Send a message by email without registering. How to anonymously send a letter and hide your identity online? services for creating temporary Email addresses

Don't want to share your real email address? Tired of endless spam in your inbox? Temporary mail for 10 minutes will be the solution to these problems.

Our reliable and free service allows you to create a quick temporary email anonymously and without registration. Temporary mailboxes have a short lifespan - from 10 minutes to 10 days. Use them when registering on websites, create several accounts on social networks and don’t worry about security and anonymity.

Who needs a service for creating temporary mail and why?

There are many advantages of the service. You yourself know about them or guess, since you are on our website.

But it would not be superfluous to clarify that temporary mail is extremely necessary:

    If you work in the field of SMM (social media marketing), to create several accounts on social networks.

    If you don’t want to “shine” your real Email address on various Internet resources.

    If you want to remain anonymous on the Internet, but access to some sites and services requires registration.

    If you do not want to receive spam and annoying mailings to your main mailbox.

    If there is a need to correspond with the respondent while remaining anonymous.


Thanks to temporary mail, you can remain anonymous always and everywhere. For example, you wanted to register on some forum or portal, but you do not want to reveal your real Email address. Then Crazymailing is perfect for you.

Spam protection

When creating accounts on various sites, there is a potential risk of becoming a victim of an attack by hackers who can instantly steal your personal data and use it to your detriment without your knowledge. There is nothing easier than introducing a virus through a letter to your computer or mobile phone, even if you have a good antivirus. A temporary mailbox minimizes the risk of losing personal data and ensures the security of your computer and mobile device. Temporary mail will be the best solution to this problem, which will protect you as much as possible from unwanted spam while maintaining complete anonymity.

Forwarding letters to a real email address

We have provided the ability to send a letter from a temporary address to your real mailbox. This option is useful for users who want to receive letters from different sites without showing their real email address.

Chrome browser app

Install the application in your browser and use temporary email addresses without going to the site itself. Just click on the Crazymailing icon in the upper right corner of the browser, and in a second a window will appear with a new temporary Email address. In the same window you will receive notifications about received letters.


Temporary mail can not only receive letters, but also send them! No one except you can view the contents of letters! Your safety is under control.

1 account and 20 Email addresses!

Log in to the website through a social network convenient for you (Facebook, Vkontakte, Google+, Twitter, etc.) and get access to manage up to 20 temporary email addresses. Delete old ones and add new ones, extend the period of activity of mailboxes, redirect letters to your main mailbox - customization exclusively for your needs!

By the way, the service is absolutely free! Use it!

Would you like your emailwas strictlyconfidential, secure, secret and anonymous? Read on to find out how to createreallyanonymous email account!

Anonymous email is not as anonymous as you think

Securing email messages has been an important issue since its inception. In addition to the fact that there are flaws in the email protocols themselves, the ability to contact anyone, anywhere for free and anonymously is often exploited by criminals. Remember the old story of the "unfortunate Nigerian prince"? You understand that the person from whom you receive an email asking “ please help me get my own money from Nigeria, I will thank you for it. All you have to do is send me your ID and account details so that I can use them to contact my bank online...", It’s trivial that we just need your personal data. Although these types of scams are no longer as obvious a threat as they once were, they are a prime example of how insecure email can be.

Setting up an anonymous email account is usually simple, although this of course depends on what level of anonymity you need. If you just want to keep your emails secret from your spouse or coworker, you can set up a new account that they won't know about. If you are thinking about the problem of individual protection from all kinds of Internet threats or want your digital footprint to be hidden from those who are interested in spying on you, the task becomes much more difficult.

Some reasons why you sometimes need to send an anonymous letter:

  • Provoke and catch the scammer
  • Check suspicious recipient
  • Send danger alerts to other people
  • Report illegal activities
  • Tell the tax office that your neighbor is renting out his apartment and evading taxes.
  • Confess your love for someone
  • Prank a friend
  • Report fraud at work
  • Send an email even if your email address has been blocked by the recipient

When you start solving this problem, remember one thing: the Internet will want to figure you out, it will try to find you. Even if you set up an anonymous account and then send or receive an email, you can be traced. You log into the network from the same IP addresses, visit the same sites, and leave quite a bit of your own digital footprint wherever you go. Yes, at first the files created on your anonymous mailbox will belong to an unknown user #xxxx. Eventually, enough data will be compiled by certain algorithms and they will exclaim: "Hey, this one anonymous userlooks just like the other person,That,which wealreadywe know." And after that, even more clues will be found to identify you, and your carefully set up anonymous email account will be declassified.

Top 15 Sites to Send Safe, Secure, Anonymous or Encrypted Email

It goes without saying that choosing a good email provider is an important step in the entire process of creating an anonymous email account. There are free and paid sites, and each has its own “traps”. When you choose a free provider, you should ask yourself one question: why is it free?

In most cases, providing a free service entails a regular supply of targeted advertising sent directly to you and your inbox. This means that you are being tracked, monitored and your data analyzed, the data that you are trying to hide and keep safe using anonymous email. The circle is closed.

  1. Torguard Anonymous Email is an email from the file sharing service Torguard. It provides ad-free mailboxes with a good level of security, including encryption. With the free package, you get 10MB of storage, end-to-end security with SSL encryption for connections, and P/PGP encryption for messages. For a small fee, you can upgrade to unlimited storage with all the same great features.
  2. TOR Mail is a super secret service built on a hidden service network in the Tor ecosystem. It's designed to be super anonymous, but has one drawback: you absolutely must use TOR to access it. Everyone knows that Tor is used to keep a user's online activities secret, but on the other hand, even simply using Tor can bring unwanted attention to you or alert those you might be wary of.
  3. Guerilla Mail is a service designed to send anonymous and short messages. It has a self-destruct feature that destroys messages after an hour. The only information needed to use it is the recipient's address; no registration, no login and no account profile. When you log into the site for the first time (or any subsequent time) and send a message, you automatically create a mailbox with a specific code. If you remember the code, you can return to the same mailbox next time and use it again and again, just don't send or receive mail you want to save because - “This message will be destroyed in 10 seconds...”
  4. Secure Mail- Secure Mail uses a 4096-bit key to encrypt all your messages so only you and your recipient can read them. They do not require personal information for registration and have a zero tolerance policy for spam. The site states that they do not collect IP addresses or other information, all emails are encrypted, and that they do not provide information to governments. They also support sending SMS messages to mobile devices. The basic service is free, but to unlock larger amounts of storage and additional SMS messages, you'll have to pay.
  5. Anonymous Email— Anonymous Email asks you to use your real email address to register, no other information is required. The basic service is free but comes with limited storage. An annual upgrade costs $9.95 and gives you access to personalized message templates and anonymous chat service.
  6. a way to send quick messages that do not require a response. When loaded, the page presents several fields, including From, To, and Subject, as well as an optional reply To field. Once you enter the recipient's address and send the message, you will not receive a response unless you provide your real address, which your recipient will not see. This site displays ads so you will see targeted advertising messages brought to you by Google.
  7. 5YMail is another service that requires you to provide your real email address to register. After registering on the site, you will be able to use anonymous email. The basic package is free and can be upgraded. Recipients can reply to your 5YMail inbox or you can reply to the address.
  8. CyberAtlantis— CyberAtlantis takes your anonymity seriously. This is a simplified service that allows you to send messages with only the recipient's address and message. When you send an email, your IP address is removed from the data packets, making it virtually impossible to track.
  9. W-3 Anonymous Remailer is a joint project of the George Mason Society and the Global Internet Freedom Campaign. This is a free service and advertising free for sending anonymous messages. Only three types of data are required: recipient address, subject and message. It has only one function: sending anonymous mail. Incoming messages are not possible, if you need a response you will have to provide an email address to which the response should be sent.
  10. is a simple interface for sending messages. It does not require personal information or an email address, but there is a field for entering such information. Please be aware that the site logs your IP address, so messages you send may be tracked.
  11. Anonemail- Anonemail allows you to send email without revealing any information about your identity through an anonymous email address. This is one of the easiest to use, requiring only the recipient's address, subject and message, it is impossible to receive a response to this address.
  12. MyTrashMail is a special mailbox designed to receive mail from dubious sources or messages that other people should not know about. Let's say for example you have to send an email to register on a website and use it to verify your account. All you have to do is use a fake address with the MyTrashMail email domain added to it and voila! Then you need to go to MyTrashmail and find your message using the address you created. All messages are periodically deleted from the system for additional security.
  13. is a site that provides permanent anonymous mailboxes. These email accounts are great when someone asks you for your email address and you don't want to give them your primary account. Any email sent can be forwarded to your regular account.
  14. Mailnesia is an automatic email mail system that will generate a new mailbox whenever a message is received. It also has an automatic link confirmation/checking system, ideal for registering new websites. To use it, all you have to do is add to your email.
  15. Spambog is an email service that provides disposable, temporary and anonymous mailboxes. It allows you to receive, reply, and forward emails, but not create new ones. All messages in the Inbox folder are deleted after 7 days.

How to send anonymous email, extreme case

If you want to be truly anonymous on the Internet, it is “in principle” possible, but you will have to take some steps. The “in principle” clause reminds us that nothing on the Internet is 100% anonymous and secure: someone can still know and see what you do, if not right now, then in the future. Here are a few steps you'll need to take to ensure you get the most out of it.

  • Before you get started, you'll need to purchase a new phone number or other device that you can use to verify your new accounts. Many sites require you to provide your phone number to register. If you want to keep your new accounts secret and intend to use them anonymously, it is best not to use that phone number in the future to prevent tracking by phone number.
  • The next step is to use a new (not your main) device to send anonymous messages. No matter what security measures you have in place on your device, to avoid total memory loss and destruction, you will need to delete all traces on your computer or mobile device. You can clear cookies and history; you can open and use new browsers, this is unlikely to save the situation. If you go online to set up an account to send anonymous emails using your main computer, laptop or mobile device, you always leave a trace. Don't put yourself at risk by sending an anonymous message from your primary device.
  • Don't use your new device or phone on the Internet connection points you normally use. This will reveal your location: home, office, gym or any other place you use regularly. This will appear in your data. Accessing the network from a different, new connection location only allows you to find a new profile without matching it with your real ID. Lastly, your new devices should never connect to the Internet within the range of any Wi-Fi hotspots you connected to before.
  • When setting up an account on a new device, don't forget to use passwords. If possible, create a password and, of course, never use data associated with your real ID.
  • When you use the Internet, use a different browser than your usual one. Browsers are the 2nd most likely point of recognition after IP being the first in the access chain. Internet service providers collect the data you create and they may use it. The files they have the most access to are usually their own, so there is no need to create an anonymous profile that they can easily match.
  • Choose a reliable email system and set up an account. Be sure to use fictitious personal information and a new phone number to register. If you need to store a username or password, write it down on paper and hide it instead of keeping it somewhere near your device. This way you will have a primary email account and another anonymous one. However, an anonymous address, like any other, is still vulnerable to external attacks, as well as spam and other email-related threats. Therefore, it is imperative to take one more step.
  • Only use your new account in conjunction with something you can pay for your subscription to, such as Bitcoin or an anonymous gift card. Using a VPN will eliminate any gaps in your individual security by masking your IP address, hiding your connection using a tunneling protocol, and encrypting your Internet connections. If you need to send a truly anonymous and encrypted message, you should definitely use a VPN. Encryption is the only way to ensure that information you send over the Internet cannot be read and used to harm you. Now you are ready to send anonymous messages.

If you don't need a significant level of anonymity and just want to protect your primary email address from spam, you can use simpler methods.

  • If possible, use a new device or a device that is not typically used for primary email. If this is not possible, use a different browser or at least clear cookies/browsing history/passwords from your browser before setting up a new account. For best results, try not to install it from your home or office, or any other location where you may regularly connect to the network.
  • Select an email service based on your criteria, there are many great ones, and create a new account. When you set up an account, use a made-up name or handle that is not easily associated with you, unless the account is being used as a backchannel and you need to use some kind of identifier.
  • Once your account is set up, you're ready to go. You will be able to send emails without prying eyes and with some semblance of anonymity. If you are serious about achieving anonymity, we highly recommend using an anonymous VPN connection.

If only one way to send anonymous email is with a VPN.

The first question that may arise is why people use anonymous email messages when there are many free email services available today like Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo! Mail? Well, privacy and anonymity are our right, a digital right. These email services are “free” only because of advertising.

While this is considered a necessary evil, advertisements are specifically targeted at visitors and users, and in order to do this, providers need to obtain data to tailor advertisements to you. That is, you will see advertisements that you are most likely to click on.

Moreover, the disclosure of the intentions of intelligence agencies and Internet censorship services (like PRISM) has caused much dissatisfaction on the part of privacy advocates. If you want to prevent your email messages from falling into the wrong hands, then in this article we will tell you several options that will help you send and receive anonymous emails.

Anonymous email messages provide the basic basis for user anonymity on the Internet. The Internet is not a secure repository, and you should at least have some control over who has access to your data and who doesn't. If you do not want to disclose your data and information, you can at least use anonymous email messages.

Note: Anonymity on the Internet is not possible without hiding your IP address, so you better use Tor or any other proxy or VPN service before you decide to use one of the tools suggested below.

Encrypted/Anonymous Email Services

Let me introduce you to several anonymous email services that will help you maintain your anonymity online. Some offer encryption functionality, while others offer the ability to use self-destructing emails.

So, we offer you 5 tools.

– This service offers you an anonymous inbox with many security and encryption features. You will receive 10MB of disk space, state-of-the-art security with SSL encryption for creation and G/PGP encryption for message protection.

Tor Mail is a service from Tor Hidden that offers a truly high-quality service to protect your email. The tool runs on The Tor Project's hidden network, so it should be noted that you will need to be using Tor to access this tool. Tor Mail was developed specifically with complete anonymity in mind. It is based on the Tor network, which means it will be almost impossible to track the data.

– GuerrillaMail offers you a deletable temporary email address with the option to self-delete, with which you can send and receive anonymous email messages. The mail is deleted after an hour. All you need to do is select an email address. No personal information required.

– this service encrypts your mail using a 4096-bit key, which makes your messages unreadable. For this tool, you will not be required to provide personal information or IP address for registration and authorization. In addition, this service does not allow spam at all.

– create an account and receive/send email messages. You won't need any personal information.

We send email messages without registration

There are times when you just want to send a few emails without registering. In fact, you won't even have to wait for a return. If this sounds like you, then today we are ready to offer you 8 services that will allow you to send the information you need without having to disclose information about yourself. Please note that the recipient will not have the opportunity to respond to you.

– here you will see only a simple form in which you will need to enter the recipient’s address, subject and contents of the letter (in addition, you will have the opportunity to attach a file). To receive a response, you can simply indicate your own email in the body of the letter.

– Send and receive beautifully designed messages using a full-fledged radar without having to reveal your real email address. To receive your data to use 5ymail, you will need to provide your own email.

– offers you a simple interface in which you will need to enter the recipient’s email address, the subject of the letter, and the message itself. The service will exclude your IP address from the letter data, which means it will be almost impossible to track you. Plus, you don't have to enter personal information.

– send anonymous letters to anyone. You will just need to enter the recipient's email address, the subject of the letter and the message itself.

– this service offers you a simple interface in which you will need to enter the email address of the recipient and sender, the subject of the letter and the message. You do not need any other data to send the letter. In addition, a log file of IP addresses will be maintained here.

– you will just need to enter the recipient’s email address, the subject of the letter and the letter itself. Every day you can send up to 100,000 emails for free.

– here you will be offered a simple interface into which you can enter a message and other necessary data, and then send the letter to the recipient.

– you now have the opportunity to send emails without having to disclose your personal information.

Receiving Emails

If you need some unnecessary email box to receive confirmation links, and you don’t want to clog up your main mail with all sorts of such junk, then today we want to present you with 7 very convenient services. Accounts are created automatically when you use a particular address on a website.

Hide My Ass! offers you a free anonymous email account that you can use to receive (without the ability to reply or send messages) email. You can use this mailbox to receive alerts or registration confirmation emails.

– use available public email accounts created specifically to receive alerts or registration confirmation emails. Accounts here are temporary and will be deleted after some time.

NotSharingMy.Info provides you with a temporary anonymous email address where you can receive email messages without having to reveal your real email. Your address will only be needed to register in the service. All letters sent to your anonymous mailbox will be automatically redirected to your real mailbox.

– in addition to the email addresses created automatically when you use the address during registration, Mailnesia also offers a special system with confirmation of links.

– this service allows you to quickly and even automatically create email boxes. True, you can only receive messages in this mailbox.

– Spambog offers you deleted (within 7 days), temporary and anonymous email boxes. You can receive, forward and reply to emails, but not create new ones.

– brings to your attention another service for creating temporary and deleted email boxes. You can send a mailbox alias anywhere and then wait for an email to arrive.

Some users find that using an alias in can help them create an anonymous email account. But in reality this is not possible.

Microsoft has not implemented aliases for users to hide their identity. Instead, gives you the ability to mark and exclude addresses from people you don't want to receive email from. But the question remains, how do you create an anonymous email account?

Note: This guide is not intended for those citizens who want to hide from government persecution. This is aimed at people who want anonymity. Also keep in mind that no system is foolproof. But for most people, the instructions below should help.


Before we move on to creating an anonymous mailbox, we need to make sure that our location and Internet Protocol (IP) address are also anonymous. Not everyone will take such a step. Let's say all you have to do is use a pseudonym to submit letters to the editor at a national newspaper. Depending on your situation, you may not care about hiding your location in this scenario. But if you don't hide your location, it means that an interested person will probably be able to find you.

The easiest way to hide your location is to download Tor (The Onion Router), a browser based on Firefox. Tor redirects you through a series of servers controlled by a group of volunteers. By the time you leave the network of servers and enter the open Internet, it will be very difficult to understand where you came from.

Tor is a browser like any other browser. The only difference is that it takes a few extra seconds to wait to connect to the Tor network on the Internet.

You can download Tor Browser directly from the Tor Project website and then install it. When you install the browser, it will be located in the folder that contains the program that is usually installed on your desktop.

Tor Browser is not integrated into your system like other applications. If you really want to be anonymous, it's better to move the folder to a USB drive and run it from there.


Now it's time to communicate anonymously. To do this, don't choose mainstream services like Gmail, or Yahoo. These services require a mobile phone number and other identification details upon registration, which defeats the entire purpose of an anonymous email account. Two good options are Hushmail and one-time inbound services from a VPN provider. Once you have chosen your email service provider, use the Tor browser every time you connect to the service. One miss and you will discover your real location, be it your home or a local cafe.

You should also ensure that you are connecting to your anonymous emails via HTTPS at all times.

Creating an anonymous email account takes a little time and requires a little work, but the Tor browser and anonymous email service providers make it much easier.