Why is the feed in Odnoklassniki not updated? News feed in Odnoklassniki

Feed - all friends’ events shown on your Odnoklassniki page, that is, any addition of a photo, new status, adding friends will not pass without a trace. The feed is shown on home page Your profile. To go to the event feed from another section, you need to click on the “Feed” button under your first and last name or click on the logo social network classmates, in the upper left corner.

For quick search, the feed has filters. You can choose to show only new events about photos, videos, notes, groups, new from friends - only events will be shown (adding friends, events in a group and in games will not be visible). All filters are shown at the top of the feed; filters that do not fit open if you click on the “more” button.

The numbers on your friends’ avatars in your feed show who has had events and how many since your last visit to your page. On the left side (where the group icon) is the total number of new events for all friends, then it shows which people have how many new events.

To select the events of only one friend, just click on this person’s avatar in the feed. If the right friend is not shown in the feed, you can search for it by clicking the arrow on the right side of the feed.

To go back to the events of all friends, click on the icon on the left side of the feed with a drawn image of several people.

If you need to constantly view the events of several specific friends, then it is more convenient to add them to favorites. To do this, click on the “favorites” section and then click on the little man icon with a plus sign.

In the window that appears, select the desired friends and right-click. Selected friends are marked with an asterisk on a green background; unselected friends are shown with an asterisk on a transparent background.

The window shows six avatars in a row if the right people no, scroll down with the mouse wheel, or move the mouse cursor over the side scroll, hold down the left key and drag it down. You can also use the search by friends to quickly find.

After selecting, simply close the window by clicking on the cross in the right top corner.

You can add to favorites by clicking on the icon in the feed, after which the events of only one friend are shown. At the top of the feed there is a line “add to favorites” with a white star. By clicking on this line, the friend is added to your favorites and the star turns orange. We remove from favorites in the same way - by clicking the mouse again, the friend is removed from favorites and the star turns white again.

After adding the necessary friends to your “favorites”, only those who have been added will be shown in the “favorites” section.

One of the main elements of any social network is the feed. This is where published posts and materials from your friends, as well as pages you follow, are displayed. This article is entirely devoted to how the feed in Odnoklassniki is organized and how it can be changed.

Basic actions with the ribbon

When you go to the OK.ru website, you immediately get to the Newsfeed page, in Russian, to the activity feed. All news from users from your list of friends and groups of which you are a member is collected here. Moreover, not only the publications they made are displayed, but also the posts that your friends gave “Class” to. And all because on the Odnoklassniki social network, the “Class” mark means not only a like, but also an automatic repost. You can view your Odnoklassniki feed at any time - just click on the appropriate section and you will go to the list of your friends’ updates.

A news chronicle is generated automatically - news appears in the order of its appearance. Moreover, there are no feed settings in Odnoklassniki, unlike the same social network VKontakte, where you can arrange news in chronological order, or by setting the smart slider “Interesting first.” Unfortunately, in OK.ru you can only partially customize your feed by removing individual users from it.

You can also set some kind of filters for viewing. In the “All” tab, the feed opens in its entirety, displaying, as the name implies, all new posts from friends. “Popular” is a list of posts with a large number of “Classes”, which is constantly updated and expanded. “Discussed” includes the most commented posts. You can add individual friends to “Favorites” to make it easier to follow their updates - they won’t get lost in the pile of general news. “Friends” are new posts made by people in your contact list. Accordingly, in the “Groups” tab, the entire feed consists of news from the communities in which you are a member. Finally, Games contains short notifications from all the different apps you use.

Now let's look at a specific task - to hide some message from the Chronicle. To do this, you need to perform just one action - click on the cross in the upper right corner of this post.

You can also remove a person from your feed, or more precisely, exclude any of his updates from it. The action plan is as follows:

  • click on the cross in the upper right corner next to a friend’s news from the feed;
  • Check “hide all events and discussions”.

Using a similar scheme, you can unsubscribe from public news. Such actions allow you to hide everything unnecessary - the news chronicle becomes more compact and easier to read.

Users often ask whether it is possible to disable the feed in Odnoklassniki altogether. Unfortunately, the answer is no - the system does not allow you to turn off the news chronicle. However, you can simply ignore this section and not view it.

Also, you will not be able to completely clear your feed in Odnoklassniki. Mass deletion All news is not provided on the social network. And this is quite logical, given the peculiarities of the mechanism of operation of communication services. If you could quickly clear your feed in Odnoklassniki, the whole point of this section would be lost. And it is considered one of the main ones, because allows users to stay up to date and not miss out important updates important people.

Another frequently asked question is why not all news from all groups and friends is displayed in the timeline? As you understand, it is physically impossible to post absolutely everything and then read it in detail. Therefore, updates are not received completely - some may get lost. Nevertheless, the most interesting posts, in the “opinion” of the system, remain.

Since it is impossible to completely remove the feed in Odnoklassniki, and excluding each user from it is not very convenient, we advise you to use the “Favorites” tab. How it works:

1.go to the “Favorites” tab;

2.click on the plus sign icon;

3. We choose people whose updates we want to follow.

In Favorites, the feed has become short - now you won’t miss an important announcement or update.

So, you cannot delete a feed in Odnoklassniki, so you will have to get used to it and try to adjust it to your interests. Remove “extra” friends from the group, and then reading the activity chronicle will become much easier. Well, in the new article we will tell you step by step. Read! And ask your questions in the comments.

This option in the Odnoklassniki social network, like an activity feed, allows you to keep abreast of all the events of your friends and groups. If your friend doesn't show up in your feed, you've probably muted him. But don’t be upset: the tape is very easy to restore.

You will need

  • - registration on the Odnoklassniki website;
  • - Internet access.


  • To make any changes in Odnoklassniki, first go to your profile.

    To do this, on the main page of the site, enter the username and password used to log into your account. If you previously saved a link to the site in your browser, you will only need to click it and immediately go to your social network account.

  • After you log into your profile on the site, under your personal photo (located in the left corner of the page), find the “More” link, click it and select “Change settings” in the drop-down window.
  • After this it will open new page, where you can apply a variety of settings to the profile. IN in this case you will need the Ribbon Settings section. Click the corresponding inscription and open the list of users whom you removed from your friends' activity feed. To restore them, hover your mouse over the desired person and select “Show in feed” in the drop-down window at the very end of the list.
  • Click the link and in a new window that opens, where the system will ask you if you really want to add given user to your activity feed and receive messages about all his news and events, confirm your desire to restore your friend to your page. If your decision is final, click the Enable button. After this moment, this “classmate” and all his actions on the site will begin to be displayed in the feed. If you are still in doubt whether to add a user or not, click “Cancel”.
  • However, even if you include a friend in your activity feed, at any time you can send him back to the list of excluded and “not displayed” users on your page. To do this, hover the cursor over a friend's note published in the feed and click the cross in the upper right corner to delete it. In the new window that opens, check the box next to “Disable all event notifications” and exclude your friend from your activity feed.
  • Every day everything is registered on the social network Odnoklassniki more people. A significant part of them are new to using computers, so finding answers to many questions related to the problems of working on a social network is not always possible for them. simple task. This article will help you understand why the Odnoklassniki page does not load completely, as well as how to determine the cause of the problem and fix it.

    Internet problems

    It is likely that your Internet channel is occupied by other incoming traffic or for some other reason the network is not operating at full capacity. Check the activity of the torrent client and download managers, and also make sure that other devices connected to home network, do not completely occupy the incoming Internet channel. Additionally, you should pay attention to the speed of loading pages on other Internet resources and compare with the speed of content appearing on Odnoklassniki.

    Using mobile internet Make sure that the current incoming speed is sufficient to download animations, pictures and videos. This is done on the SpeedTest resource or on the provider’s website. Perhaps there is not enough speed to load the page due to the activity of a huge number of users or insufficient power incoming channel. In the first case, contact your service provider, and in the second, select a tariff with higher speed incoming connection.

    Factors that reduce the speed of the network connection may also be problems with the provider (maintenance) or work to update the social network. In the latter case, you will just have to wait.

    Loading a cached page

    In case of failures with network connection or due to overload of the Mail.ru server, the browser may load a cached (a copy of the visited page stored on the computer), despite the fact that the network connection is excellent and the problems with OK.ru have been resolved. It is because of the presence of a partially saved copy of the page in the browser cache that the problem appears. It can be resolved by clearing the cache, the procedure of which differs for different browsers.


    Click on the “Open menu” button and click on the “Journal” icon.

    These actions are also performed using the combination Ctrl+Shift+Del. Click “Delete history”.

    Among other things, mark “Cache” and click “Delete Now”. Reloading the page.


    Call the main menu and go to the “History” section. In it, click on the item of the same name.

    These actions are performed faster using Ctrl+H. Click "Clear history". Check the option “Images and other files in the cache. Click on the “Clear history” icon.

    Clearing temporary memory in other browsers is done in a similar way.

    Flash Player

    The factor that Odnoklassniki does not load completely may be a missing Flash Player on a computer when using a browser not based on the Chromium engine or outdated version Chrome-based web browser. Update your browser and/or Flash Player with official page by unchecking the checked options.


    Odnoklassniki is a popular social network with more than 42 million visitors per day. Like any social network, Odnoklassniki has its own feed, thanks to which users find out updates from friends and groups. But the news feed in Odnoklassniki does not always contain information of interest to users; sometimes a person simply does not want to see certain news. Then the question “How to set up a news feed?” becomes relevant. Let's consider possible ways settings.

    How to set up a news feed in Odnoklassniki

    • First, you need to go to your profile, then find the “More” button, it is located slightly to the right of the center of the page (“Feed” “Friends” “Photos” “Groups” “Games” “Notes” “Gifts” “More”).
    • Next, you need to click on this button and select “Settings”.

    • A new page opens. The left column shows which settings you can change. At the very bottom there is a section “HIDDEN FROM THE FEED”, it shows all the people whose events were previously excluded from the feed.

    • In order to return them back, you need to hover the cursor over this person. A dialog box will appear where the very last line will say “Remove from hidden.” By clicking on this line, the events of this person will again be visible in the feed.

    • If you want to constantly watch the events of certain friends, then you can add them to the “favorites” section; to do this, on your page you need to click the “Favorites” “plus” button, then place them there interesting people. After that, you can watch their news without looking through the entire feed.

    How to disable the feed in Odnoklassniki

    On this moment It is impossible to completely disable the feed in Odnoklassniki. You can only make sure that no events are displayed at all. This can only be done by turning off the events of each friend or each group.

    Disable friends events

    • open the news feed;
    • hover the cursor over a friend’s event, then click “Cross”;

    • in the window that appears, click “Hide all events and discussions“

    Disable group events

    • Join the group;
    • Place the mouse cursor under the group photo on “...”;
    • Click on “Exclude from feed”.

    Many people wonder how to hide their feed from friends. Unfortunately, this opportunity not provided for in social networks. There is only one option - not to be active.

    Note! Once you hide a friend's event and unfollow a group, you will no longer be able to see their news in your feed.

    Why the news feed doesn't work

    Sometimes this problem can happen when the news feed does not work. The user, as usual, visited the site, chatted with friends and did not click anything else or hide anything. But the news feed does not open. The question suggests itself: “Why is there no news in the feed?”

    • Go to your feed settings, most likely you have all your friends and groups listed as “hidden from feed”. Get them out of there.
    • The second option is that you simply do not have friends and groups, or they are not active online.
    • The third option, the Odnoklassniki website itself does not work - it may be that work is underway on the network server or there has simply been a minor glitch. In this case, you can just wait and enter your page again. After everything is restored, the news feed will appear.

    How to restore a feed in Odnoklassniki

    In order to enable the activity feed in Odnoklassniki, you need to change the settings. You need to log in to your page, click the “Settings” button under your avatar. Then a new page will open where you can see those groups and people who were excluded from the news feed.

    Next, we move the cursor over a specific group, a dialog box appears, at the bottom of which there will be a line with a bell and it says “Show in feed”, click on it. Now the events of this group will be visible in the feed.


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