Why is linkedin not working? The easiest way to bypass LinkedIn blocking on your smartphone

“War cannot be avoided, it can only be postponed - to the benefit of your enemy” Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527).

Small disposition:

According to Alexa, LinkedIn is one of the top 20 most popular sites in the world.

In June 2016, LinkedIn Corporation was acquired by Microsoft Corporation for $26.2 billion.

Core team remained to manage and develop LinkedIn.

Based on the results of the published joint plans LinkedIn is expected to be deeply integrated with Microsoft's other business-first products and will become an even more powerful ecosystem for the business world that has no analogues yet.

As soon as rumors about a possible blocking of Linkedin began to appear, they began to write to me and ask: what to do, how this will affect work and where the data will go.

You need to correctly understand that blocking involves closing access in Russia at the provider level, and nothing will happen to the data itself. The account will remain as it was. Hence the joke that Linkedin will be blocked, but the spam from it will remain. For some users, the application continued to work normally even after being blocked.

The blocking itself can be bypassed, for example, using anonymizers, as well as using a VPN, for example in Opera browser. To do this you need to download latest version browser (it has a built-in VPN), then in the settings, turn on the checkbox next to the word VPN in the “security” section.

For more advanced users you can use Tor browser, but it may not be safe for beginners.

Extensions for Google Chrome, for example, how to bypass the blocking of the rutracker site.

Sales and networking via Linkedin

I expect that some Russian companies and LinkedIn users in Russia will stop using the service due to the fact that they either do not know how to bypass the blocking or do not want to spend time and effort on solving this problem. Before this, the social network was not as popular in Russian companies as, for example, in the USA, Europe, Australia and a number of Asian countries. And now, due to the blocking, there will be even fewer Linked users.

On the one hand, this increases the value of employees who continue to use LinkedIn despite the blocking. What the Vedomosti newspaper wrote about, for example, the following phrase: “A new sign of a good specialist has already appeared - how often he updates his profile on LinkedIn after being blocked,” in fact, really determines the temperament of candidates, especially in the IT field. After all, bypassing the blocking is not difficult.

Moreover, if we are talking about selling services for foreign partners in Russia and the CIS, about networking and selling services, for example, then using LinkedIn will become even more valuable and will generate more income for those who continue to use it. Also, I assume that the cost of information, as well as the cost of attracting customers, may seriously increase due to reduced competition within the country.

A little about the internal economy

The Titanic is sinking - that's a fact - and it is not yet clear how much longer it will sink and when it will reach the bottom. It is not clear how likely it is that it will not sink or that it will be raised, but that’s how it is for now.

With the overall local economy shrinking, LinkedIn's ban will hit companies that operate real businesses that aren't tied to government budgets or grants even harder. Accordingly, they will need a channel (rather, channels) where they can receive orders from the real sector, especially from those countries where money is abundant (again, the USA, some European countries, China, Singapore and others).

To put it simply, in Russia money is an expensive resource. Many companies (especially small ones) have an acute shortage of them. Due to the blocking of LinkedIn, the ease of obtaining finance, simple loans and attracting investments, including foreign ones, into Russian business has sharply decreased.

Those who will not stop working on LinkedIn or other similar resources - people, companies, but will continue to develop this area, continue to work and attract companies where “cheap money”, their value in the vastness of Russian business will increase sharply, due to greater demand and decrease in competition. The value of knowing how to work with this tool will be very high. Such specialists, if the blockade is not lifted in the near future, will become akin to the cool tops from global corporations. And companies that use LinkedIn will maintain their positions or even rise.

That is, it remains, in essence, to decide whether to adopt “Link” or not. And if you take it, then choose specialists in this topic, invest in them, choose a strategy of behavior and forward to conquering the world! Well, or at least conquering the Forbes list.

I recently wrote a post about possible blocking, in which I decided to express my opinion about the blocking of LinkedIn to the Presidential Adviser on Internet Development German Klimenko, who was one of my friends. At first he left my post on his page, but then apparently he was somehow “pressured” and he deleted both the post and himself from my contact list. This is roughly how the dialogue between entrepreneurs, experts and government officials is taking place now.

Apparently the guys don’t quite understand what LinkedIn is, what kind of resource it is and how much such blocking affects the prestige of Russia. Perhaps they also do not understand that both Russians and Russian companies We spent a lot of money on promoting personal and corporate accounts, again, to bring our Russian business to the international level, and with access to international financial instruments.

And the reason is that LinkedIn does not comply with the requirements of Russian legislation to store personal data of users in Russia. Although, both Facebook and Twitter also ignored this requirement. There is clearly a dual approach.

I believe that German Klimenko and, in general, experts on the development of the Internet in Russia could look into the issue and prove that this will negatively affect many areas of business and (I dare say) the Russian economy as a whole.

Also, the active participation of Olga Golodets, Deputy Prime Minister, is strange Russian Federation, and her persistent promotion of the Rostrud portal. She recommended that everyone dissatisfied with the blocking of LinkedIn look for work through the “Work in Russia” vacancy database. Meanwhile, although LinkedIn helps you find a job, this is only 10% of its capabilities. After all, LinkedIn is not a job exchange.

LinkedIn is an international network that can hardly be replaced by a local social network or job exchange. It’s the same as leaving international relations and working only with rubles. This is a kind of “iron curtain”. But then let’s refuse, for example, Apple and Microsoft products and replace them with what?! Weak? And from foreign cars?!

It may sound naive, but it is stupid to refuse quality products without worthy analogues.

Of course, many in our country depend on state money and budgets, tenders, and free enterprise is becoming less and less, only the most nimble survive. So they are still trying to knock out one of the effective ways receiving and attracting live clients and money for free business.

Therefore, I recommend that specialists use the blocking bypass with full moral justification. And companies that want to receive large international contracts should hire experts, agencies and continue to take advantage of the LinkedIn network.

Founder of the smart solutions agency S4, evangelist of networking and business network LinkedIn

By the evening of November 17, many people lost access to the network. This morning LinkedIn sent out an official letter to its users “ Important information! The decision of the government of the Russian Federation to block access to LinkedIn Important Info: Russian Federation’s Decision to Block LinkedIn,” which, in particular, promised to return money to users of paid services:

If you purchased access to one of LinkedIn's services but can no longer use it due to government blocking access to our platform, please contact us at [email protected] to receive a refund Money in proportion to unused time.

By the way, LinkedIn does not believe that there are any violations on its part:

We deeply regret this decision, as a result of which our members will not be able to use LinkedIn network For business communication and searching for new economic opportunities in Russia. Also We believe that our activities are in line with local current legislation , and on this moment we consider everything possible ways resolution of the situation and our options further actions. We contacted the appropriate federal service, Roskomnadzor, with a proposal to meet to discuss the request for the transfer of personal data.

Users of blocked services in Russia have already accumulated enough experience in bypassing these blockings, and you can find many relevant recipes and recommendations on the Internet. In general, the overall literacy of users, due to the actions of the Russian authorities, can be said to have increased significantly.

One of the simplest options, especially for the average user, is to gain access to a blocked LinkedIn, including through the official mobile app, is the use Opera VPN .

The application is available for both iOS (Opera VPN - Unlimited VPN with ad blocking) and for Android (Opera VPN - Unlimited VPN). It’s easy to install, has a minimum of settings, and the bonus is that it blocks ads and trackers.

From a technical point of view, everything is simple - in fact, the user will access the Internet through one of the platforms in any of 5 countries to choose from. All services that are not blocked in these countries will thus become available.

It is not necessary to keep Opera VPN turned on all the time (and even more likely, it is not advisable), especially since some users complain about the inaccessibility of, for example, some banking services.

Selecting the desired notifications in the LinkedIn settings e-mail and turning on Opera VPN before launching LinkedIn is a completely working option, especially if you are not the most active user of this social network =)

What should you do if LinkedIn is blocked in Russia? We share with you simple life hacks that will help you bypass the blocking.

Let us recall that on November 10, the Moscow City Court recognized as legal the decision to block the recruiting site LinkedIn in Russia. LinkedIn is currently negotiating with Roskomnadzor and there is a high probability that they will come to an agreement in the near future. LinkedIn is owned by Microsoft. And it plans to integrate LinkedIn into its products. Products Microsoft is in demand for Russian market, which means it will be unprofitable for the company to block LinkedIn, and it may try to speed up the elimination of the reasons for the blocking using LinkedIn employees.

Therefore, let’s hope that even if LinkedIn is blocked, it will be for 1-2 months, and this will not affect the relevance of these candidates. Access to LinkedIn will always be possible bypassing blocking, and our " Magic button" to import resumes from work sites and social networks into FriendWork Recruiter will work.

Therefore, do not worry ahead of time, look at our tips.

1. Use the Opera browser

In our opinion, this is the simplest, safest and universal method open blocked sites in Russia. The browser has a built-in free VPN, you just need to activate it.

  • We go to the browser settings.
  • Check the Enable VPN checkbox in the Security section.
  • IN address bar A button will appear, by clicking which you can configure VPN settings, enable or disable the function, and view data usage statistics.

2. Install the Tor browser

Another a simple, secure and universal way to open blocked sites in Russia. In the Tor browser, our “Magic Button” for importing candidates will also work, since the browser is based on Mozilla Firefox, for which we have an extension.

  • Click Download Tor.
  • Select Russian language.
  • Download and install following the instructions.

3. Install the extension for Chrome - TunnelBear

If you are used to working in Chrome and do not want to use another browser, then you can simply install this extension. TunnelBear is free to use, but is limited to 500 Mb of data per month. There are other extensions, but they are inconvenient, paid, and sometimes even unsafe, so we recommend using this one.

  • Click “Install”, then “Install extension” again.
  • Register and start using ;).

3. Export contacts from LinkedIn

  • Go to your profile on LinkedIn. Click on “Network”, then select “LinkedIn Contacts”.
  • At the bottom right under the contacts table, click on “Export contacts”.
  • Select the format in which contacts will be exported. It's better to choose " Microsoft Outlook(CSV file)".
  • We go through the security check and save the document with contacts to our computer.

Ready! Your LinkedIn contacts are now on your computer. There is only one point here - the table will have a problem with displaying contacts whose first name, last name or position is written in Russian in their profile. At the time of writing, all Russian-language words are replaced with unreadable characters.

4. Alerts and messages from you will still be sent to candidates by email.

Use your favorite option to bypass LinkedIn blocking and send InMail, regular messages to candidates. They will be sent to them by mail. Moreover, candidates will also be able to respond to you by mail, without going to LinkedIn. The truth is that not everyone knows about this, so it is better to add your contacts at the end of the letter for prompt feedback.

On November 17, 2016, many Internet users had their access to LinkedIn blocked, after which the social network sent out an official letter “Russian Federation’s Decision to Block LinkedIn” to its users. Due to the blocking, the company's management promised all users who do not have access to the resource to return their money.

If you purchased access to one of LinkedIn's services but can no longer use it due to government blocking access to our platform, please contact us at [email protected] to receive a refund in proportion to the unused time.

For violating the Russian law on storing user data. Roskomnadzor sent letters to LinkedIn representatives demanding information on the implementation of the law on database localization in Russia, but representatives of the social network did not respond to requests. In this regard, on November 17, the social network was completely blocked.

LinkedIn management does not believe that it violates any laws or the rights of others:

We deeply regret this decision, as a result of which our members will not be able to use the LinkedIn network for business communication and search for new economic opportunities in Russia. We also believe that our activities comply with local current legislation, and at the moment we are considering all possible ways to resolve the situation and options for our further actions. We contacted the relevant federal service, Roskomnadzor, with a proposal to meet to discuss the request for the transfer of personal data.

FriGate is a browser extension with which you can access blocked resources. A distinctive feature is that the work of the plugin is almost invisible. The speed when working with blocked resources is practically not reduced.


Anonymox is a browser extension very similar to FriGate, which also allows you to bypass blocking.

A simple and effective add-on that requires virtually no settings. Google Chrome, Opera and Mozilla Firefox are supported.

Tor Browser

Tor Browser is a ready-made browser that helps protect you from censorship on the Internet and traffic analysis by various intelligence agencies. This program is Firefox web browser, which integrates the Tor encryption system and requires a minimum of user actions to access a closed web resource

List of anonymizer sites









Unconventional use of Google and Yandex translation services

Simply enter the address of the desired site in the translation field and the site will open in the translator window.



One of the most simple option gaining access to a blocked LinkedIn, including through the official mobile application, is the use of Opera VPN. The application is available for iOS and Android.

FinExecutive Russia website 2019-03-10

4 most simple ways bypass LinkedIn blocking

Globally, the business social network LinkedIn is effective tool searching for jobs, employees and new business partners. If you have been using an account registered on this popular recruiting portal for a long time and want to maintain your network of professional contacts after restrictions are introduced, use our tips that will help you easily bypass all the restrictions.

In connection with the ban on the popular social network, thousands of Russian Internet users began to actively look for an opportunity to bypass the blocking of LinkedIn. It turned out to be not so difficult to access the site bypassing the blocking. We have selected several safe but very effective methods for you.

1. Browser installation. The functionality of some browsers allows you to change the VPN - virtual private network. You, as a user, do not need to understand the intricacies of the work. software. The main thing is that this connection allows you to continue using LinkedIn without being blocked.

    Opera. If you already have this browser installed on your computer, simply update it. Go to settings, turn on “Opera turbo” mode and check the box next to “Enable VPN”. An additional bonus Using this method of surfing the Internet is the ability to block unnecessary advertising and trackers.

    Yandex.Browser is a simple, functional and easy-to-use program that also has this capability.

    Tor Browser. This is another browser from the free category, which has an integrated encryption function. It ensures user anonymity through an extensive network of servers created by volunteers from different countries peace. The program helps protect against Internet censorship and traffic analysis by intelligence agencies. If you decide to use it in your work, we do not recommend that you adjust the settings.

2. Installing extensions on the browser. Use Google Chrome. This program has a rational interface, it is simple and convenient. In addition, it, like some other browsers, has many extensions available for encrypting web traffic that allow Russian users use LinkedIn. Bypassing the blocking is possible using:

  • ZenMate. The plugin designed for your browser (except for the version designed for Internet Explorer) can be downloaded for free from the ZenMate website.
  • TunnelBear It also allows users to access blocked sites without any effort. However, during the process of installing and activating it, your e-mail may be required. There is also a possibility that using a plugin will slow down your browser. In addition, at some point the application will want you to pay for further use, since the amount of free traffic is limited. But this extension is completely safe, unlike Hola, which sells the traffic of its users and allows you to access prohibited resources through the computer of other participants, which is why they have problems with the law.
  • Installation FriGate does not require registration. The extension works using dedicated proxy servers, so when working with blocked Internet resources, the loss of speed is minimized.
  • Anonymox. The functionality of this add-on has much in common with iGate. Installing the plugin also allows you to use LinkedIn bypassing the block.
  • Browsec is simple and efficient expansion, which requires virtually no settings. It is supported by Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera.

3. The use of anonymizers also allows you to hide your data from censorship on the Internet. You can go to one of these resources (for example, Ninjacloak, Hideme or Hidemyass), enter the address of the page you need on LinkedIn and view all the information you are interested in. In the program settings, you can even select the state through which your account will be used.

4. Connecting a page to KUKO .io allows you to post on LinkedIn on your own behalf without even going into this social network. To do this, connect your social media accounts to the service (Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.), then create and publish information blocks on all pages simultaneously, using just a couple of clicks.

If you want to make it difficult for strangers to track your visits, periodically clear your history in the browser menu of the same name. In addition, many programs are equipped with a special mode that also allows you to hide data. But do not forget that these measures are powerless when traffic is intercepted.

2024 gtavrl.ru.