Finger-licking good: the best fonts for food advertising. What types of headsets are there? Choose a font without personal preference

Selecting fonts so that they fit perfectly together is not an easy task. Surprisingly, many web designers have a fairly vague understanding of how to select font pairs, which fonts are best to use for headings and subheadings, when to use italics, and so on. Meanwhile, the right choice of font can give the site individuality - and it is not necessary to use exotic typefaces for this. Even the most common fonts correct selection can look very nice.


There is no specific answer to this question - however, in most cases you can get by with one font. The main thing is that this font has several styles, at least Regular, Bold and italic. This is quite enough to create a text hierarchy. In addition, using one font saves the designer from the painful selection of a font pair. However, a single font makes the design somewhat boring, which is sometimes unacceptable.

There is an unwritten rule that you should use no more than three fonts in one design. Considering that usually a website or company logo is created using some unusual font, the designer is left with only a few options.

As a rule, in order to highlight headings, a font is used that is personalized (personality) and gives the text personality. The second font is used for regular text and it is very important that this font is readable. These fonts should be well combined with each other, since the slightest dissonance will worsen the perception of the content. Headings should be noticeable, but not flashy - after all, the purpose of the heading is to prepare the reader for viewing the next piece of text.


In graphic design, it often happens that you don’t need to choose a font at all - the company has a guideline in which everything is spelled out, including the rules for using fonts. But for the web this option does not fit - often the only thing that can be taken from the guideline is the font in which the logo is typed.

When choosing a font for the main text, first of all you need to pay attention to its readability. It's best not to try to reinvent the wheel and use "tested" fonts that looked good in previous projects. Every designer always has several proven options in stock - these are the fonts that should be used first. If we talk about Google fonts, then optimal choice there will be Droid Sans, Noto Serif and Cabin.


But this is where an ambush awaits many designers, especially beginners. Choosing a personality font is not so easy. If for the main text you can, without really straining, choose some kind of takhoma or verdana, then such a number will not work with the font for headings. A Personality font should be special, but not too flashy. It should attract attention, but only enough so that it does not interfere with reading. Each font has its own characteristics– in simple terms, some fonts are strict, others are smooth, others are sharp, etc. And if the personality font is chosen well and its appearance is harmoniously combined with the main font, then this means that the designer has fully coped with the task.

IN in this example combination of fonts used FiraSans And Merriweather.


Many fonts are created in two versions - sans serif and serif. For example, Scala Sans and Scala Serif, Meta and Meta Serif, Droid Sans and Droid Serif fonts. These fonts can be used in pairs without any fear, since the shape of the letters in sans and serifs is almost identical, but at the same time they contrast quite well with each other. For those designers who are not entirely confident in their ability to select fonts correctly, it is best to use this method, as it is the safest.

Font combination DroidSans And DroidSerif


If a calm and easy-to-read font has been chosen as the main font, then headings sometimes require that they contrast with the regular text. The main thing here is not to go too far. Contrast is good, but it should not be too noticeable, as headlines that are too flashy will distract the reader's attention.

For example, the Noto Serif font has smooth letter outlines, it is light and easy to read. At the same time, it is very expressive and, if this word can be applied to the font, friendly. What font is best to pair with it? It is best to choose a sans-serif font with similar characteristics. That is, the personal font should have similar proportions, and its outlines should echo the outlines of the main font. Questa Sans will look very good paired with Noto Serif - it is quite expressive and modern and contrasts well with the serif font.

Font combination Noto Serif And Questa Sans


If in the first two options the main emphasis was on the similar outline of the fonts, then in the third case you can enhance the contrast by choosing a font that has different proportions. Of course, this is the most difficult option - in order to use this method, the designer must have good taste. Otherwise instead stylish design It will be complete nonsense. It is impossible to give any recommendations here, since everything is subjective and depends on many factors, including the focus of the site.

A combination of dissimilar fonts is best used in landing pages, business card websites, when creating banners, etc.

Cabin font is simple, catchy and readable. You can’t call it light, it’s all “square” and dynamic, but at the same time it’s perfect for typing basic text. It can be used in cases where you need to strengthen the presentation of information and attract the reader’s attention. For a contrasting font, you can choose a serif font such as Buenard. This font is more traditional, conservative and somewhat cold. At the same time, it looks great paired with the Cabin, highlighting its dynamism with its calmness.

Font combination Cabin And Buenard


In essence, there are no strict rules governing the choice of font. Basically, all the recommendations boil down to the fact that it is better to use harmonious and readable fonts in projects. It is better not to indulge in adventures and show restraint - in in this case it will only improve the design.

But in fact, it doesn’t matter at all what fonts will be used - the main thing is final result. Sometimes it's even better when a designer takes risks and experiments with a combination of different fonts - sometimes such experiments lead to surprising discoveries.

There are a million things to consider when creating perfect landing page: choose images, colors, write a catchy title. But one thing that is often underestimated is font. Don't make the same mistake. Right choice font can have a significant impact on the final appearance of your page. After reading this article, you will learn about what to consider when choosing a font for your landing page.

is a set of rules that help the designer create unity of colors, fonts and other website elements. If your brand already has a guidebook, try to follow it in your design. If it doesn’t exist, then you should think about creating it.

You may be tempted to experiment with new fonts when creating your landing page. But you shouldn't do this. Every time a user visits your page or, for example, sees your advertisement, he gets a general idea of ​​your brand. If all this is designed in different styles, using different color range and fonts, your potential client will feel incoherent and disjointed. That's why it's so important to be consistent when it comes to style, color, and of course, fonts.

Guidelines usually indicate the entire hierarchy of fonts that are used to create a brand’s corporate identity. These rules can be immediately integrated into your design. If another brand is using a font you don't know, you can use the WhatTheFont tool on This will help you identify it.

But if your brand has a designer font, then the designer will have to try to find a similar one in order to then use it when creating a landing page. IN different browsers fonts can appear less clear, so website creators use Google Fonts to stay as close to the company's branding as possible.

By the way, from now on you no longer need to open Google service Fonts to get third-party fonts on your landing pages, because now fonts are connected directly from . We have added all the fonts from the Google Fonts collection to a visual gallery, and all you need to do is select the appropriate font, click on the connect button and use it for new or existing texts on the landing page:

Does your brand not yet have a corporate identity and font?

Below you will find two key points, which are worth considering when choosing a font for your landing page.

1. Consider your target audience

The font on the landing page should reflect the individual characteristics of your customers. Do you have a traditional business aimed at a more conservative audience, or perhaps, on the contrary, minimalistic and modern, aimed at young people?

Different audiences - different design, including font

Once you answer the audience question, you will have an understanding of style. Based on this information, you can choose the right font for your landing page.

Let's say you own a vintage clothing store with a nice, modern vibe. You can choose a traditional font for headings and a classic sans serif font for the body text. For example, you can use a font like Arvo for headings, and Open Sans, known for its readability, for body text. This will give the entire site a balanced appearance. Plus, it will have a timeless look that will go well with your retro themed company:

Or, say, you own a law firm or a luxury cosmetics brand, and you want the appearance of your website to emphasize your professionalism and inspire trust among potential clients. Then it would be better to use a classic and at the same time elegant font like Frank Ruhl Libre or Playfair Display. In the eyes of potential clients, this will once again emphasize your reliability and first-class level of service.

No matter what font you end up choosing, make sure it's web safe. You can find out which fonts are considered “safe” by reading the information below.

Using a web safe font means that users do not need to install any additional font on their computer for text to display correctly in their browser. 10 years ago there were only 13 font families that designers could use when creating websites. The current gold standard for any designer is Google Fonts. These fonts display correctly in any browser.

However, some brands use designer fonts. In this case, it is necessary to resort to the help of special tools for converting to a web safe font. But sometimes even this is no guarantee that your text will look good on screen. This is why designers often face the challenge of finding similar web safe fonts that are free and display correctly in all browsers.

When you're looking for the perfect web safe font, your best bet is to look at the Google Fonts library. In most cases, you will find a suitable option there. It contains more than 800 free licensed fonts. If you use one of them, you can be absolutely sure that users from any country will see your text correctly in any browser.

When you create a landing page, you most likely want to use more than one font. However, there are some rules for combining them.

First, never use more than three fonts on a single landing page. Secondly, make sure they complement each other. And the third rule to follow: determine the hierarchy of the selected fonts.

Here's what it looks like in practice:

1. Decide on the main font you will use for headings. To do this, you can refer to the corporate identity of your brand.

2. Then you need to select an additional font that will be used for the main text. It should be easy to read even on small screens. This, for example, is the Noto Sans font.

3. Finally, your third font should be eye-catching. It can be used on target action buttons or used to highlight certain parts of the text. A font like Montserrat is perfect for this.

Only a competent combination of fonts can have a significant impact on the appearance of your landing page.

See how in the example above, the designer used a unique font to match the martial arts theme and bring the site visitor closer to Japanese culture. The rest of the text is written in a concise, easy-to-read font. The result: a balanced design that draws the user's attention to the right places.

Above you can see two more examples of clever use of fonts. The first landing page belongs to cashback service. It uses a crisp but slightly angular Open Sans font. Thanks to this, the site takes on a modern appearance. The second example is a tea and gift shop. Its pages use the rarer Bebas Neue Regular font, also sans serif, but due to its vertical “elongation” it looks more original. In both of these examples, the font fits perfectly with the rest of the design elements and perfectly conveys the brand's values. This is the power of the font's influence.


The font you choose depends entirely on the goal you want to achieve. When you're planning your brand identity and design, think about how you want your company to be seen potential clients. Fonts are an ideal image tool. Do you want your company to look classic, serious or traditional? Then you should choose an elegant serif font. Do you want to look stylish and minimalistic? Then a sans serif font is for you. Do you need something in between? Then it’s worth combining several fonts. Simply put, the font you choose tells people a lot about your company, so you should be smart about it.

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How often do you wonder “ what font is better to use for the website?”, many people don’t pay attention to this, but in vain!

Every novice webmaster wants to somehow make their website stand out so that it stands out from the countless resources made using a template.

One of the ways is to select fonts for the site, the range of choice of which is not so wide. The webmaster’s task is to make the process of reading information as comfortable as possible. But using multiple fonts can be intimidating for the user. And using one will make the resource monotonous and gray. Many people try to install a unique font on a page, but forget that it may not be displayed on the user’s computer. After all, it is not embedded in a web page.

Therefore, if a person does not have one or another font installed on his computer, it will not be displayed. To avoid problems, you should choose available, so-called standard fonts for the site, some of which we will consider below.

Frequently used fonts

Standard fonts for the site are:

  • Times New Roman;
  • Arial; Georgia;
  • Impact;
  • Trebuchet MS;
  • Verdana and others.

They are included in the safe group. Let's look at them in more detail:

Arial. The advantage of this compact font is the height of the letters.

Tahoma. Thanks to medium-wide letters, it is ideal for technical articles.

Trebuchet MS. Most unsuitable for reading. Even with normal size 12-14 px you need to peer into the text, which leads to eye strain.

Times New Roman. The most common and widely used font. Ideal for reading, but at 12 px it looks small.

MS Sans Serif. Considered systemic Windows font. All reminders and alerts of the operating system are written on it.

Georgia. Very similar to the Times. But it has wider and sharper serifs and ends.

Comic Sans MS. The most hated by society. It is distinguished by smooth rounded outlines, slight crookedness of letters, and small distance between letters.

Courier New. Similar to the one they used to type on a typewriter. Courier New features clear, easy-to-read letters with slight compression. -Minus: unsaturated color.

Impact. Characterized by compression between characters, thick strokes, and little space in letters. It is widely used in headings, since the close distance between letters makes reading the main text inconvenient.

Verdana. An ideal font option for a website. Thanks to the optimal distance between letters and their width, reading is comfortable.

So, what is the best font to use on a website? According to recent surveys among Internet users, the best option is to make the title using Verdana, and the body text using Times New Roman. But it is possible that the entire text can be made Verdana.

It happens that the font is not displayed on the computer. In this case, you should specify not one font, but several.

For example, Verdana, Impact, Trebuchet MS. Then the browser, after failing to use Verdana, will try to use Impact and then Trebuchet. If all the specified fonts are not displayed, the system will designate its own - by default. Thus, you can easily and simply design a website to your taste, make it bright and unusual. The main thing is to prevent problems when displaying resources on the computers of resource visitors.

Innovation from Yandex. Size matters!

Following the mobile algorithm "Vladivostok", Yandex made ranking factor font size . Now the text size on a mobile site matters and its standard is 12 cm PX (or more). You can check the font for “mobile suitability” in Yandex.Webmaster.

This news caused negative criticism among site creators. After all, for example, resources made using flash technology, in order to be displayed normally on screens mobile devices, will have to create special application. And this will take a lot of time and money.

It will often turn out that sites in which the texts are comfortable and readable for the user, in mobile versions will be huge.

Interesting! Different types of fonts are not the same size. If you want to make it larger, you don't have to change its pixel size. You can experiment with choosing other fonts. For example, if you set the dimensions Times New Roman and Tahoma - 12 px - they will look different. The latter will visually look larger.

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From this article you will learn

It would seem that nothing is easier than choosing a font for a logo, flyer or presentation. Even at your disposal regular user There are a lot of options, one of which will definitely suit you. What can we say about professional designers who know perfectly well how to choose a font to solve a specific problem. However, not everything is so simple, otherwise there would not be so many examples of their unsuccessful use. Let's figure it out.

How to choose a font

The most important thing you need to determine in order to choose the right font is what reaction you expect from readers. The requirements that should be made to the appearance of letters depend on this. If you are working to fulfill an order, the expected experience should be articulated by the client. When it comes to choosing a font for your own needs, keep your target audience in mind.

The biggest challenge when choosing a font is usually determining the most objective and subjective parts of this process. After reading the text, you can begin to determine the objective aspects. The two most obvious ones are clarity and readability.

Clarity and readability may seem like interchangeable concepts, but that's not entirely true. Clarity is one of the design characteristics, including the thickness of strokes, the use of serifs, and the presence of new elements in the writing of letters.

In a high-definition font, the letters are easy to distinguish from each other. This makes the reading process comfortable when the texts are long, for example in newspapers or books. Decorative fonts are designed to attract attention, so their clarity may be poor.

Below is an example of writing the same text in the decorative serif font Tobin Tax and the classic and crisp serif font Sabon. Obviously, the text on the right is much easier to read.

  • Choose fonts with standard letters.

Letters that are too complex to execute, overloaded with decorative elements, require a lot of time to complete. pre-treatment the reader’s brain, relegating the perception of information to the background. Innovative fonts draw attention to the very appearance of the letters, making it difficult to quickly understand the meaning of the text.

  • Choose fonts with good spacing.

When the letters in a word are too close to each other, it negatively affects the speed of perception. The font should provide visually equal spacing, despite the differences in the spelling of various characters.

  • Choose fonts with good x-height.

The clarity of letters is also affected by the height of lowercase characters - when it is too small, the letters are perceived worse. But you shouldn’t choose too high a height. The font should look harmonious and easily convey information to the reader.

The clarity of the font, combined with its placement, determines how easily the text will be perceived. The concept of readability includes such parameters as style, size, tracking (distance between letters), spaces between lines of one paragraph, color. By interacting with each other, they create general impression from the text and directly influence its perception. Because this is much more important than style, readability is a priority.

Let's return to the previous example, where we used the Sabon font, and adjust its readability - reduce the size, increase the spaces between letters and lines, make the color paler. It is extremely difficult to perceive such a text. Of the two options, a person will always prefer the one on the right. It does not require effort when reading and allows you to quickly understand the content of what is written.

Readability Tips:

    Choose fonts that were designed for the purpose you have in mind(for headings, for body text, etc.). Developers take into account factors such as the ability to attract attention or comfort during long reading. This means that if you choose a font intended for headings as the main font, such text will simply be ignored by the reader due to the difficulty of perception. Conversely, a font designed for long texts will lose its advantages in a large format.

    Don't justify the text with the Justify tool to get smooth, neat edges. Justify alignment, that is, the desire to stretch text along the length of the line, leads to the appearance of spaces that interfere with perception. This effect should be avoided.

    Make sure the spacing between lines is greater than your font size, This is especially important for texts consisting of large quantity lines. When the distance from one line to another is too small, it is difficult for the eye to separate them, and there is a constant loss of the line that is needed at the moment. The reader has to go back repeatedly, which slows down the comprehension process and increases the reading time.

Which font to choose so that it matches the design

The variety of fonts that exist today allows you to choose the one that is more appropriate in each specific case. This can be determined by practical application font, as well as studying the history of its creation and original purpose. There are four parameters for assessing font compliance:

Information about why a particular font was developed helps to understand how appropriate its use will be for certain purposes. For example, Cooper Black was intended for various advertisements, and using it as the main text for a book is not a good idea.

Of course, choose such a font for printing a whole book It’s unlikely to occur to anyone, but don’t be lazy to find out more about the font you’re going to use. A minute's excursion into the history of its creation will allow you to better navigate the most appropriate ways to use the chosen font.

The font must meet the requirements of the audience for which the design of the printed product is intended. Thus, bank documents made using the Souvenir font will not look serious and respectable enough. To create the necessary associations, it is better to choose Bembo as an example of stability and reliability. This aesthetic is much more appropriate for the situation.

Here is an example of two various combinations fonts. On the left are Lithos and Souvenir, which in combination are perfect for a children's museum - not too playful, but quite solid. On the right - Clarendon and Bembo, ideal for the bank - confident and stylish.

Aesthetics tip:

  • Look at a font and write down a few words that the font is associated with, then compare them to the purpose of your design. Do they match? This simple technique will allow you to understand how to choose a font based on aesthetic goals. If you have the slightest doubt, refuse this option.

At first glance, we are talking about the same factor as above. But the mood, in addition to the aesthetics of the font, includes readability as well as the meaning of the statement. Thus, the same text, written in different fonts, can create an opposite mood.

Below is how the meaning of the phrase “relax” is perceived completely differently if you change the font and readability. The second option can least be understood as a call for rest; this is the case when the text itself and the chosen font enter into dissonance with each other. To achieve exactly the reaction you expect from the recipient, the font and readability must convey the mood as accurately as possible.

  • Imagine the completely opposite reaction to the text, and evaluate whether you managed to choose the font correctly. The inability to imagine the opposite mood indicates that you have failed the task. Apparently your choice is too neutral.

It often happens that at first glance a font is ideal for your purposes, although from a rational point of view you yourself cannot explain why you decided to choose it. For example, you want to use OCR-A for cover design, although you know very well that it was originally developed for optical scanners for the purpose of word recognition software computers.

However, this is not a reason to abandon your decision if this font matches your goals and conveys the necessary mood. If you are in doubt and think that you can choose another option, do it.

    Trust your inner voice but do not forget about the need to calculate the quantitative characteristics of your decision so that you can justify it. A careful approach to font selection can justify even the most unexpected proposal.

    Develop your own font rating scale. Make a list of the requirements that you yourself use to choose a font. Is it possible to express them using numerical values? By what parameters is it possible to compare them?

Even those moments that at first do not seem important require your attention. So, if you are faced with the task of choosing a font for text with a large number of numbers, you should make sure that they are in the version you want to give preference to. Different fonts can use upper or lower case numbers - Lining or Old Style.

At first, it seems that uppercase numbers are much easier to understand; the absence of subscripts makes reading faster, without distracting attention with some decorative writing. But in some cases, lowercase makes it easier to understand closely spaced characters. Don't forget about the mood: the second option looks more old-fashioned, and this can be used in appropriate cases.

Another point worth paying attention to is the presence of all ligatures (letter connections) and capitals (small capital letters). If the font size is large, the lack of ligatures will negatively affect its beauty. Unfaithful ones will spoil the overall appearance capital letters, which are generally not typical for the Russian alphabet.

Let's try to transform all the information presented above into practical recommendations to help you choose a font. Perhaps in this form it will be easier for you to follow them, drawing on the experience of a large number of designers.

The first step to choosing a font is to have a clear idea of ​​the content and typographic hierarchy of the project you're working on. Typically, at least five typefaces are required to highlight headings and subheadings, that is, to create the structure of the text. Remember that typeface is not the same as font.

Does the font you want to choose have enough power to convey visible changes through italics, highlighting, or small caps? Isn't it necessary to apply the second one so that the hierarchy is more pronounced? Or the third?

Using the same text as an example, let us consider how differently this task can be implemented. In each specific case, the number of levels required by your text can be used.

When choosing fonts, don't try to reinvent the wheel. Much has already been done many times before, so first use ready-made solutions that have been tested by time and the experience of designers. The Fonts In Use site can provide significant help, containing a lot of useful information about how to choose a font based on successful projects of professional designers. The ability to apply and interpret what has already been done before you is a very valuable quality.

The following tips will make your font selection experiments faster without sacrificing quality:

    Create style sheets that are different for web and print. They are easy to change, which means they will make work more mobile. Web Font Specimen will also be a good help for choosing a font.

    Experiment by playing with the sizes of the hierarchy elements, thereby increasing and decreasing the degree of tension.

    Evaluate the results after each change in any one parameter.

    Submit your version to the judgment of an independent expert. From the outside, obvious mistakes may be noticeable.

There is no single approach to the classification of fonts, so you should not delve into this issue too deeply. It is generally accepted to divide fonts into serif (serif), sans serif (grotesque) and all others.

Serif is a serif font, while sans serif is a sans serif (serif is the small dashes at the ends of letters).

The third group includes handwritten fonts that imitate calligraphy or handwriting, monospaced, typical for typewriters and code editors, symbolic (icons, symbols, emoji) and display fonts, that is, any decorative fonts created for the design of large inscriptions, headings and logos.

Tip #5. Use a serif font for long texts

To design fairly long texts, be it an article, instructions or a letter, it is recommended to give preference to a serif font, that is, serif. In this form long text much easier to understand. Traditional book publishing uses serif, so if that suits your purposes, you should choose this type of font.

For Windows users I can recommend Georgia, the font that is traditionally used on the site - The New York Times and comes with Microsoft Office Garamond, which most readers have been accustomed to since childhood. Mac OS also has Georgia, Iowan Old Style is no less good, one of the options offered in the iBooks reader, and PT Serif.

Tip #6. Use a sans serif font for short texts

Grotesque and sans-serif fonts are used today, perhaps, more often than serifs. We meet them on websites, in advertising, software interfaces, even in printing. Its original purpose was to attract attention, now it is traditionally used for those cases where it is necessary to use short phrases - logos, slide presentations, posters.

On Windows, these are fonts such as Verdana, Tahoma and Segoe UI. For those who use Mac OS, this list is expanded to include Helvetica Neue and Helvetica (by the way, a separate film is dedicated to it). New font from Apple – San Francisco, present on all interfaces, packaging and even the company’s official website, is for unknown reasons not included in the system and is available only after downloading and subsequent installation.

Having superficial information about a font, without delving into the history of its creation, you can put yourself in an absurd and even funny position if you choose the option that seems the most obvious.

The name Trajan, for a designer not very knowledgeable in history, can be interpreted as something close to Ancient Greece, and he will use it to design the cover of a monograph on antiquity. However, the author of this font was inspired by the inscriptions on Trajan's Column, erected in the name of the Roman victory over the Dacians.

To avoid funny situations, you should choose a font more carefully based on its origin. When in doubt, for academic topics it is better to use a neutral version like Arno.

Strict adherence to this rule will allow you to become good professional in printing. What is it?

    You should not immediately decide to choose Papyrus if the project is dedicated to ancient Egyptian themes (in other cases, this is also far from the most successful option).

    It is bad form to use Comic Sans based solely on the fact that you are working with a humorous text.

    Lithos is the first thing that comes to mind for not very creative designers who need to design an article about a Greek restaurant.

    If the text is about the future, it does not mean at all that you cannot choose other fonts besides Futura.

Maybe when choosing a font you shouldn’t rely on associations that inevitably arise? Not at all, but let this connection be a little deeper than what lies on the surface.

The easiest way to find a huge number of fonts available to everyone is on Google Fonts. Today there are 76 Cyrillic font families, each of which consists of several style options. Another way to expand your collection of Cyrillic fonts for free is to follow promotions in the MyFonts online store. There you can choose among hundreds of options.

Large selection of free Cyrillic fonts in Google Fonts.

A rarer practice today is to use a trial version on the font manufacturer’s website. But here you need to be careful, since there is a danger of choosing free option, the quality of which may not be sufficiently developed. Another caveat is that it may be restricted for commercial use, so check the license first.

Naturally, those who purchase them for money have the opportunity to choose a font from the largest number of options. The online font store MyFonts is popular among designers. About two thousand Cyrillic fonts are available to its visitors. Another option to buy the font you need is to go to the websites of foundries - enterprises that develop and sell fonts. The most famous are Parachute, Colophon, Radim Pesko, Commerical Type, Grilli Type, as well as the Russian Paratype, Lebedev Studio, Letterhead, Type Today and Brownfox.

You can visit such resources not only for the purpose of purchasing, but also to gain inspiration and learn how to use fonts competently. Here is an example of how the most ordinary grotesque can look completely different if you take a non-trivial approach. Fonts In Use gives you the opportunity to explore a huge number of options.

The price of one typeface, as a rule, is about three thousand rubles. Moreover, bold or italics will have to be purchased separately, paying the same amount. Of course, a wholesale purchase, that is, purchasing an entire font family, will be cheaper.

If you use a font that is not available in a standard office suite, take care to ensure that whoever is viewing your work has it. To do this, it is included in the file or transmitted separately.

A humorous project to use Comic Sans for logos of large companies.

The conclusion from this is obvious: before choosing a font, determine the scope of its use. Gothic letters would be absolutely out of place on the sign of a pie shop, and the logo of a martial arts club made in ancient Slavic script would cause, to say the least, bewilderment.

If you find it difficult to choose, stick to time-tested options, especially if the order is urgent. By using a combination of serif and sans-serif fonts, you may not create a masterpiece, but you will end up with a solid design that is suitable for many purposes.

Take advantage of examples that can be gleaned from professional typographic resources and publicly available designs from famous designers. Surely there are successful discoveries in your practice that you can use by slightly changing your approach in accordance with the new task facing you.

The opinions of professionals differ on this issue, but it is still worth heeding the recommendation to create your own list of favorite fonts, selecting them from the most popular ones. After all, they are respected by specialists for a reason.

There are famous designers who have used no more than twenty fonts throughout their entire career. You can use FontShop’s 100 Best Typefaces as a basis for creating your own palette. If you diversify this list of fonts that have long been included in the classics of typography with several new ones, and also select two or three fonts from the latest developments, you can solve almost any problem.

In the example below you can see how the combination of Bembo and Haptic Pro fonts creates a seamless combination of classic and modern.

It's likely that the main thing you need to think about is not how to choose a font that perfectly matches your theme, but how to use the basics of typography correctly. To create a successful layout, not only the font is important, but also its size, bold or italic style, leading, the size of the spaces between letters, the width of the fields, the symbols used - types of quotes and dashes, the color and hierarchy of the text and many other factors.

Works here Golden Rule: the simpler the better. It applies equally to both design and content. Complex text with a lot of highlighting, insertions and subheadings it is difficult to layout.

It is possible that only the hundredth idea will be truly good, and this is not surprising. Don't forget that knowing the features of using fonts, you are ready for creative self-expression. To achieve more impressive results, you should first determine the limits of your potential.

How to choose a font for a logo

Let's look at what logos of famous companies look like, what underlies their effectiveness, what associations they are based on, and how they interact with other components of the brand.

The candy company Pez decided to choose a font for its logo that was visually similar to a type of candy. It is simple and playful, and its unpretentiousness emphasizes the accessibility and ubiquity of the product.

The signature Coca-Cola curls and the Disney logo, reminiscent of the signature of the company's founder, work to associate it with something informal, friendly, and endearing.

The logo of the international financial corporation HSBC is made in a classic serif font and in capital letters, representing a symbol of reliability and stability.

Another banking conglomerate, Citigroup, opted for lowercase sans-serif fonts, thereby demonstrating democracy and accessibility.

The For Dummies manual series logo includes the letters different sizes, which emphasizes the informality of these publications and the accessibility of mastering skills for everyone.

Thus, the font used in the logo itself already contains information about the features of your business.

Before you start deciding how to choose a font for your company logo, answer a few questions: important issues:

    What is my company's image?

    What qualities do clients value it for?

    What traits would you like to emphasize – accessibility, creativity, stability?

    What three words best describe your brand?

    How do you see your ideal client?

The answers to these questions will help you choose exactly the font whose mood will perfectly match your brand and convey the message you strive to convey to your customers.

If the mood inherent in the font contradicts the general direction of the design, users will experience contradictions in its perception, which negatively affects the popularity of the brand. The psychology of a font is very important, because its influence on a person is no less significant than the influence of color or size.

  • Choose a logo font without personal preference.

The variety of options can make choosing one that not only appeals to you, but also suits the project for which it is intended, a rather difficult task. Be guided not by personal sympathies, but by the correspondence of the font to the goals of the project.

  • Consider the spirit and characteristics of your business.

Based on the specifics of the business and a detailed description of the brand. These initial data largely determine what font will be used for the logo. It is clear that a large law firm and a company that specializes in selling cosmetics for young people have completely different target audiences. Based on the characteristics of the brand, choosing a logo design will be much easier.

If you manage to find a font that most accurately embodies the brand image, it will be a great success. Such logos captivate clients, becoming objects of cult for them.

  • Don't copy your competitors.

Monitoring the activities of competitors is a normal business practice. This allows you to learn from other people's mistakes or borrow successful techniques. However, direct imitation of the style should be avoided; maintain individuality, so it is better to choose fonts for your corporate identity that are not similar to those used by competitors.

  • Be original.

To achieve originality in your logo and reflect your brand’s message as accurately as possible, buy a font from the developer. Those included in text editors have already been so often used for various logos that creating a unique image will be extremely difficult.

  • Choose simple fonts.

When we're talking about about the logo, readability comes first. The name should be easy to understand, without allowing for double interpretation or other doubts. Even the smallest font size should not be an obstacle to your logo being readable.

  • How the chosen font will look in different environments.

New technologies that have entered all spheres of life have led to the fact that before choosing a font for a logo, it is necessary to take into account that it will be reproduced not only in print, but also on a website, tablet or smartphone screen, in the form of voluminous advertising objects.

Therefore, each font you are considering needs to be tested on a variety of media. Will the logo look equally impressive if it were printed in small font or placed on a billboard? Does it look presentable enough on the letterhead? Does it look good on display?

  • Avoid popular fonts.

The Internet is full of sites where you can “try on” any font for your company name, evaluate its relevance and readability, and choose best option. But this accessibility has another side - the spelling that you consider suitable for your logo may have already been used many times by other brands. Make it a rule to stay away from the most popular fonts - Roboto, Lobster, Ubuntu and others.

  • Be timeless.

Fonts, like all design elements, have a certain fashion, and some of them are strongly associated with a certain period of time, such as the disco style of the late 1970s. A good logo should always look relevant, regardless of the trends of the times.

If one font is trending (such as the very popular Sketch Block), resist the temptation to be on top of the trend of the day. If you decide to choose a neutral font, you will benefit when everyone's preference for this style fades.

  • No frills.

You may think that a font that is finely detailed, swirly, elegant and subtle is ideal for your brand, but if you make such a logo smaller, it will most likely lose readability. Make a choice in favor simple writing, able to tolerate changes in size without loss of perception.

  • Give space.

The spaces between characters are just as important as the letters themselves. Long distances make the logo weightless and light, and low kerning makes the name look bulky. You need to choose the option that will allow you to maintain balance and get the perfect image.

  • Combination of several fonts.

If you take a closer look at what tools are used famous brands to create a corporate identity, you can see that, as a rule, we are talking about one font. But the use of other spelling options in the logo can also be found quite often.

If you want to choose several different fonts to create a logo, check how well they complement each other. Make sure that this technique is really justified and works to create the right mood.

  • Use infographics to correctly combine logo fonts.

Choose optimal font The Typegenius service will help. It provides the opportunity to see and evaluate the most winning font combinations.

In contact with

One of the most valuable skills a designer can learn is the ability to select fonts. This is explained by the fact that text is one of the main ways of communication between the designer and the user. Typography is critical to design.

Typography is a complex and beautiful thing. Some devote their entire career to working with it. Fortunately for us, they describe their experiences in detail, so we have at our disposal a whole bunch online resources on typography.

This article was intended as a short introduction for those who want to learn how to choose the right fonts for design. It will encourage you to expand the range of fonts and font combinations you use in your layouts, beyond the familiar options.

Define your goal

First of all, determine the purpose of your design. What information do you want to convey? In what format?

IN good designs the typography fits the purpose. This is important because fonts help create a certain mood and set the tone and style of the design.

If you're making, say, a greeting card with a lot of illustrations, choose a font that will go with the style in which they are made. The font should be in harmony with the rest of the design components.

If you are designing a website with an emphasis on images, choose a simple font that will not distract the user's attention from them. Use font as a way to emphasize the information you want to convey.

Define your audience

Once you have decided on the purpose of the design, decide what audience you are making it for. This step is of great importance, as information about the users (age, interests, cultural background) can influence the decisions you make when selecting fonts.

For example, some fonts are more suitable for younger children. Children just learning to read need very legible fonts with clear letter outlines. A good illustration of this is Sassoon Primary. Sassoon Primary is a project by Rosemary Sassoon based on her research into which fonts are easiest for children to read.

Other fonts are more appropriate for older people. They are usually distinguished by the large size of the letters, pronounced contrast, and the absence of copywriting and decorative elements.

When choosing a font, consider the characteristics and needs of your target audience. Simply put, put yourself in their shoes.

Look for inspiration

Look at the work of other designers. Try to understand what motivated them when deciding to use these particular fonts.

Inspiration: fonts

For fresh font ideas, CreativeBloq's The 100 Best Free Fonts is a great resource to get you in the mood. In their article, CreativeBloq explains the logic they followed when choosing each font.

In addition, Invision has put together a whole bunch of typography resources. There you will find a lot of sources for inspiration.

If you want to get inspired by examples of real web pages, I recommend checking out The site contains a collection of sources from interesting solutions from all over the Web. In addition, for each sample, the site displays the CSS font parameters below the text.

In addition to specialized sites, you can visit your favorite pages and see what they use there. This is where the WhatTheFont tool comes in handy - a Chrome extension that displays font information when you hover over text.

Inspiration: combinations

In addition to the fonts themselves, study different variants their combinations are no less important. The right combinations help form a visual hierarchy and make the design easier to perceive.

The first source of inspiration to visit is Typewolf. Typewolf contains examples of interesting combinations from various sites. They also offer font recommendations and in-depth typography tutorials. For those who work with fonts, this is a real treasure.

FontPair is another resource on how to choose better combinations, designed specifically for working with Google Fonts. The resource provides the ability to sort by combinations of styles (for example, sans-serif and serif or serif and serif).

And finally, the Internet is full of sets of ready-made combinations from professional designers. Let's say Typography: Google Fonts Combinations or Typography: Google Fonts Combinations Volume 2. Just search for “font pairing” on Behance, Dribble and other similar sites.

Choose a font

Now that you are theoretically savvy and inspired, you can start making your choice. During the selection process, keep three principles in mind: readability, legibility, purpose.

Choose fonts that have a classic look and are easy to read. Avoid fancy fonts in favor of simple and practical ones. And take into account the purpose of this or that font: some of them, for example, are more suitable for headings than for body text.

Accordingly, before choosing a font, think about the purpose for which you will use it.

As for font combinations, don't make them too complex - limit yourself to three different types, no more. Also, choose contrasting fonts. This will help direct the user's gaze: first to the title, then to the body text. You can also create visual contrast using different sizes, colors and styles.

For web fonts, you can use Google Fonts, Typekit, and Font Squirrel. Google Fonts is all free, Typekit and Font Squirrel offer paid and free options.

Set size

Now that you have decided on the combination, the next step is to set the dimensions. There is a wonderful tool for this