From the neighbors above there is a smell of burnt air coming through the hood. View full version

I have the following problem:
I live in the private sector, in my house, family, 4 people!

A young neighbor’s husband died in December and her place was taken by a trio of young boys, who for a long time (from April to now) have been building something in the yard, dismantling the garage, digging some kind of huge hole, etc....

At first they turned a blind eye to this - they thought that people were doing some kind of repairs and expanding the usable area of ​​the yard, especially since they did this not at night, but from 8 am to 7 pm, although it happened until 21:30...

But a couple of weeks ago, everything here became completely different: there are always cars under the yard, the garage was dismantled so that they could drive 4-5 more cars into the yard, and they spend the whole day there cooking something, cleaning it, working with compressors and other tools, even at the moment I hear and see through the huge fence how they are removing the paint from the car - and all this equipment is located right under our fence, a METER from the wall of the house!!! On other sides the neighbors are either very old people, or the house is located at the other end of the yard and the noise is much quieter...

Literally, just yesterday I learned from a neighbor’s grandmother that they set up a real auto repair shop there, more precisely, painting and metalwork!!

Of course, I understand that they work during the day, but somehow I’m tired of getting up every morning at 8 o’clock and listening to all kinds of hums and knocks with hammers all day, especially considering that I work at night and I often go to bed at about an hour at 4, or even at 6! Here they offer to play music loudly - believe me, I have enough of it at work and during the day there is no desire to turn it up all the way, although the equipment at home is extremely serious - I work as a DJ and officially as a sound engineer. There is nothing to talk about there, since one of them, a former drug addict and current alcoholic, who is already tired of being beaten for half his life (easier to kill), said that they work when normal people are at work! By the way, I saw how this vocational school shantrap regularly drinks loudly in the evenings on weekends, but this does not bother me at all, because it is much quieter))).

My family members are already tired of this too - on the only weekends on which they could relax and sleep off from a hard work week, they are forced to listen to all these dissonances and polyphonies of devices, and even the tension often jumps!

So, therefore, the questions (oh, they just turned on some new “vacuum cleaner” in the garage):
1. Can a residential area be used for such industrial purposes?
2. how to measure the noise level and what are the standards for it in Ukraine?
3. who should I contact and what else can be done according to the law, without starting a war, because if I start it, I’ll definitely shoot and sit down - there’s a gun, my nerves are also already shattered, besides, there’s a French bull terrier running in their yard - and shoot you won't have time like this

right at this moment, they are hitting some old seven with a hammer under the fence, and in front of the yard there is a half-disassembled Subaru from the 80s, it is clear that it has just been painted...

PS I've been correcting the errors for now - in addition to the "vacuum cleaner" in the garage (without one wall), some kind of circular machine under the fence started working - it's already driving my teeth o_O

15.03.2012, 16:43

House for 3 owners, a neighbor installed a gas turbo boiler in an illegal extension, and the chimney led horizontally from the wall directly into my yard.
Question 1: Do city gas companies have the right to make projects and install boilers in illegal structures.
Vorpos 2: which services (fire, environmental, etc.) regulate the exit of chimneys.
Question 3: what real arguments can be presented to the neighbor so that he brings the pipe either up or to his side.
Please do not respond to incompetent people. Thank you.

15.03.2012, 23:15

I beg your pardon, I, as the bravest of the incompetent forum participants, will try to answer to the best of my competence. :)
Check out this thread http://site/showthread.php?t=201163
I posted there a selection of regulations on gas issues.
And further.
I think that if you consider the possibility of slightly lowering your strict requirements for the respondent, you will have many more interlocutors than me..:ab8

15.03.2012, 23:27

Yes, and I, although also incompetent, would like to clarify... Does the pipe cross your state air borders? Or are you having troubles according to the wind rose?

About real arguments, it seems, no special competence is required... The most real argument is real boys... This is about “issue 3”.

And - "question 0". Have you contacted Gorgaz? Or straight away - here?

16.03.2012, 12:14

Thanks for the link, but there is nothing there about coaxial chimneys (legislators are stalling) whether the specifications apply to them as to ordinary chimneys or whether there are separate ones. Regarding Gorgaz - I made a written request, they answered me that the project was made according to the documents provided, but they did not give me copies, so for some reason they included the sabotage in the technical passport plan (on what grounds and where the dog rummaged). Thank you.

16.03.2012, 13:04

Is it really a self-construction? Suddenly it’s already registered with the BTI. Not so long ago, regulations were adopted regarding the procedure for legitimizing the self-building of previous years... Citizens are very actively using these acts. It is likely that your neighbor also made a fuss. Here it would be necessary to clarify with the BTI...

16.03.2012, 14:51

16.03.2012, 15:12

At the BTI, I clarified with them the plan was the same as mine, i.e., the extension was not legalized. Thank you.
So your neighbor has “decided” on installing a boiler with gas workers...;)
Will you write complaints about him to various inspection bodies?

It’s a bad situation when you have to “fight” with your neighbors... :(
Such “wars” do not end well, or rather never end and last for decades, poisoning the lives of both sides of the conflict...

What can I recommend here?
You need to try to negotiate peacefully, and if that doesn’t work, change your place of residence.
They say - choose not your house, but your neighbors...

A coaxial chimney, this is apparently for a turbocharged boiler. They are still a novelty, which is why they are not clearly stated in the legal regulations.
I would go to a plumbing store and copy (or copy) the necessary information, requirements and links from the passport of such a boiler.
Or rather, it would be better to go to your neighbor and ask about the exact type of boiler.
If you take another bottle of “little white” with you, maybe you won’t need to go to the store - make an amicable agreement. :)

16.03.2012, 17:06

Thank you, Аbaddon and energy for the detailed answer, and regarding incompetence, sorry for the quirk, it’s just that very often “experts” pour water and practice eloquence, and there are other sites for this. Regarding “decided”, this is 99.9%, only when the wolves are well-fed, the sheep, for some reason, are not intact. Thank you.

16.03.2012, 22:31

Please please.

"... it’s just that very often “experts” pour water and practice eloquence, and there are other sites for this."

And thank you... It was the “experts” who “pour the water” and not without eloquence... But only these two “experts” drew attention to your problem and, honestly pointing out the lack of special “competence”, We tried to reason about your questions, which you so strictly addressed only to competent comrades. By the way, for such strictness, in fact, there are competent government bodies, official legal advice and even “other sites”.

Come on, Chevalier Energy, it’s better to splash water on each other than to pour water on others incompetently and eloquently... ;)


Name: A

City: Kiev


Good afternoon. Please tell me, the neighbors from below brought the hood from their kitchen to the street, breaking through the wall and leading the pipe from their hood in the loop of the external common gas pipe (Khrushchev’s house, the gas pipe runs between the first and second floors) everything that comes out through their hood goes to us into the apartment, a greasy stain on the window, etc. Did they do it legally and what methods of influence (talking does not help), where to go and what to refer to?


The first thing you need to know is on whose balance the apartment in your building is located in order to determine who exactly to contact with a written statement to conduct an investigation into the facts of illegal installation of a hood by neighbors.

If this is a public utility company, then they must go to the site (your apartment) and, based on the results of its inspection, determine whether there really are violations and identify the culprit. After drawing up this act, they have the right, by their instructions, to demand that the persons responsible for this (neighbors) eliminate, for example, the relevant violations.

According to clause 1.4.4. “Rules for the maintenance of residential buildings and adjacent areas”, approved by order of the State Committee of Ukraine on Housing and Communal Services dated May 17, 2005 No. 76, refurbishment and redevelopment of residential buildings, residential and non-residential premises in residential buildings, which lead to a violation of the strength or destruction of load-bearing structures building structures, deterioration of the safety and appearance of facades, violation of fire safety requirements and fire protection equipment is not allowed. Clause 4.8.7. According to the same Rules, it is not allowed to use ventilation ducts as chimneys.

In accordance with clause 1.4.6 of the same Rules, the owner, tenant (tenant) of a residential building, residential or non-residential premises in a residential building, who has allowed unauthorized re-equipment or redevelopment, which leads to a violation of structural elements or fire protection means, is obliged to at its own expense to bring this premises to its previous condition. Article 100 of the Housing Code of Ukraine provides that a tenant who has allowed unauthorized re-equipment or redevelopment of a residential or utility room is obliged, at his own expense, to restore the premises to its previous condition.

If the neighbors refuse to voluntarily eliminate the identified violations, you can go to court with a claim to restore the unauthorized redesigned residential premises (apartment) to their original condition and compensate for material and moral damage.

As you can see, not everything is so sad. If you want, you can deal with this red tape yourself, or contact us as advocate I will represent your interests, draw up the necessary complaints, requests, etc.