Why adjust the screen brightness on a laptop. How to increase screen brightness on a laptop: ways to improve backlighting

A user who recently purchased a laptop may encounter problems adjusting the brightness. In saving mode, the screen is too dark; when connected to the network, on the contrary, it becomes too bright, which interferes with normal operation. If you have not yet figured out how to reduce and increase the brightness on a laptop, then our material will help you set it up.

The main method is to configure via Control Panel. It's suitable for everyone modern versions Windows operating system. To do this you need to go to the menu Start(Start) and select on the right side of the window Control Panel. Here we will see a list of services, we need to go to the menu Power supply.

If you don’t see it, then set the display of all icons to address bar click on the tab and select Show all panel items. Also, the power supply section can be found through search bar. Here we will see the current laptop operating mode and brightness. To increase a parameter, you need to move the slider to the right, and to decrease it, move it to the left.

Is the slider not active? There may be two reasons for such a defect:

  • You need to install drivers for the laptop computer screen - usually they are installed automatically, but if you installed new version OS, then the drivers could have crashed. Just go to your laptop manufacturer's website, select your model, and then click the button Download opposite graphics drivers.
  • The laptop does not have brightness adjustment. Such models are extremely rare; they belong to the budget class. Nothing can be changed here.
Changing brightness using hotkeys on a laptop

We won’t say exactly which keys are responsible for adjusting this parameter. For example, on netbooks these may be arrows located next to Enter key. Also check F1-F12. You need to find a key with the image of the sun - on one button it will be crossed out (decrease brightness), and on the second it will be glowing (increase).

ATTENTION! If you just press this key, nothing will happen - the brightness will remain the same. All operations with keyboard buttons are performed using the Fn key held down. You will find it next to Ctrl and Win.

Hold down Fn and press the brightness key. Don't release Fn while you change the setting. This also applies to changing the volume level. It's easier to work with hotkeys - you don't need to go into power settings. This is especially convenient for playing video games and watching videos.

Adjusting brightness in Windows 7 by mode

The laptop has three operating modes:
  1. Saving . The mode is designed for maximum long-term use of the computer - the hardware works slowly, but for a long time. The brightness in this mode is usually at its minimum. The laptop automatically goes into power saving mode when disconnected from the charger.
  2. Performance . Here it’s the other way around – using all resources and maximizing performance. If you want to try out a new video game, then it is better to choose this mode. In some models, it is activated automatically when connected to the network.
  3. Balanced . Ideal for working with your computer when it is disconnected from the network. The laptop works quickly, but at the same time it saves battery power by lowering the screen brightness.
Modes can be set and configured in the menu Power supply. In addition to brightness, here you can set the reaction to closing the laptop lid, prolonged inactivity, etc.

You can also change modes from Taskbars in the lower right corner (where the time and language are indicated). Click on the tab to display the rest of the icons. You need to click on the battery icon - menu Power supply It is displayed this way in both Windows 7 and 10. A compact window will appear in front of you where you can select Savings, Balance or Performance.

Attention! If you set the high performance mode for a laptop disconnected from the network, it will discharge in 1-2 hours. Monitor the charge in the taskbar - the battery icon indicates how many hours of operation are left.

We recommend immediately setting the brightness to a certain level for each mode. To do this, you need to go to settings Power supply. Now select each mode in turn, fix the brightness slider to the right level and then press the button Apply. You can also immediately make settings for the laptop lid. For example, you can disable automatic shutdown when closing the lid. If necessary, you can change the brightness level in any mode using the appropriate keys.

Programs for adjusting brightness

For those who prefer more precise adjustment of the brightness parameter, it is recommended to download special software. For example, you can take the Monitor Plus utility - download link. If in standard Windows tool we are asked to change on a scale where one division is about 10%, then the Monitor Plus utility provides a scale with divisions from 1 to 100. This perfect solution for people with sensitive vision who find it difficult to choose the appropriate brightness in standard menu energy supply

There is other software for changing brightness (My Monitor, Display Tuner), but the Monitor Plus utility stands out for its simplicity and small size. Download it, run the installation, after which the setup window will immediately open - even a novice user will be able to work with Monitor Plus.

What to do if the brightness does not change: 2 video methods

This video shows how to change the brightness on a laptop in two ways. Use these simple instructions if you are unable to adjust the brightness using the tools presented above:

As you can see, adjusting the brightness is quite simple. Typically, users do not waste time changing modes, but simply use hot keys. Our instructions are suitable for any model of laptop computer. This also applies to OS Windows versions.

The power consumption of a laptop screen is higher than its other components, so the optimal brightness level of the monitor will save battery energy, and when using a desktop computer, adjusting this parameter will eliminate visual discomfort.

How to adjust the screen brightness on a laptop in Windows 7 for comfortable work?

Since there is a wide variety of laptops available, brightness adjustment may vary from the information below.

Using the keyboard

Laptops provide the ability to increase or decrease this setting using the buttons on the keyboard. It is required to press “Fn” and simultaneously press the “Up” or “Down” buttons (indicated by arrows on the keyboard). Sometimes there are laptop models that require pressing the Left and Right buttons. And also in some models, the “Fn” key functions in combination with keys from “F1” to “F12”. Here are the most popular combinations. These combinations vary on different laptops.

How to change screen brightness using power settings?

If your computer does not have button combinations to decrease or increase the brightness of the monitor, then you can use the power option in Windows 7. You need to click on the battery icon on the taskbar in the system tray area and then on “Adjust screen brightness”.

If there is no battery icon, you need to log in "Control Panel", where to find the function for displaying small icons. Click on "power supply".

Next, use the slider to adjust the parameter.

To change step by step you need to click “setting up a power plan”. In the window that appears, set all the sliders to the optimal position for the user, and it is also recommended to configure the sleep mode settings. Having completed all the manipulations, you need to click on "save changes".

There is another way to configure. To do this you need to click « Extra options nutrition". Open the “screen” tab and continue "screen brightness". Select “from mains”, “from battery” and enter the value as a percentage. When the adjustment is complete, click “OK”.

Secondary setting method

Login to the control panel, activate "large icons" and in "center Windows mobility» use the slider to increase or decrease screen brightness. In Windows 7, it is possible to quickly call it using a combination of buttons and “X”.

Application of special programs

Available big number programs for Windows 7. They are also suitable for desktop computers, and for laptops. Some of them can help you adjust resolution, background colors, contrast, etc.

Example programs for setting screen parameters:

  1. Display Resolution Manager
  2. iBrightnessTray
  3. Display-Tuner

For example, the easy-to-use application “iBrightnessTray”, you don’t even need to install it. You just need to click on the program icon located on the desktop and use the slider to adjust the brightness. If you click on “Screen Saver” on the monitor, the screen saver will turn on; by clicking on the monitor image, you can turn off the screen to save energy.

Screen contrast and brightness are important parameters, affecting reading speed, eye fatigue and searching for data in text arrays, as well as energy consumption. The convenience of working on a laptop or personal computer. This article presents detailed information, how to reduce or increase the brightness of the monitor on your laptop.

Many expensive models are usually equipped with light sensors. Thanks to software, such devices can independently change their brightness, adjusting to the lighting in the room (Make the screen brighter if the room is bright, or change it in reverse side In the dark). Unfortunately, not all devices are equipped with such convenient functions, so users often have to increase the brightness level of the monitor themselves.

Standard Windows interface

This method is suitable for owners of any computer - it is similar on both a laptop and a PC. Here you can configure 2 monitor operating modes: when battery life and when connected to the network. This is very useful feature, as it can significantly reduce battery costs.

To change the brightness using of this interface, you need to do a few simple steps:

Device interface

Almost every laptop has hardware capabilities to increase the brightness level. On their devices, users will be able to find special key FN, with which you can activate additional functions of some other buttons. As a rule, it is located in the same row as Control and Alt.

The brightness setting itself can be linked to any element. Each manufacturer creates its own design solutions. This could be one of the number keys or the F1-F12 row. On many devices, you can make it brighter using the left-right or up-down arrows.

Setting up video adapter drivers

More in-depth settings are available in the video card driver management menu. Here, users can not only increase screen brightness, but also increase the monitor contrast.

The steps you need to take depend on the manufacturer of your video adapter. If your computer is running NVidia video card– along with the drivers, it will be downloaded to your PC special application, in which all the necessary parameters are available.

For owners of Radeon products, there is the Catalyst utility, which can be downloaded from the official ATI website -

Users of the Windows 7 operating system often encounter a problem screen brightness settings. To fix this problem, we will take everything apart available methods display brightness settings in Windows 7. Adjusting the screen backlight is quite simple process, which even a novice user can handle. After familiarizing yourself with the material, you will be able adjust the brightness yourself laptop or desktop computer.

Adjusting brightness using standard Windows 7 tools

To set the brightness of a laptop or all-in-one PC standard means sevens, the first thing you should do is go to Control panels. You can go to the Control Panel through the menu " Start"or type in the program " Execute» control command

After launch Control panels you need to go to the "" section.

You can now increase or decrease the screen backlight. To do this, set the slider " Screen brightness» to a position that matches your monitor backlight preferences.

You can also go to settings power plan and expose brightness, in which the laptop will operate on battery power or mains power.

Changing screen lighting settings using the video card driver

One more in an interesting way The display illumination change is adjustable using video card drivers. For our example, we will consider a driver from the company Nvidia. To open the video card driver settings, you need to click right click mouse on empty space Desktop. A context menu should appear.

In this menu, select the item “ Panel NVIDIA management "(this may be different for another video card), after which the video card driver settings panel will open.

Now in this panel you need to go to the menu “ Video\Adjust color settings for video».

In the color adjustment menu, go to the “ 2. How to make color adjustments" and set the switch " WITH NVIDIA settings " By selecting these parameters, you will be able to adjust four properties, including display brightness. To increase or decrease the brightness of the display, drag the slider towards plus or minus and you will see how the screen backlight changes.

Video card manufacturers also have such programs that regulate screen lighting using the video adapter driver. Intel And AMD.

Also on the Internet you can find many programs that adjust the display backlight. All such programs work by accessing the video adapter driver. That is, in essence, they do what you can do in the control panel of the video card (in our case Nvidia). The most interesting of all similar programs is F.lux. Her main feature is automatic adjustment display backlight, which depends on the time of day.

An example of adjusting the laptop backlight using the Fn key

For example, we will use a Lenovo s110 netbook with operating system Windows 7.

It uses the Fn modifier key in combination with the ← and → cursor keys to adjust the backlight. To increase the backlight Lenovo laptop s110, you must use the key combination Fn + → . To lower the backlight you need to use the combination Fn + ←.

As you raise or lower the backlight, you will see how the value of the graphic indicator changes. The program is responsible for this indicator Hotkey Features.

As you can see, increase or decrease the laptop screen lighting settings using the " Fn", quite simply. You can use this example on other laptops, since the principles of using modifier keys are the same.

Particularly on laptops SAMSUNG NP350 keyboard shortcuts:

  • to increase brightness - Fn + F3;
  • to decrease - Fn + F2.

Manually adjusting the monitor backlight

For desktop computer users, screen lighting settings can be adjusted on the display itself. For example, we will use a monitor LG Flatron W1943SS. To adjust the lighting, you need to go to its menu. To do this, press the MENU key on the monitor control panel.

After this, press the AUTO/SET key. A brightness adjustment window should open where you can change it.

I would also like to note that the monitor settings do not depend on what OS or driver is installed. They are regulated exclusively in the monitor. Each monitor from different manufacturer has its own parameters manual settings . You can find out the details of adjusting the screen lighting parameters of a particular monitor in the manual, which is included with the sale or can be downloaded from in electronic format on the manufacturer's website.

Let's sum it up

This material shows that even a novice PC user can increase and decrease the brightness of the display in Windows 7. And we hope that our material will help you learn how to change the brightness of your computer monitor.

Video on the topic

Many users who recently purchased mobile computer and who have not yet understood everything in detail, very often ask: how can adjust screen brightness on laptop - add or subtract it depending on personal preferences?! Indeed, when you get used to the fact that all adjustments to display parameters are done using separately located buttons on the monitor body, the compactness and asceticism of a portable PC can lead to a slight stupor. Although, in fact, everything is quite simple. There are two ways to do this:

- by using function keys
— through software configuration tools

You can use it Let's look at both methods in detail.

1. Brightness keys

Due to the fact that laptops have great requirements for compactness, they try not to have extra buttons on it. Here they took a different route - the developers combined a number of keys to make them functional. Usually icons additional functions printed in a different color (blue or orange). The brightness adjustment keys on the laptop are marked in the shape of a sun:

Previously, they removed it from a couple of buttons in the row F1....F12, but Lately Together with the volume, they began to be transferred to the “arrows”:

To use them and reduce or increase the brightness of the laptop or netbook screen, you need to press the button Fn, which is located next to Ctrl, and, holding it, click on the desired function.

By the way, if these keys do not respond to pressing, this means that Windows installation OSD drivers were not installed. They can be downloaded from the mobile computer manufacturer's website.

2. Software brightness adjustment

If for some reason you cannot adjust the screen brightness on your laptop using the keyboard buttons, then you can do this programmatically, through the parameters of the power supply scheme used. To do this, right-click on the Start button and in the menu that appears, select “Power Management”:

If suddenly you don’t have this item in the menu, then select “Control Panel”:

In the Panel menu that appears Windows controls Find the “Power Options” icon and click on it:

In the window that opens, we see the power scheme being used - it is highlighted in bold - and opposite it, click on the “Settings” link:

The following menu will appear, at the very bottom of which there is the line “Adjust brightness”:

Using the sliders, you can adjust the brightness of the laptop both in plug-in mode and in offline mode. After this, do not forget to click on the “Save Changes” button.

It is worth noting that on some laptops (for example, HP) the brightness adjustment was displayed as a separate slider right in the window for selecting the device’s power scheme:

Don’t forget about one more “trick” of Windows 8 and Windows 10 - this is the Mobility Center, which allows you to configure many laptop parameters in one window at once. To get into it, you need to right-click on the battery icon to bring up the context menu:

In it you need to select the “Windows Mobility Center” item. The following window will appear:

Among other parameters, the center allows you to adjust the brightness of the laptop screen, for which there is a separate slider.

Besides standard tools For driving laptop computer, built into Windows OS, there are also third party utilities directly from the manufacturer, which are part of the pre-installed software. As a rule, such software is added to startup by default and its icon hangs in the system tray, next to the clock. For example, in Lenovo IBM ThinkPad it is Power Manager.

Among its many options, there is also the ability to increase or decrease the screen brightness - the Monitor Brightness parameter.


1) IN software, included with the video adapter driver ( AMD Radeon Control Center, NVidia Control Center, Intel Graphics Control Panel, etc.) there are also tools for adjusting monitor parameters.

2) In Windows 8 and Windows 10, you can force the laptop to independently change the brightness of the display depending on the light level (of course, if its hardware supports this feature). To do this, you need to go to the additional parameters of the active power supply scheme:

Find the “Screen” section and expand it. Among available parameters find the line “Enable adaptive adjustment brightness" and below set the parameter to "On". Click on the “Apply” button.

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