Movement of vessels in real time online. Real-time ship movement map

1.1. These rules govern the relationship between the Visitor/User/Customer and the Contractor for the provision of Services.
1.2. The Contractor posts on the Site information about the Services offered and other information related to the activities of the Contractor. Changes, including information about the provision of Services on the Site and their cost, are made by the Contractor in unilaterally without prior notice to the User. The information is valid until the Contractor makes appropriate changes, unless another period is additionally specified by the Contractor.
1.3. Full and unconditional consent and acceptance of these Rules is the placement by the Customer of the Application in the manner established on the Site.


2.1. Site visitor is a person who came to the Site without the purpose of placing an Application. 2.2. User - a visitor to the Site who accepts the terms of this Agreement and wishes to place an Application on the Site.
2.3. Customer - the User who placed the Application on the Site.
2.4. Contractor - a legal entity whose description of the Services is posted on the Site. Information about legal entity: Kvazar LLC (OGRN 1142536007790, INN 2536276283, KPP 253601001, location: Vladivostok, Dalzavodskaya st., 2a. Office 218.)
2.6. Services - information Services provided by the Contractor and available for Application on the Site.
2.7. Application - a duly completed request from the Customer for the provision of the Service selected on the Site.


3.1. By providing his personal data when submitting an application form on the Site, the Customer gives the Contractor his consent to the processing and use of his personal data in accordance with Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” dated July 27, 2006. different ways indefinitely and for the purposes specified in this Agreement.
3.2. The Contractor uses the Customer’s personal data for the purposes of:
- registration by the Customer of the Application on the Site;
- feedback with the Customer.
3.3. Personal data collected by the Contractor:
- Customer's phone number;
- Address Email Customer;
- Full name of the Customer.
3.4. The Contractor undertakes not to disclose information received from the Customer. At the same time, disclosure of information is not considered a violation of obligations if the obligation for such disclosure is established by the requirements current legislation RF.
3.5. The customer may withdraw his consent to the processing of personal data after personal appeal to the Executor.


4.1. The Contractor reserves the right to make unilateral changes to these rules. Changes to the terms of these rules come into force after they are published on the Site.

We already know how to track any fire on the planet in real time, we can track any plane in the sky online- now let's try find any sea vessel, which is right in this moment time plows the endless expanses of seas and oceans.

Today we can easily find out where there are simply teeming with predatory oil tankers and where the largest cruise ship in the world is currently located.

How to track any sea vessel

So, first we need to slightly customize the service for ourselves.

Setting up the service

We turn on our language for more or less clear navigation (this is done at the very bottom of the page)…

...deciding on appearance cards…

…removing the warning about enabled cookies (location tracking)…

...and select tracking objects...

How to use the service

Move the map to the desired region of the planet (press and hold the left mouse button) and zoom in using the manipulator wheel...

The Persian Gulf is a haven for tankers, cargo ships and tugboats. It really dazzles your eyes, doesn’t it?

If you click on a sea vessel, a window will appear with detailed information about it...

By clicking on the right blue button, you will find out where the ship is heading...

If you click on the three stripes on top, they will show you the ship’s path traveled...

We find a specific sea vessel

Now let's find the largest cruise ship in the world. We go down to the very bottom of the service and click on “Ships”...

...we get to special page service, where we enter the name of the vessel in the search field... the “Received” column, click on the map icon - we see the location of our ship on the map...

Oh, I set the name of the cruise ship that is in the title picture of the article (Carnival Sunshine). And here comes the champion among liners - Allure of the Seas...

...he hangs out near the Virgin Islands. As you can see, there are no tankers here at all, but there are a million cool yachts - life for many people is vibrant and sparkling, despite the global crisis.

The end of the intrigue - here is the service described above...

Special thanks to my beloved wife for this excellent and interesting service found on the Internet.

To new useful and interesting sites and services.

Marine Traffic is a resource with which you can track the position of ships on an AIS (Automatic Identification System) map. This is done very simply: in the search window you need to enter the name of the vessel, and the service will show where it is currently located. In addition to the name and type of the ship, you can find out its course, the country to which it belongs, its speed and other useful data.

The service is convenient to use - ships different types are highlighted in different colors, the direction of their movement is shown, and those who are at anchor are indicated separately.

Video: MarineTraffic - the world's most popular online vessel tracking service

When you hover the cursor over the icon, information about the ship appears in a pop-up window: name, country of registration, destination. If you click on it, the system will show more detailed information, right down to the photo.

How does Marinetraffic work?

AIS technology is used to create a ship map – automatic system identification. Each ship has a transmitter that constantly transmits information over the air using radio waves. Mobile and satellite connection, therefore this technology is cheaper than analogues. Any receiver operating on VHF or VHF frequencies can pick up the signal.

Broadcast coverage depends on several factors. The most significant ones are the transmitter power and the height of the receiving antenna. But even the weakest repeater can broadcast within a range of 75 km. This is enough for ships to become aware of each other's presence from a safe distance.

Want to find out where and what ships are or find the location of a particular vessel in real time, then select the desired quadrant on the map and look through the ships" movement. To find out what the vessel is and who it belongs to, just click on the marker of interest on the ship map.

More options (if the map above is not available)


Information on Russian river steamers (with photos).


Find the ship and see its photo.


Information about the location of training ships.
Information on the location of vessels is provided based on data from the industry monitoring system (OSM). The positioning time is set to UTC.


Information on Polish courts.
“The Maritime Shipping section consists of the following modules: Maritime Agencies, Vessel Catalog, List of Regular Lines.
This section contains a list of Polish ships in service with their full characteristics. In addition to detailed technical data, photographs, illustrations and specifications can be found here. It is possible to find all the information for any vessel by specifying its name, type of vessel, ship owner or technical parameters.”


If you want to see a photo of the ship, and brief information about the ship.


Website to monitor the vessel in real time

search by container name. You can search for a ship by name, by IMO, etc.

In general, search across all courts in the world, but registration is required.

You can find a ship in real time by name.
Overall a great site.

The search contains a lot of information on the vessel, photos, descriptions, and upon registration, access to the full database.

shows a photo of the vessel, brief information about it, current location, ports of call..
registration required

View information and photos on the ships of the shipping company MSC Ships.
Photo super quality!!!

AIS (AIS Automatic Identification System) is a system that allows you to identify and track online vessel movement with an accuracy of 10 meters. Besides AIS vessel locations provides information about their type, dimensions, destination, speed, expected time of arrival, and makes it possible to familiarize yourself with the history of routes and the expected course. The specified information is presented in a card, to open which you need to click on the object of interest. Online access to ships' AIS provided directly by ships using a radio frequency transmitter. Some vessels or ports may not be viewable due to range limitations, interference, weather conditions, affecting radio communications. If " marine traffic” does not display the object you want, please try again later.

Real-time vessel traffic map covers the whole world and provides the user with the opportunity to see their arrangement in various ports and areas of the world. To find ships in other regions and ports, you need to zoom out on the map and select the desired sector.

The Answer-Logistic portal focuses on the current movement and positions of vessels according to AIS in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland and the port of St. Petersburg. Note that ship deployment displayed with a slight delay. Find out the time elapsed since last update coordinates, you can by hovering the cursor over an object.
