Selection of words for the name of the company. How to come up with the right business name online

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Germi is a tool for implementing ideas that are convenient to write down, add pictures, links and discuss with colleagues.

Stache is a personal library of found links. Allows you to quickly and easily collect useful web pages that inspire and help you in the implementation of the project. All links come with screenshots, there is a content search using tags.

Curator is a simple and convenient application for storing ideas, revising them and presenting them. Pictures, websites, texts, links from Dropbox, Pinterest and Instagram are at your disposal. For a large audience, all ideas can be presented using a PDF presentation.

Experiment Board is a service for brainstorming and testing ideas.

Point is a service for exchanging opinions about materials found on the web. The discussion takes place in a chat format.

Elevatr is a service for developing ideas. Only favored by owners of iOS 6 and later.

Xmind is a free and affordable mind mapping and idea development program. All files can be converted to PDF, RTF, Excel, HTML, JPEG and sent to those who do not want to install software for themselves.

Evernote Skitch is a visual sketching and presentation app.

Mindmeister is a service that allows you to plan projects, develop business strategies, create presentations and use the full power of mind maps in education. You can create 3 mind maps for free, with prices ranging from $ 30 to $ 90, great opportunities open up. Available in Russian.

Choosing a name for the company and a domain

Naminum is a generator for generating company or product names. Offers thousands of variations from one or more words, given the number of letters, vowels and consonants.

Namecheck is a site where you can check the uniqueness of the name you have created and see which services and which social networks already use a similar username or url. It clearly shows all occupied and free sites.

Namech is a tool for checking free domains, generating names, compiling all variations for keywords, creating acronyms and short urls.

KnowEm is a service for checking your username, company brand on 500 sites.

How important is the right name for the company? The tax office will register any name, if it does not contradict the current law. But no one can guarantee that the name you choose will be successful.

If you are determined to promote your business on the search networks so that as many people as possible know about your activities, give the company a unique name that has not yet been used by any of the organizations. Otherwise, users will not be able to find a company on the network, or will spend a lot of time on it. If the phrase is rare, the search engine will instantly give a potential client your site.

The name of the company must correspond to the following nuances:

  • It is important that the name clearly reflects the scope of the enterprise;
  • The phrase should not cause negativity, only a positive attitude, pushing a potential client to start cooperation;
  • The name should not be confusing, consist of a dozen words, pronounce with difficulties;
  • Should be easy to remember.
  • Don't forget about search engines. By entering the name into the search, you can see if someone else is using the phrase you like;

Naming by professionals

Naming is the development of a name for an organization, enterprise, trademark, service or product. The creation of a name implies an integrated approach. Naming is a creative process that requires imagination and creativity from the namer. Once developed, the new name goes through a list of legal and marketing filters.

There are several options for creating a beautiful name for a company, for example, the services of specialists who are professionally engaged in naming.

So that the namer can cope with the task, and you get the desired result, take care of the availability of a technical task, where you should indicate:

  • Successful name criteria;
  • Key parameters of the enterprise;
  • If you have any thoughts, voice them to the namer, directing the specialist in the right direction;
  • The desired number of words and letters;
  • Other wishes, if any.

Self-creation of a name for the company

There are several proven and effective tools and rules to facilitate the naming process:

  1. The name of the owner of the organization. One of the simplest and most affordable options. The phrase is based on the name and surname of the head of the enterprise. The main thing is that the phrase does not turn out to be tricky in sound and difficult to remember. Good examples of naming include the brands "Gillette", "Ford" and others.
  2. Combination of words. Using this naming option, you need to pick up a few words and their parts, creating a completely new combination that is suitable for the name of the company. The following brands can be cited as an example: “Adidas”, “Pepsi”, “Lukoil”.
  3. Use of rhyme. It is much easier for the consumer to remember the name if it has a rhyme. Popular companies Coca-Cola, Chupa-Chups created brand names in a similar way.
  4. Association. It is important to choose the right association, and as a result you will get a beautiful and high-quality naming that is recognizable. Plants, representatives of the animal world, space, etc. can be used as a "muse" to create a name. Examples of well-chosen associations: "Three Fat Men", "Onegin", "Jaguar".
  5. Imitation. Use words in phrases that can convey the quality of the product. For example, "Agusha" - food for children.
  6. Secret meaning. In this case, the phrase should be unusual, prompting the consumer to search for the meaning of the word or expression. For example, the cosmetic brand “NIVEA” in Latin means “white, snow-white”.
  7. The name must correspond to the activity of the enterprise. For example, "Russian Post", "Mobile Systems". Such naming allows the consumer to immediately determine what kind of services are provided by the organization.
  8. The name can reflect the beneficial aspects of the company. The consumer pays attention to the values ​​that are important to him. Here the words are used: "reliability", "quality", "professionalism", etc.
  9. The geographical location of the company. This step is often used when naming drinks, food. However, you should not indicate the geographical location of the enterprise if you plan to expand and conquer the markets of neighboring countries.

Do not forget that no matter how beautiful the name of a brand or company sounds, the attitude towards it is easy to spoil with low-quality service and bad products. Choose a word or phrase that is easy to pronounce, simple and original, memorable and pleasing to the ear.

Online name generators

Another option used by company owners is generators, which will automatically select a list of names. Online name generators are quality services through which you can achieve a positive result, but this will take a lot of effort.

Popular generators:

Brando Generator. The service offers to enter several letters that are preferable in the name, select their alternation, and then gives several options. The site is easy to manage and offers users detailed instructions.

The service is a service showing good results. The user is offered a form in which to specify the desired letters, the initial text preceding the name, for example, "OOO", the final word and other parameters.

"Planner. Ru ”- the service offers several methods for generating names for companies.

Sychrophasotron. The generator presented on our website offers a choice of several thousand variants of names, when you click on any, its availability in popular domain zones is displayed. Let's briefly tell you how to use it.

If the words "phonetics", "morphology" and "lexicology" scare you, and your head hurts from brainstorming, you are welcome.

This online name generator is designed to help you come up with a name for your company, product, or whatever you want with the great Random.

Naming is a special type of activity for the selection of names, in particular, for goods and companies. A successful, euphonious and original name helps to form a brand and indicate a clear positioning of the company.

Name generators are not new.

Come up with a company name

I will not hide the fact that there are other online word generation services. But the algorithms for all name generators are different. And my script will definitely not be superfluous.

Moreover, from time to time I plan to replenish it with new goodies in terms of functions and combinations.

What can this online name generator be used for?

This online naming generator of names can be useful when searching for a name:

  • firms;
  • goods;
  • domain names;
  • teams;
  • youtube channels;
  • "Nicknames".

Functional features of the generator

At first, the name generator generates words according to several algorithms, based on two fundamental differences:

  • the first two variants of the names contain a keyword;
  • the rest do not have a keyword - they are completely synthesized.

Secondly After receiving the results of the generation, you can also check in which domain zones there are free domains with the selected name. To check it, just click on the name you are interested in. A new tab will open the whois search results of one of the well-known domain name registrars in Russia. By the way, I do not insist that you register domains there. Choose a balance between the reliability of the registrar and the price (including the price of domain renewal!).

Thirdly, You can "press" as much as you like! Each time you will receive a new portion of titles. In general, there is plenty to choose from.

Name combinations for keywords

The generator gives names by keywords in the first two combinations.

The algorithm uses common "prefixes" and "endings" (in this case, not in terms of morphology).

The presence of a keyword or part of it in the name of a company or product can help promote products and services.

At the same time, these are less original names compared to invented words. In addition, the presence of keywords in the title can make it difficult to register the respective trademarks (trademarks).

"Synthetic" names

Synthetic company names are original and unique, which are of artificial origin.

Such words are easier to anchor in the minds of buyers as a brand that belongs to your company.

We tried to make them as harmonious as possible in this name generator.

Synthetic names can come in very handy if:

  • your product range is very wide or you are thinking about the prospects for expanding your product range and developing other product categories (creating an "umbrella brand");
  • if you are planning to enter international markets.

Also, the advantages of a synthetic name are that it is easier to find a free domain with it and it is easier to register a trademark (trademark).

I hope our generator of company and product names will help you decide how to name a company and choose an original and sonorous name online. We are waiting for your suggestions for improving the functionality!

Every brand, company or firm needs a name.

Online generator of company and brand names

It can be symbolic, characteristic, comic, serious, vivid and memorable. On one's own come up with a company name rather difficult because it has to be individual and unique. Don't have the experience or time for selection and market research? Our name generator will do the hard work for you, and all you have to do is choose the best name.

How do you come up with a company name?

● The name should correspond to the type of activity and direction of work, be symbolic.
● For a children's development center, you can choose a diminutive form, a cool name. But this is completely unacceptable for reputable companies and banking structures.
● The name can consist of several words and be a short slogan or motto - it always inspires confidence, it is easier to remember.

How to find a name using a generator?

Our online generator contains thousands of options for companies of any profile and direction. You can select a category and search by keywords name for a French coffee shop, atelier, sausage shop, fitness center, cleaning company or taxi service. Just set the number of phrases and choose - the generator will give you original and vivid thematic names.

A nick generator

A nick generator- a service for creating interesting and unique nicknames.

Today it is hard to imagine your life without the Internet. We constantly have to use various services or sites.

Generator of company names by keywords and type of activity

Naturally, a huge number of users require some identification from a person present on the site.

Come up with nickname(nickname, nickname - from English nickname) made even easier thanks to nickname generator... At the moment, you have three options for creating nicknames: random, fantasy, and fruit and vegetable. Various built-in rules allow you to maximize the readability of the created nicknames. We are constantly working to improve.

In version 4.5, the ability to create a random nickname with a choice of an initial letter was added.

For those who are interested and want to learn more about what a nickname is?

To get started, you need to select the settings and click on the " Come up with a nickname«.

Advanced name generator

It can be difficult to find a name, so if you want to come up with a beautiful name for a company, website, game or anything else, then you have come to the right place. Here you will be helped in choosing a name for anything.

If you are here, then you want to come up with a name for a company, a name for a company or a group.

Automatic generation of titles

With the help of our service, you can get a lot of ideas for coming up with product names, programs, nicknames, campaigns, games and much more.

What are the advantages of this name generator in front of others?

Other similar name generating services use a simple selection based on completely random letters.

Our name generator uses about 50 rules, with the help of which the generated names (words) become maximally readable and suitable for the name of the company.

On average, every 30 words can theoretically become the name of an LLC. In other name generators, you can get a zero result indefinitely.

Select the desired settings from above and click "Generate".

You will be given the words generated for you, the most readable words will be highlighted.

Name generator online

Remember that this service is primarily aimed not at 100% selection of names, but at presenting an idea to you. Good luck.

Generating names in 3 steps

The name generator will help you choose. Now it's easy to come up with a name for your company - use this online name generator. This word generator is suitable for generating names, clan names, groups, games and sites. Generation of names is now with one button!

Good afternoon to all those who are surfing the Internet today, wanting to create a logo online, or are looking for a compelling name that can bring new customers.

A good name is the cornerstone of success. For us, the best confirmation of this is our many years of experience in creating unique logos.

What is the starting point for a developer thinking about how to make a company logo or corporate identity (Corporate Identity)?

From the name!

After all, it can become one of the most important components of success or ... lead to failure. Well, how can you not recall a quote from a book about Captain Vrungel, who assured: "What do you call a yacht, so it will float!"?

There are several options for finding a suitable name. The simplest idea is to contact a company for whose specialists naming is one of the vectors of professional activity.

The best name generator is the brain of a person who is at the origin of his business!

But here are some life hacks on how to come up with a name yourself:


Step 1. Come up with 2-3 letter syllables that sound good from your point of view and would be appropriate in the name of your company (le, ma, tone, na, vein, he, etc., to your taste).

Step 2. Alternatively, use a syllable characteristic of your business as one of them. "Tour" - for the company of the tour operator. Tech - for technical service. Pete - for food, etc.

Step 3. Use any of the syllable calculators (for example this one) that are on the net. It will multiply randomly selected letter combinations and offer you a palette of names to choose from, from which you can choose the appropriate one:


Take the designation of your type of activity (trans, invest, bicycle, auto) and add a win-win trust, trustworthy ending (expert, center, master, guru, next, smart, maxi, tone, secret).

Use the title formula:

Reduction of your type of activity + word of trust

What will we get?

  • ... Casino "Maxbet"
  • ... Cargo transportation company "Transexpert"
  • Firm for the development of interiors "Smartdesign"
  • Detective Agency "Secret Service" (although ... somewhere has it already been?)

Quite acceptable!

What can be the names of the characteristic direction?

  • traditional- acting in this direction, it is necessary to understand that such names are as clear as possible for a wide audience. Their advantages are that they are directly related to the offered product or the field of activity in which the service is provided. Such names are most in demand among representatives of the dairy business. "Our Village", "Milk World". Often, traditional or "frontal" names are used in their business by lawyers who strive to come up with a firm name that is unambiguously perceived by a client who is, among other things, in a stressful situation when "there is no time for intrigue": "Themis", "", etc. .d.
  • geographic names are tied to the name of the area where the product is produced or the service is rendered - “MinskProjectMebel”, “Moscow-City”, “Moscow-Paris Bank”. The last option suggests that when developing a geographical name, you can encrypt a certain special meaning in the name, make a message to a potential audience about the style, reliability, respectability or traditions of the institution.
  • descriptive options in some ways they resemble traditional ones and are distinguished by the simplicity of the name for the company, which is directly related to its direction of activity. "" or "Cleaning company" Clean House ".
  • OFF. Why not try to come up with a name in the style of "Gruzovichkoff", "Pirozhkoff", "Kastryulkin" - this is a typical example of compound naming, the key element of which is memorable "neologisms" for potential consumers.
  • And of course the most acceptable associative names- "Orange Summer" (private children's camps), "Maxbet" (casino chain) - causing either indirect or direct association with the proposed product.

How do I test the title?

A good company name has three pillars:

  • Readability
  • Memorability
  • Listening, reading, etc.

Before making a logo for a company with an invented name, ask your friends and acquaintances to check how much the name chosen by you is associated with the direction of your activity.

The rule of 7 seconds, during which a person must develop an association with the direction and / or character (emotions, associations, values) of the company, works!

A hairdresser with the name "Head off the shoulders" exists in reality and is very "happy" with the work of the namer, however, to understand who works under such a sign - make-up artists or butchers? - not right away.

It's great if the name:

  • carries an imprint of positivity (people avoid negative emotions)
  • appeals to good memories
  • appeals to pleasant sensations ("Fast-Tasty!" or "Salodki Falvarak")
  • And it's also great if the invented name of a store or establishment contains a set of values ​​that are close to a potential client.

"Dolce Vita" - that says it all!

Having received the necessary knowledge on how to make naming, you can:

  • save money
  • develop several variants of a good name, from which to choose the appropriate one.

How to come up with a company name: requirements for choosing + 5 ways to find a name + 5 steps to choosing + 7 naming techniques + online services for creating a name.

Every businessman realizes that the name chosen for a company, store or shopping center can influence the further fate of the case.

Often, aspiring entrepreneurs, due to their inexperience, choose long and overly complicated names that have nothing to do with the direction of the business.

Because the question is how to come up with a company name and remain popular with buyers, does not lose its relevance.

Basic requirements for a company name

At first glance, it may seem that you can come up with a name for a company in 1-2 hours.

But in fact, this process is quite long and laborious.

Naming takes a huge amount of time and effort.

Coming up with a company name is like choosing a name for your child.

Psychology experts identify the concept of 7 seconds.

It is during this time, according to experts, that a new interlocutor can be assessed.

The same principle applies to the names of enterprises.

The target audience evaluates the brand and its name in a short period of 7 seconds from the moment of the first contact.

Therefore, it is necessary to come up with a name that in such a minimum time will be able to win over potential customers.

In parallel, it should contain three main criteria:

  1. Easy to read and easy to pronounce.
  2. Easily remembered and recreated in memory.
  3. Does not evoke negative memories and emotions. The brand should only evoke positive feelings.

These aspects are the basis for creating a name for a new company.

Regardless of whether you are opening an online store, a flower shop or a personal blog, the invented name for a company or production should be melodic, memorable and creative.

5 main ways to create a name in naming


    The name directly depends on the business area.

    For example: "Your milkman", "Cow" for a supplier of dairy products.

    Law firms choose names in the style of "Letter of the Law", "Themis" (which also creates a positive feeling of reliability and a serious approach to business).


    Basically, the creation of such names is based on reference to the nearest landmark, local legend or centuries-old traditions.

    For example: "Petropavlovskiy kvass", "Krymskiy source" - for a water producer.


    It is based on the creation of phrases that have turned out due to the unification or modification of words ("Smeshariki", "Zabodaikin").


    Word formation characterizing the activities of the company.

    It may also contain the names, pseudonyms or surnames of its creators ("Cafe at Gleb", "Butcher shop").


    Invented colorful, sensual company names that are associated with the company's service or products (teen magazine "Oops", juices "Leto").

5 steps to create a great company name

In the understanding of the majority, a good name for a company should just come to mind by itself.

Sometimes a miracle really happens and the founder is struck by a brilliant idea of ​​a name for his brainchild.

But this is rather an exception to the rule.

Any companies that are professionally engaged in naming divide the process into 5 key steps.

Step 1. Analysis

An effective name is more than just inspiration and beautiful sound.

It should be based on the tastes of the target audience and correctly characterize the offered products.

For this, an analysis is carried out on the following points:

    To choose a name that will appeal to customers, you need to understand who exactly is the target audience of the product.

    What do they like?

    What is expected from your product?

    It is important to evaluate the names of competitors.

    Your company name must be different.

    And, of course, to be better and more effective.

  • A description of the product or service offered by the firm is drawn up.
  • Basic data related to the firm itself is also important: competitiveness, differences and advantages over organizations in the same direction.

Step 2. Strategy development

At this stage, an additional framework should be set to help sift through the invented names.

The business owner should define his wishes on the following points:

  • What language will the name be in?
  • Long or short?
  • What style will correspond to the concept of the company (official, comic, others)?

Step 3. Bringing the strategy to life

"Right after the moment of greatest difficulty is success."
Jared Leto

At this stage, names are selected that meet the above criteria.

It is best to come up with a company name with the help of a few people.

For example, collect a couple of your best employees who have an extraordinary and creative mindset.

Or arrange a family council.

Do not deprive children of attention: often their imagination works even more productively than that of adults.

Write down all worthy variants of "names", and then "sift" them according to the points identified in step # 2.

Step 4. Testing the invented company name

Selected names need to be tested in more detail. Pay attention to the following points:

  • What associations does the name and strangers evoke?
  • How unique is it (especially important compared to competitors)?
  • Is it easy to remember and write?
  • Does it sound funny or silly when translated into other languages ​​(if you plan to develop to the international market)?

You can check the uniqueness on the following services:

  • (paid service).

But for analysis on the rest of the points, it is better to turn to friends, relatives, colleagues, that is, to get a look from the outside.

Step 5. Compliance with the law

Before proceeding with the registration of the selected name, make sure that it does not contradict the requirements of the law.

For a complete list of current restrictions, see the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part 4, article 1473 (

Key points worth knowing:

  • names of states and their derivatives cannot be included;
  • the name must not violate religious, national rights, and also contain obscene or inhuman statements;
  • may not include the names of well-known associations;
  • should not be in tune with any popular brands.

7 naming techniques: how to come up with a name for a company

In naming (development of a name for a company, a product), 7 key techniques can be distinguished.

If the steps above for choosing a name did not work, use these methods.

Seven key naming techniques to help you choose a “name” for your company:

    The name of the company can be formed by the name of the founder.

    This way was used by famous brands: "", "Gillette", "Shimano".


    It is based on the repetition of monotypic words in order to form a specific rhythm and rhyme.

    A good example is the producer of the sweet drink Coca-Cola.


    Abbreviation of a few words.

    For example, Dolce & Gabbana, Louis Vuitton.

    Analogy method.

    Use of well-known terms and concepts in the company name.

    For example, "Jaguar", "Puma".

    Parts of words.

    This way of word formation is similar to the abbreviation method.

    Only as an idea, not the first letters are used, but parts of the word.

    For example, the Integral Electronics company applied this method, which resulted in the world-famous Intel.


    This includes words that mimic the sound made by animals or humans.

    For example, for a dog food company, you might choose the name "Woof", for a girl's magazine, "Oops".

    Hidden meaning.

    A good example is the world brand "Nike", which keeps the name of the ancient Greek goddess Nike, who was considered a symbol of victory.

A few more tips for those looking for a name for a company:

How to come up with a company name using an online service?

The above techniques and methods have not brought the desired result, and your fantasy refuses to cooperate at all?

Perhaps it remains to turn to online name generators.

It should be immediately noted: do not seriously assume that any programs are able to generate and come up with a really cool and unique name for the company.

The sites below are just giving out chaotic options.

But it is possible that you may really like one of them.

Or at least this way can nudge the brain to create new, unique ideas.

Online services for generating new ideas

This article has given many ways how to come up with a company name.

Do not be discouraged if you have used all the techniques (including visiting every resource for generating names), and have not chosen the "name of your dream".

As with any other creative endeavor, choosing a name can be time-consuming.

But in the end, a suitable one will definitely be found.

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