Why can't memory be read. Error “Memory cannot be Read or Written” in PUBG: causes of failure and solutions to the problem

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Hello, dear users! In today’s article, I suggest you consider the most likely causes associated with an error in reading the memory of personal computers. In general, by and large, it should be noted that a memory reading error can be caused by various errors and therefore, to eliminate the occurrence of such an error, as a rule, it is necessary to perform a number of specific actions that will eliminate the error that has arisen associated with reading memory.

Due to their professional responsibilities, users often ask me the question: Memory cannot bereadhow to fix? It is in this article that I would like to outline for you a number of the basic steps that helped me eliminate the cause of the memory reading error. However, I will tell you that in some cases it was not always possible to successfully resolve the error associated with reading memory using the steps outlined in this article, but in most cases, of course, this problem can be eliminated without resorting to reinstalling Windows.

So, the appearance of an error of this kind: “Memory cannot be read” is due to the fact that a certain program or application is trying to access some pages of memory (in other words, trying to read something or write something), access to which was initially denied this program. That is, this is a software error. The operating system, in turn, detects this whole thing and accordingly blocks this program, thereby generating a memory read error. Below is a screenshot of this same error.

In principle, we can say that the appearance of such an error does not pose a direct threat to the entire operating system, but this does not tell us that errors of this type can simply be safely ignored and further work on the computer can continue. The system only notifies the user that a particular program does not quite correctly manage the memory provided to it and goes beyond the limited area. In many cases, such an error occurs due to programs that are not licensed or that made errors in the code during the process of writing the program, which in turn cause crashes, freezes, and errors in the computer.

Memory cannot be read, how to fix it? Ways to fix the error!

So, let's say an error keeps appearing on your computer: and what exactly is the reason for its occurrence. Let's find out what methods can successfully resolve this error in most cases. I will give only those methods (methods) thanks to which I managed to completely get rid of this annoying error.

First, I advise you to clean your computer of all kinds of rubbish and impurities; you will learn how to do this from the article:

Data Prevention Service (DEP ) . First, a few words about what kind of service this is. Data Prevention Service is a set of software and hardware technologies that monitor how programs use memory. In simple words, it controls access to the memory of any program. If, for example, you are working in a specific program, and while working, a window with the text “The program has stopped working” suddenly appears, then you are offered two options for solving this problem. In Windows 7, the error appears as the following window.

As a result, of course, the program will close and any unsaved work will be lost. If you've ever encountered a similar error, I think you understand what I'm talking about.

And the reason for everything is precisely the incorrect operation of the program you were working with; a little earlier I already spoke about the reasons for the incorrect operation of such programs. So the question arises: is it possible to somehow eliminate such a problem? It is disabling the data prevention service that allows you to prevent the error from occurring. However, based on my practical skills, I must tell you that disabling DEP does not always allow you to achieve the desired result. For a more complete understanding of the DEP service, I suggest you consider the basic operations that this service allows you to perform.

So, first we need to know how to get to the DEP service itself and where is it located? It is important to know that all actions you perform must be performed as an administrator.

In order to open the DEP service window, you will need to perform the following steps:

For Windows 7:

Start => Control Panel => System and Security => System => Advanced system settings.

Then in the window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab and select the “Performance” section, in which you will need to click on “Options”.

In the window that opens, we see that the DEP service can be set for an individual program, or for all programs, applications, or you can simply disable this service altogether.

It should be noted that by default the service is enabled for main programs; for example, we should disable DEP only for a specific program. To do this, set the switch as shown in the figure below and click the “Add” button.

In my example, I specified the executable file of the Double GIS 2.0 program and clicked “Apply” and “OK”. You will need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. If you need to enable DEP for a program in the future, simply uncheck the box next to the program that you want to include under the DEP service.

Finally, click “Apply” and restart your computer.

Now it's time to consider how you can disable DEP. To do this, we will use the command line. Click "Start" and enter "cmd" in the search bar.

Then right-click on “cmd” and select “Run as administrator” from the menu that appears.

Now in the window that opens, in the appropriate line you will need to enter the following command bcdedit.exe /set (current) nx AlwaysOff

Then press “Enter” and restart your computer. Thus, after a reboot, the DEP command will be inactive, that is, disabled. In order for the DEP service to become active again, you will need to enable it. To do this, you will need to open the command line again and enter the following command:

bcdedit.exe /set (current) nx OptIn

Then you will need to press “Enter” and restart the computer.

How to disable DEP service in Windows XP?

For Windows XP, we will disable the DEP service in the following way:

First, go to the system properties and in the “Advanced” tab, go to the “Options” section, as shown in the figure below.

In the next window you should click “Edit”

If the above operations did not help solve the problem with the error: Memory cannot bereadhow to fix and get rid of it in other ways? Let's look at some other methods.

— System libraryole. dll

The opinion of many experienced users is that the installation or removal of certain programs may not occur entirely correctly, as a result of which all this is displayed when accessing the system library. To correct errors in the system library itself, you will need to specify a special command.

To do this, in the “Run” command line you will need to enter the command regsvr32 %SystemRoot%\system32\ole32.dll, press “Enter” and restart the computer.

— Software conflict

It is possible that one program interferes with the normal operation of another program, resulting in the “Memory cannot be read” error. Theoretically, it is believed that the more different programs are installed on your computer, the greater the likelihood that the “Memory cannot be read” error will appear.

It should also be noted that the operating system is cluttered; if, let’s say, various programs and applications are regularly installed and uninstalled on your computer, then in this case it would be more advisable to clean the operating system of undeleted files.

There are often situations when, when installing games or programs, users incorrectly indicate the path for installing programs; therefore, in the future, this may cause the error “Memory cannot be read” or an incorrectly installed program will interfere with the normal functioning of another program.

In one of my previous articles, I already said that there are utilities that are designed to clean the system registry, startup, and the entire computer as a whole from unnecessary files; one of such programs is the CCleaner program. You can read more about how to use this program .

- Error reporting

Any errors that occur in the operating system are usually generated in a so-called report. You can try to disable error reporting in Windows 7, or if you have a version of Windows XP installed, then disabling error reporting will not be a problem in it either.

You can disable error reporting in Windows 7 by following the following thread:

Start => Control Panel => System and Security => Action Center. After this, you should select the “Options” section.

If this section is not displayed, click on “Maintenance” to open additional error reporting options. Ultimately, the window shown in the figure below will open:

Here you just need to select “Do not check for new solutions”, click “OK” and restart the computer.

For Windows XP:

Start => Control Panel => System => Advanced => Error Report. Next, you will need to check the “Disable error reporting” box and do not forget to uncheck the “But notify about critical errors” box.

Now you should click “OK” and restart your computer.

- Swap file.

Errors when working on a computer may occur if the optimal size of the paging file is not set on your computer. It often happens that a notification of such a nature as “Virtual memory is running out” appears; you must agree that not every novice user is able to independently figure out what the problem is and how to add this virtual memory. In general, I wrote a separate article about the paging file, in which I described in detail what value should be set for a certain amount of RAM, and what types of memory there are. So don’t be lazy and read the article:

Since I’m talking about computer memory, I want to add that one of the reasons for the “Memory cannot be read” error may be a mismatch between programs or games and the computer configuration. For example, you want to install a game on your computer that requires 1 GB of RAM, but in your case you have one stick of RAM installed with only 512 MB.

— The operating system version is not genuine;

Errors may occur due to a non-licensed version of Windows. Today, the various existing pirated builds of operating systems have a high probability that you will constantly have to reinstall Windows. After all, such broken versions of operating systems themselves contain errors in the code, which in turn reduce the computer’s protection from virus attacks and there is little chance that your data will remain intact and safe even in the event of an internal system failure.

In general, of course, I would say that if errors appear in the system, first perform a full scan of your computer for viruses, because it is quite possible that the conflict could be caused by some recently installed Trojan program.

So, what should you do if the tips described above did not help get rid of the “Memory cannot be read” error. In this case, you will need to check the hard drive for errors and also defragment the disk. If you don’t know how to do this, then I recommend reading my articles:

If the error continues to appear, then the next step is to reinstall the operating system and then format the system partition. After all, the reason for the error may be hidden in the operating system assembly itself. And an assembly, as you know, is a system in which the interface of the operating system differs from the actual one, that is, its modification does not meet the requirements of Windows, hence the change in some system files, and besides, the drivers included in such an assembly do not always correspond to the hardware.

Concluding today’s article, I would also like to say that not every user can afford to install a licensed operating system. Therefore, if you install a non-original version of Windows on your computer, with the hope that your computer will work even better, faster, then be prepared for the fact that such an assembly may soon appear with the appearance of possible errors and computer freezes.

Have you ever encountered the error: Memory cannot be read, how did you manage to fix it? Maybe you know your own methods for eliminating such an error that were not voiced by me in this article, I will be glad to hear from you in the comments.

P.S =>>> So, as for today’s article, I told you and now I would like to name the best commentator of the past month, who left the most comments on the blog, it was Denis ( [email protected]). Denis, send me your WMR wallet number, I will transfer you a cash prize.

That's all for today! See you all in the article =>

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So, for today, that’s actually all I wanted to tell you about in today’s episode. I can only hope that you found interesting and useful information in this article. Well, I, in turn, am waiting for your questions, wishes or suggestions regarding this article or the entire site as a whole

Many users, while working on Windows NT x.x systems, encountered the error Memory cannot be read or Memory cannot be written.
A fairly common misconception cited as an explanation for this error is a physical malfunction of the RAM. This version is professed even by experienced specialists, and all as a result of a reluctance to understand the problem, because if you carefully examine it, the version turns out to be simply ridiculous. Stop for a moment and think: what consequences could an error in a memory cell have?
1. BSOD (blue screen)
2. System hangs
3. Spontaneous reboot
4. Incorrect performance of functions (actually, an error in data exchange)

The Memory cannot be read/written error occurs when an application accesses a memory address space that is not allowed for it. The information window appears as a result of detection of this fact by the Windows memory manager.
Consequently, this error can only appear as a result of a faulty memory module, while its systematic occurrence is unlikely, because the above-described cataclysms will most likely occur. To completely rule out the unlikely version of faulty RAM, test it with any of the memory testing programs. It would be correct to use DOS programs, because in protected mode systems our old friend, the memory manager, will not allow us to carry out a full test.

Next, we begin to understand the most common causes of the error.
The most common of these is the DEP service. Open System Properties, Go to the Advanced tab, Select Performance, Options. In the Performance Options dialog, go to the Data Execution Prevention tab.

Set the switch to Enable DEP only for basic Windows programs and services. Confirm your choice with the Apply button.
It should be noted that it is impossible to completely disable the DEP service through the window interface, so if necessary, you should edit the boot.ini file located in the root of the system disk. Find the line that has /noexecute=optin and replace it with /noexecute=AlwaysOff.
Make sure your system has an appropriate swap file for your tasks. It is a mistaken belief that with a large amount of RAM it is possible to work with the paging file disabled. The problems that arise in this case will be of such a difficult to diagnose, esoteric nature. Even if your system has more than one hard drive, and you, according to the recommendations, placed the paging file on another disk that does not contain the system, on the partition where Windows is installed there must be a file with a size no less than the total size of the registry files.
The error may occur if you have a multi-core processor. A separate article should be devoted to solving this problem, so let’s just mention this fact.
Unregistering the ole32.dll library can also lead to this unpleasant phenomenon. Just in case, re-register by typing a line like regsvr32 %SystemRoot%\system32\ole32.dll in the command line or in the Start program dialog called from the Start menu.

Make sure that the paths containing program files and processing data do not contain unreadable characters. The most common reason is programs from foreign developers that do not understand the Cyrillic alphabet. In this case, it will help to install the program in a directory located at the root of the disk with a short (no more than 8 characters) name that does not contain spaces. This advice will also be useful if the installers fail. Quite often, they do not work when launched from the Desktop and My Documents folders.
Disable Error Reporting.

This may seem unusual, but there have been cases where this function provoked the described phenomenon.
If the described recommendations did not help you, all that remains is to look for patterns between the manifestation of the problem and the software installed on the computer. It is likely that conflicts are causing the error. We advise you to pay close attention to firewalls, antiviruses, HIPS, and system utilities for optimizing disk space and memory.
If, despite the appearance of a warning window, the program’s performance is not affected, you can simply disable the Dr. Watson debugger built into Windows. To do this, use Regedit to delete the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug
Preventive advice. Windows is quite a complex OS. Frequent installation and removal of programs, replacement of system libraries with third-party ones, and incorrect operation of installers can lead to difficult-to-fix errors. Keep your system clean, do not install programs whose necessity is questionable, and the system will delight you with long-term stable operation.

The situation is not uncommon: you downloaded some program or game, it installed normally, but when you try to launch it (when minimizing/maximizing/closing), a nasty window appears with a nasty error. And no matter how much you reboot, it won’t help.

Reason 1. Virus.
First, check your computer for viruses. Antivirus is a useful thing, and do not forget to update it. You can use the online scanner Dr. Web.

Reason 2. Drivers.
Update drivers for video and audio cards, motherboard and DirectX. If you remember the computer configuration, there will be no problems. Most manufacturers' websites have an online scanner that checks the configuration and provides the required drivers. So you are required to remember at least the name. If your memory fails you and disassembling the processor is a chore, use some program. For example, .
National Driver Search Engine
If all drivers are updated, the problem may still be in them. Let's come back to this later.

Reason 3: DEP Service (boot.ini)
Option 1. Right-click on My Computer, go to Properties, select the Advanced tab, in the Performance column click the Options button, go to the Data Execution Prevention tab. Check the box next to Enable DEP for all services and programs except those selected below. Click the Add button and select the .exe file of the installed program or game.
Option 2. Open notepad and write the following text there:
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional RU" /noexecute=AlwaysOff /fastdetect
Note! after WINDOW= your OS version should be indicated (you can check it in the Properties of My Computer), RU - accordingly, the system language.
Save a file called boot.ini in the C:\WINDOWS folder. If such a file already exists, agree to the replacement. In the original, instead of AlwaysOff, optin is written. Restart your computer.
This method works in about 20% of cases.

Reason 4: Software conflict
Simply put, one program interferes with another. We eliminate:
1. Try booting into Safe Mode. If the program runs normally in it, then the culprit of the problem is launched from the OS.
Note! Booting into Safe Mode does not load video drivers, so you won't be able to test games in it. If you need to test a program that uses the Internet, then choose not the usual Safe mode, but one with network support.
2. First, clean the autostart. You can use Auslogics Boost Speed ​​for this.
3. Close all programs, antivirus, firewall. (The most common sins are Dr. Web, Norton and Kaspersky)
4. The same problem can occur on a cluttered computer, i.e. if programs and drivers were often installed. Remove unused programs and clean the registry. If the OS has been installed for a long time, it is recommended to reinstall the system with formatting.

Reason 5. Debugger Dr. Watson
Dr. Watson is a Windows application designed to find software errors. To disable it, open the registry (Start -> Run, type regedit) and expand the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion branch. Find AeDebug, right-click on it and select Uninstall. But keep in mind that this action does not claim to solve the memory reading error; it can only remove the error message itself.

Reason 6. Installation path
Always install games and programs in folders only with English names. There shouldn't be any Russian letters there! Games are often installed in the folders C:\Program Files\Developer_Name\Publisher_Name\Localizer_Name\Main_Folder_Name... Shorten it to C:\Program Files\Main_Folder_Name! Also, oddly enough, sometimes deleting the program and installing it on another local drive helps.

Reason 7. Accessing the system library
This error may be due to a problem accessing the system library ole32.dll, which could be corrupted or unregistered (for example, when installing/uninstalling other programs). To fix this possible cause, go to Start, select Run and enter regsvr32 %SystemRoot%\system32\ole32.dll in the line. Click OK.

Cause 8: Attempting to submit an error report
Go to My Computer Properties, on the Advanced tab, click on Error Reporting and select Disable Error Reporting.

Reason 9. Multi-core processor
If you have a multi-core processor (Duo, Triple, Quad, Xeon, etc.) (see right-click on My Computer -> Properties -> Hardware -> Device Manager -> Processors - how many cores, how many processors will be indicated .), problems may arise even with new games. The operating system tries to evenly distribute the load between the cores, which can cause various types of errors.
If you have an AMD processor, try downloading and installing the latest driver (http://www.amd.com/ru-ru/)
If you have an Intel processor, then the driver will not help here.
Download and install the small free program CPU Control and set it to CPU 1 mode (see the picture on the program download site).
Important! If CPU-Control did not help you, then set it to Auto, close it and delete it.

Reason 10. Page file
In My Computer Properties, select Advanced, and in the Performance column, click the Settings button. A new window will open. In it you also need to select Advanced at the top and click the Change button at the bottom. Select the drive on which you want to place the paging file. Check the Special size box. It is advisable to set the minimum and maximum volumes to be the same. Before exiting, you must click the Set button. Reducing/disabling the page file will require a reboot. When increasing/enabling the page file, a reboot is usually not necessary.
Recommended values ​​for the size of the paging file depending on the amount of RAM on the computer itself:
512 MB RAM = 1536 MB swap file
1024 MB RAM = 1024 MB swap file
1536 MB RAM = 512 MB swap file
2048 MB RAM = 256 MB for swap file or 0 MB altogether

Reason 11. RAM
Despite the fact that this error occurs when accessing RAM, it itself is rarely the cause of this malfunction. Possible options: modules from different manufacturers (can be checked via Auslogics Boost Speed), modules of different sizes (for example, one 1024 MB and 2 512 MB), memory overheating (a very rare case, can be solved by opening the processor cover).

Reason 12. Faulty power supply
Unlikely, but possible. You can only check by connecting another unit to the computer - a newer and more powerful one.

Reason 13. Memory timings
The most difficult case. Beginners should not interfere. Read more

If all the above methods do not help, there is only one thing left:
We reinstall Windows with formatting the local disk, install only drivers for video and audio cards and problematic software. If it doesn’t work, then the problem is in the hardware. If it works, we install drivers and programs one by one, launching the program after each installation. If the error reappears, it will be clear who is to blame. If the error does not appear at all, it means that the problem was most likely due to clutter in Windows.
If we are talking about a game, then install additional drivers/DirectX/codecs. In general, everything that is required to launch it. Usually this software comes with the game and starts automatically, or is located in the Drivers folder.

In addition to the built-in Defender antivirus, Windows 8.1 has other threat protection mechanisms. One of them is called Data Execution Prevention or for short DEP . It is a set of technologies that prevent program code from running from those areas of RAM that are not executable in Windows.

However, in some cases DEP may cause errors when launching some applications and games.

DEP monitors changes in RAM and if it detects that a certain program is using it incorrectly, it immediately blocks this program, and the user receives a message "Data Execution Prevention" or “The instruction at address accessed the memory at address ***. Memory cannot be read (write)". There are several ways to solve this problem.

If an error appears "for no reason", that is, you have not installed any programs before, have not changed system settings, etc., it makes sense to check your computer for viruses with at least one third-party anti-virus scanner. DEP itself does not prevent malware from entering your computer, but only registers suspicious changes in memory.

A data execution prevention error can also occur due to system file corruption. Scan the system with the sfc /scannow command and make sure that the integrity of Windows files is not compromised.

If the error appears after installing a new application or occurs when starting a specific program, most likely the reason lies in the incorrect operation of the latter. The solution may be to uninstall, reinstall or switch to a different version of the application, as well as disable DEP for the entire system or specific programs.

Disabling DEP completely

To disable DEP, open a command prompt as an administrator and run the following command:

bcdedit.exe /set (current) nx AlwaysOff

For the changes to take effect, restart your computer. After this error "...Memory cannot be read" must disappear. To enable DEP, use the same command, but with the parameter Always On .

Disabling DEP for specific programs

Completely disabling data execution prevention should only be used in extreme cases; a more reasonable solution is to disable DEP for specific conflicting programs. To do this, in the Control Panel, select System -> -> Additionally -> Settings (Performance).

During its operation, the software interacts with almost all computer components. The processor, hard drive, RAM, network card and other components perform the actions specified in the program. If you see the error message “Memory cannot be READ” on your screen. How to fix? is the first question that arises. Let's figure out what went wrong.

Memory cannot be read how to fix - where does this error come from and how to fix it

A read error occurs when a program tries to access an area of ​​RAM that is not accessible to it (read data from this area), while the Windows operating system blocks it and informs the user with a similar error “memory cannot be stored.” read". The reasons why this happens may be the following:

  • viral infection;
  • errors in the program;
  • problems with Windows;
  • RAM damage;

Memory cannot be read - fixing the problem

  • Let's start with the simplest thing - an anti-virus scan, download some DrWEB or Kaspersky anti-virus scanner and run a full scan. Very often, a virus infecting a computer changes program files or system files, as a result of which they may not function correctly, which will lead to “cannot be read”. Once the scan is complete, if threats are found and removed, try to reproduce the “cannot be read” error to see if it has been fixed or not.

  • Incorrect operation of the program can lead to a similar result, why did the program begin to work incorrectly? Another Windows update, the program is not compatible with the current version of the operating system, etc. Make sure that you are using the latest version of the program and that it is compatible with the installed operating system. To correct for a date when everything was still working.
  • Using memory testing programs, for example, check the RAM and, preferably, the hard drive for errors - with Victoria or another program. If problems are found with these devices, you will have to replace them with new ones to correct the situation.

  • As a temporary measure, until you find the cause of the error, you can disable the Data Execution Prevention (DEP) service. Select "Properties" by right-clicking on the "My Computer" icon, in the next window - "Advanced system settings" - on the "Advanced" tab in the "Performance" section, click "Options..." and select the "Data Execution Prevention" tab. Add the program that causes the error to the exceptions.

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