Why the Chinese charger does not charge the iPhone 5. Why you should not use non-original chargers for iPhone

If your iPhone is not charging, then now I will try to solve your problem.

Especially for you, I have prepared 7 reasons why your iPhone may not charge and now I will tell you about them!

Software glitch

First common reason, why the iPhone does not charge, this is a glitch in the system itself. Maybe something in iOS is frozen, and the controller that gives the go-ahead to transfer current to the battery simply does not work. The easiest way to get rid of freezing in iOS is to do this hard reboot. It is done easily and simply. We clamp at the same time Home key and the lock button and hold them for about 20 seconds.

At the same time, please note that when we reboot, a white screen with an apple will light up.

At this point, you don’t need to release the keys yet. Hold Home and lock for another 5-8 seconds (until this whole thing goes out).

After such “ hard reboot "turn on the iPhone again and check whether the iPhone is charging or not.

Problematic firmware

If your iPhone stops charging after updating the system, it means there was some kind of glitch during the firmware. Of course, this does not apply to any certain version iOS. What's on the 11th, what's on the 6th, in principle, on all iOS versions, the iPhone is charging :)

Another thing is that sometimes after updating the firmware, the smartphone stops charging. Although before the firmware everything worked fine. What to do in this case?

1. Rollback

If before updating to new version You have made a backup copy of your device (backup), then in this case it will not be difficult to restore the device through iTunes. This is done very simply. IN iTunes program there's something for that special button « Restore from copy...»

2. Restore factory settings

If you didn’t make a backup copy, then this is very bad: (Because in this case you will have to. If full reset all information from the iPhone is deleted. This includes all photos, videos and music being deleted.

Faulty charger

If your iPhone won't charge, it's very important point when looking for the cause, this is to check the charger and cable. In the next paragraph we will talk about lightning cable, and now in detail about charging.

This block here can also fail:

Simply put, sooner or later it may burn out. Especially if we are talking about a cheap Chinese charger. In general, you cannot charge your iPhone with a “left” charger. There can be very, very severe consequences. In the best case, the battery will wear out much faster, and in the worst case, something will break in the iPhone or it will simply explode.

Okay, okay, don't take explosive words too seriously. After all, not many iPhones exploded around the world.

Try to take another charger, and if you don’t have one, then try charging the phone through the computer. If it works, then good, look for another charger and use it for your health. If the computer does not charge, then we continue to look for the reason!

Faulty Lightning cable

I already said earlier that in the next paragraph we will talk about the Lightning cable, because they also fail, and even more often than the charging unit.

This original cable from Apple fails after 1 year if used carelessly:

It costs a lot, but it breaks faster than some left-handed one.

If possible, test the charging functionality using a different cable. Because, even if your old cable looks great in appearance, this does not mean that it is working.

If there is no other Lightning cable, you will have to buy a new one. I said earlier that you cannot use non-original chargers, but this fortunately does not apply to Lightning cables.

You can easily buy cables on Aliexpress. Another thing is that their quality is not always decent. But if you buy it from a trusted manufacturer, for example, in the UGREEN store, the cable will last much longer than the original Lightning, and it will also cost 5 times less. You can buy it.

Cheap wires no one canceled either, I bought myself a beautiful Lightning cable in denim braid. Costs less than 3 dollars. You can buy it.

Lightning port glitches

We've sorted out the Lightning cable, and now let's touch on the issue of the port itself where this charger is inserted. Now I'm talking about the port where we insert the Lightning cable.

In the worst case, something could break there, but in the best case, a lot of dust, debris, seeds and other rubbish simply accumulated there and because of this, the contacts with the cable do not make contact.

Look into the port and if there is dirt there, take a small stick, like a toothpick, and carefully clean the port.

USB port does not work

If you charge your iPhone from a computer or laptop, then it may simply not work USB port, or provide an insufficient amount of power. Try a different port, or better yet, use Charger or PowerBank.

Faulty parts (battery, cable, recess, etc.)

If all else fails, and the iPhone still won’t charge. Then most likely the problem is a malfunction of some components. This could be a battery “dead” by time or poor charging, broken cables from a fall, some other damage, and the like. In addition, if your smartphone is “drowned” or moisture simply got into it, then this can also cause a breakdown.

In this case, there is only one option - to take the iPhone to specialists for diagnostics. Let them watch.


I hope this lesson helped you in some way. And if you managed to solve your problem, the iPhone was not charging, and now everything is okay, then be sure to write in the comments what kind of breakdown you had.

That's all. Bye everyone!

Eat folk myth which I want to dispel.

They say that a fake Lightning cable is as good as the original one. You buy this AUCHANe for 190 rubles and don’t worry. Maybe the assembly is worse, but the functionality is the same.

Just this not true, which I was personally convinced of. There is a difference. Exactly functional, that is, influences your life in the most direct way.

How did I solve this problem?

I have a good habit - do not use the included charger iPhone.

Why? A standard 5W adapter takes forever to charge an iPhone 7 Plus - 6 hours! You can get old. Therefore, I bought a 12-watt charger + original cable a long time ago. With them, the iPhone 7 Plus reaches 100% in just 2 hours.

I’m used to it by this time, so I notice any deviations immediately. Actually, here is the culprit:

What's happened: Over the weekend I used this black Lightning cable, purchased either on Aliexpress or left over from another accessory. I put my iPhone 7 Plus on charge through it and went about my business.

After 3 and a half hours, I looked at the iPhone and sensed something was wrong: 60% instead of the expected 100%. I made a mistake about charging and the phone itself, but I decided to repeat the experiment with the original cord. This time I sat next to him and looked from time to time.

The result is 2.5 hours. That is, with the original cord, the phone charged 2 times faster, all other things being equal.

As a result, we have a fact on hand: some cables charges the device more slowly. But why? If you listen to Aliexpress fans, all lightning cables are the same, but here you have a surprise.

Why is this happening

Lightning cables cheaper than 500 rubles are almost always laid the thinnest possible wires. Savings do not come out of thin air. As a result, such cables do not support the current (A - amps) at the level of the original or quality cables Lightning.

The original cable, as in the photo above, supports the current up to 2.1 A(ampere). Current strength, in turn, is one of the parameters that determines how quickly your iPhone will charge.

Fake and low-quality cables support current about 1 A. It could be less, it could be 1.5 A. The run-up is large. That's the difference in quality. So, you take a Chinese cable, you get Charging takes 2x longer.

Or not? Why does no one notice the problem, where are the complaints? If everything were so simple, they would have known about it long ago. There's just another factor at play.

Charging model matters

This is an original Apple 5 Watt flat charger (included with iPhone). She supplies current 1 A.

In principle, it is enough to charge any iPhone. However, the batteries Plus models will charge for a very long time - the device even in passive mode consumes more energy, and such a small adapter barely “catch up” with the natural consumption of a working device.

And this is the original thick Apple 12-watt charger (sold separately). Much better - it supplies current 2.4 A.

If you connect it to a regular iPhone, you hardly see the difference in charging speed - the screen is smaller, the passive consumption is the same. With these, the difference is literally 30-40 minutes in favor of a thick block. But for Plus this is a real salvation. Instead of 5-6 hours it turns out 2-3 hours.

Let's repeat: A 5-watt charge generates 1A of current, while a 12-watt charge delivers as much as 2.4A. All that remains is to transfer them to the device via cable. It becomes a narrow throat when charging iPhone. How worse cable inside, the slower the charging.

According to the data sheet, the original Lightning cable is capable of carrying current. up to 2.1A. Almost all cheap counterfeit cables and simply “analogues” only pass 1A, that is, 2 times less.

Conclusion: Fake Lightning cables limit the charging speed of any iPhone when using high-power units - 10 and 12 watts. There is a problem, and now you know about it.

Some Chinese manufacturers are aware of the problem and label their cables accordingly. To believe them or not is a difficult question.

Here are a few more consequences and tips, since we played iSherlock.

1. If you have regular iPhone(not Plus), you are practically you won't notice the difference between a bad and a good cable. Especially if you use the 5-watt charger included in the kit. But it is there, be it half an hour or an hour. IMHO, the difference between 25 and 50% charge for the same time is worth the overpayment for good cable and 12-watt charging.

2. I highly recommend the original cable or models from well-known, non-fake brands to Plus owners. Almost everything that is sold in electronics hypermarkets is branded Chinese. There is trust in Belkin, whose cables are actually certified and support current up to 2.4A.

3. All flat Lightning cables (a la noodles) – nonsense, and they will charge iPhone lasts longer Total. This made my Plus charge comically slowly, and when I started using it, it stopped charging altogether.

After this story, I try not to use left cables, especially when I need to charge my iPhone as quickly as possible. But even after such an analysis, I am sure that not everyone will believe me.

That's why I want ask you. Have you noticed slow charging of your iPhone or iPad from third-party cables? What kind of lace do you use and which charging unit?

P.S. Well, the last thing, for those who scrolled and didn’t read. I highly, highly recommend that you still buy a 12-watt unit, even if you have an iPhone 5s. Inexpensive, really useful accessory without a single minus. And charges everything Apple devices a little faster.

Unfortunately, the Lightning cable from Apple does not last forever; sooner or later it will fail. If this has already happened, then you are probably thinking about what cables are suitable to replace the original one, maybe you should choose something cheaper, but how can you be sure of the quality of the cord. What if a low-quality cable damages Apple technology, after all, you can’t recklessly buy the first Chinese cord you come across.

Here we will look at what exists today best deals for cable products, we compare price-quality positions, taking into account the fact that the cable should be ideal for iPad Apple, even if it is not original. It's no secret that it happens that the iPad does not charge even from a non-original cable.

We agree that the choice is not easy when a real cable costs from 1500-2000 rubles, and a non-original one can be purchased, for example, for no more than 500 rubles. Let's try to find out why the original cord is so expensive and whether the original cable can be replaced with a non-original, but high-quality and cheap one.

Initially, the right to Lightning, in particular its connector, was assigned to Apple , therefore, other serious companies cannot produce their own products using the same connector without special permission from the author. These are the laws of business. If any company uses such technology in its products, it will be forced to pay Apple a bribe of $4 for each cable. This also comes down to price, since a certified cord should not cost less than $4.

As we have already said, there are both certified and non-certified cables or counterfeits on sale. good quality. But the fact is that Apple took this point into account and built a special chip into the Lightning connector, which acts as an authenticator, and if an uncertified product is installed, it stops charging, so on the screen of your Apple devices A corresponding entry appears: “an uncertified accessory is connected.”

This way the company limits the possibility of using low-quality products in its equipment. On the one hand, this is certainly good, there are fewer problems with the iPad, but on the other hand, what kind of solution does exist? So, let's take a closer look at cable products.

Counterfeits of the original cable

The Apple MFI cord is familiar to everyone; it is quite dense and rigid, about a meter long. Unfortunately, this product is often found on eBay as a counterfeit at a price of three dollars apiece, and its packaging may look like the original, while its real price is about $19.

An advanced Aliexpress store will offer you a cheap analogue for just 400-500 rubles. But what is distinctive is that the cable does not look so rigid and is relatively thin and flat. You can find unpleasant burrs on its surface. Cables are offered different colors, and their length corresponds to the standard one meter.

An interesting option is the KALUOS cable, which is distributed in all online stores. His appearance Looks reassuring: itself is quite thick and rigid with an aluminum connector, giving the appearance of an excellent quality cable. Moreover, the cord has two colors: gold and silver, and the length reaches up to 1.5 meters. The price, in turn, is around 3 dollars.

A good analogue is the Belkin cable, which is not inferior in rigidity and thickness to the original one, however, it also has many fakes. If the price for the original cord is about $19, then on Internet sites it is sold from two to ten dollars. At the same time, Lightning itself -the connector accurately reflects the original. What distinguishes the original from a fake is only its price and often its length, which is slightly longer than that of the real thing.

Another popular power cord with Lightning The connector is Nillkin cable , which is made quite high quality, there is a code on the packaging with secret password for original verification. Externally it is massive, while flat, but flexible. There is a special strap on the cord itself that allows you to lay the cord neatly. Its length is more than a meter, and it is made in different colors.

Price on Aliexpress starts from four and a half dollars. However, it is disappointing that such a brand is not in the Apple certified database, so, unfortunately, it is difficult to guarantee its quality, although in practice it has proven itself very well.

It is worth noting another worthy, but unnamed product, only 23 cm long, which differs from all others in that it simultaneously has three of the most popular connectors: Lightning, USB and Apple 30-pin. The outside of the tee can be made of fabric and also have backlight properties. At the same time, it has medium rigidity, it can even be classified as flexible, and accordingly it is a fairly thick cord.

Popular product on the market digital technologies became a meter-long Lightning cord marked Blaze. Sellers pass it off as original and guarantee 100% quality. Unfortunately, it is not on the list of those certified by the company, but it looks very similar to the original. If you look closely, you can see differences in the cord, for example, in the fact that it is a little thin in appearance.

As for the fairly common types of cheap fakes, the price for which is one dollar or less, for example, in the popular online store Aliexpress, of course no one will guarantee their quality, because the price speaks for itself. However, it is precisely the price factor that plays a significant role in sales and, judging by their volumes, they exceed fifty thousand, which is why such products always have a high sales rating.

Appearance of such Lightning -the cords are quite similar to the original, but still the connector looks very rough, the cord itself has slim look, there are ugly burrs on the connectors along the edges, their length can vary from one to two meters. The price for such cables in Moscow ranges from 200 to 500 rubles.

Certified cables

Unlike cheap fakes for 2-4 dollars, you can buy a relatively inexpensive, but certified cable MFi - Lemfo one meter long. In addition, it completely coincides with the original in all respects. It is distinguished from the original only by the marking “lemfo”. For this identical template they are asking eight to ten dollars.

In the same pricing policy there is another analogue High Quality- two-meter, or even five-meter with a Lightning connector, quite thick and at the same time quite flexible cable YourCharger . However, the downside of this cable is that it can charge and connect to Apple products, but it cannot synchronize data between devices, which makes buying a cable half useless.

The certified analogue of Snowkids, not without reason deservedly appreciated by many customers, is represented by a strong and thick cord 1.3 meters long. The rigidity of the cable is quite high, and the connectors look weighty. The price varies around eight to ten dollars. Of course, you can buy it much cheaper in China, but on the domestic market it is a worthy, economical ally of the original.

There is a worthy successor in the Apple certified product database - an MFi cord marked “ESK” . Externally, in design and length, it completely coincides with the “apple” original. There are no logos on it, including the standard one for Apple records"Designed by Apple... ". But the most important thing is that the price for it is two times lower and is 10 dollars. You can buy it on the Chinese JD site.

I would like to point out one more thing high level LG cable that has a micro-USB connector, but comes with a small adapter to Lightning . By the way, such adapters also come in either certified or not.


As we can see, the variety of certified and non-certified products with a Lightning connector offered is quite large, since only a fraction of the cables offered by Chinese manufacturers are listed here. Without testing, one can only understand the quality of such products superficially. What are the dangers of using a low-quality cable when using an iPad?

The fact is that if you use an uncertified device in your work, your iPad may simply not accept it and such a purchase will become useless. And the second dangerous reason is the possibility of the iPad breaking due to the wrong voltage level entering it, since one creator knows what voltage a cheap Chinese cable conducts, so if the current exceeds, you can damage your tablet forever.

If you are ready to take a risk and buy a non-certified, but recommended Lightning cable, then you should remember some connection features. In particular, when, when connecting the cord, the entry “ This cable not certified...”, close this window and unlock your iPad, if the recording window appears again, then also click the “Close” button. Next, disconnect the cable and turn it on again, but do not perform any other actions with the tablet. This way, the device should see the cord and start charging. If you see that there is still no charging, then repeat the procedure again.

Consider a situation where your iPhone or iPad displays the message “This cable or accessory is not certified...”. What does it mean and how to solve the problem.

The need to use only original accessories and their high price seriously bother many owners of Apple devices. Emotions begin to rage especially strongly when, when trying to charge a device or connect it to a computer, a notification appears that “this cable or accessory is not certified.”

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The device does not charge, data transfer becomes impossible, about flashing, creating backup copy or recovery can be forgotten. There are several reasons for this behavior of Apple smartphones and tablets:

  • Using a non-original cable.
  • Physical damage wires.
  • The connector is dirty.

Let's take a closer look at these reasons and find out how you can eliminate the problems that arise with charging and connecting to a computer. But before you start tricking the device or replacing the cable, follow these simple steps:

  1. Unplug the cable and try connecting it again.
  2. Connect to another USB port on your computer (it is recommended to use only the connectors on the back of the system unit).

If these manipulations do not help, then move on to other methods of troubleshooting.

Not original cable

The most common reason for a message that a cable is not certified is the use of a non-original cable. Many Apple fans are guilty of this: the cost of original accessories is prohibitively high, and when it is possible to buy the same wire, but 5 times cheaper, the choice becomes obvious.

Another thing is that not all cheap cables will work correctly with Apple devices. After several connections, a smartphone or tablet may begin to “swear” at the cable, and then completely refuse to interact with it, recognizing it as a Chinese fake.

But the device can be fooled:

This method is not a solution to the problem - rather, a temporary measure until you buy the original wire.

Cable damage

If you are using the original “string”, but still see a message on the screen about the lack of a certificate, then check physical state cable. It may be damaged - this is also the reason why the smartphone/tablet cannot be charged or connected to the computer.

Try using another original cable to connect. If it works, then replace the old wire that has failed.

Connector problems

The connector on the iPhone into which the cable is inserted is not protected in any way, so after some time after being carried in your pocket, it becomes clogged with various small debris: threads, pieces of fabric, fluff and other dirt. Sometimes there is so much debris that it prevents the cable from contacting the connector.

To remove dirt, use a regular toothpick. Any wooden, thin product, the size of which allows it to fit freely into the connector, will do. Metal objects should not be used as they can damage the port.

Apple has developed for devices iPhone tricky protection, which is aimed at preventing their owners from using unofficial accessories. This caution is explained by the fact that third-party devices can damage the smartphone. However, the error “This cable or accessory is not certified” may also occur to ardent fans of Apple products. What is the reason for this and how to fix the problem?

USB cable is damaged

If you are using the original cable and the message still appears on the screen, then there is a possibility that the accessory is damaged (small defects are not always noticeable). To finally verify that it is faulty, you can connect the same (original) one. If the message disappears, then it's time to change the cable.

If there are any defects, the cable must be replaced

The connector is clogged

Over time, dust and dirt accumulate in the connectors. This causes the cable to contact the device and, as a result, the error “This cable or accessory is not certified.” This problem is especially relevant for Lightning inputs, since they do not have any protection.

With prolonged use, the USB connector may become clogged, so it must be cleaned periodically

Obviously, in such a situation it is necessary to clean the device. To do this you will need a regular wooden toothpick. Gently move it along the edges of the connector, without pressing hard, so as not to damage anything. After this, we try to connect the cable again.

To carry out the procedure, you can also use a cotton swab moistened with alcohol (not water). The main thing is not to use metal objects for such purposes, which can scratch the connector and damage the contacts.

Please remember that the cleaning procedure is carried out with the device turned off.

Cleaning the iPhone connector - video


Using an uncertified cable

Many people prefer cheap Chinese cables, which are not only much cheaper in price, but also have a greater variety of models. However, the products Apple skillfully recognize uncertified accessories and display the corresponding error on the screen, while prohibiting any actions: charging the device or transferring data. But there will always be ways around this problem.

How to get around the "This accessory may not be supported" error

Without turning off the device

Disabling a device

  1. Turn off the device completely.
  2. Connect one end of the cable to the connector and the other to the network or computer.
  3. Turn on iPhone, iPad or iPod. It will start charging and you will be able to synchronize it with your PC.

If you pull out the cable, the message will appear again and again and you will have to repeat the previous steps.

iPhone can be charged even with an uncertified cable

Jailbreaking iPhone

Jailbreaking is about getting full access To file system iOS. This operation can be done using programs.

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