Where is icloud mail on iPhone? How to log into iCloud from a computer

There was a time when cloud storage was just a high-tech term used by industry insiders. Now everything is different, and every user can access such services. They are designed to make your life easier by significantly expanding the memory size of your device through digital means. Where is the cloud on the iPhone and how to use it?

What is cloud storage?

The name “cloud storage” evokes images of information floating in the air, but in practice this is not the case. When you store something in the cloud, that data is located on a remote server. This is contrary to saving directly to your device. These servers can then be accessed remotely by users. Typically, these servers are owned and operated by the hosting company that maintains them.

So why is it called "the cloud"? The origins of this phrase can be traced back to the early days of the Internet. Back then, drawings in the form of a cloud were used to depict telephone company which provided Internet access. The term has recently been brought into the modern era. Where is the cloud located on the iPhone and what is it for?

Why is it useful to use cloud storage?

There are several good reasons use cloud storage. For example, Apple likes to charge additional payment for increasing device memory. The problem is that modern devices continue to consume more and more storage space. Despite this, Apple is not going to reduce the price iPhone models 256 GB, so we need an alternative.

This is cloud storage. Remote servers can store a ton of photos, videos and other data on reasonable price. Beyond that, you rarely have to take extra steps to access them.

Cloud storage also makes it easy to transfer data between multiple devices. Imagine the simple process of copying photos from your phone to PC without the cloud. You'll have to deal with wires or the cumbersome process of sending files via email. Synchronizing your iPhone with the cloud avoids this.

However, one of the most often overlooked benefits of cloud storage is the backup options it offers. Ideally, you should make a copy of every important file you have on the server. This will allow you not to worry about the risks of losing information.

However, the best reason to use cloud storage is relatively simple: it's the future. People may one day live in an era where the cloud becomes the dominant method of storing data. Therefore, it is best to familiarize yourself with this now.

How difficult is it to use cloud storage?

Thanks to the right service, cloud storage is incredibly easy to use. Majority modern devices give you the opportunity to immediately save to the cloud. From there, accessing your data is as easy as through the built-in media.

The main obstacle when working with cloud storage is data management. It is possible to log into the cloud from an iPhone, but this requires using a third-party browser. In addition, the habit of having information in several places causes difficulties. Fortunately, most cloud services make it easy to automatically backup data and manage your files.

How much cloud storage do you need?

It depends greatly on your needs. If you are a business owner, you need as much as you can get, since the cloud is your best option for creating copies. Based on your needs, this could mean subscribing to a service that allows you to store terabytes. Since you can always log into the cloud from an iPhone, on on a paid basis you get the ability to backup any information.

However, this storage space may not be necessary for everyone. If you are mobile user If you just want to back up some photos and videos, consider a service that allows you to store about half the space available on your mobile device.

Also, see how much space your photos and videos take up and get the service that you practically need. Just keep in mind that your needs may increase.

What is iCloud?

iCloud Drive- This Apple solution for managing documents and files on iOS and Mac. If you have an iCloud account, you can use this storage. Subscription prices range from free to $19.99 per month, depending on your volume needs. First of all, you will need to go through the setup process and get started with iCloud Drive.

How to enable iCloud Drive manually on iPhone

What is iCloud in practice and how to connect it? When you update iOS from old version, you will need to indicate whether you want to update iCloud Drive. If you answered yes, you don't need to do anything else. But if you selected "no", then you can enable iCloud Drive in just a few taps by following these steps:

  1. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone under iOS control 8 or higher.
  2. Click on iCloud.
  3. Click on iCloud Drive.
  4. Enable the option for cloud storage.

You may receive a pop-up warning if you have other iOS and OS X devices that are not currently using iCloud Drive. Remember that they all need to be updated to ensure compatibility between them. So just repeat this process on each one.

How to choose an iCloud Drive subscription plan

By default, iCloud Drive comes with 5 GB free space. This is the same volume that you previously received for backups. Where is the cloud on the iPhone? In new versions, it is accessed through the Files application.

If you feel that this is not enough, you can subscribe for more GB. Or if you are already paying for iCloud subscription, you can change it to suit your current needs.

The process goes like this:

  1. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Click on iCloud.
  3. Next, click “Storage”.
  4. Click Change Storage Plan.
  5. Select the tariff that the best way suits your needs.
  6. Click "Buy" on the right top corner.
  7. Sign in to your iCloud account to complete your purchase.

That's all. Your storage will immediately change and you will see the selected subscription.

How to use iCloud Drive on your iPhone

The great thing about iCloud Drive for iOS is that it always works. You don't need to do or configure anything. Once you're signed into your iCloud Drive account, any apps that support cloud storage will give you options for opening and saving documents.

One of best features iCloud Drive is how it works in combination with Mac and Windows. Saving any documents in the cloud makes them instantly available to any service that supports it in iOS, and vice versa. Where is the cloud on the iPhone? You can find all the files, documents and folders in the iCloud Drive app.

In order to go to full version ICloud website, you will need to use any browser other than Safari. Mobile version this resource does not exist, but the process of working with online storage is very simple. This way you can process data from several accounts at the same time.

How to Move Files in the Cloud on iPhone

iCloud Drive is now stored in the Files app for iOS 11. It opens up a variety of options for storing and organizing files on your device. You no longer have to stick to app-based folders to organize your content—you can handle everything in Files, like Dropbox or Box. How to work in it? How to find a photo in the cloud on an iPhone and copy it?

  1. Launch the Files application
  2. Click iCloud Manager under Locations.
  3. Click on the files you want to move.
  4. Click Move at the bottom of the screen.
  5. Click a folder to select a destination for your files.
  6. Select "Move" in the top right corner of the screen.

How to delete files in the cloud on iPhone?

If you find that you don't have enough space or you just have a lot of... unnecessary information, you can easily remove extra files. Doing this is as easy as saving to the cloud on your iPhone. This is done as follows.

  1. Launch the Files application
  2. Click Browse at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Select iCloud Manager under Locations.
  4. Click on a folder to open it.
  5. Then - “Select” in the upper right corner of the screen.
  6. Select the files you want to delete.
  7. Click "Delete" in the lower right corner.

It is worth noting that when deleting there is no confirmation of the operation. Deleting files only pre-marks them. They can be restored in the Files application.

How do I enable or disable cellular data for file syncing?

If you have accumulated a large number of documents in the cloud, and you have a limited tariff for storing information, you can prohibit the application from using mobile transmission data. You don't even need to follow the steps to login. iCloud cloud from iPhone. How it's done:

  1. Launch the Settings app.
  2. Click on "Data Transfer".
  3. In the Mobile Data section, scroll down until you find the Files app.
  4. Click the On/Off switch to disable the functionality.

This will allow you to make sure that iCould Drive is not being used to store various information.

iPhone - powerful smartphone with a huge range of possibilities - here you have both an office and Entertainment Center in one person. Using the i-gadget, the user solves the mass various tasks and, of course, it accumulates a bunch of important, interesting, useful information. Of course, losing it overnight by losing it, breaking your phone, or becoming a victim of theft is very sad.

It is noteworthy that the majority of those who have at least once suddenly lost their faithful electronic assistant like this, most regret not about the loss of a materially valuable object and the need to spend money on new gadget(although Apple smartphones are by no means cheap), but about the loss of important data. This is why it is so necessary to create a backup copy of all information stored on the device.

Good modern technologies They allow you to perform backups literally in two taps. The so-called cloud service – iCloud – comes to the aid of Apple users. What kind of “beast” this is and how to use it, we’ll talk in this article.

Cloud storage (or as modern users romantically call it “the cloud”) is a collection of online servers distributed on a network on which the user can store a backup copy of important data.

Clouds are created by various companies, that is, in fact, the user, by sending information to an online storage, transfers his data to third parties, but, of course, on the basis of an agreement that it will be protected and inviolable.

What if data is stolen from the cloud?

Should you be afraid for your data if it is stored by a third party? In general, no more than for jewelry placed in a safe deposit box at a bank. Of course, information leakage can happen, but banks have been robbed for hundreds of years, but this does not mean that money should be kept in your apartment - it is still safer in a special institution.

iCloud is the official cloud storage for Apple technology users

The “range” of online storage today is large, but owners of i-smartphones do not need to waste time to choose the most reliable and convenient one, because it is already in every Apple device, its name is iCloud, using this service, you can have maximum peace of mind for your data.

What information does the cloud store?

In iCloud you can back up almost any type of data stored on your device, here is a complete list of them:

  • Music (including ringtones, TV shows and other audio materials)
  • Video
  • Books
  • Applications and their data
  • Basic smartphone settings, including desktop settings
  • Messages (sent both via iMessages and in the usual way)

However, you can quite limit this range; more details on how to do this in the section “How to use iCloud?”.

More than just saving data...

Of course, the main iCloud option on the iPhone and other i-devices is to save information important to the user. However, if you have several Apple gadgets, you will certainly appreciate the ability to synchronize information between them. This option gives you access to some really cool features. It’s clear that all content (music, photos, etc.) will be present on all synchronized devices. But look what we have since iCloud can remember application data...

For example, your iPhone and iPad are synchronized via iCloud, which means that you can start playing some game on your smartphone, and then, well, if your smartphone is low, for example, continue on your iPad, and exactly where you left off .

And all this is free?

Of course, when you learn about such cool opportunities, the thought immediately appears that all this is not free. Partly, the idea is correct. Apple generously provides the user with 5GB free space, and, in general, they are quite enough to store truly valuable data. But if you need more space, no one is stopping you from buying it.

iCloud tariffs

  • 50 GB – 59 rubles per month
  • 200 GB — 149 rubles per month
  • 1 TB — 599 rubles per month

iTunes Match is another cool iCloud feature you have to pay for

iTunes Match is a service created for music lovers, allowing you to save on buying music. The service automatically analyzes the library of all music stored on the PC you are working on when you connect your i-gadget to iTunes, and looks for a copy in the store iTunes Store and downloads it (for free!) to all Apple devices synchronized via iCloud, in good quality with album cover and detailed information about the composition and performer.

Thus, up to 25,000 tracks can be processed, and you will not pay anything for them, you will only need to pay for a subscription to the service - $25 per year. It’s very convenient - you don’t need to connect your devices to your PC again to download music, and for such convenience it’s relatively inexpensive.

How to use iCloud?

Well, now, about the most important thing - how to set up this wonderful service. Very simple! Follow the short instructions:

1 Open “Settings”, find the iCloud item - if you have not used the service before, you will need to log in. To log in, use your Apple ID - the account you created when initial setup i-gadget. 2 After authorization, a window for working with the cloud will appear in front of you - it is a list of types of information that you can store. Opposite each item is a slider. You only need to select the types of data that you want to store and activate the appropriate slider. 3 If you have a lot of space in iCloud, you can make all the sliders active, otherwise you will have to choose the most valuable one.

Several points in iCloud menu deserve special attention, among them - iCloud Drive, Backup, Keychain and Find my Phone. Let's look at why to activate them.

iCloud Drive

Tap on iCloud Drive and you will find yourself in a new menu, which will list applications for which you can set data storage in the cloud, each program has its own slider. Activate the ones you need and turn off the ones you don't need.

Backup copy

By tapping on the “Backup” line, you will again find yourself in a new menu. If you have never created a backup of information before, you need to first click on the “Create a backup copy” link, and then activate the slider next to the “iCloud backup” option, and then the backup will be performed whenever new information appears on your device .

Bunch of keys

This item is responsible for storing Safari passwords, activate it and you won’t have to constantly enter account settings for this or that personal account when working with the Apple browser.

Find my Phone

And finally, Find my Phone is a very cool option. If your phone is stolen and Find my Phone is turned on, you can really annoy the attacker. How? More on this in the next section.

How to recover data from iCloud?

Recovering data from iCloud on a new device is very simple. At initial setting up iPhone(or any other i-gadget), the setup assistant will ask you whether you want to get a “clean” new device or whether you need to transfer all the information from the previous one to it. To restore, of course, you need to choose the second option. Of course, for a successful transfer you will need to indicate the Apple ID of your old device.

If your smartphone is lost, you don’t have a new one yet, and you need to restore the data urgently, well, for example, to look up an important phone number, take any PC and go to the iCloud.com website (in general, with mobile device you can access this site, but it’s more convenient from a computer), enter your Apple ID information for authorization, and you will have access to all the information that was included in your backup.

This same site allows you, if you are sure that the smartphone has been stolen, as we said above, to “annoy” the thief. If you previously enabled the Find my Phone option on your device, then through iCloud.com you will have the opportunity to activate “Lost Mode”. After turning it on, the attacker will no longer be able to do anything with the gadget - it will be blocked, and the password will be your Apple ID data.

Let's summarize

So, now you know what the iCloud cloud service is on an iPhone and you can appreciate the full power of its capabilities. And, as you may have noticed, you only need to create a backup once, then everything will be done for you. So don’t be lazy and make a backup right now if you haven’t already. Can you imagine how annoying it will be if you are lazy today, forget tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow you lose your device?

How to sign into iCloud from a computer

Good day, friends! We continue the series of notes on Apple line, in terms of iOS and gadgets that to some extent simplify the life of iPhone lovers. I recently published a note. In this same post I want to tell you about such a useful feature as icloud.com, how to log into icloud from a computer.

If you log into your iCloud account via a computer, then working with Apple services on an iPhone will become much easier for the user.

For example, icloud on iPhone will help you make settings that will allow you to receive notifications about incoming messages or simplify control over operations from your account.

What is iCloud and what is it for?

What is icloud.com? This is one of the services that is very popular. Its purpose is to store data.

It works like a cloud. There is also a function in icloud storage Email. You can receive and send messages.

Anyone who has an Apple gadget can log into icloud from a computer or phone. Every user of Apple products has a registered account in iCloud.

You can upload to the Apple cloud for storage various files. From office to multimedia, and also download them from there in the future.

Data is stored in the cloud installed applications, contacts with whom the owner of the gadget communicates, as well as correspondence.

The developers took care of their users. They provided the ability to log into your account not only from an iPhone or other official branded device, but also from a PC.

Moreover, no matter what operating system is installed on it.

How to log into your account icloud recording With iPhone more often the whole question does not arise. Because all you have to do is enter your credentials and use it.

But how to log into iCloud from a computer? This is a slightly different story. There are several ways that we will now consider.

How to log into icloud via browser

This is the simplest and also the most quick login on icloud. To implement it, there is no need to find and download software.

Let's look at how to use the cloud without software, as well as how and where to log into Apple's cloud storage.

2 To log into iCloud from your computer, you first need to enter your apple id and password. Thus, the user is identified in the system.

If you do not yet have an account on icloud.com, then first go through the registration procedure, and after that log into your account.

Once the user has logged into their account on icloud.com, a menu will open. Using it, you can set up synchronization between your computer and your phone.

Another useful feature is to create notes and reminders in your account; they will be saved to your smartphone automatically.

Another plus is the ability to work with documents in the browser. Not only save them, but also edit them.

A special tab called “Devices” allows you to see when the icloud login to your account from a computer, and when from your phone. This is necessary for account security. The user may notice that someone has visited his account and change the password to prevent access to important files strangers.

One of the main advantages of using an account from a browser is that you can access the icloud media library and all other folders, and fully use all the capabilities of the resource from any computer.

It doesn't matter what operating system is installed on your PC. Enough . Log in to your account, enter your password and you can use it.

The only disadvantage of working with the cloud through a browser is that photos will not be automatically uploaded to iCloud from your computer. You will have to do this yourself in manual mode. Unlike DropBox.

But there is another method that may be useful to use, this is logging in through special utility Apple for Windows OS users.

How to use the login software

The main advantage of this method is that it allows you to use the storage to its full potential. That is, all its functions.

In addition to what can be done through the browser, the user is also given access to the cloud disk, to e-mail - to incoming and outgoing correspondence.

And also to file synchronization. Photos are instantly and automatically uploaded to storage.

The computer application is suitable for those users who have an operating system of at least Windows 7 installed on their PC, and those who prefer MacOS.

1 To log into your account, the user needs to download the application from the official iCloud website using the link below.

2 Install the downloaded application. This procedure is quite simple, you just need to follow the installation instructions.

3 After the program is installed, open it and log in to your account. To do this, enter your Apple ID and password. Then click Login.

You will have to wait a little, no more than a few seconds. During this time, synchronization will occur and all settings and files will be displayed on the computer.

Upon completion of the process, the corresponding folders will appear in the PC’s Explorer, this is all that the icloud utility provides for the computer. The only thing is that you can always get accurate information about the storage space and detailed statistics on what it is occupied by.

You can move files into it hard drives And . If you have a constant connection to the Internet, all of them will automatically be synchronized with your account.

You can also easily and instantly move files to local disk from the cloud.

Additionally, on the official Apple website you can always study information on how to use mail and calendars from iCloud in, or how to save all data from iCloud to your computer:

  • iCloud for Windows and Outlook https://support.apple.com/ru-ru/HT204571
  • Saving data from iCloud https://support.apple.com/ru-ru/HT204055

Please note after iCloud installations on the computer, the main menus for work appeared in the START menu: calendars, mail, reminders, “Find iPhone”, etc., they all lead to the corresponding section on the website icloud.com. Everything that was described in the first method of logging into icloud through a browser.

Features of using the service

Those who use iCloud should pay attention to some features of the application. For example, if you log out of icloud or, then all the data that was uploaded to your account will be unavailable.

In all these cases, the user loses access to the account, and at the same time all the files that were in it. New smartphone assumes another account is linked to it.

How to exit iClay without loss

Let's say you decide to uninstall the iClod program for Windows, thereby exiting iCloud, and when uninstalling you will see the following picture. The utility will warn you about deleting all data downloaded to your PC along with iCloud Drive.

But the data is not deleted from the cloud, and will still be available to other devices connected to iColud. Now let's look at how to get out of your icloud account without loss.

  • First, all the necessary photos should be transferred from the stream to the phone’s memory, or simply transferred to another folder on the PC.
  • Save documents.
  • If there are any important SMS, then it is better to transfer them too, since in some cases they may disappear.
  • Now you need to save the video, as well as information from notebooks and calendars, if it is important. Otherwise, after logging out of your account, all this will be lost forever.

But, the possibility of saving important information Not everyone owns an iPhone. This feature is only available to Apple smartphones with operating system from iOS 4 and higher.

Those platforms below the fourth version are not equipped with the ability to save from account files.

There is no such problem for those who use the application not only on the phone, but also on the computer. The account remains accessible to them from the PC. Using a computer, you can transfer all files to a new account.

How to log into iCloud on a computer - is it necessary?

In conclusion, a note about how to log into iCloud from a computer, I would like to add that using iCloud from a phone or computer makes life easier for the user of smartphones and tablets from Apple. It's up to you to decide whether to use it or not.

Moreover, this function is completely free. You can try using icloud, and if you don’t like it, you can easily delete all data from the cloud and do not log in from your phone or computer.

iCloud Drive for Windows

How to turn it on iCloud synchronization between Windows and iOS

iCloud is cloud storage from Apple, which gives you access to your music, photos, documents and other files from any device.

Also with using iCloud can be saved backups iPhone data and iPad, find lost Apple devices and share various data with other people.

What else do you need iCloud for:

1. Shopping

All iTunes Store purchases and App Store automatically become available for download on all your devices connected to your iCloud account.

2.iCloud Drive

Cloud storage that allows you to work with documents on any connected device. For example, you create text file on the iPad, and edit it on the iPhone. This functionality is available in applications that support iCloud synchronization.

3. Family Sharing

Any purchase from the iTunes Store or App Store becomes available to all family members up to 6 people inclusive.

Read more about " family sharing» read.

4. Photo

All photos and videos taken on iPhone camera or iPad, automatically become available on all devices connected to iCloud.

5. Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Notes and Reminders

Email, contacts phone book, calendar events, notes, and reminders are automatically synced across all your iCloud-connected devices.

6. Find iPhone, iPad or Mac

If you suddenly lost your iPhone, iPad or Mac - through iCloud devices easy to track, remotely block, erase personal information or leave a message with contact information.

7. Bunch iCloud keys and Safari

Your logins, passwords and data credit cards are synchronized across all devices connected to the same iCloud account.

8. Backup

Reserve iPhone copying and iPad in iCloud allows you to completely restore your notes, messages, phone book numbers, etc., in case of replacement, breakdown or loss of the device.

9. Apps from the App Store

Applications from Apple store, which support synchronization with iCloud, automatically upload their data (settings, backups, saves, etc.) to cloud storage. From there they are transferred to all devices connected to iCloud.

For example, you can play through one mission in a game on your iPhone, then pick up your iPad and pick up where you left off. For authorization and content management cloud service iCloud is using your account Apple entry ID.

We have already written about how to create an Apple ID in the articles “How to create an Apple ID account” and “How to set up a new iPhone”.

How to connect iCloud on iPhone and iPad

    On your iPhone or iPad, go to Settings > iCloud.

    Enter your Apple ID.

    Enter your password below Apple account ID and click “Login”.

    After verifying your Apple ID and password, you will be prompted to merge your data Safari browser on the device with data in iCloud storage.

If there is not enough space

iCloud gives you 5GB of storage for free. If free space will end, the system will offer to increase it for a monthly subscription fee.

Monthly subscription fee for additional 50 GB is 59 ₽ per month, 200 GB - 149 ₽, 1 TB - 599 ₽ and 2 TB - 1,490 ₽.

The amount will be debited monthly starting from the activation date tariff plan, from a bank card linked to your Apple ID.

How to log into iCloud from any device?

You can access your iCloud storage from any computer, smartphone or tablet connected to the Internet.

To do this, go to the website http://icloud.com/ and log in with your Apple ID.

Once logged in, you can view and edit contacts, photos, emails and more. Changes made will be synced with all devices connected to this iCloud account.

Every Apple device has so-called iCloud storage by default. But not everyone knows what exactly it is for and therefore does not use it. Today we will answer pressing and unclear questions about what iCloud is and how to use it. Let's understand the intricacies cloud technology, we will tell you about the cost of the service, note the positive and negative sides product.

If we talk in simple words, then Apple's storage is capacious cloud flash drive, where you can store documents, photographs, audio and video recordings. Work with them from any device, including including iPhone, iPad, computer with operating system Windows system and Mac OS X. For this purpose, the service provides a function automatic synchronization, with each device separately.

Also, in the service we are considering, there is access to the official configuration and management website useful features smartphone or tablet. Thanks to this site you can create and edit popular office documents Pages, Numbers and Keynote. Search for a missing smartphone or tablet, download contacts to local computer or forward them to your relatives.

What exactly can the described functionality be used for?

More specifically, the described service can be used for purposes such as:

  1. Backup copies of important documents. You'll never lose a paper you wrote for a college talk or a product presentation.
  2. Letters and attachments in them, in the mail from iCloud. Be sure to have a mailbox, it’s convenient and modern.
  3. Calendars, reminders, notes.
  4. Photos. It is fashionable to transfer them to all your devices and not waste time transferring them for processing.
  5. Music purchased from iTunes. The undoubted advantage is that it is stored without taking up disk space.

In addition, thanks to the service, the well-known “Find iPhone” function works, which comes to the rescue in case of theft or loss of a smartphone.

All information that you transmit to the system is stored on the servers of the Cupertino company. The main data center is located in North Carolina. Essentially, cloud storage is big hard a disk that has room for all owners of Apple products without exception.

Service cost

We figured out what iCloud Drive is. The second question that interests owners of Apple devices is: “How much does this service cost?” The first thing that should be noted when talking about the price of iCloud Drive is that 5 GB (enough to store about 2000 pictures) is provided by default for each account free of charge, forever. You will have to pay for the rest of the “place”.

In this case, the size of the uploaded file cannot exceed the threshold of 15 GB. The fee is charged monthly and amounts to:

  • 50 GB – 59 rub.;
  • 200 GB – 149 rub.;
  • 1 TB – 599 rub.

This information is presented on the official Apple website. Thus, you can buy a cloud at a very affordable price.

How to use the service on iPhone, iPad, PC and laptop?

The first thing you need to do in order to start using the described application is to check whether the appropriate firmware is installed on the device. For iPhone iOS 8 and higher, for Macbook, Macmini and iMac OS X Yosemite, for laptops and PCs, with an operating system no younger than Windows XP. Additionally, if you plan to additionally use iCloud.com, which was mentioned earlier, you will need one of the following browsers:

  • Chrome;
  • Firefox;
  • Safari.

If you are lucky and you own a device with iOS or OS X, then you do not need to activate iCloud, since the developers have already done this.

The process of launching an application on iPhone and iPad

In order to enable iCloud on an iPhone or iPad, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to “iCloud Drive” on your device through “Settings”.
  2. Activate the systems by toggling the toggle switch.

The process of launching an application on Macbook, Mac mini and iMac

In order to enable iCloud in a MacBook, Macmini or iMac, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Click on the black apple and select " System Settings» (it is located in the upper left corner).
  2. Click on the “Settings” icon.
  3. Enter your Apple ID (sometimes this combination is not requested).
  4. Place a checkmark next to the value of the same name.

The process of launching a program on a computer

In order to enable iCloud on a computer or laptop running Windows, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Download the application and install it. This can be done on several sites, but it’s better on the official one - this way the likelihood of catching a virus will be minimal
  2. Launch the service and enter your Apple ID (sometimes this combination is not requested).
  3. Check the box next to the application and click “Apply”. If you are using the application on English language, then this button will be called “Apply”.

Login via browser

As noted earlier, you can use iCloud through standard browser on any type of computer and tablet - Chrome, Firefox or Safari, if you additionally use iCloud.com. Activation of the program in a similar way can be divided into stages such as:

  1. Go directly to the site.
  2. Entering your Apple ID (if required).
  3. Select one of three services – Pages, Numbers or Keynote.
  4. Giving consent to enable in the window that appears.

Once the application is activated, all documents, contacts, notes, photos, audio and video recordings will be stored in the cloud and available on any of the connected devices. Managing them will not be difficult: they will be structured by name, or by the size of the occupied space on the server’s hard drive.


As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this procedure; it is worth devoting 15 minutes of precious time so as not to lose even more valuable footage of the lives of your household, friends, or animals. Choose the option that suits you best and follow the instructions carefully. I'll attach a video below, in case someone finds it useful!

Video instruction

If after reading the article you still have questions, take five minutes to watch the video instructions. The video explains in detail the procedure for increasing space for your photos and video content on iCloud servers.

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