no secret that the antivirus industry is a closed "club" that possesses information intended only for "its own people." This is partly done for security reasons, partly because the pernicious spirit of competition makes itself felt. This book partially lifts the curtain of secrecy..."

Code Optimization Effective Memory Usage
Portable shell-coding under NT and linux
Portable shell-coding under NT and linux! (eng)
Portable shell-coding under NT and linux (rus), 2 chapters
Notes from a Computer Virus Researcher
Notes of a computer virus researcher 2, fragment
Notes from mice
IDA Mindset
Debugging without source code
Mental disassembly technique (excerpt from Techniques and Philosophy of Hacking Attacks)
CD protection techniques
Program optimization technique
Network attack technique
Shrinking the Internet
Hacking Fundamentals


$100,000 per week without expenses or gestures
blue pill-red pill - the matrix has windows longhorn
Hidden potential of manual assemblies
Obj files on the trestle bed or
On-line patching in secrets and tips
Rak counterfeit CRC16-32
SEH at the service of the counter-revolution
TOP10 software defender errors
Unformat for NTFS
Windows on one floppy disk
Hardware virtualization or emulation without brakes
Archaeological excavations of the vista-longhorn core
Archive of old articles
x86-64 architecture under the assembler's scalpel
Assembly - extreme optimization
Assembly language is easy
Assembly puzzles or whether a machine can understand natural language
Assembly perversions - stretching the stack
Assembly without secrets
Audit and disassembly of exploits
Database under attack
Combating resource leaks and overflowing buffers at the linguistic and extra-linguistic level
All Chris Kaspersky
Eternal life in DIY games
Hack patch-guard
Hacking and protecting WebMoney
Hacking TVs up close and at a distance
Burglary through cover
War of the Worlds - Assembler vs C
War of the Worlds - assembler vs si
CD recovery
NTFS recovery - do-it-yourself undelete
Data recovery on NTFS partitions
Recovering deleted files under BSD
Recovering deleted files under Linux
Data recovery from laser discs
The rebirth of lost data - recovery of deleted files under LINUX
survival in systems with brutal quotas
Race to extinction, ninety-five survive
extracting information from pdf files or hacking eBooks with your own hands
Life after BSOD
Notes on hard drive data recovery
Capturing and releasing hostages in executable files
Capturing other people's botnets
Capturing ring 0 in Linux
Protecting games from hacking
Protected axis without antiviruses and brakes
Star power turns to dust
Learning English Turbocharged
Linux kernel research
How to customize an exploit for yourself
How CRC16 and 32 are counterfeited
Counterintelligence with soft-ice in hands
Borderless copying or advanced CD protection techniques or copy-resistant CDs
Who's Who of Asians
Manual therapy of non-traditional self-control
Metaphysics of wmf files
Multi-core processors and problems caused by them
The power and pitfalls of automatic optimization
Obituary on Web-Money Keeper Classic
Poor choice of priorities on the PDP-11 and its legacy on C
Obfuscation and how to overcome it
Fusion Debugging Basics with linice
Features of disassembly under LINUX using tiny-crackme as an example
BIOS patch
Buffer overflow on systems with a non-executable stack
Overflowing buffers are active defenses
Intercepting library functions in linux and bsd
Escape from vm ware
Escape through the firewall
diving into gdb technique and philosophy or debugging binaries under gdb
Do-it-yourself polymorphic generator
Following in the footsteps of MS IE OBJECT tag exploit
Overcoming firewalls from the outside and inside
Kernel ghosts or stealth modules
Programming - with or without a wife
Programming in machine codes or soft-ice as a logger
Hide and seek in linux
Overclocking NTFS
Overclocking and braking Windows NT
Overclocking mice or high-speed web surfing for extreme sports enthusiasts
The real philosophy of a non-existent world
Hard drive repair and restoration
Manual Trojanization of applications under Windows
Fishing on a local network - sniffering
Crackme, hiding code on API functions
Ultra-fast import of API functions
Secrets of assembling disassembler listings
Secrets of kernel hacking
Secrets of conquering the elves
Cool tricks from the mouse
Speed ​​scam
Hidden features of DSL modems
Comparison of assembly translators
Old anti-debugging techniques in a new way
Is it open source?
Techniques for surviving in troubled waters or how to wear antivirus shoes
Optimization techniques for Linux, comparison of gcc and inel c (part 1)
Optimization techniques for Linux, comparison of gcc and inel c (part 2)
Optimization techniques for Linux, comparison of gcc and inel c (part 3)
Optimization technique for Linux
Technique for dumping protected applications
Turbo driver transfer from Windows to LINUX-BSD
Universal malware detection method
Executable file packers for LINUX-BSD
NTFS file system from outside and inside
Hacker tricks or how to put a breakpoint on jmp eax
Hackers love honey"
NT Kernel Hack
Six sins of malware writers
Syringe for bsd or functions on the needle
Expert opinion - email security
Extreme CPU overclocking
Electronic money - to trust or not
Elves big and small

It's not just intelligence officers and 007 agents who have unusual types of devices and gadgets. Quite a few devices have been specifically designed for the needs of hackers and security researchers. What are they? We decided to put together a real hacker's suitcase.

Why is this necessary?

Anyone who is seriously involved in pentesting or hacking has probably at least once found themselves in a situation where literally one step was missing to successfully carry out an attack. Kevin Mitnick’s book “The Art of Intrusion” describes in detail the story of one pentest, in which the obstacle for the examiners was a firewall correctly configured by the system administrator. It would seem that there is no chance to penetrate the company’s internal network. But one of the team members found a working network connector in the reception area and quietly connected a miniature wireless access device to it (which no one paid attention to until after testing). Thus, the pentesting team gained direct access to the company’s internal network via Wi-Fi. This is one of many examples illustrating that hacking devices should not be underestimated. That is why today we will look at the most interesting options that can be purchased online.


All information is provided for informational purposes only. Neither the editors nor the author are responsible for any possible harm caused by the materials of this article.

1. WiFi Pineapple Mark IV

price: 99,99 $

The animal thirst for free Internet leads to the fact that people, having arrived at some establishment or, say, an airport, immediately begin to check: is there free Internet there? At the same time, few people know that under the guise of an open hotspot, a specially configured router can operate, which intercepts all open traffic (this is not difficult, it still “goes” through it) and uses various types of MITM attacks to intercept the data that transmitted over a secure connection. For greater success, an attacker can use a sonorous network name like “Wi-Fi Guest” or even disguise themselves as popular providers - then there will be no end to clients. The fake hotspot (Rogue AP) is quite easy to get up on any laptop. However, in hacker circles, a device that has been thought out to the smallest detail has long been known to implement an attack in the literal sense of the word “out of the box.” WiFi Pineapple, which appeared back in 2008, is now sold in its fourth modification. The first revision of the devices was disguised as a pineapple as a joke - hence the name of the device. Essentially, this is a regular wireless router (based on the Atheros AR9331 SoC wireless chip and a 400 MHz processor), but with special OpenWRT-based firmware, which includes utilities such as Karma, DNS Spoof, SSL Strip, URL Snarf, by default, ngrep and others. Thus, it is enough to turn on the device, configure the Internet (everything is configured via the web interface) - and intercept user data. The router needs power, and this interferes with its mobility; however, there are a huge number of options (which are actively discussed on the official forum) to use batteries - the so-called Battery Pack. They give the device two to three hours of battery life.

2. Ubertooth One

price: 119,99 $

Unlike intercepting data on Wi-Fi networks, which is easy to do from a laptop with a suitable wireless adapter, analyzing Bluetooth airwaves is a much more complex task. Or rather, it was difficult until Michael Ossman’s speech at the ShmooCon 2011 conference (video report - youtu.be/KSd_1FE6z4Y), where he presented his project. Check out the difference. Industrial hardware for BT airwaves could be purchased for amounts starting at $10,000. Michael told us how to assemble a suitable device that costs less than a hundred bucks. Essentially, this is a USB dongle with the ability to connect an external antenna, built on an ARM Cortex-M3 processor. The adapter was originally designed so that it can be switched to promiscuous mode, in which it is possible to passively intercept data from the Bluetooth airwaves transmitted between other devices. This is an important option because most dongles pay attention only to what is addressed specifically to them, ignoring everything else - and this behavior cannot be influenced. In the case of Ubertooth One, you can easily intercept frames from the Bluetooth airwaves, and use familiar utilities like Kismet for this. You can assemble the device yourself if your hands grow from the right place, or you can buy a ready-to-use device in one of the authorized stores.


price: 35,99 $

If we talk about auditing wireless networks, the most common and, in fact, the only obstacle to carrying out attacks is the inappropriate Wi-Fi module built into the laptop. Alas, manufacturers do not think about choosing the right chip, which, for example, supports the injection of arbitrary frames into the air :). However, there is often no more ordinary option - simply extracting data from the ether. If you search the forums, you will find a lot of recommendations about which adapter is best for wardriving. One option is ALFA USB WiFi AWUS036NHA. This is a high-power Wi-Fi USB adapter Alfa AWUS036NHA, built on the Atheros AR9271 chipset and operating in b/g/n standards (up to 150 Mbit/s). Without unnecessary dances with a tambourine, it can be used in major operating systems, including the script distribution kit BackTrack 5, which already contains all the necessary tools for wardriving. By the way, an external USB adapter allows you to work in the usual Windows, while using all the features in a guest system (the same Backtrack), running under a virtual machine with a USB port forwarded from the main OS. The adapter is also compatible with Pineapple Mark IV. Starting with firmware version 2.2.0, Pineapple can use it to carry out so-called deauth attacks. The essence of the attack is quite simple: deauthentication frames are sent to clients, which forces them to reconnect. The attacker intercepts WPA handshakes, which are then used to brute force the WPA key.

4. Reaver Pro

price: 99,99 $

As you know, a long passphrase for connecting to a wireless WPA network practically eliminates the likelihood of brute force. However, the difficulty of implementing this attack evaporates if the wireless network supports the WPS mechanism. We talked in detail about the vulnerability in this technology in ][ 03 2012, including its operation using the Reaver utility. The author of this tool has released a special kit that allows you to implement this attack. It consists of a wireless module and a bootable flash drive with a preconfigured distribution. The goal of the attack is to pick up the WPS pin; as soon as it is received, the wireless point will happily provide us with its WPA key. Thus, as you can see, the length and complexity of the key do not affect the duration of the attack. On average, Reaver takes from 4 to 10 hours to select a WPS pin. To be honest, when I first read that there was a hardware implementation of this attack, I imagined a small portable device that could be hidden unnoticed in the area of ​​reliable reception of the desired access point. Indeed, unlike brute force of a WPA key, which can be carried out anywhere (you just need to intercept a handshake), an attack on WPS is active. That is, you need to be in close proximity to the access point: if the reception is not reliable enough, the search will quickly stop. A good alternative to Reaver Pro could be the implemented software module for WiFi Pineapple Mark IV (and a serious set of batteries to power it). For now, all that the creator of Reaver Pro offers is the ability to pause an attack in order to continue from where it was interrupted next time.

5. 16dBi Yagi Antenna

price: 30 $

All wireless devices have a serious drawback - a limited range. Reliable reception is often a key parameter for a successful attack. The closer you sit to the goal with your “strange” box-devices, the more attention you will attract and the more suspicion you will arouse. The farther from the target, the safer and more invisible it is. There are omnidirectional (so-called omni) and narrowly directional antennas. For example, we took a representative of the second type - 16dBi Yagi Antenna. This highly directional antenna allows you to be at a sufficient distance from the wireless network and maintain the required signal level. Thanks to the RP-SMA connector, it can be connected to the ALFA AWUS036H adapter, the Pineapple WiFi box, the Ubertooth One dongle, as well as to many other Wi-Fi devices. It is important to understand that this is just one of thousands of different antennas. Not only are there a huge number of different antennas with different characteristics for sale on the Internet, but there are also a lot of instructions on how to quickly build an antenna from scrap materials (for example, from a can or wire).

6. USB Rubber Ducky

price: 69,99 $

In one of our recent issues we had an article about malicious USB devices built on the Teensy programmable board. The idea is to emulate an HID device (keyboard) and, taking advantage of the fact that the system perceives them as trusted, emulate input that creates the necessary loads on the system (for example, opening a shell). USB Rubber Ducky is similar to Teensy. The heart of the device is a 60 MHz 32-bit AVR microcontroller AT32UC3B1256, but there is no need to hardcode anything at a low level. The device supports the surprisingly simple scripting language Duckyscript (similar to regular bat scripts), which also already supports all sorts of payloads. Launch the application, create a Wi-Fi backdoor, open a reverse shell - you can do everything the same as if you had physical access to the computer. Even greater flexibility is provided by additional storage in the form of a microSD card, which can simultaneously accommodate several payloads. The functionality can be expanded using plug-in libraries, especially since the firmware itself, written in pure C, is completely open source and hosted on GitHub. The chip is very small, but in order to make its use completely invisible, the developers offer a special flash drive case for it.

7. Throwing Star LAN Tap

price: 14,99 $

The next hack device also provides that the attacker has access: however, not to a specific computer, but to the local network cables. And it is needed for passive and most inconspicuous monitoring of a network segment. The trick is that it cannot be detected by software - in fact, it is just a piece of cable that does not give itself away. How is this possible? The Throwing Star LAN Tap looks like a small cross-shaped chip with four Ethernet ports at the ends. Let's imagine that we need to intercept traffic between two hosts (A and B) connected by cable. To do this, simply cut the cable anywhere and connect the resulting gap through the Throwing Star LAN Tap. The gap must be connected through ports J1 and J2, while J3 and J4 are used for monitoring. It should be noted here that J3 and J4 are connected only to the cores responsible for receiving data - this was intentionally done so that the monitoring machine could accidentally send a packet to the target network (which would indicate the fact of monitoring). Throwing Star LAN Tap is designed to monitor 10BaseT and 100BaseTX networks and does not require a power supply to operate. Because the device does not use any power, it cannot monitor 1000BaseT networks. In this case, he has to reduce the quality of communication, forcing the machines to communicate at a lower speed (usually 100BASETX speed), which can already be passively monitored. It’s easy to solder the device yourself, all circuits are open (Open Source hardware concept).

8. GSM/GPS/Wi-Fi jammers

price: From 100 $

When talking about hacker devices, we could not ignore such a class of devices as jammers or, speaking in Russian, jammers. We deliberately did not single out any particular device, but decided to look at a whole class of such devices. All of them, regardless of the technology that needs to be jammed, are based on the same principle - littering the airwaves. This works the same for cellular networks (GSM), where the phone communicates with a base station, or, for example, a GPS receiver, which must communicate with several satellites at once to determine coordinates. Devices differ in range, power, size and overall appearance. Signal jammers can be stationary (large containers with antennas) or mobile, disguised, for example, as a pack of cigarettes. You can find a huge number of jammers on the Internet, especially if you look at Chinese online stores. There is now a raging debate about how legal it is to use such jammers in Russia. Last year they were seriously proposed to be used in schools, when it turned out (what a discovery!) that, despite all the prohibitions, schoolchildren still brought mobile phones while taking the Unified State Exam.

9. RFID 13.56MHz Mifare Reader and Writer Module

price: 65 $

Over the past few years, one of the integral attributes of every office worker has become a plastic card, which allows you to open the door locks of offices and premises. We are talking about Mifare Classic 1K cards. The card is a plastic card containing a microcircuit (chip) with protected memory, a receiver, a transmitter and an antenna. The memory capacity of this card is 0.5, 1 or 4 KB, and the entire memory is divided into 16 sectors. Each sector consists of four blocks (three information and one for storing keys). The minimum storage life of data in the memory of a Mifare card is 10 years, and the number of write cycles is about 100,000. Such cards are classified as passive data storage devices, that is, no energy or battery is needed for its operation and contactless data transfer. The distance to the reader at which data transmission begins is determined by the power of the reader's transmitter and the sensitivity of the card receiver. If you need to copy such a map or just see what is written there, there are various kinds of devices at your disposal. It’s so convenient: cards sometimes get broken or lost :). The most popular device for such undertakings is bit.ly/MQlw6e, costing only $65. It comes with several “blank” cards that can be cloned, which will allow you to immediately plunge into the world of sociotechnical hacking methods. By the way, transport companies providing passenger transportation very often use Mifare Ultralight technology. In addition, there are a myriad of other devices for working with less popular clients in wireless communication networks, such as NFC, ZigBee and many others. NFC technology, by the way, is a logical continuation of the RFID family, which can be operated even using advanced mobile devices.

10. KeyGrabber

price: 38–138 $

Once upon a time, in the “Freaking” section, we wrote about how to solder your own hardware keylogger. The idea is simple: the device connects between the computer and the keyboard and records all entered characters on its drive. Naturally, there are a huge number of commercial implementations of this idea, including the KeyGrabber series, which offers models for both PS/2 and USB keyboards. The manufacturer has thought about how to make the use of such devices more discreet. After all, not only do you need to connect such a keylogger, you also need to periodically remove data from it. It turned out that the latter can be simplified by equipping the sniffer with a Wi-Fi adapter, which can quietly connect to the nearest access point and send the intercepted data by e-mail. The same manufacturer also offers several other useful solutions. In addition to ready-made devices that look like an adapter, you can buy KeyGrabber Module - a ready-made chip that can be embedded in a PS/2 or USB keyboard. There are also VideoGhost devices on sale - an “adapter” connected between the monitor and the computer, which saves screenshots of the screen to the built-in drive (2 GB) every ten seconds. There are versions for DVI-, HDMI-, VGA-connectors, the price for them starts from $149.99.

11. MiniPwner

price: 99 $

Situations where access to a corporate network must be obtained using social engineering skills and special devices occur quite often in practice. MiniPwner is a device that, if connected unnoticed to the target network, provides an attacker/pentester with remote access to this network. The device was designed by Wisconsin engineer Kevin Bong, who assembled the first prototype of a miniature spy computer in a candy box. The gadget is designed to connect to a local network and quickly collect information. Immediately after connecting, the computer establishes an SSH tunnel and opens an external login. If you look inside, it is a regular TP-Link TL-WR703N router, equipped with 4 GB of memory and a wireless interface that supports the 802.11n standard and a gigabit Ethernet port. The firmware used is a modified OpenWrt, in which a large number of utilities necessary for conducting reconnaissance activities are preinstalled: Nmap, Tcpdump, Netcat, aircrack and kismet, perl, openvpn, dsniff, nbtscan, snort, samba2-client, elinks, yafc, openssh- sftp-client and others. Autonomous operation, which is extremely important for real-life use, is provided by a 1700 mAh battery, which is enough for five hours of intensive work, even when the wireless network mode is turned on. So, by connecting such a device to the network under study, the researcher can get enough time to gain a foothold in it.

12. Pwn Plug

price: 595 $

Like the MiniPwner discussed above, Pwn Plug belongs to the class of so-called drop-box devices - that is, devices that, when unnoticeably connected to the target network, provide remote access to the attacker/pentester. Externally, the device looks like a power adapter that plugs into an outlet. For greater secrecy, the device developers provide special stickers that disguise the Pwn Plug as air fresheners and similar household appliances. In fact, this is a full-fledged computer running Debian 6, which, despite its small size, is stuffed to the brim with various devices and hacker software. Let's take a closer look at the Elite version - it is more “charged”. So, this “freshener” is equipped with three adapters at once: 3G, Wireless and USB-Ethernet. Supports external access via SSH over 3G/GSM cellular networks. It has such an interesting feature as Text-to-Bash: you can execute commands on it in the console by sending an SMS message. Supports HTTP proxy, SSH-VPN and OpenVPN. A rich set of hacking tools includes Metasploit, SET, Fast-Track, w3af, Kismet, Aircrack, SSLstrip, nmap, Hydra, dsniff, Scapy, Ettercap, Bluetooth/VoIP/IPv6 tools and so on. A 16 GB SDHC card is used as additional storage. The wireless version does not have 3G and USB-Ethernet and, accordingly, cannot boast of support for remote access via cellular networks. Otherwise both versions are the same. In general, the device is really cool, but its price tag, frankly speaking, is biting.

13. AR.Drone

price: 299 $

This device is strikingly different from all the others. After all, with its help you can... no, not intercept traffic, not catch keystrokes and not save desktop images - with its help you can... spy! Yes Yes. Modern pentesting is becoming more and more like espionage, so experts do not neglect this opportunity. To be honest, if I saw the AR.Drone in a store, I probably wouldn't think about penetration testing or hacking. This is a pure toy: a regular quadcopter with a camera attached to it. The second version of AR.Drone is equipped with a high-resolution camera, so, no matter how fantastic it may sound and resemble a spy action movie, you can peep through the window what is happening in the room, what equipment is being used, how employees behave. And you don’t have to have a keen eye or photographic memory: you can attach a flash drive to the camera, on which video will be recorded. Controlling the device is as easy as shelling pears: you can use iPhone, iPad and Android as a remote control after installing a special application. The device can also be used for peaceful purposes, taking stunning pictures from a bird's eye view. So, even if there is no one to spy on, you still won’t get bored with such a device. If you want to save money and you can assemble such a device yourself, I recommend that you study the following resources: bit.ly/GVCflk

price: 25 $

Our review ends with a device called Raspberry Pi, around which there is now a lot of noise. This is a simple single board computer released by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. The chip is based on an ARM 11 processor with a clock frequency of 700 MHz and is comparable in size to a bank plastic card. One of the advantages of this “computer” is that it comes without a case, just in the form of a microcircuit, and this allows you to disguise it as almost anything. The board contains input/output ports, two USB 2.0 connectors, a compartment for SD/MMC/SDIO memory cards, an Ethernet controller, composite and HDMI video outputs. As you can see, it’s an ideal option for creating your own budget drop-box. In general, it would be a shame not to use such a device with a good processor, low power consumption, the ability to connect a Wi-Fi adapter via USB and Linux on board for hidden installation. You can use any Linux distribution as the OS - Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu, but it is better to use the specialized distribution PwnPi, released by craftsmen specifically for installation on the Raspberry Pi. It already contains all the necessary hacking tools. In addition, craftsmen willingly share their experience of installing a hidden server on it in an anonymous I2P network, installing Metasploit, creating a hardware sniffer, and much more.

A selection of 10 great tools for beginners and experienced hackers. Learning these tools will help you improve your hacking knowledge!

Summary: Fossbytes has compiled a list of useful resources for hacking in 2017. This list is based on reviews of major organizations, your feedback and your own experience. As you explore these resources, you'll learn about the best hacking software using port scanners, web vulnerability hackers, password crackers, forensic tools, and applied sociology tools.

Disclaimer: The publication of this article on the Fossbytes portal is not an advertisement for malware and is for educational purposes only.

1. Metasploit

Metasploit is more than just a collection of tools for creating exploits, I would call Metasploit a framework that you can use to create your own tools. This free tool is one of the most popular information security tools that allows you to find vulnerabilities on various platforms. Metasploit has over 200,000 users and employees who can help you get the information you need and identify vulnerabilities in your system.

This 2017 hacking toolkit will give you the ability to simulate real hacker attacks to identify vulnerabilities. A test of tamper resistance is to identify vulnerabilities through integration with the Nexpose automated scanner using error reporting. Using the open Metasploit framework, users will be able to create their own hacking tools.

Metasploit is supported on all major platforms, including Windows, Linux, and OS X.

2. Acunetix WVS

Acunetix is ​​a web vulnerability scanner that scans and identifies flaws in web pages that lead to fatal errors. This multi-threaded application carefully crawls web pages to detect malicious SQL injections, cross-site scripting and other vulnerabilities. Acunetix is ​​a fast and easy to use tool that is used to scan sites built with WordPress. During work with this platform, more than 1,200 vulnerabilities were identified.

Acunetix includes a Login Sequence Recorder feature that allows you to access password-protected areas of the site. The new AcuSensor technology used in this tool reduces the percentage of false positives. All these features make Acunetix WVS an excellent hacking tool in 2017.

Acunetix is ​​available on Windows XP and higher platforms.

3. Nmap

Nmap also known as Network Mapper belongs to the category of port scanning tools. This free hacking tool is the most popular port scanner, providing effective network discovery and security monitoring. Used for a wide range of services, Nmap uses Raw IP packets to determine the hosts available on the network, their services with detailed information, operating systems, firewall types and other information.

Over the past year, Nmap has won several security awards and has been featured in films such as The Matrix Reloaded, Die Hard 4, and others. Nmap has both console support and a GUI application.

Nmap is supported on all major platforms, including Windows, Linux, and OS X.

4. Wireshark

Wireshark is a well-known professional tool that allows you to detect vulnerabilities within a network and among many firewall rules. Wireshark is used by thousands of security professionals to analyze networks, capture sent packets, and thoroughly scan hundreds of protocols. Wireshark helps you read real-time data from Ethernet, IEEE 802.11, PPP/HDLC, ATM, Bluetooth, USB, Token Ring, Frame Relay, FDDI, and other sources.

The original name of this free tool is Ethereal. Wireshark has command line support, this version is called TShark.

Wireshark is supported on all major platforms, including Windows, Linux, and OS X.

5. oclHashcat

If cracking passwords is a common thing for you, then you should be familiar with Hashcat password cracking tools. While Hashcat is CPU based, oclHashcat is an advanced version that uses GPU to crack passwords.

oclHashcat bills itself as the world's fastest password cracking tool with the world's only GPGPU-based engine. To use oclHashcat, users with NVIDIA graphics cards must have ForceWare software version 346.59 or higher, and users with AMD graphics cards must have Catalyst software version 15.7 or higher.

This tool uses the following attack modes for hacking:

  • Straight
  • Combined
  • Brute force
  • Hybrid dictionary + mask
  • Hybrid mask + dictionary

Let's remember another important feature: oclHashcat is an open source tool with an MIT license, which allows for easy integration or packaging with standard Linux distributions.

oclHashcat is supported on all major platforms, including Windows, Linux, and OS X.

6. Nessus Vulnerability Scanner

This is the best free tool of 2017, running on a client-server framework. This tool was developed by Tenable Network Security and is one of the most popular vulnerability scanners. Nessus provides solutions for different purposes for different types of users - Nessus Home, Nessus Professional, Nessus Manager and Nessus Cloud.

Nessus can scan for several types of vulnerabilities, which include remote access defect detection, configuration error alerts, TCP/IP denial of service, PCI DSS revision preparation, malware detection, personal data search, etc. To launch a dictionary attack, Nessus can turn to an external tool called Hydra.

In addition to the basic functionality mentioned above, Nessus can be used to scan multiple IPv4, IPv6, and hybrid networks. You can conduct a scheduled scan at a time convenient for you, and you can also perform a full rescan or partial scan of previously scanned hosts using the partial scan feature.

Nessus is supported on various platforms, including Windows 7 and 8, Mac OS X and popular Linux distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu, Kali Linux, etc.


Maltego is an open source forensics platform that offers rigorous mining and information gathering to build a picture of the cyberattacks around you. Maltego excels in representing the complexity and severity of failure points in your infrastructure and environment.

Maltego is a great hacker tool that analyzes between real world links and people, companies, web pages, domains, DNS servers, IP addresses, documents and anything else you want. This tool is built in Java and has an easy-to-use graphical interface with the ability to reset settings during scanning.

Maltego is supported on all major platforms, including Windows, Linux, and OS X.

8. Social-Engineer Toolkit

Featured in Mr. Robot, TrustedSec's Social-Engineer Toolkit is an advanced framework that simulates several types of social engineering attacks, such as credential harvesting, phishing attacks, etc. At the Elliot exhibition, you can see that the SMS spoofing feature from the Social-Engineer Toolkit is being used.

The tool is written in Python and is the standard for social engineering tamper testing with over two million downloads. It automates attacks and generates hidden emails, malicious web pages, etc.

To install on Linux, enter the following command:

git clone https://github.com/trustedsec/social-engineer-toolkit/set/

In addition to Linux, Social-Engineer Toolkit has partial support on Mac OS X and Windows.

9. Netsparker

Netsparker is a popular web application scanner that finds vulnerabilities such as SQL injections and local file inductions, suggesting corrective actions in a secure and write-protected manner. Since this hacking tool generates the results of exploitation, you do not need to conduct additional vulnerability checks. Only in this case, Netsparker will not be able to check for vulnerabilities automatically, but it will notify you about it. Getting started with this scanner is very easy, just enter the URL and let Netsparker do the scanning. Netsparker has support for JavaScript and AJAX applications. So you don't have to configure the scanner or rely on any complicated application settings to scan different types of web applications.

If you do not want to pay for the professional version of Netsparker, you can use the demo version of this application.

Netsparker is only available on Windows.

10. w3af

w3af is a free web application security scanner widely used by hackers and security testers. w3af stands for Web Application Attacks and Framework Inspection. By using this hacking tool, you will be able to obtain information about vulnerabilities and later use it when conducting penetration tests. The creators of w3af claim that their tool is able to identify more than 200 vulnerabilities (including vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting, SQL injection, incorrect PHP configuration, poorly protected credentials and unhandled application errors) and make web applications (web pages) more secure .

w3af has command line support and a GUI application. In less than 5 clicks, using a pre-installed profile for beginners, you can conduct a security check of a web application. This tool has good documentation, so new users can easily understand w3af. Since it is an open source tool, experienced developers will be able to add new features and create something new based on w3af.

w3af is available on Linux, BSD, and OS X. There is also support on Windows, but earlier versions.

Other top security and hacking tools of 2017, broken down by category:

Scanners webvulnerabilities: Burp Suite, Firebug, AppScan, OWASP Zed, Paros Proxy, Nikto, Grendel-Scan

Tools For operation vulnerabilities: Netsparker, sqlmap, Core Impact, WebGoat, BeEF

Forensic tools: Helix3 Pro, EnCase, Autopsy

Scanners ports: Unicornscan, NetScanTools, Angry IP Scanner

Tools monitoring traffic: Nagios, Ntop, Splunk, Ngrep, Argus

Debuggers: IDA Pro, WinDbg, Immunity Debugger, GDB

Rootkit detectors: DumpSec, Tripwire, HijackThis

Tools encryption: KeePass, OpenSSL, OpenSSH/PuTTY/SSH, Tor

Tools By hacking passwords: John the Ripper, Aircrack, Hydra, ophcrack

We hope you found this list of the best hacking and security tools of 2017 useful.

Hacking is finding vulnerabilities in a network or computer in order to gain access. Becoming a hacker is not easy, and in this article we will cover the basics.

To become a hacker, you need deep knowledge of programming languages, hacking methods, searching for vulnerabilities, network design, operating systems, etc. You must also have a creative type of thinking. You must quickly adapt to the situation, find innovative solutions, and be creative.

While the skills described above can be developed over time, understanding, for example, MySQL or learning how to work with PGP encryption requires a lot of learning. And for a long time.

To become a hacker you need:

Learn and use a UNIX system, such as Ubuntu or MacOS

Initially, UNIX systems were intended for programmers developing software, and not for users who are not related to the IT field. UNIX systems are the systems on which almost the entire Internet runs, since they are mainly used as a server (most often Debian and Ubuntu). You can't become a hacker without learning them and learning how to use a terminal.

For Windows users

If you use Windows, there is good news for you: there is no need to delete your current system and format the disk. There are several options for working with Linux:

  1. Learn VirtualBox (an operating system emulator program). Once you learn it, you will be able to run the operating system within the operating system. It sounds scary, but the program can be very useful.
  2. Install Linux next to Windows. If you do everything correctly, system bootloaders will not conflict. This is done quite simply: there are many manuals on the Internet.

Learn HTML markup language

If you are not yet familiar with programming, then I don’t even understand what you are doing on this site then you have a great opportunity to start your journey by learning Hyper Text Mark-Up Language. No matter what you see on the site, know that it is all HTML.

Let me give you an example of using HTML, even if it is a little related to PHP. At the beginning of 2015, a vulnerability was discovered in the WordPress theme, which allows derivative (executive) files to be uploaded to the server. The file in which the vulnerability was found is admin/upload-file.php. Here he is:

//Upload Security

$upload_security = md5 ($_SERVER [ "SERVER_ADDR" ] ) ;

$uploaddir = "../uploads/" ;

if ($_FILES) :

foreach ($_FILES as $file ) :

$file = $uploaddir . basename($file["name"]);

if (move_uploaded_file ($_FILES [ $upload_security ] [ "tmp_name" ] , $file ) ) (

echo "success" ;

) else (

echo "error" . $_FILES [ $upload_security ] [ "tmp_name" ] ;

endforeach ;

endif ;

To make a submission form for this file, you need to know HTML. By sending a file that, for example, retrieves all passwords or gives access to a database, you are free to do whatever you want with the web service.

So, knowledge of HTML is needed in order to:

  1. Look for web resource vulnerabilities.
  2. Exploit these vulnerabilities.

Learn several programming languages

As we all know, in order to break the rules, you first need to know them. The same principle works for programming: to break someone's code, you must know how programming languages ​​work and be able to program yourself. Some of the most recommended languages ​​for learning:

  • Python: it is perhaps the best language for web development. Two large frameworks are written on it, on which a huge number of web applications have been created, these are Flask and Django. The language is well constructed and documented. The most important thing is that it is very easy to learn. By the way, many developers use Python to create simple and complete automation.
  • C++: a language used in industrial programming. It is taught in schools and universities. Servers are written on it. I recommend starting to learn languages ​​with it, because it contains all the principles of OOP. Once you learn to work with it, you can easily master other languages.
  • JavaScript, JQuery: Basically, almost all websites use JS and JQuery. You need to know that these sites depend on JS, for example, forms for entering passwords. After all, some sites do not allow you to select and copy some information, do not allow you to download a file or view the content, however, to do this, you just need to disable JS in the browser. Well, to disable JavaScript, you need to know: a) in what situations the operation (protection) of the site depends on it; b) how JavaScript is connected and in what ways can scripts be blocked.
  • SQL: The most interesting. All passwords and personal data are stored in databases written in SQL. The most common database management system is MySQL. To understand how to use MySQL injection, you need to know what MySQL injection is. To understand the essence of MySQL injection, you need to know what MySQL queries are, what the syntax of these queries is, what the database structure is, how data is stored, what tables are, etc.

Explore network devices

You must clearly understand networking and how it works if you want to become a hacker. It is important to understand how networks are created, to understand the difference between the TCP/IP and UDP protocols, etc. Find out what network you are using. Learn how to set it up. Understand possible attack vectors.

With in-depth knowledge of various networks, you will be able to exploit their vulnerabilities. You also need to understand the design and operation of the web server and website.


This is an integral part of learning. It is necessary to understand the algorithms of various ciphers, for example, SHA-512, OpenSSL algorithm, etc. You also need to understand hashing. Cryptography is used everywhere: passwords, bank cards, cryptocurrencies, trading platforms, etc.

Kali Linux: some useful software

  • NMAP:- Nmap (“Network Mapper”) is a free open-source program that comes pre-installed with Kali. Written by Gordon Lyon (also known as Fyodor Vaskovich). It is needed to discover hosts and various services, thus creating a “network map”. It is used for network scanning or security auditing, to quickly scan large networks, although it works fine with single hosts. The software provides a number of features for computer network exploration, including host and operating system detection. Nmap uses raw IP packets to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version) these hosts offer, what OSes they run, what types of packet filters/firewalls they use, and dozens of other characteristics.
  • Aircrack-Ng:- Aircrack is one of the most popular programs for cracking the WEP/WPA/WPA2 protocol. The Aircrack-ng suite contains tools for capturing packets and handshakes, deauthorizing connected users, traffic generation, and tools for network brute force and dictionary attacks.


In this article, we have covered the basics, without which you are unlikely to become a hacker. Speaking of employment. As a rule, people involved in information security either work as freelancers, fulfilling orders from individuals, or work for a company, ensuring the security of stored data, perform the work of a system administrator, etc.

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