Why the camera on iPhone 4 does not work. The front camera of the iPhone does not work

For recent years our world has changed dramatically. Many new things appeared that greatly affected him. One of these events is the emergence of the iPhone. It revolutionized the world of smartphones and remains an innovation to this day.

The iPhone is a full-fledged mini-computer that can handle almost any task. One of the most popular smartphone features that users use is photography.

Agree, previously the number of photos we took was negligible. Today, we increasingly use iPhones rather than cameras. According to online publications, iPhone camera considered the most popular in the world. And primarily for the reason that it is convenient to work with. You just need to take out the gadget, launch the camera from the unlock screen - and the smartphone can take pictures. Moreover, the quality of the photo is amazing.

Like many other smartphones, it can also malfunction. And one of the most common problems is that the front camera of the iPhone (iPhone) does not work. With such a problem, the owners, not knowing what to do, immediately go to service center. But it also happens that return normal work anterior camera you can do it yourself.

In general, there can be many reasons why the front camera on an iPhone fails. Although usually they all come down to moisture or mechanical damage.

So, why doesn't the front camera of the iPhone work?

You need to start by launching the Camera application. If the program does not work and there are malfunctions, then upon startup the system will display errors or a black screen. From this point on, you need to look for the reason for the malfunction.

  • Remember if your smartphone has fallen. If it was working properly before the fall, then the reason becomes clear.
  • Next you need to understand where it fell. It could be hard ceramic tiles, soft sofa or wet grass. Or maybe you dropped it in the restroom or bathtub?
  • If the front camera stops working as a result of falling into water, then you need to contact our APPLE-SAPPHIRE service center as soon as possible, otherwise it can lead to disastrous consequences.
  • If the smartphone did not fall, moisture did not penetrate into it, and you did not hit it, then the reason most likely lies in software glitch. The camera may stop working due to an unsuccessful flashing, update or jailbreak.

What to do if the front camera of the iPhone (iPhone) does not work

  1. Mechanical damage.

If your smartphone is damaged mechanically, then to fix the camera failure you will have to disassemble the device. After you disassemble it, you need to carefully examine the mounting location of the camera and the cables. This must be done to check the cause of the breakdown. Due to the fall, the cable that connects the microphone and camera to system board, may move away. As a result, there will be no power supplied to the microphone and camera.

The camera module must be reconnected again, and then the devices must be reassembled. Turn it on and check its operation. If the serviceability does not go away, then the problem is in the module. The user will have to completely replace it, since it is not collapsible.

If you do not have time to do this or confidence in your abilities, it is better to take your smartphone to our specialized APPLE-SAPPHIRE workshop. Our employees will repair your Apple device, and very soon it will again delight you with high-quality pictures.

  1. Moisture ingress.

Also, the front camera may stop working when moisture gets into the phone, which most often penetrates through the microphone hole. The repair methods here are unchanged: disassemble the device and replace the camera module.

  1. Software errors.

Among the number software errors It is worth highlighting the problems with the firmware. This can happen if the flashing or update was done unsuccessfully. Errors can also be generated by a jailbreak installed on a smartphone.

But that's only isolated cases. In fact, this happens extremely rarely. Similar problems happen if you update your gadget to a beta version of the firmware, and it has a lot of bugs. However, everything can be fixed by flashing the smartphone's firmware again.

We do not recommend trusting your iPhone to dubious repairmen, since repairing this modern technology will require special equipment and relevant knowledge. Therefore, if the front camera does not work on your iPhone, contact our company APPLE-SAPPHIRE, where your smartphone will fall into the hands of professionals.

Recently they brought me another “sick person” - the camera on the iPhone 5 completely stopped working. The Camera app loads but the viewfinder shows nothing at all. only a black screen is displayed. I tried other applications for working with the iPhone camera - the same thing: black screen. The Instagram client generally displays a message: “An UNKNOWN ERROR OCCURRED” or “Error launching the camera.” Rebooting the phone did not give any result, just like reinstalling applications for working with the camera.
Apparently, the problem is of a hardware nature, since it did not work with any program.

I began to carefully examine the phone for damage and noticed that when I pressed it, the camera moved slightly inside the phone. Now attention! I just lightly pressed my finger on it, finished examining the phone and launched the Camera application again. And, lo and behold, it worked!

But don’t rush to press the lens eye into the body of your iPhone if you have the same problem. Let's look at the reason first.

I am not a professional telephone technician, but I came to the following conclusion - apparently due to constant carrying in a trouser or jeans pocket in conditions of constant shaking, or as a result of a fall or strong impact of the device on a hard surface, most likely the cable on the camera came off. Perhaps it was initially, from the factory, not fully inserted. When you click on the camera iPhone cable fell into place and everything worked again.
After reading a bunch of forums and blogs, I realized that such a problem exists and there is only one solution - to disassemble the phone and put the cable back on. Of course, if you don’t have practical experience, it’s better not to take on this. You can simply break your iPhone. Therefore, it is better to take it to a service center. Yes, you will have to pay money, but an experienced master will already be working there. Remember - the miser pays twice!

If you have no experience in repairing mobile phones, but do have one, then the sequence of actions is as follows:
— Turn off the iPhone and disassemble the case.
— Disconnect and remove the battery.
— We find the camera. The cable is closed with a kind of lid, which is held on by several screws. After unscrewing them and using a plastic stick, you need to release the tabs of the plate from the grooves on the board. After removing the cover, you should see the cable.
— Very carefully press the cable so that it snaps into place if it is not fully connected:

This must be done very carefully, because pressing too hard will simply break off the connector.
After that, we put everything back together in reverse order and check the operation of the iPhone camera.

P.S. Of course, this is not the only possible problem, in which the camera on the iPhone does not work. But I came across such a case and told me my solution. If you have your own options, write in the comments and we’ll discuss.

The camera is one of those parts of the iPhone 4s that suffers more than others. Such a breakdown really spoils the mood. It deprives you of the opportunity to capture unforgettable and entertaining moments in life. But fortunately this problem can be solved.

Why might the camera stop working on the iPhone 4s?

There are several reasons why the camera on an iPhone 4s may stop working. All of these reasons are quite common. Here they are:

  • Software failure. IN in this case The camera fails after installation iPhone new applications.
  • The camera of the device was damaged due to a fall or impact. Light correction may not work here, or the colors may not match.
  • Water has entered the devices. The iPhone may not even allow you to enter the camera mode itself.

What to do if the camera on your iPhone 4s stops working?

If the cause of the breakdown is a software failure, then remove the unfortunate program and restart the iPhone. If the camera fails due to an impact or fall, then you need to either snap the camera cable or replace the damaged camera with a new one. If water gets in, you can try to dry the gadget. But here it is important to know how to properly assemble and disassemble such a device.

Who can help?

If all the above measures did not help your iPhone 4s, then there is only one way out - dial our company’s number and order the services of our specialist. For iPhone 4s rear camera repair, our price starts at RUR 1,500. To carry out such repairs, our specialist has everything you need: modern equipment, quality tools, branded parts, solid experience and knowledge. We will quickly fix everything, and you can continue to calmly enjoy all the delights of “mobile” life with iPhone 4s!

Hello! Just recently I had to update an iPhone 5S to iOS 10 for a friend and everything would have been fine, but... then I wouldn’t have written this article :) In general, the next day he came to me and literally said the following: “At Apple everyone is a scoundrel. They artificially make devices obsolete and force them to buy new ones. Look, after the update it stopped working for me rear camera(now a black screen is always shown there), and the flashlight does not turn on, it constantly writes about some kind of overheating, although the device is completely cold.”

I certainly can believe that Apple is somehow forced to buy its new gadgets (for example, by adding new features). But not as barbaric - simple update breaking cameras. Therefore, it was decided to try to correct this ailment and... it worked! How? I'll tell you now, let's go!

From the very beginning, it is worth noting that, regarding this problem, the rear camera and flashlight are dependent on each other. The camera will show a black screen and when you turn on the flash it will say “Flash is off. Before use iPhone flashes cooling is required." This is, so to speak, the main symptom.

So, first of all, I started searching and seeing what people wrote about this. It turns out that on the forum Apple has already There is a whole thread dedicated to this disease. And there will be enough such “lucky ones” (with the camera that won’t start after the update) for the whole town. True, it mostly talks about the iPhone 5, but the 5S, as well as other iOS gadgets, are also mentioned. Here are some tips and actions we were able to spy on - after following them, the camera started working again for some:

  1. Enable or disable power saving mode ().
  2. Switch cameras (from front to back) several times. Until the black screen disappears and it starts to turn on.
  3. Apply a little pressure in the area of ​​the camera (very carefully!).
  4. Close all applications that may be using the camera and try again.
  1. We do a hard reboot of the gadget. How?
  2. latest current firmware.

If this does not help, then you will have to climb inside the gadget. Here is a little advice - in the case when the device is under warranty, you should not do this yourself. . And remember that for PCT iPhone The warranty period in Russia is 2 years (and not one, as many people think) -.

If assembly and disassembly skills are not alien to you, then check and turn on and off:

  • Camera cable.
  • Battery.

Perhaps they simply moved away after a fall or other blow. If the phone has been restored unofficially, reassembled, or has undergone some kind of “makeshift” repair, then very often it can be noted that there is no special film on the cables that allows the cable to be securely fixed in the connector. And at the slightest fall, it simply falls out.

Even if everything is in place and it seems to you that they are installed tightly and completely, to solve the flash not working and the black screen when starting the camera, you need to pull them out and insert them. Yes, a simple reconnection is enough in most cases.

This worked in our case too - in the end it turned out that my friend’s phone fell several times and the camera cable simply came off.

It should be noted here that a friend bought an iPhone 5S on the market and who, how, and from what he assembled it - we naturally don’t know. In any case, if previous version iOS, this did not prevent the camera from starting normally, but after the update something went wrong and instead of the subject we saw a solid black screen.

I hope that you won’t end up disassembling the device and that you will be able to get the camera and flashlight to work differently, more in simple ways. Although there is nothing complicated in the last option, you just need to act carefully and not break anything else :)

P.S. There's another one secret way to solve the problem - put “like” and everything is “OK”!

For lately our world has changed dramatically. And the main place here belongs to the development of technical innovations. The appearance of the iPhone can be considered one of the most significant events in the world of mobile electronics. This device made a revolutionary breakthrough all over the world and set new quality standards for other manufacturers.

The iPhone is not even a phone, but a small computer that successfully copes with many tasks. But one of the most favorite functions of any owner of an iOS gadget is, of course, photography.

And if previously users did not really like this activity ( we're talking about about the times of the dominance of film cameras), then with the advent of the iPhone, carrying it has changed a lot. According to statistics, cameras on iOS devices are among the most popular in the world. And this is quite natural, since she usually high quality, and it's easy to use. All you have to do is pick up the device, open the camera directly from the display in one motion, and you can take pictures. The quality of the images is simply excellent.

If you use additional accessories, the camera of an Apple gadget can be turned into an almost professional one.

Despite the fact that this important element of an Apple smartphone, like all parts, is of very high quality, sometimes it can break. In this article we will talk in detail about the most common problems iPhone cameras. We will try to answer questions about why sometimes the camera in iOS gadgets does not work well or at all. different models iPhone.

If earlier, when any iPhone breakdown occurred, almost everyone immediately ran to a repair shop, but in recent years the situation has changed. On the forums regular users willingly share advice with each other. Moreover, sometimes recommendations are given not only regarding complex problems, but also about serious problems. Of course, this helps in many situations. And besides, it allows you to save money. But still, if possible, it is always better to take the gadget to a specialist for diagnostics. If you delay in eliminating a small malfunction, over time irreversible processes may occur inside the device. And then the repairs will be too expensive, or you will lose your phone altogether.

So, let’s move on directly to discussing the causes of camera breakdowns in iOS gadgets. In fact, there are a lot of them. However, the source of the problem is almost always mechanical damage. This could be a blow or liquid getting inside the case. Although the latest is the newest iPhone models not much of a concern, since many of them are equipped with moisture protection technology.

First of all you need to run standard application camera. If there is any problem, the element simply will not work. During the startup process, the user will only see a black display. An error may also pop up. And if this happens, you can start looking for the problem by taking the following steps:

1 Remember whether the device has been exposed to last days fall. If something like this happened, and the phone was working properly before the incident, then everything will immediately become clear. Let's run to the service center. 2 Next you need to figure out where exactly the gadget fell. After all, it could be a soft or hard surface, as well as a wet or dry environment. A lot depends on these factors. Knowing them, you can make at least a preliminary assumption about what kind of breakdown occurred. 3 If the device was dropped on a hard surface, there is most likely mechanical damage. 4 If the device fell into water (and especially lay for some time in a humid environment), it means that liquid ingress caused camera problems. 5 If nothing like the one described above happened to your iPhone, because you handle it very carefully, the source may lie in a software glitch. For example, the firmware or jailbreak operation was unsuccessful.

Mechanical damage

If the device has been dropped, especially from a decent height, it is necessary to disassemble the phone to diagnose camera problems. If you know a little about the topic, you can do it yourself, following the instructions, which are many on the Internet. But it is better to take the device to a workshop.

After disassembly, you should carefully examine the condition of the cables and camera mounting points. The cable may have become disconnected due to a blow to the housing. By the way, this is one of the most common reasons malfunctions. Because of this, power stops flowing to the microphone and the camera itself.

Next (after repair), reconnect the element module and reassemble the device. Turn on the gadget and check it. If the problem persists, the model itself is “to blame.” Here you just have to change it for a new one - nothing can be done. The module is a non-separable part. This simple procedure– no more difficult than disassembling the case. And a little advanced in technically the user can also do this independently.

But, we repeat once again that it is better to take the gadget to a specialist. The specialist will do high-quality diagnostics device and put it in order. And you will again enjoy great photography.

Take care of your iPhone and remember that any fall of the device does not pass without negative consequences.

If liquid gets inside...

The camera may stop performing its functions if liquid is spilled inside the device’s body. The gadget may fall into a bathtub or any other damp environment. For example, even falling into the grass with dew drops can cause damage. By the way, more vulnerable in this regard, due to the structural features, are later models of iOS devices (we are talking about the “five”). “Six” and older models have moisture protection technology. But still, they should be protected from moisture to avoid troubles.

As for the “five,” it has a microphone hole in the back of the body. Its function is to record sound when shooting video clips. It is clear that if such a device is dropped not even into water, but into wet grass, moisture will easily get inside through this hole.

There can be only one approach to correcting the situation here: disassembling the gadget and changing the camera module. Let us remind you that the user can do this himself at home or take the device to a repairman.

Remember that liquid ingress often leads to iPhone camera malfunctions.

Software errors

In more rare cases, the cause of an element's malfunction lies in the firmware. Failure to do so may cause the microphone or camera to stop working. Errors can also be generated by jailbreak.

But all of these are isolated situations compared to those described above (a fall or ingress of liquid). Most often, difficulties arise due to user negligence.

And if we go back to the firmware, this is where problems pop up more often than others when updating a gadget to the beta version, since there are a lot of bugs there. But the situation can be easily corrected. You just need to do a flashing.

Let us repeat once again that errors during the update operation extremely rarely cause the iPhone camera to malfunction.

These are all the main sources of problems with the camera of an iOS gadget. And the most important thing to correct the situation is to determine the exact cause of the breakdown, and only then begin repairs.

Yes, and don’t neglect prevention. Carry the device in good case or bumper. Do not take your device with you to the toilet or bathroom.

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