Poor wifi reception. How to increase the range of a wi-fi router

Smartphones, laptops and desktop PCs, as well as refrigerators, TVs and other household appliances have this technology. Many users use routers to connect their devices to the Internet, they can have both a LAN port to connect using a cable, and a Wi-Fi adapter to distribute the Internet to other devices that also have Wi-Fi technology. Unfortunately, the wireless signal propagation area is not very large, and if there are obstacles in the way, then it is generally very small. Of course, there are many standards on which the signal strength depends, and another important parameter is the number of antennas.

If you are using Wi-Fi technology but don't know what you can do to boost your adapter's WiFi signal, then this article is for you. Here I will try to explain the hardware and software ways to improve the signal.

But before we start, I want to make one important point.

Pay attention to the location of the router. It would be nice if it was closer to the middle of the room and the whole house, so that the signal spreads evenly and you feel comfortable using the wireless network. Signal degradation can be caused by many factors. At home, these are walls, and if it is also concrete, then it will be much worse to transmit radio waves. Any thing - from a picture, then a drawing or a mirror can degrade signal reception to some extent. Therefore, I want you to try positioning your router in such a way that the signal is available in all areas of the house. If possible, remove things that can interfere.

How to boost WiFi signal reception using programs?

Many users, out of inexperience, leave the default router settings, unless they change the network name and password. This is not entirely correct, and now I will explain why.

Channel frequencies are the same as other Wi-Fi networks

If you live in an apartment building, then there is almost a 100% chance that there is a Wi-Fi network that broadcasts on the same channel as you. This phenomenon often interrupts signal reception. In the router settings, you need to change the channel to a free one or one where there are the least other wireless networks.

You can see who is on which channel with the help of the program inSSIDer. Download it from here and install it on a PC with an outbred adapter.

The found wireless networks will be indicated in the program window, and in the column channel the channels they occupy are exposed. In the Russian Federation, only thirteen channels are usually used, in other countries either more or less.

We figured out the channels, then we will begin to change the settings of our router. Usually, the following addresses are used for this, which must be entered in the address bar of the browser: or Next, you will be asked to enter a username and password, if you have not changed anything, then by default it is admin (and username and password).

You need to look for features related to Wi-Fi, it might be written Wireless. There must be a section Channels(Channel), from which you can select a number from 1 to 13.

Change the channel to free and save. After this action, you will suffer much less interference and the signal will be more stable.

Low router transmitter signal

By default, some routers may have a low transmitter power set. But it can be changed. All in the same router settings, find the parameter Transmission power(Transmit Power), and set the value to 100%. Or choose a value high(High).

Of course, this feature is not available on all models. Sometimes special firmware for such models helps, if any.

802.11n is faster

Wi-Fi has many standards by which a wireless network can operate. Fast is, of course, the 802.11n standard, which still gives a larger coverage radius if multiple antennas are used. You also need to consider the support of this standard by other devices, because if you switch to it, some devices will not detect your network due to the undersupport of the range.

Look in your router settings "Operating mode" or "Wireless Network Mode", or "Wireless Mode" and switch to 802.11n. Reboot your router for the changes to take effect.

Using the 5 GHz band

The use of the 802.11n standard makes it possible in expensive models to use two types of bands - 2.4 GHz (Used by all devices) and 5 GHz(Not used by everyone). The 2.4 GHz band is very busy, it is used by a lot of devices around us, and not only wireless adapters, but even a microwave oven can create problems for us. The 5 GHz frequency range is now practically free, so it is advisable to transfer all devices to it.

Signal improvement in Windows

In this paragraph, more attention is focused on laptops. The fact is that when you set “Energy Saving” in the power consumption settings, this can affect the strength of the Wi-Fi signal. Therefore it is better to put "Balanced" mode, or "High performance". Then you will receive a signal from a greater distance.

Who does not know, the power settings are in the following place: right-click on the battery icon on the taskbar and select "Power Options" and set the desired control scheme.

Signal strength limitation and can it be removed?

I would like to note that all routers have a hard power limit of 100 mW. Of course, in Chinese stores there are adapters that are capable of receiving distances up to several kilometers, but you will not find this in ordinary electronics stores. Is it possible to increase the signal strength programmatically? Answer: partially possible.

Unfortunately, there is some difficulty - you need to use a Linux distribution, for example, Kali Linux, or an analogue - Backtrack 5r3, whose support has ceased.

The fact is that in most countries the wireless transmitter power is limited to 100 mW, but for Bolivia and some other countries there is no such restriction, so you need to enter a number of commands in the terminal:

In this example wlan0 is the wireless adapter you are using, and 100 - set power in mW (milliwatt).

How to strengthen the WiFi signal with a hardware method?

All means are good, which means that together with software methods we can achieve a stable and high transmitter signal. Even if the software methods did not work, maybe the following methods will help.

Improving the Signal with Antenna Upgrades

I have come across many ways to boost the Wi-Fi signal on the Internet. For example, people make a directional antenna that works in all directions, and for this they use foil or a Pepsi or beer can. Of course, the use of such methods is doubtful, but for whom?

Greater efficiency is represented by more powerful antennas that can be purchased at the store. You need to make sure your antenna is 2-3 dBi so you can replace them with 8 dBi antennas.

Using a repeater to boost the receive signal

These devices are otherwise called repeaters, and they can greatly increase the coverage area. The repeater connects to your wireless network and increases its range.

Buying a more powerful Wi-Fi adapter

You can do this: if you have a laptop that does not have a strong signal reception on the wireless adapter, replace it with a more powerful one. This also applies to desktop computers. It is best to take an adapter that connects via USB and has an antenna that can possibly be replaced with a more powerful one.

If you have other ways to increase the wi-fi signal of the adapter, write about it in the comments, everyone will be interested.

More articles on Wi-Fi:

The performance of a Wi-Fi network causes inconvenience in two cases. First: a weak and unstable signal. Second: low data transfer rate. Both are easily solved even by a person with a humanitarian mindset, if he reads our article or puts a case of beer to an IT neighbor.

The option with beer is certainly better and brings a revival to the economy of the Russian Federation, and also gives a tangible increase in GDP. But this option often has an incorrigible drawback: the IT neighbor may not exist. And then, willy-nilly, you will have to read what we wrote to you here.

The most important. Make sure you have a fully functional modern wireless router (aka router) at the center of your Wi-Fi network. The key word is modern. The fact is that communication equipment is developing as actively as the entire IT industry. Those standards, protocols and speeds of wireless transmission that were the norm 5-7 years ago are now hopelessly behind. For example, not so long ago, a channel of 50-60 Mbps was considered a decent option for a home, for a family, for show-offs. And now inexpensive devices for a couple of thousand rubles claim theoretical 300 Mbps.

In his personal diaries, Captain Obvious has repeatedly noted that walls and partitions are the main obstacle to a Wi-Fi signal. In addition to walls, any shielding barrier with metal content can become a serious obstacle to the Wi-Fi signal - most often it is a mirror, an aquarium or a steel statue of Darth Vader. Demolishing all the walls in the apartment is the optimal solution to all your problems, but it's troublesome, yes. It's easier to think about finding the optimal placement point for the signal source. Your wireless router should be as close to the center of the room as possible and not lie on the floor, but be at least a meter from the floor.

Starting a network search, you probably noticed more than once that a couple more, or even a dozen other people's Wi-Fi signals are walking around your apartment. For some reason, few people think about the fact that other people's networks operate in the same frequency range as yours, and there is nothing good in this. According to the standards, 13 frequency channels have been allocated for the operation of Wi-Fi networks in Russia. We stole a screenshot of the configuration menu from the instructions for the popular ZyXEL Keenetic Lite router - it shows how, in the “Network Client” mode, the router shows the channels occupied by neighbors. There are separate programs that do the same, such as inSSIDer. You just have to study the received list, choose the freest of the 13 channels and set it in the router by default.

Many craftsmen manually pump router antennas by hanging tins, foil, and so on on them. In fact, the game is clearly not worth the candle - it is better to buy a suitable high-power antenna. There are a lot of them on Wi-Fi equipment sites, and some of them look very exotic. Antenna gain is specified in isotropic decibels (dBi). A standard antenna from a home router has a power of around 2 dBi, but finding and buying an antenna with a gain of 10-20 dBi is not a problem, and this radically solves the situation with signal availability! But it also makes sense to tame foil - recently a particularly virtuoso life hack with reflectors from has been invented, causing increased interest.

24 dBi Segmented Parabolic Antenna

Many modern router models are equipped with a pair of antennas, and in top models there may be even more. Usually this provides a good signal, but if not, then it will be expensive to change two antennas at once. In such a situation, it is better to put an additional signal distribution point in the apartment - such devices are called a “repeater” (Wi-Fi repeater). They cost about the same as an inexpensive router and are not burdensome in settings.

Often, the problematic element in a home network is not the router, not the layout of the apartment, but the receiving device itself. We must once and for all kill two things on our noses. First: if you have a powerful computer for games and multimedia, it is still better to connect it to the network with a wired connection (there are a million reasons for this, and all of them are important). Second: if you are going to receive Wi-Fi through an adapter, choose not a tiny device the size of a fingernail (it is only suitable for gatherings in a coffee shop), but a receiver with a large antenna. Buying a Wi-Fi adapter with a heavy antenna helps even when your laptop picks up a signal lousy, but in some corner of the room it is much better. You can plug a Wi-Fi adapter into your laptop, and place the antenna from it in that very happy corner.

The purchase of a Wi-Fi router allows you to create a wireless home Internet zone, "untying" laptops, smartphones and tablets from a cable connection. However, the standard value of Wi-Fi signal sources is often not enough to cover large premises or several rooms, which leads to a deterioration in the quality of data transmission. In this case, Wi-Fi amplifiers come to the rescue, through which you can expand the network coverage area.

Causes of poor signal quality

Before proceeding directly to amplifying devices, you should determine the reason for the poor quality of communication in the network, since it is not always directly related to the power of the Wi-Fi signal source. This is especially true if the actual coverage range of the purchased device differs significantly from the nominal value declared by the manufacturer. There are several factors that can negatively affect the quality of a wireless network:

In the first two cases, the problem of poor signal quality is solved by choosing the right place for the router. This simple action allows you to improve the situation without additional investment. In the last two cases, one cannot do without acquiring devices that amplify the Wi-Fi signal.

Types of Wi-Fi amplifiers

Wi-Fi amplifiers are devices by which you can significantly increase the network coverage area without the need to replace the signal source with a more powerful analogue. As a rule, they are cheaper than the router itself, which makes their purchase quite profitable in terms of the price-performance ratio. Wi-Fi signal boosters fall into two categories: active and passive.

Active amplifiers

First of all, active Wi-Fi amplifiers include repeaters (repeaters) - repeater devices that expand an existing network by receiving a router signal and broadcasting it further. Like a Wi-Fi router, a repeater is a separate electronic device that is powered by the mains. Its coverage area is also a circle, in the center of which is a relay device. On average, when using a repeater, the network coverage area increases by 15–20 m, depending on the power of the device.

The active amplifier increases the range of the router by 15-20 meters

The router can also be an active Wi-Fi amplifier if it is paired with the main device. An additional router works like the main one, with the difference that both devices broadcast a single network, and not two separate ones. Unlike a repeater, an additional access point is connected to the main router via a cable and can be located at a considerable distance from it. The main disadvantage of active Wi-Fi amplifiers is the relatively high cost.

Passive Amplifiers

Passive Wi-Fi signal amplifiers include amplifying antennas for routers, through which you can increase the initial network coverage range and stabilize the signal. By and large, this is a more perfect analogue of the "native" antennas that come with the router. Amplifying antennas are of two types: omnidirectional and directional. Omnidirectional antennas work on the standard principle, spreading the signal in a circle, while directional antennas broadcast the signal in only one direction.

An omnidirectional antenna has the form of a rod that radiates radio waves in a circle.

Depending on the model, passive antennas can be installed directly on the router or placed outside of it. As a rule, remote analogues have a large amplifying potential. The main disadvantage of passive Wi-Fi amplifiers is their relatively low efficiency - the increase in coverage area is 5–10 m.

Setting up the Wi-Fi booster

After you have decided on the choice of amplifier and made a purchase, you need to make the first setup of the device. Only active amplifiers need to be configured, passive antennas can simply be connected to the router. For the initial setup, you will need a laptop or PC with a Wi-Fi adapter. The repeater is configured as follows:

  1. Plug the device into a power outlet and wait for the Power Indicator to turn on, which notifies the user that the repeater has been turned on successfully. Full activation of the device can take from one to several minutes.
  2. After the device is fully turned on, the Wireless Indicator is activated, which indicates that the repeater is starting to broadcast a signal. The new network created by the repeater will start showing up in the list of available wireless connections on your PC.

    The fact that the Wi-Fi network is active is indicated by the corresponding indicator on the router

  3. Connect to a new device. When you try to connect to a repeater, Windows will display a system notification that a new router is not installed and a suggestion to configure it. Select "Connect to a network without prior installation and configuration."

    When you try to connect to the repeater, the operating system will prompt you to start installing and configuring the device

  4. After the PC connects to the repeater, open any browser and enter the IP address of the repeater in the address bar. By default, this is (repeaters from individual manufacturers can be assigned to a different IP address, which can be found in the instructions that came with the device).
  5. In the authorization window that opens, enter your username and password. Default data: admin/admin.

    In order to enter the repeater settings menu, you need to enter the default login and password

  6. Select "Wireless repeater mode" in the system menu of the repeater. In the window that opens, select "Repeater Mode". The device will start searching for available Wi-Fi networks.

    Pressing the "Repeater" button will start the search mode for available networks

  7. Find your router and confirm your choice by pressing the Apply button, or refresh the list with the Refresh button if the network you need is not displayed. If your network is secure, you will need to enter a password to sign in.

    In the list of available networks, select the router whose coverage area you want to expand

  8. The automatic configuration of the new network will begin, after which a message will appear in the Wireless Repeater Mode window indicating the successful completion of the operation.

To set up an additional access point, you will need a network LAN cable, crimped on both sides. The setup process is as follows:

If you prefer to use a secure network with password access, then you also need to set additional security settings on an additional router. To do this, in the “Wireless” tab, select the “Wireless Security” item. In the window that opens, select the WPA/WPA2 standard, and enter a new password in the PSK Password field. To confirm the data, click the "Save" button. Confirm reboot to install new settings.

On an additional router, it is advisable to set up password access so that unauthorized users cannot connect to the network

Do-it-yourself Wi-Fi amplifier

If you wish, you can make a Wi-Fi amplifier yourself from improvised means, thereby saving money. However, it is worth noting that the benefits of such “home-made products” are rather doubtful, and the risk of making the router unusable is very high. Below we will look at the designs of directional signal amplifying nozzles that allow you to amplify the Wi-Fi signal without risking the “health” of your router.

Focus attachment for Wi-Fi router

The Wi-Fi router signal propagates in a circular pattern - as it moves away from the source, it deteriorates, and when it goes beyond the reliable reception zone, it begins to break off. If necessary, the signal can be focused and transmitted in the right direction, where the coverage of the router is not enough. To make a focusing nozzle, you will need copper wire with a diameter of 0.8 to 1 mm and a piece of plastic or thick cardboard.

To assemble the amplifier, you will need a piece of ordinary cardboard and several pieces of wire 48 mm long

The assembly of the nozzle is carried out in the following sequence:

Such a nozzle gives up to 10 dB of gain, while the diagram takes on a directional shape, that is, the Wi-Fi signal is stably transmitted for the most part only in one direction.

If the router has two antennas, then you need to make two nozzles

Video: 8 dB Wi-Fi booster

Aluminum Can Amplifier

An aluminum can Wi-Fi signal booster is perhaps the easiest way to strengthen and stabilize your Wi-Fi network within a small radius. This type of amplifier also makes the signal directional.

To make such a device, you will need an aluminum can with a capacity of 0.5 liters and an ordinary construction or clerical knife.

To make a Wi-Fi amplifier, you will need a router, an aluminum can and a clerical knife

The assembly of the nozzle is carried out according to a simple scheme:

To make the nozzle sit more tightly on the antenna, the hole in the jar can be sealed with foam rubber, paper or any other material.

Video: how to make a Wi-Fi amplifier for free and easy

Wi-Fi amplifiers expand network coverage and stabilize the signal without the need to replace the router. Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages, taking into account which you can choose the most suitable solution for each situation.

Surely, everyone has come across a situation where the device catches a Wi-Fi network, but cannot connect to it, issuing . As we wrote earlier, the most common cause of all errors when connecting to a wireless network is a weak Wi-Fi signal.

Users constantly ask questions like:

  • why can't I connect to the wireless network, because the device sees it?
  • Why does the smartphone see the Wi-Fi network, but does not connect?

Let's briefly explain the problem again: The Wi-Fi transmitter of the router has a higher power than the transmitter of a laptop or smartphone. The transmitter power of the router is sufficient for the laptop (smartphone, tablet) to see the network, but the transmitter power in the laptop (smartphone, tablet) is not enough for the signal to reach the router. If you explain "on the fingers", then the client device sees the router's network, but the router does not see a weaker signal from the client device. Therefore, it turns out such a situation that the signal level is stable - in 1-2 divisions, but you cannot connect to a Wi-Fi network.

Ways to strengthen the signal of a Wi-Fi router and increase the area where the network catches

Let's list what measures can be taken to strengthen the signal of a wireless network and expand its coverage area. Let's start with the most important advice: determine for yourself the places in the room where you want to have a strong Wi-Fi signal. If there are several of these places, place the wireless router at an equal distance from them. We often see comic cases when the router hangs near the entrance to the apartment, and the Internet is used in the farthest room. Guess what the owner's complaint is? Of course low speed and regular internet cuts. And the solution is extremely simple - just install the router a few meters closer. Perhaps after that you will not need to puzzle over how to increase the wireless signal and, in addition, you will not need to spend money on buying a repeater or an additional access point.

1. Setting up a Wi-Fi router and network adapter

First of all, you need to check the power settings of your wireless router or access point. Make sure the transmitter power is set to 100%. It would be silly if you move an access point and then find that it was not working at full capacity.

3. Installing a more powerful antenna

In some cases, the situation is saved by connecting an external remote antenna (with a high gain) to the router instead of the standard one. This option can be tested if the router has a removable antenna. An important detail is that the remote antenna can be placed where a router cannot be installed. Sometimes, these couple of meters help solve the problem of a weak Wi-Fi signal.

4. Buying a repeater

This is another option to boost the signal and increase coverage. The repeater solves the problem of weak signal and long distances. By installing it, you add an additional link to your Wi-Fi network. Now some devices will be able to connect to the main router, while others will be able to connect to the repeater, depending on whose signal they receive better.

This option is simple only at first glance, and we placed it in last place for a reason. The fact is that in practice, the Wi-Fi network scheme, consisting of a wireless router and a repeater, has by no means ideal stability. For large houses where the problem of a weak Wi-Fi signal is acute, we recommend implementing a scheme where several routers are connected by an ethernet cable (read more).

If you still decide to use a repeater to expand the network coverage of your router, keep in mind:

  • the repeater and router must be from the same manufacturer;
  • it is highly desirable that both devices run on the same chipset.

Now you know how to boost the Wi-Fi signal of your router, wireless modem, or access point.

Today, wireless communication is the most demanded among the latest technologies. If the user is tired of looking around the apartment for a place where excellent Internet is available, you can try to strengthen the signal of the wi-fi router with your own hands.

Methods for improving the work with a wireless network are combined into three main groups: software settings on the equipment, changing the location of communication devices, and hardware amplification. The best effect is given by the third way, which has several embodiments.

Interference. Wireless communications can weaken any electrical appliances. Here you need to amplify the wi-fi signal using a second router. Another option is to place the devices away from each other. You can strengthen the wireless Internet by changing the location of the router. Install it in a free, open space.

Often this action helps to improve the speed of the Internet. An in-depth study is required to identify the problem. Perhaps the old firmware has overheated. Rebooting it once a day helps to strengthen the signal of the Wi-Fi router in the apartment. It is carried out automatically or manually.

DD-WRT flashing is also used as a wi-fi router signal booster. By performing this action, we get additional functions, the operation of the router is noticeably improved.

Installing the DD-WRT Firmware

Internet speed is affected by:

  • downloading movies;
  • participation in online games;
  • sitting in video chats.

If this is your case, configure "QualityofService or QoS". Thus, prioritize the more necessary programs.

Set a password on the router. This action will protect the Internet from connecting neighbors to it.

Homemade screen. The additional design of the router will help to make the wi-fi signal stronger. Take a can of beer, set it as a reflector, directing the waves from the amplifier in your direction. This simple solution is considered one of the workable ones. Installing the screen will not affect the radiation of the device. The energy will be directed into a limited space and create a Wi-Fi router signal amplifier.

Homemade screen from a jar for a router

Channel change. When neighbors share the same connection, the radio waves of the routers are able to overlap each other. The speed drops noticeably. You can increase the wi-fi signal by changing the data transfer channel. Change settings on your computer. When there is a "power saving mode", Wi-Fi does not accept 100%. Switch the power mode. Find "signal strength", set to maximum, save this parameter.

Setting signal strength

As you can see, there are many tips for strengthening Wi-Fi with your own hands. What exactly each user chooses depends on the operation of his network, capabilities, desires.

Hardware amplification

The wi-fi network depends directly on the distribution power, and on the propagation conditions. The presence of barriers with a screen effect between the router and the receiving device can negate the positive characteristics of the first. The reverse is also true. Therefore, increased range and improved quality are achieved in different ways.

Using a repeater to amplify the wi-fi signal

Powerful wifi antenna

How to enhance the distribution of a wi-fi router using additional devices:

  1. organize a system of repeaters or repeaters;
  2. connect the antenna through a cable to move to the most advantageous place for signal propagation;
  3. use an amplified antenna for a wi-fi router;
  4. buy a powerful router. This method is more expensive than others, but effective and simpler. There is one catch - routers over 100 mW cannot be sold as household appliances.

Devices such as a repeater and an antenna to amplify the signal of a wi-fi router will help expand the coverage area when a convenient location is not available. A replaceable antenna for amplifying the wi-fi signal will change the shape of the coverage area, make it wider, but smaller in height. The gain will be several meters in range, not suitable for providing the Internet at different levels.

DIY antenna

How to strengthen the antenna of a wi-fi router? The simplest trick is to install the screen on the side opposite to the location of the receiver devices. This will improve signal propagation in the desired direction.

You can make a do-it-yourself wi-fi signal repeater from a second router if it has the WDS function. Special repeaters are powered from the mains and in operation are not much different from a router.

The advantage of this method is that a router with a wi-fi signal amplifier makes it possible to bypass obstacles that create an impenetrable screen. In a large house, installing repeaters will provide coverage in the most remote places.

Reinforcement with an adapter

To get a satisfactory Internet experience through wi-fi, there is special equipment - a wi-fi adapter. The device picks up wireless communication, and connects via a USB connector or a PCI slot.

To solve the problem with the quality of communication, it is easiest to initially purchase a powerful adapter. The size of the antenna is directly proportional to the quality of information reception, so when buying, you don’t even have to study the characteristics. Sometimes the device is already available, but the power of action is not enough. There are two options here: connect via cable to a computer and amplify the wi-fi signal on the modem.

In the first case, the cable will allow you to place the adapter in the zone of the best distribution of the network. The only limitation is the length of the wire, which is difficult to find more than three meters.

To amplify the signal of the wi-fi adapter with your own hands, another antenna is purchased. But it will help if it was originally provided on the original device.

Most modern equipment has a built-in modem, for which these methods will not work. But there is a device for amplifying the wi-fi signal, which is connected via USB to computers and laptops.

Depending on the relative position of the router and gadgets, certain methods are applicable. It is important to determine the causes of a poor signal before choosing a specific type of amplification. A variety of equipment will allow you to choose the best solution for each specific case.

Gain without antenna

Ways to amplify the signal. This problem can be solved using a number of tools that enhance the signal. They are simple, do not require any additional effort to make your router work better.

How to amplify the signal of a wi-fi router without an antenna? Here you need to know that the operation of the router is affected by various interference from other devices: a cell phone, a microwave oven, a computer. These factors must be taken into account, but it is possible to increase the signal by applying some methods.

Signal amplification without antenna

How to amplify the signal of a wi-fi router Rostelecom without an antenna:

  1. put the router in the highest place in the house (for example, on a closet);
  2. do not allow the router to stand next to metal structures - refrigerators, safes, cabinets, etc.;
  3. if the computer or laptop does not have a very powerful wi-fi card, it must be replaced with a USB adapter;
  4. put a repeater between the router and the computer;
  5. change the signal transmission channel, for this, select a more suitable signal in the router configuration;
  6. eliminate radio interference as much as possible.

The listed methods are the main and most common. In addition to these methods, it is recommended to update the drivers.

How to replace the antenna on the router? On routers, the antennas are designed so that they transmit a signal in all directions at once. In such cases, part of the signal will disappear, the power of the router will work by half. Then you need to replace the antenna with an increased signal factor. To create a parabolic surface that directs the signal in the right direction, you can take an aluminum can as a material.

It will be possible to amplify the signal from the Rostelecom router if you correctly install the router in the apartment, directing its antennas at 45 ° angles and setting the 802.11 B / G mixed mode. An effective means of amplifying the signal is to install an access point in any part of the house.

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