Release of the operating room. Standard OS functions

Among users computer technology There is an opinion that you can never have too much RAM... And you can’t argue with this, dear reader, especially when it comes to modern machines whose hardware configuration corresponds to solid specifications, and the Windows system installed on board the PC is a 64-bit version. However, the “painful” problem of many - “the computer’s physical memory is loaded, what should I do” - still continues its inglorious existence, perplexing the average user and sometimes forcing an experienced computer guru to rack his brains over solving the “lack of RAM” problem. However, we will not delve into the extreme complexity of “operational misunderstandings” and will resort to simple ones, but nevertheless effective methods diagnostics and optimization of computer swap systems. Well, the article promises to be memorable. RAM secrets are waiting to be revealed!

Guard, the computer's physical memory is loaded!

What to do and how to deal with it? Probably, these are the questions that come to the user’s mind when he becomes an involuntary witness to the monstrous slowness of the Windows operating system.

  • With each subsequent turn on of the PC, the startup of the OS becomes slower and slower.
  • The clickability of the operating system at startup and during use becomes unbearable due to the “long-lasting waiting process.”
  • The once “flying” applications, to put it mildly, take a long time to start.
  • Incomprehensible service messages attack the monitor with their “unobtrusive” presence.

In general, any of the above scenarios (not to mention their complex manifestations) can quickly drive any user crazy. But not everyone who is “expecting” understands that everything described above may be the result of our own omissions. And it’s unlikely that the average user even knows how to make sure that the computer’s physical memory is loaded?

What should you do first if your PC loses performance?

Of course, first of all, you need to diagnose the system. Moreover, everything necessary for this is provided in advance by Microsoft developers. Well, it's time to move on to the practical part of our story.

  • Click on the taskbar (lowest area of ​​the screen) right click mice.
  • From the drop-down list, select “Manager...”.
  • Once in the work area of ​​the service window of the same name, use the “Performance” tab.

  • A visually presented graph will allow you to estimate the RAM utilization rate. If Vista or a later version of Windows OS is installed on your PC, then the value of memory used should not exceed 70-75% of the total nominal value of the physical swap. Otherwise, you need to unload the RAM area.

Memory problems start from the start of the OS

When you observe that your computer's physical memory is loaded at 80% or above this value, pay attention to startup. Most likely, when Windows starts, the mentioned service activates many background applications and various software. Often, it is for this reason that the RAM becomes overloaded, literally “torn” between requests from multiple programs to allocate the amount of memory they need to operate. However, such an unpleasant situation can be corrected quite easily.

  • IN search bar In the Windows start menu, enter the command “msconfig”.
  • After pressing the "Enter" button you will be taken to service menu"System configuration".
  • Activate the “Startup” tab and edit the priority list of startup software.

You will be surprised how quickly your OS will boot after a system restart. Nothing prevents you from making sure in practice that the problematic situation when the computer’s physical memory is loaded on Windows 7 will be exhausted after you remove all unnecessary things from startup.

How to clear RAM: two “fundamental” optimization methods

Let's start with the main thing - you need to disable unused software. Typically, in order to see exactly which programs are running in background, you need to look into a special area of ​​the OS - the system tray - and directly from there (by pointing the marker at the object and right-clicking) deactivate the selected software. It may well turn out that immediately after you implement the proposed recommendation, the question “The physical memory of the computer is loaded, how to clear it” will be completely resolved. After all, some applications running in the background are incredibly “gluttonous” in terms of using system RAM resources.

Another way to free up memory

So, in order to see which programs or utilities are “secretly” consuming the kilo- and megabytes of RAM you need so much, do the following:

  • Press the key combination “Alt+Ctrl+Del”.
  • After you get to the service window that is already familiar to you, open the “Processes” tab.
  • Analyze the presented list and use manual correction to turn off background application which you don't need in this moment.

However, you should not rush to deactivate “aggressive items”, since disabling some critical Windows services can have a detrimental effect on general condition stability of your OS.

“Miracle” RAM optimizers

When the physical memory of the computer is 90 percent loaded (from the earlier section of the article you learned that this value is a deviation from the norm), some users rush to clear the RAM area using various utilities. However, not many of them realize that this type of RAM optimization is a waste of time, since they do not contribute anything concrete to solving the problem. The “promising functionality” of such optimizers only creates the illusion that memory is being freed, while introducing some difficulties into the operation of the OS... Rest assured: manual method much more effective and more expedient to carry out than the imaginary “help” from third party developers. By the way, we advise you to simply forget about this (second) method of RAM optimization...

Malicious code and methods for detecting it

Often the user asks the question: “The physical memory of the computer is loaded: is it a virus or not?” This problem is especially acute when all the above actions have been implemented in practice. What's the matter and why does RAM continue to lose its working potential? Let's figure it out.

It is worth noting that the traditional antivirus installed on your PC is not always able to fully protect your system from penetration and the subsequent negative impact of one or another “digital infection”. Therefore, it makes sense to check your OS using the above utilities.

When the amount of RAM corresponds to the concept “NOT TOO”

If you are working in Word and at the same time listening to music using an Internet browser, and you see that the physical memory of the computer is 77% loaded, there is no reason to worry. But if things are different, it makes sense to look at the problem from a technical point of view and ask some questions: how many RAM modules are installed on your PC and what are their nominal “capabilities”? It is worth noting an important fact: depending on the version of the Windows system used, the requirements for the amount of RAM can vary from 256 MB to 2 GB (only for the “needs” of the operating system itself). Well, if you still decide to use a resource-intensive program on a computer with limited RAM, then it’s time to think about expanding the paging file.

Summing up

So, with some confidence we can say that the once difficult situation for you “the physical memory of the computer is loaded, what to do” has now been resolved. Nevertheless, one important “operative” point is still worth mentioning.

  • If you are using Windows Vista, OS 7 or more later versions Microsoft product, then if you do not have enough RAM, you can try disabling the Superfetch service.

And one last thing: don’t miss the opportunity to upgrade your PC - adding an additional RAM module will significantly expand the functionality and “combat capability” of your computer equipment. Don't let your computer fall into unconsciousness!

Ways to clear memory in Windows 7

Have you noticed that windows work became slower and you wonder what could have affected the RAM systems? The answer is simple - over time, the performance of every computer, even the newest one, decreases. This is due to numerous programs that leave behind unnecessary data, as well as files from the Internet that clog up RAM. There are many ways to optimize your PC and clean up windows memory 7. Let's consider the main ones.

Troubleshoot performance issues

You can start cleaning and fixing errors accumulated on your computer using the built-in service windows checks. It checks all the factors that affect the performance of your PC and suggests solutions to problems that arise. Launch this service can be done as follows:

It will help to clear RAM from accumulated “garbage” CCleaner program. It's free and very useful utility, which will help you cope with this process in a matter of seconds. To do this you need:

CCleaner will automatically optimize and rid your PC of files clogging it.

Note! When ridding your computer of elements that are slowing it down, CCleaner can remove cookies stored for each browser. If you do not want this to happen, simply uncheck the corresponding option under the search engine.

Removing unused programs

Often the RAM is loaded due to large quantity installed programs and the files they produce during their work. Let's start with easy removal all unused software:

  • go to “Start”, “Control Panel” and then “Uninstall programs”;
  • scroll through the list and select those that are not used or not needed at all;
  • delete them in manual mode, which will help free up some memory.

Cleaning autostart

When installing many programs, they are written in windows autorun and begin their work in the background when the computer starts. They are often the reason for a sharp drop in computer performance, loading RAM with unnecessary processes. To start optimization and determine which of them are in startup, do the following:

  • go to the “Start” menu, then “All Programs”;
  • find the “Startup” folder and view its contents;
  • We leave only the essentials in it; the rest can be removed, freeing the RAM from unnecessary load.

There is another way to get to the cleaning menu:

The previously described CCleaner will also help you check and configure startup:

Special attention It is worth paying attention to all kinds of updaters designed to download updates from the Internet.

Such software, running in the background, takes up some of the RAM resources and may remain invisible to the user.

This completes the cleaning. It should be remembered that files clogging the RAM appear on the PC literally every minute of its operation. For this reason, it is highly recommended to carry out preventive RAM cleanings without waiting for a drop in system performance.

How to clean the RAM of a Windows 7 computer

Every user who works on a computer that has a small amount of RAM encounters a problem from time to time. slow work operating system, periodic crashes running programs, or errors due to lack of RAM. In order to get rid of all this, you just need to know how to clean RAM windows computer 7. It should be understood that during operation the user does not have access to all RAM. Part of it is taken by the OS for its needs, as well as all its services. And the rest free memory available for launching programs or for running a video card that uses RAM. If, after starting the operating system, you do not have enough free RAM, then you should begin the process of cleaning up the RAM by disabling unnecessary services, startup programs, or disabling resource-intensive processes.

Two main ways to clean your computer's RAM

1. Disconnection unused services windows

The easiest way to clear RAM is to close everything unused programs, and leave only one, with which you will continue to work. This is not always convenient, but it gives the most tangible results. For example, let's look at memory usage statistics in the task manager.

In the “Performance” tab you can see how much physical memory is available and how much is free at the moment. You can also see how much memory the system is currently using. As you can see, there is not much memory available. The “Applications” tab shows all currently running programs, and in order to free up the computer’s RAM, you need to close them all. Let's try to leave only WORD and look at the result.

After the closure of the programs, the situation changes dramatically and available memory becomes much bigger.

To free up more memory, you can additionally view all running processes in the system and close unnecessary ones, but the effect of this will be small.

Unnecessary processes include running agents of some programs, the purpose of which is only to monitor the occurrence of new version applications on the site or simply programs that automatically launch when the system starts. It is better to immediately disable them in the system autostart so that they do not even load. This can be done by running the msconfig utility or using the program’s cleaning capabilities CCleaner systems.

2. Clearing the list of programs at startup You can clear the list of programs that automatically load with the OS using various programs. The CCleaner program has proven itself to be excellent for these purposes. Using her example, we will look at how to do this. Immediately after starting the program, go to the “Service” tab located on the left panel (1). After that, select the “Startup” section (2). The screen will display a list of programs that launch when windows start. From it you should select only those that you do not need immediately after switching on. Typically this is automatic updates, or unimportant programs that take away valuable megabytes from RAM. So, select the line we are interested in (3) and press the “Turn off” button (4).

Besides this program will be useful when cleaning temporary browser files, system folders, as well as all kinds of applications.

How to clear RAM and increase computer speed

This page contains information on how to clear RAM and speed up your computer. If you work with a lot of programs on your computer or laptop, you will notice that your computer becomes quite slow. At first, when you start your computer, it starts up quite quickly, but when you start running many programs for a long time, it starts up slower.

The main reason for this is that your computer's random access memory (RAM) contains fragments of parts of the programs you were working with. Sometimes you need to clear your memory computer RAM, because the program freezes and stops responding. RAM (Random Access Memory) contains data from running programs and the operating system. RAM is much faster than HDD, but unlike hard drive, data in RAM is only lost when the computer's power is turned off. To partially clear your computer's RAM, you can close some programs that are currently open. In Windows, right-click on any program in the taskbar and select the Quit option. This will free up memory that was used by this program.


Clear RAM

Create your own RAM Cleaner using Notepad. To partially clear the RAM and increase the speed of your computer, follow these steps.

Step 1: Open Notepad Step 2: Write these lines of code

MsgBox "Do you want to clear your RAM?",0,"Exclusive RAM cleaning" FreeMem=Space(307200000) Msgbox" Clearing RAM completed successfully..",0,"Exclusive RAM Cleaner" Step 3: Now save this by pressing CTRL + S Step 4: When asked for a file name, save it as “ram_cleaner.vbs” (without quotes) by selecting the type in the box file - ❝All files❞ Step 5: Run it and your memory will be cleared..What this piece of code above says.

MsgBox - “Do you want to clean your Ram?” ,0, “Exclusive RAM Cleaner” This line of code displays a message box asking: Do you want to wipe your Ram?

“0” - means type available options. If “0”, you will only receive an OK button in the message box. To make a window with OK and Cancel buttons appear, change the number 0 to 1..

“Exclusive RAM Cleanup” is just a title in the message box.

FreeMem=Space(307200000) This piece of code does the real job of clearing 3GB RAM.. If your memory is 2GB then change it to 2048 with 5 zeros after it.

Msgbox - “RAM cleaning completed successfully..”, 0, “Exclusive RAM cleaning” This piece of code displays the message - “RAM cleaning completed successfully..” (without quotes).

That's all!! Now, whenever you want to free up your RAM by deleting temporary data in it, simply launch ram_cleaner.vbs by double-clicking the ram_cleaner.vbs icon on your desktop.

Eat small program for defragmentation and maintenance stable operation RAM, which you can read about in the article “Cleaning RAM RAM program Def 2.6 Xtreme".

You can clean up and defragment your RAM using the tools from this list to improve your computer's speed.

1) nCleaner. Checks the registry hard disks, allows you to control the launch, sections free space on the hard drive, controls free place on hard drives, free RAM and much more. You can pre-scan settings to determine which files you want to delete and which you don’t want to delete. (

2) CleanMem is a software tool that helps the user overcome the weakening of unused memory by applications, effectively freeing memory from applications. This program does not require startup input and memory clearing. (

3) VC RamCleaner. This free tool, which checks your system looking for areas of memory that are no longer functional. Within a few seconds, VC RamCleaner will free up RAM, increasing system performance. You can choose to run it automatically or manual cleaning memory. (

4) MemoryCleaner. Represents handy tool which will speed up your computer. Running in the background, every time you encounter low memory, MemoryCleaner performs fast deployment memory, removing empty memory blocks, and therefore provides more free RAM. (

5) RAM Memory Cleaner and Optimizer. A smart memory management program that helps your computer (PC) run better, faster, and last longer. Allows you to instantly free up memory if your system is slowing down. (

I could continue listing programs with which you can try to clear RAM and speed up your computer, but I decided to leave that for the next article.

I really liked the JetBoost program, which works by stopping processes and programs and speeding up the computer. You can find out more by reading the article “How to speed up your computer with JetBoost.”

windows 7: How to clear virtual memory

    Virtual memory in any operating system works this way: individual, usually inactive, fragments of memory are moved from random access memory (RAM) - technical device, which implements the functions of RAM - and free it (RAM) to load other memory fragments. Pages paged out of memory are temporarily stored in the paging file. From it you can extract information that is used during system operation. For example, in some organizations where they are constantly working with some important secret data, specialists periodically carry out cleaning virtual memory.We’ll look at how to clear virtual memory below using the example of Windows 7 OS and do it in three ways: through the control panel, through the search bar and by editing the registry

Method number 1. Activating virtual memory cleaning through the control panel

Open the control panel - click the “Start” menu and select the “Control Panel” command ( Control Panel).

Rus. windows 7

English windows 7

A window will open and at the top (in the Explorer line, if you click on the small triangle, a drop-down list will open) open extra menu“All Control Panel Items”.

Rus. windows 7

English windows 7

From the list that appears, select the “Administrative Tools” section,

Rus. windows 7

English windows 7

and then in another window that appears - “Local Security Policy”.

Rus. windows 7

English windows 7

Further in the section “ Local policies» go here – “Local Policies” - “Security Options” and find the line “Shutdown: Clear virtual memory pagefile”.

By default, this security option will be disabled in the line. Double-click with the mouse and a new window will appear: this is where you need to activate the “Enabled” status, then confirm your choice by clicking “OK”.

Rus. windows 7

English windows 7

Method number 2. Activating virtual memory cleaning via the search bar

To clear the system’s virtual memory, use the search bar. Call up the Start system menu, where at the bottom there is convenient line search - this is where we enter the name of the file gpedit.msc. Next is the Enter key.

Then we will see a new window that opens - “Local Editor group policy"(Local Group Policy Editor) - and in it we make a choice according to the following scheme: “Computer Configuration”, then “ windows configuration"(windows Settings), then "Security Settings".

Rus. windows 7

English windows 7

The last window will provide us with a separate list in which we need to select the “Local Policies” folder,

Rus. windows 7

English windows 7

and then the final item - the line “Security Options”.

Rus. windows 7

English windows 7

By clicking on this line, as in the first method, we find another line “Shutdown: Clear virtual memory pagefile”. We activate the “Enabled” status in the same way as in the first method, and then click “OK”. That's it, the process is completed successfully.

Method No. 3. Activating virtual memory cleaning by editing the registry

The third way to activate virtual memory cleaning is by editing the registry. As before, click the “Start” menu and enter “regedit” in the search bar at the bottom and click Enter key.

The Registry Editor window will appear on the screen ( Registry Editor) - here we will open the folders in the given sequence: “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE”, then “SYSTEM”, then “CurrentControlSet”, then “Control”, then “Session Manager” and the last item – the folder “ Memory Management».

In the last folder we find the parameter “ClearPageFileAtShutdown”,

open the window double click mouse and edit - enter the number “1” instead of “0” in the value column.

That's it, the process is completed successfully.

There is an opinion among computer technology users that you can never have too much... And you can’t argue with this, dear reader, especially when it comes to modern machines whose hardware configuration corresponds to solid specifications, and the Windows system installed on board the PC is 64-bit version. However, the “painful” problem of many - “the computer’s physical memory is loaded, what should I do” - still continues its inglorious existence, perplexing the average user and sometimes forcing an experienced computer guru to rack his brains over solving the “lack of RAM” problem. However, we will not delve into the extreme complexity of “operational misunderstandings” and will resort to simple but effective methods of diagnosing and optimizing the computer swap system. Well, the article promises to be memorable. RAM secrets are waiting to be revealed!

Guard, the computer's physical memory is loaded!

What to do and how to deal with it? Probably, these are the questions that come to the user’s mind when he becomes an involuntary witness to the monstrous slowness of the Windows operating system.

  • With each subsequent turn on of the PC, the startup of the OS becomes slower and slower.
  • The clickability of the operating system at startup and during use becomes unbearable due to the “long-lasting waiting process.”
  • The once “flying” applications, to put it mildly, take a long time to start.
  • Incomprehensible service messages attack the monitor with their “unobtrusive” presence.

In general, any of the above scenarios (not to mention their complex manifestations) can quickly drive any user crazy. But not everyone who is “expecting” understands that everything described above may be the result of our own omissions. And it’s unlikely that the average user even knows how to make sure that the computer’s physical memory is loaded?

What should you do first if your PC loses performance?

Of course, first of all, you need to diagnose the system. Moreover, everything necessary for this is provided in advance by Microsoft developers. Well, it's time to move on to the practical part of our story.

  • Right-click on the taskbar (the lowest area of ​​the screen).
  • From the drop-down list, select “Manager...”.
  • Once in the work area of ​​the service window of the same name, use the “Performance” tab.

  • A visually presented graph will allow you to evaluate your RAM. If Vista or a later version of Windows OS is installed on your PC, then the value of memory used should not exceed 70-75% of the total nominal value of the physical swap. Otherwise, you need to unload the RAM area.

Memory problems start from the start of the OS

When you observe that your computer's physical memory is loaded at 80% or above this value, pay attention to startup. Most likely at the moment Windows startup the mentioned service activates many background applications and various software. Often, it is for this reason that the RAM becomes overloaded, literally “torn” between requests from multiple programs to allocate the amount of memory they need to operate. However, such an unpleasant situation can be corrected quite easily.

  • In the launcher search bar Windows menu enter the command “msconfig”.
  • After pressing the “Enter” button you will be taken to the “System Configuration” service menu.
  • Activate the “Startup” tab and edit the priority list of startup software.

You will be surprised how quickly your OS will boot after a system restart. Nothing prevents you from making sure in practice that the problematic situation when the computer’s physical memory is loaded on Windows 7 will be exhausted after you remove all unnecessary things from startup.

How to clear RAM: two “fundamental” optimization methods

Let's start with the main thing - you need to disable unused software. As a rule, in order to see which programs are running in the background, you need to look into a special area of ​​the OS - the system tray - and directly from there (by pointing the marker at the object and right-clicking) deactivate the selected software. It may well turn out that immediately after you implement the proposed recommendation, the question “The physical memory of the computer is loaded, how to clear it” will be completely resolved. After all, some applications running are incredibly “gluttonous” in terms of using system RAM resources.

Another way to free up memory

So, in order to see which programs or utilities are “secretly” consuming the kilo- and megabytes of RAM you need so much, do the following:

  • Press the key combination “Alt+Ctrl+Del”.
  • After you get to the service window that is already familiar to you, open the “Processes” tab.
  • Analyze the list presented and use manual correction to turn off the background application that you do not need at the moment.

However, you should not rush to deactivate “aggressive items”, since disabling some critical Windows services can have a detrimental effect on the overall stability of your OS.

“Miracle” RAM optimizers

When the physical memory of the computer is 90 percent loaded (from the earlier section of the article you learned that this value is a deviation from the norm), some users rush to clear the RAM area using various utilities. However, not many of them realize that this type of RAM optimization is a waste of time, since they do not contribute anything concrete to solving the problem. The “promising functionality” of such optimizers only creates the illusion that memory is freed up, while introducing some difficulties into the operation of the OS... Rest assured: the manual method is much more effective and more expedient to implement than imaginary “help” from third-party developers. By the way, we advise you to simply forget about this (second) method of RAM optimization...

Malicious code and methods for detecting it

Often the user asks the question: “The physical memory of the computer is loaded: is it a virus or not?” This problem is especially acute when all the above actions have been implemented in practice. What's the matter and why does RAM continue to lose its working potential? Let's figure it out.

  • Download one of the anti-virus utilities from the Internet: Dr.Web CureIt!, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware or HitmanPro.
  • After the running application finishes scanning the system, infected objects will be cleaned, and malicious viruses will undergo the removal process.

It is worth noting that the traditional antivirus installed on your PC is not always able to fully protect your system from penetration and the subsequent negative impact of one or another “digital infection”. Therefore, it makes sense to check your OS using the above utilities.

When the amount of RAM corresponds to the concept “NOT TOO”

If you are working in Word and at the same time listening to music using an Internet browser, and you see that the physical memory of the computer is 77% loaded, there is no reason to worry. But if things are different, it makes sense to look at the problem from a technical point of view and ask some questions: how many RAM modules are installed on your PC and what are their nominal “capabilities”? It is worth noting an important fact: depending on the version of the Windows system used, the requirements for the amount of RAM can vary from 256 MB to 2 GB (only for the “needs” of the operating system itself). Well, if you still decide to use a resource-intensive program on a computer with limited RAM, then it’s time to think about expanding

Summing up

So, with some confidence we can say that the once difficult situation for you “the physical memory of the computer is loaded, what to do” has now been resolved. Nevertheless, one important “operative” point is still worth mentioning.

  • If you are using Windows Vista, the seventh OS or later versions of the Microsoft product, then if you do not have enough RAM, you can try disabling the Superfetch service.

And one last thing: do not miss the opportunity to upgrade your PC - adding an additional RAM module will significantly expand the functionality and “combat capability” of your computer equipment. Don't let your computer fall into unconsciousness!

RAM is an important component in a computer that is used as data storage for processing processes and programs. In fact, without RAM, the system will not be able to launch and work with programs and games, and therefore any failures can lead to serious consequences.

Over time, your computer's performance begins to weaken, programs freeze, and to fix this problem First of all, you need to try to ease the load on the RAM. In this article you will learn how to clean the RAM of a Windows 7 computer using built-in or downloaded programs.

Disabling programs via Autorun

To reduce the load on RAM and the entire system as a whole, you need to disable all load programs running in auto mode. After all, as a rule, most programs start automatically when you turn on the computer, and you have to turn them off every time. But these programs can be disabled by permanent basis, without deleting them. To do this, you need to use the Autorun function:

  1. To open the Autorun page, click on the buttons "Win" (Windows icon) And "R", which will open a window "Run".
  2. Next enter the word msconfig and click on OK.
  3. Using this command, System Configuration will open, and the Autorun tab is located just above, between "Services" And "Service".
  4. By clicking on the tab, you will see a list of programs that are turned off or start automatically when you turn on the computer. Check the boxes for programs that should not run automatically and click the button "Disable everything".

Also in the tab "Services" you can turn everything off unnecessary processes, which are built into Windows and run automatically.

CCleaner program

Using a special program CCleaner, you can easily and quickly disable all necessary programs and thereby significantly relieve RAM of the load. You can download the program via the Internet, and in quality free version. After you have opened it, click on the Tools button on the left side of the screen and click on the Startup tab. Then everything is in the same order, turn off unnecessary programs and save the settings.

It is worth noting that CCleaner performs various functions, using it you can delete temporary files, clean the registry and various programs. Thus, using all the functions of CCleaner, you can significantly reduce the load on the system and fix many errors and failures.

other methods

Now you know how to clean the RAM of a Windows 7 computer. Also, to ease the load on the system, try simply checking your computer for viruses. It is not necessary to use paid antiviruses, just download and execute full check files. Good luck!

If your computer slows down while working, clear the RAM. How to do this, read the article.


The RAM on the computer needs to be cleared, otherwise the PC starts to work too slowly - “slow down” and “glitch”. Every computer has a RAM cache. It stores a lot unnecessary information on the use of applications, which, when launched, does not allow the OS to function normally. In this article you will read how to clear RAM in Windows 7 using built-in OS functions or special programs.

How to free up and unload the RAM of a Windows 7 computer: step-by-step instructions

Any OS provides for the use of basic functional features to clear PC memory. Below is step-by-step instruction, which allows you to quickly and easily free up and unload the RAM of your Windows 7 computer.

Diagnostics of RAM memory performance

  • Click the buttons at the same time "WIN" And "R".
  • A tab will appear in which you need to write "mdsched" without quotes. This function will test and show the result.
  • Click "OK".

Then a page will open where you need to select "Reboot". When the system restarts, testing will take place using the program installed in the OS by default.

You can set up a different scan—basic, regular, or extensive.

  • To do this, click on the button "F1".
  • To move from option to option, press "Tab" with two arrows.
  • You can activate the setting by clicking on "F10".
  • When everything is done, close the window by clicking on "Esc". Wait for the scan to finish.
  • If there is damage, remove it and also clear the memory, removing the information left different applications. This is easy to do using any cleaning program - read below.

Manual RAM offload

  • Click on the buttons "CTRL", "SHIFT" And "ESC"(simultaneously).
  • A tab will appear in which click on the section "Process". See which technological computer procedure “eats” a lot of memory. If you see third-party applications, disable them, as these may be viruses and other similar spam programs that want to get information from the OS.
  • To disable the process of launching an unnecessary or suspicious application, right-click on the line with the process name. Then click on "Ending the process".
  • Minimize the task window tab and press the button combination at the same time "Win" And "R".
  • Then a window will open "Run". Write on the line "Open"msconfig.
  • Click "OK".
  • After that, click on the section. Erase all marks near applications that are not used or used infrequently. Then they can be activated from the desktop or using the button "Start".
  • Now select "Apply" And "OK", and restart your PC.

Advice: As you can see, freeing up memory on a PC or laptop is easy. Always, after each process, reboot the system, otherwise all actions will be done in vain.

Memory clearing can be done using special utilities. Eg, CCleaner.

  • Such a program will do everything correctly and perfectly clear the PC memory. In this case, there will be no disruption to the functioning of the OS.
  • CCleaner clears directories system partition(drive C).
  • Launch the program, click on "Cleaning mode".
  • Select command configuration: "Clean & Shutdown"- clean and turn off, "Reboot"- clean and reboot, "Close"- closing the program.

You can download this program follow this link from the official website of the developers. Click on "Free trial version» . When the program is downloaded, you can immediately clear your RAM with it.

Video: How to free up RAM on a Windows 7 computer

If during operation the computer begins to slow down and freeze when using several programs at the same time, the problem may lie in a lack of RAM. In this article I will tell you how to free up RAM on your computer, increasing the performance of Windows 10.

Let's assume that your PC doesn't have a lot of RAM, let's say, about 4 Gigabytes. When installing and running quite serious and resource-intensive applications operating system starts to slow down. Not only playing games, even working on a PC becomes problematic, since the overall performance of the computer decreases.

Here, in my opinion, there are several ways to solve the problem:

  • buying a more powerful one system unit or laptop
  • use the methods below in this article and free up your computer’s RAM

Virus check

Oddly enough, many users rarely pay attention to the fact that any virus in the system can become a serious cause of low memory on your PC. Especially in Lately, when the so-called “miners”, “spies”, “worms”, “Trojans” got divorced. Regular check antivirus program will help you correct the situation. Even if any of the antiviruses did not find anything serious, and your intuition is rebelling about dangerous software, do not be lazy and try scanning with other similar products.

Disable unused utilities

I think a novice user is not aware that any running program saves its data in RAM. Accordingly, the more active and involved it is, the more information she occupies. Needs to be closed unnecessary applications- this will help free up RAM on your computer and increase its performance.

Program for cleaning RAM

Again, novice users, and even those who are too lazy to manually tinker with optimizing RAM, can turn to special products - there are quite a few of them. For example CCleaner, SpeedUpMyPC, Advanced SystemCare, Reg Organizer, Dism++, Puran Utilities, etc. Many of them are called “combines” because of the ability to solve several tasks at once, for example, clean the registry, delete temporary files, optimize, etc., without installing additional software.

As a small addition for more advanced users, I recommend a small script.

Those who don’t want to bother can download it right away.

Remove unnecessary things from startup

Regularly check that nothing unnecessary gets into the autoload. To do this, open “Task Manager” -> “Advanced display mode” -> “Startup”. Remove everything unnecessary from there in a timely manner.

Disable unnecessary services in Windows 10

Here I will not describe the entire process of finding and removing useless services in Windows 10, since I previously wrote an article on how to do this. Read it.

Uninstall programs in Windows 10