Sapa plugin. Filters for purchasing links on the Sape exchange

The toolbar contains a set of functions that expand the capabilities of webmasters and optimizers when working in the SAPE exchange interface.

New versions of the extension are located on the version history page.

Optimizer interface

  1. Checking the indexing of pages and links in Google, Yandex and Bing directly in the exchange interface
  2. Age of pages by date of first indexing in Yandex
  3. Checking the second level of nesting of donor pages
  4. Checking the presence of pages and purchased links in the Yandex and Google cache
  5. Page cache date in Yandex and Google
  6. Current TIC of sites without waiting for recalculation (TIC buttons and values ​​from the Yandex toolbar)
  7. Checking for gluing of TIC pages with posted links.
  8. Checking the presence of the AGS-40 filter
  9. MozRank and Page Authority pages
  10. Majestic SEO Citation Flow and Trust Flow
  11. Ahrefs URL Rating and Domain Rating
  12. Checking the URLs of purchased pages and new requests for stop words
  13. Checking the text of donor pages for stop words
  14. Checking the real number of external links on donor pages, taking into account the noindex and nofollow tags
  15. Checking the amount of text on the page and the total number of links (external and internal)
  16. Checking the presence of a posted link on purchased pages. It is possible to use User-Agent of Yandex, Google or any other at will (anti-cloaking)
  17. Displaying the topic and region assigned by Yandex to the site (if this data is given to the Yandex toolbar)
  18. Analysis of Google donors' search traffic according to SEMRush data
  19. Alexa Rank of Donors
  20. Website traffic according to LiveInternet data
  21. Trust and spam sites according to and services
  22. Checking the uniqueness of content
  23. Detection of visually hidden links
  24. Defining Footer Links
  25. Social signals of sites on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, MoiMir, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Linkedin, StumbleUpon
Webmaster interface
  1. Checking the indexing of website pages in Yandex, Google and Bing
  2. Control of page URLs before site moderation (marking pages with sessions, profiles, search pages, etc.)
  3. Checking the indexation of pages linked by optimized links in Yandex
  4. Checking the correspondence of the anchors of the posted links with the text of the optimization pages to which they lead
  5. Checking the text and URL of optimized pages for stop words
  6. Ability to display the TIC value of optimization sites
  7. Quickly filter out spam applications using a set of appropriate filters on the page with new applications
  8. A form for quickly placing checkmarks on a list of URLs on a page with posted links
Service capabilities
  1. Automatic checking of donors and acceptors for the presence of malicious and phishing sites in the Google database
  2. Recognition of Yandex and Google captchas through the service
  3. Selective export of posted links to a text file (checked links are exported) or clipboard
  4. Export of local and global blacklists
  5. Exporting notices to a text file
  6. Creating and using a local blacklist that allows you to store addresses of specific pages and individual sections of sites.
  7. Ability to check the parameters of an arbitrary user list of links
  8. Exporting all data received during operation of the extension to a text file
Application filters

Quickly select and mark the following types of requests:

  • with two identical words in a row
  • with three identical words in the text
  • in which there are two pairs of identical words
  • longer than 50 characters
  • longer than 75 characters
  • without Russian letters
  • only in capital letters
  • starting with something other than a letter or number (dots at the beginning, etc.)
  • containing double, non-breaking spaces and tab characters
  • any other custom filter specified by regular expression
For filters that use word comparison, you can use their non-strict comparison (when words differ in endings)
It is also possible to create your own set of frequently used filters and call them sequentially on one button.

For all types of scans that take a long time, it is possible to set a timeout between requests, pop-up hints about the start/end of the scan, and sound alerts (optional).

Additional buttons allow you to uncheck all requests, open SAPE or a forum, and quickly switch the panel visibility

This site does not provide any support, please write suggestions and bug reports here no need, for this there is

Seniors and senoritas, as promised, today I will tell you about a plugin that will allow you to purchase high-quality products. This miracle is called the Winka plugin (or SAPE webmaster). It has many filters that allow you to almost automatically filter out low-quality sites and leave only the best. Here are just a few examples of what this animal can do: check the number of external links on a page, check the presence of a page and link in the index of Yasha (Yandex) and Gosha (Google), weed out pages of forums and profiles, analyze content, patient traffic, etc.

In general, for an optimizer this plugin is simply a magic wand, so don’t yawn, but study it. Go!

Options for Yasha

To install the plugin you will need the Mozilla Firefox browser (chanterelle). Unfortunately, this plugin is not available for other browsers. So, install the fox and go to this page. There you will learn more about the capabilities of the plugin and, by clicking on the “Add to Firefox” button, add it to your browser:

After installing the chanterelle on the working panel, you will see the plugin management window, for me it looks like this:

Now you need to configure the plugin so that the purchased links are of really good quality. Click on the gear and get into the settings window:

The first section is filters. We do not touch filters, since they are intended mainly for selling links. Although one point still interests us is the page address filter (LF).

The address filter will allow you to weed out pages of forums, profiles, photo galleries and other sections that are not suitable for purchase. By default, the field is filled out perfectly, but if in your career as an optimizer you come across these kinds of pages, I advise you to immediately write down their addresses in the LF filter.

Timeout between requests. This item is responsible for the speed of site scanning. Here I recommend not touching anything and leaving the value at 1500. The fact is that if the requests go faster, Yasha will torture you with his captcha, if you set the value lower, then the plugin may fail during checks, but as we are told, it won’t work ...

Check older links – this item allows you to adjust the indexing of purchased links. Here I set 35 days. Because in a month a search robot will be able to crawl even the largest sites. If the link is not included in the index for more than a month, then I don’t see the point in paying for it.

I also recommend checking the next 2 boxes. The first allows you to remove links whose pages have not appeared in the index for a certain amount of time. I set the value to 30 days. Page crashes are a common occurrence for websites, so you shouldn’t immediately remove links from them.

Use - leave it unchanged.

In the “site indexing” subsection, we also tick all the boxes. The first will show the total number of pages in Yasha’s index, the second allows you to search in specific regions. If the site is being promoted in Russia or Moscow, then we leave the number 213; if there is regional promotion, then we indicate the code of the desired region. Please note that this code does not apply to telephone or index codes. To find out the promotion region, click on the “all codes” button.

Show the date of the saved copy and note if the saved copy is older and does not have a link - these options are intended to check and analyze purchased links.

The last filter is the number of pages in the index (Cn). This option removes links if there are fewer than a specified number of pages in both search engines. For Google, I recommend setting the value to 1, for Yandex – 11. Because Yandex has filters AGS 17 and AGS 30, which cause pages to suddenly drop out of the index. Usually there are fewer than 11 pages left, so we don’t need such sites.

I didn't use the last checkbox. Now let's move on to the “Google” section.

Google Options

We don't need many settings in this section. All we need is to check the indexing of the page before and after the purchase, so many of the settings are the same as the previous section:

We do not touch the “checking page indexation” section.

PageRank check – these options are needed mainly for Google promotion. If you promote sites mainly under Yandex, then leave everything unchanged. If you give preference to Gosha, then in the “mark links if PR is less than” field, put 1.

Check parameters. Here, in both cases, check the boxes. The first point will allow us not to check links that have already been rejected, the second will allow us to resume checking after any errors. The fact is that Yasha and Gosha often knock out captchas and in order not to start the check again after entering them, a cache was invented that resumes the check at the place of the error. Set the cache lifetime to 12 hours.

The last 2 checkboxes are needed for a sound notification of the verification results and the appearance of the captcha. That's all we needed to do in the “Google” section. Let's move on to a more interesting point - links.

Link options

In this section, we will set parameters for analyzing links on potential sites:

Mark if there are more links – this parameter indicates the number of external links on the page. Here I advise you to put more than 3, because... this is the most optimal number.

Do not take into account links to domains from the exclusion list - mark. The list of exceptions includes social networks, search engines, popular statistics services, etc. You can view a detailed list by clicking on the gear.

Do not check, check the boxes according to the value declared by the exchange - we do not mark it.

Mark if the amount of text on the page is less than 1000 characters. This item will allow you to weed out pages without text content (galleries, profiles and other junk) that are not suitable for purchase. In principle, this is a rather controversial point, I chose a value of 1000, because if you choose a larger one, it will be quite problematic to find at least some sites, and a smaller one will mean stubs of articles, which is also not very good. Also, don’t forget to check the box next to “ignore link anchors”.

Mark if the number of links on the page is more than 300. Here we are talking about internal links.

It’s natural to flag if the purchased link is not found on the page. Or found in the basement - we don’t note it. I'll explain why. The sape code may be located in the footer, but the link may be displayed in the main part of the site, so this is a rather controversial point.

Mark unavailable pages - yes.

We use Yasha's User Agent. That's it, in this section the settings are completed, let's move on to the pages.

Page Options

The main functions of this section are checking the nesting of the page and its content. These are the settings we will do:

Checking the nesting level (Lv) – check the boxes in all cases. In the “mark if there are more” item, set the value to 300. Of course, the fewer links on the main page, the better, but if you set the value to less than 300, it will be difficult to find sites.

Flag pages containing the following text is a content filter. Here you need to enter the most intricate swear words of the great and mighty Russian language. This filter will reject sites that contain this srach in the text. The standard set of prohibited words is quite small, so I advise you to supplement it with your own stock. Also, don’t forget to check the boxes next to “Adult, Pharma, Gambling”.

Show page title - yes.

Marking inaccessible pages is natural.

Check all HTML code.

I don’t use the “MozRank Check” section, so I left it unchanged.

We also tick the last paragraphs. You adjust the flow of checks according to your Internet connection.

Now you can go to the “Sites” section.

Website Options

In this section, we are only interested in checking traffic and outgoing links from the domain:

Check if Alexarank is higher – don’t check the box. Alex's rating is relevant mainly for foreign sites. In addition, the RuNet is full of high-quality sites with high Alexa scores, so we are skipping it.

We also skip marking if the monthly traffic is less in the Semrush database, since the Liveinternet service is more relevant for Runet.

Mark if there are fewer visitors per month – 3000 people. This is approximately 100 people per day.

Mark if there is no data on – Liveinternet.

I do not use the option to check outgoing links from a domain.

In principle, that's all. I also don’t use the “Services” section. Now after setting it up, all that remains is to figure out how to use this plugin in practice.

How to use the winka plugin

We go to SAPA through Mozila, click on the “New applications” section. Now we start checking links with Vinka filters, I check in this order:

  • LF – checking page URLs. The filter filters out profile pages, photo galleries, forums, etc.
  • EX – checking external links. The filter filters out pages on which the number of external links exceeds the specified parameter.
  • YP – checking indexing in Yandex.
  • GC – Google indexing checker.
  • CN – filters out sites that have fewer indexed pages than the specified parameters.
  • TF – content filter. Weeds out pages with prohibited words.
  • T – traffic analysis.
  • LV—check nesting level.

All these filters will eliminate more than 90% of the submitted applications, but the highest quality and suitable for purchase will remain. If you don’t know at all how to create campaigns in SAP, then read the article about it and everything will become clear to you.

A mix of sapa and wink plugin will allow you to save your promotion budget and buy only those links that will actually bring results.

(2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

You can purchase links in Sapa yourself, or you can use a specialized plugin for webmasters and optimizers from Wink - Webmaster Sape. If we compare these two methods of purchasing links, then purchasing links manually is riding on an old penny, and using WMS is traveling on a new one. You can drive any car from point A to point B, but there are noticeable differences in the driving process itself, not to mention the fact that with an old car the likelihood of a breakdown is much higher - you may not reach the required place.

Plugin Webmaster Sape

First, by looking at the plugin toolbar Webmaster Sape, it seems that “you can’t figure it out without half a liter,” but after reading the tips on using and setting up the plugin below, you can work with it in 10-20 minutes.

For the plugin to work, you need to log into your FireFox browser (with Webmaster Sapa already installed) into your Sapa account and open the list of links purchased or awaiting purchase. There is no need to configure WMS initially - it will be quite useful with default settings.

Using Webmaster Sape, you need to check the following parameters of the sites where you plan to purchase or have already purchased links: URL, page content, relevance of the site content to the anchor (if necessary), TIC, PR and number of external links. For this, optimizers will find the plugin buttons listed below useful. After clicking the button, the requested information is displayed immediately or after some time (depending on the values ​​being checked) on the web page itself with a list of links.

  • LF - marking sites with prohibited characters in their URL. This filter is applied once, immediately after purchasing the link. Read more about setting up the filter below.
  • TF is a content filter that searches for prohibited words on a page with a purchased link. I recommend using it immediately after purchasing a link in Sapa, and then at intervals of once every month or three to detect unwanted changes in the site’s content. This filter additionally finds sites that do not respond to requests, but unfortunately does not automatically flag them. Such sites should also be deleted after checking the site manually (follow the link). The sites marked in red should also be checked yourself, since it often happens that the “bad” word found is in the HTML markup, the name of the user who commented on the material on the page, etc. Another useful property of the TF filter is checking the site, through, for the presence of malicious code, etc. Such sites are marked with an icon and are automatically marked for deletion. If you click on the “entry denied” icon, you can safely find out what exactly the problem was or is with this site.
  • RL - checking the correspondence of the page content to the text of the link placed on it (more precisely, the link anchor). A very useful filter if you need to get links only from relevant pages. It is better to perform the check immediately after purchase and then at intervals of once every month or three. It should be noted that it is often simply impossible to find many relevant pages, and you should not abuse this filter.
  • - checking the current TIC and PR values. Very often the data in Sapa differs from the actual data, this is especially noticeable after PS ups.
  • Fn - custom site content filter. The filter values ​​are set using a regular expression in JavaScript in the plugin settings. This button is similar to the TF filter and is an additional content filter.
  • YP - checking whether a page is indexed in Yandex. You should check this parameter only in special cases, since the site where the link is purchased may not be in the index at the time of purchase. And it’s important for the optimizer to know something else: whether the link itself is indexed, and not the page as a whole.
  • YL - checks whether the purchased link is in the Yandex index. Since links from different sites and depending on their level of nesting are indexed at different speeds, it is necessary to check this parameter depending on the site. For example, purchased links from the main pages - after 1-7 days, from 3rd level pages - after a month.
  • YC - checks whether the page is in the Yandx cache.
  • H - checking the presence of the entire site in the Yandex index. A very useful filter for links that are planned to be purchased or purchased recently.
  • GC - checking whether the site is indexed in Google. Recommendations for use are the same as for the YP filter.
  • GL - checking whether the purchased link is in the Google index. Recommendations are similar to those for the YL filter.
  • BC - checking the number of external links on the page. A very useful filter, since the number of links indicated in Sapa and their actual number at the time of verification can vary significantly. You should check sites using this filter immediately after purchasing a link and then at intervals of once every few months to make sure that the external links on the site are less than the maximum level (5, maximum 10 other external links).
  • HC - checking the nesting level of the page. At the time of checking, from time to time there are links with a nesting level different from the data in Sapa. In most cases, such links should be deleted, since prices for links on the exchange very significantly depend on this parameter. And the 4th level of nesting, if the link on the site is not indexed, is also useless. The filter should be used immediately when purchasing a link and then at intervals of several months. A site, over time, can significantly change its level of nesting, for example, if the site is news that has moved deep into the archive.

Setting up the Webmaster Sape plugin

By clicking on this button, we will proceed to Setting up Webmaster SAP, from the optimizer's point of view. Let's start with the settings section Filters - Page address filter. When you click a button in the plugin while selecting sites, links containing the characters or their sequence specified in this line will be checked and they can be deleted or added to the GBL. The string itself is a regular expression of the programming language

Since every webmaster is interested in promoting his own website, a variety of methods, techniques, techniques, tricks and methods are being sought.

One of the techniques that allows you to quickly promote your website is external optimization. And any movement in this direction implies the purchase of links.

External optimization, buying links

Naturally, you can increase your external link mass for free, on your own, but it will take much more time and the result will not be very impressive. The bottom line is that when building links, it is very important to choose donor sites wisely, and tracking only one topic is too little.

To provide your site with high-quality and trusted links, you will have to spend a little money on purchasing links from verified donors. You will have to cooperate with link exchanges, the leader among which is Sape. Every optimizer and webmaster on the site has heard about this exchange 100%.

Thanks to convenient functionality and a gentle pricing policy, an optimizer can purchase links of excellent quality on Sape at a low price! And the Firefox add-on – Sape Webmaster will help you choose trust donor sites.

Benefits of Sape Webmaster for Firefox

1. This tool is a small set of tools necessary to work with the Sape link exchange.

2. Sape Webmaster for Firefox is a completely free add-on, which you can download here:

3. The tool is convenient for both the webmaster and the optimizer. A webmaster can use it to check links from applications for placement. The optimizer uses filters to select a donor site.

In any case, this add-on allows you to discard all junk links that can lead to promotion problems.

4. Sape Webmaster for Firefoxa supports the ability to connect third-party services, which further increases its efficiency. For example, if you have a balance in your account, in addition to simple checks, you can evaluate:

  • uniqueness of the material on SEOBudget and more.

5. The Sape tool for webmasters allows you to speed up your promotion several times! With its help, you will discard all low-quality links and control the indexing of posted links, and it will cost mere pennies.

6. The Sape Webmaster Panel for Firefox does not take into account your authorization in the system. This actually means that a single installed panel can be used by different people at the same time (if several people use the computer or you work with different profiles for orders).

7. Using the Sape webmaster tool, in one click you can:

  • start working with a link exchange;
  • stop working with the link exchange without making additional transitions, without opening bookmarks, without wasting time.

8. Add-on Webmaster Sape for the Firefox browser is easily customized to your personal preferences so that the entered settings are saved once and for all!

Once adjusted, donor and acceptor evaluation filters will no longer have to be re-entered.

9. The settings of this panel include 3 classes:

  • webmaster settings;
  • optimizer settings;
  • filter settings.

Webmaster Sape for Firefox - promotion assistant

Thus, if you decide to optimize and promote your own website using the Sape link exchange, you cannot do without this wonderful tool. If you don’t do this and ignore such a useful service, the promotion of your site can seriously take a long time...

For the same reason, Sape Webmaster for the Firefox browser will be mentioned more than once on our pages

It will be useful for both webmasters and optimizers.

Wink was originally made only for the FireFox browser. Unfortunately, the plugin is no longer supported.

After downloading the plugin, a button bar should appear at the top of your browser window:

Each button F, Fn, RL, WT, etc. - are responsible for some action. The wink plugin only works when you are in SAPE, or rather viewing a list of links. For example, let's go to the list of purchased links and click on YP and EX:

As can be seen from the screenshot, the indexing of pages in Yandex (YP) was checked, as well as the number of external links (EX) was counted. Those pages that do not meet the requirements that were specified in the WINK settings are marked with a checkmark in order to later remove these links. Now let's talk about the wink settings panel, it looks like this:

To get to the settings panel, find the gear-shaped button on the wink button panel (the rightmost button) and click on it. As you can see from the screenshot, there are quite a few settings. The settings panel at the top has tabs that you can switch and configure the necessary settings. Now let's move directly to the meanings of the buttons.

Description of WINK buttons

I think it would be useful to describe the most important buttons.

  • Fn - custom filter. Personally, I never use it, but I know that you can use it to set some of your own verification parameters.
  • RL - checking the relevance of the anchor link acceptor page. This option is made for webmasters to filter out suspicious anchors.
  • WT - mark repeated wait requests. A useful button for those who receive a lot of requests in wait.
  • TCI - update the TCI of sites. It happens that old TCI values ​​are saved in sape. Most often, this button is used when purchasing links immediately after updating the TCI, when the system has not yet updated all the values.
  • PR - checking the PageRank of the page. This is a very important button, since sape in 50% of cases shows the wrong pagerank of the page.
  • mR - checking mozRank of pages. This is a new filter that was introduced in May 2012. For reference: mozRank is calculated by I can’t yet say anything specific about the effectiveness of purchasing links with high mR.
  • YP - checking whether a page is indexed in Yandex. In my opinion, the most frequently pressed button for me and for others.
  • YL - checking whether a link is indexed in Yandex. They often start clicking it 1-2 months after purchasing links in order to weed out those pages that are poorly indexed by Yandex.
  • YC - checking the Yandex page cache. To be honest, I never use this button.
  • H - checking the availability of a site in Yandex. I also don’t use it because... I'm more concerned about having a page in the index than the entire site.
  • GC - checking whether a page is indexed in Google. An important button, because now when buying links I focus on two search engines and check if both Yandex and Google are in the index.
  • GL - checking the indexing of links in Google. Personally, I don't use this button.
  • LF - link URL control. A useful thing to automatically filter out links from forums and message boards, as well as from user profiles.
  • TF - content filter. Useful button to filter out pages that contain various bad words. The entire list of words can be specified in the wink settings.
  • EX - checking links on the page. I mainly use this feature to view the number of external links on a page.
  • Lv - checking the page nesting level. A useful filter if you buy links at the second nesting level. If the link is at the third level, then no verification occurs.
  • Q - checking the uniqueness of the text via SEOBUDGET. The content verification service is paid and costs 2 rubles.
  • T - check resource traffic. I use this filter often.
  • XT - xtools site check. This indicator constitutes an integral indicator of the site's popularity. Reminds me of PageRank and TCI.
  • HL is a great button. Helps find links that are invisible to the user (display:none).

We briefly reviewed the capabilities of the winka plugin, I hope that now you understand how convenient it is to use.

Personally, I actively use wink when promoting a site with links, since it is convenient to filter out many links, even without visually viewing the site.

The Vinka plugin is a tool for working in the link exchange. With its help, we check dozens of parameters of pages and links in Seip. The plugin installs in Firefox.
I’ll tell you the link checking algorithm that we use in Magwai.

Plugin setup

IN "Filters" tab We leave everything by default, except for the Page address filter parameter (LF button). Open the list of stop words and regular expressions. The purpose of this filter is to cut off pages whose URLs contain words that are unacceptable to us.
We are of little interest to links in archives of news sites, message boards, and forums.
Let's add regular expressions:
=(32)|viewtopic|showtopic|showthread|profile|showuser|search|.ua|forum|narod|user|gallery|print|/eng/|sitemap|displayimage|link|vac_id|desk|board|doska|topic| warez|soft|file|archive|comments|2008|2009|2010|2011|2012|2013|2007|2006|2005

In "Yandex" tab set “check indexation of links older than 60 days”. Yandex does not post link updates for a long time, so there is no point in indicating less than this period.

We set a similar value in the “Google” tab. Although, for Google you can set the value lower.

We are also interested in “Services” settings tab.
To recognize the quality of links, we use the services and Conveniently, they are built into the Sape Webmaster plugin. We write a login password for xtool and an API key for Chechtrust.
Checktrust checks link donors based on two parameters: spam and trust. Each is assessed on a 100 point scale.
We mark a link as unsuitable for purchase if the spam value is more than 13 or the trust value is less than 35.

Xtool checks both the site and the specific page. We note if the domain XT is less than 4, and the page XT is less than 2.
but we will check the domain using CheckTrust, so in Xtool we are more interested in the authority of the page.

Be sure to set up captcha recognition. We use the service. For 1-1.5 dollars a month you will forget about the existence of captcha in Yandex and Google. It is very difficult to work in the Vinka plugin without an anti-captcha service.

Checking links

Links selected using exchange filters are checked using the Vinka plugin.

Verification algorithm:
LF– we reject links containing unnecessary words in the url.

C.T.– we check donors using Chektrust.
What is in red is sent directly to the GBL (global blacklist). The chance that a spammy or low-trust site will be corrected in the near future is extremely small.
If spam and trust are yellow, there is a high chance that spam will soon move into the red zone. More often than not, we refuse such pages. But you can take a look at the donor’s page, evaluate it manually and leave it for the next verification step.

XT– checking the page using Xtool. We reject marked pages with xt below 2. If the value is n/a, we assume that this is a low-quality page or examine it manually.
If you wish, use other plugin buttons, but keep in mind that with these three you will cut off up to 90% of donors.

Checking link indexing

2 months after purchase, we check the indexing of links.
YL– checking indexing in Yandex.
G.L.– checking indexing in Google.
If the link is not in any search engine after 2 months, feel free to delete it. If it is indexed in one, decide for yourself which one is more priority for you. Or give the search engine more time.

Seniors and senoritas, as promised, today I will tell you about a plugin that will allow you to purchase quality products. This miracle is called the Winka plugin (or SAPE webmaster). It has many filters that allow you to almost automatically filter out low-quality sites and leave only the best. Here are just a few examples of what this animal can do: check the number of external links on a page, check the presence of a page and link in the index of Yasha (Yandex) and Gosha (Google), weed out pages of forums and profiles, analyze content, patient traffic, etc.

In general, for an optimizer this plugin is simply a magic wand, so don’t yawn, but study it. Go!

Options for Yasha

To install the plugin you will need the Mozilla Firefox browser (chanterelle). Unfortunately, this plugin is not available for other browsers. So, install the fox and go to this page. There you will learn more about the capabilities of the plugin and, by clicking on the “Add to Firefox” button, add it to your browser:

After installing the chanterelle on the working panel, you will see the plugin management window, for me it looks like this:

Now you need to configure the plugin so that the purchased links are of really good quality. Click on the gear and get into the settings window:

The first section is filters. We do not touch filters, since they are intended mainly for selling links. Although one point still interests us is the page address filter (LF).

The address filter will allow you to weed out pages of forums, profiles, photo galleries and other sections that are not suitable for purchase. By default, the field is filled out perfectly, but if in your career as an optimizer you come across these kinds of pages, I advise you to immediately write down their addresses in the LF filter.

Timeout between requests. This item is responsible for the speed of site scanning. Here I recommend not touching anything and leaving the value at 1500. The fact is that if the requests go faster, Yasha will torture you with his captcha, if you set the value lower, then the plugin may fail during checks, but as we are told, it won’t work ...

Check older links – this item allows you to adjust the indexing of purchased links. Here I set 35 days. Because in a month a search robot will be able to crawl even the largest sites. If the link is not included in the index for more than a month, then I don’t see the point in paying for it.

I also recommend checking the next 2 boxes. The first allows you to remove links whose pages have not appeared in the index for a certain amount of time. I set the value to 30 days. Page crashes are a common occurrence for websites, so you shouldn’t immediately remove links from them.

Use - leave it unchanged.

In the “site indexing” subsection, we also tick all the boxes. The first will show the total number of pages in Yasha’s index, the second allows you to search in specific regions. If the site is being promoted in Russia or Moscow, then we leave the number 213; if there is regional promotion, then we indicate the code of the desired region. Please note that this code does not apply to telephone or index codes. To find out the promotion region, click on the “all codes” button.

Show the date of the saved copy and note if the saved copy is older and does not have a link - these options are intended to check and analyze purchased links.

The last filter is the number of pages in the index (Cn). This option removes links if there are fewer than a specified number of pages in both search engines. For Google, I recommend setting the value to 1, for Yandex – 11. Because Yandex has filters AGS 17 and AGS 30, which cause pages to suddenly drop out of the index. Usually there are fewer than 11 pages left, so we don’t need such sites.

I didn't use the last checkbox. Now let's move on to the “Google” section.

Google Options

We don't need many settings in this section. All we need is to check the indexing of the page before and after the purchase, so many of the settings are the same as the previous section:

We do not touch the “checking page indexation” section.

PageRank check – these options are needed mainly for Google promotion. If you promote sites mainly under Yandex, then leave everything unchanged. If you give preference to Gosha, then in the “mark links if PR is less than” field, put 1.

Check parameters. Here, in both cases, check the boxes. The first point will allow us not to check links that have already been rejected, the second will allow us to resume checking after any errors. The fact is that Yasha and Gosha often knock out captchas and in order not to start the check again after entering them, a cache was invented that resumes the check at the place of the error. Set the cache lifetime to 12 hours.

The last 2 checkboxes are needed for a sound notification of the verification results and the appearance of the captcha. That's all we needed to do in the “Google” section. Let's move on to a more interesting point - links.

Link options

In this section, we will set parameters for analyzing links on potential sites:

Mark if there are more links – this parameter indicates the number of external links on the page. Here I advise you to put more than 3, because... this is the most optimal number.

Do not take into account links to domains from the exclusion list - mark. The list of exceptions includes social networks, search engines, popular statistics services, etc. You can view a detailed list by clicking on the gear.

Do not check, check the boxes according to the value declared by the exchange - we do not mark it.

Mark if the amount of text on the page is less than 1000 characters. This item will allow you to weed out pages without text content (galleries, profiles and other junk) that are not suitable for purchase. In principle, this is a rather controversial point, I chose a value of 1000, because if you choose a larger one, it will be quite problematic to find at least some sites, and a smaller one will mean stubs of articles, which is also not very good. Also, don’t forget to check the box next to “ignore link anchors”.

Mark if the number of links on the page is more than 300. Here we are talking about internal links.

It’s natural to flag if the purchased link is not found on the page. Or found in the basement - we don’t note it. I'll explain why. The sape code may be located in the footer, but the link may be displayed in the main part of the site, so this is a rather controversial point.

Mark unavailable pages - yes.

We use Yasha's User Agent. That's it, in this section the settings are completed, let's move on to the pages.

Page Options

The main functions of this section are checking the nesting of the page and its content. These are the settings we will do:

Checking the nesting level (Lv) – check the boxes in all cases. In the “mark if there are more” item, set the value to 300. Of course, the fewer links on the main page, the better, but if you set the value to less than 300, it will be difficult to find sites.

Flag pages containing the following text is a content filter. Here you need to enter the most intricate swear words of the great and mighty Russian language. This filter will reject sites that contain this srach in the text. The standard set of prohibited words is quite small, so I advise you to supplement it with your own stock. Also, don’t forget to check the boxes next to “Adult, Pharma, Gambling”.

Show page title - yes.

Marking inaccessible pages is natural.

Check all HTML code.

I don’t use the “MozRank Check” section, so I left it unchanged.

We also tick the last paragraphs. You adjust the flow of checks according to your Internet connection.

Now you can go to the “Sites” section.

Website Options

In this section, we are only interested in checking traffic and outgoing links from the domain:

Check if Alexarank is higher – don’t check the box. Alex's rating is relevant mainly for foreign sites. In addition, the RuNet is full of high-quality sites with high Alexa scores, so we are skipping it.

We also skip marking if the monthly traffic is less in the Semrush database, since the Liveinternet service is more relevant for Runet.

Mark if there are fewer visitors per month – 3000 people. This is approximately 100 people per day.

Mark if there is no data on – Liveinternet.

I do not use the option to check outgoing links from a domain.

In principle, that's all. I also don’t use the “Services” section. Now after setting it up, all that remains is to figure out how to use this plugin in practice.

How to use the winka plugin

We go to SAPA through Mozila, click on the “New applications” section. Now we start checking links with Vinka filters, I check in this order:

  • LF – checking page URLs. The filter filters out profile pages, photo galleries, forums, etc.
  • EX – checking external links. The filter filters out pages on which the number of external links exceeds the specified parameter.
  • YP – checking indexing in Yandex.
  • GC – Google indexing checker.
  • CN – filters out sites that have fewer indexed pages than the specified parameters.
  • TF – content filter. Weeds out pages with prohibited words.
  • T – traffic analysis.
  • LV—check nesting level.

All these filters will eliminate more than 90% of the submitted applications, but the highest quality and suitable for purchase will remain. If you don’t know at all how to create campaigns in SAP, then read the article about it and everything will become clear to you.

A mix of sapa and wink plugin will allow you to save your promotion budget and buy only those links that will actually bring results.

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Imagine that you, as an optimizer, want to buy 300-500 links to promote your site. Your task is to choose good sites for purchase. You've probably heard that there are Gno sites that need to be weeded out so as not to harm the reputation of your site and not get banned by search engines. Manually checking such a number of sites will take a lot of time. But with the help of the plugin, you will save time and be able to check the sites you need more thoroughly.

The official website characterizes the plugin as follows. The SAPE Webmaster plugin is an additional Firefox toolbar and contains a set of functions that expand the capabilities of webmasters and optimizers when working in the SAPE exchange interface.

Since the plugin works with the Mozilla Firefox browser. This means that if you do not have this browser installed, you will need to install it. The latest version of Mozilla Firefox can be downloaded from this address: (copy the address and paste it into the address bar of your browser).

Now let's start installing the Webmaster SAPE plugin. Installing it is not difficult. Copy this address into your browser's address bar: In the window that opens in front of you, click on the “+ Add to Firefox” button. The plugin will be installed.

How to work with the Webmaster SAPE plugin

Working with the plugin is very simple. To open the plugin toolbar, click on the icon located in the lower right corner of the window

You will see a row of buttons like this. Each button, when clicked on, will perform a specific task for which it is responsible. If you hover over the button, a command tooltip will pop up. Therefore, I will briefly describe your options when working with the plugin.

Optimizer interface:

  • checking links (indexing in Google and Yandex; presence in the Yandex cache; total number of internal and external; presence of a posted link on the purchased page)
  • checking purchased pages (presence in Yandex cache; displaying PageRank; presence of internal and external links;
  • checking donor pages (second level of nesting)
  • checking sites (TIC; for the presence of stop words; for the presence of malicious and phishing Google and Yandex sites in the database)
  • export tagged posted links and pages to text files
  • export of local and global blacklists.

Webmaster interface:

  • checking links (correspondence of anchors of placed links to the text of optimized pages)
  • checking pages (checking the PageRank value; indexing of pages in Yandex; for the presence of stop words; displaying the TIC value)
  • checking sites (URLs of pages before site moderation; presence of malicious and phishing Google and Yandex sites in the database)
  • export optimization links to a text file
  • export of local and global blacklists
  • screening out spam requests using a set of appropriate filters
  • control of WAIT orders from optimizers that do not confirm placement within the established day period.

Application filters:

  • quick selection and marking of applications (with two, three identical words in a row; in which there are two pairs of identical words; longer than 50, 70 characters; without Russian letters; only from capital letters; not starting with a letter or number).

Additional buttons allow you to uncheck all requests, open SAPE or a forum, and quickly switch the visibility of the panel.

The plugin's operation is intuitive. For example, by clicking on the YP button (checking whether a page is indexed in Yandex), you will see green (yes) or red (no) icons appear opposite the site pages being checked. In the lower right corner of the window you can see pop-up report windows for the completed task.

After you use the plugin to weed out the bulk of unsuitable sites, you can additionally use the “SEOGadget” service and check the remaining sites for various indicators. The service is located at:

Still, there is no need to completely automate this process. Take the time to go to the site and look at the page to see what it is all about. Sometimes even a cursory glance is enough to correctly evaluate the presented site. It's not that tedious or time consuming, it only takes a few minutes. The main thing is to select carefully, because links are purchased for a long time.

from we downloaded and installed the plugin. This is what the plugin workspace looks like for me. Everything you need is at hand. If desired, the panel can be minimized if it bothers you; to do this, click on the blue icon in the lower right corner of the browser.

Let's move on to setting it up. Click on the hammer icon in the toolbar.
We skip the first tab “Application Filters”, it is only for webmasters. Let's go straight to the tab "Check in Yandex":

Timeout between requests. The most optimal value that I found for myself is 1500ms. You can leave the default 2000ms, but accordingly the scanning speed will decrease by 25%. With a large number of applications this becomes critical. If you set it to 1000ms and below, then Yandex will simply block your requests and show you “I am a robot.” In addition, you will not be able to work in multi-threaded mode either (read about multi-threaded mode below). Also, in a conversation with the author of the plugin, it was found out that with a small timeout the plugin may fail because it will not have time to process requests (this also depends on the power of your computer).

Check links older. The optimal value is 35 days. In 35 days, the robot will have time to crawl a site with even more than 500,000 pages in the index, if, of course, everything is in order with the navigation there, and a normal site must have good navigation. The value was determined empirically and confirmed by services that calculate the approximate crawl speed of all pages of a given site. In addition, Sape only accepts pages with a nesting level of up to 3. So 35 days is 100% appropriate.

It is also possible to use SeoBudget website API to check the indexing of pages and links, but the check is paid and during mass checks it will cost a pretty penny.

Link parameters. Here you can check the boxes everywhere. Query caching is a very useful thing, and if the indexing check fails, you won’t have to check the sites again, the plugin will simply start checking from the point where it left off. The optimal value is 12 hours.

Go to the tab "Check in Google"

You can set the values ​​like mine. I don’t particularly use Google checking, since all sites are promoted primarily in Yandex. If you are promoting some projects on Google, you can customize them based on your observations, or write in the comments that this tab needs a detailed review, and I will add it, but for now we will not focus on this.

Tab "Page Options" the most important tab, which requires careful review and configuration for the correct selection of sites before purchase.

The number of site pages in the index. I give Google 1, Yandex 11. I’ll explain why. If a site is under a filter in Google, then its pages usually fall out of the index, so you should immediately remove sites that are not indexed in this search engine. For Yandex 11 because...we all know AGS-17 and AGS-30, a clear sign of which is the removal of pages of suspicious sites from the search index, usually such sites have up to 10 pages in the index. We don't need suspicious sites - they belong on the GBL (global blacklist).

Number of external links on purchased pages [BC]. We all know that the more outgoing links there are on a page, the less weight each link carries. Of course, it would be good if this number was no more than 2, and ideally 1, but in the current conditions this is difficult. Firstly, there are much fewer such sites, and secondly, this entails a serious increase in the budget. It is quite optimal to set the value to 4. A lot, but in economy mode it’s just right. I also check the box next to “mark inaccessible pages”. This is the same as buying a pig in a poke. It's better to cancel the purchase, you'll see, then it will be available and we'll see what's inside.

Donor page settings. Perhaps the most controversial setting point, each optimizer has his own view of things, his own criterion for the quality of the site, I also set it up based on my experience and observations.

We put a tick next to the item with the amount of text, and in the field we write 1800 characters. Why is this checkbox needed and why is this value? We don’t need sites that have little text; these may include contact pages, user profile pages, gallery pages (you know how Yandex treats them) and other service and unnecessary pages. We need pages with content, and not some kind of stubby content, but more or less normal text, for this we set 1800 characters (don’t forget to check the box next to the item, do not take into account link anchors), this will allow us to select pages with clean text of the required size.

I don’t like pages that have a lot of internal links; such pages are a sign of a satellite, whose main goal is to get a maximum of pages of levels 2 and 3 and, accordingly, sell them, not caring about quality. This will at least somehow save us from buying “leaky pages”. Well, in addition to everything, the more links on a page, the less its weight, even if the links are internal.

Once again about the point “Do not take into account link anchors when calculating the text volume.” This is a small safety net against purchasing pages that are sitemaps and contain nothing but links.

Well, we're done, we've finished setting up. It's time to move on to field testing.

Log in to your Sape account. We see that the autofilter bought us links, click on view applications. BY THE WAY. When we put up an auto filter for purchase, you need to enable semi-automatic mode in order to approve or disapprove the sites yourself. Click on “new applications” and see a list of sites in front of you. I won’t pour out excess water - just press two buttons, YP and BC. We see a notification in the right corner that the scan has begun.

You can follow the process, or you can go do your own thing - the plugin will do everything for us!

When the check is completed, scroll to the bottom of the page, select “Cancel placement” in the drop-down list and click OK. All the garbage has fallen off, leaving only sites that meet our criteria. Click on the checkbox next to “select all / invert” in the drop-down list, select “Confirm placement” and click OK. Good sites have been purchased. We are waiting for the next Sapa robot to crawl your account and purchase the next batch.
The main part of the story about choosing and purchasing quality donors is over. But that's not all, of course.

Features, subtleties and secrets of working with the plugin and Sape from Alaich

  • After checking sites for quality, there are too few good ones left. According to observations, it is 5-10%, sometimes less. Therefore, this is the first thing you should pay attention to; we simply set the purchase filters using the formula N*7, where N is the number of links that need to be purchased. But know when to stop ;)
  • Sape buys autofilter links several times a day, regularly buying in the morning and evening. Sometimes it can be bought 4-5 times a day. Taking this into account in the previous paragraph, we multiply by 7, and not by 10 or 15. The principle is simple: Sapa bought 1000 links in the morning, 930 of them were thrown out, only 70 were left and bought. This means that for the second time in the day Sapa will buy 930 links, of which They threw out 880 and bought 50... The principle, I think, is clear.
  • The plugin can check sites in multi-threaded mode. That is, we open the sites for checking in different browser windows (not tabs) and run the check in each window, as a result, the speed increases n times;) The main thing is not to overdo it, find the best option for yourself, depending on the channel width and computer performance.
  • Checking the BC filter consumes a lot of power. As a result, when checking, your browser will slow down quite a bit even on a powerful system. For example, on my Acer Aspire 5920G with Core2Duo T7500, 4gb RAM is slow. I am inclined to think that it depends less on the computer, and more on optimizing the allocation of resources by the browser itself. If you look at the load on the processor when checking, you can see that the first processor core is loaded at 100%, and the second is resting, the load is no higher than 10-15%, despite the fact that many other applications are open. In multi-threaded mode, pay attention to this.
  • The more sites are checked in one window, the slower the scan goes. Don't misunderstand. This does not mean that checking 10 sites will take 10 seconds, and checking 100 will take 100 seconds. Checking 100 sites can take, for example, 250 seconds. (The numbers here are given as an example and are not meant to be true.) So, open no more than 500 sites in one check window. The most optimal speed and no need to re-open windows ten times.

Seniors and senoritas, as promised, today I will tell you about a plugin that will allow you to purchase quality products. This miracle is called the Winka plugin (or SAPE webmaster). It has many filters that allow you to almost automatically filter out low-quality sites and leave only the best. Here are just a few examples of what this animal can do: check the number of external links on a page, check the presence of a page and link in the index of Yasha (Yandex) and Gosha (Google), weed out pages of forums and profiles, analyze content, patient traffic, etc.

In general, for an optimizer this plugin is simply a magic wand, so don’t yawn, but study it. Go!

Options for Yasha

To install the plugin you will need the Mozilla Firefox browser (chanterelle). Unfortunately, this plugin is not available for other browsers. So, install the fox and go to this page. There you will learn more about the capabilities of the plugin and, by clicking on the “Add to Firefox” button, add it to your browser:

After installing the chanterelle on the working panel, you will see the plugin management window, for me it looks like this:

Now you need to configure the plugin so that the purchased links are of really good quality. Click on the gear and get into the settings window:

The first section is filters. We do not touch filters, since they are intended mainly for selling links. Although one point still interests us is the page address filter (LF).

The address filter will allow you to weed out pages of forums, profiles, photo galleries and other sections that are not suitable for purchase. By default, the field is filled out perfectly, but if in your career as an optimizer you come across these kinds of pages, I advise you to immediately write down their addresses in the LF filter.

Timeout between requests. This item is responsible for the speed of site scanning. Here I recommend not touching anything and leaving the value at 1500. The fact is that if the requests go faster, Yasha will torture you with his captcha, if you set the value lower, then the plugin may fail during checks, but as we are told, it won’t work ...

Check older links – this item allows you to adjust the indexing of purchased links. Here I set 35 days. Because in a month a search robot will be able to crawl even the largest sites. If the link is not included in the index for more than a month, then I don’t see the point in paying for it.

I also recommend checking the next 2 boxes. The first allows you to remove links whose pages have not appeared in the index for a certain amount of time. I set the value to 30 days. Page crashes are a common occurrence for websites, so you shouldn’t immediately remove links from them.

Use - leave it unchanged.

In the “site indexing” subsection, we also tick all the boxes. The first will show the total number of pages in Yasha’s index, the second allows you to search in specific regions. If the site is being promoted in Russia or Moscow, then we leave the number 213; if there is regional promotion, then we indicate the code of the desired region. Please note that this code does not apply to telephone or index codes. To find out the promotion region, click on the “all codes” button.

Show the date of the saved copy and note if the saved copy is older and does not have a link - these options are intended to check and analyze purchased links.

The last filter is the number of pages in the index (Cn). This option removes links if there are fewer than a specified number of pages in both search engines. For Google, I recommend setting the value to 1, for Yandex – 11. Because Yandex has filters AGS 17 and AGS 30, which cause pages to suddenly drop out of the index. Usually there are fewer than 11 pages left, so we don’t need such sites.

I didn't use the last checkbox. Now let's move on to the “Google” section.

Google Options

We don't need many settings in this section. All we need is to check the indexing of the page before and after the purchase, so many of the settings are the same as the previous section:

We do not touch the “checking page indexation” section.

PageRank check – these options are needed mainly for Google promotion. If you promote sites mainly under Yandex, then leave everything unchanged. If you give preference to Gosha, then in the “mark links if PR is less than” field, put 1.

Check parameters. Here, in both cases, check the boxes. The first point will allow us not to check links that have already been rejected, the second will allow us to resume checking after any errors. The fact is that Yasha and Gosha often knock out captchas and in order not to start the check again after entering them, a cache was invented that resumes the check at the place of the error. Set the cache lifetime to 12 hours.

The last 2 checkboxes are needed for a sound notification of the verification results and the appearance of the captcha. That's all we needed to do in the “Google” section. Let's move on to a more interesting point - links.

Link options

In this section, we will set parameters for analyzing links on potential sites:

Mark if there are more links – this parameter indicates the number of external links on the page. Here I advise you to put more than 3, because... this is the most optimal number.

Do not take into account links to domains from the exclusion list - mark. The list of exceptions includes social networks, search engines, popular statistics services, etc. You can view a detailed list by clicking on the gear.

Do not check, check the boxes according to the value declared by the exchange - we do not mark it.

Mark if the amount of text on the page is less than 1000 characters. This item will allow you to weed out pages without text content (galleries, profiles and other junk) that are not suitable for purchase. In principle, this is a rather controversial point, I chose a value of 1000, because if you choose a larger one, it will be quite problematic to find at least some sites, and a smaller one will mean stubs of articles, which is also not very good. Also, don’t forget to check the box next to “ignore link anchors”.

Mark if the number of links on the page is more than 300. Here we are talking about internal links.

It’s natural to flag if the purchased link is not found on the page. Or found in the basement - we don’t note it. I'll explain why. The sape code may be located in the footer, but the link may be displayed in the main part of the site, so this is a rather controversial point.

Mark unavailable pages - yes.

We use Yasha's User Agent. That's it, in this section the settings are completed, let's move on to the pages.

Page Options

The main functions of this section are checking the nesting of the page and its content. These are the settings we will do:

Checking the nesting level (Lv) – check the boxes in all cases. In the “mark if there are more” item, set the value to 300. Of course, the fewer links on the main page, the better, but if you set the value to less than 300, it will be difficult to find sites.

Flag pages containing the following text is a content filter. Here you need to enter the most intricate swear words of the great and mighty Russian language. This filter will reject sites that contain this srach in the text. The standard set of prohibited words is quite small, so I advise you to supplement it with your own stock. Also, don’t forget to check the boxes next to “Adult, Pharma, Gambling”.

Show page title - yes.

Marking inaccessible pages is natural.

Check all HTML code.

I don’t use the “MozRank Check” section, so I left it unchanged.

We also tick the last paragraphs. You adjust the flow of checks according to your Internet connection.

Now you can go to the “Sites” section.

Website Options

In this section, we are only interested in checking traffic and outgoing links from the domain:

Check if Alexarank is higher – don’t check the box. Alex's rating is relevant mainly for foreign sites. In addition, the RuNet is full of high-quality sites with high Alexa scores, so we are skipping it.

We also skip marking if the monthly traffic is less in the Semrush database, since the Liveinternet service is more relevant for Runet.

Mark if there are fewer visitors per month – 3000 people. This is approximately 100 people per day.

Mark if there is no data on – Liveinternet.

I do not use the option to check outgoing links from a domain.

In principle, that's all. I also don’t use the “Services” section. Now after setting it up, all that remains is to figure out how to use this plugin in practice.

How to use the winka plugin

We go to SAPA through Mozila, click on the “New applications” section. Now we start checking links with Vinka filters, I check in this order:

  • LF – checking page URLs. The filter filters out profile pages, photo galleries, forums, etc.
  • EX – checking external links. The filter filters out pages on which the number of external links exceeds the specified parameter.
  • YP – checking indexing in Yandex.
  • GC – Google indexing checker.
  • CN – filters out sites that have fewer indexed pages than the specified parameters.
  • TF – content filter. Weeds out pages with prohibited words.
  • T – traffic analysis.
  • LV—check nesting level.

All these filters will eliminate more than 90% of the submitted applications, but the highest quality and suitable for purchase will remain. If you don’t know at all how to create campaigns in SAP, then read the article about it and everything will become clear to you.

A mix of sapa and wink plugin will allow you to save your promotion budget and buy only those links that will actually bring results.

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

In SEO communities, we hear more and more talk about building high-quality link mass. They say that you should only buy everlasting links because they are more natural. As if search engines won’t be able to notice that this is a purchased link. In fact, Google and Yandex are well aware that such a link is also purchased. And it doesn’t matter where you bought it on Rotapost or Miralinks.

Most problems arise precisely because of incorrect selection of sites. In practice, even now, there are many sites on the Internet that rank in the top thanks to rental links. A particular advantage of rental links is their low cost compared to permanent, eternal links.

Today we will talk about the Vinka plugin for the Mozilla Firefox browser. It is designed to work in the Sape rental link exchange. Yes, that’s right, you read correctly, on the Seip exchange. Don’t listen to people who scare you with various horror stories that links to this exchange lead to filters. As mentioned above, sites fall under filters for incorrect purchase of links.

Follow the link and install this extension After installation, a blue square with SAPE in white letters should appear in the top right panel of the browser. Click the settings button and configure the plugin as we wish.

Setting up the Webmaster SAPE extension

The plugin greatly simplifies the work of an SEO specialist. In fact, everything that needed to be checked manually is done automatically for us by Vink. This is especially felt when you are working on several sites and you need to constantly buy a large number of links per day.

The plugin settings have several tabs. Each tab has several buttons on the Sape Webmaster toolbar.

We start configuring the plugin from the tab - Filters

In the “Filters” tab, the main thing is to indicate the addresses of pages that contain words indicating low quality content. This includes pages: forums, message boards, prohibited topics, tag pages, etc. .


On the Yandex tab we mark the time the link was indexed. If the link has not been indexed within 30 days, then it makes sense to remove it after this period and not pay money just like that. Sometimes website pages fall out of the index. This also needs to be monitored. We set a non-indexation period of up to three days.


For Google we define the same settings as for Yandex. The most important thing here is page indexing. Also, if you wish, you can check the box to determine the PR of the main page of the site. It is relevant if promotion is carried out under Google and you want to find powerful donors so that they transfer link juice to your site.


The “Links” tab contains some of the most important criteria for quality donor selection. We put up to 5 outgoing links on the page. If it is more, then in our donor the forces will dissipate to other sites. And even with other good indicators, his work for promotion will be weak.

We set no more than 125 internal links.

The Ex button also evaluates the amount of content on the page. We write in the settings at least 1000 characters per page. Pages with fewer characters may not be indexed at all.


Here, just like on the “Filters” tab, it is important to enter stop words for pages. I have a list of current stop words. If anyone needs it, write and I’ll share it. I don’t want to post it here, because there are a lot of bad words that will slow down this article.

I checked the "Redirects" box. You can remove it because it marks pages with redirects.

Pay attention to the indicator of internal links of the main page. Their number should not exceed 150 pieces.


Here the main emphasis is on site traffic. Live sites that people like are suitable for us. The minimum number of visits per day is 100 unique entries.

Sites with less than 20 pages in search results are also not of high quality. Here you can set the value 50. For example, Miralinks, an exchange for posting article links, considers sites that have at least a hundred pages in search to be high-quality. We draw conclusions for ourselves.

In this block we indicate that there are no more than 5 outgoing links.


We will need two services: Chektrast and xtool. We fill in the necessary data to launch the function of collecting site trust indicators.


In the setting, check “Ignore already marked items when checking.” And then we set everything up as in the screenshot.

How to work with the Wink Sape plugin

Now we have finished setting up the plugin. This procedure took 15 minutes and only once. Now every day the plugin will save a lot of time and help select the best link donors.

The next step is to select sites using sape filters. Having selected the necessary sites, we send them to the “Awaiting confirmation” section. Here we will finally select the highest quality sites.

The Vinka plugin has many buttons, but only the necessary ones are suitable for us. The buttons can be pressed simultaneously. Please note that if the value is in the OK state (the parameter is normal), then green appears. If a parameter has exceeded the acceptable value, it will be highlighted in red or another color. But mostly focus on the checkboxes. They mark everything that does not fit our parameters.

To select the juiciest sites you need to go through three stages.

I. First stage

Press the following buttons in sequence:

  1. LF - Page URL control
  2. TF - content analysis is carried out, prohibited topics are sifted very well
  3. Ex - checks the total number of external links, which should not be more than 5.
  4. Lv - checks the nesting level of the page (!!! clicks only when you decide to purchase the second level without options)
  5. HL - checks hidden links; some webmasters are not conscientious about selling links and hide them from visibility
  6. Cn - determines the number of pages in the search
  7. D - records the number of outgoing links, helps determine how spammy the site is
  8. T - traffic check (!!! I advise you not to use it often, since very often sites generally lack counters and metrics, a good site can end up in dubious ones)
  9. XT - checks trust using xtool, especially effective for Yandex
  10. CT - checking trust and spam sites, a useful function for Google

The last two buttons show data from paid services. But you may be limited to the free checks that are provided to every new user. You will have to create new accounts in these services from time to time. It’s better to buy a new phone card that costs 20 UAH. and check the links in the Chektrust service rather than paying the full price. It's another matter when you have to check links for hundreds of sites. Then please pay a little money.

Good sites are in our pocket. The bad ones are marked with a check mark. What to do with them. We're talking about operational efficiency. So we’ll make sure that we don’t come across them a second time. There is no point in checking the same sites. To do this, at the bottom right side of the admin section of the system, we send dubious sites to the BL (list of bad sites).

II. Second phase

Let's look at which pages are not included in the Yandex and Google index. This will help save money. Because you can pay for a link for several months and it will not have any effect, because search engines do not even see the page on which it is located.

Presses buttons:

  1. YP - checking whether a page is indexed in Yandex
  2. GP - checking whether a page is indexed in Google

Pages that are not indexed can simply be canceled from placement. Because other pages of the same site can be indexed well. If we submit the site to the BL list, we will lose a good donor.

Complete happiness from the Xtool_checker plugin

III. Third stage

Friends, it’s still too early to go have tea. A lot of work has been done. We chose good links. But will they work? You will probably say: “Of course they will, because they have gone through so many checks...”. Everything is correct, but there is one more But. The search engines Google and Yandex are suspicious and even aggressive towards links that are located at the bottom of the screen and in the footer. Such links not only do not work, they lower the position of the site. It is optimal if the link is placed on the first screen without scrolling down. The Xtool_checker plugin will help you determine at what level of the browser window the posted link is located. Follow the link and install

The plugin has a lot of settings. Has the same functions as Vink. The POS tab is important to us now. Open it and in the settings set the number 0.6. What does this setting give us? We will cut off all links that are below the sixth part of the browser page in height. Full scrolling from top to bottom to the end is indicated by the number 1. So from 1 to 0.1. The worst positions are from 0.7 to 1.

You can launch the plugin only after placing links, when they appear on the site pages.

Click the “Check positions and get the result” button. Links above the value 0.6 are easily removed.

Let's talk a little about how the plugin works. The entire screen height is set to 100%. If the link is placed at the very top, then it will be 10%, that is, 0.1. So the link is at the very top. And 100% is equivalent to 1 and means that the link is at the very bottom.

It will be useful for both webmasters and optimizers.

Wink was originally made only for the FireFox browser. Unfortunately, the plugin is no longer supported.

After downloading the plugin, a button bar should appear at the top of your browser window:

Each button F, Fn, RL, WT, etc. - are responsible for some action. The wink plugin only works when you are in SAPE, or rather viewing a list of links. For example, let's go to the list of purchased links and click on YP and EX:

As can be seen from the screenshot, the indexing of pages in Yandex (YP) was checked, as well as the number of external links (EX) was counted. Those pages that do not meet the requirements that were specified in the WINK settings are marked with a checkmark in order to later remove these links. Now let's talk about the wink settings panel, it looks like this:

To get to the settings panel, find the gear-shaped button on the wink button panel (the rightmost button) and click on it. As you can see from the screenshot, there are quite a few settings. The settings panel at the top has tabs that you can switch and configure the necessary settings. Now let's move directly to the meanings of the buttons.

Description of WINK buttons

I think it would be useful to describe the most important buttons.

  • Fn - custom filter. Personally, I never use it, but I know that you can use it to set some of your own verification parameters.
  • RL - checking the relevance of the anchor link acceptor page. This option is made for webmasters to filter out suspicious anchors.
  • WT - mark repeated wait requests. A useful button for those who receive a lot of requests in wait.
  • TCI - update the TCI of sites. It happens that old TCI values ​​are saved in sape. Most often, this button is used when purchasing links immediately after updating the TCI, when the system has not yet updated all the values.
  • PR - checking the PageRank of the page. This is a very important button, since sape in 50% of cases shows the wrong pagerank of the page.
  • mR - checking mozRank of pages. This is a new filter that was introduced in May 2012. For reference: mozRank is calculated by I can’t yet say anything specific about the effectiveness of purchasing links with high mR.
  • YP - checking whether a page is indexed in Yandex. In my opinion, the most frequently pressed button for me and for others.
  • YL - checking whether a link is indexed in Yandex. They often start clicking it 1-2 months after purchasing links in order to weed out those pages that are poorly indexed by Yandex.
  • YC - checking the Yandex page cache. To be honest, I never use this button.
  • H - checking the availability of a site in Yandex. I also don’t use it because... I'm more concerned about having a page in the index than the entire site.
  • GC - checking whether a page is indexed in Google. An important button, because now when buying links I focus on two search engines and check if both Yandex and Google are in the index.
  • GL - checking the indexing of links in Google. Personally, I don't use this button.
  • LF - link URL control. A useful thing to automatically filter out links from forums and message boards, as well as from user profiles.
  • TF - content filter. Useful button to filter out pages that contain various bad words. The entire list of words can be specified in the wink settings.
  • EX - checking links on the page. I mainly use this feature to view the number of external links on a page.
  • Lv - checking the page nesting level. A useful filter if you buy links at the second nesting level. If the link is at the third level, then no verification occurs.
  • Q - checking the uniqueness of the text via SEOBUDGET. The content verification service is paid and costs 2 rubles.
  • T - check resource traffic. I use this filter often.
  • XT - xtools site check. This indicator constitutes an integral indicator of the site's popularity. Reminds me of PageRank and TCI.
  • HL is a great button. Helps find links that are invisible to the user (display:none).

We briefly reviewed the capabilities of the winka plugin, I hope that now you understand how convenient it is to use.

Personally, I actively use wink when promoting a site with links, since it is convenient to filter out many links, even without visually viewing the site.