Why am I always sad? Constant sadness, depression

When they tell us that someone has depression, we imagine a person in a bad mood who sees the world around him in black terms. Indeed, with depression a person loses interest in life and work. He feels that longing and sadness are squeezing his chest and he constantly wants to cry. Today, depression is one of the most common women's diseases.

Unfortunately, to depressed woman those around you are not always understanding. They often accept this disease as a manifestation of laziness, selfishness, improper upbringing and natural pessimism. Meanwhile, depression is a disease that requires the intervention of psychotherapists and is highly treatable. The sooner treatment for depression is started, the greater the chance that the disease will not take on severe forms, accompanied by abuse of alcohol, drugs, and even the desire to commit suicide.

Remember depression- this is a serious illness, not just a bad mood. If you do not recognize it in time and do not slow it down, then it can develop and bring suffering not only to the patient himself, but also to his loved ones. To distinguish depression from bad mood, answer the questions of the test by American psychotherapist Williams Zang.

1. How often do you feel like crying?
a) I never cry without a serious reason - 1 point; b) I cry only after quarrels - 2 points; c) I cry every time I feel sorry for myself or someone else - 3 points; d) I cry constantly, tears are very close to me - 4 points.

2. How do you sleep at night?
a) never waking up - 1 point; b) if I get very upset, I can’t sleep - 2 points;
c) I fall asleep and sleep poorly - 3 points; d) I constantly suffer from insomnia - 4 points.

3. What is your mood in the morning?
a) I always wake up in a great mood - 1 point; b) bad, only if there are problems - 2 points; c) I am rarely kind and cheerful in the morning - 3 points; d) I can’t even imagine what to be happy about in the morning - 4 points.

4. Do you feel tired?
a) no, I feel cheerful even after work - 1 point; b) I get tired only after work - 2 points; c) I often feel tired even during the day - 3 points; d) I have no strength since the morning - 4 points.

5. Do you like to do housework?
a) they bring me joy - 1 point; b) I only like to cook, but washing and cleaning irritate me - 2 points; c) I cook and clean only according to my mood - 3 points; c) all household chores irritate me - 4 points.

6. How easily do you make decisions?
a) I almost always make decisions - 1 point; b) sometimes I need someone’s advice - 2 points; c) I rarely have to make a decision - 3 points; d) why should I make decisions and take responsibility - 4 points.

7. How often do you feel sad and depressed?
a) occasionally - 1 point; b) only when I am alone (alone) - 2 points; c) often - 3 points; d) almost always - 4 points.

8. Do you consider yourself a happy person?
a) yes - 1 point; b) sometimes I am unhappy - 2 points; c) I often feel unhappy (unhappy) - 3 points; d) I don’t know what happiness is - 4 points.

9. Do you like to communicate with loved ones as before?
a) for me there is no better pleasure than communicating with loved ones - 1 point; b) only when I am in the mood - 2 points; c) often I don’t want to hear from anyone - 3 points; d) they all irritate me - 4 points.

Why is it believed that pregnant women should not cut their hair? There are two approaches to the ban on cutting your hair: folk and scientific. Let's look at both.

Folk sign: why shouldn’t pregnant women cut their hair?

It is believed that when a woman cuts her hair, she shortens the life of her child. For example, he may be stillborn or not live long after birth. People believed that it was in the hair that the vitality of mother and child was gained. Moreover, it was not allowed to cut a child under one year old: this would cause the vitality to decrease or “the mind to be cut.”

There are many ancient rituals associated with hair. For example, at baptism a strand of hair is rolled up in wax, at a wedding the bride’s hair is braided, and at her husband’s funeral the widow let her hair down. These and other signs about hair are associated with life and death. It was also believed that having a person’s hair, any sorcerer could harm him.

There are other explanations why a pregnant woman should not have her hair cut. For example, a woman's hair is considered hers better protection, something like a scarf or cape. Losing them means losing protection. And even earlier, in ancient times, it was believed that hair could partially warm a woman and her child in severe frosts.

Scientific basis for superstition

Why do some doctors also not advise pregnant women to cut their hair at certain times? Are they really superstitious too? Not at all. It turns out there is a completely logical explanation why Pregnant women should not have their hair cut. The fact is that after a haircut, the hair begins to grow even more intensively, and you will have to cut it more often. And for hair growth, many useful substances leave the body: vitamins, minerals, proteins, which are more needed by the fetus.

Of course, if you consume these same vitamins, proteins and minerals in sufficient quantities, then there will be no problems. And if you already don’t have enough of them in your body, and the baby takes everything you have, then at the end of pregnancy you risk being left without hair and without teeth, with sore muscles.

Signs: what should pregnant women not do?

Folk signs did not develop by chance. For centuries, people have observed pregnant women, childbirth, the growth of a child, its character, etc. All this takes a long period, therefore there are many signs associated with the expectant mother and child. And all these signs predicted some kind of danger, warning the woman and child.

    Why can’t a pregnant woman look at terrible animals, dead people, and freaks? It was believed that the child would be born ugly. How can this fact be explained from a medical point of view?

    The mood and condition of the mother affects the hormones that are transmitted through the placenta to the fetus. The child usually experiences the same emotions as the mother. And he from the very early date starts making faces. Therefore, various shocks and experiences can affect not only the child’s character, but also his appearance.

    Pregnant women should not step over products grown in the ground, for example, potatoes, beets, etc. This is rather just a tribute to the earth and its fruits.

    There should be no knots on a woman’s clothes: they do not allow the child to pass through. external world. You cannot sew, knit, weave, etc. All this is somehow connected with the umbilical cord, which can be wrapped around the child.

    Most likely, the fact is that a woman in labor cannot sit in one position for a long time; she should walk more, lie down, but not sit, because this increases the load on the fetus. And over a long period of time, the head drops into the pelvis, so the woman’s sitting can harm the child.

    The sign of not showing a newborn to strangers until forty days is also quite understandable. It's not just a matter of the "evil eye". It’s just that the child is still very weak, his immunity has not yet been formed, and strangers can bring infection into the house. And unnecessary excitement and many new impressions can be a heavy burden for a child.

    You can't kiss newborns: they may become mute. The explanation is quite simple: you should not expose your child to infections, you need to follow the rules of hygiene so as not to infect the baby.

Very stupid signs

And there are some really stupid signs associated with pregnant women. Of course, at first glance, these signs seem very funny, but often some of them can be found with a reasonable explanation. Perhaps it is worth listening to them.

  • A pregnant woman should not take a bath;
  • You can't tell anyone about pregnancy;
  • You can't eat eggs with two yolks;
  • You can't eat in secret;
  • The name of the unborn child must be kept secret;
  • You cannot play with or touch the cat;
  • You can't sit on the porch;
  • A pregnant woman should not touch her face;
  • You cannot sit cross-legged;
  • You cannot refuse a woman when she asks for food;
  • You cannot raise your arms above your head;
  • You cannot be interested in the gender of the unborn child before birth;
  • You can’t buy things for your baby before giving birth;
  • Pregnant women should not swear;
  • You cannot rock a crying baby in a cradle or stroller, only in your arms;
  • Pregnant women should not wear gold or silver jewelry;
  • You cannot photograph a pregnant woman or draw her portrait.

Superstition or scientific fact?

So, should pregnant women cut their hair or not? In most cases, all signs are prejudices. If a woman fulfills all the doctors’ conditions, takes vitamins, leads healthy image life, does not get upset and is not exposed to stress, then everything is possible for her, but in moderation. The exception is the consumption of harmful foods, smoking, alcohol, and heavy physical activity.

Sometimes a person feels completely unhappy and it begins to affect his whole life. There can be many reasons - job loss, psychological trauma, bereavement, or financial difficulties... However, if you do nothing about your condition, fighting depression will become more and more difficult.

Doing something if you are very sad is not an easy task. After all, depression takes away the strength and hope that are necessary for action. So perhaps you will put off dealing with it until a certain point. But if you are willing to do something, there are many things that can help you overcome this condition.

Complete rest.

Take a day off. Or a week of vacation. Go on vacation. Go to bed at nine in the evening and sleep as much as necessary. Whatever you need to do, provide yourself with quality rest, and then make it regular, not periodic.

Have a good cry.

You can often notice how small children get upset easily, cry, but then quickly come to their senses. normal state. This approach can work for adults too. In our culture, people are often taught that crying is a sign of weakness. But it is not so. There is nothing wrong with tears, because they allow you to connect with your feelings, “let off steam,” and receive support. Allowing yourself to cry into a pillow or on the shoulder of a trusted friend will help you get rid of the accumulated negativity.

Master the practice of gratitude.

Notice things for which you could say “thank you” to God, the Universe, or a higher power. Having learned to notice the good in your own life, over time you will overcome the negative thoughts that arise by inertia, replacing them with brighter ones. Negative thoughts only plunge a person further into a whirlpool of troubles, where he does not know what to do or what to do. If you are sad and want to cry, gratitude for what you already have in life will help you avoid further immersion in this harmful funnel of negativity.

Massage can work wonders on a stressed body.

A gentle massage can release tension in your muscles, helping your entire body relax. The services of salon masters can be an expensive pleasure. However, even if you ask a friend to stretch your neck a little, this will significantly reduce the tension.

Keeping records.

If you like to write, this method can also serve you to get rid of negative feelings. Every day, write down what is happening to you and your feelings about it. This way you can give vent to your emotions and put your thoughts in order.

Cut down on your responsibilities.

It is possible that you feel sad and helpless because you have taken on too much. So just stop doing any of these things! Of course, all this is much easier said than done - hiring a nanny for a child, or finding new job with fewer hours. But you must understand that you are doing this solely for yourself. The effect of such “unloading” will not be long in coming.

Talk to people.

Those who ask themselves the question: “What to do if you’re sad?” sometimes get so deep into introspection that they forget about real communication with others. Meanwhile, isolation only contributes to even greater depression.

Try to find those people in whose presence you will be yourself. For example, you can attend certain courses, or any communities of interest. By overcoming social isolation, you can also overcome feelings of sadness.

Bring more meaning into your life.

You can get out of the state of melancholy and apathy if you learn to regularly do what makes sense to you personally. Ask yourself, what is important to you? What will you get if you achieve this? How can your life change?

Change your daily routine.

Slowly but surely, you can eliminate those daily activities that drain your energy and replace them with enjoyable ones. Remember: every person deserves to live his or her best life. better life, which you can only imagine, and our life consists of everyday little things.

The last piece of advice applies to those who are exposed to extreme emotional stress. If you are one of these people, remember that in this case you need the help of a psychologist. A specially trained person will help you identify the true causes of stress and identify strategies that will help you cope with it.

Throughout life, we must be attentive to the signals that the body sends us. If you find that your workload is beyond your capacity, remember that there are actions you can take to change the situation now and in the future.

Do you feel like crying all the time? So you're doing well! Are you surprised? This is exactly how a psychologist will answer you during a consultation. Because you create tearfulness within yourself. They cry from an idle life, this is exactly what the author of the famous book “Psychology Self-Teacher” Dale Carnegie says. He writes on the pages of the book that laziness and doing nothing provoke hopelessness, then it seems that depression has come over you, you have a dark streak in your life...

Please note that busy people, in particular women who have six children, work and household responsibilities, hobbies and outings in nature, prefer not to mope, but to do business. Therefore, the first advice to those who cry is to get busy!

Reasons for crying for no reason

Sorry for the tautology, but you can’t erase the words from the song. Women and girls are most susceptible to depression or mood swings during PMS, as well as ovulation (when there is a possibility of conception). Without being aware of their nerves, they pester others. They don’t like something, although they liked it before. Something throws you off balance, everything irritates you, and doing normal things becomes impossible. They may withdraw into themselves, or begin to criticize loved ones, pushing them into quarrels. All this is unconscious.

But it is the wise woman, and wisdom comes with age, who tries to understand what is happening to her. In these moments of instability of her nervous system, she tries to do what she loves, to have an interesting time. If she feels like she’s ready to boil like a kettle, she retires and asks not to disturb her for now. It may be worth crying, but it’s not advisable to cry in front of everyone.

It won't do much harm. In addition, these are conscious steps so as not to harm anyone and protect the nervous system of loved ones. After all, throughout their lives they have something to be upset about (from the outside), why escalate the situation in the family? They say that before 7 years of marriage, character grinding occurs, but not only them. If a woman has never learned to manage herself, the family is destroyed. Perhaps she will be able to change herself in 10 years, but think about whether you can, or is it better to immediately dot the i's, get a divorce and be done with it? But this is unlikely to be a way out of the situation and tearfulness will stop controlling you from the bay.

Crying as a method of manipulation

Some women have already learned to control men and even children for their own purposes. If she feels that things are not going according to her rules, she may begin to shed tears. Such capriciousness can happen quite often and only brings destruction. Children will never learn to love a hysterical mother, but do you need this?

Your husband will not love you more because you begged him for another dress or fur coat. Men will most likely give preference to a woman who is independent of anyone, who knows her worth and walks through life with her head held high. But a whiny lady with a strong man is not on her way. Yes, and it is advisable to learn not to cry

It hurts, it hurts, how can I relieve this evil pain...

Every day we face difficulties. An adult has already learned to overcome obstacles; he knows that in order to get satisfaction, he must work hard. To get off the couch and stop crying, you need to take the will into your fist and stop feeling sorry for yourself. An employee who is not
I want to work on this day, do the job well, because I remember the reward. And if you also love what you do, you become happier every day. All because he was able to throw his howling laziness into the far corner. A child who is used to enjoying play once begins to learn lessons because it is necessary. If he gives free rein to laziness, he does not receive an excellent grade, approval, does not improve his knowledge on the topic, does not become an order of magnitude older and smarter, and ultimately does not master the profession of his dreams.

Most often, people experience real mental pain, for example, with depression, when they are touched by troubles that they have not encountered before. Loss of relatives, illness, dismissal from work... These reasons will throw anyone off balance. And even after this, people find the strength to live, develop, and achieve their dreams. But what to do when grievances, grief, sadness, irritation overwhelm you like a cobweb in a network. In this case, you should not blame your husband, shout at your children and beat them just because you feel angry because of a bad day. It’s better to rethink your behavior, and push away every situation that is negative for you internally, learn to let go of the bad.

If you’re sad, communicate, make friends

There are most good people in the world, not evil ones, so don’t get hung up on an inappropriate glance in your direction. Perhaps the grimacing passerby was not thinking about you at all at that moment. Try not to be insolent to salespeople in the store. This only causes you to accumulate negative energy inside. And the energetic empire that wanted to hurt you feeds on the positive. Smile and move your thoughts in a direction that is comfortable for you, in the right direction.

List everything that spoils your mood and write it down. Got a huge list? Then avoid all these situations, trying not to get involved with negative aspects, or change your attitude towards what is happening. And tears will rarely bother you, except from happiness.

Sad? - an interesting job or activity to do

Do something that makes your soul happy and allows a warm ray of light to penetrate it. Let it be macrame or drawing, sports or outings in nature. Dancing or listening to instrumental music. They say that whatever makes a woman happy, she should definitely do it every day. If you want sex, have it, don’t deny yourself, don’t find a reason. If you like yourself with makeup, be sure to spend time in front of the mirror, as this is what can make you a little happier.

Make yourself better, it will help you not cry

Going to a beauty salon or taking care of yourself at home can transform a woman. As they say, change on the outside and you will change on the inside. If it doesn’t work out, force yourself; if you don’t have enough money, borrow until payday; if you don’t have time, cut down on the time you spend fiddling around in the kitchen. But still take care of yourself!

Listen to children's laughter

Play a game with your child that interests both of you. And even better, one that you didn’t play enough of as a child. Perhaps this is dressing up dolls, building your dream house from a construction set, racing cars, war games and shootouts. Review your previous hobbies and make a digest of the most interesting ones. Believe me, after this you will become the most beloved mother in the world for your child. And your desire to be sad will disappear along with the blues.

A person’s emotional background is not always stable. Tearfulness occurs for many reasons. More often women and children succumb to tears. Less common are men and people with a strong character. If you have a question about what to do when you are very sad and want to cry, then it’s time to understand your inner world, find out the cause of emotional outbursts and understand how to help yourself “ capricious weather».

Tears are not always appropriate. Sometimes it is difficult to contain them and, being in the wrong place, at the wrong time or in the wrong environment, you can become a victim of ridicule. Let's look at a number of reasons why a person suffers from tearfulness, and find out what to do if you constantly want to cry.


  • grief, problems, failures;
  • joy, happy event, success;
  • hormonal changes;
  • anxiety, fear of something;
  • grievances; unpleasant feelings settled in the subconscious;
  • inability to speak up;
  • depression.

Now let's look at each point in detail.

Black line

In moments of constant failure, the emotional background weakens. A person experiences pain and loses hope for the best. If you experience failures at work, problems arise in your family life or in communicating with others, do not be surprised if you cannot hold back your tears. The body is cleansed of accumulated negativity and thus protected.

Grief is nothing more than the death of loved ones and relatives. All other problems are really just problems and differ from each other in the degree of complexity, but they are solvable. If your tears arose based on point No. 1, do not hold them back when you want to cry, but cleanse your aura of dirt.

Tears of happiness

They should not be embarrassed or restrained. Joy evokes intense and vivid emotions, and each person reacts differently to happy events.

Oh, those hormones!

Changes in the hormonal background more often occur in women when taking or stopping hormonal medications, during adolescence, during pregnancy, and after it. Abortions, miscarriages and missed pregnancies also affect the functionality of hormones.

Girls at these moments have little control over themselves; they are either sad or happy. Their memory is impaired; they cannot remember how they spent part of the day. The mood changes with the snap of a finger. If a woman was smiling a minute ago, this does not mean that in a couple of minutes she will not cry.

Light sedatives, healthy sleep and water treatments will help calm hormones. In order not to lash out at your loved ones, try to engage in conversation with them less often.

Anxious state

Anxiety sometimes arises unreasonably. For impressionable people, this is generally a disaster. When people are afraid, their brain works several times faster and, without a clear picture, complements images and thoughts with false ideas.

Let's give an example. Young family. My husband is late for work, 15 minutes. During this time, the girl’s mood changes several times and many thoughts occur.

For example:

  • he was delayed because he had someone else;
  • he's definitely cheating on me;
  • visited relatives;
  • decided to have a drink with friends.

These are the standard thoughts of girls who, when their husbands come home, are ready to talk about divorce. Having shouted in the heat of the moment, the girl rethinks everything and begins to cry. Now she is guilty and afraid that her beloved will leave her.

There are many situations of anxiety. This is both the fear of the dark and the fear of one’s actions. Fear is a natural emotion and only those who succumb can overcome it. Find out what you are afraid of. Be honest with yourself. Now do the following.

Go to the mirror, preferably alone, and set yourself a mindset regarding your problem. For example, you are afraid of the dark, explain to yourself that there is nothing in the dark that is not there in the light. That you are a strong person, you have good energy protection, and no one will dare touch you. Tell yourself how strong and fearless you are until you feel that strength. Then you will start to feel better.

They carry water to the offended

Everyone has heard this saying. It is easy to offend a person, especially if he has a weak emotional background and frayed nerves. It's okay to cry because you're upset, but do it alone.

Some ill-wishers deliberately want to disable you. Your tears bring them joy and pleasure. They are proud of themselves in these moments, that they managed to hurt you. In order not to feel humiliated, smile, take a deep breath and exhale, normalize your breathing. Imagine something happy. Learn to laugh at other people's jokes. This is the only thing you need to do if you feel hurt and want to cry.

Inability to speak up

In some situations, when a person is dissatisfied with something, a slow dive into the pressing problem begins. Thoughts pop up both day and night. Lack of sleep occurs, the nervous system and immunity weaken, and salty droplets roll into the eyes. For example, you had a fight with a loved one, or you were offended.

If at that moment you kept your emotions within yourself, they will gradually emerge. Speak out, present everything that worries you. Tell us what you are unhappy about. If the situation requires an apology, apologize. This is the only way you will regain your peace.


Depression is a complex emotional condition that requires immediate help.

This illness occurs due to accumulated negative feelings, grievances, and failures. When everything has been kept inside for a long time, and there is no longer room for this pain.

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