Why did the channels disappear on the digital set-top box? Reasons for missing channels

The TV was working fine, but suddenly turned off again? For what reasons does this usually happen? How to eliminate similar problem? These questions and a number of others regarding the unexpected shutdown of the television receiver worry many users.

Interestingly, spontaneous shutdown of TV, as a rule, depends little on its brand. To find out exactly how such a breakdown is fixed, you usually need to understand possible reasons what's happening.

Incorrect setting

If the TV turns off on its own, a common reason for this is problems with the settings. Eg, individual models have a function automatic shutdown, which is triggered when no signals are received from the remote control for a long time. You can solve the problem quite simply - check whether it is activated this function, and then disable it if necessary.

Repairs with or without warranty

If the TV is relatively new and the warranty provides for free servicing, then it is best to contact the appropriate service center in case of problems. If guarantee period has expired, the user can resort to the help of specialists from a regular workshop. Optimal choice– A service center whose craftsmen are highly qualified, which is confirmed not only by documents, long term existence of this repair company and warranty obligations, but also positive reviews clients.

Adverse operating conditions

If the TV turns off, the cause of such a malfunction may be its operating conditions. That is, if the room is observed heat, increased concentration of dust, high humidity or, for example, a constant threat mechanical damage TV receiver, sooner or later it will refuse to function. In addition, voltage drops in the network are an unfavorable factor. Due to all of the above, the TV may turn off spontaneously. To exclude this possibility, favorable conditions should be created for the operation of a high-tech device. To do this, the television receiver must be disconnected from the network and the panel attached to the back must be removed. Next, the chassis is blown out (using a vacuum cleaner), failed fuses are replaced, and contacts with the oxidized surface are wiped. Back panel again mounted in its place, and the device itself is connected to the power supply.

In case of serious damage

If the above steps did not help, then the cause of the breakdown is more serious than it seems at first glance. The best decision problems - seek help from . However, it is possible that the owner is versed in radio engineering and has a number of practical skills in using a tester or soldering iron. In this case, you can try to identify the cause of the breakdown yourself.
For this:

It is better to seek help from specialists!

Any work related to restoring the functionality of equipment is classified as dangerous. Without highly specialized knowledge and practical skills, the owner faulty device may pose a threat to your own health.

Everyone who lives in the age high technology, are confident that these technologies are designed to make life easier. This is true, although there are situations that can contribute to nervous tension rather than relaxation. For example, when some of your favorite TV channels disappear. Naturally, this is far from the most best experience, especially when you want to watch TV, and it throws up similar, not very pleasant surprises.

If you also encounter a similar problem, then there is no need to rush to a television repairman, especially since this may take some time. If you wish, you can try to restore digital channels on the TV yourself. Of course, a 100% return of their broadcast cannot be guaranteed, but, as a rule, independent manipulations help.

Reasons for missing channels

As a rule, the TV shows two dozen standard digital channels. But sometimes even they disappear, if not completely, then partially. Considering that they are free, problems with broadcasting can be associated with many reasons, but the main ones can still be identified:

    Problems with the program;

    Problems with the signal receiving equipment.

Both the first and second situations can be solved, but they require completely different manipulations. If it's a hardware issue, then attempts regular user They don’t always help, and can even cause harm. If there is a problem with the TV channel itself, then this happens with one, maximum, two programs, but not with half of the broadcast channels at once.

Let's figure out what the number represents before doing any manipulations related to recovery processes. So, the advantages of digital television channels are improved signal reception, cooler sound, picture and other characteristics compared to other free systems. But only 20 channels are free, which are periodically switched off and changed, so in a situation where some TV channels have disappeared, there is nothing surprising.

    A symbol appeared on the screen paid channel. This is a sign that the subscription to services is ending. If you didn’t pay for the digital price on time, the answer to the question why the channels on digital set-top box, obvious. You need to top up your account and then they will start working again, of course, if this message does not pop up on. In this case, it is better to contact your provider for clarification;

    There may also be difficulties with the software, or more precisely, its compatibility. If this is a GS-HD receiver, then you need to go to the menu and press the “Restore channel list” button. If the new one doesn't fit software, then on the same receiver you need to: find the TV/RADIO and CHANNEL buttons on the remote control, in addition, simultaneously press the same buttons on the receiver panel. But it is very important to do this at the same time. Then press the STANDBY button on the remote control;

    The inscription “No signal”. This is already a standard sign of problems with the antenna. If the antenna does not work as it should, it is not surprising that dozens of channels began to disappear. If the device is new, then it may not have configured programs, so this fact should be clarified. But if the programs worked before, but disappeared in an instant, you should still go outside and see if the antenna has moved due to strong wind or something like that;

    Sometimes the connection between the antenna and the cable, or the cable and the set-top box, is disrupted. If such suspicions arise, you need to make sure that the cable is connected to the LNB IN socket.

When none of the above list helps, there is only one way out - call for help. The master will definitely figure out what’s wrong and return your favorite programs.

Why are only 10 out of 20 digital channels shown?

Over the past two or three years, digital television users have often complained that after updating channels, half of the programs that were shown before disappear. Since then, people have a logical question: why did 10 channels disappear if they used to work and were free?

They are trying to find out the answer to this question on many forums, which is why different versions are put forward. For some, the channels of the first multiplex do not work, for others, the second. This suggests that the reasons for these troubles lie in various signal reception difficulties associated with technical work or features of the functioning of digital television.

Perhaps after some time the channels will restore their broadcasting, so don’t worry in advance about where ten disappeared at once popular channels. RTRS clarifies that for now the work is being carried out in test mode, so for some regions such difficulties will become the norm. Sometimes searching for channels again or reflashing the set-top box helps, but if this is not your case, you can use analog or satellite television, where the signal works without such significant interruptions.

In this material we will talk about problems that lead to channels not being shown on the TV or the TV not working.

Let's consider below ways to solve problems with TV, which are divided into 2 parts - when the TV does not work at all in the literal sense (does not start, etc.) and when there are simply no channels, i.e. The TV as a device works (supplies life signals), but there are no channels.

TV won't turn on

If your TV does not start at all, then this may indicate very serious problems with it, in which you often need to contact a service center for the help of specialists, but let’s not bury your TV ahead of time and make sure what’s wrong with it.

1. Check that the power cord is connected to the outlet and there is electricity in the outlet.

(Children may play and accidentally pull out the cable.)

2. If you are trying to turn on the TV using the remote control, make sure that the batteries are not discharged, and that the surface receiving the signal is not obscured by anything and is in direct line with the remote control.

Usually a small light is on on the TV indicating that the TV is working properly, just turned off. If it is on, but the TV remote does not turn on, it means something is wrong with the remote control.

3. It may turn on, but a black screen appears on the TV. This means that you clicked something on the remote control the day before and turned on that mode or went there to software interface, where the screen is black. Try clicking on channels and try something different.

4. Perhaps there was a thunderstorm the day before, which is quite common cause in the failure of both televisions and other household electrical equipment. If this is really the case, then your TV will have to be taken to specialists.

No TV channels

Let's look at situations where the TV actually turns on, but the channels as such are not shown. If your TV is “alive”, but there are simply no channels, then you can read the material below.

Remember! If you have satellite or digital television, you must use the receiver's remote control, not the TV's, to select channels. And before this, the TV must be switched to AV mode or the one where your TV is connected using its own remote control.

There are quite a lot of materials on what and how to do when channels do not work, so we have made separate articles about this.

If you have a normal old antenna, then you need to search for channels on the TV using the corresponding function in the TV MENU.

If you still have any questions regarding the operation of the TV and channel display, ask them in the comments.


Purchase RF coaxial cable. Given that the TVs will likely be located in different rooms, a cable longer than 10 meters will be required. Also buy a splitter. This is a gold-plated device that has one coaxial port on one end and two (or three) on the other.

Accept necessary measures precautions, since installing an antenna and laying cables in the house may pose a health risk.

Select a location for the antenna and install it. The higher it is placed, the better the reception will be.

Connect the antenna and splitter via RF coaxial cable. To connect, use the single incoming port on one end of the splitter.

Connect your TVs using the outgoing ports on the other (free) end of the splitter.

Secure the cables so that they are not damaged or stepped on. Use electrical tape to secure the cables.

Turn on your TVs to test the connection on each one. If one of the TVs has bad reception, make sure the cable is not damaged and securely fastened.

Buy a second splitter if there are more TVs than available ports on the first splitter. Connect two splitters together by attaching a cable to one of the ports on the first and the only input port on the second. Splitters can reduce the signal strength. If you need to connect, for example, four antennas to one antenna TV, distribution amplifiers will be required to improve image quality.


  • connecting two TVs
  • Antenna connection diagram for two TVs

It happens that there is a need for e in every room so that everyone has the opportunity to watch their favorite show or movie. There is an easy way to solve the problem of connecting a second TV.

You will need

  • Second TV
  • TV cable
  • Antenna splitter
  • Antenna plug
  • Yardstick


Video on the topic

The presence of several televisions in the house will not surprise anyone now - this has long become the norm. But when purchasing another TV, it won’t hurt to think about how to connect it to the existing one. antenna.


To install the connectors, you will need minimal skills in working with a television cable, the presence of side cutters and a painting knife. First you need to peel the cable from the top layer of insulation without damaging the shielded braid, then move the braid and clean the central core. After this, you can put on the connector and connect it to the splitter. It is important to prevent contact between the shielded braid and the center core TV cable between themselves.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

When installing the splitter, strictly follow the order of cable connections indicated by the arrows.

In order to TV started receiving channels, it’s not enough to just bring it into the room and turn it on. You must also connect an antenna to it. The number of channels received and the quality of their reception depend on its correct choice.


Remember the main rule: if antenna cable grounded (if the antenna is collective, this is always the case, and often it is grounded for individual outdoor ones), you cannot simultaneously touch the metal elements of the plug and the plug connected to the socket when they are not connected to each other! You should also not touch the metal parts of two devices that are plugged in and not connected to each other at the same time (for example, TV and DVD player), as well as cables connected to them, even if the antenna is not grounded. In addition, do not touch metal parts TV and any video equipment, as well as an antenna cable and a telescopic antenna in the event that your body has acquired an electrostatic charge from the CRT screen TV a (for example, while wiping it). Never install an external one if you are not sure that you can provide its reliable lightning protection. Solder the cables of any grounded antennas only with soldering irons with good insulation.

In order to TV with a single-pin telescopic antenna built into it, insert the plug coming out of the device body on the wire into its antenna socket. If there are two jacks corresponding to different ranges, move the plug into the one that corresponds to the range in which you this moment reception is underway.

In case to TV It also comes with a ring antenna, connect the built-in telescopic antenna to the socket corresponding to the meter wave range, and the ring antenna to the socket corresponding to the decimeter wave range. Some TV For example, the second antenna will be held directly on the socket, while for others it will have to be fixed to the first one.

If to TV A two-pin telescopic antenna is included; screw a special adapter-matcher to the clamps of the symmetrical ribbon cable coming out of it, if this has not been done previously. Then connect the adapter to the antenna socket TV a (such devices usually have one).

If indoor or outdoor antenna is all-wave, and TV and separate inputs for antennas of the MV or UHF ranges, use a separating splitter. Likewise, if you TV and there is an entrance for all-wave antenna, and you have two separate antennas for the HF and UHF bands, use a combining splitter. Both devices are sold in hardware stores.

To connect one antenna to several TV You can use another device called CRAB (domestic cable splitter). It is also sold in hardware stores. This device is best equipped with a collective antenna.

To use an antenna with a booster, after connecting it to TV Plug in the power supply. Disable it at the same time TV ohm


  • connect two antennas to the TV

Sound quality of built-in speakers TV is not always high. But even a small device can be made to sound much better. To do this, just connect it to an external amplifier with speakers.


Check if you have TV:
- DIN type sockets for recording sound onto a tape recorder;
- headphone jacks;
- RCA type connector with linear audio output (not input!);
- SCART standard sockets. If you have at least one of the above, connect the TV to amplifier Can.

For a DIN type socket, use the middle pin as the common wire, and use the middle pin as the pin on which there is sound signal- either left or right, depending on the date of issue TV. Such a socket is practically never found on stereo TVs. If it exists, then the extreme right or left contact corresponds to the right channel, and the one located between it and the common one corresponds to the left one.

Connect the cable to the headphone jack along with the plug taken from damaged headphones. Two white or yellow conductors correspond to the common wire, green or blue - to the left channel, red or orange - to the right. In monophonic TV The channel outputs are connected in parallel. Please note that in this case the sound volume can be adjusted not only on the amplifier, but also on the TV.

For an RCA type connector, use a ring contact as the common one, and a pin contact as the output one. If the TV is stereophonic, the jack corresponding to the left channel is white (same as for a monophonic TV), to the right - red (sometimes vice versa). Do not try to remove the audio signal from the yellow connector - there is only an image signal there.

On a SCART socket, use pin 4 as common, remove the left channel signal from pin 3, and remove the right channel signal from pin 1. In monophonic TV Do not use pin 1.

The way you send signals to your amplifier depends on what input jacks it uses (DIN or RCA). Apply signals to them as described, respectively, in steps 1 and 3. If the TV is monophonic and the amplifier is stereophonic, connect the inputs of the latter in parallel. If the signal is coming from the headphone output, use an amplifier input with worst sensitivity.


Before connecting, turn off the power to the TV and amplifier.

Helpful advice

If your TV does not have a sound output, remove the signal from the corresponding output of your VCR or DVD player.

It's rare that a family these days has just one TV at home. But there is usually only one antenna. To connect to one to three, use a special device - the so-called CRAB.


Buy at hardware store device CRAB (Cable Splitter Subscriber Household), having one input and three outputs. Instead, you can buy a similar imported splitter. The most common among them are Polish and German.

When choosing a splitter, pay attention to the upper limit of its frequency range. Cable operators Today, due to lack of space, often the most high frequency channels UHF range. Not every TV can tune in to them, and manufacturers of splitters may not even suspect the existence of these channels. The limits of the frequency range are usually indicated on the device body or in its instructions.

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