Basic rules for creating a landing page for a service. Call to action

The task of every company that creates a landing page is to guide the user to a conversion action. According to the rules of consumer behavior, a potential buyer goes through 5 main stages: attention, interest, desire, action, satisfaction/dissatisfaction. But what kind of landing page scheme and block structuring will provide maximum return? Today we will try to understand this issue.

Any marketing campaign must begin with identifying the unique characteristics of the brand. It is necessary to clearly formulate how the product you offer differs from the solutions of competitors. Naturally, it is not necessary to invent everything from scratch: as a rule, the program has already been defined before the design of the web resource begins. If this moment was missed, then this is your first priority.

We recommend dividing the offer into several simple components, then describing why clients should choose you. A correctly formulated title and subtitle prevent the client's questions, eliminating all doubts.

The unique selling proposition of the landing page is contained in the title. We offer the following solution to express the USP as fully as possible:

  • main heading - laconic, attractive, selling;
  • a subtitle is appropriate when it is necessary to clarify and clarify the main offer. A subheading is often used to shorten the main heading.

A simple example from LPgenerator:

You can use this and other templates as a basis for creating your first landing page in:

Logo, company name, contacts

Let users identify you - be sure to place your company logo on the landing page. If your brand is popular or at least vaguely familiar to the visitor, this will increase their level of trust.

The presence of contacts is very important, even if there are enough communication elements presented on the page. Placing a current phone number, as well as a real address, is another tool of trust, because the visitor understands that they are working on the project ordinary people, available for communication, and they are waiting for the call without hiding.

Having figured out where he ended up and seeing your offer, the user will wonder how to purchase your product or service. That is why the main page should be designed with a contact block, and most often a CTA button “Request a call” is placed here.

Introducing an example finished layout, where as many as two logos of companies presenting their services are placed. Even without being the main elements, logos definitely attract attention. On the right side of the page there is contact information, and just below there is a button offering a consultation:

Product/service demonstration

The purpose of the landing page is to demonstrate the product/service, as well as to make the site visitor feel as if he is personally testing the product. There are several ways to achieve this goal:

  • photograph - use large image for the header background, and then reveal the details with other thematic illustrations;
  • video - traditionally, users trust such content more.

Here's a good layout that combines both of these techniques:

Brand benefits

Detailed descriptions of the buyer's benefits from working with you (and, possibly, unique differences from competitors) must be present on the landing page.

At first, we used a succinct commercial headline designed to “grab” the customer immediately after entering. Now we need to get ahead of the visitor’s question “Why do I need this?” Here it is important to find a balance between information content/volume, and not “spread your thoughts down the tree,” since the specifics landing page does not allow this.

We find suitable examples in:

Offer description

On the landing page it is also necessary to show the real value of the offer and provide a list of services that the customer will receive.

Here is an example of another template from:

Mutual communication

Lead form

A potential buyer should be able to easily find the field feedback among other content of the Internet project. We will now talk in more detail about where to place such a form.

Right or left? Our answer is on the right. Many experts argue that this way you can get more requests. The reason is simple: the Western world reads from left to right, and the lead form located on the right side of the page seems to be the logical conclusion of the offer. If you place it on the left side, then it looks more like an unreasonable imposition of action.

You can see for yourself: the vast majority of one-page website layouts in Photoshop are made according to the principle described above.

Now let’s talk about where the optimal place for the lead form is: on the first screen or after the “fold line”. The answer came from expert Michael Aagaard from ContentVerve. He conducted an entertaining split test: he compared two versions of the field layout. The first option is above the “fold line”, the second is below.

The results revealed that the second option increased the conversion rate by as much as 304%.

Experts made the following conclusions. The main parameter that determines the placement of an offer that is competent in all respects is the structure of the landing page. If the page needs to be detailed, then demanding immediate active actions from a person is stupid. Give necessary information and the ability to evaluate benefits.

Adding a custom lead form to your landing page is very easy. To do this, you can use the ready-made sections constructor:

Landing Page is a one-page website, a sales page, the purpose of which is to convey the value of your offer to target audience, capture the contact information of a potential client, or get the visitor to perform a targeted action. The result is ensured by a well-designed, selling landing page structure.

What is landing in simple words

Difficult? Now let's explain it in a simple way.Scrolling through the page, the user follows a path clearly defined by you (). You introduce him to your offer, then list the benefits, convince him to make a purchase, and finally call him to action.

This page briefly and succinctly conveys what the product is, why it is unique, what its advantages are (or what the company’s advantages are). As a result, the user is asked to fill out a lead form to place an order, download a free sample, etc. Next, the company’s sales department works with the received data, depending on the sales funnel you have built.

The landing page is precisely the beginning of this funnel. It is your first point of contact with the target audience, and it depends only on it whether visitors will be converted into leads or not.

The ideal landing page structure is 8 main screens

Let's start working out the structure of your ideal landing page?

The first screen is the block up to the so-called fold line, what the user sees on the screen immediately after loading your page, without scrolling down yet. At this moment your the main task– grab his attention and interest him so that he wants to scroll further. Required element on the first screen this is . Capacious, short and powerful.

Also on the first screen there may be a subheading that explains the main message that is in the heading.

Often on the first screen you can see the first one - the “Find out more” button, and even a lead form if visitors already know your service, or this is not the first contact with your company.

A striking illustration is a Sberbank landing page dedicated to a personalized scholarship. It is designed for those who already know the company (who doesn’t?). There is a short inviting headline, an intriguing subheading and a CTA button (“Ready to try”), complemented by the promotion logo.

At the top we see the navigation - those who are interested can easily go to the desired side and find out more, without having to scroll through the page for a long time.

After you have intrigued the visitor, you need to show your product in all its glory. Colorful photos will help with this; you can use some unusual techniques in the form of parallax or video.

For example, here is a landing page for an online store of exotic fruits. After the first screen they immediately have a demo ready-made sets to choose from:

The product has been shown, now it’s time to convince the visitor that it simply cannot be found better. That is, talk about the advantages - yours or your proposal.

It’s very interesting that this was implemented on the landing page of 7Devs, a development studio mobile applications. Each of the advantages is presented on separate screen with interesting illustrations and detailed descriptions.

Block with prices

Of course, having seen the offer and learned about its advantages, the visitor already asks himself the question - how much does it cost? It's time here to tell him about it.

An example is a landing page for a company that produces custom-made caps. On the landing page they offer to purchase a certificate for making such an interesting souvenir. After the demonstration finished works The price for certificates is reported. It describes in detail what is included in each package.

Review block

The opinion of other people is what can finally convince a visitor to trust you with their contact information or place an order. Place your customer reviews in a separate block. This will be powerful social proof that your product is not only good - that others are ordering it.

Remember one thing important rule: the falsity is immediately noticeable. Don't make fake reviews with stock photos. Try how to do this - we told you earlier.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (Assuaging Concerns)

Even after all this information, the client may still have concerns. Why is it so expensive/cheap? How will I receive my order? Can I come to the office? And much more. Reassure your visitor and post answers to frequently asked questions. This will help him gain even more trust in you.

For example, this was done on the landing page of a company delivering wine sets to your home:

Advantageous offer (promotion, shortage, expiring)

Additionally, you can stimulate the visitor to quickly complete the target action with the help of an advantageous offer: a bonus, a gift, or discounts. A few more powerful triggers are limited quantity goods (shortage - suddenly I don’t have time to buy, everything will be sorted out), and expiring validity (you can turn on the countdown timer).

For example, Tilda offers to buy a course on Internet marketing with a 40% discount.

And LPGenerator offers to take the first lesson for free - and profitable proposition, and processing objections (“what if it doesn’t suit me”) in one block.

Do not forget that after the user has completed the application, it is recommended to redirect him to .


The landing page visitor leaves you their contact information for feedback. But at the same time, you must show how you can be found, where you are. The person may want to call and find out the details. But first of all, the presence of contacts indicates that you are a real company and not scammers.

Be sure to include full contact information: telephone, mail, office address. A travel map will also be useful. You can also place widgets or buttons for social networks in the contacts block.

How does the landing page work?

Where are landing pages used? Yes, in almost all niches. Today it is the most popular tool quick sales, and for good reason – as a rule, such a one-page site has an order of magnitude higher conversion rate than a simple one.

When does it make sense to create a Landing Page? First of all, it all depends on the situation, the product and your niche. Before deciding to launch a sales page, you need to conduct a market analysis. But there are already a number of “standard situations” in which a landing page turns out to be an ideal solution:

  • when you run New Product and want to test a niche;
  • when you have new line products that are different from the rest;
  • when you spend promotion, and it must be taken out separately from the site;
  • when you have everything one product, or the products are seasonal in nature (for example, making souvenirs, flowers in boxes, even window installation services can be promoted using a landing page). The one service (product) – one page scheme works well here. In principle, no more is needed; everything can be successfully packaged in this format.

Landing pages work very well in the information business. Why create a full-fledged website for advertising courses, if you can create a sales page for each course and drive traffic to it? I taught the course, turned off the landing page, and that was it.

And if there is a website, what then?

The website and landing page do not interfere with each other at all. On the Landing Page you can display everything that will no longer stay on the site certain period time. For example, shares Special offers, some presentations of new products. Making a page on a website and then deleting it makes no sense.

How to promote Landing Page

Where to get traffic from? Since the landing page is one page, and there is not much text component on it, it only works in very exotic niches where there is no competition. mainly flows from or targeted advertising.


It is very important to ensure that the landing page actually converts visitors into clients - after all, this is its main goal. And here a lot depends not only on the content - text and pictures - but also on the structure of the selling page.

By guiding your visitor through your landing page from start to finish, you are guaranteed to convince him of the value of your offer. You intrigued, showed the product/service, listed the advantages. You indicated the price and collected reviews from grateful customers. We handled frequent objections and stirred up interest with a promotion or shortage. Provided contacts to show that you are a real company and not a fake. All this together will work for high conversion your landing page.

Which are created to sell one product and service.

To do this, it is important to present information in such a way as to turn ordinary site visitors into buyers. But before that, you should understand what the basic elements of a landing page are. The design of the site and, in fact, the articles are aimed at attracting attention and converting visitors into future clients. When creating a landing page, you need to take into account that a correctly selected picture and well-written text.

Before you start creating, you should think carefully about the concept of the site. Not only the presentation of your product, but also how it will be presented, why it should be interesting to people.

For example, you already have an idea for a business, but you have not yet attempted to promote it. First, look at your competitors' websites to understand exactly how you will have to present your product to make it look better compared to them. Analyze their information yourself and highlight for yourself what is happening in your business, get new ideas. This way you will understand how to make a landing page layout.

Where to make a landing page prototype?

You can turn to specialists who have been involved in similar matters for a long time, or you can come up with everything yourself. First, try to present everything in a draft and only then move on to creating a landing page website. And over time, you yourself will begin to understand what is effective and what should be changed or removed.

The rules of a sales landing page state that a clear product offer must be created. so that the visitor wants to purchase the products himself, and so that he has no questions about what exactly is being offered to him. That is, this offer must be clearly formulated and extremely clear.

This will help potential buyer navigate the site, not only in terms of prices, but also the relevance of the product. Basically, a landing page exists by mixing copywriting and infographics. The landing page, one might say, should replace the manager, so that in the end, when ordering or contacting an employee, the person already knows the information he needs and only clarifies minor details or simply confirms his actions.

This kind of presentation of the site is very much appreciated. For example, people who prefer systematization and ease of order processing to communication.

Landing page website creation

What else should you consider when creating a landing page?

80% of what a person sees and 20% of what he reads are better perceived. So you should also choose the right design and make small texts. View examples of other pages to know. Comparison tables are very helpful.
IN modern world an unlimited number of different goods and services, and in most cases, someone is already doing the same thing as you. Therefore, you need to present your products in the best possible light. If you know exactly what your advantage is, don't be afraid to show it! Make different infographics and tables with your data and information from other companies.

Of course, you shouldn’t forget about the title - one of the important things when creating a landing page. The title determines whether a person will go further. And if the name attracted him, he will become interested and continue viewing your page. And there it’s not far from buying. It turns out that the candy wrapper is what attracts us first, and only then do we find out the filling.

How to make the right landing page

Post all important information at the very beginning so that the client understands what he is faced with.

Let me remind you that such sites are created in order to express one direction of the products provided. It's convenient, practical and easy.

It is very important that the visitor navigates the site well and can find answers to the most significant questions. This will improve people's attitude towards the site and increase traffic. Such skills in correctly distributing information throughout the site are important for landing pages.

All of the above are the principles of creating a landing page. They should be taken into account when creating a landing site yourself. Everything comes with experience, so look for new ideas, start, try, and you will understand how to make a good landing page.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will talk about such an important thing as landing page, which is very often called a landing page in a bourgeois manner (from the English landing page - landing page). What is it and why is it so important?

Let's dedicate the current article to answering this question, and also consider in detail those points that are very important when creating landing pages, and consider all of this on specific examples landing page and the techniques that the best usability experts use to improve the effectiveness of landing pages.

What is a landing page and why is it so important?

Very often, even with proper operation on attracting the right people(target audience) to your website (, etc.) you, as a business owner, will not feel any return on it. It seems that traffic is flowing, and the audience is target, but there are practically no sales or subscriptions (depending on what conversion action you chose as the main task in). Nothing works. What can be wrong?

Most likely, you forgot to think through and prepare landing pages, which are often called landing pages. What it is?

And this is very important point, which can significantly increase conversion (the number of purchases or registrations), because landing pages are designed guide the user to perform the target action as efficiently as possible. If you are from everyone advertisements will direct visitors, for example, to home page site, you can catastrophically reduce conversion and go down the drain.

The term “landing page” itself is derived from the English phrase “landing page”, which in translation means just the target, landing (landing) page. Landing pages are created not just anyhow, but taking into account the psychology of visitors. They should grab you and not let go them until the very moment of purchase (or registration), because it will be extremely difficult to re-attract the visitor.

It's like a hook on fishing gear - it must reliably pick up and confidently hold the fish caught on it until the moment you fix it with a bait. If the hook (laying) is unsuitable or does not exist at all, then all your efforts from baiting, setting bait and other shamanic actions will go to waste. You will not achieve your final goal.

The landing pages themselves are either individual pages an existing website, or one-page websites specially created for this purpose. In fact, once a user gets into it, it’s quite difficult to get out and he inevitably has to slide into it until he becomes your client. But this is ideal, and we will look at how to realize this ideal using various advertising tricks in the continuation of this publication.

Examples of landing pages

Depending on the goals you pursue, you can divide landing pages (landing pages) into several types:

12 steps to create the perfect landing page

You need to understand that the landing pages to which you will attract users from social networks (or from contextual advertising), must have a number of characteristics and satisfy certain requirements. So how? create perfect landing page paige?

  1. Each landing page should be tailored for only one target (conversion) action - either subscription or sales. There is no need to be greedy, because the user’s attention will be scattered and the likelihood of him leaving will greatly increase (without choosing anything from the proposed options). It’s better to force clients to think and choose as little as possible - the path to the landing page should be straight as an arrow (obvious to him) and without any branches.
  2. On landing page must be present call to action(with verbs in the imperative mood - call, buy, receive, come, etc.). Phrases should be short and motivating. For example, “buy now”, “get video course” or “subscribe and receive”.
  3. They also rule bright buttons and arrows, creating an emphasis on them. The red and red buttons work well yellow shades, because they are noticeable and contain, as it were, a call to action.

    Well, arrows, as a rule, are designed to place even more emphasis on the button so that the user’s behavior on the landing page is as predictable as possible.

    Sometimes they work very well animated buttons(but in any case, it will be necessary to test the effectiveness of certain elements of the landing page):

  4. If the landing page uses(you can’t do without them on subscription landing pages, but they are also used quite often on salespeople), then make sure that they contain as few fields as possible. Ideally, the form should have only one field (for entering an email address), but for further communication (marketing) you will need to know the username, so two fields are the most common option. More fields can significantly reduce conversion. In addition, adding fields for entering a phone number or address makes users wary and can lead to abandonment of the target action.
  5. In the article about I mentioned that Internet users do not read texts - they view them. And the most important thing in this regard is the title. If it is not there (or it is not highlighted accordingly), then this will greatly reduce the conversion rate. On landing pages Headings must be catchy so that the user is inclined to read further or immediately take a conversion action (subscription, order, call).

  6. Your landing page should not only have calls to action and catchy headlines, but also argumentation of necessity subscription, purchase, order or call. In the case of a subscription page, this could be, for example, a short video with a description and content of the “freebie”, or the same thing can be presented in the form of a short list (list). In the case of a salesperson, this could also be a video with a product review, a list of the services that you offer (including your competitive advantages).

  7. Works very well on landing pages reviews from existing clients, buyers or subscribers (it is better if some contacts of those who left these reviews are indicated so that everything looks believable).

  8. Also works well on landing pages before and after comparisons. This is not applicable for all topics, but in the field of weight loss, cosmetology, fitness and many other niches it can be used with high efficiency. For example, this is what a company providing restaurant services does.

  9. The landing page can be quite long, but when viewing the first screen(this is the area of ​​the page that is visible without scrolling) it should be completely clear to the user what exactly you wanted to tell him.
  10. To stimulate subscribers or buyers of certain products (for example), you can use the option additional bonuses, which the subscriber or buyer will receive when ordering. When the user is on the verge of making a decision, it is precisely such “buns” that can tip the scales in your favor.
  11. And, of course, it is worth emphasizing that “only here and only for a certain amount of time” will the user have access to all this splendor (subscription, special price for a product, an additional set of services). What's the best way to do this? That's right, put it timer counting down until hour X, when the given opportunity will be missed. Nothing stimulates a hesitant user to make a decision more than seconds literally running away before our eyes.

    It would be a good idea to place a subscription, order or form next to the timer. contact number. This will not always work, so you need to conduct tests (I’m thinking of writing a series of articles about conducting A/B testing - if you don’t want to miss it, subscribe to the newsletter), and it’s possible that such a simple and obvious method will allow you to increase the conversion of this landing page and more than recoup the money spent on promotion on social networks or contextual advertising.

  12. Users also want to know who exactly is offering them this product, service, video course, etc., so it is necessary indicate information in the landing page about the author, store, company.

    Naturally, it would be good to mention merits, achievements, and competitive advantages, but do not over-praise yourself, so as not to cross the line beyond which trust in the published information begins to decline.

Examples of errors that make landing unworkable

In addition to those things that help the landing page work more efficiently, it is worth listing common mistakes when creating landing pages, which can neutralize all the above “ear tricks”, and you will not get the desired result from advertising or promotion in social networks(or context).

  1. Let me remind you once again that almost no one reads on the Internet (at least again open page), namely, views the information. If it turns out to be really worthwhile and requires more detailed study, then it comes to reading (in general, the same as with newspapers). That's why Don’t let your landing page become overloaded with information- this can disorient the user and cause a reaction of rejection even before the moment when he understands what is being said.
  2. The text should be small, as concise as possible and filled with information, not water. A couple of paragraphs “about nothing” will make the user strongly desire to close such a landing page. It also doesn’t work well on the landing page small font. In general, its use is not necessary, because many words are not required to convey the essence.
  3. Don't disappoint the user's expectations. If in an advertisement or in a post in social network You talked about one thing, but when the user gets to the landing page, he sees something else, then there is a loss of trust and the conversion rate drops sharply. It is very important to monitor this compliance.
  4. Landing page design actually very important. If it is unfinished, made unprofessionally, or has a repulsive appearance for most users, then even following all the rules described above for creating a good landing page will not save you. If you yourself do not have the necessary skills and taste, or you do not have a designer on staff, then you can use numerous designers or ready-made templates landing page, which will only need to be slightly altered to suit your needs.

    Again, determine the best option Testing and analysis of statistics, for example, will help you (often not everything is as obvious as it might seem). This way, you can track the completion of the target action and understand which landing elements contribute to increasing conversion, and which are distracting and need to be changed.

Do you have some more time? Do you want to spend it usefully? Then grab some popcorn, sit back and watch a two-hour master class « Step-by-step algorithm Landing creation Page":

Allowing you to segment traffic by specific targeted requests and thus increasing the overall conversion of the site - today they are a popular Internet marketing tool. Their main advantage is that they make it possible to convert a user into a client here and now - on the same landing page. Today we will talk about what is important to keep in mind when creating a landing page.

  1. Remember the main thing: the effectiveness of a landing page depends on your ability to build hypotheses (what might users like?) and test them with A/B testing.
  2. First, start creating a landing page prototype: think over its concept (what do you offer? how do you offer? why your offer is profitable potential client?), think about the form of presenting information, build the structure of your landing page “on paper”, sketch out draft texts - and only after that start making the landing page “completely”. Edit texts while working on the page.
  3. Create an extremely clear offer - the visitor should not have any questions about what exactly you are offering: excellent green carpets or two carpets for the price of one until the end of the current month.
  4. Carefully consider the placement of the main elements of the landing page on the page: offer, call to action (Call To Action, CTA), order form, block with benefits, selling triggers, social proof(reviews, for example), visualization of your offer (picture).
  5. “Ordinary” texts (in the style of an article), as a rule, do not work in landing pages.
  6. The landing page text is extremely concise, extremely informative, and extremely dense.
  7. And most importantly, it is small in volume.
  8. The closest thing to the truth would be the following statement: the landing page uses “texts” rather than texts.
  9. But! Despite what has been said in the previous three paragraphs, do not underestimate the capabilities of the text. Text is one of the most effective forms expressing your commercial message. What else is more important to people than language?
  10. Work on your landing page texts long and carefully, checking every word.
  11. Don’t make mistakes - this “blurs” the impression of your, perhaps (no mistakes), perfectly working landing page.
  12. “Don’t shout” in the landing page. Someone thinks differently: the more creative and motivating the texts are, the more “advertising” expressions and “shouty” phrases they contain (buy right now, you won’t have another opportunity like this, there won’t be enough for everyone, hurry up, run, give it to us soon your money!), so more effective landing page. Yes, there is such a point of view: the whole power of advertising lies in its brightness, expressiveness and motivation. I personally believe that the weak shout, the strong convince. People are tired of the expression and intrusiveness of traditional advertising. They cannot be forced to buy, they can only be convinced. The only way is to give as much information as possible that is useful for making a choice in favor of your product, but not to impose it: it won’t work anyway.
  13. There is no need to “lure” and “intrigue” - write in a humane way so that you can get an absolutely accurate idea of ​​your product. Which sausage name would you prefer to buy for a family dinner: “Spicy Snezhana” or “Veal”? I personally am the latter.
  14. A person remembers well 80% of what he sees, and only 20% of what he reads. This is why the visual component of a landing page is so important.
  15. Don't try to give all the information in text form. Such a landing page is unlikely to convert your clients. Actively use your designer's potential.
  16. Use not only text to convey information, but also graphic elements(signs, symbols, simple tables etc)
  17. In design, the main thing is not beauty, but its functionality: all parts of the whole must work for a common task.
  18. Landing exists at the intersection of copywriting,