Disabling the proximity sensor on Android. How to disable the proximity sensor on an Android phone? How to disable the proximity sensor on Android

For users of modern smartphones in various circumstances, it is important to learn how to disable the proximity sensor on Android, which is activated when you try to bring the device to your ear during a conversation. In general, such features are quite useful and, in addition to lower power consumption, help prevent accidental touches. However, if you need to simultaneously use an instant messenger or smartphone while raising your hand to the device, the display may go dark. Also, in situations where the screen does not deactivate during calls or, conversely, turns off uncontrollably, it is highly likely that the cause of the problem is the built-in sensor.

Main problem

Owners of mobile gadgets and specialists often note that the accumulation of dirt is one of the standard causes of problems with the proximity module. It is localized in the upper area of ​​the body, and you can additionally detect a number of other sensors that are built into the smartphone. Visually, the elements resemble small slits located near the speakers and covered with glass. If debris penetrates, the functionality of the components may be impaired, so before completely deactivating the sensor, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the device.

To remove foreign particles from the speaker for normal operation, there are several simple steps:

  1. Turn off your smartphone and use compressed air on the speaker grille;
  2. Make sure that you have removed all the dirt, and if necessary, you can use a toothpick or other improvised means that will be effective for removing fine dirt or dust;
  3. Restart the device and try to use the functionality normally.

How to disable the proximity sensor on Android

To perform the procedure yourself, you need to implement a simple procedure on your smartphone:

  1. Open the desktop and go to the settings section, then the category " System applications»;
  2. From the menu that opens, select the section " Telephone»;
  3. Go to " Incoming calls»;
  4. Deactivate the proximity module by unchecking the corresponding function in the interface. The entire process and individual steps may vary slightly on different smartphones using other versions of Android software and proprietary shells. At the same time, for the current instructions, a Xiaomi smartphone with MIUI 9 version was used;
  5. Upon completion, check the result during the conversation. If all actions are performed correctly, the display will not turn off when the smartphone is approached to the ear or when objects are brought to the sensors on the front panel of the smartphone.

Disable proximity sensor on Android using tools

If the above instructions are not effective in practice for individual reasons, then you can use the specialized mobile program Smart Screen Off. In fact, the program, in addition to a tool for deactivating modules, allows you to perform calibration, which helps restore correct operation if problems occur.

The application can be downloaded independently in the public domain through official resources, so it is not recommended to use and download to your smartphone any software distributed through unapproved sites. It is advisable to use only the built-in Play Market. Because otherwise, it is possible that viruses will be downloaded to the device, which will further complicate the use of the phone and the troubleshooting process.

Other ways

To deactivate the proximity sensor, you can use special codes that must be entered on the virtual keyboard of your smartphone. However, in practice, for each device the user will need to independently find the desired combination, since they are unique and cannot be used on smartphones of all manufacturers and operating systems everywhere. To find such digital parameters, it is advisable to use a freely available search, offering your own model of a mobile device.

For example, on many smartphones there is an extremely common request that is represented by the sequence * # * # 0588 # * # * . Open the phone book section and enter the suggested code in the number field, then click on the call key. Despite the possibility of no effect, it is recommended to test several methods, starting with the simplest.

It is also important to note that in case of problems caused by technical breakdowns, you should contact a workshop, since the possibility of more serious damage and failure of the entire mobile device cannot be ruled out.

You should assume that you have learned how to disable the proximity sensor using the example of the Android mobile operating system, so if any difficulties arise, you can use both the built-in functionality, a separate program, or more unique methods. In other situations, you can turn to thematic forums to find out the cause and solve a problem that has not received significant publicity. You can also describe your own characteristics of the problem or the reasons for the need to deactivate the automatic screen off function.

Our site has already talked about what happens on smartphones and phones. Let us recall that this is an electronic device for recording the presence or absence of a certain class of objects in its coverage area. In simple terms, the sensor turns off the screen if you bring the smartphone to your ear or simply cover it with your hand. This is done so that during a conversation there is no possibility of accidentally pressing the touch keys.

In some cases, you may need to disable the proximity sensor. Is it possible to do this? It’s possible, but not all devices have such an item in the settings. For example, Samsung smartphones have it. Let's show an example.

Go to "Settings".

Select the “Device” section, “Calls” subsection.

Uncheck the “Turn off screen during a call” checkbox.

After this, the proximity sensor will be disabled.

The second way is to use special applications. They do not require obtaining, but they do require administrator rights, so you use such an application only at your own peril and risk. Uninstalling such apps can be confusing because it requires you to first disable administrator rights, and those rights are disabled in the app's settings before it can be uninstalled.

For example, you can use the Sanity application. It has a whole section called Proximity, which has a lot of settings for the proximity sensor.

As you can see, it’s nothing complicated, but we strongly recommend using the standard smartphone settings without installing third-party applications.

Most often, the proximity sensor (or Proximity Sensor) is installed in the same area as the front camera lens and speaker. Therefore, if you bring your smartphone to your ear during a telephone conversation, it will send the corresponding signal to the processor and lock the screen, protecting it from accidental presses.

If the sensor has stopped working normally or you don’t need it, then we will tell you how to disable the proximity sensor on Android.

On some Android devices, the proximity sensor is disabled through the standard settings menu. Depending on the operating system version, this option may be hidden in different menus. Procedure:

Step 1. Go to "Settings" and here find the item "System applications".

Step 2. Click on the line "Challenges" and select "Incoming calls".

Step 3. Find the line "Proximity sensor" and set the slider to "Turned off".

Depending on the smartphone manufacturer and the version of the operating system used, the names of some menus and options may differ.

How to disable the proximity sensor via Sensor Disabler

Price: Free

If the required option is not available in the system settings, then on an Android phone you can try disabling the sensor using a third-party application. In this tutorial we will use Sensor Disabler. Procedure:

Step 1. Launch Play Store and download Sensor Disabler to your phone. Wait for the installation to complete and click on the button "Open" to get started with the application.

Step 2. Call up menu "Settings". To do this, swipe right or click on the icon in the form of three lines (in the upper left corner). In the menu that opens, click on the item "Proximity".

Step 3. Select "Remove sensor" to turn off the proximity sensor ( "Do nothing"- leave default values, "Mock sensor values"- calibrate values ​​manually) and click on the icon "Save" in the lower right corner.

The changes will take effect immediately. With Sensor Disabler you can also revert to default values ​​at any time. To do this in the settings "Proximity" should choose "Do nothing".

How to calibrate the proximity sensor

Price: Free

If the proximity sensor stops working normally (for example, it does not work when you approach or randomly blocks the screen while listening to voice messages), then it can be calibrated. To do this you will have to use a third-party application.

In these instructions we will use the “Proximity Sensor Reset Repair” utility from Mobile Direction. This is a free application with which you can configure the proximity sensor on Android. Procedure:

Step 1. Launch Play Store on your phone and use the search bar to find "Proximity sensor reset repair".

Step 2. Click on the green button "Install" and wait for the installation to complete. After that, tap on "Open" to get started with the utility.

Step 3. On the main screen, tap the big button "Fix It".

Step 4. Calibration instructions will appear. Follow the on-screen prompts to set up your sensor.

Step 5. Finally, click on the check mark icon to confirm and save the new calibration settings, and then click on the button "OK".

Reboot your device for the changes to take effect. If after the steps described above the sensor still cannot be configured, then most likely the problem is hardware in nature and the device needs to be repaired.

The Android operating system contains many useful functions, but some of them may not be needed, in particular the proximity sensor. This is a special sensor that is installed on the front side of the device, and when an approaching object is detected, it performs some action, in particular:

  1. Turn off the phone backlight when you bring the smartphone to your ear;
  2. Automatically receive a call when a motion sensor is triggered;
  3. Automatic volume increase when the phone is directly in your pocket.

In some cases, it does not work correctly, so users prefer to disable it for ease of use of their mobile phone. There are several ways to disable the sensor: using standard settings, third-party software, and using

Using standard settings

A simple and extremely affordable way to disable the proximity sensor on Android is to use the standard settings. In each model, this function can be located in different places. However, the general “formula” for disabling the sensor consists of the following steps:

  1. Go to the “Settings” section of your Android smartphone.
  2. Select the sub-item “Calls”;
  3. Find the item “Proximity sensor”, and then uncheck it.

In some devices this item is called differently, in particular “turn off the screen during a call.” After that, you can make a call and check that everything is turned off.

Using third party software

There are times when such manipulations do not have any effect and the proximity sensor still works as before. There is no need to worry, as on the Internet you will find several applications that allow you to disable this sensor, bypassing the standard Android settings.

One such application is Smart Screen Off. It provides ample opportunities for customizing various sensors and buttons on the phone. The functionality of this program also includes disabling the proximity sensor. In the program interface, you need to find the corresponding item, and accordingly, disable the proximity sensor.

After this, when you make a call and bring the device to the ear, the sensor will not trigger, i.e., perform any actions. You can download the application on Google Play, and then:

  1. Enter the name in the search bar;
  2. Go to the program page;
  3. Click "install".

Engineering menu and service codes - a solution to any problems

Most modern mobile operating systems, including Android, have a so-called engineering menu. It is an advanced smartphone settings that can be used to configure almost any component of the phone, including the proximity sensor if it is not working correctly. Before using this menu, be sure to read all the information you can find on your model. The engineering menu is used only by developers or advanced users. Setting the wrong settings can lead to extremely unfavorable consequences. To enter the engineering menu you need to:

  1. Enable dialing on your phone.
  2. On the keyboard, enter the following combination of characters - *#*#3646633#*#* (depending on the manufacturer, there may be other combinations).
  3. If after this the engineering menu does not appear, press the call button.

There is an easier way - enter the service code. This is a special combination of symbols and numbers that allows you to perform a specific action. If the sensor does not work correctly, you should find a code for your specific phone model that will be used to disable it. Be sure to check out several sources of information online, as there are engineering codes that produce .

Other solutions to the problem

Incorrect operation of the sensor may be due to errors in the Android OS. Try updating and then upgrade to the new version. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your phone settings.
  2. Select "About phone".
  3. Click on "System Update".

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