Why the mouse may not work. Reasons why the mouse does not work

If you are faced with a problem where the mouse on your laptop does not work, do not despair, because often the problem is not difficult to fix and you can do it yourself.

Many users, when problems arise with a computer mouse, prefer to contact workshops, most often due to the relatively low cost budget models just buy a new one.

Don’t rush to go to the store, take a little time, and we’ll tell you what to do if the mouse on your laptop doesn’t work.

Reasons why it doesn't work computer mouse not much, but initially you need to decide on the initial data:

    what type of control is used (mechanical, optical)?

    Connection method to laptop (wired, wireless)?

    What interface does it use to connect to the computer (PS/2, USB)?

What to do if a wired mouse does not work?

However, the thing to keep in mind here is that a USB mouse, unlike a PS/2 mouse, is a plug-and-play device. What does it mean?

Based on the main concept of Plug-and-Play devices, they do not require additional configuration/

The operating system automatically, on the fly, recognizes objects and makes changes to the overall configuration.

Thus, in the case of a USB connector, configuration changes will be made automatically without the need to restart the laptop, and in the case of a PS/2 connector, a reboot is not necessary.

If all else fails, try rebooting regardless of the interface you are using.

In some cases, this method is effective and efficient.

Also try removing the USB mouse, rebooting the laptop, entering your username and password to enter the operating system, and only after loading, insert it into one of the USB interfaces.

Next, you should try changing the connection interface on the laptop; perhaps one of them is not working correctly (“burned out” or frozen), this is a fairly common reason, perhaps the most common among the rest.

The ideal option would be when you have the opportunity to replace the mouse with the same one, in whose performance you are 100% sure.

In this case working model should be inserted into the slot in which the current one is installed.

Remember the difference in interfaces described above and if you install a device with a PS/2 interface, do not forget to restart the laptop.

It's also a good idea to test your mouse to see if it works on another computer, not necessarily a laptop.

Everything is simple here if you inserted working device into the laptop and it doesn’t work, the problem is definitely in the laptop.

If your mouse does not work with a laptop, but works on another computer, the problem is again with the laptop.

In some cases, the mouse may not work correctly, which manifests itself as slow cursor movement or periodic lack of communication with the mouse.

Static voltage as one of the reasons for a non-working mouse

In some cases, the device may not work as a result of static charge accumulation. Also, quite often, USB interfaces burn out for this reason.

Let us note the fact that this problem typical for both wired and wireless mice. The solution to this problem is to remove the existing static voltage.

To do this, follow the steps below:

    Turn off your laptop.

    Press and hold the laptop's power button for at least 30 seconds.

    Install battery.

    Turn on the power of the laptop after establishing a connection to electrical outlet.

    Turn on the laptop, go into the operating system and check the functionality of the mouse.

What to do if your wireless mouse doesn't work?

The first and most common reason why demon wired mouse refuses to work - dead batteries .

To test this thesis, insert other working batteries into the wireless mouse.

Please note that the batteries may not be completely discharged and may even work in other devices (such as the remote control), but the mouse will not work.

In some cases for wireless mice freezing is typical.

To get her out of this state, use special button turning on/off the mouse - turn off the mouse and turn it on again after a few seconds.

Usually, this button located under the arm, in some cases it is represented not by a button, but by a lever.

After the advent of wireless computer mice, many owners of such equipment have begun to actively use these devices, as they remove restrictions associated with the length of the power cable. However, such models have their own problems. For example, some users ask on the Internet why it doesn’t work wireless mouse, if it is connected to the computer correctly?

Naturally, before starting to describe the treatment method, the main “symptoms of the disease” should be identified.

Causes of wireless mouse failure

So, a man decided to install a computer on his computer wireless type, but she doesn't want to function. Initially, you should identify the most common symptoms of this malfunction:

  1. The movement of the device pointer on the screen is incorrect, completely chaotic.
  2. When you try to use the buttons, the laptop or computer does not respond in any way to the commands given by the user.
  3. The device initially functions normally, but after a certain period of time it completely stops responding to human actions.
  4. The system simply “does not see” the connected device.

If the wireless mouse does not work and the user has detected one of these symptoms, then it is recommended that you read the next part of the material, which will describe how to solve the problems that have arisen.

What to do: algorithm for solving the problem

So what to do? The first and most logical steps, this is to check the device for functionality:

  • Change the battery;
  • Try a different port. Sometimes it is enough to move the receiving element to a different USB port for everything to start functioning correctly;
  • If possible, connect to another computer where another model of a similar device is guaranteed to function;
  • Clean the lens from dirt if it lights up, but the cursor does not move across the screen during interaction.

In some situations, it happens that the wireless mouse seems to be on, but does not work. That is, it does not respond to user commands in any way. This usually happens when using Wi-fi router. The fact is that similar systems often use the same communication channel to transmit commands. This leads to a conflict, which manifests itself in the fact that the cursor does not move on the screen or the wheel simply does not work. How to fix:

  • Change the computer to a model that uses Bluetooth technology data transmission. Although the same channel is used, the likelihood of equipment conflict is reduced;
  • Purchase an additional cord to connect the receiving element. The further it is from the router, the less likely it is to cause interference;
  • Change the channel used on the Wi-Fi router or the computer itself - according to the instructions from the manufacturers of this equipment.

The next situation is that the laser does not light up and the mouse does not respond to the user’s actions, although literally a few minutes ago everything was fine. This indicates that the RAM is turning off in automatic mode ports to save energy consumption. Correction:

  • Through the control panel of the operating system, go to the power menu;
  • Go to plan parameters, then to additional ones;
  • Find the option responsible for recharging USB ports;
  • Find the parameters for temporarily disabling these elements and set them to “Prohibited”.

Another one possible reason malfunctions - previous use similar systems and the presence of programs installed for them, which cause such a conflict. Naturally, they should be deactivated:

  • Go to search bar through the “Start” button;
  • Drive “appwiz.cpl” into it;
  • In the list provided, search for all software that relates to this wireless equipment. Properly uninstall it.

If you do not have the required software to identify the computer by the system, it is recommended to visit official resource manufacturer, download the required drivers and install them.

The last option concerns the precise determination of whether the device used is in working condition or not. It is suitable in cases where it is not possible to double-check the mouse on other PCs:

  • Go to the Microsoft website and download and then install IntelliPoint software;
  • Through the “Start” button, enter the menu of all programs, go to standard;
  • Click on “Run” and enter “mousinfo”.

This will launch a diagnostic tool that allows you to check the functionality of the connected device.


On laptops, both a regular touchpad (built-in touchpad under the keyboard) and an external mouse, which is connected either through a wire or without it, through a special receiver that is inserted directly into the laptop, can simultaneously function.

Usually one device fails or does not work well. But in rare cases it happens that both do not work. Let's look at the causes of the breakdown and their elimination.

Causes of failure

What can affect the operation of the touchpad:

  • External pollution. You may have previously spilled liquids on the panel or may not have cleaned it for a long time. In this case, it is enough to walk over the touchpad with a slightly damp cloth and then wipe it well with a dry one;
  • Work with wet hands. Some touch panels may not perceive touch correctly with wet hands;
  • Software failure. Usually happens on laptops with an old or incompatible OS version (the latter is usually installed by the user), the problem can only be solved by installing drivers from the manufacturer’s official website, but the necessary drivers may not be available (especially if the laptop and/or OS are outdated);
  • Incorrect settings. Usually in these cases the touchpad works, but not as the user would like. The problem is being solved simple change settings;
  • Mechanical damage to the touchpad or connecting to motherboard plume. In this case, only service center.

Wired mouse malfunction:

  • Mechanical damage to any element of the mouse and/or wire. In this case, only replacing the manipulator can help;
  • Damage to the USB port where the cord is inserted;
  • Software incompatibility. To normalize the operation, you will have to delve into the laptop settings, perhaps also download drivers for the mouse;
  • Incorrect settings or their failure. Refers to software problems. In this case, the mouse works, but behaves inappropriately during operation.

Why a wireless mouse may not work:

  • The batteries/accumulator are low;
  • The USB connector where the signal receiver from the mouse was inserted was broken;
  • The mouse itself and/or the receiver is broken. In this case, the mouse can only be completely replaced or taken for repair;
  • Driver problems. In most cases, the OS installs itself necessary drivers when connecting a manipulator. If this does not happen, then it will work incorrectly or not at all;
  • The settings have gone wrong. In this case, the mouse works, but the quality of its work leaves much to be desired.

Method 1: Fix touchpad problems

To begin, wipe the panel with a slightly damp microfiber cloth and then wipe dry. Due to accumulated dirt, the device may not operate correctly. Before you start cleaning the dirt, turn off the laptop, and after cleaning, wait until the touchpad is completely dry.

If the touch pad under the laptop keyboard stops working, the reason may be that it is disabled. Perhaps you previously connected another pointing device to the laptop, which caused the system to disable the touchpad (this happens in some models) or an issue occurred software glitch. To reconnect the device, use the key combination Fn+(F1-F12). Depending on the laptop model on the desired F-key Either a crossed out touchpad miniature will be drawn, or just a touchpad; sometimes there is a variation with a touchpad and a handle.

Troubleshoot using a built-in feature in Windows (not just for the touchpad):

If the methods described above did not help restore normal operation of the touchpad, then it is recommended to contact a service center, because most likely there is a breakdown motherboard and/or loop.

Method 2: fixing the connected mouse

To check if the mouse is working (regardless of whether it is wired or not), simply connect it to another computer/laptop. If the manipulator still does not work normally, then it must be repaired or replaced with a new one. Provided that it worked fine on another device, problems should be looked for in hardware compatibility.

To get started, you can follow these two simple steps:

  1. Connect the wire from the mouse to another USB input. Perhaps with the input to which the mouse is connected in currently, any problems.
  2. Restart your laptop. There is a possibility that some kind of failure occurred in the system due to which the mouse stopped working or began to work worse.

If this does not help, then move on to more complex manipulations with the system. For example, you can update drivers. To do this, use step by step instructions from the first method, except that you need to find the connected mouse, not the touchpad.

As a radical way to solve the problem, you can do this:

  1. Go through V "Device Manager".
  2. In point “Mice and other pointers” find the mouse you need. As a rule, the name contains the name of the mouse manufacturer and/or “Compatible mouse”.
  3. Right-click on it on the touchpad and select "Delete".
  4. Reboot the system and connect the pointer again. In this case, the system will again try to recognize the manipulator and there is a chance that it will work normally.

You can also delve into the mouse settings, but this will help provided that it is not working correctly:

In the case of a wireless mouse, it is recommended to check whether the batteries/battery are discharged. Just insert new batteries into it or charge the battery. If the problem is not solved, then follow all the steps listed above. If they don’t help, then the mouse will have to be replaced.


When using both the “native” touchpad and connected manipulators, problems sooner or later arise. Over time, the performance of any device deteriorates, so it is recommended to replace old equipment with new, more advanced ones every few years.

If the mouse is connected to the system unit via the PS/2 connector (the round socket on the rear panel, next to which there is sometimes a picture of a mouse), it cannot be connected and disconnected in a “hot” way, i.e. when the computer is turned on. May happen short circuit, to which PS/2 ports are very sensitive.

If you see that the cursor does not move and the system does not respond to mouse keystrokes, turn off the computer using the keyboard. To open the Start menu, press Ctrl+Esc or Win. Use the Down Arrow and Enter keys to select the Shutdown command and confirm the shutdown request by pressing OK.

Disconnect the mouse wire from the port and carefully, being careful not to bend the electrode pins, connect it again - the problem may be a lack of contact. Turn on your computer. If the mouse works, it means you did everything right.

The USB ports are designed for hot plugging. However, if the mouse is connected via USB, still turn off the system unit before connecting the connector - rebooting may help.

If the problem persists, try the mouse on another computer. If the cursor moves and the keys work, the port on your system unit or there are problems with the software.

To identify the source of the trouble, alternately connect known-good mice to the computer via PS/2 and USB ports. Usually there is no need to install special drivers - both are suitable standard utilities Windows. If not a single device works, there is most likely a software problem.

Using the Win keys, directional arrows, Tab and Enter, from the “Start” menu, go to the “Control Panel”, activate the “System” icon, in the “Hardware” tab, click “Device Manager”, then expand the “Mouse and other pointing devices” list . Use the combination Shift+F10 to call context menu and select the “Delete” command, then reboot. The system, having detected a new device, will reinstall the drivers for it.

If you connected new equipment or installed new program, the reason may be a hardware conflict. Login to safe mode when it loads into minimal configuration. To do this, restart your computer and press F8 after a short sound signal. In the boot mode menu, select “Safe Mode”. When the system asks you to continue working in this mode, answer “Yes”. If the mouse works fine, remove the new hardware and software. Boot into normal mode.

If your system has the System Restore option enabled, try selecting "Load the latest successful configuration» in the mode selection menu. The system will offer you several system restore points to download. Choose the one closest to the time when the problems started. If the attempt fails, try another date.

There is another way to enter system recovery mode. When rebooting, select the “Safe Mode” option, but answer “No” when asked by the program to continue working. You will then be prompted to select a restore point.

OS Windows has a built-in “Troubleshooter”. To launch it, go to the “Control Panel” using the keyboard and expand the “Mouse” icon. Go to the “Hardware” tab using Shift+Tab and click “Diagnostics”. To run diagnostics, use the “Next” button. To select an answer to the system questions, press Shift. Perhaps, as a result, it will be possible to find out the reason for the inoperability.

If these methods do not help, check your computer for viruses. Download free program AVZ4 and deploy it to the flash drive. Press Win+R and enter the command F:\AVZ4\avz.exe into the “Open” window, where F: is the name of the removable disk in the system. Start scanning.

If the mouse works but sporadically, right-click on free space on the screen, select the “Properties” option and go to the “Options” tab. Click "Advanced" and select the "Diagnostics" tab. Move the slider " Hardware acceleration» one space to the left and confirm by pressing OK.

If you encounter a problem where the mouse on your laptop does not work, do not rush to purchase a new input device. Since the mouse is designed quite simply, in most cases you can easily identify the cause of the problem and fix it.

Why doesn't the mouse work on my laptop?

Most often the problem occurs for one of the following reasons:

  • operating system failure;
  • failure of the laptop's USB interface;
  • malfunction USB connector mice;
  • cable damage (if a wired mouse is used);
  • the batteries are completely discharged (in the case of a wireless mouse);
  • accumulation of static charge;
  • damage to the operating system by malware.

The mouse does not work on a laptop - instructions for solving the problem

  1. First of all, pay attention to whether the mouse backlight turns on when you connect it to the computer. If there is no backlight, switch the mouse to any other USB port on the laptop. Didn't bring results? Then inspect the mouse for damage to the cable. If possible, connect the mouse to another computer and check its functionality.
  2. If the wireless mouse on your laptop does not work, make sure that it is turned on using the button or switch located on its case. In addition, you should pay attention to whether the battery is inserted correctly and whether it is discharged.
  3. If mechanical damage you did not find any input devices or USB interfaces on the laptop, then try rebooting the system. Often this simple action helps to get rid of problems that arise as a result of software failures.
  4. Go to the Device Manager service and expand the Mice and other pointing devices category. Make sure there is no mouse next to the connected mouse. Exclamation point. Otherwise, open the context menu from the icon, click “Update Drivers” and follow the instructions on the screen.
  5. Enter safe mode (read how to do this on Windows XP, 7 and 8 if you have an operating system Windows system 10 – open). If your mouse starts functioning again in Safe Mode, your computer is most likely infected with a virus that is blocking your input devices. To solve the problem, produce .
  6. Turn off your laptop, unplug the power adapter, and remove the battery. Then hold down the power button for 30 seconds. This way you will remove static charge, which in some cases can be the reason why the mouse on a laptop does not work.
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