Tablet blue screen what to do. Complete blackout of iPhone

If during operation you see that the system has stopped functioning, a blue screen death on a laptop (information is written in English on a blue background; on Windows 8 and higher, the message can be written in Russian, and a sad emoticon will also be displayed), then you are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as a stop error.

Often such a nuisance arises at the very inopportune moment, and is accompanied by partial loss of important information.

Why does the blue screen of death appear?

This phenomenon occurs when a serious failure has occurred in the system. The screen of death is an error message as a result of which the gadget cannot function normally. If the error is serious, rebooting or turning off/on the laptop will not help.

So, let's look at the most common reasons why a blue screen of death appears when starting a laptop:

    • drivers do not function correctly;
    • the software malfunctioned (sometimes this happens if several firewalls or antivirus programs were launched);
    • There were failures in the hardware of the device.

In the latter situation, a malfunction may occur as a result of incorrect operation of the hard drive, video adapter, OP, motherboard, etc. Sometimes this phenomenon occurs for completely banal reasons - for example, when the laptop overheats.

What can you do?

Write down the error code. It will be useful in the future to find ways to solve the problem.

Rebooting the laptop. If an error occurs, sometimes the laptop will reboot on its own. If this does not happen, you can press the power button, but you will need to hold it for a few seconds. If this measure turns out to be ineffective, in this case you can turn off the power adapter and then remove the battery. This is one of the most common answers to the question of how to remove the blue screen of death on a laptop, and if the error is not serious, it will work.

We determine the cause and eliminate it. In order to find out the cause of the problem, you can install a program called Errorka. After it is installed, you will need to enter the error code in the appropriate window (see point 1). The program will show possible reasons malfunctions, as well as all possible methods solving the problem. If for certain reasons it is impossible to use the utility, then try inserting the error code in the search bar. Recommendations for eliminating the error will also be highlighted there.

Blue screen when starting laptop

If the death screen appears immediately when you start the device, and even the OS does not have time to start, you can try this solution to the problem:

  • reboot the laptop;
  • During startup, press the F8 button ( this function is not available for Windows systems 10);
  • find the line “Last Known Good Configuration”
  • press the Enter key.

In most cases this method is effective. If nothing helps, and you are still wondering why the blue screen of death appeared on your laptop and how to eliminate this phenomenon, try the next method. We carry out the two steps described above, then click “ Safe mode" As soon as the OS starts, we return it to its original state using the system restore function.

If all the methods listed above have no effect, most likely the laptop has hardware problems. In this case, you must take it to service center, where specialists will be able to determine the cause of the malfunction and quickly eliminate it.

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What to do if the glass on the tablet crumbles into small crumbs? Replace .

An article about tablets and their repair -.

A blue screen is the last thing any personal computer user wants to see. The appearance of a blue screen with error messages in the vast majority of cases is a signal indicating serious problems with the software or (which is much worse) hardware. Sometimes, after restarting the computer, the death screen no longer appears, but if a similar picture is repeated several times, then it’s time to take a closer look at this problem. This article describes the most common causes of blue screens and how to fix such problems. But first, let's talk about what the notorious blue screen is.

What is BSoD

BSoD ( Blue Screen of Death) or psot, as it is popularly called, is system message about a critical error. Typically, BSoD occurs when low-level problems occur. software modules, that is, drivers. But this does not mean that the drivers are the culprit of the problem. Since the driver is only an intermediary between the software and hardware of the computer, the cause of the blue screen may be hardware problems and many other things. The main reasons why the death screen may appear are presented below.

Causes of BSoD and how to fix them

  • Computer overheating. Overheating of one of the computer components is one of the most common causes of a blue screen. First of all, you need to make sure that your computer is actually overheating. The AIDA64 program is perfect for diagnosing PC temperature; it tells you how to use it, what temperature is acceptable for PC components and how to deal with computer overheating.
  • One of the PC components has failed. The most unpleasant reason for the appearance of the screen of death is a malfunction of the video card, random access memory or any other component of the computer. Then you will have to take the faulty component for repair, or even buy a new one. Less serious problems with hardware also occur, such as voltage drops in the power supply or a loose contact.
  • Drivers crash. Sometimes BSoD occurs due to a broken driver, in which case you will have to reinstall it again.
  • Virus infection. Malicious software can cause a lot of problems in the system, so the blue screen may well be the work of some virus. If you suspect this problem, be sure to scan your computer for viruses. For this purpose you can use installed antivirus, disposable antiviruses, such as Dr.Web CureIt and Norton Security Scan or use antivirus scanner herdProtect. The latter represents unique program, which can detect viruses using 68 cloud antiviruses simultaneously. You can download herdProtect from the official website at this address:
  • HDD file system errors. File failure hard system disk may also cause the screen of death. Help cope with HDD errors can check it using builtin Windows scanner. For hard checks disk, open its properties menu, go to the tab Service and press the button Check.
  • Update failed. Some Windows updates can lead to system malfunctions and even cause a blue screen. Try uninstalling the latest updates; if the death screen stops appearing, then that’s the problem. In this case, just wait for a while before downloading Windows updates again. Developers test updates all the time and after a couple of versions the problem that led to the appearance of BSoD, will certainly be eliminated.
  • Antivirus components. Oddly enough, some antivirus components and modules can cause a critical error in the system. This problem can only be solved by completely removing it. of this antivirus and installing another.
  • Critical errors in programs. A screen of death due to program failures is extremely rare, but it is still a possibility. As a rule, this problem occurs while gaming applications or any emulators are running. Solved by reinstalling the program or application.

There can be many reasons for a blue screen, so before you try to fix this problem, you must first identify its source. The error code that appears on the BSoD screen. In order to be able to read the error code, you need to disable automatic restart of the computer when the system crashes. Open Control Panel and go to the section System.

Then open the item Extra options systems and in the subheading click on the button Options. In the next window you need to uncheck the box Perform automatic reboot.

Now, when the screen of death appears again, you can write down the error code and find it in Google information By this code. In most cases, this helps to find the culprit of the BSoD problem.

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A software failure suggests that your tablet has stopped working normally due to a software problem. For example, in connection with viruses, bad update system or the influence of some application.

Now let's talk about each of them in more detail.

If The tablet won't turn on, then you first need to hold down the power button for 10-15 seconds. If all else fails, you will have to remove the battery, then plug it back in and turn it on again.

It may also be that your battery is completely dead, so you should put the tablet on charge. If after 10 minutes you cannot turn it on, in other words, the possibility is that either your charger is broken or the power button is not working.
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Probable Cause If the tablet does not turn on, the screen matrix is ​​damaged. In this case, you definitely need to take the tablet to a service center. It is also possible that some components have burned out.

If the tablet stops working after physical impact(fell over, hit something), then you are unlikely to be able to fix it yourself. In this case, you will have to contact the service center.
Tablet screen does not work

Do not forget that your device has a warranty (provided that you did not buy the tablet abroad) for a certain time, because if something goes wrong with the tablet within the first 6 months after purchase (many stores have 1 year ), then you should fix the problem or exchange it for a new device free of charge.

If you received a tablet from abroad, it may be covered by a manufacturer’s warranty, so you need to contact your brand’s service center to find out more about this.

If your Android tablet doesn't work, in other words, there is a high possibility that the problem is related to software problems.

Perhaps your device has stopped working normally due to exposure to any installed application. If your tablet is still turned on, but freezes or does not work correctly, then you need to boot the tablet in non-hazardous mode. Read about this in a separate article on the website.

Another option is to flash the tablet firmware. I have already said how to flash a Droid tablet, phone and install custom firmware.

But the surest method of solving the difficulty is full reset Droid to industrial options. This is written very carefully in the annotation: how to reset options on Android ( Hard Reset).

I'll tell you briefly about the reset. Better read full version annotations at the link above.

To reset your Android tablet options, you need to go to Recovery mode. Since all devices are different, the method of getting into this mode different. To do this, on a completely turned off device, you need to hold down one of these button combinations (almost certainly the 1st or 2nd).

Almost everyone has a tablet these days. These devices have a large number of functions and their characteristics are often not inferior to real PCs.

But at the same time, the gadgets in question have some disadvantages. First of all, it is fragility. That is why, after a fall, sometimes the Android device simply does not want to turn on. Sometimes fixing such problems is quite difficult.

Causes and solutions

There is very a large number of the most various reasons, which may cause startup difficulties. This is the greatest difficulty of repair. But there is a list of the most common malfunctions due to which such precedents arise.

These include:

  • mechanical failures, moisture ingress;
  • battery problems;
  • software failure;
  • video adapter problems.

Mechanical failure and moisture

If the tablet does not turn on after a strong blow or a fall on a tiled or brick floor, then most likely the following damage is present:

Most often, the reason for the lack of response to pressing the Power button lies in mechanical damage screen. Usually a fall to the floor from a height of 1 m is enough to break it. If the screen does not work, it will most likely need to be replaced.

Performing this operation is quite difficult purely with technical side, but it’s quite possible to implement it at home. You just need to be as careful as possible.

Also, the cable connecting directly the screen itself and computing systems. Sometimes it just comes out of the connector, you just need to open the case and reinstall the connection. Everything is much more complicated if the soldering has disappeared. It is difficult to do such repairs yourself.

If the device falls into water, it often subsequently stops working altogether.

If such a situation occurs, you must perform the following actions:

Battery problem

Often, difficulties with starting gadgets of this type appear due to battery failure.

He can:

Complete failure of the battery is possible if it is used incorrectly. Often the problem can be determined visually. If the battery is swollen and does not fit into the case, it should be replaced. It also often happens that when the battery is completely discharged, the device may not start.

In such situations, it sometimes does not even respond to charging. You need to leave it connected to a 220 V network for 12 hours.

Software failure

A miniature PC may not start due to a malfunction in the software.

This occurs in the following cases:

In most cases, troubleshooting of this kind is quite simple. You just need to remove the installed one if you somehow manage to start the device. If the gadget is completely “dead” and does not respond to anything, then you can simply perform the HardReset operation. It represents a complete reset. Its only drawback is complete removal all data.

Video adapter failure

When the startup is done and that's it possible actions are carried out (reacts to the home button, the sound increases and decreases), but the screen is black - this means that the video adapter has failed.

Most often, this type of malfunction occurs due to overheating of the device, as well as manufacturing defects. You will not be able to replace the component yourself; in this case, you will need to take the device in for repair.

Tablet won't turn on

Also, sometimes situations arise when the gadget does not start after performing certain actions.

This type of problem often occurs after:

  • charging;
  • installations new firmware;
  • reboot;
  • reset settings;
  • shutdowns charger;
  • launching a large number of applications.

Various measures should be taken to deal with problems of this type. They are purely individual in each case.

After charging

Sometimes it happens that the device charges, but subsequently simply does not work.

IN in this case The culprit for this situation could be:

  • Charger;
  • accumulator battery.

Photo: charger with detachable USB cable

The first thing you need to do is check the charging. You need to connect it to a similar device and observe whether the charge is replenished battery. If everything is in order, then the problem is most likely in the battery. It may simply not hold a charge. The true cause in this case can only be determined experimentally.

After flashing

Often the reason for the lack of response when pressing Power is a crashed firmware. Such problems arise both due to the user’s fault and due to incorrect software.

Such situations can be resolved in two ways:

  • install new firmware;
  • perform a Hard Reset.

How to flash a tablet if it does not turn on? To do this you will need:

In most cases, the device does not completely fail to start, but only partially. That is why, by connecting it to personal computer Using a special communication cable, you can perform flashing. In very many cases this action allows you to cope with the problem of the type under consideration.

If after flashing the situation has not changed, then you need to perform a HardReset. This operation allows you to reset all settings and delete information and installed applications. This operation is launched different ways- depending on the gadget model.

For example (simultaneous pressing of buttons):

  • “decrease volume” + “increase volume” + “turn on”;
  • “turn on” + “home” + “increase volume”;
  • “reduce volume” + “Power”.

If necessary, you can easily find a key combination launch Hard Reset for any model of the gadget of the type in question on the Internet.

After reboot

Most problems with the device can be resolved with the most common reboot. If such an operation does not affect the operation in any way, then most likely the Boot Loader is damaged.

There are two ways to deal with this problem:

  • by starting to format the system – HardReset;
  • by flashing the OS.

If these measures have no effect, you should contact an authorized service center. Since, most likely, there are some problems with the hardware.

Identifying the problem and repairing it is possible only with special equipment and skills. At home to a simple user doing this is extremely problematic.

After factory reset

Sometimes it is very difficult to determine what the problem is when the tablet does not turn on after a factory reset. But, in most cases, this is not required.

You can simply do Reset hardware way. Most models are equipped special button to perform this operation. Most often, the key is recessed into the body.

For executionResetthus you will need a long thin rod:

  • needle;
  • clip;
  • pin.

When you have a similar object on hand:

After this, in most cases, the download is performed standard parameters and factory settings, a restart occurs. Most likely, the gadget will resume its normal work and will begin to respond to the Power key as expected.

Without charger

Relatively often, the device does not start without a connected charger - which may be a consequence of problems with the battery. If there is a charge in the corresponding charging port, the required voltage is created on the contacts and the gadget works without any problems.

After unplugging electricity disappears - which is the reason for the shutdown.

This can only be dealt with by replacing the battery. Some models of gadgets of the type in question allow you to do this yourself without any difficulty. In other cases (iPad and similar equipment), special equipment and skills are required.

Due to lack of memory

Sometimes the gadget may not start completely. Very often the reason for this is the large number of programs and applications present in RAM and autorun.

Solving this problem is quite simple - you need to reset all settings to standard, or edit the startup file, removing everything unnecessary from there.

Video: Repairing a tablet

Firmware methods

If after flashing the gadget does not start, then you can deal with this in two ways:

  • programmatically;
  • hardware.

At software recovery required:

  • flash drive in FAT32 format;
  • fully charged gadget;
  • utility NSBAtchTool.rar.

When everything you need is already available, you need to:

When the boot card is ready, you just need to insert it into the gadget, then hold down the Power key for 10-20 seconds. The installation will take place automatically. After graduation this process You should remove the memory and restart the device.

The tablet turns on and turns off immediately, what should I do?

Sometimes it happens that Hard Reset and the banal installation of new firmware simply do not help. You can cope with such a problem by short-circuiting the flash memory contacts on the motherboard.

To do this you will need to familiarize yourself with technical documentation or comb the forums in search of necessary information. These contacts may look like legs or just ordinary specks of copper.

The process in question is performed as follows:

The gadgets in question are quite capricious and fragile, which is why you should handle them with the utmost care. In most cases, this allows you to avoid a variety of problems, including with normal switching on.