Why is there no automatic connection to the network? Auto internet connection

Almost every user sooner or later wonders how to enable automatic connection To Internet Windows 7.

This instruction is intended to answer all possible questions related to this topic. We hope you find it useful.

All actions, examples and screenshots in this material are relevant for Windows 7, as it remains the most popular today. But most of the operations, taking into account minor amendments, are also applicable to Windows 8 and 10.

Why start the Internet automatically

This setting greatly simplifies the process of using your PC. Precious time is not wasted on unnecessary actions. Plus, there are often situations when a person can miss important messages or letters for a rather annoying reason - I forgot about the Internet when I turned on the computer.

Of course, installing a router will solve all these problems. The advantage of this solution is that after this not only desktop devices, but also other mobile gadgets will be merged into single network. All logins, passwords and other information are recorded in the memory of the router itself. In this case, even when changing a PC, most often there is no need to change anything.

Creation methods

There are many installation options. Still, the seventh and subsequent versions of the OS have a lot of different settings that allow you to adapt them to the most popular requirements.

Of course, everyone decides for themselves which method to choose. The user proceeds from his requests and capabilities. Also, a lot depends on the update version and installed software. These factors can also influence the choice of option. But in any case, any of the methods listed below will work for you.

Video: Setting up automatic connection

Using Network Connections

Before starting all actions, check that your names are written with Latin letters. In any case, it is undesirable to use the Cyrillic alphabet in everything related to network settings. It’s better to fix everything right away and rename it than to later wonder why something doesn’t function as it should.

To check, open Network and Sharing Center shared access" Next – “Changing adapter parameters”. To rename the desired connection, click on it twice, but with some interval.

All actions assume that you have already created a working connection.

If not yet, then the following steps will be useful to you:

  1. go to the “Network and Sharing Center”;

  2. click on “Set up a new connection and network”, select “Internet connection” and “High-speed (with PPPoE)”;
  3. enter the login and password received from the provider;
  4. after that, choose the method you need and proceed to action.
  5. The easiest way to automate the connection process is a shortcut in startup. Everything is clear here - create a shortcut and move it to the appropriate folder, which can be found in Start. But still, for full-fledged work, it is recommended to try other options.
  6. File with extension .bat

    It’s quite easy and quick to set up everything using a special bat file placed in “Startup”, which will perform all the actions for automatic connection.

    For this:

    Write the name of your file in any Latin letters without spaces and change its extension to “.bat”. You should end up with something like "internet_autostart.bat".

    If you cannot change the extension, then follow these steps:

    Please note that if you search for this folder manually, some of your names may be translated into Russian and, accordingly, look slightly different.

    You need to move your bat file here. Be sure to reboot and check if this method works. If something doesn't work, then simply delete the file and try another option. The fact is that it does not work on all computers.

    Network Sharing Center

    Using only the “Network Sharing Center” you can achieve the desired result, but with one caveat. In this case, the computer will connect only at the moment when an application requests it. But, as practice shows, this suits the average user quite well.

    So, go to “Change adapter settings” and open the properties of our connection. In the “Dialing Options” we put only one checkbox – “Request name, password, certificate, etc.”, and uncheck the rest.

    Then it is advisable to make the following changes:

    Some time after the reboot, a window will pop up asking you to select the desired action. Check the “Connect automatically” checkbox here. And the problem should be solved. If you want more advanced methods, then read on.

    Setting up an automatic Internet connection in Windows 7 with Task Scheduler

    Before creating a task in the scheduler:

    Actually, after this you can move on to the next step - open the “Task Scheduler”.

    You can do this in two ways:

    That's basically it. Try restarting your computer. If you did everything correctly, the computer will connect automatically.

    Autorun using Registry Editor

    Alternatively, you can set up an automatic Internet connection in Windows 7 through the registry.

    To start:

    We hope that in this article you found the information you were looking for. In fact, there is nothing complicated here; even a novice user can easily figure it out.

    Do not miss a single point, read carefully all the notes and comments, and then the result of your work will please you without errors or failures for a long time.

At the request of one of the site visitors, I am writing this article. It concerns those of us who have not yet bought a router and connect to the Internet on a computer. Although nowadays, with phones and tablets with Wi-Fi, I believe that it is much easier and more convenient to have Wi-Fi router and have an automatic connection to the Internet on it. But situations are different, and we will not go into details.

So, in fact, we have an Internet connection through technologies such as VPN, L2TP, PPPoe (This can also be used if you). And we want the connection to occur in automatic mode when the computer starts even before the user logs in. In principle, there is nothing complicated yet, so let’s move on to the instructions. In general, I think that now it’s easier to buy a router (from Ogo.ru, Mvideo or Tekhnosila, since the choice of prices allows you to choose an affordable model) and shift the responsibility for connecting to the Internet to it. For some time now I have preferred TP-Link and this moment I use it exactly. A router is convenient because it allows you to connect any device with Wi-Fi to the network (phones, smartphones, laptops, tablets).

1) We need the Internet connection name to be on English language. Rename it or set the correct name when creating the connection. I will use VPN.

2) This step applies to owners of Windows 7. Open the properties of the network connection, go to the “Settings” tab and uncheck the “Display connection progress”, “Prompt for name, password” and “Include Windows login domain”.

3) Next, open the scheduler Windows jobs. To do this, go to: Control Panel → “System and Security” group → “Administration” → “Task Scheduler” (or click Win+R and enter taskschd.msc ).

4) Select “Action” → “Create” simple task»:

5) The “Create a Simple Task Wizard” will open. Enter a custom name and description. Click next.

6) Place a dot next to “When the computer starts.” If desired, you can select “When you log on to Windows”, and the connection will be automatically created after logging in as a user.

7) Select “Run program”:

8) Now the fun part:
1) In the “Program or script” field, enter the program: C:\Windows\system32\rasdial.exe
rasdial.exe is a utility built into Windows for a very long time and is used to work with network connections.
2) In the “Add arguments” field, write a command in the following form:

*connection_name* *user_name* *password*

where “username and password” is the username and password provided by your ISP.
In my case it will look like this (the data is fictitious):

VPN qazxderfv zxcvnzx

9) Check the box next to “Open properties for this task after clicking the “Finish” button and click “Done”.

10) Switch the point to “Run for all users”. Check the box next to “Run with highest rights” and in the “Configure for:” section select our operating system. Click OK.

That’s it, now when you turn on the computer, the network connection should turn on on its own.

Alternative ways to enable automatic Internet start:

I. Using the program autorun function.

I believe that this article will not be complete if I do not add several alternative methods. And the first one will be about creating and using a BAT file.

1) So, first of all, of course, we need to create a BAT file that will connect to the Internet. To do this, create in an arbitrary place text file. And fill it with text in the following format:

Cd %systemroot%\system32 start rasdial *connection_name* *username* *password*

2) Rename the file to VPN_autostart.bat. In order to change the file extension, you need to enable their display in the folder properties. In Windows 7, press the button Alt in Explorer and select “Tools” - “Folder Options”. In Windows 8 and 8.1, switch to the “View” tab in Explorer, select “Options” - “Change folder and search options.” There, on the “View” tab, look for the item “Hide extensions for registered file types” and uncheck the box. Click OK.

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp"and copy the file into it.

That's it for the first time alternative way completed. It seems to be very simple, but for some reason it doesn’t always work.

II) Automatic start of the Internet through a registry entry.

The second alternative method is based on creating additional parameter to start the network connection.

1) Open the registry by pressing the key combination Win+R and entering regedit , in the window that opens.

2) Open the following thread if you want to enable autorun for all users on the computer:


If you want to enable autorun only for the current one, then you need this branch:


I will create for all users.

3) Create a new string parameter with the name StartVPN and give it the format value:

Rasdial *connection_name* *username* *password*

Let's not forget that VPN name connections should not contain Cyrillic characters. The next time you start your computer, your computer should automatically connect to the Internet.

III) Autostart the Internet by creating a new service.

This is another method that should automatically connect to the Internet before the user logs in.

Sc create startVPN start= auto binPath= "rasdial *connection_name* *username* *password*" DisplayName= "StartVPN" depend= lanmanworkstation obj= "NT AUTHORITY\LocalService"

This will create a new service that will run after all system services. In my case it will look like this:

Sc create startVPN start= auto binPath= "rasdial VPN qazxderfv zxcvnzx" DisplayName= "StartVPN" depend= lanmanworkstation obj= "NT AUTHORITY\LocalService"

In the console services.msc should appear new service, if it does not appear, check the command syntax.

Open the service properties and change the parameter Startup type on " Automatic (delayed start)»

And go to the “Recovery” tab. And switch all three action items to “Restart the service”.

Now the connection will be made after starting the computer with automatic reconnection in case of an error.

Many providers around the world offer their Internet services through the so-called high-speed PPPoE connection (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet). To connect to the Internet via PPPoE, ISPs usually give their customers a unique username and password, which are required to connect to their networks.

The disadvantage of PPPoE is that you have to manually start the connection every time you turn on the computer. This is an annoying inconvenience that many users would like to forget about once and for all. In this article, I will talk about the settings with which a computer with such a connection will connect to the Internet automatically during startup.

1. Launch the task scheduler

First of all, we need to launch the regular task scheduler. The simplest and quick way to do this is to use a window system search. Enter the first few letters key query, and then click on the "Task Scheduler" item in the search results.

In Windows 10, Task Scheduler can also be launched from the Start menu: All Applications\Administration ToolsWindows.

In the control panel it is located at the following path: Control Panel\System and Security\Administration.

Regardless of the chosen method, you will see the following window as a result:

2. Schedule automatic connection upon login

Now we need to schedule an automatic connection to the Internet every time we log in.

In the task scheduler window on the right, click “Create a simple task.”

In the task creation wizard window, enter a name for the task, for example, “Auto dial”. You can also enter a description, but this is not necessary. Click “Next”.

Next, we need to choose when exactly our task should be performed. Since our goal is for the PPPoE connection to automatically connect to the Internet every time we log in, we select “When I log on to Windows.” Click “Next”.

The penultimate stage of creating a task is choosing an action. We need the PPPoE connection to start automatically with Windows. Accordingly, select “Run program”. Click “Next”.

And now the most an important part process – setting up a script that will be executed automatically.

In order for the system to automatically connect to the Internet via PPPoE, you must enter the following information:

  • In the Program or Script field, enter the command rasdial.
  • The "Add arguments (optional)" field must contain the connection name (in quotes) and the username and password preceded by a hyphen. For example, let's say your PPPoE connection is called WWW, and to connect to it you use the username Ivan and password 123456 . In this case, you need to add the following arguments: " WWW"Ivan 123456.

Field " Work folder» leave blank.

On final stage you will see short description created task. Click “Finish”.

After closing the wizard, you will be returned to the main Task Scheduler window, where you will see that your task has been added to the list of other scheduled tasks.

3. Restart the computer and check

Finally, restart your computer to check the results of your actions. If all steps were completed correctly, the system should connect to the Internet automatically after rebooting. Please note that from now on, each time you log in, a console window will briefly appear on the screen, signaling that the connection process has started.

Have a great day!

2016-09-07 07 September 2016 Internet and networks 13 34293

Good afternoon, dear reader! If you don’t have a router that independently establishes a connection to the Internet (via PPPoE, L2TP, PPTP) and every time you turn on the computer you have to manually connect to the Internet, then you would probably like to make this ritual automatic. In this article we will figure out how to do this in Windows 10 using the Task Scheduler.

Step 1 - Launch Task Scheduler

And so to launch the task scheduler we will use search bar on the taskbar. To do this, enter “Task Scheduler” in the search field and in the search results you will see the application we need, as shown in Figure 1. Click on it to go to the next step.

Figure 1 - Launching the task scheduler

Step 2 - Create a task

If you did everything correctly, you will see a window as shown in Figure 2. And so, at this step you will need a login and password from your Internet provider, usually it is specified in the contract. And also the name of the connection through which you are currently connecting to the Internet.

Figure 2 - Task Scheduler

In the first step, specify the name of the task: in the name text box, enter a name, for example “Automatic connection to the Internet” and click next.

Figure 3 - Creating a simple task

After which, in the second step, we need to answer the wizard’s question, how often do we want to run the task? Here we select the item when logging into Windows, as shown in Figure 3. And again click on the next button.

Figure 4 - Trigger

And in the next step “Action”, select “Run the program” and click the next button.

Figure 5 - Action

The final step, in the "program or script" text box, enter the following:

For 32-bit systems


For x64-bit systems


Next, in the "Add arguments" field, enter: Connection_name Login Password. Enter the name of the connection through which you connect to the Internet, if it contains spaces, put it in quotes and, accordingly, then enter the login and password from your Internet provider separated by a space. as shown in Figure 6. Then click next and the button is done

Figure 6 - Launching the program


If you did everything correctly then when next switch on computer, a black window will appear on the screen for a few seconds, after which it will automatically connect to the Internet. It is worth noting, this method does not work when exiting sleep mode.

Today we will deal with the question, how to set up internet on a computer or laptop. As a rule, the Internet is set up by an employee of the provider at the moment when you enter into an agreement with him for the provision of services - after all, it is the correct way to world wide web is an indicator of the performance of this service. However, later when reinstalling Windows or purchase new computer Internet settings may go wrong, and here we will be faced with a dilemma - call technical support or do everything ourselves. In fact, this task is not at all difficult, so by reading this article to the end, you can save money more than once.

The most common type of connection is cable - they extend a wire into your apartment with a special LAN connector at the end, which is inserted into network card in a PC case. However, depending on the provider, there are several types of network connections. How to set up the Internet correctly and how to connect to worldwide network, must be indicated in the contract papers that were given to you when initial setup Internet employee. There are several of them - automatic IP, static IP, PPPoE, L2TP, with filtering by MAC address. Let's look at them in order.

Internet setup automatically

I called this type automatic, because if your provider connects you using this type, then you are lucky - you don’t have to configure anything at all. With it, the computer obtains an IP address on the network “by itself” - that is, we simply plug in an Ethernet cable and use the Internet. If it doesn’t work, then make sure that all configurations are reset - to do this, go to “Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Manage network connections > Change adapter settings”, click right click mouse on "Connect via local network" and go to "Properties > Internet Protocol version TCP/IP v.4". Here all values ​​should be set to “Automatic”, as in the picture

Connecting to the Internet on a computer with authorization

In this fairly common type, or rather types, because there are two of them, you will have to work a little and manually create a connection and enter your username and password to set up an Internet connection. If every time you access the Internet, you click on the desktop icon, a connection window opens in which you click on a button - this is your case.


PPPoE - connection to the provider’s servers occurs only using a login and password. If you suddenly reinstalled Windows, then to restore the ability to log out, do the following:

  1. Go to “Start > Control Panel”

  2. further in “Networks and Internet”

  3. and in the “Network and Sharing Center”

  4. Here somewhere on the page (in the left column for Windows 7 or in the main window in Windows 8 and 10) we see the menu item “Set up a connection or network” - click on it

  5. Here we select “Connect to the Internet” and click “Next”

  6. Select “High-speed (PPPoE)” and move on

  7. We enter the login and password issued by the provider - they are usually specified in the contract.

  8. After that, we return to the “Network Center” and find the “Change adapter settings” link in the menu - click on it.

  9. We find " High speed connection" - now it is in the "Disabled" state.

  10. Double-click on it and a login window will open. Click the “Connect” button and rejoice! For convenience, this “High-speed connection” can be dragged with the mouse to the “Desktop”, creating an icon with a quick link.


L2TP is another type of Internet setup with authorization. To activate it, we do everything the same as in the previous method, up to and including step No. 4.

Connecting a laptop to the Internet with a static IP

The next type will not ask you to enter your login and password and click on the icons to connect each time, but it does require manual entry IP address settings for connecting to the provider’s equipment. For settings, we go through the chain “Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Manage network connections > Change adapter settings”, right-click on “Local Area Connection” and go to “Properties > Protocol” Internet version TCP/IP v.4".

And enter into the IP address and DNS server fields the values ​​provided by the provider.

Filtering by MAC address

And finally, the provider can apply filtering by MAC address to any of the above types. This means that you can connect to the Internet only on the computer that is registered with the provider. Insert the cable into another one and the internet will disappear. This problem usually appears at the moment when you bought a new computer (or network card), brought it home, but the Internet does not work. To be honest, I don’t even understand why some of our “friends” do such garbage, but if this is the case, then you can only activate network access by calling the support service and saying that you bought a new PC.

That’s all for today - I’m sure that you now know exactly how to connect the Internet to your computer and can 100% do it yourself!

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