Reinstall the program d3dx9 43 dll.

Computer games have become an integral part of life for many of us, and this can be explained. The plots and landscapes of virtual reality can inspire us, distract us from everyday problems and give us the opportunity to express ourselves, our mind, reaction and leadership qualities in an alternative world created by the game. But entering the world of virtual adventures, even in the case of a far from new game, is impossible without Direct X library files. For example, one of the most common problems that arise when starting a game is the absence of the d3dx9_43.dll file, without which it cannot work normally in games, not a single video card.

If a message like the picture above appears on your computer monitor, do not despair. There are two ways to solve the problem. You can either download and install the d3dx9_43.dll file on your PC, or completely reinstall the entire Direct X package. The second option is, of course, a little more time consuming. But on the other hand, you will be sure that your OS has all the files in the latest versions required for graphics acceleration of games. In any case, the end goal will be achieved - the games, which started with the d3dx9_43.dll error, will work as expected. What is required of you is to spend a few minutes of your time and nothing else. After all, on our site you can download the d3dx9_43.dll file for free.

But still, let's look at both options for solving this problem in a little more detail.

Option one

Here you will need to perform the following sequence of actions:

1. Download the d3dx9_43.dll file

2.Unzip and place the library in the desired system folder

3. Register it in the system.

4. Restart your computer.

To select the correct system folder for this file, be sure to consider the bitness of your operating system. If your operating system is 32-bit, then copy the file to the C: \ Windows \ System32 folder. If it is 64-bit, then in C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \.

Finding out the bitness of your operating system is very simple. To do this, go to "My Computer" and select the "System Properties" section, where in the "System Type" item you will see the necessary information.

Don't worry about the compatibility of the d3dx9_43.dll file with your OS. It is equally suitable for Windows 7, 8 and XP.

Just a little is required from you - copy the file to the clipboard into one of the two folders indicated above. You need to insert the file directly into the root of the directory.

Then go to the "Start" menu and click "Run". You will see a window in which you need to insert the command "regsvr d3dx9_43.dll" without quotes and click "OK".

After all this, you just have to restart your computer and calmly enjoy the process of the game.

In case you still have questions, we suggest you watch a detailed practical video tutorial on installing the d3dx9_43.dll file attached below.

Option two

If after installing the d3dx9_43.dll file and restarting the PC, the game does not work, try reinstalling the entire Direct X package. It includes all the libraries that are necessary for the video and sound card to work normally in games, as well as other applications. This method is as simple as the first, but the traffic costs are slightly higher here. But in this case you will be able to solve all possible problems that are associated with the absence of libraries such as d3dx9_43.dll on your computer or laptop. To do this, you need to do the following:

1.Download the web installer.

Download DirectX Installer

2. Run the downloaded file.

3. Agree with everything that the installer prompts you to do by clicking "next".

4. Restart your computer after the installation is complete.

Now there should be no problems with launching games. To consolidate the information received, watch a short video tutorial on solving problems related to the missing d3dx9_43.dll file.


On new computers and in newly installed systems, an error often appears that informs about the impossibility of starting the library due to the absence of the d3dx9.dll and d3dx9_43.dll files and is solved by downloading to the desired folder. Sometimes it can occur in combination with the requirement to reinstall the program.

The latter is used for computer games and is required to run them. It simplifies the work of toy developers, since all system part already presented in it. In this case, you should not panic, the error is easy to fix.

fixes this problem

  1. The manual way is by downloading and installing the file to the desired location.
  2. Automatic method using DirectX from Microsoft developers.

Method 1

  • To fix it, you just need to download d3dx9_43.dll and d3dx9.dll and attach them to a specific folder.

d3dx9.dll and d3dx9_43.dll for windows 7/8/10 - download (free)

  • After that, all that remains is to place it in the desired directory, on local disk WITH:

Folders for placement d3dx9.dll and d3dx9_43.dll

For Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 32-bit: — C: \ Windows\ System32

For Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 64-bit: — C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64

  • If the attempt is unsuccessful, you need to drop the file into the game folder and do reboot.

Method 2 - Automatic solution problems with DirectX

  • If this also did not allow us to correct the error, you will need DirectX program(download), since the files d3dx9.dll - d3dx9_43 are among the libraries for the DirectX program
  • Download and install on your computer.

  • The program will analyze the existing components of DLL files, including d3dx9.dll and d3dx9_43.dll, after whichautomatically will place libraries in the right places depending on installed system windows (7/8/10).

  • If the computer has been installed and updated for a long time, it is recommended to additionally update the video card drivers and the operating system on the computer.

In all operating systems Microsoft Windows almost all applications that run use DLL files, each designed for a specific type and process. Some programs even use several of these files. d3dx9.dll and d3dx9_43.dll for windows 7/8/10 are designed for a more rational and effective use memory resources and hard disk space on computers, as a result of which games and applications run much faster, without wasting time and resources on repeating processes and reducing the amount of used space.

With the introduction of these libraries, there were many nuances and failures associated with their joint use in one application. Almost immediately in the Internet space began to appear a large number of issues such as: where d3dx9 43.dll free download for windows 7,8,10.

Gradually, the system manufacturers removed all the flaws and conflicts, as a result, now they all work almost flawlessly, but it still happens that these files are damaged, and the games stop starting or just work, an error appears with the absence of d3dx9.dll and d3dx9_43.dll or other DLL file... If you do not have d3dx9.dll and d3dx9_43.dll, download and simply attach with a replacement, if required, into the necessary folder containing DLL library Windows

We hope we helped you solve the problem!

The D3dx9_43.dll library is 1.91 MB for 32 Bit, 2.29 MB for 64 Bit... The download links are current and no negative feedback has been received by users. It has been downloaded 110038 times since release and it has received 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Table of Contents

Operating Systems Compatible with the D3dx9_43.dll Library

Other Versions of the D3dx9_43.dll Library

The newest version of the D3dx9_43.dll library is the 9.29.952.3111 version released on 2012-09-30 for 32 Bit and 9.29.952.3111 version for 64 Bit... There have been 2 versions released before this version. All versions of the Dynamic link library have been listed below from most recent to oldest.

  1. 9.29.952.3111 - 32 Bit (x86) ( 2012-09-30 )
  2. 9.29.952.3111 - 32 Bit (x86)
  3. 9.29.952.3111 - 64 Bit (x64)

How to Download D3dx9_43.dll Library?

Methods to Fix the D3dx9_43.dll Errors

ATTENTION! Before beginning the installation of the D3dx9_43.dll library, you must download the library. If you don "t know how to download the library or if you are having a problem while downloading, you can look at our download guide a few lines above.

Method 1: Fixing the DLL Error by Copying the D3dx9_43.dll Library to the Windows System Directory

  1. The file you are going to download is a compressed file with the " .zip"extension. You cannot directly install the" .zip"file. First, you need to extract the dynamic link library from inside it. So, double-click the file with the" .zip"extension that you downloaded and open the file.
  2. You will see the library named " D3dx9_43.dll"in the window that opens up. This is the library we are going to install. Click the library once with the left mouse button. By doing this you will have chosen the library.
    Step 2:
  3. Click the " Extract To"symbol marked in the picture. To extract the dynamic link library, it will want you to choose the desired location. Choose the" Desktop"location and click" OK"to extract the library to the desktop. In order to do this, you need to use the Winrar program. If you do not have this program, you can find and download it through a quick search on the Internet.
    Step 3:
  4. Copy the " D3dx9_43.dll"library file you extracted.
  5. Paste the dynamic link library you copied into the " C: \ Windows \ System32"directory.
    Step 5:
  6. If your system is 64 Bit, copy the " D3dx9_43.dll"library and paste it into" C: \ Windows \ sysWOW64"directory.
    NOTE! On 64 Bit systems, you must copy the dynamic link library to both the " sysWOW64"and" System32"directories. In other words, both directories need the" D3dx9_43.dll"library.

    Step 6:
  7. In order to run the Command Line as an administrator, complete the following steps.
    NOTE! In this explanation, we ran the Command Line on Windows 10... If you are using one of the Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP operating systems, you can use the same methods to run the Command Line as an administrator... Even though the pictures are taken from Windows 10, the processes are similar.
    1. First, open the Start Menu and before clicking anywhere, type " cmd"but do not press Enter .
    2. When you see the " Command Line"option among the search results, hit the" CTRL" + "SHIFT" + "ENTER"keys on your keyboard.
    3. A window will pop up asking, " Do you want to run this process?". Confirm it by clicking to" Yes"button.
    Step 7:
  8. Paste the command below into the Command Line that will open up and hit Enter... This command will delete the damaged registry of the D3dx9_43.dll library (It will not delete the file we pasted into the System32 directory; it will delete the registry in Regedit... The file we pasted into the System32 directory will not be damaged).
    % windir% \ System32 \ regsvr32.exe / u D3dx9_43.dll

    Step 8:
  9. If you are using a Windows version that has 64 Bit architecture, after running the above command, you need to run the command below. With this command, we will clean the problematic D3dx9_43.dll registry for 64 Bit (The cleaning process only involves the registries in Regedit... In other words, the dynamic link library you pasted into the SysWoW64 will not be damaged).
    % windir% \ SysWoW64 \ regsvr32.exe / u D3dx9_43.dll

    Step 9: Uninstalling the D3dx9_43.dll library "s problematic registry from Regedit (for 64 Bit)
  10. We need to make a clean registry for the dll library "s registry that we deleted from Regedit (Windows Registry Editor) ... In order to accomplish this, copy and paste the command below into the Command Line and press Enter key.
    % windir% \ System32 \ regsvr32.exe / i D3dx9_43.dll

    Step 10:
  11. Windows 64 Bit users must run the command below after running the previous command. With this command, we will create a clean and good registry for the D3dx9_43.dll library we deleted.
    % windir% \ SysWoW64 \ regsvr32.exe / i D3dx9_43.dll

    Step 11:
  12. If you did the processes in full, the installation should have finished successfully. If you received an error from the command line, you don "t need to be anxious. Even if the D3dx9_43.dll library was installed successfully, you can still receive error messages like these due to some incompatibilities. In order to test whether your dll issue was fixed or not, try running the program giving the error message again. If the error is continuing, try the 2nd Method to fix this issue.

From the first lines I will immediately give advice not to try to download d3dx9 43 dll for windows 10 as a separate file.

Only beginners do this, and then they get a bunch of problems with their computer, laptop and even phone.

Why I will not describe, I will just say that there are a lot of sites on the network that catch simpletons downloading files, such as d3dx9 43.dll, for all versions of windows OS, including 10 (tenth).

D3dx9 43 dll is an item free library DirectX. Therefore, you should download and install it completely.

DirectX - Typically used for games. There are several such libraries: 9, 10, 11, and now 12.

In windows 10, like the rest of the OS, DirectX is already installed, but not all versions and not all elements, so it is advisable to install them beforehand.

How to install D3dx9 43 dll for windows 10

The easiest, best and most reliable option would be to download the DirectX web installer from the microsoft site.

But you can't do that. The system will determine that you have more than a new version, and thinks that nothing needs to be changed.

What to do then? You need to use the offline installer. I will not describe how to do this here for the second time.

Detailed. True, it is described there for OS 8.1, but for windows 10 it is the same.

This is very important not only for games, but also for the stable and confident performance of the computer as a whole. Good luck.

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Computer games have been popular among young people for quite a long time. As with any programs, errors of a different nature can occur in them. The problem with this sample is one of the most common. This error can be characterized as follows: a table pops up on the screen with the accompanying inscriptions "The program cannot be started because d3dx9_43.dll is missing on the computer" or "Reinstall the program".

There are two ways to solve the problem with d3dx9.dll and d3dx9_43.dll:
  1. Download and reinstall the complete DirectX package
  2. Download d3dx9.dll and d3dx9_43.dll files separately

Reinstall DirectX package (1 way)

Reinstalling the DirectX package is the most The right way elimination of these errors. First, it is without viruses, and secondly, you will not have a further errors with other DirectX DDL files.

After downloading, launch the installer.

We agree to the terms and click "Next". After installing all the components, you need to restart your computer.

Downloading d3dx9.dll and d3dx9_43.dll (method 2)

Download the files that the computer requires from you, in the form of an archive, unpack and move them to the desired folder.

View "system type" installed version Windows. This can be done by clicking on the "My Computer" icon and selecting "Properties".

In front of you on the screen you will see a window with a description bitness Windows... Based on this information, move the file to a folder.

Attention: for 32s bit systems the file needs to be copied only to the folder System32, and for 64-bit in folders System32 and SysWOW64.

After the work done, try restarting the game. If it doesn't exit, go ahead and restart your computer and start the game again. If this did not help either, press the two keys "Win + R" in combination, then you will see a window with the name "Run" on the screen, write in the input line: "regsvr32 d3dx9_43.dll" or "regsvr32 d3dx9.dll" and press the button " OK".