Why did the channels disappear on the digital set-top box? It is better to seek help from specialists

The TV was working fine, but suddenly turned off again? For what reasons does this usually happen? How to eliminate similar problem? These questions and a number of others regarding the unexpected shutdown of the television receiver worry many users.

Interestingly, spontaneous shutdown of TV, as a rule, depends little on its brand. To find out exactly how such a breakdown is fixed, you usually need to understand possible reasons what's happening.

Incorrect setting

If the TV turns off on its own, a common reason for this is problems with the settings. Eg, individual models have a function automatic shutdown, which is triggered when no signals are received from the remote control for a long time. You can solve the problem quite simply - check whether it is activated this function, and then disable it if necessary.

Repairs with or without warranty

If the TV is relatively new and the warranty provides for free servicing, then it is best to contact the appropriate service center in case of problems. If guarantee period has expired, the user can resort to the help of specialists from a regular workshop. Optimal choice– A service center whose craftsmen are highly qualified, which is confirmed not only by documents, long term existence of this repair company and warranty obligations, but also positive reviews clients.

Adverse operating conditions

If the TV turns off, the cause of such a malfunction may be its operating conditions. That is, if the room is observed heat, increased concentration of dust, high humidity or, for example, a constant threat mechanical damage TV receiver, sooner or later it will refuse to function. In addition, voltage drops in the network are an unfavorable factor. Due to all of the above, the TV may turn off spontaneously. To exclude this possibility, favorable conditions should be created for the operation of a high-tech device. To do this, the television receiver must be disconnected from the network and the panel attached to the back must be removed. Next, the chassis is blown out (using a vacuum cleaner), failed fuses are replaced, and contacts with the oxidized surface are wiped. Back panel again mounted in its place, and the device itself is connected to the power supply.

In case of serious damage

If the above steps did not help, then the cause of the breakdown is more serious than it seems at first glance. The best decision problems - seek help from . However, it is possible that the owner is versed in radio engineering and has a number of practical skills in using a tester or soldering iron. In this case, you can try to identify the cause of the breakdown yourself.
For this:

It is better to seek help from specialists!

Any work related to restoring the functionality of equipment is classified as dangerous. Without highly specialized knowledge and practical skills, the owner faulty device may pose a threat to your own health.

In this material we will talk about problems that lead to channels not being shown on the TV or the TV not working.

Let's consider below ways to solve problems with TV, which are divided into 2 parts - when the TV does not work at all in the literal sense (does not start, etc.) and when there are simply no channels, i.e. The TV as a device works (supplies life signals), but there are no channels.

TV won't turn on

If your TV does not start at all, then this may indicate very serious problems with it, in which you often need to contact a service center for the help of specialists, but let’s not bury your TV ahead of time and make sure what’s wrong with it.

1. Check that the power cord is connected to the outlet and there is electricity in the outlet.

(Children may play and accidentally pull out the cable.)

2. If you are trying to turn on the TV using the remote control, make sure that the batteries are not discharged, and that the surface receiving the signal is not obscured by anything and is in direct line with the remote control.

Usually a small light is on on the TV indicating that the TV is working properly, just turned off. If it is on, but the TV remote does not turn on, it means something is wrong with the remote control.

3. It may turn on, but a black screen appears on the TV. This means that you clicked something on the remote control the day before and turned on that mode or went there to software interface, where the screen is black. Try clicking on channels and try something different.

4. Perhaps there was a thunderstorm the day before, which is quite common cause in the failure of both televisions and other household electrical equipment. If this is really the case, then your TV will have to be taken to specialists.

No TV channels

Let's look at situations where the TV actually turns on, but the channels as such are not shown. If your TV is “alive”, but there are simply no channels, then you can read the material below.

Remember! If you have satellite or digital television, you must use the receiver/receiver's remote control to select channels, not the TV's. And before this, the TV must be switched to AV mode or the one where your TV is connected using its own remote control.

There are quite a lot of materials on what and how to do when channels do not work, so we have made separate articles about this.

If you have a normal old antenna, then you need to search for channels on the TV using the corresponding function in the TV MENU.

If you still have any questions regarding the operation of the TV and channel display, ask them in the comments.

Even as a child, living in the village, I always tried to tune the TV to good welcome large quantity channels. The only option that I understood for myself from these attempts is that the higher the antenna is, the better quality channels and more. But there is a limit to the height of the antenna mast. Therefore, some channels were always shown well, some were shown not so well, and some were not shown at all. Nowadays, living in the city, you don’t experience any problems with the quantity and quality of the TV channels provided, but when visiting a village, sometimes you want to turn on the TV and change channels by choosing interesting program. But in the countryside, time moves slower and modern technologies arrive there late, and sometimes don’t arrive at all.

In this regard, I set out to set up as many television channels in the village as possible. To begin with, I propose to consider what options there are today to obtain quality signal and pictures on TV:

1Cable TV- television, in which the signal is distributed through tv cable, which directly connects to each TV

Pros: high-quality TV.

Cons: Subscription fee, available only in large cities.

2 Satellite television. Satellite television broadcasts using a satellite suspended in low-Earth orbit. The signal is received by TV viewers on an individual dish antenna.

Pros: high-quality TV.

Cons: Cost of equipment, subscription fee.

3 Terrestrial television . Terrestrial television distributes the signal using terrestrial repeater stations; in order to receive this signal, you must use an antenna.

Pros: minimum costs.

Cons: often low level signal, display and quality of channels depends on the weather, distance from the tower, mast height, etc.

You can also say that TV channels can be watched via the Internet, but in this article I would like to talk about watching channels without using a computer/laptop, and especially the Internet.

Of all the methods described, it worked for me only-use satellite TV, but spend money on buying equipment, and then pay more subscription fee- I really didn’t want to. After scouring the Internet, I found an alternative way - terrestrial digital television. The essence digital television in the following, the transmission of television image and sound occurs using digital encoding of the video signal and audio signal using digital channels. Digital encoding, unlike analogue, ensures signal delivery with minimal losses, since the picture and sound are not affected external factors(interference). Among the nuances of using digital television, I would like to note the following: television channel in digital television, there are two positions, it will either work in good quality, either will not work at all. Unlike analog TV, there is no borderline state or interference, the only exception is if the channel has very poor communication quality, it can slow down, turn off and turn on again, to avoid this you need to use another antenna, raise the existing one higher or turn towards the TV tower .

What you need to watch digital television:

TV antenna;

TV or set-top box(Set Top Box) with tuner DVB-T2(namely DVB-T2, the outdated DVB-T will not work), support for the MPEG4 video compression standard and the Multiple PLP mode.

You do not need to buy an additional antenna, just use the antenna for analog signal. But the antenna itself is not enough; to watch digital TV you need a set-top box with a DVB-T2 tuner (for some modern TVs such a set-top box is not needed, since it is built into the TV; this information can be obtained from the documentation for the TV or on the manufacturer’s website, where a similar case is discussed). Set-top boxes are not expensive, on average from 1500 to 2000 rubles. In fact, you don’t need to buy anything other than this set-top box. Another plus is that you don’t need to pay a subscription fee for terrestrial digital television.

It is important to note that digital TV allows you to view limited quantity channels, at the time of writing there were 20 of them (possibly less depending on the region of residence).

Digital television is not configured according to the principle - the higher you raise it, the more you catch. You can only tune these 20 channels, plus you can add more analog channels that your antenna will pick up (if your DVB-T2 set-top box or your TV has such a function). To learn more about the number of channels and the possibility of using digital television in your region, you can call hotline RTRS: 8-800-220-20-02 (calls within Russia are free) or on the website: www.rtrs.rf.

So, I propose to move from theory to practice. In my case I used the usual one TV antenna, which was very popular 15 years ago. With this antenna I managed to catch about 3 analog channels in good quality, 2 in satisfactory quality and a couple more channels appeared in poor quality in good weather.

I purchased a DVB-T2 set-top box. Regarding the choice of consoles, I didn’t rack my brains, since technically they are all as similar as two peas in a pod. Most of them have two outputs - tulip (some SCART) and HDMI, there is a USB connector for viewing content USB media. I got the impression that they are all made at the same Chinese factory, only they are equipped with different boxes and labels. When purchasing, pay attention to the control panel of the set-top box, since you will use it constantly (switch channels, turn the volume lower, higher, etc.).

I connected the antenna to the DVB-T2 set-top box, and connected it to the TV using a tulip (it usually comes with the set-top box).

Tulip RCA connectors for video and stereo audio. Yellow is for video, white is for monaural or left channel of stereo two-channel audio, red is for right channel of stereo two-channel audio.

Let me make a reservation right away: I connected the set-top box to an obsolete CRT TV, so I chose a tulip cable if you have an LCD or plasma TV With HDMI output, then you should connect it with a designated HDMI cable (it must be purchased separately), since the image quality will be much higher.

I switched the TV to AV mode and got to the DVB-T2 set-top box interface. Setting up the set-top box requires minimal effort; all default settings will satisfy most users. The main thing you need to do is set up the channels. To do this, I went to the channel search menu and selected Auto search.

A few minutes later, the DVB-T2 set-top box found those same 20 channels + 3 radio stations. But a few days later, channels 11 to 20 disappeared, on the website rtrs.ru I saw that the towers to which I connected did not support 2 multiplexes (from 11 to 20 channels), and the fact that they worked for a couple of days was most likely tests. As a result, I purchased a high-quality, “strong” antenna to watch all 20 channels. Test video below.

Antenna test video ANT-T2-MAX

In order to understand the capabilities and settings of this set-top box, I offer a photo of each menu item (please excuse the low quality of the photo).

A digital set-top box, as I wrote earlier, can play files from USB flash drives. To do this, insert USB device into the set-top box, go to the menu, select "USB" - "Multimedia", select the playable format (music, pictures, video).

In addition, digital set-top boxes have the ability to record images from the TV to a flash drive. To do this, just press the “Rec” button on the control panel of the DVB-T2 set-top box, after which the recording will begin on a USB device.

To sum it up, I am very pleased with the quality and number of digital TV channels (of course you can more channels, but not all at once). In my opinion, for remote places, dachas, villages, towns, where people are not ready to spend 10,000 rubles on purchasing satellite TV + pay a subscription fee, I consider this option the most suitable.

2024 gtavrl.ru.