Platform for social journalism. A couple of thoughts about blocking Kont and the lazy people from Roskomnadzor Kont political platform

Unfortunately, it was conceived as such from the first days of its existence. Maybe it would not be worthwhile to stir up the past and once again retell the details of strange incidents that seem to have already been exhausted. But the organizers of a complex multi-stage action called “Continentalist” clearly count on its long-term use. Therefore, they are unlikely to abandon the project after a minor glitch.

Actually, the sad history of KONT, like a mirror, reflects the scenario of the radical national revolution prepared for Russia.

Murder will out. Back in 2014, against the backdrop of a patriotic upsurge, the reunification of Crimea, sanctions and import substitution, partners from behind a puddle realized that the identity and strategy of the subversive team in Russia needed to be quickly changed. The liberal Maidan in Russia turned out to be hopeless; pro-Western democracy now aroused open antipathy among the people. This was eloquently demonstrated by the elections held on September 13, 2015. Therefore, for the next coup attempt, timed to coincide with the Duma and presidential elections, the fifth column, instead of Eurocentrism, was offered a course towards a radically patriotic and nationalist Russia.

The progressive public has long realized that the “new Russian” nationalists, radical “patriots” and good old liberals are links in the same chain. They are united by a common plan: to destabilize the internal political situation in Russia. To achieve this result, parties and public organizations of a patriotic nature, but with openly anti-government positions, were urgently activated. The “patriots” of 2014-2016 label their views as anti-liberal, but their program of action is no different from the liberals of the 2010s, because their goal is to enter the government and overthrow the current regime.

In the selection of political movements (KOB, KPE, NOD, ROS, “Great Russia”, “Russian Imperial Movement”, “Slavic Unification and Revival”, “Other Russia” and many others), designed to replace the failed liberals, the emphasis was on aggressive patriotism , external, but essentially false support for the president and merciless criticism of the government. However, if the officially stated position of the parties looks soft and neutral, their real activities go far beyond this framework and often balance on the brink of the law, reaching the point of open extremism and calls for a change in the government system.

The main theses and slogans of their programs are almost identical. They differ only in the degree of crime allowed, religious overtones and emotional intensity. They boil down to a couple of phrases: Russia is under the external control of the hostile forces of global imperialism / Zionism / cosmopolitanism, and the government contains only liberals and Jews, who specifically created and continue to create economic problems.

Just walking down the streets with such posters is irrelevant and dangerous. Firstly, their authorship is always open, and “for the market” you will have to answer. Secondly, the population is wary of protesters and demonstrations. It is much better and more free to develop in an anonymous virtual space, where it is almost impossible to track down the nameless mass of agitators.

To promote one’s ideas, compromise the enemy, that is, the current government, identify and recruit allies, an Internet springboard was needed where supporters of the radical “patriotic” opposition could meet without interference. They acted ahead of time and began preparing the platform almost two years before the State Duma elections. The resource had to meet several qualities: to be very popular, accessible to wide sections of society, protected by the presence of popular figures known for their support of government policy. The Continentalist, created at the end of 2014, was intended for these purposes.

The site started well, beautifully and transparently. A competition was announced for the best article, where the winner was determined by Internet users based on the number of views. Interesting authors came to KONT. Based on the content of their publications, the thematic coloring of the site was initially determined as patriotic and supporting the policies of the president.

The attitude of the administrators was a bit annoying; they immediately avoided moderating comments and left it at the discretion of the authors. The explanation, surprisingly, was standard... for trolls: supposedly everyone should be given the opportunity to express their opinion, even crazy people and hired collaborators.

The rapid promotion of the site was also suspicious. The number of visitors and registered users grew exponentially. This would hardly have happened in a natural way - other resources, no matter how hard they wanted, could not demonstrate such agility.

In principle, these deviations from the norm could already be alarming. The picture was complemented by other ugly details: an “elite group” that was somehow formed too quickly, giving advantages to its own and not allowing others to reach the top of the ranking; persecution of unwanted competitors who support Putin’s team; inappropriate comments, where profanity and insults were often used.

Correspondence with other authors confirmed the suspicions, and a bleak picture emerged. The guys, advanced in Internet things, immediately realized that there were a lot of bots here. For example, views of “elite” articles were limited to a small three-digit number, and their karma was more than 100, and more often even 300-400. This is despite the fact that the quality of the materials aroused great suspicion in their high assessment.

Commentators began to register on the site for the sake of one or two messages in connection with a certain publication, to which they were given the “face” command. Therefore, it was useless to take note of the nicknames of the insolent trolls and even ban them: they changed their names and addresses. Moreover, if on ordinary sites, after several complaints, the scumbag’s IP was still tracked and his entry was closed forever, on CONT the moderators did not bother themselves with this.

These, however, were only side effects of the gradual change in the ideological direction of KONT. In the comments and, accordingly, the rating advantages began to support either watery publications about something unknown or low-grade attacks on the Russian authorities. The first, obviously, were supposed to form the background for the second, intended as the locomotive of the site. Further - more: among the “best” articles mysteriously began to appear with obscene language, gross insults to the government and openly extremist publications. The most intriguing thing: ALL of them were recommended by moderators, and some were even included in the PROMO (the “reviewed by moderator” mark highlighted in the feed)!

Here are examples taken almost at random over the past year: “Talking Void” (, “Putin’s cunning plan”, “Black day of anti-aircraft protection. The statist general became the Commissioner for Human Rights,” “Mr. Medvedev, haven’t you stayed too long in ....? Dmitry Anatolyevich, it’s time to go on vacation! It's time!", "The horrors of the bloody regime. Ghost town of Surgut,” as well as the work of Mr. Blagin, who was on trial for inciting hatred.

The literary quality of the “imperishables” is touching. What audience could give them a plus, other than the criminal one?

In response to the increasing number of claims from the indignant public, the administrators, as they say, pretended to be rags. So, even before the May blocking of the site, they received requests about informnapalm, which stated that this blog was inciting hatred, outright disinformation and slander about Russia (first-hand information). There were reports of falsified subscriptions and “inflated” views and ratings. However, your humble servant, for example, the respected Ilya Kanavin (support agent) answered that they do not have the opportunity to read all the articles published on their website (!).

This means that if they post ISIS propaganda, they simply won’t notice it. And you say - terrorists... As Vysotsky sang, the amazing is nearby, but it is prohibited.

Such indifference is caused, of course, not by naivety, but by confidence in one’s impunity. The organizers of Continentalist have an excellent roof. The fact that moderators actually protect violators suggests that the site was created specifically for them.

A sacramental question arises: why is all this being done? Serious work is a statement of serious intentions. But whose?

Well, I’ll share my own experience.

At the beginning of September last year, KONT moderator Joker approached me with a rather strange request: to write material in support of the protest against Vasilyeva’s parole. So that the organizers of this protest would refer to him, allegedly planning to appeal to Putin. In short: Evgenia Vasilyeva, accused in the Oboronservis case, was released early by court decision. Despite the loud information campaign against this resolution, its initiators did not present any weighty arguments in their favor, which I wrote about at the same time (

It turns out that the CONT administration is directly connected with a certain structure that is developing actions directed against the decisions of the current government. Because the court's decision applies specifically to those.

What kind of structure this is becomes clear if we put together the topics of publications that evoke the most hysterical reaction on Continentalist. These are, firstly, articles that present in an objective (and not shrill-psychopathic) light the activities of the Russian government, the Central Bank, the economic bloc, the judiciary, etc. Secondly, these are materials about extremist manifestations in some opposition parties.

But, on the one hand, these are the main areas of attack by the radical “patriotic” opposition. On the other hand, this is an idea of ​​her real face, which has nothing to do with love for the Motherland.

The points stated above are most fully realized in the National Liberation Movement (NLM), which expounds theses about the “colonial Constitution”, “traitors in the government”, “occupied and corrupt Russia” and the like. And here is another subjective argument in favor of the direct and close connection of the NOD with the “Continentalist”: I remember that one of the KONT provocateurs, who had been trying for a long time to convince me of the negative activities of the Russian authorities, turned out to be just a NOD member, who mediocrely made a mistake in the comments to the article “Infernal Performance” (

NOD, by the way, was indignant at Vasilyeva’s release perhaps more than anyone else: At the same time, Internet users dug out who its leaders are connected to and where they are financed from (“18 million and NOD”). For the latest information about the liberal coloring of the NOD, about the sources of its sponsorship and Fedorov’s connections with Chubais, see here: “The inverted flag of the Russian Federation at the NOD micro-rally.” Please note: unlike the obscene and anti-Semitic “incorruptible” articles, this article was not recommended by KONT moderators and did not appear in the main feed.

Actually, it was worth asking a long time ago: what caused the unjustifiably aggressive polemics that have long been practiced on KONT, which turned it into a “garbage” site?

Associations will arise by themselves, you just have to remember that national radicals, including NOD, have repeatedly been noted for a number of provocations and attacks on those whom they at the moment decided to brand as “liberal opposition.” The terrible video with Maria Katasonova (, demonstrative brawls with the brazen use of patriotic symbols and slogans, insults in public and on the Internet go well with the lumpen atmosphere of KONT, as well as with the vocabulary and rhetoric of KONT commentators. Judging by their content, which exactly matches the slogans of the NOD, followers of the National Liberation Movement and (to a much lesser extent) similar radical organizations make up the bulk of trolls, provocateurs and other, excuse me, trash on “Continentalist”.

As an illustration of their morals and manners, one can cite the April attack by NOD activists on guests of the school competition “Man in History. Russia – 20th century”, which is conducted by the Memorial Society. “Patriots” of the NOD poured green paint on Lyudmila Ulitskaya, poured ammonia on one of the visitors and pelted the guests with eggs, shouting insults at them. In total, about 25 people took part in the outrage, which indicates a well-planned action and its focus on public outcry. Ulitskaya and Memorial can be treated differently, but the very next day Dmitry Peskov emphasized that the Kremlin considers NOD figures to be hooligans who discredit the St. George ribbon and, we add, desecrate the very concept of patriotism.

The request to support the NOD in the United Russia primaries also looks very ambiguous. Fedorov’s participation can be somehow explained, since he is a member of United Russia. But the choice of “United Russia” by other patriots from the NOD instead of the “National Course” party, which, as indicated on its official website http://natskurs.rf/, is the party of the National Liberation Movement, seems strange).

And the NOD’s action against the celebration of... Russia Day, which the “patriots” called “Dependence Day,” was simply the height of idiocy.

Judging by the similarity of style and scenarios, the legs of recent information campaigns against well-known figures in Russian politics - Medinsky, Astakhov, Yarovaya, Chaika - are growing out of NOD and the currents associated with it. In any case, the nature of the statements is very reminiscent of the story with Vasilyeva.

It’s just a pity that only our enemies show such organizational talents. Where is the initiative coming from the government, and not from the opposition? Why is there still no such site with the opposite direction, where projects like KONT and others like it would be broken down into atoms by real, and not fake, patriots? We complain that an information war is being waged against us. This is why it is being carried out because there is not enough opposition to it. After all, the problem is not to catch already “ready-made” extremists in the net, but to prevent the birth of new ones.

After the May scandal with KONT and its blocking, information appeared that the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation was checking the National Liberation Movement for extremism. The check will be carried out in 4 regions of the country.

What will KONT do now? It is unlikely that he will come to his senses. Well, for example, the nickname “Sergey Yurkov” appeared on CONT in June with articles on the same topic: a good president is not allowed to work by a bad government, this time represented by United Russia. Does it look like an order? Definitely. Until funding is cut off, the information war on the site will continue. In addition, even after possible troubles in the NOD, it is possible that such a well-promoted and popular resource will be transferred to some other radical patriot.

Therefore, I would like to remind all KONT readers and Internet lovers for the future:

You can only trust the president. Everything else is from the evil one.

Therefore, if Putin says that he is satisfied with the work of the government and Medvedev, it means that they are doing everything right. If the president declares that the Central Bank is acting effectively, then that is the way it is, and he does not see any external control or insufficient sovereignty in Nabiullina’s activities. If Putin does not consider it necessary to change the Russian Constitution, it means that at the moment he is satisfied with everything in it. And if he came to the United Russia congress with words of support, it means that Putin’s supporters should vote for her.

And if I irritate or stress someone, you can hide in a corner and cry.

Yulia Brazhnikova

Thinking out loud

First person

M My acquaintance with KONT began with the fact that a number of interesting articles by authors I respected at that time were published on this site. A more or less detailed acquaintance with the site left an unpleasant aftertaste. It was as if I had never seen so much swearing and malicious comments anywhere, however, given its popularity, in order to expand the readership of my blog, I registered on it, with a view to later transferring my publications to KONT.

For a number of technical reasons, after the first attempt I refused to use it. I was no longer interested in this site; I have enough other good sources of information at my disposal. As for the comments and swearing, as well as regarding the work of the site moderators, or rather about its complete absence, I completely agree with Brazhnikova.

But as far as the authors of the publications are concerned, I do not agree with everything that Yulia Brazhnikova writes about. For example, I don’t understand how Vladimir Volkonsky, whose publications I sometimes read, even published something on my blog, fell under her hot hand, and I certainly can’t even suspect him of disliking Russia and the President personally, much less liberalism and belonging to the 5th column. In addition, quite respected experts and bloggers publish on CONT.

As far as the President is concerned, I completely agree with her, but precisely in what he does, and not his subordinates, who sometimes sabotage or distort his instructions and directives. This primarily concerns the Government and its permanent leader Medvedev.

  • But I am firmly convinced of one thing: the President knows what he is doing and does it for the good and in the name of Russia. Our President does nothing for nothing!

So, I bring to your attention a rather detailed analytical article about that. what is the journalistic platform “KONT” and what should it be used with? That. As for the site itself, this is probably true. Much seems to be true. But no one has canceled propaganda, but the fact is that in this area there is a life-and-death struggle. and to death, understandably and without further ado. There is a struggle of ideologies and here any, sometimes unscrupulous, means are used, which can only be regretted. It is your right to agree or disagree with the author's opinion.

TO Unfortunately, it was conceived as such from the first days of its existence. Maybe it would not be worthwhile to stir up the past and once again retell the details of strange incidents that seem to have already been exhausted. But the organizers of a complex multi-stage action called "Continentalist" They are clearly counting on its long-term use. Therefore, they are unlikely to abandon the project after a minor glitch.

Actually, the sad history of KONT, like a mirror, reflects the scenario of the radical national revolution prepared for Russia.

Murder will out. Back in 2014, against the backdrop of a patriotic upsurge, the reunification of Crimea, sanctions and import substitution, partners from behind a puddle realized that the identity and strategy of the subversive team in Russia needed to be quickly changed. The liberal Maidan in Russia turned out to be hopeless; pro-Western democracy now aroused open antipathy among the people. This was eloquently demonstrated by the elections held on September 13, 2015. Therefore, for the next coup attempt, timed to coincide with the Duma and presidential elections, the fifth column, instead of Eurocentrism, was offered a course towards a radically patriotic and nationalist Russia.

The progressive public has long realized that the “new Russian” nationalists, radical “patriots” and good old liberals are links in the same chain. They are united by a common plan: to destabilize the internal political situation in Russia. To achieve this result, parties and public organizations of a patriotic nature, but with openly anti-government positions, were urgently activated. The “patriots” of 2014–2016 label their views as anti-liberal, but their program of action is no different from the liberals of the 2010s, because their goal is to enter the government and overthrow the current regime.

In the selection of political movements (KOB, KPE, NOD, PVO, ROS, “Great Russia”, “Russian Imperial Movement”, “Slavic Unification and Revival”, “Other Russia” and many others), designed to replace the failed liberals, the emphasis was on aggressive patriotism, external, but essentially false support for the president and merciless criticism of the government. However, if the officially stated position of the parties looks soft and neutral, their real activities often go far beyond this framework and balance on the edge of the law, reaching the point of open extremism and calls for a change in the government system.

The main theses and slogans of their programs are almost identical. They differ only in the degree of crime allowed, religious overtones and emotional intensity. They boil down to a couple of phrases: Russia is under the external control of the hostile forces of global imperialism / Zionism / cosmopolitanism, and the government contains only liberals and Jews, who specifically created and continue to create economic problems.

Just walking down the streets with such posters is irrelevant and dangerous. Firstly, their authorship is always open, and “for the market” you will have to answer. Secondly, the population is wary of protesters and demonstrations. It is much better and more free to develop in an anonymous virtual space, where it is almost impossible to track down the nameless mass of agitators.

To promote one’s ideas, compromise the enemy, that is, the current government, identify and recruit allies, an Internet springboard was needed where supporters of the radical “patriotic” opposition could meet without interference. They acted ahead of time and began preparing the platform almost two years before the State Duma elections. The resource had to meet several qualities: to be very popular, accessible to wide sections of society, protected by the presence of popular figures known for their support of government policy. The Continentalist, created at the end of 2014, was intended for these purposes.

The site started well, beautifully and transparently. A competition was announced for the best article, where the winner was determined by Internet users based on the number of views. Interesting authors came to KONT. Based on the content of their publications, the thematic coloring of the site was initially determined as patriotic and supporting the policies of the president.

The attitude of the administrators was a bit annoying; they immediately avoided moderating comments and left it at the discretion of the authors. The explanation, surprisingly, was standard... for trolls: supposedly everyone should be given the opportunity to express their opinion, even crazy people and hired collaborators.

The rapid promotion of the site was also suspicious. The number of visitors and registered users grew exponentially. This would hardly have happened in a natural way - other resources, no matter how hard they wanted, could not show such agility.

In principle, these deviations from the norm could already be alarming. The picture was complemented by other ugly details: an “elite group” that was somehow formed too quickly, giving advantages to its own and not allowing others to reach the top of the ranking; persecution of unwanted competitors who support Putin’s team; inappropriate comments, where profanity and insults were often used.

Correspondence with other authors confirmed the suspicions, and a bleak picture emerged. The guys, advanced in Internet things, immediately realized that there were a lot of bots here. For example, views of “elite” articles were limited to a small three-digit number, and their karma was more than 100, and more often even 300-400. This is despite the fact that the quality of the materials aroused great suspicion in their high assessment.

Commentators began to register on the site for one or two messages in connection with a certain publication, to which they were given the command “fas”. Therefore, it was useless to take note of the nicknames of the insolent trolls and even ban them: they changed their names and addresses. Moreover, if on ordinary sites, after several complaints, the scumbag’s IP was still tracked and his entry was closed forever, on CONT the moderators did not bother themselves with this.

These, however, were only side effects of the gradual change in the ideological direction of KONT. In the comments and, accordingly, the rating advantages began to support either watery publications about something unknown or low-grade attacks on the Russian authorities. The first, obviously, were supposed to form the background for the second, intended as the locomotive of the site. Further - more: among the “best” articles mysteriously began to appear with obscene language, gross insults to the government and openly extremist publications. The most intriguing thing: ALL of them were recommended by moderators, and some were even included in the PROMO (the “reviewed by moderator” mark highlighted in the feed)!

Here are examples taken almost at random from the last year: “Talking Void” ( ), "Putin's cunning plan" ( ), “Dark day of human rights protection. The statist general became the Commissioner for Human Rights" ( ), “Mr. Medvedev, haven’t you stayed too long in...? Dmitry Anatolyevich, it’s time to go on vacation! It's time! ( ), “The horrors of the bloody regime. Ghost town of Surgut" ( ), as well as the work of Mr. Blagin, who was on trial for inciting hatred.

The literary quality of the “imperishables” is touching. What audience could give them a plus, other than the criminal one?

In response to the increasing number of claims from the indignant public, the administrators, as they say, pretended to be rags. So, even before the May blocking of the site, they received requests about informnapalm, which stated that this blog was inciting hatred, outright disinformation and slander about Russia (first-hand information). There were reports of falsified subscriptions and “inflated” views and ratings. However, your humble servant, for example, the respected Ilya Kanavin (support agent) answered that they do not have the opportunity to read all the articles published on their website (!).

This means that if they post ISIS propaganda, they simply won’t notice it. And you say - terrorists... As Vysotsky sang, the amazing is nearby, but it is prohibited.

Such indifference is caused, of course, not by naivety, but by confidence in one’s impunity. The organizers of Continentalist have an excellent roof. The fact that moderators actually protect violators suggests that the site was created specifically for them.

A sacramental question arises: why is all this being done? Serious work is a statement of serious intentions. But whose?

Well, I’ll share my own experience.

At the beginning of September last year, KONT moderator Joker approached me with a rather strange request: to write material in support of the protest against Vasilyeva’s parole. So that the organizers of this protest would refer to him, allegedly planning to appeal to Putin. In short: Evgenia Vasilyeva, accused in the Oboronservis case, was released early by court decision. Despite the loud information campaign against this resolution, its initiators did not present any weighty arguments in their favor, which I wrote about at the same time ( ).

It turns out that the CONT administration is directly connected with a certain structure that is developing actions directed against the decisions of the current government. Because the court's decision applies specifically to those.

What kind of structure this is becomes clear if we put together the topics of publications that evoke the most hysterical reaction on Continentalist. These are, firstly, articles that present in an objective (and not shrill-psychopathic) light the activities of the Russian government, the Central Bank, the economic bloc, the judiciary, etc. Secondly, these are materials about extremist manifestations in some opposition parties.

But, on the one hand, these are the main areas of attack by the radical “patriotic” opposition. On the other hand, this is an idea of ​​her real face, which has nothing to do with love for the Motherland.

The points stated above are most fully realized in the National Liberation Movement (NLM), which expounds theses about the “colonial Constitution”, “traitors in the government”, “occupied and corrupt Russia” and the like. And here is another subjective argument in favor of the direct and close connection of the NOD with the “Continentalist”: I remember that one of the KONT provocateurs, who had been trying for a long time to convince me of the negative activities of the Russian authorities, turned out to be just a NOD member, who mediocrely made a mistake in the comments to the article “Infernal Performance” ( ).

NOD, by the way, was indignant at Vasilyeva’s release perhaps more than anyone else: . At the same time, Internet users unearthed who its leaders are connected to and where they are financed from (“18 million and NOD”, ... For the latest information about the liberal coloring of the NOD, about the sources of its sponsorship and Fedorov’s connections with Chubais, see here: “The inverted flag of the Russian Federation at the NOD micro-rally” ( ). Please note: unlike the obscene and anti-Semitic “incorruptible” articles, this article was not recommended by KONT moderators and did not appear in the main feed.

Actually, it was worth asking a long time ago: what caused the unjustifiably aggressive polemics that have long been practiced on KONT, which turned it into a “garbage” site?

Associations will arise by themselves, you just have to remember that national radicals, including NOD, have repeatedly been noted for a number of provocations and attacks on those whom they at the moment decided to brand as “liberal opposition.” Creepy video with Maria Katasonova ( .. demonstrative brawls with the brazen use of patriotic symbols and slogans, insults in public and on the Internet go well with the lumpen atmosphere of KONT, as well as with the vocabulary and rhetoric of KONT commentators. Judging by their content, which exactly matches the slogans of the NOD, followers of the National Liberation Movement and (to a much lesser extent) similar radical organizations make up the bulk of trolls, provocateurs and other, excuse me, trash on “Continentalist”.

As an illustration of their morals and manners, one can cite the April attack by NOD activists on guests of the school competition “Man in History. Russia - 20th century", which is carried out by the Memorial Society. “Patriots” of the NOD poured green paint on Lyudmila Ulitskaya, poured ammonia on one of the visitors and pelted the guests with eggs, shouting insults at them. In total, about 25 people took part in the outrage, which indicates a well-planned action and its focus on public outcry. Ulitskaya and Memorial can be treated differently, but the very next day Dmitry Peskov emphasized that the Kremlin considers NOD figures to be hooligans who discredit the St. George ribbon and, we add, desecrate the very concept of patriotism.

The request to support the NOD in the United Russia primaries also looks very ambiguous. Fedorov’s participation can be somehow explained, since he is a member of United Russia. But the choice of “United Russia” by other patriots from the NOD instead of the “National Course” party, which, as indicated on its official website, is the party of the National Liberation Movement, seems strange ( ...

And the NOD’s action against the celebration of... Russia Day, which the “patriots” called “Dependence Day,” was simply the height of idiocy.

Judging by the similarity of style and scenarios, the legs of recent information campaigns against well-known figures in Russian politics - Medinsky, Astakhov, Yarovaya, Chaika - are growing out of NOD and the currents associated with it. In any case, the nature of the statements is very reminiscent of the story with Vasilyeva.

It’s just a pity that only our enemies show such organizational talents. Where is the initiative coming from the government, and not from the opposition? Why is there still no such site with the opposite direction, where projects like KONT and others like it would be broken down into atoms by real, and not fake, patriots? We complain that an information war is being waged against us. This is why it is being carried out because there is not enough opposition to it. After all, the problem is not to catch already “ready-made” extremists in the net, but to prevent the birth of new ones.

After the May scandal with KONT and its blocking, information appeared that the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation was checking the National Liberation Movement for extremism. The check will be carried out in 4 regions of the country ( ...

What will KONT do now? It is unlikely that he will come to his senses. Well, for example, the nickname “Sergey Yurkov” appeared on CONT in June with articles on the same topic: a good president is not allowed to work by a bad government, this time represented by United Russia. Does it look like an order? Definitely. Until funding is cut off, the information war on the site will continue. In addition, even after possible troubles in the NOD, it is possible that such a well-promoted and popular resource will be transferred to some other radical patriot.

Therefore, I would like to remind all KONT readers and Internet lovers for the future:

You can only trust the president. Everything else is from the evil one.

If Putin says that he is satisfied with the work of the government and Medvedev, then they are doing everything right. If the president declares that the Central Bank is acting effectively, then that is the way it is, and he does not see any external control or insufficient sovereignty in Nabiullina’s activities. If Putin does not consider it necessary to change the Russian Constitution, it means that at the moment he is satisfied with everything in it. And if he came to the United Russia congress with words of support, it means that Putin’s supporters should vote for her.

For a long time now, many people have been saying at AS that KONT is turning into a trash heap. Below is the opinion of Yulia Brazhnikova.

Unfortunately, it was conceived as such from the first days of its existence. Maybe it would not be worthwhile to stir up the past and once again retell the details of strange incidents that seem to have already been exhausted. But the organizers of a complex multi-stage action called “Continentalist” clearly count on its long-term use. Therefore, they are unlikely to abandon the project after a minor glitch.

Actually, the sad history of KONT, like a mirror, reflects the scenario of the radical national revolution prepared for Russia.

Murder will out. Back in 2014, against the backdrop of a patriotic upsurge, the reunification of Crimea, sanctions and import substitution, partners from behind a puddle realized that the identity and strategy of the subversive team in Russia needed to be quickly changed. The liberal Maidan in Russia turned out to be hopeless; pro-Western democracy now aroused open antipathy among the people. This was eloquently demonstrated by the elections held on September 13, 2015. Therefore, for the next coup attempt, timed to coincide with the Duma and presidential elections, the fifth column, instead of Eurocentrism, was offered a course towards a radically patriotic and nationalist Russia.

The progressive public has long realized that the “new Russian” nationalists, radical “patriots” and good old liberals are links in the same chain. They are united by a common plan: to destabilize the internal political situation in Russia. To achieve this result, parties and public organizations of a patriotic nature, but with openly anti-government positions, were urgently activated. The “patriots” of 2014-2016 label their views as anti-liberal, but their program of action is no different from the liberals of the 2010s, because their goal is to enter the government and overthrow the current regime.

In the selection of political movements (KOB, KPE, NOD, PVO, ROS, “Great Russia”, “Russian Imperial Movement”, “Slavic Unification and Revival”, “Other Russia” and many others), designed to replace the failed liberals, the emphasis was on aggressive patriotism, external, but essentially false support for the president and merciless criticism of the government. However, if the officially stated position of the parties looks soft and neutral, their real activities often go far beyond this framework and balance on the edge of the law, reaching the point of open extremism and calls for a change in the government system.

The main theses and slogans of their programs are almost identical. They differ only in the degree of crime allowed, religious overtones and emotional intensity. They boil down to a couple of phrases: Russia is under the external control of the hostile forces of global imperialism / Zionism / cosmopolitanism, and the government contains only liberals and Jews, who specifically created and continue to create economic problems.

Just walking down the streets with such posters is irrelevant and dangerous. Firstly, their authorship is always open, and “for the market” you will have to answer. Secondly, the population is wary of protesters and demonstrations. It is much better and more free to develop in an anonymous virtual space, where it is almost impossible to track down the nameless mass of agitators.

To promote one’s ideas, compromise the enemy, that is, the current government, identify and recruit allies, an Internet springboard was needed where supporters of the radical “patriotic” opposition could meet without interference. They acted ahead of time and began preparing the platform almost two years before the State Duma elections. The resource had to meet several qualities: to be very popular, accessible to wide sections of society, protected by the presence of popular figures known for their support of government policy. The Continentalist, created at the end of 2014, was intended for these purposes.

The site started well, beautifully and transparently. A competition was announced for the best article, where the winner was determined by Internet users based on the number of views. Interesting authors came to KONT. Based on the content of their publications, the thematic coloring of the site was initially determined as patriotic and supporting the policies of the president.

The attitude of the administrators was a bit annoying; they immediately avoided moderating comments and left it at the discretion of the authors. The explanation, surprisingly, was standard... for trolls: supposedly everyone should be given the opportunity to express their opinion, even crazy people and hired collaborators.

The rapid promotion of the site was also suspicious. The number of visitors and registered users grew exponentially. This would hardly have happened in a natural way - other resources, no matter how hard they wanted, could not demonstrate such agility.

In principle, these deviations from the norm could already be alarming. The picture was complemented by other ugly details: an “elite group” that was somehow formed too quickly, giving advantages to its own and not allowing others to reach the top of the ranking; persecution of unwanted competitors who support Putin’s team; inappropriate comments, where profanity and insults were often used.

Correspondence with other authors confirmed the suspicions, and a bleak picture emerged. The guys, advanced in Internet things, immediately realized that there were a lot of bots here. For example, views of “elite” articles were limited to a small three-digit number, and their karma was more than 100, and more often even 300-400. This is despite the fact that the quality of the materials aroused great suspicion in their high assessment.

Commentators began to register on the site for one or two messages in connection with a certain publication, to which they were given the command “fas”. Therefore, it was useless to take note of the nicknames of the insolent trolls and even ban them: they changed their names and addresses. Moreover, if on ordinary sites, after several complaints, the scumbag’s IP was still tracked and his entry was closed forever, on CONT the moderators did not bother themselves with this.

These, however, were only side effects of the gradual change in the ideological direction of KONT. In the comments and, accordingly, the rating advantages began to support either watery publications about something unknown or low-grade attacks on the Russian authorities. The first, obviously, were supposed to form the background for the second, intended as the locomotive of the site. Further - more: among the “best” articles mysteriously began to appear with obscene language, gross insults to the government and openly extremist publications. The most intriguing thing: ALL of them were recommended by moderators, and some were even included in the PROMO (the “reviewed by moderator” mark highlighted in the feed)!

Here are examples taken almost at random over the past year: “Talking Emptiness” (, “Putin’s Cunning Plan” (, “Rainy Day pga protection. The statist general became the Commissioner for Human Rights" (, "Mr. Medvedev, haven't you been sitting too long in...? Dmitry Anatolyevich, it’s time to go on vacation! It's time! (, “The horrors of the bloody regime. Ghost town of Surgut" (, as well as the work of Mr. Blagin, who was on trial for inciting hatred.

The literary quality of the “imperishables” is touching. What audience could give them a plus, other than the criminal one?

In response to the increasing number of claims from the indignant public, the administrators, as they say, pretended to be rags. So, even before the May blocking of the site, they received requests about informnapalm, which stated that this blog was inciting hatred, outright disinformation and slander about Russia (first-hand information). There were reports of falsified subscriptions and “inflated” views and ratings. However, your humble servant, for example, the respected Ilya Kanavin (support agent) answered that they do not have the opportunity to read all the articles published on their website (!).

This means that if they post ISIS propaganda, they simply won’t notice it. And you say - terrorists... As Vysotsky sang, the amazing is nearby, but it is prohibited.

Such indifference is caused, of course, not by naivety, but by confidence in one’s impunity. The organizers of Continentalist have an excellent roof. The fact that moderators actually protect violators suggests that the site was created specifically for them.

A sacramental question arises: why is all this being done? Serious work is a statement of serious intentions. But whose?

Well, I’ll share my own experience.

At the beginning of September last year, KONT moderator Joker approached me with a rather strange request: to write material in support of the protest against Vasilyeva’s parole. So that the organizers of this protest would refer to him, allegedly planning to appeal to Putin. In short: Evgenia Vasilyeva, accused in the Oboronservis case, was released early by court decision. Despite the loud information campaign against this resolution, its initiators did not present any weighty arguments in their favor, which I wrote about at the same time (

It turns out that the CONT administration is directly connected with a certain structure that is developing actions directed against the decisions of the current government. Because the court's decision applies specifically to those.

What kind of structure this is becomes clear if we put together the topics of publications that evoke the most hysterical reaction on Continentalist. These are, firstly, articles that present in an objective (and not shrill-psychopathic) light the activities of the Russian government, the Central Bank, the economic bloc, the judiciary, etc. Secondly, these are materials about extremist manifestations in some opposition parties.

But, on the one hand, these are the main areas of attack by the radical “patriotic” opposition. On the other hand, this is an idea of ​​her real face, which has nothing to do with love for the Motherland.

The points stated above are most fully realized in the National Liberation Movement (NLM), which expounds theses about the “colonial Constitution”, “traitors in the government”, “occupied and corrupt Russia” and the like. And here is another subjective argument in favor of the direct and close connection of the NOD with the “Continentalist”: I remember that one of the KONT provocateurs, who had been trying for a long time to convince me of the negative activities of the Russian authorities, turned out to be just a NOD member, who mediocrely made a mistake in the comments to the article “Infernal Performance” (

NOD, by the way, was indignant at Vasilyeva’s release perhaps more than anyone else: At the same time, Internet users dug up who its leaders are connected with and where its leaders are financed from (“18 million and NOD”, http://russianresident.livejou... For the latest information about the liberal coloring of the NOD, about the sources of its sponsorship and Fedorov’s connections with Chubais, see .here: “The inverted flag of the Russian Federation at the NOD micro-rally” ( Please note: unlike the obscene and anti-Semitic “incorruptible” articles, this article was not recommended by KONT moderators and is not in the main feed appeared.

Actually, it was worth asking a long time ago: what caused the unjustifiably aggressive polemics that have long been practiced on KONT, which turned it into a “garbage” site?

Associations will arise by themselves, you just have to remember that national radicals, including NOD, have repeatedly been noted for a number of provocations and attacks on those whom they at the moment decided to brand as “liberal opposition.” Creepy video with Maria Katasonova ( demonstrative brawls with the brazen use of patriotic symbols and slogans, insults in public and on the Internet go well with the lumpen atmosphere of KONT, as well as with the vocabulary and rhetoric of KONT commentators. Judging by their content, which exactly matches the slogans of the NOD, followers of the National Liberation Movement and (to a much lesser extent) similar radical organizations make up the bulk of trolls, provocateurs and other, excuse me, trash on “Continentalist”.

As an illustration of their morals and manners, one can cite the April attack by NOD activists on guests of the school competition “Man in History. Russia – 20th century”, which is conducted by the Memorial Society. “Patriots” of the NOD poured green paint on Lyudmila Ulitskaya, poured ammonia on one of the visitors and pelted the guests with eggs, shouting insults at them. In total, about 25 people took part in the outrage, which indicates a well-planned action and its focus on public outcry. Ulitskaya and Memorial can be treated differently, but the very next day Dmitry Peskov emphasized that the Kremlin considers NOD figures to be hooligans who discredit the St. George ribbon and, we add, desecrate the very concept of patriotism.

The request to support the NOD in the United Russia primaries also looks very ambiguous. Fedorov’s participation can be somehow explained, since he is a member of United Russia. But the choice of “United Russia” by other patriots from the NOD instead of the “National Course” party, which, as indicated on its official website http://natskurs.rf/, is the party of the National Liberation Movement, seems strange (https://xn- -80aealaaatcuj2bbdb...

And the NOD’s action against the celebration of... Russia Day, which the “patriots” called “Dependence Day,” was simply the height of idiocy.

Judging by the similarity of style and scenarios, the legs of recent information campaigns against well-known figures in Russian politics - Medinsky, Astakhov, Yarovaya, Chaika - are growing out of NOD and the currents associated with it. In any case, the nature of the statements is very reminiscent of the story with Vasilyeva.

It’s just a pity that only our enemies show such organizational talents. Where is the initiative coming from the government, and not from the opposition? Why is there still no such site with the opposite direction, where projects like KONT and others like it would be broken down into atoms by real, and not fake, patriots? We complain that an information war is being waged against us. This is why it is being carried out because there is not enough opposition to it. After all, the problem is not to catch already “ready-made” extremists in the net, but to prevent the birth of new ones.

After the May scandal with KONT and its blocking, information appeared that the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation was checking the National Liberation Movement for extremism. The check will be carried out in 4 regions of the country (

What will KONT do now? It is unlikely that he will come to his senses. Well, for example, the nickname “Sergey Yurkov” appeared on CONT in June with articles on the same topic: a good president is not allowed to work by a bad government, this time represented by United Russia. Does it look like an order? Definitely. Until funding is cut off, the information war on the site will continue. In addition, even after possible troubles in the NOD, it is possible that such a well-promoted and popular resource will be transferred to some other radical patriot.

Therefore, I would like to remind all KONT readers and Internet lovers for the future:

You can only trust the president. Everything else is from the evil one.

If Putin says that he is satisfied with the work of the government and Medvedev, then they are doing everything right. If the president declares that the Central Bank is acting effectively, then that is the way it is, and he does not see any external control or insufficient sovereignty in Nabiullina’s activities. If Putin does not consider it necessary to change the Russian Constitution, it means that at the moment he is satisfied with everything in it. And if he came to the United Russia congress with words of support, it means that Putin’s supporters should vote for her.

And if I irritate or stress someone, you can hide in a corner and cry.

In the comments to the previous post, I was pleased that many supported me in my desire to write a blog further.
Moreover the user basanda I also suggested that I post on Conte, which is positioned as a platform for social journalism.
I went there and looked. I didn’t see any particular advantages over LiveJournal, and I especially didn’t want to spread myself across two sites. After all, writing a post requires effort, and editing it and publishing it on LiveJournal also requires considerable effort, which is exhausting. Publishing and editing is much easier on the conte - copy/paste from Word and you're done. LiveJournal has problems with this.
But just for that benefit, I wouldn't blog there. But when I went to the blog rating, I was immediately crossed out!
I saw in 2nd place Fritz Morgen...

I will now explain my dislike for this blogger. I sometimes read in bloggers' posts about dissatisfaction with Fritz Morgen's posts, but did not attach any importance to it.
I decided to go in and read...
The quality of the materials was below par. I’m not trying to belittle him in any way, but this is really true. There you will not see materials from respected and serious publications such as Vedomosti and Kommersant, even at worst RBC. There are phrases taken from the openly yellow press and other odious bloggers in the style of Russia will conquer everyone, we are cooler than in America, everything is fine, except Russia. And at the same time, not a single figure and no facts, just twitchy phrases. In principle, for jingoistic patriots and TV viewers of Channel 1, this is their blog. It would seem that it’s no big deal; all readers should have their own blog. I have nothing against it, everyone has their own point of view and reads what they want. You don’t need to think too much, I read the Fritz, got charged with good energy, how everything is good here, but everything is bad in America, and I’m happy!

In my naivety, I decided to comment on a couple of his articles. Let me clarify that without swearing or any aggression, just provide a link to an article with numbers showing the fallacy of the opinion expressed in his posts. He also provided links to his posts with numbers showing an alternative opinion.

And what do you think?
They allowed me to make three comments, but on the fourth I was simply blocked! No explanation why! Just because I have a different opinion!
I find it absolutely unacceptable to block for a different point of view! You should block for unjustified and unmotivated aggression, inadequacy, swearing, insults and similar things. But not for a different opinion! This is not the first channel with censorship!
I am ready to change my opinion and write a refutation if they prove to me with numbers why I am wrong. But they won’t just shut my mouth, because it’s not profitable to listen and read me.

I consider the Fritzmorgen blocking as a compliment to my work. I would leave him with the zombie readers, let them believe in his tales. In LiveJournal he is now in 20th place, but in Comte he is 2nd!!! Second!!! By a huge margin from the rest. To say that I am shocked would be an understatement. It was precisely this circumstance that prompted me to write on Kont to create an alternative to the zombie blog!
So I will duplicate my entries there too.

My address on Kont -

", great group blog. Conte published articles by many statist bloggers, including, for example, Rostislav Ishchenko, Nikolai Starikov and yours truly. At the same time, there was no censorship on Kont, and the moderation was quite mild - so quite controversial texts periodically appeared in the feed.

Here are my thoughts on this matter.

1. The site owners did not receive any demands, no requests, or notices from Roskomnadzor. The employees were too lazy to exert themselves, they silently blocked the site and that’s it.

At the same time, a year ago, Kont corresponded with Roskomnadzor, provided all contacts, and explained the mechanism of the site’s operation.

2. Roskomnadzor mail is silent. Of course, letters with questions were immediately sent to the post office; Kont proactively deleted the article, which, as users suggested, could have caused the blocking. Roskomnadzor ignored the letters and, since it is already Saturday, will probably ignore them at least until Monday.

By the way, a scan of the court ruling has not been posted either. “Kont” is invited to go to Penza, look for the appropriate court there and try to get a decision there: only in order to find out which page, in fact, the claims arose.

3. Providers also don’t even try to understand the issue - they block not a single page, but the entire site. I understand that if a site operates via https, blocking only one page is problematic - but is it possible to at least redirect users to a page where the reason for blocking will be explained? Is it possible to indicate on the same page that if the site switches to the http protocol, only one page will remain blocked?

4. Could the issue be resolved better? Definitely. In the following way:

We are creating a hotline on the Roskomnadzor website, which will answer questions from site owners about blocking around the clock.
- We instruct specialists from the same team to call the owners of sites that should be blocked and write them letters regarding the blocking.
- We oblige providers to take all possible measures to ensure that only one page is blocked, and not the entire site.

Voila. There will be much fewer problems with blocking.

5. How much does it cost to create such a hotline? Let's do the math. To work around the clock, we need, say, five people. Costs for salaries, wage taxes, premises, long-distance communications, and so on will amount, as my experience shows, to approximately 500 thousand rubles per month, 6 million rubles per year.

This is for Moscow, I didn’t even try to save money, and I didn’t take into account that theoretically someone at Roskomnadzor is already doing this work - that is, the necessary resources are already allocated for this. But let’s say we create everything from scratch and immediately start working on a grand scale. Does Roskomnadzor have 6 million rubles a year?

Yes, I have. Roskomnadzor's budget is about 10 billion rubles a year, therefore, the cost of creating a hotline will not exceed 0.06% of its annual budget.

6. Do you need to bother with this? Maybe let Kont suffer and not care about his problems?

No, you can't do that. At least for the reason that senseless blocking of this kind sharply spoils the reputation of our entire government as a whole. Every time an opposition resource is blocked in this way, the opposition media raise a terrible screech about the oppression of freedom of speech in Russia - trying, as usual, to pass off the laziness of specific Roskomnadzor officials as a deliberate policy of the authorities to stifle freedom of speech.

7. One can, of course, notice in this regard that “Kont” is a resource, rather, of a patriotic orientation, and that before banning opposition resources, “Roskomnadzor” checks everything much more carefully... but then the result is something completely different extreme wildness.

I, of course, have no illusions about our journalistic community, which, despite the crafty lamentations of the opposition, remains thoroughly liberal. It is quite clear that our media do not pay any attention to the blocking of patriotic resources; they are only interested in the problems of the pro-Western opposition, which is “their own” for our journalists.

But still, Roskomnadzor is a federal service, it must feel responsible to society and the state.

8. Finally, I’ll say a few kind words to the Kont administrators. If someone considers himself a “patriot” and a “statist,” this does not mean that he is truly a patriot and a statesman. Let me remind you that at Euromaidan everything was also teeming with Ukrainian patriots - and we all see where these patriots have taken their long-suffering country.

Therefore, dear editors of patriotic resources, do not make concessions for “your own.” Do not allow those who are actively inciting things under the guise of patriotism to access your resources.

Firstly, this kindling is not in the interests of society and the state. Secondly, I doubt that Roskomnadzor will accept my reproach right tomorrow and create a hotline right in June. This means that for starting a fire - even with patriotic sauce - your resource can be blocked, and then you will spend a long time catching lazy people from Roskomnadzor to explain to them that you have already fixed everything.

Update. I was informed that there is a hotline at Roskomnadzor.