Why doesn't fastboot devices see it?

A fairly common problem in Android is the waiting error. for device when working with ADB or Fastboot, in this article we will learn how to fix it!

What is this waiting for device?

This error waiting for device not really a mistake, if translated literally this phrase- waiting for the device to connect. That is, when you try to do something in adb or fastboot and you get the message waiting for device on the command line, this means that your Android smartphone or the tablet is not visible!

Message waiting for device - adb or fastboot does not see the connected Android device!

To continue reading this article and to understand what it is about we're talking about It is advisable to read the following articles:

Although almost all the reasons for the message are solved in the same way, for convenience, the article will be divided into solutions for waiting for device in adb and waiting for device in fastboot.

Solution waiting for device in ADB

link page. For certain devices A special ADB driver is required.

2. USB Debugging is not enabled! If you do not have USB debugging enabled, then working in ADB is not possible!

It is also worth noting that with Android 4.2 and higher, you must confirm trust in the connected computer on the device!

3. ADB only works when your Android is turned on!

4. Use an original and undamaged microUSB cable! Everything should be clear here, if the cable is damaged, hence the visibility problem, perhaps you can transfer or receive files from this cable, but ADB will no longer work!

5. Do not use a damaged USB port on your computer! The reasons are the same as with the cable.

6. Use only USB port 2.0! No matter what USB standard 3.0 has already existed for several years, but it is still too early to talk about large-scale implementation. Although ADB is possible if the device is connected to a USB 3.0 port, it is still not desirable!

7. Do not use USB hubs! Never, under any circumstances, use USB hubs, working with ADB becomes like luck - you'll be lucky or unlucky.

8. Try connecting Android to a different USB port.

9. If you have installed operating system Windows 8.1, then you need to make some minor changes

Solution waiting for device in Fastboot

Not everyone has Android Fastboot mode(99% of all Samsung and Lenovo), accordingly, these models will not work in this mode and will always display the error waiting for device!

1. The first thing you should pay attention to is, do you have the driver installed? You can download the driver on this page, find out how to install it on this link. Certain devices require a special Fatboot driver (for example Sony).

Have you installed the driver? Restart your computer!

2. Make sure that the device is in bootloader mode, otherwise fastboot will not see your Android!

3. Use an original and undamaged microUSB cable! Everything should be clear here, if the cable is damaged, hence the visibility problem, perhaps you can transfer or receive files from this cable, but ADB will no longer work!

4. Do not use a damaged USB port on your computer! The reasons are the same as with the cable.

5. Use only USB 2.0 port! Despite the fact that the USB 3.0 standard has already existed for several years, it is still too early to talk about large-scale implementation. Working in Fastboot only with USB ports 2.0!

6. Do not use USB hubs! Since Fastboot mode is necessary for Android firmware, it’s good if Fastboot simply doesn’t see your device, but if there is any failure in the USB hub, then it will cost you a lot.

7. Try connecting Android to a different USB port.

8. If you have an operating system installed Windows system 8.1, then you need to make some minor edits, after which everything should work.

A fairly common problem in Android is the waiting for device error when working with ADB or Fastboot, in this article we will learn how to fix it!

What is this waiting for device?

This error is not really an error, if we literally translate this phrase - waiting for the device to connect. That is, when you try to do something in ADB or FASTBOT and you get the message waiting for device in the command line, it means that your Android smartphone or tablet is not visible!

Message - adb or fastboot does not see the connected Android device!

To make it clear what this article is about and to understand what we are talking about, it is advisable to read the following articles:

  • Otladka via USB

Although almost all the reasons for the message are solved in the same way, for convenience, the article will be divided into the solution “waiting for device in adb” and “waiting for device in fastboot”.

Solution waiting for device in ADB

1. The first thing you should pay attention to is whether you have the driver installed?

You can download the driver here page how to install find out on this link. If the driver is unsigned, then Windows must be restarted by disabling verification. Certain devices require a special ADB driver.

Have you installed the driver? Restart your computer!

2. Make sure that the device is in bootloader mode, otherwise fastboot will not see your Android!

3. Use an original and undamaged microUSB cable! Everything should be clear here, if the cable is damaged, hence the visibility problem, perhaps you can transfer or receive files from this cable, but you won’t be able to work with Fastboot! Also, do not use a damaged USB port on your computer!

4.Use only USB 2.0 port! Despite the fact that the USB 3.0 standard has already existed for several years, it is still too early to talk about large-scale implementation. Fastboot working with USB 3.0, although possible, is still not desirable!

5. Do not use USB hubs! Never, under any circumstances, use USB hubs; working with Fastbot becomes like luck - you'll be lucky or unlucky.

7. Try connecting Android to a different USB port.

9. Open a command prompt as “administrator”.

If you once had a similar problem “waiting for device” and solved it in your own way, not from the methods listed, then do not hesitate to write in the comments!

That's all! Read more articles and instructions in the section. Stay with the site, it will be even more interesting!

Many of you have more than once encountered a situation where, in order to receive root rights on Android tablet or smartphone, installing new firmware, system recovery and other things, you had to connect it to the computer and execute a series of adb or fastboot commands through the window command line(terminal).

Most people enter these commands without understanding what they mean, simply following instructions found on the Internet. And if you want to get a better idea of ​​what happens when they are executed, then today we will get acquainted with ten main commands, which every advanced Android user should know.

But before you start getting acquainted with these commands, let me remind you that before your tablet or smartphone can execute them, you must make sure that your computer has Android SDK , and on the tablet or smartphone itself, the option “ USB Debugging ».

How to install the Android SDK, which contains the adb and fastboot programs, read this material.

Let me also remind you that in Android 4.2 and higher, the “USB Debugging” item is hidden, and you can read how to access it.

For those who have forgotten how to launch a command line window in Windows, let me remind you that the easiest way to do this is by clicking on “Start”, after which you will need to type cmd in the search window and press the “Enter” key.

After everything preparatory work finished, you can connect the device to your computer with via USB cable and start learning the commands.

1. adb devices command

This is probably the most important of all ten teams that will be discussed. Using it, we can find out whether the computer sees your Android device, and if it does, then whether it can communicate with it through terminal commands.

If everything is fine, then after entering the adb devices command in a Windows command line window or Linux terminal, you should see a line with the text List of devices attached, after which there will be a line consisting of the serial number of your device and its status - offline or online:

The offline state means that the device is in sleep mode. The online state signals that the tablet or smartphone is ready to carry out your commands.

2. adb push command

Using the adb push command, you can copy files to your tablet or smartphone. In this case, you must specify the path to the folder where you want to place the file on the device and the folder on the computer from where the file will be copied. The second path is not necessary if the file is located in the same folder where the adb program is located.

Here is an example of copying a video file superfreak.mp4 from a computer to a device, to the /sdcard/Movies folder using the adb push superfreak.mp4 /sdcard/Movies/ command

For Windows users I would like to remind you that in Android, when specifying the path to files and folders, a forward slash - / is used, and not a backslash, as you are used to.

3. adb pull command

If the adb push command is used to transfer files to an Android device, then adb pull is used to copy files from the device to the computer. Just as in the previous case, you must indicate the path where you want to get the file on the device and the path where you want to place this file on the computer. The second path is not necessary if you want the file to go to the folder from which you ran the adb program.

Here is an example of copying the superfreak.mp4 file from the /sdcard/Movies/ folder of your tablet or smartphone to your desktop Windows table 8 user Jerry, C:\Users\Jerry\Desktop

If you want the file to go to the folder you ran adb from, just enter adb command pull /sdcard/Movies/superfreak.mp4

4. adb reboot command

This command is often used in the process getting root rights or installing a new one software when we need to accept the changes we have made on our device. After you enter the adb reboot command, your tablet or phone will reboot.

This command is also important because it can be placed inside scripts, which allows you to reboot the device automatically after completing all the necessary operations.

5. adb reboot-bootloader and adb reboot recovery commands

WITH using adb You can not only reboot your Android device, but also reboot it into the bootloader. This mode is needed so that we can unlock the bootloader, which is necessary to obtain root rights and further install alternative firmware.

Some devices can be bootloaded using certain combination keys when they are turned on, but often the adb reboot-bootloader command is the only way access the bootloader.

Similarly, the adb program can be used to access the recovery menu of a tablet or smartphone or recovery. This can be done using the adb reboot recovery command

6. Fastboot devices command

If you rebooted your tablet into bootloader mode, it will stop accepting adb commands. In this mode, we can communicate with the device using the fastboot program.

Using the command fastboot devices you can find out if your device can accept commands from this program in bootloader mode. Since fastboot is very powerful tool, some Android device manufacturers do not provide access to this program in bootloader mode.

Just like with adb, after entering the fastboot devices command you should see serial number your device.

Often the reason fastboot does not work is the lack of necessary Windows drivers your device.

7. Fastboot oem unlock command

Some manufacturers (for example, HTC or Asus) produce special utilities, allowing you to unlock the bootloader of their tablets and smartphones, after which they can install alternative recovery, such as ClockworkMod or TWRP and firmware from independent developers (custom firmware).

However, in many cases, unlock Android bootloader devices using the fastboot program. This is very easy to do - when your tablet or phone is in bootloader mode (step 5), just enter in the command line window next command: fastboot oem unlock.

After this, you will need to follow the instructions that will be displayed on the screen of your tablet or smartphone.

Attention! After executing the fastboot oem unlock command, your device will be completely cleared of any programs you have installed and your personal data will also be deleted.

8. adb shell command

Team adb shell often confuses some novice users.

There are two ways to use this command. If you simply enter the text adb shell in the command line window and press the Enter key, you will be taken to terminal mode, or the command shell of your Android devices, where you can perform any Android commands shell.

Below you can see the result of running the ls command in the environment Android shell

This mode is well known Linux users And Mac computers. If you are familiar with bash shell commands, you will have no problems working in this mode. Otherwise, I do not recommend using adb shell mode until you understand the purpose of all its commands, since in this mode you have full access to files on your device and may accidentally cause irreparable changes to the operating system.

The second way to use adb shell is to execute a single Android shell command using this construct: adb shell<команда>. For example, you can change file permissions using a command like “adb shell chmod 666 /data/filename”

9. adb install command

With the adb program, you can do more than just copy files to and from your device. This program also allows you to install applications on Android devices in the form apk file ov. There is an adb install command for this. It's a bit like the push command: you have to specify the path where the file with the application you want to install is located. Therefore, the easiest way is to first copy the apk file to the folder with adb program, after which you can install the program using the command adb install ApplicationFileName.apk

If you need to update the application, then in this case you need to use the -r switch and the command will look like this: adb install -r ApplicationFileName.apk.

Using the -s switch you can install applications on the memory card (if your firmware allows this). The -l switch allows you to lock the application during installation (by installing it in the /data/app-private folder). There are other keys for more advanced functions, but their description is the topic of a separate article.

10. adb uninstall command

Lastly, you can remove apps from your tablet or phone. To do this, use the command adb uninstall ApplicationFileName.apk

This command has the -k switch, which allows you, when deleting an application, not to delete its data and cache, but to leave them on the device.

Bonus: adb sideload command

This command will be very useful for owners of Nexus tablets and smartphones - with the help of it they will be able to update official firmware on your devices. In other words, if your smartphone or tablet has not received an update over the air, you can download new firmware from the official website, and update the device manually.

After you download the firmware file to your computer and connect your tablet or phone to it, you will need to reboot your device into recovery mode, select "Apply update from ADB", and then enter the following command in the command line window on your computer: adb sideload xxxxxxxx.zip, where xxxxxxxx.zip is the name zip file with firmware.

More detailed instructions You will find information on how to update the firmware of Nexus devices manually in this material.

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