Why can't my car navigator see satellites? Yandex Navigator does not work

Many motorists are faced with a problem when the navigator does not see satellites. Several reasons can lead to such a situation - a failure of the almanac, the composition of the car glass, a software failure and a breakdown of the receiving antenna. Almanac failure Most often, the navigator does not see satellites due to a failure of the navigation almanac. The fact is that the location of the device can be determined in three ways: hot, warm and cold start. If the device was recently turned off and then turned on again, a hot start is used. Typically it takes about fifteen seconds to find satellites. At the same time, information about the almanac and satellite orbits is stored in the device’s memory, which allows you to return to work in a short period of time. Also, the navigator does not need to request the ephemeris. Warm start means turning on the device in two to three minutes.

Why doesn’t the navigator see satellites, and how to fix the problem?

In this situation, you need to place the device in an open space and leave it in that position. After some time he will return to normal mode work.

Composition of automobile glass By the way, the navigator does not see satellites on those cars that use athermal glass. It has a special composition that shields signals.

The solution to the problem is to install the device near a special area for transmitting signals, located on athermal glass. Software failure In some cases, the navigator does not see satellites due to a software failure.
To fix the problem, you need to reflash the device. Branded car navigators - “Garmin”, “Navitel”, etc.
- can be updated on the manufacturer’s official website. For Chinese devices, software is more difficult to find, but still possible.

What to do if the navigator does not see satellites and what are the reasons


You can update the software yourself, but if this measure does not bring the expected result, then it is better to leave the “treatment” of the navigator to specialists. At self-updating firmware, you must carefully ensure that the software version matches the device assembly, otherwise the problem will not be solved.

The most difficult situation is when the navigator does not see a signal from the satellite due to failure or malfunction of the main components of the device, for example, the processor. This situation can only be solved by replacing these components, which is almost equivalent to purchasing a new navigator.
Detailed video about what needs to be done if it is impossible to connect to NAVITEL satellites.

What to do if the navigator does not see satellites

Car owners often complain that the navigator does not see satellites. The reasons for such a deviation can be very diverse, for example, a violation of the device’s firmware or physical damage that resulted in partial failure of the device.

When using Navitel software, users often encounter firmware failures. You can reboot yourself. Main reasons Among the list of the most common reasons why the device may not see the satellite, the following factors are highlighted:

  • Not correct work navigation almanac;
  • device firmware violations;
  • serious damage leading to failure of the gadget.

Problems in connecting the device to the satellite may also arise due to the presence of pronounced structural features of some vehicle windshields.

Yandex navigator does not work.

From the point of view of reliability of searching and tracking a signal, multi-channel receivers have advantages and operate more stably. The main responsibility for the situation in which the navigator does not pick up satellites lies with the signal receiver. It may include an external receiving antenna, which amplifies the signal from the satellite before entering the receiving path. In this case there is a malfunction technical support navigator. Possible technical problems, according to which the navigator stops seeing satellites:

  • failure of the GPS receiver circuit;
  • violation of the receiver's power supply circuits;
  • break of the communication cable with the remote receiving antenna;
  • remote antenna malfunction;
  • Incorrect location of the device in a shaded area of ​​satellite signals.

What to do to determine a specific technical reason, why Navitel does not see satellites.

Can't see satellites

If both the GPS module and the Internet connection are active, but the Yandex navigator does not work well and does not lead along the route, then you need to close the program and enter it again. It didn’t help - go to the settings and forcefully terminate it by clicking “Stop” (for Android; the algorithm is similar for iOS), and then go into the program again.


If it doesn't help, reboot your phone. It didn’t help - delete the navigation program and download it again (but, as a rule, it rarely gets to this point; after all, Yandex Navigator is a fairly stable, non-glitchy program). But let’s say even this action didn’t help. Then you need to make the difficult decision and stop using this application on your current phone.

Well, they couldn't make friends. You have a choice of good analogues.


In this case, the device can be installed in such a way that it can receive the signal through the side windows or orient it towards a special transmission “window”, which many manufacturers provide for their athermal glass. Failure of the receiving antenna One of the most serious causes of loss of communication with satellites is the failure of the GPS antenna.
Navigators use two types of antennas - soldered to the board and external, connected to the GPS navigator separately. An antenna soldered to the board is more difficult and more expensive to replace, but this type of antenna fails less often. Replace external antenna much easier.

Your location

Any obstacle (car roof, dense foliage, multi-story buildings) reduces the quality of the GPS signal (and can block it completely). The phone needs to see the open sky! If you entered a tunnel ─ GPS signal will disappear, but Yandex.Navigator will continue to guide you along the route, although the accuracy of the location will deteriorate.

If the settings did not help If the settings listed above did not help, perform one of the procedures: a)

  1. Download Navigator. Minimizing an application by pressing the Back or Home button is not enough, you need to open everything running applications and dismiss the Navigator window.
  2. Restart Navigator.
  1. Turn off Wi-Fi.
  2. Launch Navigator.
  1. Turn on Airplane mode for 15-20 seconds, then turn it off.
  2. Launch Navigator.

d) Reboot your smartphone.


A variety of problems can arise when using the Navitel navigation program. And one of the most common of them is that the navigator does not see satellites.

Of course, it cannot be said that such a situation occurs all the time. But in any case, the user must imagine what he can do on his own to fix problems, and what types of work can only be performed by specialists.

Firstly, as soon as such a problem appears, you should not immediately try to look for specialists to change the firmware and update navigation program. It is quite possible that some obstacles interfere with the navigator’s visibility of the satellites.

It could even be small canopies or too dense tree foliage. Therefore, as soon as a problematic situation arises, it is recommended to find an open place and wait while the device tries to establish communication with the satellites.

403 - access denied

Quite often, motorists are faced with a problem when the GPS navigator does not see or does not find satellites. This situation can be created for several reasons, among which the most common are the following:

  • navigation almanac failure;
  • device firmware failure;
  • technical features of windshields of some cars;
  • mechanical damage or failure of the receiving antenna.

To accurately determine the cause of the loss of communication with satellites, it is necessary to carry out appropriate diagnostics.

Let's look at each of the reasons in more detail. incorrect operation navigator. The navigator operates in three location modes: cold, warm and hot start. In cold start mode, the device does not have any information about its location.

Yandex navigator does not see satellites

If your path direction arrow disappears, or your phone spends a very long time searching for satellites and periodically loses them, especially if you are in long journey, then check the accuracy of the time on your phone, as well as the correct time zone. When determining your location, your phone constantly receives signals from satellites, including time information.

Time must be synchronized. Sometimes the Navigator displays a message stating that the route cannot be built because it cannot be passed. Mostly abroad. This is an imperfection of the program itself; the application is not aware of all paths.

Report such cases to the developers, so together we will create a program useful for all of us. Route guidance is not available in all locations. There are also curious reasons.

For example, the navigator does not work near the Kremlin and in some other places in the center of Moscow.

They have made life much easier by appearing in our cars and almost all types of gadgets. Problems with GPS navigator mi reduce the level of comfort for drivers, travelers and ordinary people. In order not to put up with discomfort, you need to know why breakdowns occur, how to quickly cope with them and prevent them from happening next time. This is exactly what our article will be about. Once warned, forearmed.

The navigator does not turn on

When the navigator does not respond to the power button- try it well. This seems funny, but not to the service center technicians, where they bring supposedly broken devices. Technicians roll up their sleeves to fix the device and... return it to the happy owner without earning a penny. The diagnosis is total battery discharge.

The GPS “fails” when the charge level is less than 10%, so don’t rush. Plug it in and drink some coffee. When the charge passes the critical level, the display will “come to life”.

Another cause of the problem is software problems or system failures. In this case try pressing RESET button and the power button at the same time and hold for about 5 seconds– this will restart the GPS. If this simple step does not work, the problem is with the firmware and you need to update it to the latest version.

A more unpleasant cause of failure is mechanical damage. For example, if water gets into the device (or the device gets into water), then it is necessary to disassemble the navigator and clean the oxidized contacts. And there are also more serious physical injuries, in any case, with such, immediately go to service center, where specialists will take care of the device.

The navigator turns off

Problems occur with the power button - it is physically damaged and therefore turns off the device by itself. Then you need to send the GPS to a service to have the button repaired.

There are also glitches in the device’s microcircuit, this happens due to mechanical damage. Sometimes the culprit is the same faulty battery, which due to a long time of use is worn out and quickly runs out, or simply a lack of charge on a completely working battery.

Most likely, again, there is a problem with the software component of the device. It may freeze for a reason old firmware or the device itself is of poor quality - then the navigator will have to be reflashed.

The navigator is not charging

This is often due to a malfunction of some link in the charging circuit.

  • There may be problems with a broken charger: the navigator simply does not receive electricity from external resources, so it does not charge and does not turn on. Replace the charging connector.
  • Also, sometimes the problem is the opposite - in the charging input of the navigator itself. In this case, the connector simply does not reach the board or moves away from it, and the current simply does not flow into the device, or it flows intermittently. Then you need to contact a service center to repair the charging socket.
  • If the navigator is charged from the cigarette lighter in the car, then, for example, when the engine is turned on, charging often stops due to a power surge. Also, the ignition system sometimes produces high-voltage pulses that negatively affect the charging process, and it’s not even a matter of the charger. In a word, charging a navigator in a car is often a thankless task due to external interference.

The navigator display does not respond to touch

In cheap, nameless navigators, most likely the problem is with the touch screen - the device was poorly made. But such breakdowns also happen in high-quality devices, especially those with a very sensitive sensor. In any case, often The navigator requires disassembling and checking the contacts in the touchscreen cable.

It also happens that when When you press the sensor, it reacts in another part of the screen. This often occurs in old or Chinese navigators with a resistive display. This is where calibration comes to the rescue. That is, if touches are not recognized accurately and are not displayed where you clicked, you need to go to the settings, find calibration, follow the instructions.

Incorrect operation of the navigator sensor

Sometimes lack of response to pressing is the cause of software failures. If a minute ago the sensor was working properly, but now it doesn’t respond to anything, you just need to try restarting the GPS.

Such breakdowns can occur due to external factors, for example, if the GPS in the car overheated in the sun, or was left for a long time in low temperatures. This is not the worst thing, because after cooling down or warming up, the navigator starts working again.

Advice: If you are sure that the screen sensor failure is due to serious physical damage, take it to a service center. Carelessness when repairing it yourself can only make the problem worse.

GPS shows location incorrectly

  • Possible problem lies in finding satellites. If the device has just been purchased, then searching for satellites with which the navigator basically works takes some time. Sometimes, due to glitches, GPS simply does not pick up satellites, then the device needs to be reconfigured.
  • Sometimes the program slows down and confuses the location for no obvious reason. Then check the condition and functionality of the card; if it freezes, restart the navigator.
  • Periodically the card slows down when high speed car movement. Then most likely the navigator simply does not have time to load the map at high speed. You need to go into the settings, in the parameters reduce the map detail, then it will be easier for the GPS to cope with its task.

The navigator does not see the map

Initially, GPS uses maps loaded into it. What if he doesn't see the card? The reason for this problem is sometimes simply the lack of loaded maps into the internal or removable memory of the device. Or the maps were loaded in the wrong format for a specific GPS device. Then you need to delete them and load them again.

Another reason is a problem in the device settings.

Advice:Go to the “Tools” of the navigator and select “Map Settings”. There you need to tick all the maps loaded into the GPS itself or onto removable memory, otherwise they simply cannot be displayed.

Sometimes the flash drive itself with maps located in the GPS malfunctions. Then you need to format it and download the information again.

GPS navigator memory is full

The navigator's memory is sometimes really full of unclosed applications or their temporary files. Way out of the situation: pressing the RESET button.

Navigators have the ability to save all sorts of service data, then the navigator’s memory just needs to be cleaned. The method for this cleaning depends on your machine model. Moreover, there are helper apps for such problems.

Advice: For pedestrian use of the navigator, you can enable the track recording mode, then the only thing that is required is to periodically clear the memory of old data so that new ones can be recorded.

There is no sound on the navigator

First of all, check the volume: sometimes it is at a minimum. If this is ok, make sure the FM modulator is not turned on. Many, especially expensive, navigators have an FM transmitter function, and its essence is that when turned on, the navigator emits all its sounds at a certain frequency, which we may not hear. Therefore, perhaps you forgot to turn it off or the GPS fell into the hands of a child who turned it on. In any case, disable this mode and the sound will appear.

Also sometimes there is a problem with mechanical damage to the speaker. It gets to the point where it has to be changed. In this case, a trip to the service center cannot be avoided.

Mikhail Orekhov

The operating principle of navigators is based on the use of a triangulation method for determining coordinates from signals emitted by satellites. When the navigator does not see satellites, it works correctly of this device impossible. Let's look at the possible reasons why this situation occurs and what to do to eliminate them.

At least 24 satellites are constantly involved in the geopositioning system. They are in different circular orbits in strict accordance with the task:

  • circulation period approximately 12 hours;
  • tilt along the equatorial plane is about 55 degrees;
  • the difference in longitude between the satellites is 60 degrees.

They transmit a signal conveying the following information:

  • current time (accurate to nanoseconds) and date;
  • status (defective – defective);
  • orbital coordinates (almanac);
  • message transmission time;
  • measured aphemerides (satellite coordinates).

To determine longitude and latitude coordinates with an accuracy of several meters, a GPS navigator only needs signals from three satellites. Therefore, the method of determining coordinates is called triangulation. To determine altitude above sea level, a signal from four satellites is needed. If the navigator does not see satellites or finds less than three satellites, it cannot determine coordinates.

Reasons for navigator blindness

The main responsibility for the situation in which the navigator does not pick up satellites lies with the signal receiver. It may include an external receiving antenna, which amplifies the signal from the satellite before entering the receiving path. In this case, they talk about a technical malfunction of the navigator.

Possible technical malfunctions due to which the navigator stops seeing satellites:

  • failure of the GPS receiver circuit;
  • violation of the receiver's power supply circuits;
  • break of the communication cable with the remote receiving antenna;
  • remote antenna malfunction;
  • Incorrect location of the device in a shaded area of ​​satellite signals.

What to do to determine the specific technical reason why Navitel does not see satellites. First of all, you need to change the location of the car. Then you should experiment with the location of the receiver or antenna in the car. The most shaded place is the area between the rearview mirror and the roof of the car. You can temporarily remove the mirror to check. If the navigator works in conjunction with an external antenna, it is necessary to check the integrity of the high-frequency cable. If the geopositioning device is not equipped with an external antenna, you can temporarily install it to check and try to pick up satellites again.

Installation remote antennas For confident reception signals are recommended in the following cases:

  • the presence of metallized coating on car windows;
  • hidden installation of the navigator;
  • installation in special equipment (for example, armored vehicles), river and sea vessels;
  • in remote areas of the far north.

The reason for the navigator to malfunction may be a memory failure, incorrect processing digital signal. Why is this possible? The navigator operates in extreme operating conditions. In the one-day operating rhythm of the device, there may be temperatures under the windshield of up to 100 degrees Celsius during the day and 100 percent air humidity in the morning, sub-zero temperatures at night and the penetration of mold into the body of the device. Sometimes for repairs it is enough to remove back cover, treat the board(s) with alcohol and heat with an industrial hair dryer. It is better to entrust such work to a professional.

Repairing the GPS receiver is the final stage of troubleshooting technical problem, according to which the navigator stops seeing satellites. Before carrying out this procedure, you must try to reinstall the Navitel software.

Reinstalling Navitel

Sometimes a malfunction of Navitel software can lead to errors due to which the navigator may no longer recognize satellites. Why this happens: software glitches change the processing parameters of the received digital signal. A situation arises in which received signal“lost” during processing. In this case, it is necessary to reinstall the program and map information. If you have Navitel software installed, then you need to install Navitel cards.

Why the inspector stops, read.

Subsequence self-installation Navitel software:

  • download a version of the Navitel program that works for your model, preferably exactly the same one that was originally installed;
  • connect the navigator to the computer;
  • download the necessary maps compatible with this version;
  • copy installation file navitel;
  • install Navitel;
  • copy the necessary maps to the USERMAPS folder;
  • restart the device.

The software installation process for some models may have its own characteristics, but the general sequence of actions is similar.

In order for the navigator to work without failures for as long as possible, the following operating rules must be observed:

  • protect the device from direct sunlight;
  • during long-term parking, remove the device and store in a warm, dry place, preferably at home;
  • properly organize the power bus, avoiding short-term voltage dips, which may cause search failure;
  • to increase sensitivity in areas of poor reception, use a remote antenna;
  • to prevent “clogging” the input channel with the local oscillator signal car radar detector Do not use this device in conjunction with a navigator.

) V lately have become necessary not only for motorists, but also for pedestrians, thanks to their good ability to build walking routes.

But quite a lot of users have to deal with something that does not work or works poorly GPS system on Android.

This may result in problems different types, depending on what exactly caused the breakdown.


What is GPS? This is a navigation system - strictly speaking, GPS/GLONASS is a navigation module that allows you to use many applications that use navigation.


But in some cases, certain problems may be detected in the operation of such a module. Their nature is different, but they equally interfere with working with the system:

  • Complete inability to determine locations;
  • Inaccurate location determination;
  • Slow data update or complete absence updates (for example, you move in space or turn around, but the pointer on the map does not change its position for a long time).

Most problems can disappear on their own when you restart or when you move to another area of ​​the map.

But if this does not happen, then you need to know what caused them and how to eliminate them.

Possible reasons

There can be many reasons for this type of problem. But all of them can be divided into two large groups - hardware problems and software problems.

We speak about hardware problems when the defect is present in the physical navigation module itself, and about software problems when something is incorrectly configured in software smartphone or tablet.

Important! Problems software type enough easy to set up and fix yourself. When we're talking about about hardware failures, it is better to entrust the matter to a service center, since for a non-specialist the repair process can be quite complicated. And there is a risk of making the situation worse.


One of the most common problems occurs when starting the module for the first time, that is, when you first launch an application that uses GPS on a new smartphone.

Within 15-20 minutes, geolocation may not work, nothing will happen, the location will not be determined.

When you first start it normal condition, but this should not happen again in the future.

A similar situation may arise if you have traveled a significant distance, for example, moved to another country or region, with the navigation module turned off.

In this case, when he first starts in a new place, he will also need time to “think.”

The problem may also occur when starting on high speed, for example, while driving a car - in this case, the module will “slow down” for the first time after switching on.

Keep in mind that in buildings, indoor navigation will not be carried out.

Your approximate location in the building is determined using the zone layout wireless internet and towers mobile operators, but not GLONASS.


The GLONAS module can be disabled through the phone settings; often on new models it is not enabled by default.

Therefore, many beginners who are not accustomed to using Android do not turn it on before starting to use navigation applications.

By the way, this type notifies the user that he needs to enable navigation.

Inaccurate location determination may be due to the characteristics of the zone. The system does not work equally well in all areas due to the nature of satellite operation.

There are “blind” zones that the navigator misses or does not detect accurately. It is impossible to fight this.


Troubleshooting is usually quite simple.

But if after taking all the above measures the problem has not been resolved, it is possible that the problem is a faulty module and it requires replacement at a service center.


There are no ways to “cure” the program freezing after the first launch of the navigation module.

The user just needs to wait about 15-20 minutes after the first launch of the application - during this time, the electronic components of the navigation device will adjust to the current operating conditions and the location will be determined.

That is why it is recommended to run this module for configuration immediately after purchasing a phone, so as not to wait in a situation where you need it urgently.


Turning on navigation on your smartphone is quite simple. Most often, the application itself “asks” whether to enable navigation when it is disabled.

Then you need to click on “YES” or “OK” in the pop-up window, and the application itself will enable geolocation.

If such a notification does not appear, turn it on manually, following the algorithm:

1 On the unlocked screen, on the desktop, pull out the menu, making a sliding movement from the top border of the screen down;

2 A menu with basic device settings will appear.– find the icon in it Geodata/Geodata transmission/Geolocation/Location determination or the like;

3 Click on it to make the icon active.

Good day, viewers, I would like to answer a little the questions that you ask most often, how to avoid certain errors in navigators.
So, let's look at what to do and where to click.

Common problems

1. The navigator writes “memory full”

Reason: 1. RAM The navigator is occupied by unfinished applications and their temporary files.
Solution: 1. press the RESET button. For most navigators, it is located on the back wall of the case or on the side wall on the side of the charging socket.

2. The navigator does not respond to the power button

Reason: 1. Battery is completely discharged 2. Physical damage switching mechanism.
Solution: 1. Put the navigator on charge (most navigators do not show signs of operation when the battery charge is less than 10%; after charging at least 10% or more, it will turn on automatically and show a charging indicator on the display) 2. When mechanical damage you need to contact the service center of the navigator manufacturer.

3.The navigator does not respond to pressing the display

Reason: 1. Navigator frozen 2. Physical damage touch screen.
Solution: 1. press the RESET button. For most navigators, it is located on the back wall of the case or on the side wall on the side of the charging socket. 2. In case of mechanical damage, you need to contact the service center of the navigator manufacturer.

4. When you press the touch display, it reacts in a different part of the screen

Reason: 1. Display calibration is broken.
Solution: 1. Calibrate the display (in most navigators, display calibration is started through the settings. After clicking the calibration button, the white screen with a cross. You need to press strictly on the center of the cross, it will move across the screen until the display is calibrated. After calibration, a 20-second countdown will begin before the settings are applied. Just tap anywhere on the screen to speed up saving)

5. A white screen with a cross in the center appeared

Reason: 1. The display calibration settings have been reset.
Solution: 2. Calibrate the display.

6. No sound

Reason: 1. The volume of the navigator is reduced to minimum or turned off. 2. FM transmitter is on 3. Speaker is physically damaged
Solution: 1. Go to settings and increase the volume. 2. Go to the settings and turn off the FM transmitter (when the FM transmitter is turned on, the built-in speaker is turned off, and the sound is transmitted via the selected radio wave) 3. In case of mechanical damage, you need to contact the service center of the navigator manufacturer.

7. When you click on the navigation button, nothing happens or an error appears

Reason: 1. The navigation program was damaged or deleted 2. The navigation program path settings were reset.
Solution: 1. Turn off the navigator, remove the memory card, turn on the navigator and wait 5-10 seconds (most navigators emit beep after turning on when a card is detected)

8. The navigator is not charging

Reason: 1. Defective charger 2. The charging socket in the navigator is faulty. 3. The charger is not suitable.
Solution: 1. Check the fuse in the charger 2. In case of mechanical damage, you need to contact the service center of the navigator manufacturer. 3. Buy a charger from the same manufacturer (some navigators have a special wiring of the charging socket contacts, in this case, a charger from other companies can damage the microcircuit)

9. How many programs can be installed in the navigator without interfering with correct operation.

Answer: The number of programs may not be limited, especially if you put them on a memory card, the main thing is that they do not work simultaneously.


1. Doesn't show location

Reason: 1. The GPS receiver is turned off or not detected. 2. Physical damage to the built-in GPS receiver
Solution: 1. Turn on or identify the GPS receiver (the status of the satellites can be viewed in the menu by clicking on the “page” button. You can turn on the receiver from the cockpit mode, in the upper left corner. If the antenna icon gray, that means it's off. When you click on it, it will prompt you to turn it on.)

2. Maps not found (how to set up the path)

Reason: path not specified navigation maps or maps are not loaded.
Solution: go to the map settings and specify the path to the maps (by default this is the “Maps” folder in the “NavitelContent” folder. If the maps were uploaded to another directory, you need to specify it.)

3. Does not allow scrolling of the map, returns it to its place

Reason: “auto return” function is enabled
Solution: go to navigation settings, “scale”. Uncheck "automatic scaling"

4. How to find the metro (cinema, hospital, restaurant, etc.)

Answer: in the search menu, click “nearest”, then select the category of the object. If you cannot determine which category an object belongs to, click “all types”


1. The program does not show the location

Reason: 1. GPS receiver is not connected 2. Physical damage to GPS receiver.
Solution: 1. Go to settings, select “GPS” on the second tab, then uncheck “GPS off.” and click “auto search” in the lower right corner. 2. In case of mechanical damage, you need to contact the service center of the navigator manufacturer.

2. How to see which maps are loaded into the program

Answer: Go to settings, select “information” on the second tab, then click “maps” in the panel below.

3. The voice prompts stutter

Reason: The program's voice package conflicts with the device.
Solution: in the file “SYS.TXT” add the line:
(the file is in the IGO8 folder) if the line already exists, just change the value.

1. How to find out your SIM card number
Answer: *111*0887#
2. How to find out your balance through the program
Answer: Go to settings, select SIM, the program will show the SIM card number and balance.


1. How to find a village if it is not in the city search

Answer: select “where”, then click “cities” and type the full name of the village. The program will show a list of all areas, all that remains is to find the one you need.

2. How to find a street if it is not in the street search

Answer: Select “where”, select the country, then the “search for all cities” button will appear, enter the name of the desired street.

3. When turned on, it says that the card is blocked

Reason: unsuccessful update, not licensed cards.
Solution: restore the card key on the website

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