Print and save transparent graphics. Transparency and masking in Adobe Illustrator Adobe illustrator how to remove white background

When working with images, you have to separate flies from cutlets, i.e. background from the picture.

There are many places where you can download great clipart, most of which come with a white background. Of course, we need to get rid of it. I remembered four ways to do this. They will be discussed in this article.

Method 1

Remove the white background from the image using the Magic Eraser tool.

This is one of the simplest and fastest ways to perform this type of operation. With the eraser selected in the toolbar, click it on the white background. As a result, all white pixels will be removed and you will see a checkerboard background, which indicates the presence of transparency instead of a background.

But it may happen that in addition to the white background, pixels close to the white shade may be removed from the image itself.

As you can see in the image above, part of the sword and some elements on the knight's armor have been removed. There are two reasons for this unpleasant effect. Let's turn to the tool options panel.

1. Adjacent pixels. see if this setting is checked. Its absence means that all pixels of a similar color will be deleted (which is why the above parts of the image disappeared). Check the box and Photoshop will delete only those pixels that touch each other.

2.Tolerance Often the background consists of a whole set of shades, for example, the same white color. The higher the tolerance value, the more of these shades the program will remove. Most often, this refers to the border around the image (a small border of pixels remaining from the background). Increase the tolerance and the border will get smaller and smaller.

There is another useful command for removing border: Layer - Edge Treatment - Remove Border.

Method 2 Selecting the background using the Magic Wand tool.

The most important thing is to remember to unlock the background layer. I have written about this more than once, but I will repeat it again. If there is a small lock on the layers palette near the layer thumbnail, it means it is locked. Double click on this layer Forms it into a new one, which can be edited.

Now, having selected the Magic Wand, click on the background. He will stand out as Marching Ants. All that remains is to press the Backspace key. The chess background will reappear.

As with the magic eraser, pay attention to the tolerance and adjacent pixel parameters. They work the same way.

Method 3

Briefly it looks like this:

1. We have an image. We want to remove all the white so that only the transparent background remains.

2. Create a duplicate of the blue channel. Press Ctrl+L. The Levels window appears. We begin to move the sliders so that everything gray becomes as close to black as possible. In other words, we need to achieve such a result that what we want to remove becomes white and the rest black.

3. Now click on the thumbnail of the duplicate channel we created while holding down the Ctrl key. A selection has appeared. Most likely, the selection will have to be inverted - press Shift+Ctrl+I. Now you can either press Backspace to delete the excess, or create a duplicate layer by pressing Ctrl+J to move the selection to a new layer. In my example, I added a texture, this is how it turned out:

Method 4

If in the previous methods a transparent part remained after removal, now we will learn how to change it to a different background. This method is associated with the feature blending modes Burn and Multiply.

So, in the picture below, on the left we have the same knight, and on the right the texture.

In the layers palette, place the texture at the top and select the overlay Darken or Multiply. The knight became visible. But there's a catch. Some image elements that were also white became texture colors.

We'll fix it now. Add a layer mask to the top layer (with the texture). Taking the Brush tool, we begin to erase the texture from visible places. Carefully, slowly, the result turned out like this:

I found a free SVG image online. I'm experimenting with web design using SVG. The problem I have is that the SVG background is white.

How to remove/remove white background using Adobe Illustrator?



Try the Direct Selection tool (shortcut A or white mouse pointer in the toolbar) and see if you can click it.

If you can't select and remove it, chances are the white "background" isn't a background at all; rather it is the color of the artboard. For obvious reasons, it's designated white in Illustrator, but ultimately it's an arbitrary thing. If you really want to change the color of the artboard, you can do so.


Assuming there is a background, you should be able to select and remove it. You can achieve this using many different methods, one problem with SVGs is that they sometimes have a lot of complex layers and groups.

First try to see if you can select it with the Direct Selection Tool, if it is in a group then double clicking the object will isolate it and you will be able to select it individually.

I don't understand why the magic wand tool doesn't work for you if it's the only white object that was supposed to work...

Alternatively, you can try to find this object from your objects, look in the layer window.

Since this is a royalty free SVG, it would be helpful if you could give us a link.


Thanks, it turns out that my "background" was a black rectangle that I found in the Layer window.


A simple web tool that allows you to change the colors of a vector image using a raster graphics editor


Please explain what you mean or how to use the tool you linked. Giving only a link without explanation is not welcome...


Sorry, I didn't have time to explain this. My tool was created 2-3 days ago, you can remove the background (or other element) of the specified color using a raster graphics editor. I also uploaded the tutorial to YouTube.


it's that simple, if you want to change the background of the SVG file, please visit the layers palette first, there you have to select the path you actually want to edit and after selecting that part (path) in the layers panel, click on the (small vertical red line ) window) at the bottom of the window will make the background transparent and done.

How to make a PNG with transparency in Adobe Illustrator? Very simple. Open the desired file and go to the File menu > Save for Web & Devices(Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S). In the window that opens, in the list Optimized file format select PNG and check the box Transparency(Transparency).

Then we determine which colors will be transparent. All colors present in the image are contained in the tab Color Table(Color table) and are displayed as colored squares. Select the tool in the toolbar on the left side of the window Eyedropper(pipette).

There are two ways to define colors. The easiest way is to specify a color with an eyedropper directly on the image - after this, the color will be highlighted on the color table with a dark stroke. If you know exactly which color should be transparent, you can select it directly on the color table by clicking the corresponding colored square. In both the first and second cases, if you need to select several colors, you need to work with the Shift (or Ctrl) key pressed. Now let's make the selected colors transparent. To do this, click the icon Maps selected colors to Transparent(Make selected colors transparent). In the top image, this icon is circled and the red color is set to transparent. A transparent area will appear in the image, and the square on the color table will change its appearance - part of it will become a white triangle. Clicking the Maps selected colors to Transparent icon again will cancel the transparency of the selected color.

A few words about the method of setting transparency. The drop-down menu is responsible for it Specify Transparency Dither Algorithm, in Russian - Algorithm for simulating transparency (Fig. below). There are four choices: No Transparency Dither, Diffusion Transparency Dither, Pattern Transparency Dither, and Noise Transparency Dither. In the diffuse algorithm mode, the Amount slider becomes active, allowing you to change the diffusion value. What to apply in practice? Depending on the purpose and image. I always leave it at the default - No Transparency Dither.

Click Save - the transparent PNG is ready. The work was done in Adobe Illustrator version CS4, but all actions and keyboard shortcuts are also relevant for earlier versions.

If the image had clear boundaries, then no further processing is required. In the case of using shadows or if the transparency boundaries are not entirely clear, sometimes you have to tinker by reopening the created transparent PNG in Photoshop and erasing the image boundaries one pixel at a time. If a transparent PNG was made by someone else and you need to use it, and the background color of the image is significantly different from the background color of the web page, then such edge processing is simply necessary. You will have to use the Pencil tool to align the colors along the edges, selecting pages close to the background. In this case, it is necessary to convert the image to RGB before processing, and after processing - back to indexed colors. The pictures show how this is done. The first image is a transparent PNG prepared for a red background (a rough red border is visible on a white background), the second is an enlarged border, completely removing which will give us “teeth”.