Why did Wii stop working? Solving WiFi problems

A Wi-Fi router is a useful device that relieves the user of the need to be literally tied to the Internet by wire. According to numerous experiments, the signal range of an average power router reaches 100 meters indoors, and 300 meters outdoors. Once configured, a wireless router does not require any additional maintenance, it is extremely easy to use, but, like any technical device, it is not immune to failures and breakdowns.

Examples when a seemingly correctly configured router does not distribute Wi-Fi are not that uncommon. In this case, the network status, depending on the nature of the problem, can be “No Internet access” or “Restricted”, although a scenario in which the network is detected by the system, but there is no actual connection or large traffic losses are observed, is also possible. In this article we will try to figure out why the router does not distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi, and at the same time we will see what can be done in this or that case.

Temporary failure of the router

If the router works day and night, its operation may sooner or later fail, so the very first thing to do if the router stops distributing the Internet is to turn it off, wait a few minutes, and then turn it on again.

Rebooting the router can also help the device (computer or tablet) detect the network if it is suddenly not detected when the device is turned on. Users of devices connected to one or another wireless network often encounter this problem.

Problems on the provider side

If rebooting doesn't help, the next thing to check is whether there are any restrictions from your internet service provider. It is likely that there was an accident somewhere on the server, the backbone cable was damaged, unplanned maintenance work is being carried out, and you will delve into the settings and be at a loss as to why the router does not distribute Wi-Fi. Call your provider's technical service number and make sure that the problem is not on their side, and only then look for the source of the problem on your own.

Hardware faults

At the next stage, we check the serviceability of the equipment - cables and router. If the power light does not light, the power cord or power supply may be damaged. We check the condition of the cables in the house (apartment) and outside it, and see if the plugs fit tightly in the sockets. Many modern routers have hardware power on/off and Wi-Fi distribution buttons.

It often happens that someone at home picked up the router and accidentally pressed one of these buttons. This point also needs to be checked. The wireless network indicator deserves special attention. If the Wi-Fi icon on your router is not lit, this could indicate several problems.

  • Breakdown in the distribution system. You can’t do anything here yourself, you need to call a specialist.
  • There is a problem with the router software. It can be eliminated by rebooting, adjusting or resetting the settings, or, in extreme cases, flashing the firmware.
  • The Wi-Fi sharing button is disabled. In this case, the router does not distribute Wi-Fi, but the Internet is available and you can connect to it through the router via cable. If a cable connection is only possible directly, without a router, this may indicate either a breakdown of the device or a failure in its settings.

Incorrect Wi-Fi settings

Incorrect router settings are most often indicated by a lit but not blinking Wi-Fi indicator, as well as a change in its color from green to orange or red. The problem is resolved by correctly configuring the network settings. This procedure is somewhat different in different router models, although the principles are the same. If you have never configured routers before, it is best to entrust this task to a specialist called to your home; at a minimum, you can check whether the wireless network is enabled in the device settings.

To enter the router settings, connect it to your PC via cable, go to or in any browser and log in with your login/password (admin/admin by default). In TP-Link routers, for example, you need to go to the “Wireless” section and check whether the “Enable Wireless Router Radio” item is checked. The checkbox “Enable SSID broadcasting” must also be checked, otherwise devices will not be able to see the network. In other models, the setting may be located in a different place (look for the Wireless network or WLAN section).

A very interesting case is when a laptop sees the network, but a smartphone or tablet does not. It turns out that the router does not distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi only to mobile devices. Owners of smartphones and tablets brought from the United States sometimes have to face this problem. The reason for this is the discrepancy between the channel selected in the router settings and the settings specified in the firmware of the mobile device. The problem is usually solved by manually selecting the channel, 1st or 6th.

Incorrect network adapter settings

If Wi-Fi does not work on the router, this does not always mean that the problem is hidden in the router. It is quite possible that the settings on the receiving device - a computer, laptop or tablet - have gone wrong; in any case, it won’t hurt to check the configuration of the wireless adapter. Open with command ncpa.cpl network connections, go to the properties of your wireless network, in the list of parameters on the “Network” tab, find the item IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and double-click on it.

In the properties window that opens, set to obtain the IP address and DNS server address in automatic mode. If automation is already set, try manually setting the DNS address (Google) or (Yandex). You can also set the address of any other alternative DNS server, which is not difficult to find on the Internet.


Hello friends! Wi-Fi Internet is no surprise to anyone now; it is available in almost every office, store, cafe and is actively appearing in homes. A large selection of routers and their low price only contribute to such an active installation of wireless access points. Almost everyone can afford to buy a router and install it at home, because it is very convenient and not expensive.

And if routers have become very popular, then the question of setting up, connecting, breaking, etc. of these same routers has become relevant. If I have already written a lot of articles on connection, settings and various errors, which you can read in the “ “ category, today I want to talk about the most popular failures of Wi-Fi routers and give some tips that will help you fix the device, or simply determine reason.

There are a lot of comments left on this site about various problems with routers. And very often the cause of some error is not the settings (as many people think), namely technical problems in the router itself (in the hardware).

Today I want to talk about problems that appear unexpectedly. Like this? Well, the router worked great, distributed Wi-Fi, made everyone happy :), and then it stopped working. It doesn’t matter how it stopped working completely, or simply not how it should work. The main thing is that it used to work well and stopped working on its own (You haven't changed any settings).

It’s just that the problems that appear during the first setup of the router most likely arise due to incorrect settings.

The router does not respond to connection to the power grid

I'm sorry, but your router is most likely completely dead. On every router (well, or almost every one) There are performance indicators.

And if these indenters do not light up when you connect the device to a socket, then this is very bad.

What can be done?

Well, first check if there is a power off button on the router. There is such a button on the TP-LINK TL-MR3220:

If the button is on, then you need to check the power supply, it may be the problem. Typically, power supplies burn out more often than the routers themselves. Perhaps your neighbors have the same router, run and ask for a couple of minutes.

If the device still does not work, return it under warranty. And if there is no warranty, then it is better to throw it away and buy a new one than to send it for paid repairs. Although, you can take it to a workshop, perhaps the repair will not cost very much.

Why does this happen?

For many reasons. There may be a manufacturing defect, but most likely the router burned out due to unstable voltage in the network, a thunderstorm, or moisture. If possible, connect the router through a voltage stabilizer. Well, or just turn it off when you see that there is going to be a thunderstorm.

This was the most severe case, now let's look at milder breakdowns.

The router has stopped working and does not provide internet access

If a problem suddenly arises with Wi-Fi, for example, all devices stop connecting to the router, there is a connection, but the Internet does not work, etc. then do not rush to throw your router out the window :).

First you need to find out that the problem is really with the router, and not with the device you are trying to connect. How? Just try connecting another device (laptop, tablet, phone). If only one device does not connect, then the problem is most likely in it. Well, you understand what I mean.

The problem is in the router, what needs to be checked and how to solve the problem?

  1. Don’t rush to immediately go into the router settings and change something there right away. Otherwise you set it up in such a way that it definitely won’t work. Believe me, I’m not just writing this :).
  2. Reboot your router. Restart your computer (phone, tablet).
  3. Call your provider and ask if there are any problems on their end. Explain your problem to them. Perhaps the Internet is not working due to problems with the provider’s equipment.
  4. Check whether your Internet is paid for and whether it is active (You can also ask your provider for this).
  5. Check all connections. Internet cable that connects to the router. It is advisable to check this cable outside the apartment (house). Perhaps your cable was simply cut. On purpose or by accident - this happens.
  6. Look at the router case, maybe there are some interesting buttons that someone accidentally switched. For example, there may be a button to disable the Wi-Fi module. If you click it, devices will not see your wireless network.
  7. Go to the router settings and see if the settings have been lost. This may happen and the Internet will not work. Especially, check the WAN tab, where the settings from the provider are. If they fail, set them up again. Here is an article for you as an example
  8. Try changing the channel in the router settings. Here is a detailed article. How might this affect strange Wi-Fi problems? Perhaps your neighbors have installed a router and more than one, I will introduce neighbors above, below, on the sides. And just all the channels (or the one you are on) busy. That's when problems begin that are even difficult to explain.

Have you tried everything and nothing helps?

Then, I advise you to send the router for repair, again under warranty. And if there is no warranty, then pay for repairs, or buy a new one. Before doing this, you can ask a friend who understands this matter (if there is one) so that he can look at the router, settings and connection.

Real case. My TP-LINK TL-MR3220 router worked great for several months. Then, suddenly it stopped detecting the 3G modem connection. I connected different modems, the modem gets power, but it does not appear in the control panel. I tried everything, even the special firmware that TP-LINK support sent me - it didn’t help. You can read more in the article.

What I mean is that if a technical problem occurs in the router (something will burn out there), this does not mean that it simply will not turn on. It may work, but it won't work as intended. And it can take a very long and painful time to configure, flash, check, etc.

Don't suffer. You paid money for this device. Call support from the router manufacturer and explain the problem to them. I'm sure no one will give you better advice than them.

If support cannot help over the phone, they will advise you to apply for warranty coverage (if there is one). And then it’s up to you to decide whether to go for repairs or buy a new device.

Best wishes!

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Why did the Internet stop working via the Wi-Fi router? Major router failures updated: August 9, 2013 by: admin

Modern society can no longer imagine life without a computer, mobile phone and, of course, the Internet, which allows you to communicate with friends at any distance, find absolutely any information and entertaining multimedia.

Using a router allows you to connect heterogeneous networks of heterogeneous structures and architectures, which make decisions about sending data between different sections of the network, based on information about the type of network connection and rules set by the administrator.

For stable and uninterrupted operation of the router, it must be pre-configured, however, if after successfully completed steps the router still messes up the settings, you need to check again that the devices are connected correctly.

Most Wi-Fi equipment settings that are required for normal operation and access to the wireless Internet include setting up a local network connection, updating outdated firmware, setting the IP address and DNS.

Connecting a router

Depending on the brand and model of the device, routers connect differently. It is also necessary to take into account that every year manufacturers update the web interface.

The appearance of the devices of all models has a similar design and configuration: a cardboard box containing a router, network cable and power adapter. The front part of the device displays indicators indicating the behavior of the router and the operation of its interfaces.

On the rear panel there are usually network connectors, the number of which varies depending on the manufacturer and model.

To connect your computer to the router you need to:

  1. insert the network JACK into the router, and insert the other end of the network cable into the network connector on the computer;
  2. then connect power to the router by inserting the power adapter into the appropriate connector;
  3. Next, you need to turn on the computer and go to the control and administration panel.

Login to the admin panel

After turning on the computer, you need to wait until the power indicator on the router stops blinking.

Then perform a series of operations:

  • open any browser, enter in the address field;
  • if the attempt is unsuccessful (the registration window does not open), it is recommended to automatically assign an IP address and DNS server;
  • After a successful operation, the administrator panel will appear.

Full customizationwifiequipment includes three stages:

  1. changing local network parameters;
  2. wifi setup;
  3. creating an Internet connection.

A detailed description of the settings in these sections will be presented in the sections below.

Video: setting up the TP-Link TL-WR743ND router

What to do if the router settings are lost

During normal operation of the router, the router settings remain the same. The computer and network card settings are lost.

To save Internet users from headaches when making settings for a wireless Internet connection in the event of frequent failures (for example, a power outage), the button in the “Systemsetup” admin panel will come to the rescue, and then go to “Setting Management”.

Photo: Setting-Management tab from ASUS WL-500G

The “Setting Management” menu item allows you to export normally adjusted settings for your router, and then, if various types of errors, malfunctions and conflicts occur, import the settings. The function is quite useful, since many who like to tinker with their computer settings can accidentally reset the router to factory settings.

Factory reset and firmware update

Before setting the router parameters, you should install the latest firmware version, this will avoid any malfunctions.

To do this you need:

  1. perform a factory reset. This step is performed by holding the “RESET” paperclip on the switched-on router for 15 seconds;
  2. connect a personal computer to a wired network;
  3. make sure that the connection between devices is not interrupted during installation;
  4. update the firmware via the web interface:

After installing the latest firmware version for the router, you should configure it again, based on the instructions for the initial installation of the router. Also, if the settings were exported, you can import them.

Setting up Internet settings

In order to set up a local connection over the network, you need to perform the following operations:

MAC address

The router address is divided into two parts:

  1. MAK address of the router;
  2. IP address.

A MAC address is the address of the router, which is indicated on the box of the purchased equipment or on the bottom cover of the router itself. The address is indicated for any device capable of connecting to the Internet.

Internet users will need to use a MAC address to change it to the address assigned by service provider administrators when connecting.


WAN - Wide Area Network, is a connection for the operation of critical functions, made in the form of a connector on the router body into which a cable laid by the provider is inserted.

Typically, such a connector is labeled on the case and painted blue. To configure WAN in routers on TP-LINK models, the item is simply called “Internet”.

WAN is responsible for the parameters that provide routers with the ability to connect to the Internet.

Dynamic IP address

Providing a dynamic IP address by your provider allows you to perform the simplest and most trouble-free router setup, because When turning on the PC, the user will not need to additionally configure VPN and PPPoE.

Photo: WAN tab setting IP address

PPPoE connection

Mandatory setup of a high-speed PPPoE connection is necessary if the provider has assigned a static IP address to the user's computer.

To set up a high-speed connection>PPPoE on TPLink routers you will need:

  • select PPPoE;
  • enter the username and password assigned by the provider (usually specified in the contract);
  • to establish an unbreakable connection, check the “Automatic connection” checkbox;
  • be sure to save the settings;
  • wait for the “Connected” mark.

VPN connection

If after turning off the router the settings are lost, then the problem clearly lies in incorrect VPN connection settings or incorrectly specified addresses.

To configure VPN on TP_LINK routers (on most router models, the settings differ slightly) Go to the administration panel in the browser, then open “Network”, then find “MACclone”.

To create a connection using the L2TP protocol with a dynamically generated IP address on a bidirectional VPN router, you must select “L2TP/RussiaL2TP”. This will allow you to access the resources of your Internet provider.

Photo: tab - virtual server

Setting up a local network

To do this, you need to follow a few simple steps in the control panel:

If, under a concluded agreement, clients are provided with a static IP address, then enter the addresses specified in the agreement in the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway fields.

Wireless network and its security

With the development of IT technologies and the Internet, there is a need for additional network protection. It is generally accepted that the security of wireless networks is threatened by: network intrusion, traffic eavesdropping, as well as violation of the physical integrity of the network.

Wireless network security will improve:

Personal data of Internet users can often become available to third parties through an illegally intercepted network signal. Such actions may also lead to identity theft and other malicious acts.

For creating WEP encryption, you need to go to the control panel and select the item:

This topic provides an overview of the most common settings for providing a personal computer with access to the Internet using a router.

If you experience constant problems connecting to the Internet, there may also be a problem not only with the router settings, but also with failures of the network adapter or router.

On many routers, the settings are lost after disconnecting it from the network. Follow the settings specified in the article, and with a 90% probability the router should work.

Almost any router has two or more ports for connecting clients using a cable. But in almost any home/apartment, wireless devices are in the lead in the user’s arsenal: tablets, smartphones, and even a laptop are more convenient to connect via WiFi, rather than dragging a cable across the entire apartment. Therefore, a situation in which the router stops distributing the Internet “over the air” is as catastrophic as an equipment failure on the provider’s side. And if, if the provider refuses, you can only rely on the efficiency of technical support, then you can easily cope with problems with your home router yourself. How to do this and restore wireless broadcasting in an apartment is the topic of today’s article.

No WiFi - who's to blame?

In a wireless network operating using the 802.11b/g/ (WiFi) protocol, the topology is built according to a “star” scheme, in the center of which there is a wireless router, and each “beam” is a communication channel of the client device (computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone) with router. Problems on either side of the channel will result in it not working.

In a home network, devices are connected to the router in a star configuration.

The first thing you need to figure out is where the problem is: on the router or client side. This is not difficult to do. If none of the network devices can connect to the WiFi network, the problem lies in the router. But if only one client cannot connect, it is obvious that the problem should be looked for in its equipment or settings. For example, metal bumpers, which were popular among iPhone owners, shielded the wifi antennas and telephone module by almost 75%, which in some conditions led to the complete loss of communication by the smartphone.

A metal protective case impairs the performance of the antennas built into the smartphone

The router does not distribute wi-fi: reasons and solutions

A household router is a device with a simple and user-friendly interface, which has both pros and cons. The positive thing is that, having brought a router from a store, an untrained user can configure it to work with their Internet provider in just a few mouse clicks. At the same time, inquisitive children, imagining themselves as hackers, can easily connect to the router’s web interface and, playing with the settings, render it inoperable. In a small office or cafe/restaurant, the situation is aggravated by the huge number of people who could potentially change the settings of an unsecured router.

I have been setting up network equipment for several decades now, both at home and for friends, relatives, and also at work. The first thing I do when connecting a new router is to change its password and login for accessing the control panel, which I recommend that you do as well. This way you eliminate 99% of problems that can occur with the router.

Be sure to change your router password after setting it up

Restarting the router

Excessive load on the router due to a large number of connected devices, interference in the cable coming from the Internet provider, or even voltage fluctuations in the network can lead to unstable operation of the router, disabling some of its interfaces, including the Wi-Fi module. The most reasonable way to resolve such an error would be to restart the router by turning it off.

Turning WiFi on/off using the switch on the router body

Younger models of routers are equipped very ascetically; the only buttons present are a reset button to factory settings. To restart the wireless communication module on them, you have to turn off the power to the router and turn it on again. Therefore, it is better not to save money and buy a device from the middle price segment, equipped with both quick connection (QSS) buttons and a wireless module switch. This switch is usually located on the back of the router, in close proximity to the WiFi antenna.

The wireless module switch is located next to the antenna

To restart the WiFi module, set its switch to the “off” position and wait 15-20 seconds, this will allow the router processor to restart the wireless module software. Then turn the switch to the "on" position. The WiFi module will restart and begin its work, which can be observed by the wireless network activity indicator on the front or top panel of the router.

The WiFi indicator will blink when accessing the router

Changing the WiFi channel on the router

When using a wireless router in an apartment building, you may encounter a situation where a large number of routers (after all, they are in almost every apartment) work simultaneously. What does this mean? The frequency range in which the WiFi transceiver module operates is divided into sections and channels. This is done so that two or more devices can not create interference when operating simultaneously. But the software for routers “for home and small business” does not have any automatic tools for analyzing the congestion of the frequency range. The channel is selected manually through the router's web interface. Therefore, out-of-the-box devices operate within the same channel, interfering with each other until the connection completely disappears due to errors.

A large number of simultaneously operating devices leads to a drop in the WiFi signal level

To select the least loaded channel and switch to it, use any WiFi analysis program, for example WiFi Analyzer running under Android OS.

  1. Install the program from the PlayMarket application store.

    Install the WiFi analyzer program on your smartphone

  2. Launch the program. In the main window, in graphical form, the utility will display all access points (routers) whose signal can be received from your apartment. The higher the graph of a point, the stronger its transmitter and the more it will “clog” your router’s signal. The screenshot shows that there are five routers operating on the air and the least loaded sections of the range - channels 1–3 and 12–14. Unfortunately, broadcasting on channels 12–14 is prohibited in the Russian Federation, Ukraine and a number of European countries, so you won’t be able to switch to them. Channels 1–3 remain, any of which is worth switching your router’s broadcasting to.

    Select the channel that has the fewest active devices or the lowest signal

  3. OpenWRT is a powerful and flexible firmware that allows you to control any settings of your router

  4. In the list of sections on the left side of the screen, select the Network section, and from there select WiFi.
  5. Click the blue Edit button to get to the wireless network parameters editing window.

    Go to wireless settings to select a different WiFi channel

  6. From the Operation frequency channel drop-down list, select the desired channel number and apply the settings by clicking the Save&Apply button in the lower right corner of the screen.

    Depending on regional settings, you can select from 11 to 14 WiFi channels

  7. Everything is ready: your router is switched to the least loaded channel and WiFi will now work without errors or interruptions.

About a year ago, a young and aggressive Internet provider burst into our market. He accompanied the connection of users with the free installation of a WiFi router, which led to extremely sad consequences: from my apartment I could receive up to 10–15 simultaneously operating neighbor routers. It is clear that there could be no talk of any stable work in such conditions. And changing channels did not help, since there were more physical devices than available channels. The problem was solved only by purchasing and installing a router of a new AC standard operating in the 5 GHz frequency range. The bulk of inexpensive routers operate in the 2.4 GHz band and now cannot interfere with my network.

A router operating in the 5 GHz band will not respond to interference from the simpler routers of your neighbors

Resetting settings and reconfiguring the router again

In “extremely hard to find” situations, when someone has done a fair amount of digging in the router’s settings, but no one admits it, and therefore it is not possible to find out what and where they changed, the best algorithm for restoring the functionality of a home wifi network would be to completely reset the router to factory settings and its subsequent configuration. This will take 10–15 minutes and will save a lot of nerve cells.

  1. Power on the router and wait 2-3 minutes for it to boot normally.
  2. Find the Reset button on the back of the router. It is usually located next to the network adapter socket. The button is recessed inside the case to avoid erroneous pressing.

    Reset to factory settings by simply pressing a hidden button

  3. Using a toothpick or straightened paper clip, press the reset button without turning off the power to the router. Hold the button down for 3 to 5 seconds and then release. The indicators on the router panel will go out for a few seconds and it will begin the reboot process.
  4. In the address bar of your Internet browser, enter the address to access the router's web interface.

    In the router's web interface you can make all connection settings

  5. In the Network section, go to the WAN item and configure the connection to the Internet provider: connection type, login (user name) and password.

    Set up a connection to your Internet provider

  6. In the Wireless section, go to the Wireless Setting item, where you configure the name of the WiFi network and the channel on which the wireless module of your router will operate. We discussed above how to choose the optimal channel for work.

    Enter the name of your wireless network and select the least crowded channel

  7. In the Wireless Security item, configure the encryption type and password for accessing the wireless network. Use WPA2 encryption type and a fairly complex password - 10–15 characters with a combination of lowercase and uppercase letters, as well as numbers. This will be reliable protection from neighboring “hackers” - lovers of free Internet.

    A long password for accessing a wireless network makes it difficult for homegrown hackers to hack it.

  8. After making sure that the connection to the provider and the wireless network are working, save a backup copy of the settings to a file so that in the future you can simply restore the router settings from it. To do this, go to the System Tool section and select Backup&Restore. By clicking the Backup button, enter the name of the settings file and select the path to save it.

    Make a backup copy of your settings so you can simply restore from it next time

Depending on the router manufacturer, the reset button may have several functions: reset/disable wifi/switch to emergency recovery mode. Depending on how long you hold the button down, the corresponding function is activated. Be sure to check this point in the instruction manual before attempting to reset the router to factory settings.

Video: setting up a TP-LINK router

Fixing problems with wi-fi on the client device

Problems with client hardware can cause your wireless network to malfunction, even if your router is working fine. Incorrectly configured network adapter addresses, software glitches, outdated driver versions - all this can lead to a disconnection of the wireless channel.

How to check to restart the wireless network adapter on a laptop or PC

On a laptop, restarting (turning on and off) the wireless interface is quite simple - for this there is both a keyboard combination and a special switch on the case. The key combination works without installing drivers or even loading the operating system.

On most laptops, you can turn the wireless adapter on and off using a simple slide switch

You can restart the wireless network adapter on a desktop computer either by removing it from the USB connector, or through the network connections window if the adapter is stationary and mounted in the case.

Checking wireless adapter drivers and installing them

Most WiFi controllers built into motherboards or integrated into laptops are supported by the operating system out of the box - no drivers need to be installed, they are already present in the distribution and will be updated automatically, along with the operating system.

An external adapter with a powerful removable antenna will provide reliable communication in difficult operating conditions

But if you decide to use an external adapter with a USB interface to increase the speed or operating range, you cannot do without installing drivers. This is not difficult to do.

  1. Download the latest version of the adapter software from the manufacturer's website. Make sure that the driver is designed specifically for your version and bitness of the operating system.

    Download the current version of drivers from the technical support section of the adapter manufacturer's website

  2. In the Device Manager window, make sure the driver has installed successfully and the network adapter is working.

    Wireless adapter drivers installed successfully

Using an external adapter with a removable antenna greatly helped me set up a wireless network between two houses in a cottage town, where one router provided wireless Internet to several homeowners. The laptop's built-in network card couldn't even establish a connection with the router, but an external adapter with a powerful removable antenna worked quickly and without failures.

Checking your wireless network adapter settings

Almost any router also works as a DHCP server, that is, it distributes IP addresses to client devices. Addresses are issued from the range specified in the router settings. For this mechanism to work correctly, you must configure the network adapter to automatically obtain a TCP/IP address and DNS server address. On portable devices such as tablets and smartphones, automatic receipt of addresses is enabled by default and you have to try hard to switch the network interface to manual mode. On computers running Windows, you may encounter a situation where the network adapter is assigned a static (permanent) address. This may lead to a conflict with another device on the network that receives the address automatically. The result will be loss of access to the WiFi network (and the Internet too) on both devices.

To prevent such an error from occurring, you need to check the properties of the wireless adapter and switch (if necessary) it to automatically obtain addresses.

  1. Right-click the “Start” button and select “Network Connections” from the user menu.

    Calling network connections from the user menu

  2. In the network connections window, select the desired adapter and use the right mouse button to open its properties.

    TCP/IP protocol is the main conductor of a wireless network

  3. Configure to automatically obtain the network address and DNS server address and click OK.

    Automatic receipt of addresses is set

All problems associated with the operation of a wireless network are fairly easy to diagnose and fix. At the same time, the operation of such equipment in apartment buildings will always lead to a decrease in speed due to interference caused by neighbors’ devices. If maximum speed and no delays in data transfer are important to you, try to connect stationary devices (computer, laptop, smart TV) to the router using a cable. This will relieve the frequency range and your other wireless devices will work faster.

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