Why do they call me and I don’t hear? Why there is no sound on the phone - reasons and explanations

We treat “deafness” in Android smartphones

The modern smartphone has long become a multifunctional device. Today, owners use their mobile phones as webcams. gaming consoles, multimedia players, modems, remote controls remote control and so on. However, the main function still remains Voice connection. Therefore, if the microphone on the phone does not work, then its usefulness tends to zero. This malfunction may have many different causes.

Why doesn't the microphone on my phone work?

First, let's delve a little deeper into the technical sphere of the problem. A microphone is an electromechanical device that converts sound waves into an electrical signal. Thus, for it to function, at least two conditions must be met. Firstly, it is necessary to ensure unhindered passage of sound to the sensitive element, and secondly, the microphone must be in good working order.

And if these conditions are met, the processor receives correct digital data, and nothing else depends on the microphone.

However, the formulation of the question should be expanded. The fact is that the problem due to which the interlocutor can no longer hear your voice is not necessarily related to the performance of the microphone. The reason for the lack of sound may be due to application settings, “glitches” of the smartphone’s operating system, and even a malfunction of the speaker in your interlocutor’s mobile phone.

Let's look at the most common situations.

“Fixing” sound in Skype

So, your interlocutor cannot hear you. In this case, we proceed according to the following algorithm.

  • Let's call someone else. If there is no one else to call, we use the built-in Echo service - this service specially designed to check the quality of communication. We call the service and say a few words - the voice will be recorded and forwarded to your phone. If everything is fine, it means that the problem is not with you, but with the interlocutor, for example, the speaker is faulty.
  • Let's understand the settings. If no one can hear you, including the Echo service, go to the phone's privacy settings menu and click on the microphone icon. Here we will get a list of programs that have access to the microphone - we should make sure that Skype is among them. If this does not help, try reinstalling the application.
  • We use a headset. There are rare cases when Skype flatly refuses to work with the built-in microphone. A radical decision Bluetooth headsets may become a problem. At the same time, you will receive a significant improvement in sound quality.

A fairly common problem that smartphone owners face is poor hearing during conversations. Moreover, both Android and other devices are susceptible to it. operating systems, such as iOS and Windows Phone. I bring to your attention several proven methods of what to do if you can’t hear your interlocutor on the phone.

It’s hard to hear your interlocutor on the phone: causes of malfunction

So what could be the reason that the speaker became quiet or the sound disappeared altogether? In most cases, the problem lies on the surface and does not require the intervention of service center specialists. Let's talk about everything in order:

  • If you can't hear one of your interlocutors, you need to make sure that the problem is not on your side. Try making a call to someone you know working phone and check the sound quality. If this is not your case, then move on.
  • Check the volume level. To do this, during a conversation, press the volume rocker up and check if there is a result. No result? Read below.

  • Inspect speaker phone for dirt. Often it is the dirt in the speaker grill that causes the sound to deteriorate during a call. If you find dirt, take a toothpick with a piece of soft cloth or a cotton swab and gently wipe the dirty area, lightly moistening it with a drop of alcohol. You can also use a soft toothbrush.

    Do not use a needle or other metal objects for this purpose, as this can easily damage the speaker, which will only worsen the problem.

    I came across a funny situation when a person after iPhone purchases, leaves the factory film on the screen to protect the screen. But the whole point is that this film covers the speaker and practically nothing is heard during a call. You don’t need to do this, if you want protection, buy yourself a normal protective film or glass, especially since they are not at all difficult

  • Make sure you don't have a headset connected to your phone, as this will cause sound to come through the headset and not through the phone's speaker. The same applies to bluetooth headset and other bluetooth devices.

  • Reboot your phone. This will help if the problem is caused by a device software failure.

If none of the methods help, then the problem is more serious and it will not be possible to solve it on your own without the appropriate experience. You need to contact a service center for help.

I'll try to suggest the basic principles of setting up sound in the engineering menu.

On the same phones, but with different version Firmware, engineering menu may differ slightly. We describe using the example of engineering iPhone menu H6.

We enter engineering menu by entering the appropriate code. For example, for some phone models *#9646633#

Go to the Audio menu. By default, the audio settings use three modes:
- normal mode – the main mode of using the phone
- loudspeaker mode – hands-free mode
- headphone mode – headset mode

We choose the sound in which mode annoys us. For example, we don't like the microphone sensitivity in “Normal Mode”. Go to the menu “Normal Mode” - “Microphone”. We observe the menu items “Volume 0” - “Volume 1” - “Volume 2” - “Volume 3” - “Volume 4” - “Volume 5” - “Volume 6”. These menu items determine the microphone signal level when various installations the general volume of the phone, which, if necessary, is regulated by the phone volume rocker. Now, by changing the values ​​in each of the 7 points, you can customize the phone for yourself. The basic principle is “The higher the volume of the speaker, the lower the sensitivity of the microphone” (if there is noise outside, the volume of the speaker is higher to hear the interlocutor and the sensitivity of the microphone is lower, to reduce the transmission of external noise, and vice versa - in a quiet room, with a quiet sound from the speaker, You can increase the sensitivity of the microphone so as not to raise your voice). Minimum value specified parameters- 0, maximum - 255.
Those. set type settings:
Volume 0 - 255
Volume 1 - 235
Volume 2 - 215
Volume 3 - 205
Volume 4 - 195
Volume 5 - 185
Volume 6 - 175

These are not specific values. This is the principle. Specific values ​​may depend on the characteristics of your microphone.
Parameter values ​​are selected using the volume rocker.
Then “Install”.
Excessive sensitivity of the microphone leads to an echo effect when the interlocutor hears himself.

The volume of other audio devices is adjusted in the same way as the microphone:
Speech – speaker level in talk mode
Keyboard Tone – the volume of the beep when you press keys.
Melody – ringing signal volume
Sound – TV and FM volume

Likewise Normal mode– Sets the values ​​for Speaker Mode and Headphone Mode.

In each of the items (Speech, Melody, etc.) there is a final item “16 Level Setting”. It has 2 parameters: Max Analog Gain and Step. This is for setting 16-step volume control of the audio player in the appropriate mode (Normal, Headphones, etc.)
Max Analog Gain is maximum volume audio player. Step is the step to decrease the volume (from maximum) when you press the rocker. Thus, if for example Max Analog Gain=160, Step=10, then the volume will change from maximum (160) to zero. If Max Analog Gain=160, Step=5, then the volume will be from 160 to 80.
These parameters are duplicated in all items (Speech, Melody, etc.); it is enough to set them in one item.
P.S. Their influence on the volume of the video player was not noticed (although there is also 16-step regulation)

What should I do if the person I’m talking to can’t hear me well on the phone? If the device is under warranty, then you can simply contact the service center, where they will repair or replace the relevant parts. What if the warranty has unfortunately already expired? Then you should try to independently determine what is the cause of this defect: software glitch or hardware failure?

Why can't my interlocutor hear me on my Android phone?

You can find out the cause of the problem quickly enough by simply connecting the headset. If you then make a call to speakerphone and the interlocutor will hear you - this means that the microphone built into the phone is damaged, and the device must be taken to a service center to have the part replaced. At times, simply rebooting the smartphone helps.

Sometimes the consequence of the fact that the interlocutor cannot hear you well on the phone is system failure, which you can try to fix yourself without turning to specialists. In this case, you should proceed as follows:

  • Go to " Settings»
  • Find the item " Memory and Backup»

  • Create a backup by connecting a memory card, or use cloud storage, a copy can also be saved using a computer via USB port
  • Produce " Reset to factory settings»

This is a radical measure, but if the device worked fine in its pure form before you started installing programs, then the problem lies with the installed software. This turns out to be enough to eliminate the reason that the interlocutor cannot hear me well on the phone.

If you apply, save all information that is stored on your device as it will be deleted during the reset. Please note that all photos, videos, account settings, messages, contacts, and applications will disappear, so do not neglect backup. Some smartphone models have built-in utilities for saving a backup copy in the cloud services of phone manufacturers. Read more about this in the article.

At full reset data will delete all information stored on the device (photos, videos, account settings, messages, contacts, and applications). Before resetting your data, be sure to create backup copy- instructions.

What should I do if the person I’m talking to can’t hear me well on the phone?

To troubleshoot microphone problems, try cleaning your phone using a program that is available in Play Store. Tubro Cleaner will safely clean your smartphone of unnecessary files and programs that slow down the operation of the device, and also eliminate settings errors. Launch the application, and the utility will monitor the operation of the smartphone’s system files.

  • Download and install the program on your device
  • Run " Speed ​​up»

  • Turn on Tubro Cleaner
  • Get rid of debris clogging the system

You can clear your smartphone of files that cause software failures using the built-in utility, if your phone has one. To use this function you must:

  • Go to " Safety»
  • Then select " Optimize»

  • Select files to be optimized
  • Perform Cleanup

When I call, the interlocutor cannot hear me - drastic measures

Well, the last option is to reflash the phone. You most likely won’t be able to do this on your own without a certain skill, if you don’t have enough experience or have never done reflashing. It’s better to contact a service center, where specialists will do everything faster and safer for your smartphone. If you decide to change the software yourself, you should go to the phone manufacturer's website to download the firmware and upload it to the device. But, if you dare to take such a step, be sure to create and save a backup copy, as described above.

We deliberately do not give advice like “take a toothpick and clean the microphone hole yourself from accumulated dirt or dust,” since it is quite easy to damage the microphone by piercing it. After this, replacement is possible only in service center. If the interlocutor has trouble hearing me on the phone, use our tips.

Frequent users of brand smartphones Sony Xperia dissatisfied with the quality of audibility during communication with a contact, and this situation also occurs in the reverse order. In this article we will look at all possible problems of audibility during communication. In most cases, the issue can be resolved by program level without much effort, free of charge and without having to go to repair centers.

We will consider the reasons in order of frequency encountered by owners of smartphones from this company.

First reason. Software enhancement of sound quality.

There are a couple of functions, the essence of which is to improve sound quality; in fact, not all smartphones implement them adequately. These functions are “Subscriber Voice Enhancement” and “Noise Reduction”. If during a conversation your contact is concerned that your voice is not being heard adequately and this affects more than just one person, try taking the simplest steps to disable these functions. To do this, just go to the call settings and deactivate them. Just keep in mind that your smartphone may require a reboot after the operations performed.

The second reason. I can’t hear the other person due to the type of network

Network settings failed. This is not a common case, but since it’s easy to check, do the following: go to the following points: Settings -> Mobile network -> Network type -> select WCDMA/GSM. We overload the device, in this case, preferably by removing the battery (with technical feasibility, after turning off we remove it)

Third reason. Google OK

A much-hyped Android feature (in practice, it’s nothing more than a toy, and even harmful due to bugs in operation that can affect many programs). This thing sometimes results in the inability to hear the contact. Disable the “Voice search” function in Google services, the settings there are standard and intuitive.

Fourth reason. Serious software failure

From this point on, we move on to extreme ways to solve the problem when the interlocutor is not heard or is hard to hear. And perhaps at this stage it will be relevant for you to contact a special service center - sony-helpers.ru, but if you still want to figure it out on your own, read on.

"Hard Reset" or " Hard reset smartphone to factory settings." Important point- during this procedure, remember that all data (except for those on the card) will be erased, so be sure to make a preliminary backup contacts, correspondence and other necessary information. We will not describe this procedure in detail, because there is a lot of information on this topic on the Internet and it is easily accessible.

Fifth reason. The technology failed

Your earphone or speaker is faulty. The saddest and most expensive thing is that the only way to resolve this situation is to contact a service center where qualified specialists can help you. We do not recommend trying to carry out repairs yourself; if you lack experience, no video tutorial can protect you from causing even greater damage to the device.

As you can see, hiring experts to resolve the issue is not so necessary; you can carry out certain diagnostics yourself without spending extra money. But keep in mind that all actions that you perform on your smartphone will occur solely at your own responsibility.

Have you noticed that during some calls on your iPhone you can’t hear the other person? This problem quite common among owners Apple smartphones. Its reason may be as follows: iOS error, or due to a malfunction or contamination of the iPhone receiver. What to do in any of these cases is described in this instruction.

Check volume and connection levels

First you need to check basic settings. First, make sure that the volume level during a call is not set to the minimum value. During a call, adjust the volume using the control buttons - the screen should display a volume indicator and its current status.

Secondly, make sure that the headset is not connected to the iPhone, since in this case there will be no sound in the smartphone receiver. Make sure that nothing is connected to the headphone jack or dock connector, and that there is no . In addition, go to the menu " Settings» → Bluetooth and turn off Bluetooth.

Clean the receiver

The iPhone receiver may not work properly if it is dirty or clogged. Make sure the receiver is not blocked by anything, e.g. protective film or cover, and also check whether the receiver grille is clogged. In the latter case, you need to clean it with a clean, dry brush with soft bristles.

Advice! If you just purchased an iPhone, remove the plastic films from the panels of the smartphone.

Force restart your iPhone

Quite often, the problem with poor iPhone receiver performance is due to a software error. Produce forced reboot smartphone by pressing the buttons Nutrition And Home(volume down button on iPhone 7/7 Plus) in order to clear errors.

Restore iPhone

Even more in an effective way corrections software error is iPhone recovery. For this:

Note: You must have the latest version installed on your computer. iTunes version. You can update iTunes on Mac from the Updates tab in Mac App Store, on Windows in the “Help” → “Updates” menu. If iTunes is not installed on your computer, download latest version possible at official Apple website.

Step 1. Download the latest one for your iPhone iOS version on this site .

Step 2. Connect your iPhone to your computer, and then enter the smartphone into recovery mode. To do this, simultaneously hold down the buttons Home And Nutrition on 10 Seconds, then release the Power button but continue to hold the button Home during 6-9 seconds. If you did everything correctly, iTunes will report iPhone detection in recovery mode.

Note: iPhone translation 7 and iPhone 7 Plus recovery mode is slightly different. Instead of the Home button, you should hold the Volume Down button.

Step 3: Hold the key Shift and while holding it press " Restore» on iTunes. In the window that opens, select the previously downloaded firmware file.

Step 4. Confirm to start the recovery procedure.

After the recovery is complete, run initial setup iPhone, and then check if the error with the device’s receiver not working properly has been corrected.

Contact the service center for help

If none of the methods described above helped, in your case the problem is hardware. Only service center specialists can help solve it.

What should I do if the person I’m talking to can’t hear me well on the phone? If the device is under warranty, then you can simply contact the service center, where they will repair or replace the relevant parts. What if the warranty has unfortunately already expired? Then you should try to independently determine what is the cause of this defect: a software failure or a hardware failure?

Why can't my interlocutor hear me on my Android phone?

You can find out the cause of the problem quickly enough by simply connecting the headset. If you then make a call using the speakerphone and the interlocutor can hear you, it means that the microphone built into the phone is damaged, and the device must be taken to a service center to have the part replaced. At times, simply rebooting the smartphone helps.

Sometimes, as a result of the fact that the interlocutor cannot hear you well on the phone, there is a system failure that you can try to fix yourself without turning to specialists. In this case, you should proceed as follows:

  • Go to " Settings»
  • Find the item " Memory and Backup»

  • Create a backup by connecting a memory card, or use cloud storage, a copy can also be saved using a computer via USB port
  • Produce " Reset to factory settings»

This is a radical measure, but if the device worked fine in its pure form before you started installing programs, then the problem lies with the installed software. This turns out to be enough to eliminate the reason that the interlocutor cannot hear me well on the phone.

If you apply this method, save all information that is stored on the device as it will be deleted during the reset. Please note that all photos, videos, account settings, messages, contacts, and applications will disappear, so do not neglect backup. Some smartphone models have built-in utilities for saving a backup copy to cloud services phone manufacturers. Read more about this in the article.

A complete data reset will delete all information stored on the device (photos, videos, account settings, messages, contacts, and applications). Before resetting your data, be sure to create a backup copy - instructions.

What should I do if the person I’m talking to can’t hear me well on the phone?

To troubleshoot problems with the microphone, try cleaning your phone using a program that is available in the Play Store. Tubro Cleaner will safely clean your smartphone from unnecessary files and programs that slow down the operation of the device, and will also eliminate settings errors. Launch the application, and the utility will monitor the operation system files smartphone.

  • Download and install the program on your device
  • Run " Speed ​​up»

  • Turn on Tubro Cleaner
  • Get rid of debris clogging the system

You can clear your smartphone of files that cause software failures using the built-in utility, if your phone has one. To use this function you must:

  • Go to " Safety»
  • Then select " Optimize»

  • Select files to be optimized
  • Perform Cleanup

When I call, the interlocutor cannot hear me - drastic measures

Well, the last option is to reflash the phone. You most likely won’t be able to do this on your own without a certain skill, if you don’t have enough experience or have never done reflashing. It’s better to contact a service center, where specialists will do everything faster and safer for your smartphone. If you decide to change software yourself, you should go to the phone manufacturer’s website to download the firmware and upload it to the device. But, if you dare to take such a step, be sure to create and save a backup copy, as described above.

We deliberately do not give advice like “take a toothpick and clean the microphone hole yourself from accumulated dirt or dust,” since it is quite easy to damage the microphone by piercing it. After this, replacement is possible only at a service center. If the interlocutor has trouble hearing me on the phone, use our tips.

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