Mark as incoming. How to mark all unread messages as read at once in Gmail

With the release of iOS 7 standard mail client in iPhone and iPad has been significantly redesigned and received many new features. Interestingly, the simplest of innovations are more pleasing. One of these is new way Mark all emails as read. It is much faster and more convenient and allows you to sort your mail in one tap. IN previous versions iOS had to select letters one by one - a thankless task, especially if you are an active user and have several work mailboxes. But now all this is behind us.

Very often, all kinds of notifications and mailings end up in your inbox, where necessary information is displayed in the subject of the email and does not need to be opened. At active use such things, your inbox is literally full of unread messages and in order not to waste your time opening each of them, it’s easier to do this:

  • open and go to the mailbox in which you have a lot of unread messages;
  • press the button Change, in the upper right corner;
  • now, instead of marking each letter manually, clickLabel everything - Like read;

  • enjoy the effect.

For best result, when you are trying to sort through one of your mailboxes where there are a lot of letters, be sure to scroll down the list to download them all. Otherwise, some emails may remain unread, although this also depends on your settings. mailbox. And also, as you probably guessed, if you are in the folder All boxes- then the “Mark all as read” function will work for all letters, regardless of which mailbox they are in

In addition, this way you can easily get rid of those annoying red notification icons on your icon. Especially if you have stopped sorting out your mail and the counter has exceeded 100 messages. In this case, it is easier to mark all messages as read, and then manually view the latest ones or apply filters, because the messages have most likely lost their relevance.

Speaking of filters, if you use checkboxes to sort your letters, then there is an excellent opportunity to mark several letters or all of them through the familiar dialog Label everything.

Incredible simple thing, but what is the effect and benefit. And she brought all this to us new iOS 7. If you still haven’t updated, here’s a great reason to finally do it.

I've usually been more careful about keeping my Gmail inbox clean and organized, but the inbox tabs that were introduced earlier this year have made me lazy. Tabs help you filter advertising letters, notifications social networks and others similar messages, not of primary importance. Although these messages are effectively hidden in the Gmail web client, they are still marked as unread on my iPhone. That is, the icon mail application constantly shows a warning sign because there is a large number of unread messages that I hid in the “Social networks” and “Promotions” tabs.

You can go through the tabs page by page and mark messages as read, but if you have hundreds or thousands of unread messages, this process will quickly tire you. There is a better way.

First, you'll need to temporarily disable tabs in your inbox. To do this, click on the gear icon in the right top corner Gmail and select "Settings". Next, click on the Inbox tab and in the categories section, uncheck all the items except Unsorted. Then scroll down and click the Save Changes button and you will be returned to your inbox.

Now all your messages are grouped together, but if you have hundreds or several unread messages, they will be spread across multiple inbox pages. So we have to find a way to select not only everything unread messages on the front page of your inbox, but all unread messages in your entire inbox. In fact, we will need to select all messages, both read and unread. To do this, check the box in the upper left corner "In Inbox", which will allow you to select Various types messages. You can check the box or click the down arrow and select "All" from the drop-down menu.

What did you do with this last action, will select all messages on current page incoming. But at the top of your inbox, Google will give you the option to select all messages (threads in Google parlance) in your inbox. In my case, it asked if I wanted to "Select all (11) threads in Inbox."

Click on this link and then above the emails, select "Mark as read". Finally, click OK on the confirmation pop-up to confirm your decision and mark all emails in your inbox as read. After that, you can go back to settings and enable the tabs you want in your inbox.

With the release of iOS 7, the standard email client on iPhone and iPad was significantly redesigned and received many new features. Interestingly, the simplest of innovations are more pleasing. One of these is a new way to mark all emails as read. It is much faster and more convenient and allows you to sort your mail in one tap. In previous versions of iOS, you had to select emails one by one - a thankless task, especially if you are an active user and have several work mailboxes. But now all this is behind us.

Very often, all kinds of notifications and mailings end up in your inbox, where the necessary information is displayed in the subject line of the letter and there is no need to open it. When you actively use such things, your inbox is literally full of unread messages, and in order not to waste your time opening each of them, it’s easier to do this:

  • open and go to the mailbox in which you have a lot of unread messages;
  • press the button Change, in the upper right corner;
  • now, instead of marking each letter manually, clickLabel everything - Like read;

  • enjoy the effect.

For better results, when you are trying to sort through one of your mailboxes with a lot of letters, be sure to scroll down the list to download them all. Otherwise, some letters may remain unread, although this also depends on the settings of your mailbox. And also, as you probably guessed, if you are in the folder All boxes- then the “Mark all as read” function will work for all letters, regardless of which mailbox they are in

In addition, this way you can easily get rid of those annoying red notification icons on your icon. Especially if you have stopped sorting out your mail and the counter has exceeded 100 messages. In this case, it is easier to mark all messages as read, and then manually view the latest ones or apply filters, because the messages have most likely lost their relevance.

Speaking of filters, if you use checkboxes to sort your letters, then there is an excellent opportunity to mark several letters or all of them through the familiar dialog Label everything.

An incredibly simple thing, but what an effect and benefit. And all this was brought to us by the new iOS 7. If you still haven’t updated, here’s a great reason to finally do it.