Mobile base stations for mobile communications. The dangers of mobile devices

The issue of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that these towers should be removed, because they do not serve any purpose. useful information, and with them (towers) large quantities just littering the map.

akbars, please write a clear definition of what needs to be done with them. And it is advisable to include it in the rules.


The issue of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that these towers should be removed, because they do not carry any useful information, and if there are a large number of them (towers), it will only litter the map.

akbars, please write a clear definition of what needs to be done with them. And it is advisable to include it in the rules.

The issue of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that these towers should be removed, because they do not carry any useful information, and if there are a large number of them (towers), it will only litter the map.

akbars, please write a clear definition of what needs to be done with them. And it is advisable to include it in the rules.

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The issue of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that these towers should be removed, because they do not carry any useful information, and if there are a large number of them (towers), it will only litter the map.

akbars, please write a clear definition of what needs to be done with them. And it is advisable to include it in the rules.

","html":". The issue of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that these towers should be removed, because they do not carry any useful information, and with a large number of them (towers) they only litter the map.","contentType":"text/html"),"proposedPreview":("source" :"

The issue of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that these towers should be removed, because they do not carry any useful information, and if there are a large number of them (towers), it will only litter the map.

akbars, please write a clear definition of what needs to be done with them. And it is advisable to include it in the rules.

","html":". The issue of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that these towers should be removed, because they do not carry any useful information, and with a large number of them (towers) they only litter the map.","contentType":"text/html"),"titleImage":null,"tags ":[("displayName":"rules","slug":"pravila","categoryId":"9825254","url":"/blog/narod-karta??tag=pravila")],"isModerator ":false,"commentsEnabled":true,"url":"/blog/narod-karta/12770","urlTemplate":"/blog/narod-karta/%slug%","fullBlogUrl":"https:/ /","addCommentUrl":"/blog/createComment/narod-karta/12770","updateCommentUrl":"/blog/updateComment/narod-karta/12770","addCommentWithCaptcha": "/blog/createWithCaptcha/narod-karta/12770","changeCaptchaUrl":"/blog/api/captcha/new","putImageUrl":"/blog/image/put","urlBlog":"/blog/narod -karta","urlEditPost":"/blog/56a93fbb35a9b0713454b7ac/edit","urlSlug":"/blog/post/generateSlug","urlPublishPost":"/blog/56a93fbb35a9b0713454b7ac/publish","urlUnpublishPost":"/blog /56a93FBB35A9B071345454B7AC/unpublish "," Urlremovepost ":"/Blog/56a93fB35A9B0713454545454B7AC/REMOVEPOST "," URLDRAFT ":"/BLOG/NAROD-KARTA/12770/DR AFT "," URLDRAFTEMPLATE ":"/BLOG/NAROD-KARTA/%SLUG %/draft","urlRemoveDraft":"/blog/56a93fbb35a9b0713454b7ac/removeDraft","urlTagSuggest":"/blog/api/suggest/narod-karta","urlAfterDelete":"/blog/narod-karta","isAuthor ":false,"subscribeUrl":"/blog/api/subscribe/56a93fbb35a9b0713454b7ac","unsubscribeUrl":"/blog/api/unsubscribe/56a93fbb35a9b0713454b7ac","urlEditPostPage":"/blog/narod-karta/56a93fbb35a9b0 713454b7ac/edit" ,"urlForTranslate":"/blog/post/translate","urlRelateIssue":"/blog/post/updateIssue","urlUpdateTranslate":"/blog/post/updateTranslate","urlLoadTranslate":"/blog/post/ loadTranslate","urlTranslationStatus":"/blog/narod-karta/12770/translationInfo","urlRelatedArticles":"/blog/api/relatedArticles/narod-karta/12770","author":("id":"40010088 ","uid":("value":"40010088","lite":false,"hosted":false),,"aliases":(),"login":"sher-art","display_name":( "name":"Te*mik","avatar":("default":"24700/40010088-24461939","empty":false)),,"address":" [email protected]","defaultAvatar":"24700/40010088-24461939","imageSrc":"","isYandexStaff": false),"originalModificationDate":"1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z","socialImage":("orig":("fullPath":" /normal")))))">

Cell phones are an integral part of life modern people. Everyone knows some of the harm this method of communication has on a person’s well-being, but no one will reject such communications. You should know the impact of towers cellular communications on health and harm from them can be. To some extent, you can protect yourself and your loved ones by reducing the amount of time you use your phone.

Are towers harmful?

Are antennas dangerous? mobile communications? Without exception, all exogenous factors affecting a person cause certain consequences. Radiation from cell towers also applies to them.

The towers distribute electromagnetic pulses to enable cell phone users to interact. Such radiation is not considered dangerous to humans, but the presence of a base station near a home has a harmful effect to a certain extent.

As a result of a number of studies, a connection has been identified between towers located near houses and various pathologies of internal organs in their residents. Mobile network is designed on the principle of interaction between towers and communication devices. This occurs based on the transmission of an electromagnetic pulse in the ultra-high frequency range. The energy distribution area of ​​the tower depends on:

  1. Cellular standard selected by the operator.
  2. Building density.
  3. Loads.
  4. Equipment used.

The coverage of any territory occurs through the construction of cellular communication towers using cell technology. Therefore, such a connection is called cellular.

Towers located outside the city are mainly supplemented with signal amplifiers to increase its coverage area. Therefore, the strength of electromagnetic radiation near such structures will be greater. Studies conducted in areas where there are cell towers indicate that radiation levels are within normal limits.

Permanent residence near such towers is safe if:

  • The structure is installed higher than the nearest building area.
  • Equipment parameters are within the generally accepted sanitary and hygienic standards.

If the signal from the tower is directed towards occupied buildings, then living in these conditions can be harmful to health.

Radiation characteristics

There are many different studies currently being carried out to find out whether cell towers are harmful and how they affect the human condition. Opinions on this issue are divided.

Developers will assure that such network stations are completely safe for people, since they are installed taking into account standards recognized by the state, and the harm from them is within acceptable limits. However, researchers still recommend avoiding such radiation, especially when the tower is installed near a house.

Cellular operators claim that a working antenna affects people’s condition quite indirectly and does practically no harm to them. The propagating signal passes at a sufficient height above the ground; below, the strength of this energy is approximately 800-1000 times weaker.

But nevertheless, according to physical laws, the spread of energy is directly proportional to the square of the distance. Thus, the shorter the distance to the cell site, the greater the impact of radiation on a person, despite the fact that much less energy reaches down.

Mobile communication antennas on multi-story buildings also have a negative impact on the well-being of their residents. Such equipment dissipates much less energy, but their size is also proportionally reduced.

Thus, the distance between apartments and the zone of maximum radiation is reduced. Its share is much higher than the permissible 10 μW / cm. In addition, electromagnetic energy from other household and public devices is added, which also has a harmful effect.

Consequently, the harm from cell towers located near housing is quite great, and this can lead to various ailments.

Towers on the roof

Often in cities with dense buildings, operators have to install antennas on the roofs of multi-story buildings. This is not prohibited by law, but some rules must be followed. Equipment installation parameters must meet the following requirements:

  1. The radiation level in the surrounding area should not exceed 10 mW/cm2.
  2. People should not go onto the roof.
  3. Depending on the energy power, the equipment should be placed at a height of 2-6 meters from the roof and at a distance of at least 10 meters from nearby buildings.

The telecom operator must obtain permission from the relevant authority to install the antenna and the consent of the residents of the apartments located in the building on the roof of which it is planned.

Residents give their consent to install such equipment on their roof at a meeting, based on Article 44 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, and a positive response must be received from at least 65% of the owners. Then the operator draws up design documentation, which indicates all the characteristics of the equipment used.

A certified antenna is put into operation only after receiving a sanitary and epidemiological certificate. In the future, regular checks of the base station radiation level are carried out at least once every 3 years.

Government regulation

At the legislative level, standards for the safe degree of electromagnetic radiation from radio transmitters are specified.

Government body whose responsibilities include monitoring the share of radiation from cell towers is Rospotrebnadzor. Complaints about alleged violations by operators can and should be sent to this body. If after an inspection it turns out that the level of dangerous radiation exceeds the permissible limit, then through the court Rospotrebnadzor has the right to demand the removal of equipment that threatens human health.

Diseases caused by radiation from the tower

The impact of cell towers on human health is extremely negative, especially when they are located near residential premises, without complying with established standards. The consequences depend on the amount of dangerous radiation that affects the human body. Moreover, the shorter the distance from home to the base station, the more radiation the body receives. This may cause the following changes:

  • The functioning of the nervous system is disrupted. Symptoms of such exposure are: irritability, frequent headaches, loss of strength, apathy, drowsiness.
  • All sorts of chronic illnesses develop. For example, if you are susceptible to allergic reactions, bronchial asthma may appear.
  • Hormonal levels are disrupted, which contributes to the development of diseases of the genitourinary system. With prolonged exposure to energy from a cell tower, males experience impotence, they cannot fertilize an egg, and women experience problems with bearing a fetus.
  • The likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases increases, which can result in a heart attack or stroke.
  • The functioning of most organs is disrupted, as homeostasis in the body changes.

And this is not the entire list of problems associated with cellular stations near the house. The impact of the tower on the human body depends on its individual characteristics and ability to adapt to the influence of dangerous exogenous factors. Conventionally, we can say that a strong body is less susceptible to the negative effects of radiation.

Pregnant and nursing mothers should be wary of exposure to base stations. Especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, the baby is too susceptible to the influence of negative factors of any origin.

Dangerous energy from cell phone towers can lead to all sorts of pathologies in a child’s development, and can sometimes cause a miscarriage or the baby’s freezing in the womb. It is better for breastfeeding women to avoid being near a radiation source, as this can cause changes in the composition of milk, which will affect the health of the baby.

Damage from cell towers can cause very serious health consequences, including the development of malignant neoplasms. There are a number of ways to reduce the harmful influence of the base station or eliminate it completely:

  1. Certain building materials reduce the transmission of hazardous energy. For example, glass can reduce radiation by almost 3 times, and concrete by 30 times. It turns out that people living in such a house are conditionally protected.
  2. It is advisable to use it as rarely as possible, especially in childhood.
  3. Regular wet cleaning of rooms can help in the fight against radiation. Moisture, to some extent, eliminates the dangerous energy accumulated in the house.

Video: Are cellular antennas on residential buildings harmful?

Today everyone has mobile phone, and in most families he is not alone. Despite the fact that the dangers of cell phones have long been known to everyone, no one will deprive themselves of this method communications. Towers located too close to residential premises have a negative impact on the human body.

Therefore, it is recommended to take this into account when purchasing your own home. And when choosing a place to build a private house, you should do this where there are no base stations nearby, and their installation is not planned in the coming years. If it is not possible to choose a safe site for construction, the negative influence of the antenna should be minimized as much as possible.

Therefore, it is necessary to avoid radiation from cell towers as it can be hazardous to human health and the normal development of children and adolescents.

Recently there was news in the media that residents of Brest did not allow the construction of a communications tower in the courtyard of houses on Graevka. They collected more than a hundred signatures and also stood guard near construction materials to prevent the construction of a base station. Reason - “a tower can have a negative impact on the health of both children studying at school and residents of nearby houses”. Some believe that residents are doing the right thing, while others call it “fighting at windmills.” Are cell towers dangerous? In fact? What harm can they do next to a residential building and how much do they emit?

Base station mobile operator near the house in Brest (Kovalevo microdistrict)

There are two mobile phone towers near my house on Kovalevka. One has been working for several years, the other was installed quite recently. It’s good that it’s not right next to the windows. Personally, such a neighborhood would bother me, regardless of how the station emits. Every time I look out the window, I wouldn’t want to come face to face with a metal thing (even if it’s turned off).

After surfing the Internet for dozens of articles, I realized that there is no consensus on this matter. So should we be afraid of radiation or not? For myself, I highlighted one article that more or less intelligibly talks about the principle of operation of a mobile operator’s base station in Russia. Without claiming to be the ultimate truth, it would be useful for readers to familiarize themselves. Especially if this issue worries you.
Company blog VimpelCom (Beeline)

It often happens that as soon as an antenna is installed on the roof of a residential building cellular network, complaints from residents immediately begin. There are standard ones like “My head started to hurt!”, and there are such interesting ones as “The cats stopped giving birth,” “All the cockroaches have died out,” and even “They started following me!”

Of course, the new thing is to blame for everything. In some cases, due to such complaints, it is not possible to directly turn on the base station, and antennas that have been installed but not yet put into operation have to be removed and moved.

Below I will tell how the base station emits and I will attach calculations.

  • What is dangerous

The danger of radio waves for the human body has been studied in this moment not completely, but research is being conducted, you can read about it, for example, here in the section “How does EMF affect health.” In general, if you analyze the research, it becomes clear that yes, dangerous!

What is being done to avoid this danger? In our country there is a standard according to which, in particular, base stations are built. SanPiN 2.1.8/2.2.4 states that the maximum permissible energy flux density for the frequencies at which our BS operates (900, 1800, 2100 MHz) is 10 μW/cm2, or 0.1 W/m2. This is the number we will continue to base our assessment on.

To be fair, it is worth saying that in many Western countries such standards allow irradiating the local population with an energy flux density that is a couple of orders of magnitude higher, approximately 1 mW/cm2, that is, 10 W/m2.

  • Estimation of actual exposure

So, we have a number above which you should never jump. How can you understand whether the radiation specifically in your apartment/office will be higher or lower than this value?
Firstly, what is this energy flux density? This is how much energy emitted by the antenna will pass through a certain area (cm2 in SaNPiN). If the antenna radiated equally in all directions, then all the energy would be spread over the sphere around the antenna. Well, the cellular operator doesn’t really need such antennas; we most often use directional sector panel antennas that emit in a certain direction (directional patterns can be found in the manufacturers’ antenna catalogs, for example, here).

Here is a typical radiation pattern:

Horizontal (left) and vertical radiation patterns on a logarithmic scale.

Horizontal (left) and vertical radiation patterns on a conventional linear scale.

Well, the energy flux density itself can be calculated if you look in any book on radio engineering.

  • And now for examples

First of all, the simplest option is to install the antenna on the house opposite. What will happen if it looks directly at you, unprotected by anything (even a tin foil hat)?

U conventional antennas the gain in the main lobe of the radiation pattern is, for example, 18dBi (that’s 63 times). Let’s assume that as much as 40 W comes to the antenna input from the BS (this is rarely used, usually no higher than 20 W, but for estimation purposes it can be exaggerated).

Then the energy flux density will decrease with distance as in the picture:

Here in blue are restrictions on SaNPiN. It turns out that You can already be at a distance of 45 meters from the antenna at least 24 hours a day and, according to sanitary standards, it will be absolutely harmless to our health.

Let's take a more realistic case when the BS is installed on a house opposite, but there is a window glass on the path between you and the antenna (the signal in it is attenuated by 4dB, that is, 2.5 times). Let’s even make it more specific, I’ll take my own example - the house across the road on which the BS stands, according to Google Earth There are 110 meters between him and my windows. In this case, we find that while having dinner, I receive 0.0066 mW/m2. This 15 times less, than the maximum level - you can safely eat without hiding behind the refrigerator!

More often it happens that what separates you and the antenna is not glass, but a wall. In reinforced concrete walls the signal attenuates even more, most often by about 15dB (almost 32 times).

We looked at what would happen if the antenna was pointed directly at you, that is, they were specifically aimed at your apartment/office.

Even more often, you are not in the main lobe of the radiation pattern, where the radiation is maximum, but somewhere to the side, where the antenna gain is already noticeably lower than 18dBi. In these cases, naturally, the radiation will be even lower, for example:

This illustrates a fairly common situation when the antenna shines above the subscriber, and he is served by the lower lobes of the radiation pattern. In the direction shown, the antenna gain is 24dB (250 times) lower than the level of the main lobe.

Well, now let's return to our example from the very beginning: what if the antenna is installed on the roof of your house?

Then the antenna gain in the direction of the apartment on the top floor will be approximately -5dBi (attenuation 3 times), the ceiling will give an attenuation of 15dB (32 times). If we do the math, we get that cats that have stopped giving birth and dying cockroaches at a distance of 2 meters from the antenna receive 0.0078 W/m2, that is, a little more than me, who is having dinner 110 meters from the antenna.

  • What does this mean, cap?

If the base station is above your head on the roof, almost nothing gets to you. On the other hand, if you decide to climb on the roof and turn the sector antenna towards you, and then sunbathe under it, you will be in for a very unpleasant surprise.

  • Note to the paranoid

Do not hug with the base station turned on. By at least, for a long time - exactly.
Do not keep the femtocell on your lap or desk. Guaranteed safe distance from it to you - 1 meter on any side.
You should absolutely not be targeted by radars at various military facilities: the power there is many times higher.
Radiation from the BS in a neighboring house has many times less dangerous effects on health compared to periodic radiation from a Chinese microwave (where it hits from all the cracks). Factors comparable in power to BS radiation right on the roof above you are regular home Wi-Fi and Bluetooth headsets.

  • About our employees

As for our employees, during planned work, when they come directly to the antennas and can already receive tangible harm, it is our custom to turn off the BS for the duration of the work.

  • conclusions

From the above, it can be understood that almost any realistically feasible option for installing base station antennas is harmless to humans (according to SaNPiN). If you remember that 40 W of power is supplied to the antenna very rarely, then your soul becomes even lighter. Plus, it’s worth remembering the norms in most Western countries, where dangerous level starts much higher.

P.S. The website of the mobile operator MTS in Belarus even has a whole section dedicated to health. Here are some answers from the category “Mobile communications and health: truth and fiction”:

— If the base station is installed on the roof of the house where I live (work), how dangerous is this for my health?
In this case, you are in a "dead zone" - i.e. The antenna radiation does not affect you at all, because... it spreads to the sides, and the antennas practically do not emit vertically down or up. In general, even in the most “dangerous” zone - i.e. when you are at approximately the same horizontal level with the BS, the danger zone is no more than 30 meters. Radiation tends to fade in proportion to the square of the distance (if the distance from the radiation source has increased by 2 times, the radiation has weakened by 4 times, etc.). Thus, a few tens of meters away from the base station is an almost 100 percent guarantee of the absence of any radiation capable of affecting health.

— What, according to experts, can have a greater impact on human health - the base station or the cellular telephone?
The answer from the experts is clear: the phone itself! The fact is that we usually press the phone to our ear when talking, it is as “close to the body” as possible. The base station is always at least a few tens of meters away, which practically reduces the impact of radiation from it to zero. A cell phone emits a certain electromagnetic radiation when a connection is established with the nearest BS (several such attempts are made per minute). At moments when the BS is remote or there is no BS nearby, the phone sends a signal of maximum strength.

— What are the current EMR standards in the Republic of Belarus and what normative document regulates them?
According to the Sanitary norms and rules of the Republic of Belarus (SanPiN) 2.2.4/ “Electromagnetic radiation of the radio frequency range (RF EMR)” the maximum permissible level of surface power flux density in the frequency range in which the equipment operates mobile operators, is 10 μW/ (10 microwatts per square centimeter).

Cell phone tower near the house. Should we be afraid?

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125 comments to “Cellular tower near the house. Should we be afraid?

  1. 1. Dima:

    We can conclude that the residents of the Gray house were right - they will indeed be irradiated...

    But the interesting thing is that at the same time people want high-quality communication.

  2. 2. admin:

    Is not a fact. You need to look at the distance from the tower to the house. Moreover, it is unknown what will turn out to be better in the end. The base station is installed for a reason. So there isn't much connection there. As a result, when dialing and talking, the phone will “radiate” more strongly, sending and maintaining a more powerful signal to the nearest tower. Roughly speaking, having gotten rid of the cell tower, the residents of Graevka will “irradiate” their heads more strongly when talking on a cell phone.

  3. 3. Dima:

    admin, the antenna would have been located 15-20 meters from the house, according to residents. The question, of course, is where she would be sent. But I’m sure that no one would point towards the windows of the house.

    Resident Raisa Ivanovna even suggested installing towers outside the city... No comments here.

    This is how, completely unaware of the theory, residents make things worse for themselves...

  4. 4. admin:

    If the tower “looked” right into my window, I would also sign against the construction. Even if they were placed at a safe distance of 50 meters. It is a psychological discomfort to constantly watch a cell tower and wires in the window.

  5. 5. gelaz:

    I wonder, do the residents - those from Graevka - have a microwave at home? No, better TV from the fraternal republic of Poland, 42" diagonal at a distance of 3-4 meters from the face every evening for 2-4 hours? Let them consider how they are irradiated there... This is not to mention the pernicious influence of the content of what is being viewed.

    But in general, yes, it’s better to have all the BS outside the city in the exclusion zone. Preferably 200 kilometers away. It needs to be done on April 1st. Cut off communications and say that, at the request of residents, all base stations are urgently removed from residential areas due to the fact that they emit such an infection. 0.0068-0.001 µW/ This will be funny. Hmmm.

  6. 6. Anonymous:

    We live in the private sector and our tower was installed 3 meters from the house, right behind the wall. I don’t know what to do or where to complain.

  7. 7. admin:

    Anonymous, if you think that in your home/area the e/m radiation from a cell tower exceeds the norm, I think you can contact the Brest Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health. The radiological research department can be found there. There is even a price list on the website.

    You freeze. If everything is normal, sleep well. If there are excesses, it’s time to go to the city executive committee. Naturally, with documents from the examination carried out.

  8. 8.b4w:

    In the photo there are 30-40 meters. That is, when open window standards will be exceeded.

  9. 9.admin:

    b4w, perhaps they will if the antenna is directed strictly towards the windows. I didn't measure the distance. But they don’t just install a tower by pointing a finger at a map. Some measurements are taken; after all, they receive a sanitary passport before putting it into operation.

    In general, the installation largely depends on the residents. The main thing is not to simply panic and demand that all base stations of mobile operators be moved out of the city. If the tower doesn’t look into your window, sleep peacefully.

  10. 10. Gennadievich:

    admin writes:

    b4w, perhaps they will if the antenna is directed strictly towards the windows. ................. If the tower doesn’t look into your window, sleep peacefully.

    “...sleep well...” dear comrade... Don’t you think THIS reminds you of something... =-O

  11. 11.admin:

    Gennadievich, What? *UNKNOWN*

  12. 12. Dmitry:

    In all such situations, it is necessary to install cellular communication antennas directly in front of the management house cellular companies, then this will be an indicator of safety, and rightly so.

  13. 13. admin:

    Dmitriy, I am in favor with both hands. But this is unlikely to change anything...((

  14. 14. Svetlana:
  15. 15. Anton:

    Radiation levels from towers are significantly lower than from the cell phones we hold in our hands, says John Bithell, honorary fellow at the Children's Oncology Research Group at the University of Oxford. At the same time, the honorable John Bithell forgets that a cell phone tower operates around the clock with thousands of phones at the same time, which means that the level of radiation from the towers, in principle, cannot be significantly less than from the cell phones themselves.

    Oh, these regalia and false orders.

    There is only one standard - 250-300 meters from any living creature (and no direction of the tower antennas towards people), otherwise - write directly to the prosecutor's office. other authorities only waste other people's efforts and bring everything to a standstill. which has already been verified.

    after an application to the prosecutor’s office, for some reason everyone begins to do their job, and become familiar with the contents of “SanPiN 2.1.8- Hygienic requirements for the placement and operation of transmitting radio engineering facilities,” examine installation designs and take measurements. under other circumstances, everyone is happily silent.

    submit an application to the prosecutor's office about incorrect installation Even an unbiased person can build towers.

    In addition, from the article it follows that the permissible power is 25 watts and the maximum dangerous range is 45-50 meters. - this is right. but there is one point.

    when installing several towers in one place, the total radiation becomes dangerous greater distance, and a power of 25 watts from three towers will give 74 watts at 120 meters in the frequency coincidence area. I hope you haven't forgotten that this type of communication is called CELLULAR. I wonder why there is not a word about this in the article?

    so don't worry, just apply. competent people will take other competent people, come, check and draw a conclusion.

  16. 16.admin:

    Anton, there is no need to go to extremes and run to write a statement.

    Firstly, if you have any suspicion, no one is stopping you from going to the radiological research department in your city (ours is located in the Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health) and small fee make a measurement. Then compare with acceptable standards.

    Secondly, regarding Why does a person receive more “radiation” when talking than when, say, 100 meters away from her on the street? Radiation flux density directed from a point source decreases inversely with the square of the distance to the source.

    Let’s take a cell tower 100 meters away and a phone near the ear as a source of “radiation,” and calculate the distance to the brain. With the same outgoing “radiation” power, the energy flux density from the phone near the ear will be 10 thousand times greater!

  17. 17. Olga:

    Good afternoon We live on the top floor, so we weren't worried about it. But now we have to change our living conditions and are offered an apartment that is adjacent to the attic of the neighboring lower section (multi-level house), that is, it turns out that a cell tower can be installed behind the wall, maybe not now, but at any time.

    Now we are thinking about this question.

    Is it worth agreeing to such an apartment? What is the harm?

  18. 18. Gleb:

    Recently they installed a tower right in the yard... (Moscow)

    The phone was good before, but now this thing is standing right in the middle of the playground (Yu. Butovo) - around 4 houses, all the radiation is pointing in 4 directions. the houses are 15-20 meters away, and since the tower is located on a building 5 meters high and is directed slightly upward, all the emitters look straight into the windows... i.e. The signal has nowhere else to go except to run into a 16-story high-rise and be reflected back... from an engineering point of view, it is completely utter idiocy.

    even if this tower meets some standards according to its indicators, it is not correct to install it in places where people and children gather... And in general, I personally don’t want to see this monstrosity in my yard. let them put it on a 200-meter mast, near the highway somewhere... their range of action is several kilometers - why the hell would they put it at a 5-meter height in a closed yard??

    I scored something before, but now I’ll definitely go to the housing department, and then I’ll write to the prosecutor’s office... if they don’t sweat, I’ll ask the local gopniks to cut it down at night for the fuckers.

  19. 19. squirrel:

    It’s not true that the antennas don’t emit downwards, they also emit how At the ATB near the house they installed several pieces inside the store it starts to give you a headache, it sucks then all day long how do people work there?

  20. 20. Svyatoslav:

    Theory differs from practice and this is confirmed by time.

    Several years ago, a cell tower approximately 25 meters high was installed on the hospital grounds. A couple of years passed and poplars and fruit trees within a radius of 100 meters became dead. Three years ago, a cell phone was installed on the roof of a nearby building. Near the house there was an acacia growing up to the 4th floor - it turned yellow and dried out. In the same house on the 5th floor it is not possible to measure the voltage in networks - numbers on the tester they run on their own, and the pointer reacts to a hand touch on one of the probes, and at any range. There's noise even on computer speakers - you can't listen to music. Residents of the house have complaints such as intense hair loss, headaches, sharp deterioration of vision, nervous disorders, and thyroid disease. This is all done by microwaves - the same radiation. A cell phone also fries the brain, especially if it is located far from the cell phone. By the way, I have noticed more than once that my cat reacts to the phone a couple of seconds before the call. So it’s safer to talk through a headset or speakerphone.

  21. 21. Igor:

    Svyatoslav, the headset connected to a cell phone will begin to act as an external antenna for this phone. The electromagnetic field strength at its end (respectively, in the headphones plugged into the ears) is maximum. Accordingly, talking through a headset cannot be considered a safe alternative to putting the phone to your ear. But speakerphone is one of the options, yes, but who wants to make their conversations public... =)

  22. 22. Mikhail:

    Headsets are different. If a connector with a wire through which only sound is connected is connected to the phone, then such a headset is not dangerous. Because The phone is kept at a safe distance from your head. For example, in a trouser pocket or even in a bag.

  23. 23. Igor:

    Mikhail, thanks for the comment. Then the question is - why do you think the radio does not play on cell phones without connecting headphones? Answer: the wavelength of FM radio stations is 10 times longer than the wavelength of the GSM band, so the phone’s built-in antenna (their own resonance is somewhere in the range of 0.9 - 1.8 GHz) picks up these stations extremely unsatisfactorily (remember - optimal length antenna should be equal to ¼ wavelength). Thus, by connecting a headset to receive sound through headphones, a person, in fact, simultaneously connects and external antenna, which, although not intended for the cellular communications range, still performs the functions of an antenna.

  24. 24. Mikhail:

    Igor, there is no dispute that the wire with the headphones is also an antenna for receiving FM radio. And the fact that this wire is also an additional antenna for the built-in antenna of the phone itself - I don’t know what to tell you here. This can only be proven by knowing for sure that this is so. What is the point for a manufacturer to release a phone and talk about safe “hands-free” knowing that when connecting regular headphones to a phone, the normalized indicators of the impact of electromagnetic radiation on the brain will be overestimated?

  25. 25. Igor:

    Fine. Apparently, to clarify/refute this, as is often written in scientific documents“in-depth research is needed” =) If I find any, I’ll post the information here

  26. 26. Anonymous:
  27. 27. We must fight for our rights! :

    Down with these creepy emitters electromagnetic waves!

    A person has the right to health and safety!

    Where are they looking? law enforcement agencies?

  28. 28. Anonymous:

    Does anyone know the formula used to calculate this?

  29. 29. Vasily:

    I also asked this question, the towers are next to the house, about 150 meters. I even bought a device, finances allowed it, indeed the EMR in the apartment is 0.1-0.2 μW/cm2, and when measured near the head with a telephone, it reaches 100 μV/cm2 and pulsates strongly, and measured in a room that is generally communication-deaf (towers far), so at the moment the connection gave out about 500 μW/cm2, wow. Beware of your phone, which is always nearby!!! at least keep it some distance from your ear.

  30. 30. Mikhail:

    Basil, thank you, valuable information. Yes, a mobile phone emits radiation. Nobody pays much attention to this now. Although waves exist and will be emitted. This is the paradox. Maybe even cell towers aren't as harmful as the phone itself during a call. No one yet knows what is more destructive than the towers or the phone itself. Time will show. But then it may be too late. American scientists are already keeping statistics on this problem and the results are not encouraging yet. In general, the less you talk on your mobile phone, the better. The average call time per day is 2-2.5 hours.

  31. 31. Vasily:

    I read somewhere that if all the waves on earth (radio, emi) were colored, we would not see the sky. A person is already adapted to high-frequency emitters up to 1 μW/cm2. One thing is reassuring: cellular communications have been around for more than 20 years, and almost everyone has been using a phone for the last 10 years; there are no diseases; of course, long-term consequences cannot be ruled out, but we are also not going to live forever, so that in 100 years we begin to see what then the consequences.

    Of course, if the effects of emitters on humans have not yet been 100% proven, it is better to be careful, especially for children when using mobile phones. By the way, when measuring EMI from a radiotelephone in an office, around the base with the phone within a radius of 1.5-2 meters, the EMI is 0.15 μW/cm2, and when calling, the handset generally gives not bad readings, more than a cell phone, even though its base is almost nearby.

  32. 32. Evgeniy:

    I would like the cell phone towers in front of the windows to be in an aesthetically pleasing form, for example in the form of a giant plant.

  33. 33. Hope:

    oh-oh-oh, I’ve read so much here, my hair is standing on end %) . And in a search, YOU came across information about the dangers of cell towers. They started installing it 10 meters from our house. I am appealing to you, as the strong half of humanity, please advise what to do, where to start? Or wait until it’s built, and then take measurements (so, it’s a pity, because the company will suffer losses)? Thanks in advance :-D

  34. 34. Vasily:

    Hope, The company will definitely not suffer losses, they are experts in this matter, I think the tower will be in front of you, it will be higher than the roof and, accordingly, you will not end up in the danger zone.

  35. 35. Anonymous:

    Eugene, this is an additional waste of money. The question is at the expense of whom and how?

  36. 36. Mikhail:

    Hope, I agree with Vasily. First you need to prove that the antenna being installed is harmful. Until it is installed, it will be difficult to prove. It's nothing you can do. There is very little judicial experience on this issue. Now this is the business of Internet operators, which they do directly for us (and we ourselves ask for this, coming to their offices and concluding an agreement with them to connect a cell phone with support for a 3G signal, and now 4G, as well as for digital television connections). Operators are forced to increase the signal coverage area because of us, calculating where the signal is weaker and installing a tower. What would you like? There is only one way out - everyone should give up high-quality cellular communications and digital television. Ignore the regional government program for the transition from analogue to digital broadcasting. I have to disappoint you, Nadezhda. There is only one way out - to move to live in the forest.

  37. 37. Vasily:

    I wonder when these towers will disappear, after all, progress is proceeding by leaps and bounds, is it really impossible to come up with something else for receiving and transmitting signals: aesthetic, unobtrusive, with less electromagnetic radiation

  38. 38. farit:

    I’m an electrical installer who has to supply power to these towers, so they say everywhere: first the cockroaches disappeared, then the bees died, and then older people started dying from mostly cancer, where is the truth?

  39. 39. Mikhail:

    As for cockroaches and bees - perhaps. Does not affect ants. It's hard to say about cancer.

  40. 40. Vasily:

    I am inclined to trust the WHO rather than the OBS (one grandmother said). Here is a link to the WHO response from September 2013 regarding BS and cell phones.

  41. 41. Laysan:

    In our village they installed a cell tower right in the yard where children run around a school kindergarten and residential buildings, this is correct because of this cancer. Where can I go

  42. 42. Vasily:

    I would advise you to contact the sanitary and epidemiological inspection service to measure the level of electromagnetic radiation; if this does not help, then see a psychiatrist, there will be much more problems from the head. For that matter, have you ever thought about what all children eat every day and what is contained in GMO products (as if off topic for the forum, but still), radiation envelops us everywhere, with different wavelengths and intensities. And also, at this point I would check the radiation at an industrial frequency of 50 Hz, which our electrical wires emit, the WHO recommendation standard is 0.2 µT (Russia 10 µT SanPiN

  43. 43. Anonymous:

    Laysan, please re-read the article again, it says everything. Eventually, there will be cell towers everywhere. And even where you don’t want it most. It’s hard to argue with progress. If it works out for you, it won’t last long. Progress will take its toll.

  44. 44. Mikhail:

    Basil“radiation at an industrial frequency of 50 Hz, which our electrical wires emit”, as I understand it, we are talking about shielding wires? If yes, then this is unlikely to save you. Most likely, it is better to re-ground (PE - conductor) the electrical installation. There will be more benefits from this.

  45. 45. Vasily:

    Michael, Absolutely true, but in order to do something, you need to make sure of this, and the sanitary and epidemiological inspection recommends keeping all sockets in the house grounded, for safety and to reduce EMI from the wires. In general, in terms of radiation, I consider the most dangerous is electromagnetic radiation from power lines, the wavelength of which is simply enormous, which penetrates a person through, then there are meter waves from radio transmitters, but cellular communications are centimeter waves perceived only by human skin 1/40 of the wavelength and only at high dose and prolonged exposure causing heating.

  46. 46. ​​Alina:

    Those. Are the eyes most affected?

  47. 47. Ekaterina:

    We installed a tower in bunk 10, saying this is an Internet tower almost next to the house, about 100 meters away. Please tell me what harm it causes to health and can these towers be installed next to residential buildings?

  48. 48. Vasily:

    I am always surprised by how the risks associated with using mobile communications are perceived. If a person voluntarily uses a mobile phone, he perceives this risk getting sick with something is considered low, although the level of radio frequency fields from a mobile phone is much higher, and if we cannot influence the construction of new base stations, then we perceive the risk from this “scourge” as high. And often greater benefits or benefits force a person to significantly increase risks.

  49. 49. Abylai:

    Good day to all!

    I wanted to ask how dangerous it would be for the residents of the house if you installed such an antenna on the roof of a two-story house. Antenna for 4G Internet.

  50. 50. Vasily:

    Abylai, The question is not correct, how many antennas will there be and is it only 4G? The house is not exposed to electromagnetic flux, but there is information in the press that in apartments located under antennas, there is also EMR, within normal limits, figures are given from 0.7 to 2.4 μW/cm2, as if radiation from the antenna falls in the form icicles.

  51. 51. Irina:

    Please tell me where to complain if antennas have been installed?!?!?!?!?!

  52. 52. Vasily:

    To Rospotrebnadzor, if you are in Russia, they have hygiene centers in each subject, as they are called, they can send a representative to you for money to measure the electromagnetic flux density, but 1 in 100, you will exceed the standard by 10 µW/cm2

  53. 53. Andrey:

    Irina, die. It will be more pleasant for everyone. The stupid people are already fucked up with their complaints.

  54. 54. Molokovka:

    Mikhail, your trouser pocket your mobile phone will irradiate your prostate... ;)

  55. 55. Molokovka:

    Andrey, ...judging by your inadequate reaction to Irina, your head is definitely stupid! ;))))))))))))))))) Check if there is a tower in particular proximity to your home... maybe it was from this that the stupefaction occurred?! ;)

  56. 56. Vasily:

    In Sweden and Japan, the number of cellular antennas per 1 km2 is greater than in the rest of the world, but for some reason life expectancy there is longer, maybe we should healthy image life without regard to cellular antennas!

  57. 57. Mikhail:

    Molokovka, you guessed wrong. I don't carry my phone in my pants pocket. And if you can call it a telephone. And if you want to be sarcastic, then this is not the forum for you.

  58. 58. Mikhail:

    Basil, interesting opinion. I believe that cellular towers influence life expectancy, but in a way that one could completely agree with this, this is definitely not the case. Here you need to conduct research and keep statistics on many parameters. This takes time. In general, this is a separate topic.

  59. 59. Vasily:

    Michael, Research on high-frequency radiation has been going on for more than 50 years, especially in the last 20 years after the advent of cellular communications. WHO at the UN have already invested hundreds of millions of dollars in this research, do you really think, Mikhail, that this is a worldwide conspiracy?

    Interesting fact: in Sweden, the cellular communication threshold is 100 μW/cm2 (recommended by WHO), Russia is 10 μW/cm2. MPL for industrial frequency 50 Hz in Sweden is 0.2 µT (recommended by WHO), and in Russia 10 µT.

  60. 60. Ivan:

    It seems to me that the problem is not in the power of the station, but directly in the presence of HF radiation, which can resonate with the body’s own frequencies and disrupt its functioning. In this case, proximity to the station is not critical, what is important is the presence of this EM pollution, to which the body does not know how to react

  61. 61. Mikhail:

    Basil, it’s unlikely that this is a worldwide conspiracy. But people won’t make it up just like that, at least the majority. Where is there a 100% guarantee that base stations are installed in accordance with all permissible norms and regulations? Who checks this? And if they check, then they have the right not to tell the truth. Sweden is one of many countries that has achieved economic growth and prosperity in many areas, and for a long time. Russia is still on the way to this. It's better to do without comparisons. These are two different civilizations.

  62. 62. Vasily:

    Michael, In emotional people, the psychosomatic factor works at five plus levels, no matter how much you prove the opposite to them. Why don’t they throw away their cell phones then, these are parts of the same system? Exposure to radio frequency (RF) fields emitted by mobile phones is typically more than 1,000 times greater than exposure to fields emitted by base stations.

  63. 63. Mikhail:

    Basil, I find it difficult to answer your statement.

  64. 64. Vasily:

    Michael, information about 1000 times taken from the WHO website

    and I have a device for measuring EMR from 50 MHz to 3.5 GHz, just cellular communications, the maximum value of 450-500 μW/cm2 from the phone was recorded deep in the building at the time the call was received, and the average value from the BS in the room was 0.25 µW/cm2.

  65. 65. Victoria:

    We have a cell phone tower installed near our house, it is at least 20 meters away from us. It is harmful to health because nuclear signals are sent directly to us, and they installed this tower on a children's playground. What should we do?

  66. 66. Anonymous:

    When you are irradiated, communication is no longer necessary *CRAZY*

  67. 67. If:

    If the tower were harmless, then it would be placed even near the State Duma, the tax administration, but they stand near ours simple houses, here is the answer: -!

  68. 68. Vasily:

    If, You no longer know what to come up with to justify your ignorance; there’s no other way to call it. Take Victoria into your company with her “tower reactor”.

    I would understand if you had a phobia and didn’t use your phone, but you wrote a message here and talked on it, without even understanding what kind of EMR comes from it.

  69. 69. Alex:

    Remoteness of the TV tower. The 22-storey building under construction is separated from the TV tower by two 14-storey buildings and 1100 meters. The windows do not face the TV tower.

    Question: is the distance from home to the TV tower safe?

    Where can I find out the radiation pattern

  70. 70. Nina Alexandrovna:

    Thank you for giving such a reasoned answer (with simple calculations). YOU are a great fellow.

  71. 71. Alexander:

    My grandmother built a tire shop next door. They put an MTS tower right behind the fence and animals (geese, ducks, turkeys, bulls, chickens) are constantly walking around in the garden. Do you think it will harm them??? :(

  72. 72. Vasily:

    Alexander, why don't you worry about your grandmother's health first?

    How good it is for the animals that they don’t know what a cell tower is, otherwise the producer bull stopped doing his job out of excitement, and the chickens left the grandmother without eggs :-D

  73. 73. Mikhail:

    Basil, you are Joker! =) I’m thinking here that if 4G communication has appeared, then 5G is probably just around the corner and so on. This means that the data transmission speed will increase and therefore the base transmitter powers will need to be increased. Time will tell how “harmful” this will be. In the meantime, I think that cellular communications are still more harmful than all these towers. A cell phone is essentially the same receiver-transmitter as a tower, only the phone is in your pocket, and the other receiver-transmitter (tower) is raised to the nth height. I think why do so many people have more and more questions about all these towers and radiation? Because the Creator did not create life near the electromagnetic field. I didn’t create it and that’s it! And we live. We live in spite of everything, as technological progress has come up with. In the meantime, we will live, more and more new questions will be asked. I'm not suggesting anything, this is just thinking out loud.

  74. 74. Vasily:

    Michael, as far as I know, the electrical power of transmitters has only decreased with the advent of 4G communications.

    Regarding cell phones, most people do not have the principle of understanding how it works, and even more so, if everyone around them uses a cell phone, the risk of using it in the understanding of an individual is reduced

    Initially, there were not only electromagnetic fields, but also GMOs, harmful emissions into the atmosphere, and much more, nothing, people live and adapt

  75. 75. Niko:

    It may not be harmful, but the cost of an apartment after the appearance of such a tower under the window is noticeably reduced.

  76. 76. Researcher:

    Bad article. “regular home Wi-Fi” - that’s gone down the drain. Everyone knows that Wi-Fi is VERY harmful. And lastly, cellular communications are NOT radio waves. As much as possible.

  77. 77.admin:

    Researcher, do you want to say that we are all being deceived, and phones operate in a different frequency range?

  78. 78. Researcher:

    Here, in principle, there is no need to dance in circles. Everything has long been explained by scientists: UNDER the tower you can only receive a reflected signal. This means that there is no great danger under the tower. Another thing is when some idiots are sleeping and put their cell phone on the floor near the head of the bed, i.e. they receive a DIRECT signal because the “emitter” is located BELOW. This is radiation, be healthy, forgive me for the carom.

    But you better tell me this. So you write here “installed an MTS tower”, “installed a Beeline tower”... What, it turns out that for each operator new and new towers will be installed? Or is it still possible to put the same radiation on one tower? Or the more operators on the tower, the stronger the radiation? That's what interests me.

  79. 79. Researcher:

    admin writes:

    Researcher, are you saying that we are all being deceived and that phones operate in a different frequency range?

    Nobody is cheating. Cell phones are OF COURSE in a different range, read any instructions.

  80. 80. Sapiens:

    Hello. worked at Ericsson as an engineer 4 years ago. A former colleague, now an operator network optimizer, comes to me with a proposal to install a BS-audor on my site in a private house. In principle, I am not against it, but there is one condition on my part for installing the tower. One tower, at 15-20m, costs a lot of money. I'm interested in business and I don't see any harm in it, since the radio and antennas will stand high. The connection in the area is really bad. Now they are looking for a candidate with a tower. So I’m wondering, shouldn’t the operator himself install the tower?

  81. 81. Titmouse:

    I worked in mobile communications for about 5 years. But not in Moscow, but in Alma-Ata.

    The standard power of base stations is 47 dbm, which corresponds to 50 W (standard power in the city), and 51 dbm - 120 W (Such power was not turned on in the city, only outside the city). So in Almaty it was prohibited to install base station antennas on residential buildings. And in Moscow there is complete chaos. By the way, Vasiltsovsky camp 5.2, suicide bombers generally live there on the top floors. The antenna is directly above the roof window. It’s generally not clear how the antennas were installed there without the consent of the residents.

    In your case, it’s difficult to give advice. A meter is called and measures the field strength in your apartment. If it falls into the data in the table, then you are lucky. I can tell you from my own experience - we had a base station at work that was designed to work indoors, so 30 minutes of being nearby ended in headaches. Cellular antennas are all directional and concentrate power in a certain direction. If the antenna is not aimed strictly at you, then in principle there is nothing to worry about. But it is not recommended to stay closer than 5 meters for a long time near the switched on antenna, no matter where it is looking.

  82. 82. Vova Putin:


    >Bad article. “regular home Wi-Fi” - that’s what they ruined. Everyone knows that Wi-Fi is VERY harmful.

    Yes? And what? Did someone die from it or what? Radio has existed for almost 1.5 centuries and so far it has not harmed anyone, well, of course, if you stick your head in a microwave oven... And so, radio transmitters of the power that are used in a cellular network, and especially in a waffle, do not significantly affect health. For almost 150 years of radio use by humanity, “in small doses” it has not harmed anyone.

    >And lastly, cellular communications are NOT radio waves. As much as possible.

    What is this then, excuse me?

  83. 83. Serik:

    Titmouse, I live in Almaty (Ryskulov Akhrimenko district). Across the house from me there is a Tele2 tower (turned towards me). Everything is fine, but after installing it I had problems with the Internet... very strong interference. The Altel modem began to receive poor reception. There are also problems with wifi, a neighbor is connected to my wifi, and his Internet constantly disappears. We changed modems, adapters, installed a repeater... checked the equipment in my office... everything works.

    In it legal to install a tower in the private sector? It’s just that I’m not the only one having problems, and we’re thinking about a class action lawsuit.

  84. 84. Andrey:

    Recently I began to notice (listen) that my actions. down to the details, they are discussing from the house opposite. This house houses a hotel with antennas on the roof, like a cell tower. As I understand it, they almost have a video image (mine).

    Guys, help (who is dedicated), I’m reluctant to see a doctor. Could this be possible and how can I hide (without moving)?

  85. 85. Mikhail:

    Andrey, apparently you can’t do without a doctor

  86. 86. Tamara:

    There's a cell tower. connection between a megaphone and a beeline is located on a 9-storey building. My son, he is 12 years old, and my mother live on the 9th floor. It turns out that he is 5 meters from her. I'm very worried about their health! I filed a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor, but they told me that there was no harm to the body. But I do not believe! If I'm right please help me. Find the truth!

  87. 87. Tamara:

    Do you happen to live in Tobolsk??? I live in a hotel where there is a tower! Andrey,

  88. 88. Vasily:

    Tamara, I don’t think that you can win here and the towers will be removed if Rospotrebnadzor gave you such a conclusion. If this worries you so much, I advise you to contact an independent expert, now there are enough of them everywhere to carry out EMR measurements, the service will be paid. But in practice of measurements, I do not think that the radiation will exceed the standard, and the figure will be several times lower.

  89. 89. Vasily:

    Tamara, during long-term measurements of EMR in the Central Federal District, the following values ​​were identified in the premises of buildings on the roofs of which towers are installed, the average value is 0.89 μW/cm2, the maximum is 5.21 μW/cm2, with a standard of 10 μW/cm2.

High-quality mobile communications matter, as in Everyday life citizens and in the activities of most organizations.

To ensure a wide coverage area and establish a continuous, stable signal, cellular operators are forced to place equipment as concentrated as possible, including in residential neighborhoods.

How safe is this neighborhood for the population?

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The influence of radio signals on human health

Today, civilized human life takes place under the continuous influence of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Its sources are electronics and household appliances and, of course, wireless communications.

Radio communication is the transmission of high frequency electromagnetic waves from a transmitter to a receiving device. Thus, every person using a mobile phone is constantly exposed to an electromagnetic field (EMF).

At a certain level electromagnetic radiation may have adverse effects on the health of people and other living beings, and cause malfunctions in the operation of navigation equipment and other devices.

Staying for a long time in an area with an increased level of EMF can cause:

  • Physiological disorders(nausea, headache, increased fatigue);
  • Psychological disorders(irritability, decreased level of self-control).

With a significant increase in the intensity of exposure to radio waves on the human body, the internal organs of the following systems may be affected:

  1. Endocrine;
  2. Nervous;
  3. Immune;
  4. Reproductive.

Such exposure can have extremely negative consequences for health, resulting in the development of serious diseases in a person, including oncology.

Intense exposure to EMR is especially dangerous for children, pregnant women, people suffering from diseases of the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, and allergies.

Are towers harmful?

Cellular communications are built on the principle of interaction between base stations and the directly receiving device (mobile phone, tablet, navigator).

The interaction is based on the transmission of an electromagnetic signal in the UHF (ultra high frequency) range.

The radius of the base station signal depends on:

  • The cellular standard used by the operator;
  • Loads;
  • Building densities;
  • Equipment used by the operator.

Coverage of a certain area is achieved by installing cell towers based on the cell principle. Hence the name – cellular communications.

The operating technology of the cellular system assumes that the maximum radiation energy is concentrated and directed away from the structures on which the base station antennas are located.

The power of the station is not constant and is regulated depending on the load on the network.

Cellular base stations located outside cities are often equipped with signal amplifiers to increase its range. Accordingly, the level of EMR near such objects will be higher.

Conducted studies and measurements in the area adjacent to the place where cellular base stations are installed confirm that the EMR level is within standard values ​​and practically does not differ from the background radiation level characteristic of a particular area.

Thus, it is safe for citizens to live in close proximity to the location of cell phone towers if:

  1. The equipment is located above the nearby building area;
  2. The equipment parameters comply with established sanitary and hygienic standards.

If the base station signal is directly directed towards a nearby building, then such a neighborhood can be hazardous to health.

Cellular base station on the roof of a house

In cities with dense buildings, cellular operators are often forced to install equipment on the roofs of high-rise buildings, including residential buildings.

Such actions are not prohibited by law(installation of industrial equipment on the territory of residential buildings is not allowed, and cellular communication equipment is not one of them), but require compliance with a certain procedure.

Equipment placement parameters must comply with established standards:

  • The EMF level in the adjacent area should not exceed 10 mW/cm2;
  • Depending on the radiated power, the antenna should be erected at a level of 1.5 to 5 meters from the roof surface and at a distance of 10–25 meters from other buildings;
  • The possibility of people accessing the roof must be excluded.

The telecom operator must obtain permission from the supervisory authority to install the equipment, as well as the consent of the owners of the premises located in the house on the roof of which the base station is supposed to be built.

The owners’ decision to approve the installation of equipment is made at a general meeting in accordance with Article 44 of the RF Housing Code, and at least two-thirds of all owners must vote for such a decision.

After this, the telecom operator develops design documentation containing all the characteristics of the installed equipment, which, in turn, must be certified.

The equipment is put into operation after the communications organization receives a sanitary and epidemiological certificate. Further, at least once every 3 years, control measurements of the EMF level are carried out.

Government regulation

At the state level, standards are established that reflect the safe limits of EMR from radio transmitters.

In Russia, the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards SanPiN 2.1.8/ are in force, approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 06/09/2003 No. 135.

The government agency authorized to monitor the level of EMR from cellular base stations is Rospotrebnadzor.

It is to this body that complaints about possible violations by telecom operators should be sent.

If, as a result of the inspection, the fact of exceeding permissible level EMR, then through the court officials of Rospotrebnadzor may demand the dismantling of equipment whose operation may threaten the health of citizens.

Protect the Earth's population from electromagnetic waves. About 200 scientists from all over the world made this appeal to the UN. We invite you to watch the video.

Mobile communications today have become an integral part of our daily lives. Knowing about the harm and possible negative consequences, we continue to use this type of communication.

We can limit and protect ourselves from the effects of this harmful factor by reducing the use of the device. But the question remains, the exact answer to which is not yet known: “How to reduce the impact of cell phone towers on human health and is such an impact dangerous at all?”

How dangerous is cell tower radiation?

Any exogenous factor that acts on the body leads to certain consequences, and radiation from a cell tower is no exception. In this case, the above-mentioned design generates electromagnetic signals for communication between subscribers who use mobile communications. Such radiation is considered relatively safe for society as a whole, but a cell phone tower near your home still causes harm to your health. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the influence of such a source on a person can lead to negative consequences in the form of pathologies and diseases of certain organs.

Any cell tower near the house (the harm of such a structure was determined earlier) has Negative influence on human health. However, the intensity of such an effect depends on the amount of signal it produces.

The propagation of a pulse over a particular distance depends on many factors, among which are the following:
  • Load on the structure itself, that is, the number of similar towers nearby
  • Equipment used by the operator when building the tower itself and when receiving a signal from mobile users
  • The number of buildings nearby, that is, the density of communications near the tower. The more there are, the worse the signal propagates, so with such construction great importance has not only territory, but also objects that are nearby
Radiation (and therefore harm from cell towers) is directly proportional to the intensity of its operation. This physical quantity depends on the load on the source of signal generation, that is, the more subscribers use the radiation of a particular tower, the more actively it will produce pulses. Therefore, the more intensively the tower operates, and the closer it is located, the conditionally worse the consequences it can cause for human health.

Physical characteristics of radiation from towers

Today, a lot of research is being conducted on the study of structures called cellular base stations, which have actually been proven to be harmful to health. However, opinions are divided here, since developers claim that such towers are absolutely safe for humans, because they are built in accordance with the norms of current legislation and their harmful effects do not exceed the maximum permissible threshold. Scientists still advise to beware of this type of radiation, especially if the tower is built next to the house.

Mobile operators say that the operation of the tower has a very indirect effect on a person and actually cannot cause harm to health. This is due to the fact that the signal that propagates goes at a high altitude from the surface of the earth (since it is actually generated at the very high point structures), downward radiation reaches approximately 700-1000 times less than the main path according to the principle of cellular construction. However, according to physical laws, energy dissipation is directly proportional to the square of the distance. That is, the closer the distance to the source of radiation, the greater the impact it will have on a living organism, even taking into account the fact that much less energy reaches the ground than is in the air.

Cellular antennas on residential buildings also cause harm to human health. Such structures produce much less radiation, but their dimensions are also proportionally reduced. As a result, the distance between the room where people are and the point in space where more harmful energy is generated is reduced. Radiation in such places significantly exceeds the permitted 10 μW/cm for safe exposure to the human body. Added to this is electromagnetic energy from other devices. household items and devices for public use, which also serve as a source of hazardous exposure.

Therefore, the harmful effects produced by a cell phone tower near the house (the harm of such a neighborhood has been indisputably proven) from a biological point of view, affects the human body extremely negatively, since it can cause many diseases of internal organs.

The impact of cell towers on human health

Cell towers undoubtedly harm human health. The only question is how much harmful radiation falls on the human body and in proportion to this, what harmful consequences this may entail.

The closer a person is, the more energy his body absorbs, which in turn can lead to the following consequences:

  1. Deterioration of the central nervous system, which is manifested by general weakness, drowsiness, headaches, sleep problems, etc.
  2. Increased risk of developing disorders of the cardiovascular system, including pathologies of the bloodstream, myocardium, epicardium, pericardium, up to the occurrence of a heart attack
  3. Changes in hormonal levels, against the background of this, the development of diseases of the genitourinary system is possible, which over time, in extreme forms, can lead to the development of impotence or the inability to fertilize in men or failure to bear a child in women
  4. Deterioration of well-being, development of acute conditions in chronic diseases, up to the development of bronchial asthma in people suffering from allergic diseases of various origins
  5. Disruption of the body by changing its homeostasis, which leads to inflammatory diseases in internal organs
This list is not exhaustive. The effect of a cell phone tower on a person (the harm to health was described above) depends on the individual characteristics of the structure of the body, the possibility of its adaptation and protective abilities in relation to the action of harmful exogenous factors. Therefore, you need to take into account that a hardy and hardened organism is conditionally in a lower risk zone.

Pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding should also be wary of radiation from cell towers. A child, while in the womb, especially in the first months of pregnancy, is very susceptible to the effects of negative influence factors of both endogenous and exogenous origin. In this case, radiation acts as a teratogenic factor, which can cause various pathologies of fetal development or even cause termination of pregnancy due to fetal death in particularly severe cases. Nursing mothers should also be wary of radiation, since negative energy can cause changes in the structure of milk, which in turn will lead to disturbances in the development of the nervous or digestive systems of the child's body.

How to protect yourself from the influence of a cell tower near your home?

There are several ways to reduce exposure to harmful radiation or eliminate it completely. First of all, it is necessary to determine the amount of energy that can conditionally affect a person. Answering the question "from a cell tower?" It is worth advising you to contact specialists from the relevant services, who will determine the level of harmful effects on human health directly at the structure, as well as in the houses that are located next to it.

It is also worth remembering that radiation from a cell tower (we will consider the safe distance to be conditionally violated, as is often the case during the construction of such structures) can be reduced with the help of certain building materials. For example, glass reduces harmful effects by 2-3 times, and concrete structures transmit 30 times less radiation . We can conclude that by being indoors, a person reduces the harmful effects of a cell tower on his body.

Cleaning your apartment or house will help partially reduce this. The influence of moisture relatively neutralizes the harmful energy that certain time accumulated in the house.

If you initially have the opportunity to choose to build a house, it is advisable not to start it in places where towers are located or their construction is planned in the near future. In circumstances where there is no choice of location for the future construction, it is necessary to minimize the harmful effects on the body. You should be wary of radiation of this origin and its contact with the body, as this can lead to negative consequences such as the development of pathologies or diseases caused by this external factor.