Why won't my tablet boot? Tablet won't boot

One of the most common problems problems that arise with devices of this type are the lack of response to the power button. What to do if the tablet is completely discharged and does not turn on?

In no case should you take rash actions; first you need to find out exactly the cause of the breakdown. And only then decide how to fix it - on your own or by contacting a service center.

Causes of malfunction

The reasons for the appearance of any malfunctions that lead to a lack of response to the power button can be very different.

They can be divided into two main categories:

  1. hardware;
  2. software.

Hardware faults that interfere with normal operation:

  • cable damage;
  • failure of any electronic components;
  • motherboard malfunction.

Most often they arise due to the carelessness of the user himself.

Many owners commit the following unacceptable actions:

  • subject the device to mechanical stress;
  • completely discharge the battery and leave it in this state;
  • allow moisture to enter the housing.

Also, the reasons for the lack of response to the power button can be not only physical, but also software.

It often happens that operating system"falls" in the following cases:

  1. if the update is installed incorrectly;
  2. some program has deleted files necessary for the system to function;
  3. were in forcibly any system processes have completed.


Hardware failures include all failures associated with mechanical damage to the device. Most often, the gadget stops turning on due to the failure of the button itself.

It may stop working for the following reasons:

  • has developed its resource;
  • As a result of the impact, the pressing mechanism was broken.

If the device is from a renowned manufacturer (Samsung, Apple), then the likelihood of failure due to frequent use practically excluded. Such a malfunction may only occur in Explay tablets and similar ones of Chinese origin.

Much more often, the power button breaks due to a strong impact. For example, when falling onto a hard surface from a height. Things end especially badly for tablets thrown on tiled floors. Often, along with the button, the touch display also breaks.

The power button may also not work due to battery failure.

Problems with it arise most often in the following cases:

  • the device was in the cold for a long time;
  • operating rules were not followed (charging and discharging mode);
  • through charger a voltage was supplied whose value was greater than the nominal one.

Battery problems are usually the easiest to solve. Everything is much worse if the fault lies in electronic components. It is not uncommon for a special cable responsible for the interaction between the screen and the rest of the hardware to fail. It is in this case that the tablet is charging, but there is no visible reaction to any clicks or actions.

The motherboard is also vulnerable. Its failure is very rare, even on models from various dubious manufacturers. But if, for some reason, it breaks down, then only an authorized service center can fix the problem.

Video: ASUS tablet does not turn on


Often the reason for the lack of response to the power key may be due to some software. In this case, the device actually turns on, but does not boot.

Most often, this situation occurs in the following cases:

  • new firmware is installed incorrectly;
  • applications that make critical changes to the system have been installed;
  • system files necessary for operation have been changed or moved.

You can even resolve this problem yourself, without contacting service center. Often it is enough to reset all settings; this is done through the OS. And also install a working firmware version. More often software errors, which prevent the system from starting, occur on devices running Android control. Also, iPads often do not turn on when the lock is unlocked.

Turns on halfway - find a solution

Another problem that occurs quite often on devices running Android OS is turning on “halfway”. Usually on the screen in this case there is a robot with an open belly. Or the Android OS message is constantly updated on the screen. In any case, this situation is to blame software glitch.

The reason for incomplete loading may be:

  1. incorrect installation process of games or launchers;
  2. forced completion system process.

The occurrence of the second case is most often associated with the use of a third-party task manager. This kind of software often disrupts the stability of the system by its actions. An inexperienced user only contributes to this. Also, this kind of problem often occurs when installing programs to save battery power.

You can resolve the situation when the tablet only turns on halfway, using a mode called Hard Reset. Especially good this function implemented on devices of Chinese origin. To use this method, regardless of the manufacturer, you must complete next steps in strict order:

After restarting, all old settings will be reset to default. Will also be deleted earlier installed programs without the possibility of recovery. This is why you should use Hard Reset only as a last resort, since restoring lost data will then be quite problematic.

FastBoot mode

If attempts to turn on Help Hard Reset and other methods were unsuccessful, you can try using FastBoot mode. It allows you to use your computer and USB cable fulfill various actions with a device running Android, even if it does not respond in any way to the power button.

To get started you need to download special image, representing console program. It is best to use Linux OS for these purposes. Launching Fastboot on Linux is done using the command $ sudo art-get install android-tools-fastboot. When this command completed, you need to connect the device running Android to the PC.

If the launch of the application in question was successful, a window with a list of commands will be displayed on the screen.

For recovery Android work you need to do the following:

  • V command line enter the command “reboot-bootloader”;
  • press Enter key on the keyboard;
  • We are waiting for a restart.

In case this operation did not help solve the problem, you can use other commands from the list on the screen. The purpose of each of them is briefly described on the right side of the screen.

Recovery Mode

A mode called Recovery is available in almost all versions of the Android OS and often it allows you to restore the device under its control, even if there is no response to pressing the “ON” key. It is launched in various ways, depending on the brand.

In gadgets from Samsung old models launch this mode carried out as follows:

  1. disconnect from USB;
  2. Press the center key and “ON/OFF” at the same time.

If it was not possible to start Recovery in this way, you should press a combination of three keys: center, volume up, “ON”.

There is another way to launch this mode.

It works not only on Samsung, but also on all other devices of this kind:

  • launch Bootloader mode;
  • select the item called Recovery.

After logging into Recovery, you must select reboot system now (http://8b.kz/yq3n). In many cases, this solves the problem with the “ON” key not responding.

Don't repair it yourself

It is quite easy to carry out software repairs yourself. Even if something goes wrong, you can always turn to a specialist for help. Restoring damaged system files or processes is not an insurmountable task. Since most problems of this kind can be treated by regular flashing.

Things are somewhat different with hardware failures. Many people try to repair faulty electronics on their own by reading several articles on the Internet. This is often possible. But there is always a high risk of damaging any electronic components. And this kind of damage may be irreversible, or the cost of eliminating it will be very high.

In any case, it is best to consult with a qualified technician who has been repairing such equipment for a long time. Even if to solve the problem you only need to restart the system via Hard Reset. Because rash actions can lead to serious consequences.

There are times when the tablet was able to be turned on, but it didn’t make any sense. The image never appeared, but various stripes and stars flickered, and the background took on an unhealthy hue. Try using the reset button. If this method does not bring relief, it means that the video adapter has malfunctioned; it is very likely that it burned out due to overheating; in such a situation, it will need to be replaced.
If your tablet turns on but does not boot, and the problem, in your opinion, is in the video adapter, do not go inside the device yourself.

Of course, the exception is if you have experience working with technology and electronics. Then you can repair the gadget yourself. The second option, when your intervention is acceptable, is if you do not feel sorry for the device, and you can sacrifice it for the sake of obtaining the experience described above. But it’s better to turn to professionals.

The tablet turns on, but does not boot: what to do?

When the tablet turns on but does not start, if you are confident in your abilities, you can try to fix the problem yourself. If the tablet turns on but does not boot, then one of these circumstances may have recently occurred:
1. Incompatible applications were installed;
2. The device was attacked by a virus;
3. Utilities with access to system files were installed;
4. There was a software or system update recently.

This is a list of the most common reasons, due to which the tablet may not boot, or even not turn on at all. Try flashing your tablet.

The tablet turns on, but does not start: reinstalling the system

Very simple procedure can help you. You need to write one image file into the system with the operating system and all the software that can be installed on your device. You can do this through desktop computer using, through a memory card, each tablet has a slot for it, and you can also contact specialists at the service center.

How to flash a gadget using a computer if the tablet turns on but does not start

For firmware via landline personal computer You will need a tablet, a cable and a power supply. First, check the functionality of all these devices. The tablet must be completely removed before the procedure. Please note serial number and the model of your gadget and download the firmware file and instructions on how to do it from the model manufacturer’s website. There may be a video tutorial, if so, check it out so you don’t mess up. further errors. You can also contact a special service that performs tablet repairs. Don't forget to download the firmware program, it usually always comes separate file, but may be in the archive along with the file new system. Complete the installation according to the suggested instructions from beginning to end. If there is a video on the manufacturer’s website, after reading it, repeat all the steps shown and explained there. If the manufacturer has not posted a video, and the instructions are not enough for you to understand the process, try searching for a video tutorial on the Internet using any search engine; there are countless similar videos.

We advise you to use this guide, since the reprogramming method via a landline is the simplest and most accessible, and it is also suitable not only for users of the Android operating system, but also for users of other common systems. However, despite the simplicity of the procedure, if you have had no understanding with any technology since childhood and were afraid of phones, do not take risks. In such a situation, no matter how easy the procedure is for the average person, it is worth considering your reluctance to this activity and leaving the matter to professionals.

Video on the topic “the tablet turns on but does not start”

In this case, charge it for a couple of hours. Then, hold the off button for 15 seconds (or press reset). Wait about 15 minutes for the tablet body to cool down ( back cover may get warm when charging). Now try turning it on (3-5 seconds on button) and wait 2 minutes.

Please accept my condolences, because if you are reading this article, it means your Android tablet has stopped turning on. The reasons may be “hardware” or “software”. The first reason is the physical inability to turn on due to damage to the battery, board, cables. The second is that someone screwed up the operating system on the tablet, and due to the fact that it got up crookedly after, or some freshly installed program turned out to be extremely incompetent, the device cannot “start up”.

The tablet won't turn on at all

1. Remember when last time charged your electronic friend. One of the most common reasons is a tablet. fully discharged. In this case, even if you put it on charge, it will take some time (sometimes up to 10 minutes) before the tablet has enough power to turn on. Sit next to the patient, and after a one-minute break, press the power button for a long time until the screen lights up. And yes, you must be sure that the charger is working. If there are no changes, check on another device to see if the charger is working, or change it. If you are interested, then you need another article.

2. Remember, maybe you gave a tablet to a child? Perhaps the baby slammed the screen as hard as he could into the corner of the crib and damaged the display. In this case, the tablet itself may work, but the screen will have to be replaced. The same situation occurs if the tablet lands from a height of one and a half meters on asphalt or a tiled floor. There is little you can do to help him on your own; you can only sympathize with the poor fellow. Typically, a damaged screen is indicated by visible mechanical defects, or the absence of an image when turned on (instead, only the backlight may be visible, and even then not always).

3. The tablet did not fall or hit, but there is no image? Unlikely, but still: perhaps the video adapter has failed.

If your tablet is still under warranty, then it’s stupid to fix it yourself. Take it to the service center and don’t worry. Of course, you can download the circuit diagrams on the Internet and try to fix it yourself or give it to a friend, but it’s better not to do this.

The tablet only turns on halfway

A software glitch is to blame for everything, and only that. In such cases, we observe the display backlight turning on, and then endless loading(ANDROID inscription constantly shimmers), or we see an image with a broken green robot.

This may be a consequence:

1. Incorrectly installed or malfunctioning games, programs, launchers.

2. Forcefully terminated system processes, ensuring the stability of the operating system. This can easily happen if you “killed” the system process through some kind of task manager (or dispatcher), or third party program“battery saver”. Believe me, this happened to me once.

What can be done in such a situation?

There is a chance to “revive” the tablet by resetting its settings to factory settings. This is done using Hard Reset, and it is better to google how it is done specifically for your model. Especially if you have a tablet from Chinese manufacturer. I highly recommend that you read the instructions for hard reset on various devices. I will briefly describe general principle, most likely you will need to do the same:

  1. Turn off the tablet
  2. We take out the memory card and SIM card (just in case)
  3. Press and hold the volume down key ( and for some it is a decrease!) and the power button for about 10 seconds, the time is also not the same for all tablets.
  4. The tablet should vibrate
  5. A menu appears. Use the volume and power keys to select the item Settings. Next - Format System
  6. Choose Reset Android , tablet reboot
  7. All data and settings that were in the device’s memory will be erased and returned to the factory settings.
  8. Don't be alarmed if you don't succeed the first time, you usually succeed the second time :)

If this instruction didn’t help, try using the advice on a hard reset from commentator Dima in the article, you don’t have to look for the advice itself in the comments, I added it to the article. It also helps to bring the device back to life. How to restore the tablet after unsuccessful firmware written

Just in case, English-language video instructions for hard reset for Acer tablet Iconia Tab A500:

If a lying Android appears with a red exclamation mark

In many, I noticed in the comments, everything ends like in the picture, or something like that:

This is the mode stock recovery(if you are wondering what it is), there is nothing bad about it and you shouldn’t be afraid of it. Moreover, you can - ClockWorkMod Recovery. If you see it, it means it works - and that’s good. You got into it because you entered the wrong combination for a hard reset, and I warned you that it is not the same for all tablets. In this situation, you can press and hold the power button until the tablet turns off and try again, or just wait 5 minutes until it turns off and repeat the process. Try again, as a last resort you can just reflash.

Fastboot mode

Sometimes, when trying to find the right combination, users end up in Fastboot mode. In such a situation, we see the “Android” lying with an open belly/belly, but without exclamation point. An example of such a menu for Nexus 7 (2013) in the photo:

If you get here, then use the volume buttons to select the item Restart bootloader and press the power button to confirm your selection. Perhaps this will help you boot up a tablet that has not turned on before.

In general, it is useless to advise anything specific here, since each model has its own paddocks. On some tablet models, you just need to press the “Home” button if a lying Android with an open belly appears - and a menu will appear in which you can select to reset the settings. And for some, press volume up and down at the same time. And wait.

Kingdia team 06/05/2017 11:30

I quote Tatyana:

Good evening! Help!!! I installed root rights, the tablet rebooted and froze on the screensaver!

Hello. Apparently the firmware just crashed. In order for the computer to be able to see the tablet, it must either be turned on (but for this the firmware must be working), or switched to the “Download” firmware mode. In your case you need to install new firmware- . This information will help you with flashing. In general, it is best to put the tablet into flashing mode and flash it using a computer via special programs. Here is an article on the topic of firmware Chinese tablets- . They are the ones with the most problems. If you can’t flash it yourself, it’s better to take it in for repairs. Don't open it again root rights nowhere. This only makes things worse. If you are not an application and firmware developer and do not have experience in programming, then this will turn out for you additional problems and financial costs.

Today, tablet computers are produced by many manufacturers, including modern market you can find hundreds various models these devices. True, in addition to a similar design, most tablets have one more common feature, namely the operating room Android system. This OS is the most accessible for manufacturers, which is why it has gained such popularity. Apart from accessibility, Android OS has many other advantages.

Let's imagine a situation - you are the owner of a tablet running on Android OS, but at one not very wonderful moment your device stops turning on. What to do if the tablet does not turn on?

Causes of failure and their solution

There are several reasons why the tablet may not turn on:

  • The battery is completely discharged;
  • Software problems and problems with Android OS;
  • Mechanical damage to the device.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Low battery

What to do if the tablet is dead and won’t turn on? This is the simplest case and the problem of turning on is solved quite quickly - just put the device on charge and give it 10-20 minutes for the battery to gain the minimum charge to start. If the device does not charge, take a different charger as this may be the problem. After the tablet has charged a little, it will be able to turn on.

Software problems

Failures can be caused by various factors:

  • Virus and malware;
  • Low-quality programs that can harm the OS;
  • When you try to install your OS firmware.

If the tablet turns off and does not turn on, the easiest way to solve the problem is Hard Reset. This action will return the tablet to factory settings, and all installed programs and user files will be deleted. Before doing a Hard Reset, you need to remove the memory card and SIM card (if installed) from the device.

Hard Reset is made from special system menu, which can be called up by simultaneously pressing the volume up (or down) button and the device’s power button. Each tablet model may have its own combination.

You can also reinstall the OS or restore it using a computer if it has special software from the developer (not all manufacturers have it and these programs may be individual for each tablet model).

Mechanical damage

If the tablet shows no signs of life at all, there may have been mechanical damage. The tablet will not turn on normally if:

  • The battery is damaged;
  • The video adapter is damaged;
  • The device's motherboard itself is damaged;
  • There is mechanical damage to the screen.

Availability of some mechanical damage It's quite easy to determine. For example, if the tablet screen does not turn on, but the charging indicators are lit, the melody that plays when turned on is played, or the tablet vibrates, the screen or video adapter is damaged.

If the tablet does not turn on after charging and Hard Reset cannot be done, then the problem is in the battery or motherboard devices. IN in this case The best solution is to contact a service center (especially if the warranty period has not yet expired). If you are not technically savvy and do not know the device tablet computer, do not attempt to disassemble it yourself.

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