USB ports turn off due to lack of voltage. What does a hub port lack of power mean? Outdated drivers and BIOS

Connectors on the computer system unit are often sorely lacking, so many users purchase additional devices - hubs. But not everyone understands electronics, and often there is a lack of power supply to the USB hub port. Anyone who encounters such a message on the monitor screen has to figure out what to do in this situation.

What is a USB hub

Initially, the USB (USB) standard was designed to connect third-party telecommunications devices to computers. Who would have thought that today almost every conceivable technology is connected to this port:

  • Low-power speakers;
  • Keyboards;
  • Mice;
  • Modems;
  • Portable flash drives;
  • Charging cables for smartphones, etc.

Thus, there is a dissonance between the need to connect several devices to the machine and the limited number of ports. For example, the latest model MacBook computer has only one slot of this type: as a result, it will be impossible to charge the device and use a flash drive at the same time.

One way to get around the flaws of computer manufacturers may be to purchase special equipment - a USB hub. This miracle, when connected to a port, gives several output sockets at once, into which several devices can be inserted.

Types of concentrators

There are several modifications of hubs on sale:

  1. Connected directly to the system board. In order to use this type of device, you will need to remove the cover of the PC case. For those who are not entirely confident in their computer literacy, it is better not to buy such equipment. In case of an error, the damage will be estimated at thousands of rubles.
  2. The second category of these devices is much easier to use, since they can be connected to one of the USB sockets located outside. The number of connectors available at the output can reach 5. However, it is better not to connect some energy-intensive devices to them.
  3. The third type of hubs is generally similar to the previous one, with only one exception: in addition to connecting to a computer, they need power from the network for their stable operation. This solves the problem with energy-hungry peripheral computer devices.
  4. The fourth group of concentrators has a very highly specialized field of application. Namely, they are suitable only for portable portable PCs (laptops)

What does a hub port lack of power mean?

This is a fairly common problem with type 2 hubs. Let us highlight the main possible causes and ways to resolve them:

  • There are too many power-hungry devices connected to the hub. The equipment simply cannot cope with the load placed on it. The only thing that can be recommended as a way out of the situation is to turn off too “gluttonous” devices.
  • If this error is typical for absolutely all ports of the hub, then most likely the problem is in the hub itself. As a rule, this indicates a broken wire or problems with the hub chip.
  • Another common problem is related to using so-calledUSB extenders. This is a cable (usually 1-2 meters long), which is often purchased by owners of mobile Internet modems in order to place the Internet device closer to the window. However, cheap Chinese cables have incredibly high resistance, and virtually no energy reaches the device. In this case, it is worth purchasing a more expensive cable from a famous brand.

Increasing port power

In order to supply more power via USB, you need to follow several steps:

  1. Find out all the information about your computer and its structural components. This can be easily done using the Everest utility. To do this, just run the scan and wait a few minutes. After that, find the item with the motherboard model.
  2. If the board model allows for increased power supply through the ports, then the next step is to open the BIOS settings window. Then you need to increase the indicator to the maximum, exit the program and save the settings. In the case of outdated models of mother cards, this cannot be done, so the only way out of the situation is to update the computer.
  3. You can also purchase a separate power supply that connects to this type of socket.
  4. Another way to fix the problem is to use a special adapter that increases the voltage supply. At the same time, you should pay attention to the quality of the product, since cheap crafts labeled “made in China” tend to damage the ports.

How to choose an active hub?

Perhaps the surest way to provide sufficient power to each USB device is to buy a splitter that receives additional power from a regular electrical outlet and distributes it at the output.

Here are the ingredients for a successful purchase:

  1. You shouldn't skimp on a quality device. The price of good hubs can reach up to 3,000 rubles, but such gadgets are worth the money.
  2. You should not contact Chinese online stores. Firstly, the quality of these devices without a name is very controversial. Miracle machines from the Middle Kingdom have broken the computer of more than one gullible user. Secondly, delivery from China can take a month or more. Therefore, the best way to buy a good product here and now is to visit the page of a large chain store.
  3. Pay attention to the brand. Recognized masters in their field: Hama, TP-Link and Greenconnect. It is better not to buy unknown brands.
  4. The distance between the jacks on the hub also matters. Some users complain about the lack of space to connect all the necessary devices.
  5. If you have the opportunity to hold the equipment in your hands, you need to estimate its mass. It should be neither too small nor too large.
  6. Carefully inspect the power cable and its attachment point. This is one of the most common “sore spots” of hubs.

The use of cheap power strips in combination with power-hungry devices is the most common reason why a USB hub port lacks power. What to do depends on financial resources.

Consumers of data storage products often experience that their devices do not have enough power from the USB connector. Because of this, devices do not work as they should - they are constantly turned off, periodically disappear from the list of drives, or do not turn on at all. Moreover, this happens, as always, according to the law of meanness, at the most inopportune moment, when you urgently need to gain access to your data. The article will discuss how to provide your portable hard drive with good power.

I’ll immediately make a reservation that this problem arises with the USB 2.0 port, since the more modern version of USB 3.0, according to the specification, has a higher output power, which is quite enough to start and operate the drive.

So, what to do if there is a lack of nutrition.

There are two options. The first is simple: you need to find a very short USB cable - about 15-20 cm. From my experience, losses on such cables are minimal, so the hard drive will work even from an old USB port.

Typically, such a wire can be purchased at one of the computer markets or dealerships, and in addition, the well-known manufacturer of portable products, Western Digital, likes to include such wires in their product kits. The chance that a short cable will fix the problem is quite high. In addition, such a “cord” is convenient to carry with you, it is lightweight and does not take up much space even in a tiny purse or small handbag.

Option two - you'll have to fork out a little. You need to buy a device that will feed your hard drive. There are also two ways here. You can take an internal solution or an external one. The first is suitable for owners of desktop computers, the second - for owners of laptops and other portable equipment.

An external solution includes purchasing a USB hub (hub) for 4-7 ports with an external power supply that has enough power to power devices in all ports at once.

The advantage of this solution is its versatility. It can be used with a laptop, a desktop, or any device in general. If necessary, such a hub can easily be thrown into a bag and taken to work / to a friend / to the country, etc. However, there are also disadvantages, although not significant. Firstly, there is an extra occupied outlet. It may seem that I am being picky, however, as practice shows, sockets become clogged with devices quite quickly, and soon there may not be enough of them. Secondly, this is extra space on the table and a bunch of additional wires. For lovers of minimalism, and simply order on the table, this option will not seem the best.

The internal solution is much better in this regard. Purchase a three-inch internal USB splitter powered by a Molex connector. This device also has a card reader, so in addition to everything you get a memory card reader, which is a definite plus. Since no power supply is required (electricity comes from the computer's power supply), such devices are usually very cheap. Their price rarely exceeds 250-350 rubles.

In this case, the solution is very elegant - it does not take up space on the table, there are no unnecessary wires, everything is at hand. It will be especially convenient for those users who do not have front USB ports on the computer case (only on the rear panel). The downside is that such a device will only work with desktops, and also only if you have a free internal connector on the motherboard. It should be noted that in modern motherboards such internal connectors are a dime a dozen.

Why is there not enough power for USB devices?

What is the cause of food shortage? The USB 2.0 port at a voltage of 5 Volts is capable of delivering a current of only 0.5 Amperes. That is, the power of one port will be 2.5 Watts. The starting current of a hard drive is also 0.5 (and sometimes a little more) Ampere. If the computer's power supply (like itself) is not new, then it may not output 5 volts, but, say, 4.6-4.8 volts. That is, the total power may decrease, limiting the power supply to the hard drive that is already working at the limit. A long wire has more resistance than a short one, which also reduces the power supply to the hard drive. Fortunately, manufacturers of portable hard drives take this problem into account and install hard drives with lower consumption. True, this does not have the best effect on speed characteristics.

The more modern USB 3.0 connector, according to the specification, has a current of 0.9 Amperes (almost 2 times more than the previous version). Therefore, such devices do not have problems with power supply. In addition, this connector provides higher data transfer speeds. Since there is backward compatibility, a USB 3.0 device can be plugged into a USB 2.0 port without any problems. In this case, it will work in compatibility mode at lower speeds. Therefore, I recommend buying hard drives with USB 3.0. Even if your computer does not have this modern connector, it will be a good foundation for the future. When it appears, you will see a significant increase (3-4 times) in speed.

If you have any questions, write them in the comments.

One “fine” day a situation may arise that on your computer there will be a shortage of ports for connecting USB devices.
Let's say you have a laptop. We connected a mouse, a printer, a flash drive to it... And there we ran out of free USB connectors - there was nowhere to insert another flash drive.
Or, for example, there is a desktop computer in a store. The following devices must be connected to it: keyboard, mouse, printer, webcam, barcode scanner, USB token for the accounting program to work. After connecting there are no free USB ports left - the flash drive can no longer be connected.

What to do if There are no free USB connectors left on the computer?

The easiest way to get out of this situation is purchase a USB hub.

USB hub, USB hub, USB splitter- these are all different names for the same device. A USB hub connects to a free working USB port on your computer, and gives you an additional two, three or more USB connectors. You do not need to install any drivers on your computer for it to work.

The most common USB hub ( passive) is not expensive at all. Suitable for connecting flash drives and mice. Remember that a device connected to a USB connector receives power from the connector itself. Therefore, if you connect several energy-intensive devices to such a hub, they may not work correctly or may not work at all.

If you are going to connect several devices (or power-intensive devices) to the USB hub, then you need to purchase active USB hub with its own power supply.

Such a USB hub will be larger in size than a passive one, because It contains a 5V voltage converter. And it will cost more.

This hub is connected with one cable to the USB port of the computer, and with the other to a power outlet.

The main advantage of such a hub is a stable power supply to all USB ports. Therefore, you can safely connect any USB devices to it: be it an external hard drive or a webcam.

From my personal experience I can advise seven-port USB splitter D-Link DUB-H7. Excellent hub, works stably and reliably:

There are other ways how to add usb ports to your computer. True, they are suitable for owners of stationary system units, and not laptops.

Can be purchased USB stick, which will increase the number of ports on the rear side of the system unit.

To install it, you will need to open the computer system unit - find a free nine- (or ten-) pin USB connector on the motherboard - connect your bracket to it - then secure it with a screw (or latch):
Before buying such a USB stick, it is better to first make sure that your computer’s motherboard definitely has a free connector for connecting it.

Another option for increasing the number of USB ports suitable for a system unit is to use PCI cards with USB ports. It is also inserted into the corresponding connector on the computer motherboard.

By the way, when purchasing, I recommend paying attention to PCI cards with a USB 3.0 interface. By installing such a module in your computer, you will increase not only the number of USB ports, but also the data transfer speed through them.