Show hidden folders on mac os. Looking for the Lockdown folder

By creating MAC OS, Apple tried to protect the average user from unnecessary settings and settings. And everything would be fine, but in the pursuit of minimalism, Apple hid quite popular control “levers” from more experienced users. As it turns out, MAC OS is not always simpler and more intuitive than Windows, and in some matters even the opposite. In this article I will show you how to show/hide hidden files in MAC OS. Well, as you like, I give you two different ways to solve the problem for your choice.

As you probably already guessed, you won’t be able to simply go into the Finder settings and activate the mode for showing hidden files in MAC OS, since there is no such switch in principle. But don’t despair, there are plenty of solution options.

Show/Hide hidden files in MAC OS via Terminal

IN this method we will enter UNIX commands in the application window Terminal. At first glance, it may seem that you have delved into a place where the average user should not go at all, but I assure you that all the commands given below have been tested by me personally.

To display hidden files in MAC OS, do this:

Step 1 Open the application Terminal from Finder - Applications - Utilities

Step 2 Copy and paste into Terminal the following line:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES

Step 3 Click Enter button

Step 4 While holding down the Option/Alt button, click right click By Finder icon in the dock, then click " Restart»

As a result of the executed command, all hidden files and folders will be displayed in MAC OS. In order to “hide” hidden files in MAC OS, you need to follow the same steps as above, but in the second paragraph you should enter another command:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO

This method, although not complicated and quick to execute, requires that you keep at hand (or remember by heart) UNIX commands to enter into the Terminal. This is a little inconvenient if you often need to show/hide hidden files. To automate this process, use the second method.

Show/hide hidden files in two clicks

If you need to show/hide hidden files in MAC OS often and in large quantities, then your an indispensable assistant will become a miniature FREE application Funter, from the nektony development team. After installation, this application settles in top line menu, after which working with hidden files is reduced to two clicks.

I think Funter perfect solution to show hidden files. At the same time, the application practically does not consume the resources of your computer and does not force you to remember long command lines by heart. With Funter you can also directly Finder window install or remove attribute "hidden" for files and folders.

I am confident that the methods I have described will solve the problem of showing hidden files in MAC OS for most users. Remember that hidden files were hidden from your eyes by default for a reason. If you are going to make any settings/changes in system hidden files, be extremely careful.

After working with MacOS X for some time, you may at some point discover that the system is hiding something from you. You can notice this either by specifically running the `ls -la` command in the terminal, or by connecting some removable media information (flash, hdd) that you worked with from MacOS X to another system (for example, MS Windows) - you will probably be surprised that there are much more files and folders than you expected to see.

If you've been working with computers for a long time, you know that operating systems often hide from the user's eyes service information that they need to work, but is useless to the person working with the system. In the case of MacOS X, this applies to directory and application configuration files, files deleted to the Recycle Bin, Spotlight indexing data, and a number of other files. The rule also applies that any file whose name has a dot (.) as the first character is hidden.

But what if you still need to see hidden files? For example, in text editor you need to change the instructions in the .htaccess file (this file may contain some behavioral settings for Apache web server)? I can offer 3 ways to solve this issue.

Option 1 -
, then copy the command there

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 1 && killall Finder

You will now be able to see hidden files in both Finder and dialog boxes opening files in various applications.
To hide the files again, paste the line into the terminal

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 0 && killall Finder

Option 2 - write a small utility
Open the Script Editor (Script and place it in its window following instructions AppleScript

set vis to do shell script "defaults read AppleShowAllFiles"
if vis = "0" then
do shell script "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 1"
do shell script "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 0"
end if
tell application "Finder" to quit
delay 1
tell application "Finder" to activate

After this, save the file as a Program (first come up with a name) in some directory (you must leave all program parameters unselected). Now search in Finder for your new program and run it: it will automatically change the file display mode to the opposite one. Those. if you have disabled the display of hidden files, the program will enable it; and vice versa.

Option 3 - download a ready-made solution
I have already completed the steps from the second method I proposed, and here you can download the resulting utility

Save this file anywhere convenient for you and run it whenever necessary.

In the future I will try my best similar utilities upload immediately in compiled form.

In the Mac OS environment, it becomes especially relevant. However, there are several pitfalls in his solution, which we will deal with.

The essence of the problem

The fact is that in Mac OS it is not so easy to make hidden files and folders visible,

because the standard means "System Settings"The Finder does not provide this option. However, do not despair. The question of how to display on a Mac? has two main answers. You can use the terminal or the “FinderToggleHiddenFiles” program, which is based on “Automator”.

Using the terminal

Launch a terminal window. To do this, open “Programs”, then “Utilities” and “Terminal”. In the window that appears, enter the following couple of lines of text (use a space instead of square brackets ""):

Next, press “enter”. After the procedure open windows in Finder will close and immediately reopen. Thus, the question of how to display hidden folders in the Mac OS universe will be resolved. However, this is not all, since there is also

reverse command. To prevent Mac OS from being displayed anymore, enter into the terminal next text(then press "enter"):


To use the second method to solve the problem, download the FinderToggleHiddenFiles application to your computer and install it on the Mac operating system. From the moment this is done, you can activate or deactivate required function by running the program.

Other Mac OS Features

So, we have dealt with the main question of how to display hidden folders,

however, the operating system has a number of other features that not everyone knows about. Some of these functions cannot be left out due to their particular usefulness.

You can create a folder with the required content. Imagine what you have certain number files that are scattered all over your desktop, but you want to collect them into a single directory. If we talk about the traditional path, you will have to do everything manually: first create a folder, then select objects, excluding the folder icon itself, and finally transfer the contents to the directory.

However, it allows you to select everything necessary files, right-click and in the menu that appears, use the provided creation option with the specified content.

Another feature of the system is the ability to merge folders. This way you can automatically combine the contents of two folders. Apple has officially unveiled this opportunity, but it’s up to users to figure out how to use it themselves.

Let's say you have two folders named the same and they are located in different directories. You can move them to a single directory, after which the usual one will appear asking for a replacement, but if these folders of the same name have different objects, another dialog box will appear, but it will contain additional opportunity- merger. By selecting this function, you will receive a single folder that will be filled with the contents of both originals.

Friends, in operating system Mac OS also has hidden folders and files that the developers hid so that we wouldn’t accidentally erase anything. Sometimes users need to get to these hidden files and folders. Commentators on the manual “faced” exactly this need. The fact is that in Mac OS it can be difficult to find the Lockdown folder, since it is hidden.

There are several options to get to hidden files. We decided to focus on three methods. Some methods may not work for owners of outdated Mac versions OS, try everything:

Method 1: Quickly navigate to hidden, unprotected folders

If public access is allowed to the desired hidden folder in Mac OS, then do the following:

  1. Click the mouse cursor on the desktop, top menu desktop click – Go
  2. In the appeared context menu Click – Go to folder
  3. In the window that opens, enter the path to our folder - /private/var/db/lockdown, and click Go

In our case, nothing happened, only a notification appeared at the bottom of the window:

"The folder cannot be found"

Such a notification can be in two cases: either such a folder really does not exist, or it is protected and public access to it is denied. We know for sure that our Lockdown folder exists. In order to get to it we use the 2nd or 3rd methods.

Method 2. Open hidden folders in Mac OS

If I'm not mistaken, then the first part this method Works on Mac OS Sierra and higher.
In the lower dock, launch Finder, in it, in the Devices section, select – MacBook, go to Macintosh HD (if you have not renamed it)

If you don't see the Var folder here, then press Cmd + Shift + . (dot) – hidden folders will appear, scroll down and select the Var folder. In the Var folder go to the Db folder.

This is where our Lockdown folder is located. In our case, the folder is protected from editing (red icon); when you try to enter it, a message appears:

The "lockdown" folder cannot be opened because you do not have permission to view its contents.

For getting full access right-click on the folder (or touch with two fingers touchpad), select Properties (combination Cmd + I for an alternative).

In the properties of this folder subsection General access and access rights, in the lower right corner, click the lock.

Enter your password and click OK. First try pressing OK without entering a password. Now in the Rights column, click on “No access” and select “Read and write”.

The Lockdown pack and its contents are unlocked and available for visiting and editing.

Method 3. Open hidden files in the Mac OS terminal

If the combination shortcut keys the second method did not work for you, then the 3rd opening option will help hidden folders, using a standard terminal.

Here are a couple of options for opening a terminal in Mac OS:

In the lower dock, launch Launchpad, and write in search bar at the top is the terminal, if you don’t want to write it, there is a folder in Launchpad called Others, which contains the Terminal. Click on it and it starts.

In the terminal line, taking into account upper and lowercase letters, enter the command to enable all hidden files and folders:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES

After entering, carefully check and press Enter.
In order for Finder to accept the command, you need to restart it, so as not to overload the operating system, you can do this:

With a clamped Alt key, right-click (or tap with two fingers on the panel) on the Finder icon in the dock, click – Restart. Or use the key combination Cmd + Alt + Esc to launch the task manager, select Finder from the list and click Restart.

If you are also looking for the Lockdown folder (or your folder also has a red circle), then now perform the second part of method No. 2, setting it to Read and Write.

After completing all the manipulations, you can again hide hidden folders and files in Mac OS using the command in the terminal:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO

Write about your experience of searching for folders in Mac OS in the comments.

By default, hidden folders and files are not displayed in the Mac OS operating system. In principle, they are not needed most often by users, and not every Mac owner may need them, and certainly not every day.

There are several options for displaying hidden folders and files on a MAC:

  • Look once, after closing the folder and returning to it, hidden files will again become invisible;
  • Turn on permanent display hidden folders and files;
  • Use third party application to control the display of hidden objects in Mac OS.

Let's consider all three options:

1. You can quickly check a certain folder for hidden objects using a keyboard shortcut CMD + SHIFT + .(Command + Shift + period), and you can use both left and right CMD and SHIFT.

2. You can enable permanent display of hidden folders and files using a command executed through the console (terminal).

  • Open the Terminal program, paste from the clipboard or manually write the line:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES

  • Press Enter key
  • Press the " key Option"on the keyboard and right-click on the Finder icon and select the line" Restart"

In order to return the settings to the original ones, you need to run the following command in the terminal:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO

(similar to the previous one, only at the end there is NO instead of YES)

For the settings to take effect, also restart Finder(or restart your Mac).

3. Installing free application Funter, can be with a slight movement of the hand With a quick click of the mouse, you can turn on and off the display of hidden files and folders on your Mac. After installation, the Funter application will hang in the system tray (in top line menu) and allow you to quickly show and hide hidden files and folders again.

This method, on the one hand, is convenient and the simplest, but, on the other hand, installing an additional application - wasting system resources on it and relying on the integrity of the developer is not very attractive.

Conclusion: most best option to view hidden files and folders on Mac OS - first - using keyboard shortcuts CMD + SHIFT + .(Command + Shift + period).

How to make a file or folder hidden on Mac OS?

Unfortunately, as in OS Windows, you cannot check the box to make the file hidden in Mac OS. Here without command line(without a terminal) is no longer possible. So:

1. Register the Terminal application.

2. Write a command

chflags hidden

Next, separated by a space, you need to specify the path to the file that needs to be hidden. In order not to have to worry about specifying the correct path manually, use the "DRAG-AND-DROP" technology - grab the file with the mouse, drag it onto the Terminal program window and release. The correct path will be added automatically, after which the command will look, for example, like this:

chflags hidden /Users/user/Desktop/777/1.txt

Execute the command by pressing the Enter key. As a result, the 1.txt file located in a folder named 777 on the Desktop will become hidden.

How to make a hidden file or folder on Mac OS not hidden?

Similar to the previous example, using the Terminal program, write and execute the command:

chflags no hidden /Users/user/Desktop/777/1.txt

Difference: NOhidden instead of hidden.